Global Re-Nazification and Yom Hashoah

Global Re-Nazification and Yom Hashoah

By Dr. Steven Plaut
Monday, April 19, 2004

Today is Yom Hashoah, Holocaust Commemoration Day. As usual the
Jewish left will strive to commemorate the Holocaust by trying to
promote a second one….

It has become fashionable in certain quarters, including among
some self-hating Jews, to challenge the uniqueness of the Holocaust,
to argue that it was just another in a long list of human savagery and
mass barbarism, no different from the deaths of Armenians in WWI or of
Cambodians or of Rwandans or of Gypsies. (The Cambodian genocide was
made possible in part by Noam Chomsky serving as promoter and
apologist for the Khmer Rouge and denying throughout that the Khmer
Rouse was annihilating millions of Cambodians. Talk about ”Holocaust
Denial”). According to this ”approach,” there was nothing unique
about the Holocaust, no reason why it should be regarded as sui
generic, and hence Jews should stop all their ”yapping” about it.

What is one to make of such people? It is certainly true that
there have been other cases of large-scale mass murder. But the
comparisons with the Holocaust are absurd.

There are many reasons why this is so. But I was struck by the
fact that in today’s Haaretz, one of the worst Oslo leftists managed
to put his finger smack accurately on what may be the most important
of these reasons. The most important difference is very simple. When
Noam Chomsky’s friends were murdering millions of Cambodians, the
world (other than the doctrinaire Stalinists) was horrified, demanded
that something be done, and denounced the atrocities. When the
Rwandans were butchering one another, the civilized world was
horrified, tried to stop the murders, tried to intervene, and
denounced the atrocities.

When the Jews of Europe were being annihilated, the “civilized
world” was indifferent, and much of it was downright supportive of the
annihilation. Large segments of the “civilized world” collaborated
with the genocide. Very few in the “civilized world” demanded serious
military efforts to end it. The “civilized world” sat in silence in
the decade leading up to the Shoah, while Hitler expounded his plans
openly. Many in the anti-Semitic West sympathized with his program.

I mention all this, because I think that one of the best litmus
tests of the extent of re-nazification of the planet is to observe the
reactions of the world to the assassination of the Gaza Nazi, Rantisi.
All those denouncing Israel’s hit on Rantisi as ”state terrorism,”
as a crime, as a violation of ”international law,” as violating
Palestinian ”rights,” as aggression, as itself ”nazism,” ALL such
people are today’s most visible illustration of global
re-nazification. ALL of these people are in fact in favor of the
random mass murder of Jewish children. ALL of these people oppose
every form of Jewish self-defense except capitulation to Nazism and
passive Jewish marching into the gas chambers. All of these people
would cheer if the Islamofascists ever succeed in building
concentration camps for Jews. The leftists Jews who will no doubt now
denounce the assassination of Rantisi, with all the usual lame
”reasons” (bad timing, will just bring forth worse extremists,
violation of Palestinian ”sovereignty,” creates more motivation for
terrorists, etc. etc.), should be formally dubbed the Jews for a
Second Holocaust.

And right on schedule, the British government and the British
Israel-Bashing press, especially the BBC, denounced Israel’s
verminating Rantisi as a ”crime.” Now let me see if I have this
correct. Only days after the British, as part of the Allied
anti-Islamofascist coalition in Iraq, participate in the extermination
of over a thousand Iraqis in Fallujah and elsewhere, many of them
innocent civilians, and now the British declare that when Israel
recycles a nazi mass murdering Islamofascist who has murdered hundreds
of Israeli civilians, many children, this constitutes a crime and
violation of ”international law.” It appears that it is only a
matter of days before the chief Shi’ite terrorist in Najaf Iraq will
be terminated by the good guys, including the Brits. Will the BBC
also regard that as a crime? Probably it will!

Don’t get me wrong, by the way. I endorse the Allied actions in
Iraq. But did you notice that the mowing down of the thousand Iraqis
was the Allied response to the murder of four Americans and the
hanging of their corpses on a bridge? And the greatest hush-hush
secret the media are refusing to report this week is that the killing
of the thousand resulted in near tranquility this week in most of
Iraq! Perhaps there are military solutions to the problems of
terrorism after all?


