Armenian president is ready to give advice to the government

MediaMax, Armenia
Aug 22 2019
Armenian president is ready to give advice to the government
Yerevan /Mediamax/. The Department of Public Relations of the Staff of Armenian President Armen Sarkissian has released a statement saying that "although the Constitution does not authorize the President to interfere in the work of other state institutions, the President is always ready to provide his experience and advice in order to help with the issues of national importance”.
“President Armen Sarkissian consistently supports political decisions that are based on the national interests and the strengthening of Armenian statehood.
We would like to recall that during the recent visit to Lori marz, the President attached importance to protection of environment and stated: “We must do everything possible to avoid damaging the environment. We need concrete plans for what we do in nature protection, economy, development of the country, and tourism,”” the statement reads.

Pleas that Trump deport Iraqi Christians to safer country go unmet

Aug 25 2019
Pleas that Trump deport Iraqi Christians to safer country go unmet

The issue has gained attention after Michigan resident Jimmy Aldaoud died following his deportation to Iraq.

08/25/2019 07:08 AM EDT

Long before Jimmy Aldaoud died in Baghdad, an activist trying to stop President Donald Trump from deporting Christians like Aldaoud to Iraq hit on an idea: What if the U.S. could deport them to a different, safer country?

Steve Oshana raised the suggestion with several people in the Trump administration, pointing out that Christians face discrimination and persecution in Iraq. He offered up his preferred alternative: Christian-majority Armenia, whose officials had signaled to him they’d be willing to consider taking the deportees.

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But the idea got nowhere, even though he ran it by White House advisers, State Department officials and figures in the Department of Homeland Security. Oshana was still pushing the option when word came earlier this month that Aldaoud had died. The 41-year-old Michigan resident had been sent to Iraq in June despite speaking no Arabic and having spent nearly his entire life in the United States. He is thought to have died because he couldn’t get the insulin he needed for his diabetes.

“I feel so guilty about what happened to Jimmy,” said Oshana, executive director of the Christian advocacy group A Demand for Action. “I don’t know if we could have done anything more looking back at all this, but it’s hard not to kick yourself wondering if anything else was possible.”

Oshana’s experience offers a glimpse into Trump’s hard-line stance on deportations — people who in the past were deemed relatively low priorities to deport are being removed from the U.S. It also reveals how hard it is for even well-connected advocates to navigate the system amid the crackdown.

Oshana still wants the Trump administration to consider the third-country option for the hundreds of other Christians in the U.S. facing deportation to Iraq. He expects it will be a struggle.

“The biggest impediment is the administration not making the request to another country and not even being willing to discuss it with us in a meaningful way,” Oshana said. “When we make an inquiry, it goes nowhere.”

The State Department and the White House would not say whether the administration was or has ever seriously considered the third-country option for Iraqi nationals facing deportation. They referred requests for comment on this report to the Department of Homeland Security.

Rep. Andy Levin is spearheading legislative efforts to halt virtually all deportations to Iraq. | Carolyn Kaster/AP Photo

Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the DHS division that carries out deportations, did not directly answer a question about the third-country option. It noted in a statement that “federal immigration law provides robust procedures for aliens to challenge their removal from the United States before an immigration judge.”

Emails, texts and other documents seen by POLITICO show Oshana reached out to several Trump administration officials in 2017 to discuss the third-country idea. "I would love to speak with you about this," Oshana wrote to one official. "Their deportation appears to be imminent and I want to make sure they are not dumped in Baghdad where they are almost certainly going to be harmed."

Within the White House, Oshana approached Garry Hall, then a senior National Security Council official, and Victoria Coates, another NSC official who now deals with Middle East issues. He also spoke to Barbara Gonzalez, an ICE official, according to notes from the session. None would offer comment for this report. Oshana said he also raised the idea to administration officials focused on religious freedom issues, hoping they’d lend a sympathetic ear.

In June 2017, Oshana and fellow activists scored a meeting with NSC officials, including Hall, and they used the get-together to bring up the third-country option.

