Serzh Sargsyan to attend parliamentary hearings on 2016 April War

Panorama, Armenia
April 7 2020

Armenia’s third President Serzh Sargsyan has agreed to take part in the special parliamentary hearings on the 2016 April War.

The ex-president received an invitation to take part in the hearings set for April 16 from Andranik Kocharyan, Chairman of the National Assembly Standing Committee on Defense and Security, on 6 April.

“Although it’s strange that the parliamentary committee has decided to hold a sitting given the situation caused by the [coronavirus] pandemic, the third president of Armenia is ready to visit the committee on April 16, at 2pm, in case the Armenian government does not make a decision to extend the state of emergency,” Serzh Sargsyan’s office said in an official response to the invitation.

The office stressed although the former president is not obliged by law to attend the hearings of the committee, he feels free to present the details of the hostilities unleashed by Azerbaijan in 2016, especially when he has made numerous public remarks on the April War, including speeches, interviews, consultations in participation of the president, meetings and session, which covered the events in detail.

The ex-president’s office also demanded that Serzh Sargsyan be provided with a copy of the recording following the hearings. 

14-year-old Armenian child wounded by Azerbaijani shooting in Tavush province transported to Yerevan



 10:08, 31 March, 2020

YEREVAN, MARCH 30, ARMENPRESS. 14-year-old child wounded by the Azerbaijani shooting fired at the direction of Armenia’s Tavush province has been transported to Yerevan’s St. Mary hospital, assistant to the PR manager at the medical center Gevorg Derdzyan said on Facebook.

“The child is in stable, but serious condition and is in intensive care unit. The latter received a gunshot wound to the chest. The necessary first aid has been provided. The child underwent a surgery in Noyemberyan’s medical center. Additional information will be provided later”, Derdzyan said.

On March 30, at around 19:00-19:30, the Azerbaijani forces fired shots from various caliber weapons at Armenia’s military positions located in Noyemberyan town of Tavush province, as well as at the direction of Baghanis and Voskevan villages.

2 soldiers and 14-year-old child from Voskevan village have been injured from the Azerbaijani shooting.

Edited and translated by Aneta Harutyunyan

Nagorno-Karabakh to elect new president and parliament despite coronavirus

JAM News
March 31 2020

    JAMnews, Yerevan

Nagorno-Karabakh is holding both presidential and parliamentary elections on March 31.

In 2017, the region adopted a new constitution which included the decision to transition from a semi-presidential to a presidential form of government. Constitutional amendments are already taking effect, and the new president will have more powers than his predecessors.

There are 14 presidential candidates in the running, which is an unprecedented number. At the same time, 361 candidates from 10 parties and 2 party blocs will compete for a total of 33 seats in parliament.

The campaign was held in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. However, the virus has yet to touch Nagorno-Karabakh, and officials decided not to postpone the elections. This, despite the fact that the area closed its borders with Armenia, where the number of infections has recently spiked.

Details on candidates, the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh, and the issue of electoral observers

Many political scientists say that the two main opponents for the presidency are the Minister of Foreign Affairs since 2017, Masis Mayilyan, and former Prime Minister Arayik Harutyunyan.

Other candidates include Speaker of the Karabakh parliament Ashot Ghulian, ex-Secretary of the Security Council Vitaly Balasanyan, and press secretary of the incumbent president, David Babayan.

Two of the presidential candidates are women.

For the first time in the history of Nagorno-Karabakh, the election campaign culminated in presidential debate broadcast on local public television.

12 of the 14 candidates participated.

One of the female candidates, Kristin Balayan, did not participate in the televised debates, since this format, in her opinion, “does not allow to convey her own opinion and position.”

One of the main contenders, Masis Mayilyan, also refused to participate. He explained his decision by saying that “he has no questions for other candidates.” This did not surprise the locals. Social networks write that “Mayilyan is not a fan of participating in such events.”

Following the announcement of the coronavirus pandemic, the Central Election Commission announced that the format of the election campaign should be reconsidered.

After some time, five of the presidential candidates spoke in favor of declaring a state of emergency and postponing the election date. However, the remaining candidates did not support this decision.

Official data states that there are no reported coronavirus cases in Nagorno-Karabakh. To prevent the spread of the virus, a temporary entry ban through the Armenian border was introduced on March 26.

An exception is made for registered Nagorno-Karabakh citizens, freight carriers, and journalists and observers who will monitor the elections.

The authorities of Nagorno-Karabakh announced that 140 observers and 40 media agencies from different countries intended to attend the elections.

As for the Armenian publications, some of them reported that they considered it the right decision to postpone the elections to a later date, and therefore refused to go to Karabakh to cover them.

But many Armenian journalists still decided to travel to Stepanakert and fulfill their professional duty. In particular, the journalist Hayk Khalatyan wrote on his Facеbook page:

“Ready for the elections in Nagorno-Karabakh! My coronavirus test came back negative. The rapid-result coronavirus test is so simple – it gives you the results in just ten minutes.”

Earlier, Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan said that everyone who intends to go to the elections in Nagorno-Karabakh will have to pass a rapid-result test:

“We will do everything to prevent the coronavirus from entering Nagorno-Karabakh with the group of observers.”

Daniel Ioannisyan, coordinator for the Association of Informed Citizens, reported that the NGO is sending 100 observers to Karabakh. There will be an equal number of observers from Transparency International, he says. More than 100 observers will participate from NGO Legal Education and Control, headed by the former vice speaker of the National Assembly of Armenia Arpine Hovhannisyan.

“We will take the temperature of observers in Yerevan, of course, and will also do this before sending them to polling stations. We are minimizing the contact of all observers in Karabakh, and we already have all the masks and disinfectant we need to do so,” said Daniel Ioannisyan.

Journalists and political scientists in Yerevan discussed whether the elections should be postponed the whole week leading up to March 31.

Political scientist Hrant Melik-Shahnazaryan wrote on his Facebook page:

“The coronavirus has already spread to the Armenian army. The country locked all of its citizens in their homes. The economy collapsed…After all this, does anyone still believe that the virus will not also spread to Nagorno-Karabakh? Really?”

Journalist Tatul Hakobyan also commented on this issue on social media:

“Today, while the rest of the planet is discussing a new world order, talking about uniting against this universal threat, we ignore this inevitable danger with criminal indifference, and if we continue to do so, it may come back on a large scale.”

Incidentally, Hakobyan wrote this status while he was waiting for the result of the rapid test before his trip.

Political observer from the Armenian online publication “Lragir” Naira Hayrumyan told JAMnews how these elections differ from the previous ones:

“These are very important elections, because they are taking place in the midst of a new geopolitical and regional situation.

The traditional vertical power structure from Stepanakert-Yerevan-Moscow, which has maintained the status quo in the region for many years, has been facing obstacles following the Velvet Revolution in Armenia in 2018. And this dividing line also runs between the main presidential candidates.

The main candidates are Minister of Foreign Affairs Masis Mayilyan and former Prime Minister Arayik Harutyunyan. Masis Mayilyan positions himself as a person who is not connected with the former oligarchic Stepanakert-Yerevan-Moscow hierarchy, unlike Harutyunyan, whom many perceive as the very embodiment of this power structure.

The election campaign in Karabakh clearly reflected this major difference: Masis Mayilyan was careful to avoiding promises while campaigning, while Arayik Harutyunyan, on the contrary, spoke about grandiose plans implemented with the help of “investors.” At the same time, the main argument against Mayilyan was that the Russian Federal Security Service supposedly forbade him from entering Russia for a period of five years.

It is difficult to say to who the residents of Karabakh will vote for, but many understand that they live in a country that may be involved in military operations at any time. Literally on the eve of the elections, there was enemy gunfire in villages in the Tavush region of Armenia. Three servicemen and a 14-year-old were injured. Azerbaijan cannot be an indifferent observer in the election of a legitimate, sovereign power in Nagorno-Karabakh.

The Turkish Foreign Ministry also urged on the international community not to recognize the elections in Nagorno-Karabakh. Apparently, Turkey understands that Nagorno-Karabakh has the potential be an important participant in negotiations on decisive issues in the region. Turkey and Azerbaijan, as well as Russia, are trying to prevent this. The Armenian side is doing everything it can to form a national political bond. And the elections in Nagorno-Karabakh will reflect the struggle between these players.”

Azerbaijani press: Embassy: Canada supports Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity and does not recognize so-called "elections" in Karabakh

Wed 01 Apr 2020 15:06 GMT | 19:06 Local Time

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Canada supports the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, the Canadian embassy in Turkey wrote on its Twitter account.

"Canada supports the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and doesn’t recognize the so-called “elections” held in Nagorno Karabakh on March 31. Such “elections” undermine efforts, incl by the OSCE Minsk Group, to achieve a peaceful settlement of the Nagorno Garabagh conflict," the embassy has tweeted.

Cairo: Armenian community donates EGP 1 million to Tahya Misr fund for coronavirus response

Ahram Online, Egypt
April 5 2020
Nora Koloyan-Keuhnelian , Sunday 5 Apr 2020
On the day the Armenian community in Egypt, together with the Western world, celebrated Palm Sunday, head of the community, Primate of the Armenian Orthodox Church in Egypt Bishop Ashod Mnatsaganian, revealed to Ahram Online his community’s donation of EGP 1 million to the state charitable fund Tahya Misr to support the Egyptian government’s efforts in combating the coronavirus pandemic.

“We owe it to this Holy Land. It is the least we can offer as a helping hand to fight this pandemic in a country that showed a warm attitude towards our nation in the past and continues to do so at present, for which we are grateful,” Mnatsaganian told Ahram Online via telephone immediately after the Holy Mass of Palm Sunday. 
The mass was broadcast live on the Facebook page of Egypt’s Armenian Diocese from Cairo’s St Gregory the Illuminator’s Church, for community worshippers to follow with prayers.
Armenians have been present in Egypt since the 8th century CE. Their number increased during the 12th to 16th centuries, and a community was formed in the 19th century after the genocide perpetuated by Ottoman Turks.
On 15 September 1915, four French warships, including the Guichen, and one British naval vessel, transported 4,231 refugees from Musa Ler or Mount Moses — a site of Armenian resistance — to Port Fouad of Port Said, where they lived peacefully in camps until they were able to return to their homes in November 1919.
As Armenia is the first nation to adopt Christianity as its official state religion, in 301 AD, the Armenian nation is very much attached to its church. Armenians are also keen to preserve their language and culture and expose it to broader sections of Egyptian society and to the whole world. The contributions Armenians have made to Egypt are too numerous to mention.
This is not the first time the community has made such a gesture. In September 2018, while the Egyptian Ministry of Emigration and Expatriate Affairs was celebrating “Egyptian-Armenian Fraternity” in the presence of Armenia’s then Minister of Diaspora Mkhitar Hayrapetyan, the community made a similar donation, EGP 1 million, to the Amiri Main University Hospital in Alexandria.

Editor of Turkish-Armenian daily: Armenian hospital in Istanbul serves only patients with coronavirus, Armenia
April 5 2020

21:01, 05.04.2020

Surp Prgich Armenian hospital in Istanbul has been redesigned into a hospital serving only patients with coronavirus, editor of the Turkish-Armenian Zhamanak daily Ara Kocunyan told Armenia News –

The hospital is the only hospital of national minorities in Turkey that has become an epidemiological hospital and accepts carriers of the virus. The community is aware of about two dozen infected, who are in both the Armenian and other hospitals in the city.

As he noted, there is no panic in the community, but a caution.

According to the editor, there were no recorded cases among the Armenian citizens that they wanted to return to their homeland but couldn’t. He also said that a program of social aid is being carried out for older and disadvantaged people in the community.

As reported earlier, .

Armenia bans interprovincial passenger transport amid lockdown




YEREVAN, MARCH 25, ARMENPRESS. Amid the COVID19 related lockdown, Deputy PM Tigran Avinyan, the Superintendent of the state of emergency, has issued an order on banning interprovincial passenger transportations by buses and mini-buses.

Avinyan also amended an earlier order defining the essential businesses which are allowed to operate, allowing also the publishing of newspapers, as well as paper production, among others. 

The Government of Armenia has imposed a nationwide 7-day lockdown amid the novel coronavirus outbreak. All non-essential businesses and enterprises are closed. Citizens are urged to remain in their homes and go out only in highly essential cases. Anyone going outside must have a passport and a special filled-in form mentioning purpose of exit, time of exit and expected time of return.

Edited and translated by Stepan Kocharyan

Administrative and criminal punishment for violating request to self-isolate debated at parliament




YEREVAN, MARCH 20, ARMENPRESS. The National Assembly of Armenia is debating the package of bills defining administrative and also criminal punishment for those who violate the request to be isolated or self isolated during the state of emergency in an extraordinary session.

Deputy Justice Minister of Armenia Vahe Danielyan presented the package of bills. He noted that some citizens are resistant to be isolated or self-isolated.

According to the bills, the violation of the request to be isolated or self-isolated provides for a fine of 300-500 times the minimum wage, but if the same action has led to mass spread of the disease the person will be punished by 3 months remand or imprisonment for maximum 5 years.

Another bill provides for a fine of 50-300 times the minimum wage for the violation of the limitations of the publication and spread of information during the state of emergency.

It was decided that following the 1st reading one day will be set for receiving proposals while the 2nd reading will take place Monday at 11:00. The Deputy Justice Minister noted that the hastiness is explained by the goal to prevent the future spread of the disease.

On March 16 Armenia declared a 30-day state of emergency to fight against the spread of the novel coronavirus. The state of emergency is effective until April 14, at 17:00. As of now, the total number of COVID-19 cases in the country is 136, one patient has recovered.

Edited and translated by Tigran Sirekanyan

Nurse among coronavirus patients in Armenia

Panorama, Armenia

A nurse of the Nork Infectious Clinical Hospital in Yerevan is among the 115 people infected with the novel coronavirus in Armenia, Minister of Health Arsen Torosyan said in a Facebook post.

In the minister’s words, the nurse has been hospitalized immediately after testing positive for the virus.

Her condition is satisfactory and she has no pneumonia, Torosyan added.

“These days, healthcare workers are facing a significantly increased workload, often finding themselves in risky situations. They are considered one of the most vulnerable groups to be infected,” he wrote.

“Please respect their work and stay home,” the minister added.

The cases of COVID-19 in Armenia have climbed to 115 as of Thursday morning. 

The first coronavirus patient in Armenia is said to have recovered and discharged from hospital. 

The country declared a 30-day state of emergency on March 16 in an effort to curb the spread of the virus.  

Belarus ready to provide Armenia with 10m seedlings for reforestation

BelTA, Belarus
March 12 2020

YEREVAN, 12 March (BelTA – ARMENPRESS) – The Belarusian government is ready to provide Armenia with 10 million seedlings for the tree planting program, Belarus Forestry Minister Vitaly Drozhzha said at a meeting of the intergovernmental commission in Yerevan.

“I will soon meet with Armenian Environment Minister Erik Grigoryan, and I think we will discuss this issue. In 2019, we planted 50,000 trees in Armenia. trees, laid down a forest of Belarusian-Armenian friendship, the official opening of which will take place on 13 March. Now we are ready to send another 10 million young plants to Armenia,” the minister said.

Vitaly Drozhzha expressed the hope that the parties will achieve positive results on this front soon. According to the minister, it is very important that Armenia pays serious attention to reforestation. “In Belarus, forests occupy about 40% of the territory, and in Armenia – 11%. It is commendable that your country has set the task of doubling this share by 2050. We are ready to help Armenia to the best of our abilities, as we have a lot of experience in this area," said Vitaly Drozhzha.