Congressman Pallone says Turkey moving towards ‘authoritarian rule’ after referendum

Congressman Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-N.J.) issued a on April 18, voicing his concern about the recent referendum in Turkey.

“I am deeply concerned that the results from the referendum in Turkey will move one of our most important allies even further away from democracy and towards authoritarian rule,” read a part of the statement, which also called on the United States government to work to preserve democratic institutions in Turkey and not “serve as a rubber stamp for strong handed tactics that moves Turkey further away from a free, fair and open government.”

Congressman Pallone’s statement can be read below.

The numerous reported voting irregularities also suggests that this narrow victory for the consolidation of executive power lacks legitimacy and does not represent the will of the Turkish people. With most of the free world viewing the results in Turkey with skepticism and concern, it is unfathomable that President Trump called to congratulate President Erdogan. The United States should work to preserve democratic institutions in Turkey and around the world, not serve as a rubber stamp for strong handed tactics that moves Turkey further away from a free, fair and open government.

One year after Azeri aggression against Artsakh

Artsakh, Armenia and Diaspora managed to rebuff the aggression and ensure the security and independent statehood of Artsakh, and the Armenian statehood, at large, Spokesman for the Artsakh President David Babayan says one year after the Azeri aggression against Artsakh.

“Had Azerbaijan reached its inhumane goals, the aggression would not be restricted to Artsakh, official Baku would launch a large-scale attack at Armenia’s border,”Babayan said in an interview with .

He said the Armenian side has made several conclusions from last year’s aggression. “In the technical dimension we have applied changes to our defense systems and our strategy, considering the new challenges of war, the peculiarities of the weapons used.”

According to Babayan, the international community has also made conclusions. “The superpowers could not stay indifferent to outburst of violence and destabilization of situation in the South Caucasus, which has always been of strategic importance from geopolitical perspective. They now see that Artsakh is a factor, that the Armenian nation is united and is not ready to give in to a fascist enemy. It’s clear to everyone that Azerbaijan will suffer a final defeat should hostilities resume,” he said.

Referring to Aliyev’s claims that the Karabakh issue is “an internal affair of Azerbaijan,” David Babayan said: “This is a gross violation of international norms, a challenge to the civilized world and the international community, disrespect for the work of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs and finally, a statement of a mentally ill man. Why is the Minsk Group working on the conflict, if it’s an internal affair of Azerbaijan?” Babayan said.

“The military doctrine of Artsakh and Armenia is based on pro-active defense,” he said. “That means we’ll never be an aggressor, but in case of assault from the Azeri side, we’ll do our best to have the military actions spread into the depth of the enemy’s territory. That means we’ll not just sit and wait for developments. Had the April war continued, the situation would be completely different, but Azerbaijan asked to cease the war, and we agreed to avoid a greater number of losses,” the Spokesman said.

“If Azerbaijan resumes military actions, all of its citizens will feel the consequences of it. We don’t want anyone to suffer. We do not feel hatred for the Azerbaijani people. It does not mean, however, that we’ll not protect our Motherland. Azerbaijan should understand that war directly leads to deadlock,” he said.

Speaking about international response to Azerbaijani aggression, David Babayan said “the lack of harsh criticism is worrisome.” He said “it’s impermissible for European organizations to stay indifferent or keep flattering Azerbaijan.”

Belarus unwilling to quarrel with Azerbaijan or Armenia: Lukashenko

Belarus and Armenia are close peoples, and will remain so, Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko said as he met with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Armenia, Armenia’s permanent representative at the CIS Armen Khachatryan on the occasion of the completion of his diplomatic mission in Belarus.

The President emphasized that Belarus and Armenia have absolutely identical positions on all issues on international agenda. “We understand the policy that is pursued by the current leadership of Armenia and was pursued by the previous leadership,” the head of state continued.

The President also remarked: “There are issues of concern for Armenians and Belarusians. For example, Nagorno-Karabakh. I will openly say that it is not our issue, not my issue. We have nothing to do there. There are conflicting parties that must handle the issue. We have a univocal position: Armenia and Azerbaijan should sit at the negotiating table and solve this problem without any strong or weak mediators. If they want to use someone as a guarantor, they must make this decision together. It is the right time to solve this issue today.”

The President also spoke about the extradition of blogger Alexander Lapshin. “Does Armenia have anything to do with it? Armenia has never told me anything about Lapshin. Only one country, Azerbaijan, put him on the wanted list. When he was apprehended here I though why it happened right here. He could have gone anywhere else. Belarus would not have been involved in it. But he was. Interpol caught knew about it. We had to report and we did it as law-abiding people. What did we have to do with him? We had to extradite him to the country which had put him on the wanted list. Moreover, I will say it in public for the first time: no one wanted to take him back. They started to play this card later. He is the citizen of three countries, and neither of them needed him. They just wanted to get rid of this problem. Therefore, there are always subtexts in all issues which will be always used to someone’s advantage.”

The head of state continued: “You should know the main thing: we have been close people and will remain so. Armenia may have a different attitude to Azerbaijan, but Azerbaijan is also a close state and close people for us. We lived in one country some time ago. Why should we quarrel with Azerbaijan or Armenia? Perhaps, we will be useful for Azerbaijan and Armenia someday. Not as mediators. Therefore, I do not want to interfere. This position derives from the wisdom of the Belarusian and Armenians peoples.”