UNDP Enhances Technical Capacities of Municipalities

United Nations Development Programme Country Office in Armenia
14, Karl Liebknecht Street, Yerevan 375010, Armenia
Contact: Aramazd Ghalamkaryan
Tel: (374 1) 56 60 73
Fax: (374 1) 54 38 11
E-mail: [email protected]

19 April, 2004


Yerevan, Armenia

Today the Ministry of Territorial Administration of the Republic of
Armenia and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) held an
event to discuss financial decentralisation and hand-over computer
hardware and databases to municipalities. Mr. Vache Terteryan, the
Deputy Minister of Territorial Administration, Mr. Seyran Avagyan, Head
of the Local Self-Government Committee at the Presidency and Ms. Lise
Grande, UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative
presided over the event.

In addition to providing technical support to 12 Yerevan districts and
the Yerevan Municipality, UNDP is handing-over key databases including
one on conditions in 914 communities and a second database on the
National Human Development Survey, which was conducted in 2003 and
covered 170 rural and 44 urban communities. UNDP will also provide
special software to the municipalities and the Ministry, helping to
strengthen their capacity in statistical analyses.

According to Ms. Grande: `During last few years UNDP has initiated and
successfully implemented several projects to support the process of
decentralisation and community development in Armenia. Very soon, from
May 7 to 14, UNDP Armenia will help to organise a Community Week to
raise public awareness about ongoing legislative and other reforms
affecting communities and contribute to discussions on community-related

Mr. Terteryan noted: `The cooperation between the Ministry of
Territorial Administration and UNDP Armenia Office has a long history
and is highly successful. The Government of Armenia has adopted an
approach to delegate more authority to our communities, but we want to
ensure that the communities are ready to accept and fully implement
those rights and authorities for the benefit of the population. In this
respect, it is highly important to enhance the technical capacities and
to strengthen human resources of municipalities. We are grateful for
UNDP’s attention and ongoing support to our efforts in this area, and we
are confident that our successful cooperation will continue in future.`

Country Background: In 2002, the Government adopted a new Law on Local
Self-Government, recognising communities as legal entities and
transferring land and property to them. As part of a on-going commitment
to fiscal decentralisation, communities have also been granted a share
of the income and profit tax as well as nature protection fees. In
addition, 100 percent of property and land tax revenues have been
transferred to communities.

UNDP is the UN’s global development network. It advocates for change and
connects countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people
build a better life. We are on the ground in 166 countries, working with
them on their own solutions to global and national development
challenges. As they develop local capacity, they draw on the people of
UNDP and our wide range of partners.

For further information, please contact Mr. Aramazd Ghalamkaryan, UNDP
Armenia at [email protected].

This and all previous press releases by UNDP Country Office in Armenia
are available at If you do not want to receive the
subsequent press releases by UNDP Country Office in Armenia, please send
a message to [email protected] containing ‘unsubscribe your-email-address’ in
the subject line.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

New word to replace Holocaust wins favor

New word to replace Holocaust wins favor

Palm Beach Post (Florida)
Sunday, April 18, 2004

By Charles Passy ([email protected]), Palm Beach Post Staff Writer

When George Lucius Salton tells of his experience as a survivor of the Nazi
concentration camps, there’s no confusion about the details. The fear of
being executed at any moment. The joy of being liberated. The making of a
new life in America.

And so Salton, a retired electrical engineer who lives in Palm Beach
Gardens, says there should be no confusion about how to refer to this
seminal event in modern Jewish history, the systematic murder of an
estimated 6 million Jews by a ruthless German regime.

“‘Holocaust’ is understood as the term referring to the destruction of the
Jews,” he says.

Or is it?

In recent years, many Jewish and non-Jewish leaders in the religious,
academic and cultural communities have begun embracing “Shoah,” a Hebrew
word for “destruction,” as the term for the Nazi-led genocide of 1933-1945.
Filmmaker Steven Spielberg chose it as the name for his foundation that
documents the stories of survivors. The Vatican used it in its report, We
Remember: A Reflection on the Shoah, recounting the Roman Catholic Church’s
response to the mass slaughter.

And locally, Rabbi David Goldstein, who heads Temple Beth David in Palm
Beach Gardens, goes so far as to remove most references to “Holocaust” in
synagogue literature.

