Sports: Anastasia Galustyan fails to overcome qualification round at the European Figure Skating Championships

Panorama, Armenia
Jan 25 2020
Sport 16:48 25/01/2020 Armenia

Armenia’s representative Anastasia Galustyan failed to overcome the obstacle of the qualification round of the at the 2020 European Figure Skating Championships underway in Graz, Austria

As the National Olympic Committee reported, In the women’s short program event Galustyan scored 50,08 points taking the 24th position.

Opportunities for constructing alternative energy stations in Armenia discussed with Iranian company

Panorama, Armenia
Nov 2 2019

Armenian  Minister of Territorial Administration and Development Suren Papikyan who is on a working trip to Iran, attended on November 1 the 19th Iran International Electricity Exhibition in Tehran. As the ministry press service reported, the exhibition gathered companies from 13 countries.

Minister Papikyan got familiarized with latest electricity products and equipment, their capabilities represented at the exhibition by local and international companies. Discussions on opportunities for cooperation and service provision of number of products were held with representatives of the companies.

On the sidelines of the Exhibition, Minister Papikyan had meetings with Aide to Iranian Minister of Energy as well as the head of MAPNA Group which is the biggest Iranian enterprise operating in the area of construction and development of thermal power plants.

The meeting focused on the possibility of MAPNA Group participation in building alternative energy stations in Armenia, specifically in the wind power development the source added.

ANCA: U.S. House Votes Overwhelmingly To Lock In Armenian Genocide Recognition, Rejecting Turkey’s Denial Of This Crime

PR Newswire
Oct 29 2019

– Armenian National Committee of America Supported Bipartisan Measure (H.Res.296) Integral to Establishing Principled U.S. Policy on the Armenian Genocide

News provided by

Armenian National Committee of America

Oct 29, 2019, 17:38 ET

WASHINGTON, Oct. 29, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — In a major blow to Ankara's obstruction of justice for the Armenian Genocide, the U.S. House today voted overwhelmingly to pass H.Res.296, an Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) backed measure locking in ongoing U.S. recognition of this crime and officially rejecting Turkey's denial of the genocide it committed against Armenians, Greeks, Assyrians, Chaldeans, Syriacs, Maronites and other Christian nations. The Armenian Genocide Resolution (H.Res.296) was adopted by a vote of 405 to 11.

Armenian National Committee of America Executive Director Aram Hamparian stated, "The ANCA welcomes the U.S. House of Representatives vote overriding the longest-lasting foreign veto in American history – Ankara's gag-rule against honest American remembrance of the Armenian Genocide. We must now move forcefully toward a truthful, just and comprehensive resolution of Turkey's crime against humanity that killed over 1.5 million innocent Armenians."

Hamparian continued, "While much can be said of today's vote – this is crystal clear. First, this vote exposed – in powerful ways – Ankara's attempts to enlist America in its obstruction of justice for the Armenian Genocide. Second, this vote places America on the side of justice, which has, for far too long, been denied to the victims and surviving generations of the Armenian Genocide."

The Armenian Genocide Resolution (H.Res.296) establishes, as a matter of U.S. policy, 1) the rejection of Armenian Genocide denial, 2) ongoing official U.S. government recognition and remembrance of this crime, and 3) support for education about the Armenian Genocide in order to help prevent modern-day atrocities.  Representatives Adam Schiff (D-CA) and Gus Bilirakis (R-FL) led the House effort, while Senators Bob Menendez (D-NJ) and Ted Cruz (R-TX) are spearheading the Senate measure (S.Res.150). 

The ANCA has consistently pushed back against Turkey's denials, striving to put America on the right side of the Armenian Genocide. Thousands of letters and phone calls have already been sent to Congress by Armenian American advocates through the ANCA online portal –

For more information on the Armenian Genocide:

SOURCE Armenian National Committee of America

Վարչապետը Բուլղարիայի փոխվարչապետի հետ քննարկել է երկկողմ համագործակցությունը

  • 28.10.2019

  • Հայաստան


Վարչապետ Նիկոլ Փաշինյանն այսօր ընդունել է Բուլղարիայի Հանրապետության փոխվարչապետ, արտաքին գործերի նախարար Եկատերինա Զախարիևային:

Վարչապետը նշել է, որ դինամիկ բնույթ կրող բարձրաստիճան հանդիպումները նպաստում են երկու երկրների միջև քաղաքական երկխոսության զարգացմանը և տնտեսական կապերի աշխուժացման նոր հնարավորությունների իրացմանը: Այս համատեքստում Նիկոլ Փաշինյանը կարևորել է այս տարի մարտին հայ-բուլղարական միջկառավարական հանձնաժողովի նիստի և դրա շրջանակում գործարար համաժողովի անցկացումը:

«Հայաստանը կարևորում է Բուլղարիայի հետ ինչպես երկկողմ, այնպես էլ ԵՄ շրջանակում փոխգործակցության խորացումը: Եվրոպական միությունը Հայաստանի ժողովրդավարական բարեփոխումների օրակարգի կարևորագույն գործընկերներից է, և Բուլղարիայի հետ հարաբերությունների ամրապնդումը, Արևելյան Եվրոպայի երկրների հետ փորձի փոխանակումը բխում է այդ տրամաբանությունից», – ասել է կառավարության ղեկավարը՝ երախտագիտություն հայտնելով Բուլղարիային ՀՀ-ԵՄ Համապարփակ և ընդլայնված գործընկերության համաձայնագրի արագ վավերացման համար: Նիկոլ Փաշինյանը կարևորել է Բուլղարիայի հայ համայնքի դերը երկկողմ կապերի ամրապնդման գործում:

Բուլղարիայի փոխվարչապետը ևս նկատել է, որ երկու երկրների միջև բարձր մակարդակի պաշտոնական շփումները և քննարկումները, որոնք վերջին շրջանում բավական ակտիվ են, վկայում են հայ-բուլղարական կապերին փոխադարձաբար տրվող կարևորության մասին:

«Բուլղարիան աջակցում է Հայաստանի ժողովրդավարական զարգացման օրակարգին, ՀՀ-ԵՄ գործընկերության ընդլայնմանը և պատրաստ է կիսվել բարեփոխումների գործընթացում իր կուտակած փորձով: Պատահական չէ, որ Բուլղարիան ԵՄ երկրների շարքում առաջիններից էր, որ վավերացրեց Հայաստան-Եվրամիություն Համապարփակ և ընդլայնված գործընկերության համաձայնագիրը», – նշել է Եկատերինա Զախարիևան:

ՀՀ վարչապետը և Բուլղարիայի փոխվարչապետն անդրադարձել են Եվրոպական միության հետ մուտքի արտոնագրերի ազատականացման գործընթացին, խոսել ժողովրդավարական բարեփոխումների՝ հակակոռուպցիոն պայքարի, դատաիրավական համակարգի, կառուցվածքային ռեֆորմների գործընթացում փորձի փոխանակման կարևորության շուրջ: Քննարկվել են նաև տարածաշրջանային նշանակության նախաձեռնությունների հեռանկարները:

Զրուցակիցները քննարկել են առևտրատնտեսական կապերի զարգացման հարցեր: Տնտեսական համագործակցության նոր մակարդակ արձանագրելու համատեքստում Նիկոլ Փաշինյանը կարևորել է օդային ուղիղ կապի գործարկումը, որը կնպաստի գործարար շփումների, զբոսաշրջային այցերի ակտիվացմանը, ինչպես նաև հեռանկարային համարել տրանսպորտի, տեղեկատվական տեխնոլոգիաների, ենթակառուցվածքների և այլ ոլորտներում ծրագրերը: Եկատերինա Զախարիևան համակարծիք է եղել ՀՀ վարչապետի հետ՝ նշելով, որ օդային ուղիղ հաղորդակցությունը կխթանի փոխադարձ առևտրային, ներդրումային, զբոսաշրջային կապերի զարգացումը: Պայմանավորվածություն է ձեռք բերվել այս և վերոնշյալ ուղղություններով առարկայական արդյունքներ արձանագրելուն միտված անելիքների շուրջ:

Կողմերը մտքեր են փոխանակել Լեռնային Ղարաբաղի հակամարտության կարգավորման շուրջ: Վարչապետը երախտագիտություն է հայտնել Բուլղարիայի հավասարակշռված դիրքորոշման համար և ընդգծել, որ Հայաստանը հակամարտության կարգավորումը տեսնում է խաղաղ բանակցությունների ճանապարհով՝ ԵԱՀԿ Մինսկի խմբի համանախագահության շրջանակում: Եկատերինա Զախարիևան վերահաստատել է Բուլղարիայի հավասարակշռված դիրքորոշումը ԼՂ հակամարտության կարգավորման հարցում և նշել, որ Բուլղարիան սատարում է ԵԱՀԿ Մինսկի խմբի համանախագահության մանդատի ներքո խաղաղ բանակցային գործընթացին:

Israeli political scientist: Turkey`s obvious aggressiveness gives Armenia a stabilizing importance

Arminfo, Armenia
Oct 11 2019

ArmInfo. The Turkish invasion of Syria opens up additional opportunities for cooperation between Israel and Armenia. A similar opinion was expressed by ArmInfo, an  Israeli public figure, political scientist Avigdor Eskin.

"With Turkey's obviously unbridled aggressive outbursts, a strong  Armenia is important to the whole region and the whole world as a  stabilizing factor. It's time to realize this and help Armenia in its  formation and strengthening," he emphasized.  According to Eskin,  after the start of the Turkish invasion of Syria, the casualties of  hostilities are in the hundreds. What, the political scientist  considers not surprising, calling to recall the tens of thousands of  Kurds destroyed by Ankara since the beginning of the eighties.  However, this time it is not just about the Turkish invasion of  Syria, but also about the introduction of terrorist gangs of a  radical Sunni orientation there, including militants of the notorious  "Islamic State".

This course of events, according to the forecasts of a political  scientist, threatens the results of the Russian military operation in  Syria. And if Erdogan manages to let all the bloodthirsty fanatics  who are now in Turkey into the neighboring country, the future of  Syria will again be in jeopardy. An important lesson, in his opinion,  is the next political failure of the Kurdish movement, and if two  years ago they had a chance of independence, it was their own  fragmentation that led them to a fiasco.  The consequences of what  are observed today.

"In Israel, the threat that present-day Turkey poses to the entire  Middle East region is well understood. Erdogan's recent steps prove  his inability to act within the framework of civilizational norms.  Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu promised assistance to  Kurdish militias. Some Israeli ministers are calling for Israel to  recognize an independent Kurdistan." – summed up Eskin.

On October 10, the Turkish army invaded the northern regions of  neighboring Syria. Turkish President Recep Erdogan describes such  actions as "directed against PKK and IG Operation "Source of the  World." The objectives of the operation, he said, are to ensure the  security of the southern border of Turkey from terrorists, to protect  the territorial integrity of Syria and the return of the Syrians,  "which Turkey cannot contain forever." Ankara's actions have  criticized almost all neighboring countries, EU and USA. The latter  explicitly threatened Turkey with sanctions. The Turkish Ministry of  Defense reported that, according to the latest data, 174 terrorists  were killed during the operation. In Syria, reported the deaths of  eight civilians and 20 wounded. 

Yerevan, Moscow Spar Over ‘Artsakh is Armenia’ Comment

Armenia’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Anna Naghdalyan and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov


A day after Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and President Vladimir Putin of Russia heaped praise on the ongoing “strong” relations between Yerevan and Moscow, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov called Pashinyan’s statement that “Artsakh is Armenia. Period,” calling it non-conducive for the advancement of the Karabakh conflict resolution process.

Speaking at the Russian think-thank Valdai Forum in Sochi on Wednesday, Lavrov lamented at parties to the Karabakh conflict “making quite serious statements.”

“In particular,” Lavorv said, “there has been a statement to the effect that Karabakh is Armenia, just like Albanian Prime Minister [Edi] Rama said from Tirana than Kosovo is Albania. This certainly does not help to create an atmosphere conducive to the resumption of the political [settlement] process.”

Lavrov was referencing a speech given by Pashinyan at a rally in Stepanakert in August on the eve of the opening ceremonies of the Pan-Armenian Games, where he said, “Artsakh is Armenia. Period,” evidently disturbing Russia’s top diplomat.

When asked about Lavrov’s statement, Armenia’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Anna Naghdalyan, during a press briefing on Thursday, cited official Baku’s ongoing rants about how the Karabakh conflict must be resolved “exclusively within the framework of Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity.” Naghdalyan insisted that such assertions “do not contribute to the fostering an atmosphere of respect in advancing the peace process.”

