USA: The time has come for the parties to the Karabakh conflict to renounce mutual accusations and reproaches and start preparing the population for peace

Arminfo, Armenia
Nov 9 2018
USA: The time has come for the parties to the Karabakh conflict to renounce mutual accusations and reproaches and start preparing the population for peace

 Yerevan November 9

Marianna Mkrtchyan.Response to the Co-Chairs of the Minsk Group, to the Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office on the Conflict Dealt With by the OSCE Minsk Conference, and to the Head of the OSCE High Level Planning Group As delivered by Acting Deputy Chief of Mission Gregory Macris to the Permanent Council, Vienna November 8, 2018 The United States welcomes the Co-Chairs of the Minsk Group, together with the Chairmanship's Personal Representative, to the Permanent Council.

As a Co-Chair country, the United States reiterates our strong support for your work, and we appreciate your steadfast engagement with the sides to advance a peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. We thank all of you, including the head of the High Level Planning Group, for your astute reports and updates. The United States is encouraged by recent constructive contacts by the sides at the levels of heads of state and foreign ministers. These contacts appear to be paying direct and positive dividends. All three Co-Chairs and the CiO's Personal Representative reported today a decrease in violence along the Line of Contact and in conflict-affected areas over the past two months. The sides should seize the opportunity this opening presents and find ways to move the settlement process forward. The Co-Chairs suggested a number of actions the sides can take to further reduce tensions and improve communication. The United States supports these recommendations. Likewise, the United States supports measures to reduce tensions along the Line of Contact such as expanding the monitoring capacity of the CiO's Personal Representative and establishing an investigative mechanism. The United States believes that a meeting between the Foreign Ministers can bring renewed impetus to the discussions on the implementation of these measures. Mr. Chair, this conflict has gone on far too long. It is time for the sides to refrain from mutual accusations and recriminations and prepare their populations for peace. The United States supports confidence-building measures and increased dialogue between Armenians and Azerbaijanis that can stabilize the security situation and create a more constructive atmosphere for negotiations. Those participating in dialogue must be able to do so freely, without fear of harassment or recrimination when they return home. We attach great importance to resolving conflicts in the OSCE area, including the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict with the strong engagement of the Minsk Group Co-Chairs. That is why the United States has sent high-level envoys such as National Security Advisor John Bolton and Deputy Assistant Secretary of State George Kent to Armenia and Azerbaijan in recent weeks. Ambassador Kasprzyk, we welcome your assessment of the situation on the ground, and the efforts of your team to promote transparency and confidence among the sides. This work is indispensable and has our full support. We appreciate your close collaboration with the Italian Chair in supporting the Co-Chairs' mediation efforts and stabilizing the situation on the ground. The United States shares the view that there can be no military solution to this conflict. The status quo is unacceptable. The United States is committed to working with the sides to find a lasting and peaceful resolution, one based on the principles shared by participating States of non-use of force, territorial integrity, and equal rights and self-determination of peoples, as embraced in the Helsinki Final Act.

Henrikh Mkhitaryan Honored at AGBU London Gala to Benefit TUMOxAGBU Centers

AGBU Press Office
55 East 59th Street
New York, NY 10022-1112


Monday, November 5, 2018



While matches with Henrikh Mkhitaryan, a midfielder at Arsenal F.C., draw many 
of his fans to the stadium, thousands of Armenians across the globe cheer for 
him on screen, simultaneously taking pride in his stellar athletic 
accomplishments. On November 3, "Micki's" supporters and friends of the 
Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) gathered at The Dorchester in London 
to celebrate his achievements in football, thank him for his humanitarian 
outreach and raise funds for the two TUMOxAGBU Centers. 

Born in Yerevan in 1989, Mkhitaryan grew up dreaming of playing football. His 
passion for the sport began watching his late father Hamlet Mkhitaryan-a 
footballer who played for Armenia's national team and the local Premier League 
in the 1980s. Starting in a senior club in Armenia at 17, Mkhitaryan embarked 
on an international career only four years later. His personal discipline, 
intelligence and talent landed him contracts with Borussia Dortmund and 
Manchester United F.C. Now, an idol for youth, Mkhitaryan has empowered 
thousands of Armenian children who look up to him, inspired by his drive and 
his love of his country. Involved in charity projects early on in his career, 
he was appointed UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador in Armenia in 2016, and has worked 
with the organization vigorously championing children's rights and access to 
education and sports.

A convivial and festive atmosphere prevailed throughout the gala, with Master 
of Ceremonies Camilio Azzouz, who welcomed guests from across the globe, 
including French-Armenian football star Youri Djorkaeff who joined the evening. 
Azzouz, a trustee of the AGBU London Trust, spoke on the importance of AGBU's 
strategic partnerships and the power of programs like TUMOxAGBU, which became a 
reality with the support of AGBU Central Board Member and CEO of Amber Capital 
Joseph Oughourlian who was inspired to help expand the reach of the successful 
Tumo Centers for Creative Technologies (TUMO). 

For Oughourlian, the night was one to highlight the work of AGBU and TUMO, and 
also an opportunity to note defining moments of Armenian national identity. 
"Growing up in France there was a palpable shift in pride as we watched Youri 
and the French National Team win the country's first FIFA World Cup in 1998.  
With his talent, he brought Armenians to the world of football. And now, once 
again we beam with joy each time Henrikh Mkhitaryan takes the field and we hear 
his name cheered in the crowd. Henrikh has taken the opportunity to teach the 
world of football and its millions of fans about Armenia. They are our success 
stories and when one of us succeeds, we all succeed," Oughourlian stated on 
stage. This is the third time that Oughourlian, along with his wife Jenny, has 
generously hosted the AGBU London Gala.

The highlight of the evening came when Mkhitaryan himself, arriving shortly 
after his Arsenal F.C. match, took the stage to accept the AGBU Global 
Excellence Award. "I would like to thank AGBU and its leaders for inviting me 
to be part of this great event organized to support the education of our 
Armenian youth. I would like to thank Youri for being a role model to me when I 
was younger as I dreamt of playing professional football. We have to inspire 
our youth and focus on providing them with new life opportunities to encourage 
them to reach their goals. I am grateful to see the work of organizations like 
UNICEF, AGBU and TUMO," he said.

Since their inception in 2015, the TUMOxAGBU Centers have touched the lives of 
3,000 students. These state-of-the-art facilities offer bright, promising 
students access to free hands-on programs, helping them discover their talents, 
acquire new digital skills and boost their creativity. Building on its mission 
to make innovative and quality education accessible to more young people, AGBU 
continues to help shape the next generation of skilled and educated Armenians 
through various programs and initiatives, including the partnership with TUMO, 
which yielded the establishment of these centers.

The spirit of the night did not waiver. In fact, the excitement built and 
lasted. AGBU President Berge Setrakian concluded the evening which raised over 
$230,000, saying: "Each generation of Armenians must have their heroes-ones who 
embrace their identity and share it with the world, as well as ones who 
encourage us all to strive for excellence. From Aram Khachaturian to the late 
Charles Aznavour, this has always been the case. Today we have this wonderful 
role model for our youth. Henrikh, you exemplify all that we think of as a true 
citizen of the world. Thank you for continuing to bring pride to us all."

To learn more about the TUMOxAGBU Centers or to support this life changing 
program, please visit  

The Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) is the world's largest non-profit 
organization devoted to upholding the Armenian heritage through educational, 
cultural and humanitarian programs. Each year, AGBU is committed to making a 
difference in the lives of 500,000 people across Armenia, Artsakh and the 
Armenian diaspora.  Since 1906, AGBU has remained true to one overarching goal: 
to create a foundation for the prosperity of all Armenians. To learn more visit

Konstantin Zatulin says Russia interested in development of Armenian-Russian relations

Konstantin Zatulin says Russia interested in development of Armenian-Russian relations




YEREVAN, OCTOBER 29, ARMENPRESS. Russia attentively follows the developments in Armenia and is interested in the development of Armenian-Russian relations irrespective of who will be in power, ARMENPRESS reports first deputy chairman of the committee of the State Duma for the CIS and relations with Russian nationals abroad Konstantin Zatulin told the reporters.

“I hope Armenia and its citizens have the same mood. We are aware of Armenia’s domestic political life and we hope Armenia will be a stable country and that our ally will be able to overcome all domestic challenges and the economy will continue to grow. We support all the intentions of Armenia to attract investments. Russia, of course, has some role here since in the recent years it has been the largest investor in Armenia. I also think that the dialogue between the civil societies of the two countries is of key importance, because the relations between countries cannot be limited to inter-governmental level”, Zatulin said.

Edited and translated by Tigran Sirekanyan

Azerbaijani Press: Bolton, three in a boat, and Russia

Turan Information Agency, Azerbaijani Opposition Press
Bolton, three in a boat, and Russia

by Turan analytical service

The geography of the visit to countries closely adjacent to the south with Iran may indicate that the US wants to eliminate any excesses for these states in the process of tightening the blockade of Iran – imposing an embargo on the sale of Iranian oil, disconnecting Iran from the SWIFT payment system, etc. That is, the United States may insist on maximizing the level of contacts with Iran in exchange for preferences and security guarantees for countries that are part of the Bolton visit route.


Bolton"s visit to Moscow showed that the United States does not intend to confront Russia in the near future. This became known from his statements on the completion of meetings with the top leadership of the Russian Federation. Advisor to Trump informed journalists that the United States does not intend to adopt new sanctions against Russia, positively assess the role of Russia in resolving the Syrian crisis. As a sweet pill, Bolton presented information about the upcoming informal meeting of Tram-Putin in Paris on November 11 and the holding of the US-Russian Business Council in the first quarter of 2019. Formally, the initiative of such a meeting was put forward by Putin, accepting Bolton, but the latter"s prompt response indicated that the parties had already agreed on this issue in advance. As expected, the Russian side was informed about the US position on Iran, which the US considers a threat in the field of nuclear security and the fight against terrorism. According to the adviser to the American president, it also became known that withdrawal from the Treaty on the Elimination of Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range Missiles (SPRM) is related to the fact that it does not meet the requirements of today's realities and is outdated in terms of the formation of new owners and developers of medium-range missiles and more the face of China, Korea and so on. Thus, he made it clear further actions of the United States in the missile area after leaving the agreement will be directed against China.

So, as can be seen from the above information, the United States and Russia have mutual understanding and coincidence of interests in the matter of restructuring the system of relations in the Middle East, particularly in Iran, regarding limiting the growing missile power of China and other countries, as well as the development of the pro-Western vector of the CIS, including Russia.


The information for journalists from Bolton following a meeting with Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, also confirms that the Iranian problem was fundamental on the agenda. The topics of the talks were: regional problems, the Karabakh conflict, US efforts to prevent Iran"s support for terrorism and the development of nuclear weapons. Economic projects were also affected, in particular, the Southern Gas Corridor, Bolton said.

He noted that Washington is counting on active cooperation on these and other issues, including participation in counter-terrorist measures and the fight against drug trafficking, trafficking and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

The recognition of Bolton that he did not come with any proposals on Karabakh and did not raise the issue of resuming the activities of Radio Freedom in Baku demonstrated the correctness of the experts' conclusions that the Iranian issue would be the main issue in Bourton"s portfolio.

The Iranian theme for Baku included two components:

1. How to reduce the negative impact of sanctions against Iran on Azerbaijan in economic terms,

2. How to protect Azerbaijan from the expected cataclysm in Iran.

We have discussed these issues with President Aliyev and the foreign minister. Our goal is to ensure maximum application of sanctions against Iran, and at the same time, not to cause unnecessary harm to our friends, and Azerbaijan is in this row, Bolton said in an interview with Turan. In this sense, the United States could offer a wide and deep dialogue with Azerbaijan, which has not yet been achieved, despite repeated attempts.

Bolton discussed with Aliyev issues of violations of human rights and democracy: "These issues are important for the United States and there was a very productive dialogue with President Aliyev and I think there are many areas where Azerbaijan and the United States can cooperate and learn from each other."

Until now, Baku feared the realization of American proposals in the field of human rights, civil society and democratic governance. It seems that, as before, Aliyev did not refuse such a dialogue, but this does not mean that another initiative will not remain just an agreement of intent.


In the capital of Armenia, Bolton was also welcomed as high American representatives after the Rose Revolution in Georgia. Armenia, inspired by the democratic changes of the past few months, is now more confident in looking at the West. The US-Armenian dialogue showed that the parties are preparing for a more open rapprochement and for a change of the Russian vector to the American one. Bolton"s public offer at a meeting with the leader of the Armenian revolution Nikol Pashinyan to buy American weapons instead of Russian ones cannot be called accidental. This is too strong a move that speaks of the determination and guarantees of the United States to support the democratic process in Armenia, which is expected to become irreversible after the parliamentary elections in December of this year.

The parties also exchanged views on Iranian topics. From the revelation of Bolton it is clear that the security of Armenia in the sphere of increasing sanctions against Iran is on the agenda. He stressed that the border with Iran "will become an important issue, because, as I explained to the Prime Minister, we want to put maximum pressure on Iran, because he has not yet abandoned the goal of creating nuclear weapons."


