A protest against Lanzarote Convention going on in front of President`s residence

Arminfo, Armenia

ArmInfo.In Yerevan, a protest rally against the Lanzarote Convention is going on in front of the residence of the President of the Republic of Armenia.  Participants  of the rally demand that President Armen Sarkissian not sign the  relevant document, stating that this Convention contradicts national  values. In addition, dissatisfaction is also voiced with the fact  that the Convention implies the use of a number of mechanisms in the  educational sector , which, according to the protesters, may lead to  an teaching the basics of sexual education in schools. 

To note, the protest is small in number quantity, and at the moment  there are more law enforcement officers than the protesters  themselves.

To recall, on May 11, the Armenian parliament approved a bill on  ratification of the Council of Europe Convention on the Protection of  Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse signed in  Lanzarote. The CE Convention was adopted on October 25, 2007, and  entered into force on July 1, 2010. It is signed by 47 countries and  has entered into force in 45 states. The Republic of Armenia signed  the Convention on September 29, 2010. The Convention, setting common  standards and definitions applicable in all European countries, is  designed to protect children from sexual exploitation and use. The  objectives of the convention are the prevention and combating of  sexual exploitation of children and sexual violence, the protection  of the rights of children affected by sexual crimes, and the  promotion of domestic and international cooperation in combating  sexual exploitation and sexual violence against children.

By ratifying this Convention, the Republic of Armenia undertakes to  take the necessary legislative or other measures to prevent all forms  of sexual exploitation and use of children, as well as protect  children, including the development and implementation of appropriate  mechanisms, especially in the fields of education, health care,  social services, as well as in law enforcement and judicial  authorities. Cooperation between the States Parties to the Convention  will be carried out with the aim of preventing and combating the  sexual exploitation and abuse of children, protecting and assisting  victims of violence, conducting investigations and proceedings  provided for in the Convention.

Thus, ratification of the Convention will create an opportunity to  introduce relevant legislative amendments to the Republic of Armenia  aimed at combating the sexual exploitation of children and sexual  violence, protecting the rights of children affected by sexual  exploitation and sexual abuse. Moreover, the ratification of the  Convention will promote priority attention to ensuring the best  interests of the child in all actions regarding children, and  stimulate international cooperation between the parties to the  Convention. 

Central Bank of Armenia: exchange rates and prices of precious metals – 11-05-20




YEREVAN, 11 MAY, ARMENPRESS. The Central Bank of Armenia informs “Armenpress” that today, 11 may, USD exchange rate up by 1.91 drams to 486.02 drams. EUR exchange rate up by 1.48 drams to 526.21 drams. Russian Ruble exchange rate up by 0.01 drams to 6.59 drams. GBP exchange rate up by 1.39 drams to 601.01 drams.

The Central Bank has set the following prices for precious metals.

Gold price up by 104.64 drams to 26627.32 drams. Silver price up by 0.92 drams to 234.08 drams. Platinum price up by 46.55 drams to 11844.44 drams.

British Armenian actor Andy Serkis reads entire Hobbit online, raises $351,000 for charity

Public Radio of Armenia

PM Pashinyan holds telephone conversation with Pope Francis



 17:58, 8 May, 2020

YEREVAN, MAY 8, ARMENPRESS. Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan held a telephone conversation with Pope Francis on May 8, ARMENPRESS was informed from the Office of the Prime Minister.

The PM thanked for the efforts of the Holy Roman Church and personally Pope Francis aimed at mitigating the social-economic problems resulted by coronavirus and helping the vulnerable people and presented the measures of the Armenian Government aimed at fighting the pandemic.

The sides emphasized the importance of encouraging peace and stop of militarization. In this context PM Pashinyan highlighted the call for universal ceasefire by Pope Francis last month and presented Armenia’s commitment for a peaceful settlement to NK conflict, and also expressed gratitude to His Holiness for standing with the Armenian people and promoting the historical justice.

His Holiness congratulated PM Pashinyan on the 2nd anniversary of assuming the PM’s Office. He expressed great satisfaction over the fraternal and unwavering relations between the Roman Catholic Church and the Armenian Apostolic Church. Pope Francis reaffirmed his position on the Armenian Genocide issue.

Edited and translated by Tigran Sirekanyan

Central Bank of Armenia: exchange rates and prices of precious metals – 08-05-20



 17:31, 8 May, 2020

YEREVAN, 8 MAY, ARMENPRESS. The Central Bank of Armenia informs “Armenpress” that today, 8 May, USD exchange rate up by 0.97 drams to 484.11 drams. EUR exchange rate up by 2.99 drams to 524.73 drams. Russian Ruble exchange rate up by 0.03 drams to 6.58 drams. GBP exchange rate up by 2.36 drams to 599.62 drams.

The Central Bank has set the following prices for precious metals.

Gold price up by 248.09 drams to 26522.68 drams. Silver price down by 1.00 drams to 233.16 drams. Platinum price up by 225.57 drams to 11797.89 drams.

Armenia’s coronavirus cases reach 2,148



 11:08, 1 May, 2020

YEREVAN, MAY 1, ARMENPRESS. 82, new cases of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) have been confirmed in Armenia in the past one day, the National Center for Disease Control and Prevention said.

Thus, the total number of confirmed cases has reached 2,148.

The number of people who recovered from the virus has increased by 48. The total number of recoveries has reached 977.

One more patient (27-year-old woman) has died. The death toll has reached 33.

The active cases are 1136.

So far, 22,177 people have passed testing.

Reporting by Lilit Demuryan; Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan

Lavrov hints gas price for Armenia linked to criminal case against rail firm

PanArmenian, Armenia

PanARMENIAN.Net – Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has hinted that the gas price for Armenia is linked to a criminal case against the South Caucasus Railway, a rail operator in Armenia, owned by Russian Railways.

In response to a question by an Armenian reporter about the price of Russian gas for the country’s allies, specifically Armenia, Lavrov said allied relations “should be manifested everywhere”.

“We hope that judicial proceedings of the past several years against joint ventures, particularly against SCR, will be settled without developments that are not appropriate for allies, Lavrov said.

He also mentioned that one of the problems related to Armenia, which he said is a “chronic” one, is the internal price of the gas in the country, which further complicates the matter.

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said in a September 2018 interview with Kommersant that an investigation at the South Caucasus Railway has revealed abuses worth about $60 million.

Free delivery with the new campaign of IDBank, Visa and Menu.am




YEREVAN, APRIL 16, ARMENPRESS. When you make payments for menu.am order, through IDBank's Visa cards, use the #VisaMenu promo code and the delivery amount will be transferred to your menu.am account. Besides, at the end of each month, Visa cardholder who will have made the largest number of transactions, will receive a voucher of menu.am in AMD, equivalent to the sum of $100, the Bank said in a statement. “The campaign will last until October 2020. Reminder: IDBank offers Idram Rocket Visa,Visa Gold, Platinum, Signature, Infinite debit and credit cards, which you can order online without leaving home through idbanking.am system and Idram application, and you will get your card by free delivery in the territory of Yerevan. To take advantage of all the privileges of IDBank’s cards, pass quick synchronization։ Make use of the free delivery and be healthy!” the statement says.


Political analyst: Armenia 1st President is giving ‘foster child’ Nikol Pashinyan another lesson

News.am, Armenia
April 8 2020
Political analyst: Armenia 1st President is giving 'foster child' Nikol Pashinyan another lesson Political analyst: Armenia 1st President is giving 'foster child' Nikol Pashinyan another lesson

15:21, 08.04.2020

Member of Vernatun public-political club, director of Akunq Center for Political Analyses Ruben Hakobyan has posted on his Facebook page, stating that first President of Armenia Levon Ter-Petrosyan is giving his ‘foster child’ Nikol Pashinyan another lesson, asking the latter why he isn’t publicly executing the political opposition, just like Levon Ter-Petrosyan executed the oppositional mayor of an Armenian city during his term as president, or why the second President of Armenia hasn’t been infected with coronavirus yet.

Ruben Hakobyan adds that the very clever ‘foster child’ is showing that he is full of poison and hatred, that his agenda hasn’t been consumed yet and that he is in an unwavering ‘competition’ with the coronavirus.