Oshana said he also had been discussing the possibility with various officials from Armenia at the time. The country, which has a population of around 3 million people, is relatively poor, but it has a history of accepting vulnerable Christian refugees.

The Armenians did not rule out the idea, Oshana said. But they noted that diplomatic protocol required that the United States first raise the topic with them. Oshana isn’t sure whether the Trump administration ever approached Armenia — or any other country — about accepting the deportees. A former White House official said the suggestion didn’t go past that June 2017 meeting — at least not in the NSC.

In 2018, Oshana temporarily laid aside the third-country idea as he and other activists focused on pursuing legal challenges to the deportations. The court cases largely halted the deportations that year.

But in April, a federal court effectively gave the go-ahead on the deportations, and within weeks it became clear the administration would carry them out. Oshana began asking around again about the third-country option. In mid-June, he sent an email to the White House asking for another meeting on the topic. He said he never heard back.

By that point, Aldaoud had already been deported to Iraq — ICE removed him from the U.S. in early June without letting him contact his family.

ICE dropped him in Najaf, a Shiite Muslim stronghold in Iraq with few Christians. Aldaoud made his way to Baghdad, but he was in physical and mental distress, supporters said.

U.S. officials previously stressed that Aldaoud was deported because of his criminal record, which includes convictions for assault with a dangerous weapon, domestic violence, theft of personal property, and breaking and entering.

Aldaoud’s supporters argued he had mental health issues that might have contributed to his criminal record and which also often left him homeless in the U.S. None of his crimes justified a deportation to Iraq, they insisted.

Like many Christians who have faced or are facing deportation, many of whom also have criminal records, Aldaoud never obtained U.S. citizenship. He is believed to have been born in Greece to Iraqi refugees who came to the U.S. while he was a baby. He grew up in the Detroit area.

It’s unclear whether U.S. officials considered sending Aldaoud to Greece. But he didn’t have Greek citizenship, and Athens would likely not have taken him.

At least 16 Iraqi nationals have been deported since the April court decision, legal advocates say. The overall number of people deported to Iraq since Trump took office — non-Christians included — is believed to be more than 100.

Iraq for many years refused to accept Iraqi nationals facing deportation from the U.S. Past presidential administrations also hesitated to repatriate the people involved given the dangerous conditions in the Middle Eastern country, which the U.S. invaded in 2003.

The Trump administration told Iraq that it had to accept the deportees if it didn’t want to be one of the countries subject to the president’s 2017 travel ban, which would have barred most Iraqis from entering the United States. Iraq reluctantly agreed.

Voice of America: US authorities to restore financial aid to Armenia and Karabakh, Armenia
Aug 24 2019
Voice of America: US authorities to restore financial aid to Armenia and Karabakh Voice of America: US authorities to restore financial aid to Armenia and Karabakh

10:00, 24.08.2019

The US administration decided to restore the program of financing foreign aid, including assistance to Armenia in 2019, Voice of America reported.

The Trump administration has abandoned the idea of reducing external financing, which implies the restoration of frozen foreign aid in the amount of $ 4 billion.

As for US aid in 2020, including the allocation of funds for Armenia and Armenian programs, discussions on them will continue in the US Senate in September, when the US Congress will return from vacation. This also applies to the amendment of the bill on the provision of $ 40 million for Armenia and the mine clearance program for Nagorno-Karabakh.

President Trump’s administration sought to stop funding foreign aid programs, calling them unnecessary and meaningless, and froze the $ 4 billion appropriation already approved by Congress.

According to political analyst Emil Sanamyan, the process of disbursing funds in the USA is rather complicated: first, the administration makes a proposal, then the bill on foreign aid is discussed by two houses of Congress, an agreement is reached, and finally, the president signs or does not sign the bill.

But the White House abandoned the idea of freezing and cutting foreign aid after it became clear that a number of senior parliamentarians opposed the idea. Both Democrats and Republicans opposed a cut in funds approved by Congress.

This administration wants to spend as little as possible on foreign aid programs, exerting political pressure to achieve maximum reductions,” Sanamyan added.

The administration expressed dissatisfaction with the position of US congressmen. The White House said it is clear that many congressmen do not support efforts to end meaningless spending.