“We’re trying to substitute ‘Shoah’ across the board,” he says.

The result is nothing short of a linguistic quagmire, particularly as Jews
throughout the world gather today, designated on the Jewish calendar as Yom
Hashoah, or Day of the Destruction, to remember the tragedy of the World War
II era.

But what is it they’re remembering — the Holocaust or the Shoah?

The knock against “Holocaust” is twofold. Many object to the word, derived
from ancient Greek, because it translates as “burnt offering” — in the
sacrificial religious sense, according to select scholars. And that leads to
a horrific connotation when speaking of the atrocities committed against the
Jews, who were often driven to the gas chambers, then cremated. How could
their fiery end be considered a sacrifice?

“If it’s a burnt offering to God, then I don’t want to know the God at the
other end,” says Michael Berenbaum, a leading scholar based at the
University of Judaism in Los Angeles.

But the linguistic issues go deeper. As “Holocaust” seeps into the
vernacular, the term has become attached not only to other genocides and
mass slaughters — in Armenia, Cambodia and elsewhere — but also to a range
of other events and movements. In an article for a Jewish publication, Diana
Cole cited such examples as a People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals’
“Holocaust on Your Plate” exhibit and, a Web site for
“breast implant victims.”

Maybe better, but realistic?
In the process, many argue, all sense of meaning is lost.

“It has been trivialized so much,” says Nobel laureate Elie Wiesel, the
Jewish author and concentration-camp survivor who popularized the term
‘Holocaust’ in the early ’60s through his writings.

By contrast, “Shoah” is a word without negative connotations. And its Hebrew
connection gives it a special significance, some contend.

“The way in which you can keep the particularity of the Shoah as a Jewish
event is to use a Jewish word,” says Zev Garber, a Jewish scholar based at
Los Angeles Valley College who co-wrote a paper, Why Do We Call the
Holocaust ‘the Holocaust,’ which helped spark the pro-“Shoah” movement.

Garber envisions a day when “Shoah” will be as universal as “Holocaust” is
today. “Give it a quarter of a century,” he says.

To which others say: Be realistic.

“With all due respect, it’s not going to happen,” says Berenbaum, who helped
found the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum.

It’s not that Berenbaum and others don’t recognize the problems with
“Holocaust.” It’s that it’s simply too late to alter the linguistic
landscape, they say.

Consider all the “Holocaust” institutions and groups already in existence,
including the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum and countless state and
regional Holocaust museums. Even Alan Berger, a leading Jewish scholar at
Florida Atlantic University who says he’s troubled by the term, occupies a
chair in — what else? — “Holocaust studies.”

In other words, there may be too many nameplates to change.

Imperfect but understood
“‘Holocaust’ has been the accepted word,” says Rabbi Alan Sherman, community
chaplain with the Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County. “It’s not perfect,
but when it’s used everyone knows what it refers to, which is the important

That’s a point echoed by survivor Salton, who wrote a book, The 23rd Psalm,
about his experience in the concentration camps. “If somebody opened a
‘Shoah’ museum, it wouldn’t be understood,” he says.

And Rositta Kenigsberg, who heads the North Miami Beach-based Holocaust
Documentation and Education Center and is leading the effort to establish a
South Florida Holocaust museum, goes one step further: If the Jewish
community gets too caught up in this linguistic fracas, they risk losing
sight of the real issue — the memory and lessons of the event itself.

“I think we’re making more of this than there should be,” she says.

But as far as Rabbi Goldstein is concerned, “when you continue to make a
mistake, you compound the problem from that mistake.”

“To continue using the word ‘Holocaust,’ we let stand those who want to see
it as a punishment for the Jews,” Goldstein says. “When we take away the
burnt offering concept, we’re left with man’s inhumanity to man.”

Still, others say the “burnt offering” religious concept isn’t necessarily
the correct interpretation. True, “holocaust” appears in the Greek
translation of the Old Testament (or, as some now prefer to call it, the
Hebrew scriptures). But “holocaust” was also employed before that to denote
pagan sacrifices, removing it from the Judeo-Christian framework, researcher
Jon Petrie has noted.

