BAKU: Azerbaijan to recognize Turkish Cyprus if UN plan fails

Azerbaijan to recognize Turkish Cyprus if UN plan fails – Azeri leader

ANS TV, Baku
15 Apr 04

[Presenter] If Northern Cyprus says yes and the Greek Cypriot side
says no during the forthcoming referendum in Cyprus [on a UN plan to
reunify Cyprus], Azerbaijan will be one of the first countries to
recognize the [Turkish] Republic of Northern Cyprus. This sensational
statement was made by Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev at a meeting
with the local media within the framework of his visit to Turkey. Our
special correspondent Qanira Pasayeva reports from Turkey. Hello,

[Qanira Pasayeva over the phone] Hello, Leyla. First, President Ilham
Aliyev had a luncheon with the heads of the Turkish mass media
today. Many issues were discussed during the luncheon. The Nagornyy
Karabakh problem was discussed most of all.

I should first note that we do not have enough information about the
event because Azerbaijani journalists were barred from it. They were
not even allowed to listen so as to know what was being discussed. But
I had a telephone conversation with the editor-in-chief of Zaman
newspaper. I learnt from him what issues had been discussed. He said
that the main topics were the Nagornyy Karabakh problem and the
current talks with Armenia. He said that Ilham Aliyev had voiced an
interesting idea. If Armenia and Azerbaijan are allowed to resolve the
conflict on their own, the problem can be resolved, Aliyev said. Asked
in what sense he said this, he said in all senses.

The president made his most interesting statement about the Turkish
community of Cyprus, i.e. the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus
officially recognized by Turkey. He said that if Northern Cyprus says
yes and Southern Cyprus says no, Azerbaijan will be one of the first
countries to recognize it [Northern Cyprus]. This is what the
president said. And the president’s statement is currently in the
focus of attention.

[Passage omitted: Correspondent repeats previous sentences]

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

BAKU: OSCE envoy, Azeri MPs discuss Karabakh

OSCE envoy, Azeri MPs discuss Karabakh

ANS TV, Baku
15 Apr 04

[Presenter] Goran Lennmarker, special representative of the OSCE
Parliamentary Assembly for Nagornyy Karabakh, has met the Azerbaijani
delegation in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.

[Reporter over video of meeting] On the first day of his visit to
Baku, Goran Lennmarker, special representative of the OSCE
Parliamentary Assembly for Nagornyy Karabakh, met members of the
Azerbaijani delegation in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of
Europe. Naturally, the topic of the meeting between the guest and the
head of the Azerbaijani delegation, Samad Seyidov, and other members
of the delegation was Nagornyy Karabakh.

Addressing the guest, Mr Seyidov said that we favour a fair solution
to the Nagornyy Karabakh problem and the establishment of peace in the
Caucasus. Goran Lennmarker pledged assistance in a just settlement to
the conflict. He also blamed the European Union for failing to pay
attention to the processes in the South Caucasus in time. Goran
Lennmarker said that the OSCE attached great importance to the
situation in the region, particularly to the Armenian-Azerbaijani
relations. Quote, this is my second visit to Azerbaijan, I favour a
peaceful solution to the problem, all countries should take the same
position in order to settle the problem, end quote.

Mr Lennmarker said that Azerbaijan was the most stable country in the
South Caucasus.

At a meeting with members of the Milli Maclis [parliament] commission
for economic policy, the conflict was also in the focus of
attention. MP Sattar Safarov informed the guest about his
complaints. He especially noted that the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly
had so far adopted no document saying that Armenia is an aggressor
country. It is time to impose sanctions on Armenia, he said.

Goran Lennmarker is also expected to meet President Ilham Aliyev, the
Azerbaijani community of Nagornyy Karabakh and representatives of NGOs

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Parliament Forces Renew Calls for Dialogue with Opposition


YEREVAN, APRIL 15, ARMENPRESS: Representatives of some
parliament-represented forces renewed today their calls for a dialogue
withopposition. Speaking at a briefing Rafik Petrosian from the
independent People’s Deputy group said the dialogue is the only way of
a political solution of the created tense situation. “Both sides
should make an endeavor to ease and then resolve their confrontation
only through political means,” but added that even if the dialogue is
not possible at this moment, the opposition must give up its
revolutionary calls, as the history shows that revolutions lead
eventually to destruction.

Rafik Petrosian then defended the authorities counteractions, which
he said were aimed to restore law and stave off new breaches of public
order. He also claimed that the April 13 events showed that the great
majority of Armenians are against revolutionary calls.

Stepan Demirchian of the opposition Ardarutyun (Justice alliance)
argued that the dialogue is possible only after individuals, who he
said, committed crimes and violated laws during the opposition rally
are held responsible.

Gurgen Arsenian, the head of United Labor Party faction denounced
the coalition members for disrupting the regular sessions of the
parliament forthree running days, describing at the same time the
current situation as “poaching,” regretting that his parliament
fellows are involved in it.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Relations with US, China and EU are Priorities For Armenia


YEREVAN, APRIL 15, ARMENPRESS: When defining priorities for
Armenian foreign policy we take into considerations the processes that
take place inthe world, Armenian foreign minister Vartan Oskanian said
Wednesday. Among such processes are NATO enlargement, which brings
about a new situation and a new mentality. The next process is the
enlargement of the European Union. The third relates to the USA
project of the Greater Middle East, which is not as clear as are the
cases of NATO and EU but it is also an issue of great importance.

According to Oskanian, USA, China and EU have interests in the
region and defining relations with them are priorities for Armenian
foreign policy.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Armenian Diocese Church Online Bulletin – 04/15/2004

Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern)
630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016
Contact: Jake Goshert, Communications Officer
Tel: (212) 686-0710; Fax: (212) 779-3558
E-mail: [email protected]
April 15, 2004

Week of April 9 to April 15, 2004
* * *


More than 1,500 Armenians from around New England gathered at St. Vartan
Cathedral for Easter services last Sunday (4/10). The celebration was
covered by a number of local and international print and broadcast
journalists. To see photos and read about Easter and Holy Week services at
the cathedral — and to see photos from Easter at the Mother See of Holy
Etchmiadzin — click to the Eastern Diocese’s website:

(Source: Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern), 4/14/04)
* * *


Bishop Vicken Aykazian, legate and ecumenical officer of the Easter Diocese,
represented the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem in the traditional Easter
Eve Holy Fire Ceremony last Saturday (4/10) in Jerusalem at the Church of
the Holy Sepulcher. Bishop Aykazian was the torchbearer, and accompanied
the Greek Orthodox Patriarch Irenios I into the Holy Tomb, where each lit
his bundle of candles from the oil lamp placed on Christ’s tomb.

The two then proceeded towards windows in the chapel of the Angel, through
which they passed candles out to the faithful from the Armenian, Greek,
Coptic, and Syrian Orthodox Churches.

(Source: Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem, 4/12/04)
* * *


Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate of the Eastern Diocese, will be in
Cleveland, OH, this weekend, paying a pastoral visit to the St. Gregory of
Narek community. The Divine Liturgy on Sunday (4/18) will be followed by a
celebration of the parish’s 40th anniversary. The parish is located at 678
Richmond Rd. in Richmond Heights, OH.

(Source: Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern), 4/15/04)
* * *


Next weekend (4/24-25), Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate of the Eastern
Diocese, will ordain Dn. Aren Jebejian as a priest. Dn. Jebejian, the
deacon-in-charge of St. Gregory the Illuminator Church in Chicago, IL, will
be ordained during two days of celebration at New York City’s St. Vartan
Cathedral. The events are open to the public. For more information, click
to the Eastern Diocese’s website:

(Source: Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern), 4/8/04)
* * *


Next Saturday (4/24), Armenians around the world will commemorate the 89th
anniversary of the Armenian Genocide committed by the Ottoman Turks. On
Saturday (4/24), New York City’s St. Vartan Cathedral will hold a special
Martyrs Day Divine Liturgy at 10:30 a.m. followed by a requiem service at
noon. A large public commemoration will take place in New York City’s Times
Square at 2 p.m. on Sunday, April 25, 2004. Other remembrances will occur
throughout the Eastern Diocese. For more information, call your local
parish and click to the Eastern Diocese’s website Calendar of Events:

(Source: Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern), 4/14/04)
* * *


The Diocese’s St. Vartan Bookstore has a variety of resources to help you
and your family learn more about the Armenian Genocide. From academic
essays to books for children to Hollywood movies, you can find what you need
on the bookstore’s website,

For a list of recommended reading on the Genocide, click here:

(Source: Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern), 4/15/04)
* * *


The Diocese’s Zohrab Information Center and the Tekeyan Cultural Association
will host author Kemal Yalcin today (4/15). The Turkish writer’s bold new
book, “You Rejoice My Heart,” is based on interviews with survivors of the
Armenian Genocide. A free reception will follow the discussion of his
courageous book, which will begin at 7:30 p.m. at the Diocesan Center, 630
Second Ave. at 34th St. in New York City.

During the evening, Mr. Yalcin will sign copies of his new book. Also, a
limited supply is available from the St. Vartan Bookstore and can be shipped
to you signed. To buy your copy today and learn more about his book, click

(Source: Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern), 4/15/04)
* * *


The Eastern Diocese’s Youth Ministry Program will hold a retreat this
weekend for New England’s ACYOA Jrs. — kids ranging from 13 to 17 years
old. The retreat — led by Yn. Arpi Kouzouian, coordinator of youth
outreach for the Eastern Diocese — will be in Contocook, NH, and will focus
on the idea of stewardship. The young Armenians will examine the gifts God
gave them, and how those gifts can be used in service to the church
community. For information on this retreat or to organize one in your area,
e-mail Yn. Kouzouian at [email protected].

(Source: Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern), 4/14/04)
* * *


Spaces are going fast at the Diocese’s St. Vartan and Hye Camps. To save
your child’s space today, click here:

(Source: Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern), 4/15/04)
* * *


Traveling to Armenia strengthens your faith and dedication. If you haven’t
gone yet, there are five opportunities this year.

In June:

* Young Professionals Trip — June 12 to 26 / $2,250. Specifically designed
for travelers between the ages of 23 and 40, this trip offers a chance to
see the sights of Armenia and build life-long friendships with other
Armenian American professionals. Call the Fund for Armenian Relief (212)

* Diocesan Pilgrimage to Historic Armenia and the Republic of Armenia —
June 17 to July 7 / $3,450. Travel to Istanbul, historic Armenian locations
in modern day Turkey such as Musa Dagh, Cappadocia, Mt. Ararat, and Ani.
Continue to Armenia to tour important historical and cultural sites. For
more information call Armen Aroyan (626) 359-9510.

* Armenia Service Program (ASP) — June 22 to July 15 / $1,980. A unique
opportunity for Armenians between the ages of 18 and 28, to help run a
summer camp in the village of Yeghegnadzor before touring throughout
Armenia. Call Nancy Basmajian (212) 686-0710.

In September:

* Women’s Guild Pilgrimage to Armenia — September 16 to 27 / $2,400. Tour
Etchmiadzin, Yerevan, ancient holy sites, and current cultural activities.
For more information call Ann Devejian (203) 838-5758.

* Pilgrimage to Armenia — September 18 to October 3 / $2,350. A
Diocesan-sponsored trip to all the highlights of Armenia. For more
information call Sidon Travel at (818) 553-0777.

To get more information on any of these travel opportunities, e-mail
[email protected].

And don’t forget — you can also help fund the trip of a young person in
your parish, who will return more eager to be involved in parish life.

(Source: Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern), 4/15/04)

# # #

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

AYF to Host Youth Summit on Genocide Prevention at Georgetown U.

80 Bigelow Ave., Watertown, MA 02472

April 15, 2004
Contact: Armen Garabedian
201.755.9378; [email protected]


Former U.S. War Crimes Ambassador David Scheffer Among List of Notable

Washington, DC- On the 89th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, the
AYF-YOARF Eastern USA Central Hai Tahd Committee will be hosting a
`Youth Summit on Genocide Prevention,’ bringing together community
members and youth of different backgrounds to remember past atrocities
and discuss mechanisms – international and local – to avert future
crimes against humanity. The event will take place on April 24th,
from 1:00-4:00pm at the Georgetown University McNeir Auditorium.

The summit will feature a presentation by Dr. David Scheffer, the
former U.S. Ambassador at Large for War Crimes Issues (1997-2001).
Dr. Scheffer led U.S. support for international and hybrid criminal
tribunals and headed the U.S. delegation to U.N. talks on the
International Criminal Court until 2001. He also led the Atrocities
Prevention Inter-Agency Working Group. He is currently a visiting
professor of international law at Georgetown University Law Center,
where he teaches public international law, international institutions
law, and atrocity law.

Joining Scheffer is Richard O’Brien, founder of Improve the World
International and the Center for the Prevention of Genocide. The
Center monitors and studies precursors of genocide present around the
world. Mr. O’Brien has lectured at the university level on genocide
and genocide prevention. He holds an MA with a concentration in
Public Policy from Georgetown University.

The panel is rounded out with the participation of Richard Giragosian,
a Washington based analyst specializing in international relations
with a focus on security, politics and economics. He is a frequent
commentator on events in the Caucasus, Russia and Central Asia for
Radio Free Europe and Jane’s.

The `Youth Summit on Genocide Prevention’ is open to youth and people
of all ages committed to stopping genocide worldwide. The event is set
to coincide with the 89th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide,
commemorated worldwide on April 24th each year. During the years of
1915-1923, over 1.5 million Armenians were killed in a centrally
planned and systematically executed campaign of genocide perpetrated
by the Ottoman Turkish Government. The tragedy is widely viewed as
the first genocide of the 20th century, the ongoing denial of which
has opened the door to similar atrocities including the Holocaust the
Cambodian and Rwandan genocides.

The youth summit is one of a series of local events coordinated by the
Armenian Genocide Commemorative Committee of Greater Washington DC, a
coalition of local Armenian American organizations formed under the
auspices of the Soorp Khatch Armenian Church. The following is a
schedule of local events that will be taking place to mark the 89th
Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide in the upcoming weeks.

** Friday, April 16th, 8:00pm – Armenian Genocide Madagh and
Commemorative Program, organized by the Greater Washington Homenetmen
Chapter. Soorp Khatch Church Community, 4906 Flint Drive, Bethesda

** Friday, April 23rd 3:30PM-6: 30PM – `We will Always Remember’:
Armenian Genocide Demonstration in front of the Turkish Ambassadors
Residence Sheridan Circle (at 23rd and Massachusetts Avenue, NW)

** Friday, April 23rd 6: 30PM – A wreath-laying ceremony and prayer
organized by the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia. Embassy of the
Republic of Armenia, 2225 R Street, NW, Washington, DC

** Saturday, April 24th 1:00PM-4:00PM – `Youth Summit for Genocide
Prevention’, McNeir Auditorium, Georgetown University.

** Saturday, April 24th at 7:30PM – Genocide Commemoration program at
Sourp Khatch Armenian Community Center, 4906 Flint Drive, Bethesda,

** Sunday, April 25th at 10:30 AM Genocide Requiem Service and
Madagh. Soorp Khatch Church, 4906 Flint Drive, Bethesda, MD.

** Wednesday, April 28th 5:30 PM – 10th Annual Armenian Genocide
Observance on Capitol Hill, sponsored by the Armenian National
Committee of America. Cannon House Office Building, Cannon Caucus
Room (435). For more information, contact the ANCA at (202) 775-1918.

For those attending the commemorative programs from outside the
Greater Washington, DC area, hotel accommodations have been made at
the Marriott Crystal Gateway, 1700 Jefferson Davis, Hwy, Arlington, VA
22202. For information or reservations, please contact: Arsineh
Khachikian at 202.775.1918.


From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Armenian FM criticizes U.S. position on latest Yerevan events

15.04.2004 09:41:00 GMT
Armenian FM criticizes U.S. position on latest Yerevan events

Yerevan. (Interfax) – Armenian Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanian has
criticized the U.S. Department of State’s report addressing the latest
developments in Yerevan.

In its report, the U.S. Department of State expressed concern over the
situation in Armenia and called on the country’s authorities and opposition
to hold negotiations to resolve the problem.

“The United States has forgotten to condemn the opposition’s calls for a
coup in the republic. If not for this failure, I myself would have signed
off on the U.S. Department of State’s report. At the same time, it is these
opposition calls that can be viewed as the underlying reason for what has
been happening in Armenia over the past few days,” Oskanian told a
roundtable session in Yerevan on Wednesday.

Tensions are running high today between Armenia’s authorities and
opposition, which is demanding that President Robert Kocharian resign.
Earlier, the opposition started to boycott parliamentary sessions, calling
for a referendum to assess the population’s trust in the authorities, and
staged a series of rallies. On the night on April 13, police broke up an
opposition rally outside the presidential residence, and all unauthorized
large-scale assemblies have been banned in Yerevan.

Oskanian blamed “both the opposition and the republic’s authorities for what
has happened.”

“We have already reached a certain level of the country’s democratic
development, but the biggest challenge – to make democratic processes in
Armenia irreversible – still lies ahead. And, we need the opposition’s
constructive assistance to succeed in this task,” the foreign minister said.

He expressed hope that “Armenia will manage to prove to the international
community that the political situation in the republic is still stable.”

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Armenian foreign minister, Chinese official discuss ties

Armenian foreign minister, Chinese official discuss ties

13 Apr 04


Armenian Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanyan today met the assistant
foreign minister of the People’s Republic of China, Li Hui. Arminfo
news agency has already reported that Li Hui has passed Armenian
President Robert Kocharyan an invitation from Chinese President Hu
Jintao to pay an official visit to China. Vardan Oskanyan expressed
the hope that the forthcoming visit of the Armenian head of state to
the People’s Republic of China would promote the development of
bilateral relations. The sides highly rated the current level of
Armenian-Chinese relations, pointing out that the deepening of
political relations will help raise economic, cultural and business
relations between the two states to a higher level.

The assistant foreign minister of the People’s Republic of China, Li
Hui, also met his Armenian counterpart Tatul Markaryan. During the
meeting, the sides discussed ways of developing Armenian-Chinese
relations, as well as issues of cooperation within the framework of
international organizations.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Meeting to Take Place in Freedom Square Tomorrow

A1 Plus | 20:15:46 | 14-04-2004 | Politics |


About 70 representatives of defense, youth, students’ and other social
organizations have made a statement over holding a meeting tomorrow at 6:00
PM. Despite the fact that policemen don’t allow even 10-15 people now to
gather in the Freedom Square, the organizers of tomorrow’ meeting are
resolute. They are ready to prove to the Authorities that the country
belongs to people, laws must be prior in Armenia and Authorities have no
right to forbid the rallies. {BR}

Representatives of the organizations are sure that it is time to act instead
of making useless statements criticizing behavior of Authorities.

“The events on April 13 night proved that our country has become a police
state and the independent Armenia was distinguished by political prisoners”,
Avetiq Ishkhanyan, Chair of Helsinki Committee of Armenia, announced during
discussions held by the social organizations.

He informed that together with some organizations they had established a
prompt response group on human rights protection, which will be occupied
with releasing people arrested during rallies. “Many of the relatives of
those arrested don’t even know where their kinsmen are. Many people with
bodily injuries don’t apply to hospitals for fear. Many people are just

Armenians Protest Near Presidential Palace


Armenians Protest Near Presidential Palace

Associated Press Writer

April 13, 2004, 9:15 PM EDT

YEREVAN, Armenia — Police broke up a protest of some 2,000 people outside
Armenia’s presidential palace on Tuesday, the latest in a series of
demonstrations over last year’s presidential election.

Opposition leaders vowed to keep up their public protests against President
Robert Kocharian, whose re-election a year ago spurred opposition charges of
widespread ballot violations.

“The fight against the unlawful regime will be kept up,” said an opposition
leader, Vazgen Manoukian.

Organizers said several demonstrators were injured, but their condition was
not known.

In Washington, the State Department spokesman Richard Boucher said the
United States is concerned about the sharp escalation in the confrontation
between the government and the opposition.

“We call on both sides to enter into a dialogue that will lessen tension and
focus the political process on the challenges of continued political and
economic reform,” Boucher said.

He said physical assaults, raids on political party offices and widespread
arrests and detentions of opposition activists by the police “do not
contribute to creating an atmosphere conducive to political dialogue.”
Boucher added.

Kocharian considers the protests “an act of political extremism,” according
to his spokesman Ashot Kocharian.

Last April, Armenia’s Constitutional Court confirmed the results of the
presidential vote but suggested that a referendum be held within a year to
gauge the public’s confidence.
Copyright © 2004, The Associated Press

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress