Two more quarantined people test positive on coronavirus in Armenia

Public Radio of Armenia
Mach 13 2020

Armenia shuts educational institutions until March 23 over coronavirus – PM

National Post, Canada
March 13 2020
March 13, 2020
2:04 PM EDT
MOSCOW — Armenia’s educational institutions will remain closed until March 23 over coronavirus worries, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said on Friday.
The country had already closed kindergartens, schools and universities for one week after it confirmed its first case of the virus earlier this month.
Pashinyan’s deputy, Tigran Avinyan, said later on Friday that Armenia and neighboring Georgia were suspending the cross-border movement of their citizens for a 10-day period in an effort to curb the spread of the virus.
The measure does not apply to people transporting commercial goods, he said.
Armenia has recorded eight cases of coronavirus, according to the health ministry. (Reporting by Nvard Hovhannisyan Writing by Gabrielle Tétrault-Farber Editing by Frances Kerry)

Network for Armenian Genocide Research launched at Oxford University

Public Radio of Armenia

Head of PAP Gagik Tsarukyan believes that a judge should be at least 35 years old

Arminfo, Armenia
March 6 2020

ArmInfo.Head of the Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP), Gagik Tsarukyan, believes that a judge should be at least 35 years old. He said this on March 6 in an interview with  reporters, referring to the initiative to reduce the age limit for judges from 28 to 25 years.

He noted that he advocated the active participation of young  personnel in the life of the country, but this participation should  have limitations. "25 year-old young people can be judges on economic  issues, but when it comes to the fate of people, then you need a  person with experience.

Therefore, in my opinion, a judge should be at least 35 years old,  "the MP emphasized. Tsarukyan urged his colleagues to study  international experience, where the age limit for judges is also  quite high." This is an objective reality. If they want to make  changes, then this should be done with the study of the experience of  other countries. You can study the experience of the United States or  England," he stressed.

It should be noted that today a draft law on reducing the age limit  for judges from 28 to 25 years was discussed in the Armenian  parliament.

Coronovirus not danger to public health: Armenia’s health minister on registering first case in Armenia

Aysor, Armenia
March 1 2020

No country is guaranteed from spread of coronavirus, Armenia’s health minister Arsen Torosyan told the reporters today.

“We have just one brought case which makes us undertake new steps. But I can state that it is not of public health danger. The infected person is not being specially treated, he is just isolated,” the minister said.

Torosyan also said 52 passengers arrived in the first plane from Iran, and 82 in the second.

Asbarez: Recognition of Artsakh is a Priority for Hai-Tahd, Says ARF Bureau Chairman

ARF Bureau chairman Hagop Der Khachadourian addresses the opening of a Hai-Tahd conference in Yerevan

“Standing shoulder-to-shoulder with the soldiers on the Armenian border is a second Armenian Army—the ARF’s Hai-Tahd apparatus,” said Armenian Revolutionary Federation Bureau chairman Hagop Der Khachadourian as he kicked off a conference of the party’s Hai-Tahd activists in Yerevan on Monday.

Der Khachadourian outlined the four key aspects of Hai-Tahd advocacy and activism, all of which will be part of the issues discussed and assessed during the conference.

The first, he explained, was the focus on the republics of Armenia and Artsakh. In Armenia’s case the Hai-Tahd committees are focused on strengthening the statehood, while the priority with Artsakh is on the one hand the resolution of the Karabakh conflict with the inclusion of the right to self-determination and the international recognition of Artsakh on the other.

The second focus of the ARF’s Hai-Tahd work is the international recognition of the Armenian Genocide and the eventual recognition by Turkey. Der Khachadourian explained that in order for expand the issue within the legal community, the ARF launched the Legal Institute to advance our cause based on issues “stemming from the Genocide, stemming from Sevres [treaty].”

The ARF leader explained that a third priority was the defense of the rights of Armenians who reside on lands that belong to Armenia. Der Khachadourian added that in the case of Western Armenia, cultivating relations and working with local minorities, such as the Kurds and Lezgis and to foster cooperation with others who have suffered similar fates at the hands of the Ottoman regime—Greeks, Cypriots, Assyrians.

The fourth area of focus for the party’s Hai-Tahd operations is the politicization of the Armenian people, especially the youth.

Der Khachadourian explained that the Hai-Tahd offices are in constant contact with the foreign ministries of Armenia and Artsakh to coordinate activities, and in the event that the approaches are different, inform them and exchange information with them. He explained that the coordination effort with the government kicked off Sunday when a two-hour seminar was held with Armenia’s Foreign Minister and deputy ministers.

The four-day Hai-Tahd conference, which kicked off in Yerevan on Monday will continue in Stepanakert. The conference will also discuss Armenia-Turkey relations, the new phase od Turkey-Azerbaijan anti-Armenian campaign and the protection of the rights of the Armenians in Javakhk. Der Khachadourian also said the conference will explore ways to assist the Armenian community in Istanbul.

Armenian Church commemorates the memory of 150 Patriarchs participating in the Ecumenical Council of Constantinople

Panorama, Armenia
Feb 22 2020
Society 13:19 22/02/2020 Armenia

The Armenian Apostolic Church commemorates today the 150 Pontiffs participating in the Ecumenical Council of Constantinople, reports. During different periods of history the Ecumenical Church has faced various problems of doctrinal, administrative and organizational nature, solutions to which have been provided during the Ecumenical Councils. One of such councils was the Second Ecumenical Council convened upon the order of the King Theodosios in Constantinople, in 381.

As the result of Arian disputes a new heresy had appeared, the head and supporter of which was Bishop Makedon of Constantinople, who denied the deity of the Holy Spirit. The Ecumenical Council convened in Constantinople on that special occasion, re-endorsed the definition of the Ecumenical Council of Nicaea and stack for the formulation “One deity, three persons”.

Accepting the Ecumenical Council, the Armenian Apostolic Church commemorates the memory of 150 Patriarchs participating in the Council.

Armenia PM in Berlin: I am going to publish our strategic vision by 2050, Armenia
Feb 14 2020

12:43, 14.02.2020

The revolution [in Armenia] was based on a slogan we had been voicing for many years. Armenia’s Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan stated this during his address yesterday at the Friedrich Ebert Foundation (Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung) in Berlin.

"When we were saying to the citizens of the Republic of Armenia that 'The future of Armenia depends on one person, and you are that one person;' we want every citizen of Armenia to adopt this very slogan," he particularly noted. “And, in essence, we lay the same concept on the basis of economic revolution (…).

And we urge our citizens, including foreign investors, of course, to pursue economic activity in the Republic of Armenia, and thus get rich and make rich.

We say that individual effort is the key factor that will ultimately lead to the economic revolution in Armenia (…).

But in this respect it is very important for us to encourage education. In the near future I am going to publish our strategic vision of Armenia by 2050. (…) We have a task of making education in the Republic of Armenia a national way of life.”

Territories and security: Armenian, Azerbaijani leaders discuss NK conflict in Munich

Aysor, Armenia
Feb 15 2020

Armenia’s Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan participated today with Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev in discussion over Nagorno Karabakh conflict on the margins of Munich Security Conference.

Russian Kommersant journalist asked the parties about Russia’s proposals addressed to the conflict settlement, in particular, leaving the NK status for future discussion and do something to which the parties will agree easier like for instance the creation of corridor, finding mid-term solution.

“It is possible. This proposal was seriously viewed by us,” Azerbaijani president said.

“In general we gave our consent. It is clear that the conflict must be solved stage by stage. The first stage must be the liberation of part of occupied territories and this point exists in Russia’s proposal. This must follow the return of displaced Azerbaijanis, resettlement of the territories, in the same period the relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia will regulate and the NK status will be discussed in future, after the parties express readiness,” Azerbaijani president said, adding that without liberation of the territories it is impossible to agree over the status.

“The status must not impede the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan,” he said.

In his turn, Armenia’s Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan stated that after the first meeting in Dushanbe together with President Aliyev they made a “little revolution.”

“After this meeting the tension in general reduced unprecedentedly, and we managed to establish direct contact. I must admit that President Aliyev is the co-author of this step,” Armenia’s PM said.

“President Aliyev is speaking about the territories. From the Azerbaijani viewpoint they are territories but from the Karabakh viewpoint it is security. It is necessary to understand how today’s status quo has formed because when Nagorno Karabakh tried to apply its right to self-determination military actions launched against the Armenians of the Nagorno Karabakh forcing them to organize self-defense. For years Stepanakert was shelled. It is impossible for anyone to compromise the security, in case of Karabakh it is impossible too,” Pashinyan stressed.

The head of the government also stressed that though Aliyev claims that Nagorno Karabakh is not conflicting party, Azerbaijan has twice signed treaties with NK.

Armenia’s Pashinyan on constitutional referendum: We cannot tolerate such situation, Armenia
Feb 14 2020

10:40, 14.02.2020

We will have the Constitutional Court envisioned from our constitution in 2035, not a day before, because the representatives of the previous government, as a result of certain manipulations, for example, have elected the Constitutional Court (CC) president who shall hold office until 2035. Armenia’s Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan stated this during a February 13 discussion at the Friedrich Ebert Foundation (Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung).

"That is to say, in spite of our Constitution, no CC presidential election will be held for 18 years," he added, in particular.

According to Pashinyan, although the Constitution stipulates that CC judges can serve for 12 years, as a result of these legislative manipulations, if nothing changes, the majority of CC members shall be in office for 25-30 years.

"This is just an unacceptable situation for us," he added. “The existence of such a CC in general casts doubt on the system of institutional reforms in Armenia, because it is a party CC, and that party is the party which led Armenia into a corrupt system and which today dreams of failing democracy in Armenia.

We cannot tolerate such a situation. And what have we done? We have put the issue to a nationwide referendum, whereby we propose that those CC members whose tenure does not meet the conditions and requirements set by the current Constitution will be terminated, and that we have a CC that meets the Constitution."

He added that the judicial reform is now on the National Assembly’s agenda, according to which all newly appointed judges will pass an integrity check at the Corruption Prevention Commission.

"The impartiality of our judges is a mandatory condition, and we must provide such conditions," Pashinyan added. “Armenia exists and will continue to be a democratic state. I hope that all our international partners will support our country in continuing this important process."