US House Speaker Democrat Nancy Pelosi said a suspension of aid would undermine the parties' confidence in the budget approval process.

Two influential Republican parliamentarians, Senator Lindsey Graham and Congressman Hal Rogers, in their turn, said freezing foreign aid would harm national security and counter-terrorism efforts, and would create problems during budget talks between the White House and Congress.

Organizers of IT Congress in Yerevan Are Eyeing Obama

Union of Advanced Technology Enterprises President Alexander Yesayan briefs reporters on WCIT

Organizers of a large international technology conference, to be held in Yerevan in October, have been negotiating with former President Barack Obama to attend the event, which is dubbed the World Congress of Information Technologies.

The congress organizers, the Union of Advanced Technology Enterprises President Alexander Yesayan told briefed reporters Saturday on efforts to secure Obama’s participation, but did not elaborate further, saying “surprises are expected.”

The WCIT 2019 will host three sets of “Lightning Rounds,” open to all, showcasing flash-forward technologies from start-ups, big companies, universities, and more.

The Lightning Rounds will provide an opportunity for entrepreneurs, innovators and scientists to present their ideas to international venture funds and world famous businessmen, in order to attract investments for their implementation. Fifteen ideas and startups will be selected by a jury of international specialists from submissions received from around the world. “We invite Armenian and foreign startups to register now on WCIT’s official website and submit their ideas,” UATE President Yesayan and Syuzanna Azoyan, WCIT 2019 program director said at the meeting with Armenian and European journalists.

More than 2,500 participants from 70 countries are expected to attend WCIT 2019. The agenda will include discussion of the hottest topics in the industry. ICT industry leaders and innovators, government and global policy leaders, startups, and investors will exchange ideas in sessions such as “Black Swan,” “Innovation Meets Capital,” “Artificial Intelligence in Genomics,” “How ‘Green’ is Silicon,” “Rise of the Machines,” and many others.

WCIT 2019’s program will also feature a panel of ICT ministers from nations across the globe, who will discuss the challenges in moving toward greater delivery of and distribution of enhanced public services and their nations’ best practices in dealing with those challenges.

Another panel will feature the mayors of “smart” cities from around the world, who will discuss the use of ICT in the municipal context and explore both its positive and negative impact on people’s daily lives.

The government of Armenia has declared ICT a strategic goal for economic development. Armenia actively promotes the development of high-tech innovations, ecosystems, and startups, and facilitates foreign direct investment in the ICT sector. There are more than 900 ICT companies in Armenia, including Picsart, Renderforest, Betconstruct, Joomag, and others. Forty-five percent of Armenia’s ICT-related exports go to the USA and Canada, 25% to Europe, and 11% to Asia.

The congress will be preceded by a concert at the Republic Square in downtown Yerevan at 8 p.m. on October 6.

“The world forum has been held in 16 countries, and we have invited musicians from all those countries to form an orchestra under the baton of conductor Sergey Smbatyan. There will be 70 musicians from 16 countries and 30 musicians from Armenia,” Yesayan said.

He noted for the first time in history an orchestra will play a piece of music arranged by artificial intelligence online.

WCIT is an annual congress where the world’s leading technology thinkers and innovators gather to advance the conversation on the key questions facing the industry and the world.

According to Yesayan the theme of the Congress will be “Fulfilling the Promise of the Digital Age – The Power of Decentralization.”

Davit Sanasaryan makes call to Armenia PM concerning Amulsar issue, Armenia
Aug 18 2019
Davit Sanasaryan makes call to Armenia PM concerning Amulsar issue Davit Sanasaryan makes call to Armenia PM concerning Amulsar issue

13:39, 18.08.2019

It is necessary to stop this hazardous process and make a state-oriented decision. This is the call that Davit Sanasaryan (his powers as head of the State Supervision Service are suspended) made on his Facebook page, calling on Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan to prohibit operation of the Amulsar Gold Mine.