The final Bolton route closes in Tbilisi. In fact, he is on duty, as a week ago Bolton received Georgian Prime Minister Mamuka Bakhtadze in Washington. The latter said at the end of the meeting that both the challenges facing Georgia and the role of the United States with a view to overcoming them jointly were discussed. According to the press service of the Prime Minister of Georgia, attention was focused on cooperation in the field of defense and security.

The situation in the region, economic issues were also considered. He added that the Georgian government "has a definite plan in the economic direction" with which Bolton was acquainted. Following the meeting, Bolton wrote in his microblog on Twitter that, at a meeting with the Prime Minister of Georgia, he confirmed solidarity between Georgia and the United States.

"A prosperous and democratic Georgia is a strong example in the region," said John Bolton. To this we can add – and lighthouse for the advancement of Armenia and Azerbaijan in the direction of the civilized democratic world.

Jailed retired general ‘willing’ to donate $12 million worth private land and property to state


Member of Parliament Manvel Grigoryan, the lawmaker currently under pre-trial detention suspected in embezzlement and fraud, has addressed the government – expressing willingness to donate nearly 330 hectares of land of private property to the state.

The land is part of a company owned by Grigoryan in Aknalich, a village in Armavir province.

“The representative of Manvel Grigoryan has sent a document to our committee stating that he [Grigoryan] is willing to donate territory without any obligations. I don’t possess other details, since the agreement is under the authority of the other deputy chairman of the department,” Sergo Atanesyan – Deputy Chairman of the State Property Management Department told ARMENPRESS.

The other deputy, Gevorg Loretsyan, confirmed the report.

“We will organize the process of receiving the property as defined by procedures,” he told ARMENPRESS.

Loretsyan said the land includes 5500 sq.m. of buildings and is worth roughly 6 billion drams (around 12,000,000 dollars).

Manvel Grigoryan, a retired army general, is under arrest since July 19. At the time of his arrest he also served as president of the Yerkrapah Union of Volunteers, but was later ousted by the board of the organization amid highly scandalous accusations.

Law enforcement agencies found a private zoo, a car collection, huge amounts of weapons and ammunition, as well as embezzled military supplies and donations in his compound.

Watch: UNICEF video featuring Henrikh Mkhitaryan will definitely make you smile (video)


Armenia’s Henrikh Mkhitaryan, the midfielder of London’s Arsenal, who is also the National Goodwill Ambassador of UNICEF for Armenia, is featured in a new UNICEF video calling for equal opportunities for children with disabilities.

“Children with disabilities must be a part of, not apart from, the daily lives of their families, communities and societies”, Mkhitaryan said on Instagram and shared the video.

Mkhitaryan was appointed UNICEF National Goodwill Ambassador in 2016.

New Ambassador in US

President Sarkissian signed a decree to dismiss Grigor Hovhannisyan as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the United States.

By another decree of President of Armenia Armen Sarkissian, Varuzhan Nersisyan has been appointed Ambassador of Armenia to the USA.

In both cases, the Prime Minister’s proposal was the basis of the decrees.

Some judges have also been appointed by the decree of the President.

Arshak Vardanyan and Lusine Abgaryan were appointed judges of the Criminal Court of Appeal, and Robert Makeyan- Administrative Court Judge.

Statement of the President of the Venice Commission regarding Armenia


Scuola Grande di San Giovanni Evangelista, Venice – The President of the Venice Commission:

“Following the discussions between the Venice Commission and the First Deputy Prime Minister of Armenia at the 116th session of the Venice Commission

Acknowledges and supports the peaceful manner in which the Armenian people is carrying out change;

Acknowledges the specific situation in Armenia, which requires the holding of early elections;

Welcomes the commitment of the Armenian authorities to abide by international standards when revising the Electoral Code;

Notes that the proposed amendments pursue legitimate aims and seem mostly positive;

Welcomes in particular all steps taken to facilitate the exercise of the right to vote, to extend access to media, the rights of observers and more generally the transparency of the electoral process, as well as to struggle against electoral fraud;

Welcomes the abolition of restrictions on the number of participants in coalitions to be formed after the first round, in conformity with a key recommendation of the Venice Commission and ODIHR;

Welcomes the implementation of other recommendations of the Venice Commission and ODIHR, concerning in particular:

– The reduction of the electoral thresholds and thresholds applied for returning electoral deposits; the reduction of the amount of deposits;
– The reduction of deadlines for the accreditation of observers and media representatives, as well as the suppression of obstacles to the work of observers, such as the possibility to limit their number;
– Guarantees to ensure free vote by the military.