“Armenia has and continues to support the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairmanship format, which has provided impartial and unbiased mediation on the conflict and has united the co-chairing countries in their efforts for a peaceful resolution. At the same time we find it important for each of the mediators to avoid random and one-sided assessments,” said Naghdalyan.

“Armenia’s position has been clearly expressed in all of the Armenian prime minister’s speeches, including in the September 24 speech made at the U.N., during which he reiterated the formula proposed by Armenia on achieving peace and compromise. In this regard we consider unacceptable Azerbaijan’s inability to publicly express the kind of solutions for peace, which will be acceptable for the people of Armenia, Artsakh and Azerbaijan,” added Naghdalyan.

The foreign ministry spokesperson also clarified other statement made by Lavrov who said that mechanisms were in place for exchanging prisoners and returning remains of killed soldiers to their respective countries.

“No exchange of remains has taken place, rather Artsakh authorities allowed the retrieval of an Azerbaijani serviceman’s remains as a humanitarian step,” explained Naghdalyan.

We must clearly note that Armenia is not considering an exchange of prisoners kept in the territories of the parties, but is proceeding from positions of addressing every individual case within the framework of humanitarian law,” added Naghdalyan.

Lavrov made the statements a day before Putin met with Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev at the same forum in Sochi, where Aliyev told Putin, “For us, Russia is a very important partner, friend and good neighbor. We very much value this relationship.” Neither leader mentioned the Karabakh conflict in public remarks.

It wouldn’t be the first time that Lavrov has used his pulpit to admonish Yerevan. Last year, he inserted himself in Armenia’s domestic affairs when he commented on the criminal proceedings related to the March 1, 2008 case, calling actions taken against indicted suspects politically motivated.

It is commendable that the Armenian Foreign Ministry emphasized the disparity in Lavrov’s statements and essentially fact-checked his remarks about prisoner exchanges. What is curious is if Moscow has such concerns, why then did Putin and Pashinyan praise Yerevan-Moscow relations in their public announcements after a meeting Tuesday in Yerevan on the margins of the Eurasian Economic Union summit?

“Armenia-Russia relations are on a reliable and positive course,” Pashinyan reiterated on Wednesday in a Facbook post, where he also announced that he had a second meeting with Putin at Zvartnots airport on Tuesday that lasted 90 minutes and “will give new impetus to Armenia-Russia relations.”

The Karabakh conflict as a topic of discussion was not mentioned by Putin or Pashinyan in their public statements. One wonders if it was even discussed.

Sports: Armenia weightlifting coach reveals U23 squad and medal target for 2019

MediaMax, Armenia
Oct 2 2019
Armenia weightlifting coach reveals U23 squad and medal target for 2019

Head coach of the Armenian team Pashik Alaverdyan has announced that 9 athletes will represent Armenia in the junior tournament and 8 – in the U23 competition. Most of them won medals in the World Championship in Pattaya last week.

The U23 squad includes Hamlet Mnatsakanyan (61kg weight category), Nshan Antonyan (67 kg), Levon Manukyan (73 kg), Davit Hovhannisyan and Hakob Mkrtchyan (89 kg), Samvel Babakyan (96 kg), Samvel Gasparyan (102 kg) and Simon Martirosyan (+109 kg). The only female athlete to represent Armenia in Bucharest is Tatev Hakobyan (87 kg).

“We will do everything to increase the number of medals and improve on what we achievement last year. We got 81 medals in 2018 and we want to make it 90. We have won 40 so far in 2019,” said Alaverdyan.

Artsakh official: Azerbaijan suffered two losses during attempted subversive attack

Panorama, Armenia
Sept 27 2019

Another Azerbaijani serviceman was seriously wounded during a failed incursion on the Artsakh frontline positions on Sunday, September 22, Artsakh presidential advisor Tigran Abrahamyan wrote on Facebook.

In an official statement the Artsakh Defense Ministry said the Azerbaijani subversive group left behind one body in the no-man’s land after being repelled by the Artsakh frontline troops.

“The Defense Army suffered no losses,” the ministry noted, adding that some episodes of the attack were caught on the surveillance cameras.

Artsakh returned the body of the killed saboteur to Azerbaijan on 24 September.

