CivilNet: U.S. Embassy in Baku warns of Terror Threat, Kidnappings Against Americans



The U.S. Embassy in Baku said on October 24 that it has received credible reports of potential terrorist attacks and kidnappings against U.S. citizens and foreign nationals in Baku, including against hotels such as the J.W. Marriott Absheron, as well as potentially other locations in Baku.  

The Embassy advises U.S. citizens to exercise heightened caution in locations where Americans or foreigners may gather.

A day earlier, a similar announcement from the U.S. Mission in Istanbul, Turkey said credible reports had been received of potential terrorist attacks and kidnappings against U.S. citizens and foreign nationals in Istanbul, including against the U.S. Consulate General, as well as potentially other locations in Turkey.  

A state department spokesperson told CNN that, “The information used to formulate Alerts is collected from a range of sources, such as crime statistics and other publicly-available information, information gathered from U.S. government sources, as well as assessments by our embassies and consulates."

In both Baku and Istanbul, the U.S. Missions asked U.S. citizens to take the following actions:

 ✓Exercise caution and remain vigilant.
✓Avoid crowds.
✓Keep a low profile.
✓Be aware of your surroundings.
✓Stay alert in locations frequented by foreigners.
✓Monitor local media for updates.

Couple ties the knot in bombarded Armenian church in Shushi, Artsakh




YEREVAN, OCTOBER 24, ARMENPRESS. Despite the relentless and continuing Azeri bombardments on Artsakh’s towns and cities, a couple got married on Saturday at the Ghazanchetsots Cathedral, the church in Shushi that was bombed twice by the Azeri armed forces on October 8.

The newlyweds are Mariam Sargsyan, a journalist, and Hovik Hovsepyan, who is currently serving in the Artsakh military as a volunteer. He was wearing his military fatigues during the ceremony.

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Guests included the many foreign reporters currently in Artsakh, as well as Gayane Abrahamyan, a Member of Parliament from Armenia. “This was highly important as a message, that we won’t anyhow stop living our normal lives, the war won’t stop us in any way,” Abrahamyan told ARMENPRESS.

President of Artsakh Arayik Harutyunyan congratulated the couple through a message on social media.

“Life in Artsakh continues parallel with the war. And the wedding of Hovik and Mariam at Shushi’s Ghazanchetsots Cathedral today is first of all a message addressed to the entire civilized world that guns must fall silent as soon as possible. Be happy,” he said.

Photos by Armenpress

Editing and Translating by Stepan Kocharyan


Columbia University –
Oct 21 2020

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

by Lisa Gulesserian (Harvard University) and David L. Phillips (Columbia University)

Azerbaijan and Turkey attacked Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh on September 27. They also launched a media war to blame Armenians for the escalation of deadly conflict. Their disinformation and disingenuous diplomacy must be addressed so that the truth can be known and peace can prevail.
A slaughter is underway of ethnic Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh, a region in southwestern Azerbaijan populated almost entirely by Armenians. Armenians living in this enclave, just six times the size of New York City, have been relentlessly targeted for the last three weeks with artillery and cluster bombs. A humanitarian ceasefire agreed to by both sides over the weekend unraveled within minutes when Azerbaijan renewed hostilities. 
While committing atrocities against civilians, Turkey and Azerbaijan are simultaneously engaged in a war of words to whitewash their responsibility. These countries have repeatedly denied facts verified by credible sources. As early as September 30, the Guardian and CNN published reports about Syrian mercenaries fighting for Turkey in Nagorno-Karabakh. In a press release on October 2, Azerbaijan’s Foreign Minister denied the presence of Syrian mercenaries and shifted blame, accusing Armenia of using terror proxies: “There are numerous facts of the use of terrorist groups and mercenaries in military operations by Armenia,” he said. The next day, October 3, Ilham Aliyev, the President of Azerbaijan, denied to Al Jazeera that Syrian mercenaries were being deployed in the region. He disparaged Emmanuel Macron’s claim that France had evidence of Syrian mercenaries deployed by Turkey. 
Despite official denials by Azerbaijan, many news outlets have confirmed that Syrian mercenaries are on the battlefield fighting for Azerbaijan and Turkey. Sources as diverse as the Wall Street Journal (“Turkish-Backed Syrian Fighters Join Armenian-Azeri Conflict”), Foreign Policy (“Syrians Make Up Turkey’s Proxy Army in Nagorno-Karabakh”), and National Interest (“Nagorno-Karabakh: Why Turkey Is Sending Syrian Mercenaries To War In Azerbaijan”) confirm that Syrian mercenaries have been contracted to kill Armenians, who are Christian, in Nagorno-Karabakh. 
Denial is routine for Turkey. Turkish officials still deny that a genocide against Armenians and other Christian populations in the Ottoman Empire occurred between 1915-1923. The genocide—now recognized by over 32 countries, including the United States Congress—has not been recognized by Turkey. Officials there call the killing of up to 1.5 million Armenians “regular wartime occurrences,” indicating that massive losses were incurred on both “sides.” 
In Nagorno-Karabakh, Turkey and its ally Azerbaijan use a well-worn tactic of denying facts so that they can continue their crimes while the international community struggles to understand what is really going on. While increasing their combat operations, Turkey and Azerbaijan have also intensified their official whitewashing of events through disinformation. 
Disinformation is an industry. According to the United States Department of Justice, the Republic of Azerbaijan has signed 45 contracts with US-based public relations firms. Fees to each firm range between $15,000 and $50,000 a month. Without taking into account new contracts this year, for which data is unavailable, Azerbaijan paid over $1.25 million to public relations consultants over the past five years to bolster Azerbaijan’s image in the media and to lobby members of the US Congress. 
In July 2020, BGR Group, working on behalf of Azerbaijan, sent US elected officials an op-ed by Azerbaijan’s Ambassador Elin Suleymanov, which fabricated details about a violent altercation between Azerbaijani and Armenian demonstrators in Los Angeles. His article was published immediately after an Armenian school in San Francisco was vandalized with anti-Armenian, pro-Azerbaijani graffiti.
Not only does Azerbaijan spend a fortune on US-based public relations firms, it also pays residents of Azerbaijan to engage in an online disinformation campaign. On October 8, Facebook deleted 589 Facebook accounts, 7,906 Pages, and 447 accounts on Instagram that were engaged in “inauthentic behavior” (in other words: spreading lies). According to an internal memo written by Facebook’s Sophie Zhang, the company waited a year to open investigations on the ruling political party of Azerbaijan that “utilized thousands of inauthentic assets…to harass the opposition” and defend the country’s governing New Azerbaijani Party by working with the Party’s Youth Union. 
According to Nathaniel Gleicher, Facebook’s head of security: “This network appeared to engage individuals in Azerbaijan to manage pages with the sole purpose of leaving supportive and critical commentary on pages of international and local media, public figures including opposition, and the ruling party of Azerbaijan, to create a perception of widespread criticism of some views and widespread support of others.” Pro-Azerbaijani comments on social media were tagged with #stopArmenianterrorism, #StopArmenianAggression, #ArmeniaKillsCivilians, #DontBelieveArmenia, #ArmeniaKillsChildren, #PrayforGanja, #StopArmenianLies, or #TerroristArmenia. Research reveals a state-funded cyber army supporting Azerbaijan’s false claims. 
Online propagandists also harass defenders of Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh. The American rapper Cardi B and Elton John were attacked for supporting the people of Nagorno-Karabakh. Cardi B admitted that “a lot of people from Azerbaijan” wrote to her and used the hashtag #CardiBSupportsTerrorism on social media. 
US academics and journalists are also bullied. The Federation of Turkish American Associations has been sending prominent intellectuals and journalists threatening letters. They accuse them of being “literal murderer[s]” and threaten to expose them as Islamophobes and “racial supremacist[s].”
Azerbaijan and Turkey scorn journalistic freedom. On October 3, Azerbaijan issued a press release about foreign journalists in Nagorno-Karabakh: “We again call on journalists to avoid visiting the temporarily occupied territories of Azerbaijan, thus not giving an opportunity to Armenia to exploit them.” This statement about removing journalists from the war zone under the pretext of protection is convenient for Azerbaijan. 
Azerbaijan has a well documented disdain for the truth. It is ranked 168th out of 180 countries by Reporters sans frontières (Reporters without Borders) in their annual World Press Freedom Index
In an effort to be even-handed, international media presents the views of both “sides” when covering Nagorno-Karabakh. Giving both sides equal voice makes the media an accomplice to ethnic cleansing perpetrated by Turkey and Azerbaijan. Disinformation also hinders diplomatic efforts to end the bloodshed.
Lisa Gulesserian is Preceptor on Armenian Language & Culture at Harvard University and David L. Phillips is Director of the Program on Peacebuilding and Human Rights at Columbia University.

CivilNet: 71 Missiles Landed in Iran in One Day as a Result of the Karabakh War



Aliyar Rastgou, the Deputy Minister of Political and Security Affairs of Iran’s Eastern Azerbaijan Province said more than 70 missiles fell near the Iranian border town of Khoda Afarin on October 22 as a result of fighting in Karabakh conflict

According to ParsToday, a statement by Rastgou said that, "Fortunately, the missiles struck the agricultural areas of the neighboring villages of Khoda Afarin and did not cause any human casualties or financial losses."

Rastgou added that during the prior 24 days of Karabakh conflict, a total of 68 missiles landed in Iran. But on October 22 alone, there were 71 missiles.

He also stated, "Iranian Border Guard Command has taken the appropriate steps to ensure Iran’s safety and the Azerbaijan and Armenian sides have been given serious warnings to prevent repeating such incidents.”

Iran has been closely minoring the situation on its borders since fighting broke out between neighboring Azerbaijan and Armenians in Karabakh.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran is seriously and with high sensitivity monitoring the moves at the bordering areas of Iran and declares that any aggression against our country’s territories by any party engaged in the (conflicts in the) region will not be tolerated and we seriously warn all sides to show necessary caring in this regard,” Foreign Ministry Spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh had said earlier. 

At the same time, Iran's government has offered to mediate in the conflict. "We call on both sides to exercise restraint, to end the conflict immediately and to resume negotiations," said Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Said Chatibsadeh.

Tehran wants to prevent the conflict from spilling over into Iranian society. Iran is home to both an Armenian and an Azerbaijani minority.

​Serious peace talks possible when terrorists and Turkey leave this region – Armenian PM

Public Radio of Armenia
Oct 3 2020
Serious peace talks possible when terrorists and Turkey leave this region – Armenian PM
Serious talk of a peaceful resolution will be possible when the terrorists and Turkey leave this region together with their goals, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said in an interview with France24.
“Civilization cannot but prevail and the will to live, the people with right to live cannot but prevail. There is no doubt that the Armenian people, which have been living on planet earth for several thousands of years, have the will to live,” the Prime Minister stated.
Reporter – Perhaps you would like to say something to the people of Azerbaijan, who also have their will to live.
Asked what he would tell the people of Azerbaijan, the Prime Minister said: “There is only thing I can say to the people of Azerbaijan. Ask yourselves to what extent you know the truth about your own people, about your own government, about their wealth, about their transactions and about their objectives.”
“I think that the people of Azerbaijan are hostage to a dictatorial government. Armenians have always been a convenient enemy image for Aliyev’s dictatorial rule. For him to be able, with that, to bypass the problems of democracy, freedom, human rights, and freedom of _expression_,” Nikol Pashinyan stated.

Le Monde’s Allan Kaval undergoes surgery in Artsakh for grave injuries after Azerbaijani bombardment



 16:43, 1 October, 2020

YEREVAN, OCTOBER 1, ARMENPRESS. One of the two French journalists working for Le Monde who is gravely wounded after being hit by Azeri bombardment in the town of Martuni in Artsakh is correspondent Allan Kaval.

The authorities released images from the Stepanakert hospital were Kaval is currently undergoing surgery for his injuries.

The condition of the other Le Monde reporter who was wounded is understood to be non-life threatening.

Several other reporters were wounded in the Azeri attack on the town.

Editing and Translating by Stepan Kocharyan

[see video]

Russia’s Putin tells Armenian PM Pashinyan that all military action in disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region should be halted

RT – Russia Today
Sept 28 2020
Russia's Putin tells Armenian PM Pashinyan that all military action in disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region should be halted
Vladimir Putin told Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, on Sunday, that all efforts should be undertaken to stop the further escalation of fighting in Yerevan's dispute with Azerbaijan over the Nagorno-Karabakh region.

The Russian president said Moscow was concerned about the sudden eruption of violence and that he believes the immediate goal is to cease hostilities, the Kremlin said in a statement. The phone call between Putin and Pashinyan was made on the latter's initiative.

Earlier in the day, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov called both his Azeri and Armenian counterparts to express Moscow's concerns and urge them to step back from the conflict.

Speaking to Putin, Pashinyan stressed that third parties from outside of the region should not get involved in the situation, according to the Armenian side.

Pashinyan himself had earlier rebuked Turkey, a long-time ally of Azerbaijan, for interfering in the situation. Ankara voiced support for Baku in the unfolding stand-off and blamed Yerevan for the violence.

Hostilities between Azerbaijan and the ethnic Armenian Nagorno-Karabakh erupted after Azeri forces launched an offensive on Sunday morning. Baku said it was responding to shelling of its forces, but Yerevan rejected this justification, accusing its opponent of breaking a ceasefire.

The region, where the population is predominantly Armenian, broke away from Azerbaijan in the late 1980s, and relies on military and economic support from Yerevan. Amid the flareup, both Azerbaijan and Armenia imposed martial law and voiced their determination to fight on.

Russia is part of the mediation group of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), working to tone down tensions between Azerbaijan and Armenia and negotiate a peaceful resolution to their dispute over Nagorno-Karabakh. However, Moscow is also treaty bound to defend Yerevan via the CSTO, an Russian-led alternative to NATO. 

Turkish Press: Azerbaijani village defies Armenian attacks near border

Anadolu Agency. Turkey
Sept 25 2020
Azerbaijani village defies Armenian attacks near border

Ruslan Rehimov  


Azerbaijani villagers living near the country's western frontier have refused to leave their homes, braving Armenian border attacks and fire.

The Armenian military, which continues to attack and harass Azerbaijan, targets not only soldiers but civilians as well.

Alibeyli village in the northwestern border province of Tovuz is one of the major civilian settlements under constant fire from Armenian forces.

The village lies very close to the contact line, with military emplacements nearby.

Some of the 870 houses in the village are nearly 100 meters (328 feet) from the Armenian positions at a visible distance.

Despite the constant attacks, the people of Alibeyli have held their ground, continuing with their daily lives and ignoring the sounds of gunfire.

The village's 4,300 inhabitants are determined to protect their homeland without fear of Armenian attacks.

Resident Pasha Hasanov, 87, told Anadolu Agency that the villagers heroically resisted the Armenian attacks in the 1990s and did not evacuate their homes, still showing the same resistance today.

"If the war starts again one day, we won't leave our village, whether we're martyred or survive," said Hasanov, who had lost one of his sons in the Upper Karabakh conflict with Armenia.

Since 1991, the Armenian military has illegally occupied the Upper Karabakh, or Nagorno-Karabakh region, an internationally recognized territory of Azerbaijan.

The 32-year-old Rahip Hasanov, whose house stands right next to the military positions, said he would never leave his homeland despite the hardship and dangers.

Recounting that his brother had been martyred in 1993, Hasanov stressed that he was ready as well to be a martyr if necessary.

Meanwhile, Huseyin Hasanov, 52, said Armenians violated the cease-fire between the two countries almost every day and targeted the homes of civilians.

With his trust in the Azerbaijani Armed Forces, Hasanov said he was a veteran of the conflict in the 1990s, in which he was injured.

He expressed confidence that the Azerbaijani army would both protect the homeland and rescue lands in the occupied Upper-Karabakh area.

Four UN Security Council and two UN General Assembly resolutions, as well as decisions by many international organizations, demand the withdrawal of occupying Armenian forces from Upper Karabakh and seven other occupied Azerbaijani regions.

– Greetings to Turkey

Valeh Rzayev, 68, and one of Alibeyli's residents, said he was born in the village and would die there as well.

He said the Armenian forces opened fire on the village day and night, adding that this has been going on for nearly 30 years.

Rzayev said they trusted the Azerbaijani army, and that this is why they lived fearlessly in their lands.

Azerbaijan was not alone in its just cause, Rzayev said: "We thank our brother Turkey, the Turkish nation, and particularly President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, for standing with us in hard times."

In recent months, Armenia has conducted numerous attacks on the Tovuz area, which lies on an energy route close to the Azerbaijan-Georgia-Turkey corridor.

Instability in this region has the potential to directly affect the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan crude oil pipeline, the Southern Natural Gas Pipeline and the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway.

The Armenian army violated a cease-fire on July 12, attacking Azerbaijani positions with artillery fire, withdrawing after suffering losses following retaliation from the Azerbaijani army.

However, the attack martyred 12 Azerbaijani soldiers, including high-ranking officers, and wounded four troops.

On Sept. 21, clashes in the same region flared up again, when a soldier of the Azerbaijani army was martyred and another injured.

The OSCE Minsk Group — co-chaired by France, Russia and the US — was formed to find a peaceful solution to the Upper Karabakh conflict, but has yet to get any results.

* Writing by Jeyhun Aliyev from Ankara

Divine Liturgy and flag blessing in Antelias ahead of Armenia’s Independence Day

Public Radio of Armenia
Sept 20 2020

On Sunday, September 20th, His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the great House of Cilicia, presided over the Divine Liturgy at St. Gregory the Illuminator Cathedral, and conducted Prayers of Thanksgiving for the Republic of Armenia and the blessing of the Armenian flag in front of the Independence Monument.

The liturgy was attended by the Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia to Lebanon Vahagn Atabekian and the staff of the Embassy, as well as members of the National Central Committee and the faithful.

Liturgies were held in all the dioceses of the Catholicosate of the Great House of Cilicia.

Russia to resume flights with EAEU states, except Armenia

Panorama, Armenia
Sept 19 2020

Russia will resume flights with EAEU member states Belarus, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan from September 21, Tass news agency reported, citing the operational headquarters for the fight against coronavirus.

According to the source, flights will also resume to South Korea starting from September 27.

«Flights to these states will be operated on a reciprocal basis once a week,» the message said.

To note, Armenia remains the only EAEu member state Russia has not opened the borders with. Russian Ambassador to Armenia Sergey Kopirkin earlier told reporters that the issue remained under consideration both in the bilateral format and within EAEU. "The assessment of the epidemic situation is decisive in making the final decision," the Ambassador said.

To remind Russia stopped regular and charter flights with other countries on March 27. The exceptions were flights organized for the return of Russians from abroad, and certain flights operated on behalf of the government.