Prizes for Teaching in Armenian Online: 49 Awards are Granted by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation

Armenian Communities Department of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Avenida de 
Berna 45-A, 1067-001 Lisboa, Portugal
Contact: Vera Ribeiro da Cunha
Telf: (+351) 21 782 3658

Գալուստ Կիւլպէնկեան Հիմնարկութիւն. 49 Սփիւռքահայ ուսուցիչներ արժանացան Հայերէնով 
դասաւանդողներու առցանց ուսուցումի մրցանակին 

Գալուստ Կիւլպէնկեան Հիմնարկութեան Հայկական Համայնքներու Բաժանմունքը Սփիւռքի 
ուսուցիչներուն ուղղուած մրցանակ մը յայտարարեց Ապրիլ 2020-ին:
«Հայերէնով դասաւանդողներու առցանց ուսուցումի մրցանակ»-ին նպատակն էր քաջալերել 
Պսակաձեւ ժահրին պարտադրած ինքնամեկուսացումին պատճառաւ առցանց հարթակներ 
տեղափոխուած կրթական ընթացքին մէջ հայերէնով իրենց ներդրումը ունեցող 
ուսուցիչներուն անհատական աշխատանքները: 
Ուսուցիչները պէտք է դիմէին ներկայացնելով իրենց պատրաստած նիւթերը, իրենց 
աշակերտներուն հետ ունեցած հաղորդակցութեան օրինակները, եւ իրենց օգտագործած առցանց 
հարթակին վրայ իրականացուած ուսուցողական տուեալ աշխատանքին ընթացքն ու 
նպատակակէտերը բացատրող գրութիւն մը:  
Մրցանակը դիմումներ ընդունեց վեց շաբթուան ընթացքին: Դիմումներուն արժեւորումի 
աշխատանքները կատարուեցան երկշաբաթեայ դրութեամբ, եօթը հոգիէ բաղկացած յանձնախումբի 
մը կողմէ, եւ նկատի ունենալով հետեւեալ չափանիշերը.-

o   Առցանց համակարգերու գործածութեան մէջ առաջարկուած նորարար մօտեցումները:
o   Մանկավարժական մեթոդաբանութեան կիրարկելիութիւնը եւ ճկունութիւնը։ 
o   Աշակերտներուն մասնակցութիւնը եւ անոնց համար «հաճելի»-ի ազդակը։
o   Գործադրութեան եւ հայերէնի գործածութեան որակը:
o   Ուրիշներուն կողմէ ծրագիրին գործածելիութեան հեռանկարը։ 

Այս վեց շաբաթներուն ընթացքին, Հիմնարկութիւնը 13 երկիրներէ 106 դիմումներ ստացաւ՝ 
ամենօրեայ եւ շաբաթօրեայ հայկական դպրոցներու մէջ աշխատող ուսուցիչներէ: 
Դիմողներուն մեծամասնութիւնը հայոց լեզուի դասատուներ էին, բայց մրցանակը 
սահմանափակուած չէր իրենցմով: Պատմութեան, կրօնի, թուաբանութեան, գիտութեան, 
արուեստի եւ նոյնիսկ մարզանքի ուսուցիչներ դիմեցին իրենց տարբեր բնոյթի 
աշխատանքներով՝ անոնցմէ իւրաքանչիւրը բացայայտելով իր եւ իր աշակերտներուն ունեցած 
փորձառութիւնը հեռավար ուսումնառութեան աշխարհին մէջ: Դիմողներուն միջին տարիքը 
44-ն էր:

Հիմնուելով դիմողներու մեծ թիւին վրայ եւ հնարաւորին չափ շատ ուսուցիչներ 
քաջալերելու նպատակով, նախապէս յայտարարուած 30 մրցանակին փոխարէն Հիմնարկութիւնը 
տրամադրեց 500 ԱՄՆ տոլար արժողութեամբ 49 նպաստ, քաջալերելով դիմողներուն 46 տոկոսը:

«Մեր սրտագին շնորհաւորանքները կը փոխանցենք բոլոր մրցանակակիրներուն:  Դժբախտաբար, 
չէինք կրնար մրցանակ տրամադրել բոլոր մասնակիցներուն: Այնուամենայնիւ կը գնահատենք 
բոլորին ջանքերը եւ ընդհանրապէս հայերէնի դասաւանդումին դիմագրաւած 
մարտահրաւէրներուն դիմաց անոնց կատարած մեծ աշխատանքը՝ մանաւանդ համաճարակի այս 
օրերուն», նշեց Հայկական Համայնքներու Բաժանմունքի տնօրէն՝ Դոկտ. Ռազմիկ Փանոսեանը:

Յաւելեալ տեղեկութիւններու եւ «Հայերէնով դասաւանդողներու առցանց ուսուցումի 
մրցանակ»-ին մրցանակակիրներուն անուանացանկին ծանօթանալու համար այցելել
Prizes for Teaching in Armenian Online: 49 Awards are Granted by the Calouste 
Gulbenkian Foundation

The Armenian Communities Department of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation 
launched “Prizes for Teaching in Armenian Online” in April 2020. The aim of this 
initiative was to encourage diasporan teachers who use Armenian as a medium of 
instruction in their efforts during the sudden shift to online teaching 
platforms caused by the forced lockdown due to the Covid-19 virus.
Teachers were asked to send samples of their materials, examples of their 
interactions with their students, and an explanation of how their lessons were 
implemented on the online platforms they were using. 
The programme was open for six weeks, and entries were evaluated biweekly by a 
committee of seven people within the Foundation. The following criteria were 
used in the selection process: 

o   Innovative use of online mechanisms and originality of idea.
o   Adaptation of teaching methodology and teaching approaches.
o   Student involvement/interactivity (the “fun factor”). 
o   Quality of execution and use of the Armenian language.
o   Potential of use by others.

106 applications were received from 13 countries, from teachers who worked in 
daily and weekly Armenian schools. The majority of the applicants were language 
teachers, but the prize was not restricted to them. Teachers of history, 
religion, math, science, art, and even physical education also participated. The 
average age of applicants was 44. 
In order to be as supportive as possible, and in recognition of the excellent 
work many of the teachers are doing, the Foundation increased the number of 
prizes granted from 30 to 49. As such, 46 % of applicants were successful, each 
receiving a USD 500 financial award.

“We congratulate all the winners! Regrettably, we could not support all the 
applicants,” said Razmik Panossian, the Director of the Armenian Communities 
Department, “we do, however, want to acknowledge and applaud the efforts of all 
the participants, as well as the ongoing efforts of Armenian teachers around the 
world during these difficult days of the coronavirus pandemic.” 
For further information and to consult the list of the 49 awardees of the 
“Prizes for Teaching in Armenian Online” please visit:

Asbarez: Kalashnikov Factory in Armenia to Make 50,000 Rifles Annually

July 7, 2020

The Kalashnikov factory in Armenia, which began operations this month, will produce 50,000 AK-103 assault rifles annually, factory officials told Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan on Tuesday as he toured the facility.

Last month it was announced that the manufacturing plant will operate per a cooperation agreement signed by a company called Neytron GAM and the Russia-based Kalashnikov Concern, which was signed on May 15 for a 10-year term.

On Tuesday, Pashinyan and Defense Minister Davit Tonoyan visited the manufacturing plant and become acquainted with the production process. They were accompanied by Russia’s Ambassador to Armenia Sergei Kopyrkin

During the tour, it was announced that the factory will also produce nano-fibers, which will be used in various military equipment, such as optical-electronic devices and night thermal signs. The production will start after the full test and will meet the demand of the Armenian defense ministry within a year.

Pashinyan said the manufacturing plant was a testament to the close defense cooperation between Armenia and Russia.

The rifles manufactured at the plant are expected to be used by the Armenian Armed Forces. In the future the products will also be exported.

In its initial stages, the plant will employ at least 20 people, all of whom are Armenian Army reserve soldiers with experience in engineering and handling fire arms. A Kalashnikov official said last month that the staff has already been selected and they will be responsible for manufacturing, inspecting and ensuring quality control of the weapons.

Armenian President hosts outgoing head of CoE Office in Yerevan



 17:12, 8 July, 2020

YEREVAN, JULY 8, ARMENPRESS. President of Armenia Armen Sarkissian hosted today outgoing Head of the Council of Europe Office in Yerevan Natalia Voutova, the President’s Office told Armenpress.

President Sarkissian thanked Mrs. Voutova for the activity carried out in Armenia, wishing future success.

Armen Sarkissian highly valued the role of the Council of Europe and the existing productive cooperation, specifically highlighting the importance of the Armenia-CoE Action Plans and the assistance provided to different sectors of Armenia within their framework.

In her turn Natalia Voutova thanked for the cooperation, stating that she will remain one of the best friends of Armenia.

Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan

More than 1% of Armenia have COVID-19

Vestnik Kavkaza
July 8 2020
8 Jul in 12:20

Coronavirus cases in Armenia grew by 535 in the past twenty-four hours compared to 349 a day earlier, the republic’s Health Ministry reported on Wednesday.

"In the past twenty-four hours, 535 new coronavirus cases were identified and 520 patients recovered from the illness. To date, 17,427 patients have recovered while the total number of the infected stands at 29,820," the ministry said in a statement.

Eighteen patients died at Armenian hospitals in the past twenty-four hours, bringing fatalities to 521 since the start of the pandemic in the republic. Yerevan hospitals conducted over 2,000 COVID-19 tests in the past twenty-four hours, the latest data indicate.

The Armenian population equals 2.9 million people, which means that the coronavirus infection has been identified among about 1% of the republic’s residents since the start of the pandemic in the country. Over this time, more than 127,000 coronavirus tests have been conducted in Armenia and over 23% of them have been positive, TASS reported.

The situation with the coronavirus outbreak remains tense in Armenia. The authorities are emphasizing that the basic problem is that Armenian citizens do not fully realize that they are massively breaching anti-epidemic requirements.

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan numerously urged citizens to comply with anti-epidemic requirements and personally went out into the streets several times to give out face masks to passers-by. Pashinyan announced on Monday that the government would extend the emergency regime in effect since March by another month from July 14, if the situation did not change for the better.

Deputy Speaker: Mikael Minasyan cannot be on the wanted list all his life

Arminfo, Armenia

ArmInfo. Mikael Minasyan should  deal with the criminal cases presented to him, and not with his  assumptions about the work of 89 MPs. Deputy Speaker of  RA  Parliament Alen Simonyan stated this in an interview with reporters.

He stated that there is still a lot of time before the change of  power. "Minasyan still has some influence in the media space, but  even earlier, when all this space belonged to him and his  father-in-law Serzh Sargsyan, this did not help them," Simonvn  emphasized.

The Deputy Speaker said that Minasyan, and it wasn't only him, cannot  be on the run all his life. <They cannot escape justice, it is a  matter of time. Many were able to leave Armenia and avoid  responsibility, which means that there are serious problems in our  judicial system.

Opposition factions in the National Assembly stated that there were  no problems in the judicial system and tried to impede the  implementation of reforms. If there are no problems in the judicial  system, how did these people manage to escape from Armenia by a court  decision?>, Simonyan concluded. 

Armenpress: Armenian PM congratulates 1st President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev on 80th birthday

Armenian PM congratulates 1st President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev on 80th birthday



 10:27, 6 July, 2020

YEREVAN, JULY 6, ARMENPRESS. Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan has sent a congratulatory message to First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev on his birthday, the PM’s Office told Armenpress.

The congratulatory message reads:

“Dear Nursultan Abishevich,

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on your 80th birth anniversary.

Significant progress has been recorded owing to your years-long efforts aimed at promoting Kazakhstan’s development and mutually beneficial integration processes within the Eurasian space.

Valuable is your personal contribution to the strengthening of Armenian-Kazakh relations. I reaffirm my readiness to further expand our multifaceted cooperation to the benefit of the peoples of our countries.

I learned with deep regret that you had tested positive for COVID-19. I am convinced that you will be back to your daily activities in the nearest future to complete the planned programs.

Dear Nursultan Abishevich,

I wish you a speedy recovery, robust health and all the best, as well as peace and prosperity – to the friendly people of Kazakhstan.”

Aliyev makes arrogant announcements seeing 5th column operating in Armenia – PM’s spokesperson



 19:57, 26 June, 2020

YEREVAN, JUNE 26, ARMENPRESS. Mane Gevorgyan, spokesperson of the Prime Minister of Armenia, commented on the reaction of former President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan to the speech of Azerbaijani president Ilham Aliyev. ARMENPRESS reports Mane Gevorgyan wrote on her Facebook page that Ilham Aliyev makes such arrogant announcements, because he sees that in contrast to 2,5 years ago, today a 5th column operates in Armenia with the participation of Serzh Sargsyan’s family. “And the interesting thing is that the announcements of both Ilham Aliyev and Serzh Sargsyan over developments in Armenia are very similar to each other. The notorious corrupt officials against whom criminal charges are pressed are assessed as politically persecuted by both Ilham Aliyev and Serzh Sargsyan. The recent Constitutional changes in Armenia are illegal for both Ilham ALiyev and Serzh Sargsyan ’’, she wrote, bringing a number of other examples of coinciding opinions between the former President of Armenia and current president of Azerbaijan.

Mane Gevorgyan also noted that Ilham Aliyev and Serzh Sargsyan’s son-in-law Mikael Minasyan use similar false texts. ‘’It’s necessary to find out if it’s Ilham ALiyev who writes texts for Serzh Sargsyan’s family, or it’s Serzh Sargsyan’s family that writes texts for Ilham Aliyev. Anyway, the common interests between Aliyev and Serzh Sargsyan’s family are obvious’’, she wrote.

Editing and translating by Tigran Sirekanyan

It was not and cannot be political decision – Alen simonyan refers to judicial processes




YEREVAN, JUNE 20, ARMENPRESS. Vice President of the National Assembly of Armenia representing the ruling ‘’My Step’’ bloc Alen Simonyan assures that the court decisions over the cases of Robert Kocharyan or others are simply legal processes, ARMENPRESS reports Simonyan said following the session of ‘’My Step’’ parliamentary faction, answering the question if the authorities are concerned over the release of Kocharyan from jail.

Alen Simonyan assured that they are not concerned with that issue, but they are concerned over the wrath of the people who think that they catch someone and set free someone else. ‘’We learn about court decisions together with everyone, I mean when they become public. We do not cathch or set free anyone. It was not a political decision and cannot be such a political decision in Armenia. The legal process continues’’, Simonyan said, noting that in the past Kocharyan had been released again but later detained.

Kocharyan had been in detention since June 25 2019. He is accused of overthrowing the Constitutional order in 2008.

Reporting by Anna Grigoryan, Editing and translating by Tigran Sirekanyan

Deputy Speaker: Donald Tusk looks at Armenia with Serzh Sargsyan`s eyes

Arminfo, Armenia

ArmInfo.Parliament Deputy Speaker Alen Simonyan believes that the head of the European People's Party Donald Tusk should be more restrained and not interfere in the affairs of the Armenian people. Simonyan stated this on June 18 in an interview with reporters, commenting on Tusk's statement yesterday  that the EPP is concerned about the many cases of democratic retreat  in Armenia. True, on Twitter, the source cited by the media does not  have this statement.

According to Simonyan, earlier Tusk made similar statements regarding  Georgia and Ukraine. <The fact is that Donald Tusk looks at Armenia  with Serzh Sargsyan's eyes, but this is the wrong position. The fact  is that Serzh Sargsyan's eyes are torn from reality. These are the  eyes of a person who has long since departed from the people of  Armenia, from the country as a whole, this opinion has nothing to do  with reality>, Simonyan emphasized.

<I do not think that the position of the head of an inter-party  organization is a reaction of international agencies. The assessment  of the representatives of international structures regarding Armenia  is quite positive. So, for example, the head of the Venice Commission  spoke very positively about the processes taking place in Armenia>,  the deputy Speaker concluded.

Sports: Armenian basketball star Gary Chivichyan nominated for ESPYS award

Public Radio of Armenia