And in the 20th century, “holocaust” took on variety of meanings before it
became forever wedded to the crimes of the Nazi era. Often, it simply
signified a great fire. In his writings, Petrie goes so far as to quote a
1940 advertisement in the pre-state of Israel Palestine Post for a show by
one Mandrake the Magician, promising “a flaming holocaust of thrills.”

Right word may not exist
In the early years of the Cold War, “holocaust” was far more likely to be
used in conjunction with the threat of nuclear disaster. Petrie has argued
that it was such usage that prompted Jewish writers, including Wiesel, to
co-opt the term when referring to Hitler’s dreaded “Final Solution.”

“American Jewish writers probably abandoned such words as ‘disaster,’
‘catastrophe’ and ‘massacre’ in favor of ‘holocaust’ in the 1960s because
‘holocaust,’ with its evocation of the then actively feared nuclear mass
death, effectively conveyed something of the horror of the Jewish experience
during World War II.”

For his part, Wiesel says he used the word for its poetic effect. And while
he says he was fully aware of the connection with religious sacrifice, he
thought of it more in metaphysical terms. “This might have been a huge
cosmic burnt offering,” he says.

In any case, by the ’70s, “Holocaust” fully entered into the American
lexicon, especially after a TV miniseries of the same name drew 120 million
viewers. In the same year, President Jimmy Carter established a Commission
on the Holocaust, which led to the creation of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial

In the end, Wiesel says, we may have to accept that when talking about death
on such a massive scale, words ultimately fail us. He recognizes the issues
surrounding “Holocaust,” but he says that “Shoah” isn’t a perfect fit,
either, noting the word was in use before the death camps. (It was often
employed in reference to the feared demise of Europe’s Jewish population.)

So how does Wiesel speak of the unspeakable? He thinks back to the most
infamous of the camps.

“I use the word, ‘Auschwitz,’ ” Wiesel says. “It is something singular
and specific.”

Confession Extracted

A1 Plus | 20:08:29 | 19-04-2004 | Politics |


Edgar Arakelyan, a young man from Armenian town of Lusakert, who
participated in the peaceful demonstration the last week Monday and resisted
police’s ominous assault on innocent demonstrators by throwing a plastic
bottle at armed policeman, as it was shown on Armenian state-owned H1 TV, is
charged with one count of seizing power by force.

Procecutor’s Office says he has already pleaded guilty.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Retarded Reaction to Past Week Incident

A1 Plus | 19:46:47 | 19-04-2004 | Politics |


Defense of Liberated Territories organization issued a statement condemning
violence committed by the police against peaceful marchers saying those
having beaten their compatriots, women and the elderly can’t be considered
men and Armenians.

“We’d like to pay special attention to the fact of harassment of disabled
Artak Zaynalyan and former defense minister General-Lieutenant Vagharshak
Harutyunyan. We are convinced all those responsible for the action as well
as direct perpetrators won’t remain unpunished”, the statement says.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

News From Armenian Holy Apostolic Church Canadian Diocese

Contact; Deacon Hagop Arslanian, Assistant to the Primate
615 Stuart Avenue, Outremont Quebec H2V 3H2
Tel; 514-276-9479, Fax; 514-276-9960
Email; [email protected]


A) Bishop Bagrat Galstanian attended an Interfaith luncheon hosted by
His Eminence Abp Joseph Khoury

On Wednesday, April 14, 2004 His Eminence Bishop Bagrat Galstanian,
Primate of the Armenian Church Canadian Diocese attended an interfaith
luncheon hosted by the Primate and the Archbishop of the Maronite
Church of Canada His Eminence Joseph Khoury. During the cordial
reception, discussions focused on ecumenical relations, the role of
Christian Churches in Canada, Interfaith Dialogues as well as the
current situation in the Middle East.