Abrahamyan said the wounded Azerbaijani soldier somehow managed to throw themselves back into their trenches and apparently succumbed to his wounds later.

“Our servicemen who witnessed the incident also confirmed this,” he said.

The advisor cited Facebook user Alen Ghulyan, who found and shared a video from the funeral ceremony of the soldier killed on the same day and in the same direction. He also posted photos of the Azerbaijani saboteur, which obviously show that he was not a conscript.

The second saboteur was identified as Qürbət Qürbət oğlu Quliyev.  

Sports: Giorgio Petrosyan talks of his hard life in Armenia before becoming a kickboxing legend

Fan Sided
Sept 19 2019

by Amy Kaplan 32 minutes ago Follow @photoamy33

Giorgio Petrosyan grew up in war-torn Armenia, pushing through each and every day with his family just to survive. That is what has turned “The Doctor” into one of the best kickboxers in the world today.

Petrosyan takes on Samy Sana in the finals of the ONE Featherweight Kickboxing World Grand Prix at ONE: Century Part 2 on Sunday, Oct. 13, 3019 from the Ryogoku Kokugikan in Tokyo, Japan. The bout is on part two of the doubleheader.

The 33-year-old Petrosyan has over 100 professional kickboxing matches on his resume, but his drive to compete and become the best started back as a young child in Yerevan, Armenia.

“I was just a kid then and I remember doing chores around the house with my mother,” Petrosyan said. “We had no electricity and we would get just one hour of electricity a day. My brother would go out and get bread at six in the morning since there was a family that had some. We needed gas for heating, so we had no heat because we did not have any gas.

“Times were hard, but I have to say that my parents always provided for me and I think it was much harder on them because I was just a little boy. It felt normal for me, but my parents had it tough, and Armenia as a whole, because those were difficult times.”

Petrosyan and his family fled Armenia just as the war was coming to an end. He would make his kickboxing debut in 2003, winning his first nine bouts before a draw. In 2018, Petrosyan stepped inside the ONE ring for the first time, earning a decision over Jo Nattawut at ONE: Heroes of Honor. He has picked up three more wins under the ONE Championship banner.

“I pull out all the stops and I train so hard so that I will be able to do what I know best when I get in the ring,” he said. “I am very relaxed when I step into the ring because I know what I am supposed to do. I love (competing) and I love showing off what I am capable of.”

ONE: Century features Aung La N Sang defending his ONE Light Heavyweight World Championship against Brandon Vera, along with Bibiano Fernandes putting his ONE Bantamweight World Championship on the line against Kevin Belingon — notable matchups among a series of compelling showdowns.

ONE Championship: Century takes place on Sunday, October 13, 2019, live from the Ryogoku Kokugikan in Tokyo, Japan. Follow along with FanSided MMA who will be cage-side for all your live results and highlights from the night.

Armenian government’s plan to close down boarding schools is fraught with serious violations of children’s rights

ARKA, Armenia
Sept 2 2019

YEREVAN, September 2. /ARKA/. The Armenian government’s plan to close down boarding schools is fraught with serious violations of children's rights, the head of the National Pedagogical and Psychological Center Armine Davtyan stated at a press conference today.

She said the closure of boarding schools and handing the children down to the full custody of their families should be carried out in stages. 'If the process is forced, the children may find themselves in difficult social conditions, which will also affect their psyche. The promised monitoring of the families cannot guarantee their safety and care in families which suffer from social and other problems," she said.

She said although the rights of the child to the family are enshrined in the Constitution, there are no guarantees that the child will  receive care in the family, and the money the government gives the family  for it will be spent as intended.

“After classes in boarding schools the child is under guardianship, but if the schools are liquidated, the child may end up on the street or in conditions that would injure their psyche. It will be especially difficult for children with physical disabilities if they are not accepted in their own family," said Davtyan.
According to Armine Davtyan, difficulties in the family can lead to increased child vagrancy, as well as increased crime among children and serious mental disorders.

She said special boarding schools must be preserved for those children whose residence in their own families is completely impossible. According to her, the state should develop new criteria for admission to boarding schools, based on the observance of children's rights, especially guarantees of their safety, education and care.

"It is clear that the actions of the government should be aimed at maintaining a healthy and strong family, but in cases where the safety of children and their rights are violated, strict measures must be taken," Davtyan said. –0-