Recalls the reservations of the Venice Commission with respect to major changes in the electoral system, such as the abolition of district lists, within the year preceding the elections;

Notes that these reservations are less relevant if there is consensus among political forces about the change.”

Ara Guler, Poetic Photographer of Istanbul, Dies at 90

The New York Times
  Thursday 18:17 EST
Ara Guler, Poetic Photographer of Istanbul, Dies at 90
by Susanne Fowler
 One of the greatest Turkish photographers of his generation, Mr. Guler depicted the city with poignancy. He also photographed the famous worldwide.
Ara Guler, a Turkish photographer who was best known for capturing poignant and nostalgic images of a bygone Istanbul but who also portrayed famous figures and everyday life in far-flung lands, died on Wednesday in the city he so lovingly chronicled. He was 90.
His death was announced by Magnum Photos, his agency, in a statement on its website.
Mr. Guler’s pictures reflected the shadows and sparkle of Istanbul, a city he once described in an interview as a sort of “Madwoman of Chaillot” who had grown old but never neglectful of how she looked: Touch her, he said, “and a jewel will appear.”
His Istanbul, before it was erased by fast-paced modernization, was a place of boats gliding down the Bosporus, minarets poking up in the distance behind a horse-drawn cart, an elderly head-scarved woman smoking a cigarette, children flinging their arms out in joy.
Mr. Guler described his photographs, often taken with a Leica, as “a little bit romantic.”
“I don’t take pictures in normal light,” he said, “only just before or after sunset, or early in the morning.”
Mr. Guler viewed himself as a citizen of the world. His assignments had him circling it as he documented the well-known faces of the 20th century, including Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dalí, Alfred Hitchcock and Winston Churchill, as well as more obscure subjects like the headhunters of Borneo. Other settings for his work included China, New Guinea, Kazakhstan and Kenya.
Only three subjects got away, he said in a 2005 interview: Charlie Chaplin, who refused to be photographed because he was in a wheelchair by then; Jean-Paul Sartre, who lived near where Mr. Guler worked in Paris but nevertheless eluded him; and Albert Einstein, “who died too soon.”
Mr. Guler’s work has been widely exhibited, at institutions including the Istanbul Modern art museum, the Museum of Modern Art in New York and the National Library in Paris. He was a recipient of France’s Légion d’Honneur.
The Ara Guler Museum, dedicated to his work, opened with fanfare in Istanbul on Aug. 16, his 90th birthday.
Despite his stature in the cultural world, Mr. Guler declined the mantle of artist.
“If it’s art, it’s art,” he told The New York Times in 1997. “If it’s not, it’s not. Other people will decide that 100 years from now. Photography looks like art, but art has to have some kind of depth.”
He continued: “I hate the idea of becoming an artist. My job is to travel and record what I see.”
More important than art, he said, is history, “and that is what press photographers record.”
“We are the eyes of the world,” he added. “We see on behalf of other people. We collect the visual history of today’s earth.”
Mr. Guler had a long collaboration and friendship with the Nobel Prize-winning Turkish author Orhan Pamuk. His photographs were included in the Pamuk book “Istanbul: Memories and the City” in 2003, and Mr. Pamuk wrote the foreword to the 2009 book “Ara Guler’s Istanbul: 40 Years of Photographs.”
Mr. Guler was born on Aug. 16, 1928, the only child of Christian Armenians living in Istanbul. His father was a pharmacist and sold to the movie industry chemicals used to develop film. As a young man, Mr. Guler wanted to become a screenwriter and thought he could use his father’s movie contacts. Instead, his father found him a job at a newspaper.
There, Mr. Guler said, he learned that it took him longer to write an article than to shoot a picture. He preferred photography’s faster results.
He also learned, he said, that “you can give more of the message with a photograph than with writing.”
He later moved on to international publications, including Time, Life and Paris Match, and was part of the stable of photojournalists employed by Magnum, the agency founded in 1947 by Robert Capa, Henri Cartier-Bresson, George Rodger and David Seymour.
Mr. Guler’s first marriage ended in divorce. His second wife, Suna Guler, died in 2010. No immediate family members survive.
In later years, Mr. Guler could be seen in a rumpled overcoat sitting at a table in Ara Café, a restaurant named after him in the Beyoglu district of Istanbul, near his studio. Prints of his photographs lined the cafe walls and were reproduced as place mats.

What the ‘Grievance Studies’ Hoax Means: Peter Boghossian

What the 'Grievance Studies' Hoax Means
October 09, 2018 

 Over the summer, the Wall Street Journal's Jillian Kay Melchior became
suspicious of a bizarre-sounding academic journal article, "Human reactions
to rape culture and queer performativity at urban dog parks in Portland,
Oregon," published in the journal Gender, Place & Culture. She started
investigating, and discovered that the article's author, "Helen Wilson," did
not exist. The article was part of an elaborate hoax cooked up by Helen
Pluckrose, the editor of the online magazine Areo, James A. Lindsay, a Ph.D.
in math, and Peter Boghossian, an assistant professor of philosophy at
Portland State University. "Sokal Squared," Yascha Mounk called it, and the
label stuck.

The trio of hoaxers, Melchior discovered, had written 20 fake papers and
managed to get seven of them accepted at peer-reviewed journals, including
"Our Struggle Is My Struggle: Solidarity Feminism as an Intersectional Reply
to Neoliberal and Choice Feminism," composed of passages of Hitler's Mein
Kampf rewritten so as to appear to be a theoretical argument about social
justice. As the hoaxers explained in Areo, they targeted fields they
pejoratively dub "grievance studies" - "gender studies, masculinities
studies, queer studies, sexuality studies, psychoanalysis, critical race
theory, critical whiteness theory, fat studies, sociology, and educational
philosophy" - which they consider peculiarly susceptible to fashionable

Does the hoax identify something uniquely rotten in gender and sexuality
studies, or could it just as easily have targeted other fields? Is it a
salutary correction or a reactionary hit job? And what does it portend for
already imperiled fields? The Chronicle Review asked scholars from a variety
of disciplines. Here are their responses.

To hoax morally suspect fields like economics, one of the fake papers
concocted by James Lindsay, Helen Pluckrose, and Peter Boghossian and
accepted for publication in Hypatia argued, is morally righteous. To hoax
morally righteous fields like gender studies, on the other hand, is morally

This hilarious little piece of meta-textualism shows that the scholars
behind Sokal Squared are more conversant in postmodern discourse - and more
attuned to its lighter modes - than some of their critics seem to assume. It
also shows that they know their enemies well enough to predict their
reactions with uncanny accuracy.

What is most striking in the intense debate which this hoax has already
occasioned is the sheer amount of tribal solidarity it has elicited among
leftists and academics. Virtually the whole debate has focused on the
supposedly malign motives, or the supposedly evident stupidity, of the
authors. I don't find these criticisms to be particularly persuasive. Like
Alan Sokal, Lindsay, Pluckrose, and Boghossian locate themselves on the
left. And while it did them no favors to write up their hoax in the style of
a social-scientific experiment, thus inviting the wrong standard of
judgment, their mastery of postmodern jargon and their sly humor is evident
in the corpus of work they have produced in the past year. If you don't
believe me, dear "Sokal Squared" critics, I beseech you to actually skim
some of the papers: you may even, despite yourself, end up having a good

But what I've found most striking - and debased - about this grand circling
of the imperiled wagons is the ad hominem nature of so many of the
reactions. So let me concede, for the sake of argument, that the motives
behind the hoaxes were nasty; that they provided succor to the
anti-intellectual enemies of the academy; that their hoax was, by its very
nature (or, as Hypatia would have it, by its impermissible choice of
target), immoral. What would follow from all of this?

Practically nothing. Because, after all, it is possible to glean valuable
information from the immoral actions of evil people. And even if all of the
charges laid at the feet of Lindsay, Pluckrose, and Boghossian were true,
they would have demonstrated a very worrying fact: Some of the leading
journals in areas like gender studies have failed to distinguish between
real scholarship and intellectually vacuous as well as morally troubling

Perhaps this does not mean that we should celebrate the perpetrators of the
hoax as moral heroes. Perhaps it would have been possible to hoax other
fields in similar ways. And as the hoaxers themselves emphasize, there is no
reason to conclude that all of academia is rotten, or that we shouldn't
devote serious attention and resources to studying sex, gender, and race.

But for all of the caveats, one thing remains incontestable in my mind: Any
academic who is not at least a little troubled by the ease with which the
hoaxers passed satire off as wisdom has fallen foul to the same kind of
motivated reasoning and naked partisanship that is currently engulfing the
country as a whole.

Yascha Mounk is a lecturer on government at Harvard University.