In his word, Bishop Galstanian conveyed the greetings of the
Catholicos of All Armenians His Holiness Karekin II and thanked the
Maronite Primate for the “warm reception”, he highly appreciated
Abp. Khoury’s efforts in “bringing spiritual brothers
together”. Bishop Galstanian also emphasized the necessity and
importance of Interfaith and multicultural Dialogue in today’s
World. His Eminence expressed his gratitude and invited the religious
leaders to visit the Diocesan headquarter for a similar
meetings. Accompanying the Primate were the Vicar General Very Rev Fr
Ararat Kaltakjian and Deacon Hagop Arslanian, Assistant to the

B) Armenian Art Exhibition visits Vancouver, British Columbia

It was with great pride and anticipation that three parishes of The
Armenian Holy Apostolic Church Canadian Diocese, under the auspices of
His Grace Bishop Bagrad Galstanyan, had the honour to host exhibitions
in their respective parishes during the month of April from the 1st to
the 22nd.

Mrs. Hasmik Ginoyan and Mr. Karen Matevosyan from the “Momik Cultural
Centre and Armenian Art Magazine” arrived in Vancouver on the 8th
along with a vast collection of art, both paintings and artifacts. The
exhibition was arranged in a small boutique gallery in downtown
Vancouver for showing all day Saturday and Sunday afternoon. The
exhibit was a great success both from the artistic point of view and
financially, when one considers the size of the Vancouver Armenian
Community of approximately 2,000.

The Pastor and Parish Council wish to thank Mr. Arto Tavukciyan a
member of St. Vartan parish council who organized the rental of the
hall and publicity in the media both print and audio. We also wish to
thank Mrs. Araxie Evrensel for her tireless effort in running the
exhibition and Mr. Hagop Evrensel who supplied the refreshments for
the closing of the exposition Sunday evening. The total sale for
Vancouver was almost $15,000, which will help support the continuation
of the work Mrs. Hasmik Ginoyan and Mr. Karen Matevosyan are doing to
promote and financially support The Art Centre and Armenian Art
Magazine in Yerevan, Armenia.

C) Holy Week Celebrations in the St. Gregory Armenian Cathedral of

As in all Armenian Holy Apostolic Churches around the world, the
St. Gregory Illuminator Armenian Cathedral of Montreal was the site of
traditional and symbolic ceremonies of the Holy Week preceding Easter.

On Maundy Thursday Rev. Fr. Vazken Boyadjian, pastor of the church,
celebrated the Divine Liturgy in commemoration of the Last Supper of
Christ. Hundreds of faithful received the Holy Communion. H.E. Bishop
Bagrat Galstanian, Primate of the Diocese of the Armenian Church of
Canada, explained the sacrament of communion of receiving God by
taking part in the Last Supper of Christ. Following the Liturgy, a
reception was held in the Marie Manoogian Hall by the Committee of

At 7 pm traditional ceremonies of “washing the feet” was held. The
primate knelt before the Altar and symbolically washed the feet of 12
individuals, including chairmen of the community’s cultural
associations, the clergy and deacons serving the church, as a sign of
humility and service. In his sermon Bishop Galstanian related the
Lord’s message of love, devotion and servitude towards humanity. A
Lent meal that excludes all animal food products was then served to
the faithful.

Ceremonies were resumed dedicated to Christ’s betrayal, torture and
crucifixion. Readings from the Bible and hymns relating the events
were carried on till midnight. Rev. Fr. Hayrik Hovannisian, who had
recently arrived from the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, presided the

In the evening of Good Friday the ceremonies symbolizing Christ’s
burial were conducted as four youth carried the flower laden Tomb of
Christ to four corners of the church, while the faithful eagerly
traversed under the Tomb to be blessed. The Primate talked briefly
about the meanings and the messages of this traditional service of
Good Friday.

At 5 pm on Holy Saturday, deacons and students from AGBU Armen-Quebec
Alex Manoogian School presented passages from the Old Testament,
before the Altar’s curtains opened for the celebration of the Divine
Liturgy by Fr. Vazken Boyadjian and the declaration of Christ’s
Resurrection. Rev. Fr. Boyadjian, thanked the children of the
Armenian school for their authentic readings and read the Easter
Message of HH Karekin II, Catholicos of All Armenians. Following the
ceremonies, the faithful were led by a procession of the clergy, the
deacons and the choir to the church’s hall where the traditional
service of “Blessing of Homes” (Dnorhnek) was held.