Former member of Russia’s State Duma gunned down in Kiev

Former member of Russia’s State Duma Denis Voronenkov has been killed in a shootout in Kiev, the head of the city’s police force, Andrey Krishchenko, has said, TASS reports.

“There was a fire exchange in front of the entrance to Premier-Palace Hotel about 40 minutes ago. One man was killed and two other persons injured. The identity of the killed man has been established. He is a Russian politician, former State Duma member. Yes, I can confirm that he is Denis Voronenkov,” Krishchenko said, adding that the police suspected a contract killing.

Armenia, Greece keen on boosting economic cooperation

Prime Minister Karen Karapetyan received today a delegation led by Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kotsias, Government’s Press Office reports.

“This year ushers in the 25th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Armenia and Greece. Our friendly relations are at a very high level, but we are keen to intensify the cooperation with Greece and take it to a new level,” Prime Minister Karen Karapetyan said addressing the guests.

Stressing the need to boost economic exchange, the Prime Minister said there is great untapped potential in this area. Karen Karapetyan welcomed the ongoing bilateral cooperation within international institutions and the fact that the two countries have similar positions on a number of issues on international agenda.

Pleased with his stay in friendly Armenia, the Greek Foreign Minister conveyed warm greetings on behalf of Prime Minister of Greece Alexis Tsipras.

“We have always been brotherly peoples. The purpose of my visit is to create a strategic partnership,” Nikos Kotsias said. Highly appreciating the Armenian-Greek political dialogue, the Greek Foreign Minister agreed in that economic relations are on a low level, and there is a need for their harmonious development.

As they discussed issues of bilateral and multilateral economic cooperation, the parties highlighted the role of the Armenian-Greek joint commission on economic, industrial and scientific-technical cooperation. In particular, the interlocutors discussed the possibility of holding an Armenian-Greek business forum. In this context, Prime Minister Karapetyan suggested clarifying the areas of mutual interest to the two countries’ business circles and actively working on joint projects.

Karen Karapetyan and Nikos Kotsias exchanged views on cooperation within the European Union and the Eurasian Economic Union, the furtherance of EAEU-EU dialogue, as well as on the prospects for regional cooperation.

Russia, Armenia team up on military-technical cooperation — envoy

The military and technical cooperation between Russia and Armenia meets the friendly relationship between the two countries, Russia’s Ambassador to Armenia Ivan Volynkin said in an interview with TASS.

“The military and technical cooperation between Russia and Armenia is complex and in line with the friendly relations between the countries,” he said.

The sides are consistently improving the contractual legal framework, Volynkin said, adding that an Agreement on creation of a combined force was signed last year, and an Agreement on creation of a combined regional air defense system has recently came into force in the Caucasus region.

According to the Russian Ambassador, “the intergovernmental commission on military-technical cooperation regularly discusses the pressing issues of Russia’s arms delivery, as well as expansion of cooperation between Russian and Armenian enterprises of the military-industrial complex (its 11th meeting was held last September).”

HayPost cancels two stamps dedicated to Army Day

Two postage stamps dedicated to the 25th anniversary of formation of the Armenian Army were cancelled and put into circulation today.

The postage stamps with nominal values of 280 AMD have been printed at “Cartor” printing house in France.

One of the postage stamps depicts some types of the RA Armed Forces troops and the second stamp depicts a row of the Armenian soldiers in combination with the waving Armenian tricolor. Both postage stamps carry the coat of arms of RA Armed Forces. The author of the stamps’ design is the designer of “HayPost” CJSC, Vahagn Mkrtchyan.

The postage stamps were cancelled by the RA Minster of Defense Vigen Sargsyan, the RA Minister of Transport, Communication and Information Technologies Vahan Martirosyan, the Managing Director of “HayPost Trust Management” B.V. Juan Pablo Gechidjian and the holder of the second-class Order of the Combat Cross, soldier Narek Malkhasyan.

Date of issue: January 27, 2017

Designer: Vahagn Mkrtchyan

Printing house: Cartor, France

Size: 40,0 x 30,0 mm

Print run: 40 000 pcs x 2

All-Armenian Orchestra set to performs first concert on April 24




The idea of creating an All-Armenian Orchestra is materializing with the first concert set to be held on April 24, 2017.  The orchestra plans to perform abroad, as well.

The issue of our unity lies in the basis of the idea of creation of the All-Armenian Symphony Orchestra. “It aims to unite world-spread Armenians around music, around one orchestra,” Armenian Minister of Culture Armen Amiryan told a press conference today.

Armenian musicians from about 20 countries have already been invited to play with the orchestra.

“It’s hard to bring together Armenian musicians living in different countries in a short period of time, because any of them has his/her own plans,” said Ruzanna Simonyan, Director of the Armenian National Philharmonic Orchestra.

The orchestra will be led by three conductors – Edward Topchyan, Sergey Smbatyan and Karen Durgazyan.

“The concert program will include works by Armenian composers – Aram Khachatryan, Avet Terteryan, Edward Mirzoyan and others.  Tigran Mansuryan will compose a work dedicated to the heroes of the April war,” Armen Amiryan said.