The call particularly reads as follows:

“Since I don’t know when I will meet Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan in terms of timing, and the issue of Amulsar and the avengeful actions of the former criminal regimes are entering a new stage, I am addressing my public call to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia:

Dear Prime Minister, my revolutionary friend Nikol, there are conspiracies everywhere around us, and I am unlawfully isolated from government and can’t take part in bringing the former authorities to justice and in the major process of nation-building. Thus, I am making the following call and asking you the following:

The former authorities have already turned Armenia into a land of mines due to their criminal agreements, and the revolution implies a revolution in this area as well. Thus, we must not let another major area of the homeland become lost and hazardous based on the results of an expert examination conducted by a certain organization. We must not be afraid of the other party’s warnings about lawsuits and need to stop this hazardous process, make a state-oriented decision, pay heed to the people and get out of the trap of the authorities.

It is time for Serzh Sargsyan and his criminal regime to be brought to justice for all the crimes committed against the people and the country as soon as possible. After that, they will be suppressed and won’t think about how they should attack and regain power.

Proud citizen of the Republic of Armenia who respects you and is a faithful fighter for the development and empowerment of Armenia,

Davit Sanasaryan

Armenian, Russian PMs hold meeting

Armenian, Russian PMs hold meeting



16:17, 9 August, 2019

YEREVAN, AUGUST 9, ARMENPRESS. Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan and Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev held a meeting in Kyrgyzstan as part of the Eurasian Economic Union’s Inter-governmental Council session in the town of Cholpon-Ata.

The session was opened today by Pashinyan, as Armenia is currently holding the presidency of the Union.

Edited and translated by Stepan Kocharyan.

Karabakh MFA: Australia establishes friendship circle with Artsakh, Armenia
Aug 1 2019
Karabakh MFA: Australia establishes friendship circle with Artsakh Karabakh MFA: Australia establishes friendship circle with Artsakh

21:22, 01.08.2019

Members of the delegation of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh Republic) had today a meeting with representatives of the Armenian community organizations of Australia, as reported the news service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Artsakh.

In their speeches, head of the delegation, Minister of Foreign Affairs Masis Mayilyan and deputy of the National Assembly Davit Ishkhanyan presented the current realities of Artsakh’s foreign and domestic policies and answered several questions from the attendees.

During the event, Executive Director of the Armenian National Committee of Australia Haig Kaiserian announced about the establishment of a friendship circle with Artsakh in Australia. The Armenian National Committee of Australia transmitted to Minister of Foreign Affairs Masis Mayilyan a special plaque with a list of names of the members of the friendship circle with Artsakh. Among the members of the circle are deputies of the Federal Parliament, senators, ministers, as well as the Premier of New South Wales, speakers of the upper and lower chambers of the Parliament of New South Wales, scholars, clergymen and cultural figures.

Int’l Army Games: Armenia to host Warrior of Peace competitions

Panorama, Armenia
Aug 1 2019
Society 14:21 01/08/2019 Armenia

As part of the International Army Games 2019, the Warrior of Peace competitions will take place in Armenia from 3 to 15 August.

Armed forces from Armenia, Belarus, Iran, Greece, Kazakhstan and Russia will take part in the competitions to be held in capital Yerevan and the towns of Dilijan and Ijevan, the Defense Ministry’s press service reported.

The participants will compete in various events testing their ability of orientation, combat readiness, organization of medical aid, shooting skills, as well as knowledge of military history.

The grand opening of the Warrior of Peace will take place at the Monte Melkonian Military College in Dilijan on 3 August.

Armenia celebrates Vardavar, Armenia
Armenia celebrates Vardavar Armenia celebrates Vardavar

11:04, 28.07.2019

The Armenian Apostolic Church on Sunday celebrates the Feast of the Transfiguration of Jesus Christ, which is commonly known among Armenians as Vardavar.

Vardavar is one of the five main feasts of the Armenian Apostolic Church, and one of the favorite feasts of the people. 

On this day, it is customary in Armenia that people drench each other with water.

Asbarez: ‘Armath’ TechnoCamp in Dilijan Brings Together 400 Children

“Armath” TechnoCamp 2019 winners, team 6, display their gifts and certificates

DILIJAN, Armenia—More than 400 schoolchildren from different provinces of Armenia participated in “Armath” summer TechnoCamp. The program, which was hosted by Monte Melkonian Military College in Dilijan, was available in two sessions—the first for children from 10 to 13 years of age, and the second for children aged 14 to 17. Participants came from various provinces in Armenia, as well as Artsakh and Javakh, as well as from the Diaspora through the “Ari Tun” program. The first session of the program ran from July 1 to 19.

The second session of the camp took place from July 10 to 19, where more than 200 schoolchildren and 13 team leaders from various provinces were in participation.

During the second session of “Armath” TechnoCamp, participants had the opportunity to learn about and create a smart management system of LED lights. In order to create these lights, participants were taught how to use the RaspberryPi platform and Python programming. They were also taught how to assemble and program robots. The main goal for each team was to design a robot to meet the standards of Robotex Armenia—an international robotics contest—as well as to be able to find solutions to problems through robotics.

In addition to robotics, the second session presented participants with cultural, sports, and entertainment features. Project manager of “Shtigen Kids,” Ani Aghajanyan visited “Armath” TechnoCamp and gave a presentation on renewable energy.

A robotics competition took place at the end of the second session, during which participants were given specific standards to meet. These rules included: the robot must follow road markings, the robot must take and place a trash bin using its hand, the robot must park itself at the marked locations, and the robot must cross the crossroad—equipped with traffic lights—when the light turns green. The rules called for these problems to be solved only through automatic management. Participants could not interfere with their robots during the final competition. To meet these standards, participants used Arduino and SeRob computing platforms, and C++ and Snap programming languages.

“We have children here who have attended ‘Armath’ engineering laboratory for only a month and are already able to solve complex problems usually assigned to university students. We could only dream of creating and programming robots with our own hands at their age. Now, with the support of Ucom, both girls and boys have the chance to acquire engineering knowledge and creative skills,” noted Tigran Safaryan, Marketing and Communications Director at Ucom.

This year, the team that won consisted of students from various “Armath” Engineering Laboratory locations: Ashnak, Arteni, Ranchpar and Aragats. The winning team—team 6 of the 13—scored the most points during the final robotics competition, meeting almost all the standards set by the judges. As a result of their victory, participants of team 6 were given smart watches from Ucom. The most valuable team member, Hayk Sargsyan, was given an electric scooter, and a tablet was given to the team leader, Slavik Israyelyan.

Team 13 came in second at “Armath” TechnoCamp, with a score not far behind the winning teams. Participants of team 13 were students of “Armath” in Noratus and Gavar. The most valued member of the team, Vahe Davtyan, was given a smart watch from Ucom. The remaining members of the team received 16 GB memory sticks from the UATE. Team 13 solved the robotics problem using Arduino (C++) computing platform. Their robot was the most efficient at crossing the crossroads during the final competition.

In participation were schoolchildren from: Yerevan, Armavir, Ranchpar, Norakert, Damala, Karvachar, Arteni, Agarak (Syunik), Agarak (Aragatsotn), Mastara, Ashnak, Agarakavan, Kaqavadzor, Dilijan, Sotk, Tchambarak, Gavar, Noratus, Akunk, Gyumri, Saratak, Haykavan(Shirak), Vahramaberd, Hadrut, Kajaran, Kovsakan, Askeran, Martakert, Sos, Lorut, Arevatsag, Mets Ayrum, Vanadzor, Aygepar, Choratan, Ijevan, Artashat, Hartavan, Lusagyugh, Berdzor, Martuni (Artsakh), Ishkhanadzor, Vardenis, Drakhtik, Vahan, Katnaghbyur, Aparan, Berdavan, Nerkin Tsaghkavan, Lusagyugh, Hartavan, Heshtia (Javakhk) and Tumanyan.

2019 Sponsors of “Armath” TechnoCamp include: the Children of Armenia Fund, Support to Javakhk Foundation, Instigate Mobile, Cronimet Mining, Ucom, “Sahman” (Border) NGO, Artsakhbank, World Vision Armenia, Armenian Educational Foundation, “Vardanants Knights” organization, and Nazaryan Educational Foundation.