D) Easter Celebrations in the Canadian Diocese

The feast of Our Lord’s glorious Resurrection was celebrated in all of
the churches of the Canadian Armenian Church Diocese from Montreal to
Toronto and Vancouver. His Eminence Bishop Bagrat Galstanian, Primate
through weekly telephone communication with all pastors of the Diocese
was informed that Holy Week and the Feast of Resurrection of our Lord
Jesus Christ was celebrated with appropriate Holy Liturgy and Blessing
of Water in presence of thousands of our faithful all across
Canada. Bishop Galstanian commended the pastors’ dedicated services to
their parishes and wished them to continue their missions with renewed

Over one and half thousand faithful attended Easter Liturgy held in
St. Gregory the Illuminator Cathedral of Montreal, where His Eminence
Bishop Bagrat Galstanian, Primate of the Diocese, celebrated the
Divine Liturgy, assisted by Rev. Fr. Hayrig Hovhannisian and
Rev. Fr. Vazgen Boyadjian (Pastor of St. Gregory the
Illuminator). “Gomidas” choir of the Cathedral was conducted by
Mr. Ara Toshigian, accompanied by Mr. Arto Muhendissian on the
organ. Serving on the altar were the deacons and the sub-deacons of
the church.

According to an ancient Christian tradition when the faithful brought
their Easter food to be blessed, during the Holy Mass a procession of
children carrying food baskets and their blessing was held. In his
sermon the Primate exalted the Lord’s glorious Resurrection and said,
“2004 years have transpired since then, and faced with the luminous
feast of Resurrection once again, we should ask ourselves, what has
changed in us and what significance does the Resurrection of Jesus
have for us?. This is not only a feast but the feast of feats, for it
brings us light, hope, victory, and confidence. That is our God is
living God and He has concurred the world so we may do”. On behalf of
Canadian Armenians the Primate expressed love and faithfulness to His
Holiness Karekin II, Catholicos of All Armenians, and prayed that God
keeps Motherland Armenia safe, in a state of brotherly love,
solidarity and prosperity.

Following the Holy Liturgy a reception was held in the Diocesan hall
for exchanges of Easter felicitations and to receive from the Primate,
for the first time this year, the blessed bread (Neshkhar) to be taken
home by the faithful.

An Easter luncheon was then served in the Marie Manoogian hall, where
following the invocation, Rev. Fr. Vazken Boyadjian, Pastor, welcomed
the faithful and expressed good wishes of success to the Primate on
the occasion of the Holy Resurrection. A brief cultural program was
staged by the newly formed children’s choir of the church conducted by
Varoujan Markarian. Miss Nayiri Tankarian played Aram Khatchaturian’s
Tokkata on the piano with a tremendous gusto, that prompted Mr. and
Mrs. Meguerditch and Shake Malkhassian to donate 500 dollars towards
the purchase of a new piano.

In his concluding remarks the Primate expressed appreciation to the
pastor, the Parish Council, the children’s choir and Nairy Tankarian
as well to Mr. and Mrs. Malkhassian for a heart rendering communal
celebration of Easter. That was a truly and deeply spiritual joyous
day to remember for a long time.

E) Holy Easter Liturgies in North Western Communities and Ottawa

Upon the directive and with the blessing of His Eminence Bishop Bagrat
Galstanian, Primate of the Canadian Armenian Diocese, Very Reverend Fr
Ararat Kaltakjian visited the North Western communities of the
Armenian Church Canadian Diocese.

Very Rev Fr Ararat celebrated Divine Liturgy in Winnipeg on 15th April
and in Edmonton on the 16th, Calgary on the 17th and Yellowknife on
the 18th of April.

On Sunday April 18, 2004 on the occasion of Holy Resurrection of our
Lord Jesus Christ Rev Fr Hayrik Hovhannisian officiated the Divine
Liturgy at Ottawa’s St Mesrob Armenian Church. The Mission Choir,
recently founded by the Primate, accompanied Rev Fr Hayrik


From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

ANKARA: Turkey Seeks “Catalyst” Role To Resolve Karabakh Issue

Turkey Seeks “Catalyst” Role To Resolve Karabakh Issue

Anatolia news agency
19 Apr 04

Ankara, 19 April: Turkish Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime Minister
Abdullah Gul said on Monday (19 April) that Turkey was holding talks
both with Azerbaijan and Armenia for solution of Nagornyy Karabakh
issue, stating that rumours which said that border between Turkey
and Armenia would be opened before solution of the issue were not
true. Gul replied to questions of the AA (Anatolia) correspondent.

When the AA correspondent said that there were rumours, especially in
Azerbaijan, which said that border between Turkey and Armenia would
be opened, Gul said: “This is out of question. People in Azerbaijan
are discussing this issue very much. Azerbaijani reporters also ask
this question whenever we meet.”

Stating that they believed that Nagornyy Karabakh issue should not be
left as an abandoned issue as there was an occupation, Gul said: “We
think this issue should be discussed and it should be solved.” Turkey
was holding talks both with Azerbaijan and Armenia for solution of
Nagornyy Karabakh issue, he stated and noted: “We think of holding
a trilateral meeting on this issue in the following months.” Gul
stressed that Turkey was trying to play a catalyst role, stating that
they wanted the issue to be solved peacefully. Gul said that although
Turkey and Armenia have not recognized each other officially yet, he
met with Armenian foreign minister under international and regional
meetings three times last year.

Foreign Minister Gul said that they thought that foreign ministers
of Turkey, Armenia and Azerbaijan should hold a trilateral meeting
before NATO summit in Istanbul in June and added that Armenia would
attend summit in Istanbul under Caucasian countries related to NATO.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Armenian leader calls opposition protests temporary

Armenian leader calls opposition protests temporary

Agence France Presse
April 19, 2004

MOSCOW, April 19 — Armenia’s President Robert Kocharian said a wave
of opposition protests sweeping the country over the past several
weeks was a “misunderstanding” and unlikely to continue for long.

“It is certainly a temporary phenomenon,” he said in an interview
with the Izvestia daily.

Opposition parties in Armenia, a nation of three million people in
the Caucasus mountains, have recently staged a series of protests,
drawing comparisons with last year’s “rose revolution” that ousted
the leadership in neighbouring Georgia.

“Our opposition, under the impression of Georgia’s events, has decided
to stage a similar situation in Armenia,” he said. “But our reality
cannot be compared with Georgia’s.”

The Armenian opposition says that Kocharian rigged a run-off
presidential vote in March 2003 to secure a second term in office
and is demanding that he step down.

But despite the widespread discontent in Armenia over low living
standards, analysts say Kocharian is too strong, and the opposition
too weak, for the Georgian scenario to be repeated in Armenia, the
world’s first state to adopt Christianity.

Kocharian said the opposition would be allowed to proceed with protests
as long as they did not cause major disruptions.

“If the opposition tries to attract attention to itself by blocking
major thoroufares or government buildings, then police will do what
it is obligated to do,” he said.

Last Monday, the police broke up an anti-government demonstration in
the capital Yerevan using water cannon and reportedly injuring dozens
of protestors.



From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Only Tevossian & Zorge streets to be repaired in Stepanakert

Azat Artsakh – Republic of Nagorno Karabakh (NKR)
April 19 2004


This year it is planned to repair only the streets Baghramian,
Tevossian and Zorge in Stepanakert, said the prime minister of NKR
Anoushavan Danielian, in answer to Youri Hayrapetian who raised the
question of bad condition of the streets Abovian, Parseghov and
Saroyan. According to the member of parliament the streets are almost
impassable for traffic. Every year the City Hall includes these
streets in the programs but receives no funding. The questions
remained open.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Monitoring of border b/w NK and Azerbaijani armed forces

Azat Artsakh – Republic of Nagorno Karabakh (NKR)
April 19 2004


On April 15 the OSCE mission held a planned monitoring of the
contiguous border between the NK and Azerbaijani armed forces to the
west of the settlement Verin Chailu in Martakert. On the side of the
NKR Defence Army the monitoring was conducted by the coordinator of
the office of the personal representative of the Chairman-in-Office of
the OSCE Imre Palatinus (Hungary). The mission involved the field
assistant of the personal representative of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office
Jurgen Schmidt (Germany) and officer of the high level planning group,
lieutenant colonel Kiriakos Maiopolus (Greece). During the monitoring
no cases of breaking the cease-fire were reported. On the Karabakh
side the monitoring mission was accompanied by the representatives of
the ministries of defence and foreign affairs.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress