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Remains of two female warriors discovered in Armenia

PanArmenian, Armenia
Dec 20 2021

PanARMENIAN.Net - The bone remains of two female warriors have been unearthed in Jrapi, Shirak province, Armenia, and the study of the burial ground has revealed a multiple array of traumatic lesions, which shed light on their daily activities, occupation, and warfare practice.

Published in the International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, the peer-reviewed paper was authored by Anahit Y. Khudaverdyan, Azat A. Yengibaryan, Hamazasp H. Khachatryan and Arshak A. Hovhanesyan.

"Both women had compressive cranial lesions with the signs of healing. A bronze arrowhead once embedded in the soft tissues of the intercostal space was discovered as well as a canal in the lower epiphysis of the tibia probably left by the broken point of a bronze arrowhead. The women were likely horse riders and archers," the paper's abstract reads.

The remains unearthed in the burial belonged to two females who seemed to live as professional warriors and were buried as individuals of rank.

This tomb is the third burial discovered in Armenia that provides evidence on female warriors.

Turkish press: EU to host Azerbaijani, Armenian leaders in Brussels

Omer Tugrul Cam   |13.12.2021


The head of the European Council, will host the leaders of Azerbaijan and Armenia for a trilateral meeting in Brussels on Tuesday, a day before a summit of the Eastern Partnership.

According to EU sources, Charles Michel will first hold separate meetings with Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and Armenian premier Nikol Pashinyan before a tripartite meeting later in the evening.

EU sources welcomed the establishment of a direct line of communication between the defense chiefs of the two countries after the war in Nagorno-Karabakh last year and said that there was more to be done to stabilize ties between them.

Last month, Aliyev and Pashinyan met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Sochi, Russia.

Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine will attend the Eastern Partnership summit on Wednesday, while Belarus will not join as it suspended its participation in the organization.

The political and economic relations of the EU with the five attending countries will be evaluated at the summit, which is also expected to discuss Russia's military buildup near Ukraine's border.

The EU is expected to call on the Eastern Partnership countries to accelerate political, economic, and judicial reforms at the summit. A new EU regional economic investment plan of €2.3 billion ($2.6 billion) for the five countries is also expected to be approved.

According to a senior EU official, as part of the investment plan proposed by the EU Commission in July, the amount of investment in each country will depend on how far the countries will progress in structural reforms and the projects that they present.

Relations between the former Soviet republics of Azerbaijan and Armenia have been tense since 1991 when the Armenian military occupied Nagorno-Karabakh, also known as Upper Karabakh, a territory internationally recognized as part of Azerbaijan, and seven adjacent regions.

New clashes erupted on Sept. 27, 2020, and during the six-week war, Azerbaijan retook several cities and 300 settlements and villages.

The conflict ended in November 2020 in a Russia-brokered deal that saw Armenia cede swathes of territory it had occupied for decades.

In January, the leaders of the three countries agreed to develop economic ties and infrastructure for the benefit of the entire Caucasus region.

Azerbaijani forces open fire at Armenian combat positions – MoD

Public Radio of Armenia
Dec 9 2021

Late in the evening of December 8, units of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces opened fire from different caliber firearms in the direction of the Armenian combat positions located in the eastern part of the Armenian-Azerbaijani line of contact, the Armenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs reports.

The enemy’s fire was silenced by retaliatory actions. No casualties are reported from the Armenian side.

The Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Armenia calls on the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan to refrain from provocative actions aimed at aggravating the situation.

Ishkhan Zakaryan to continue serving as independent MP after quitting opposition Pativ Unem faction




YEREVAN, DECEMBER 10, ARMENPRESS. Member of Parliament Ishkhan Zakaryan is quitting the opposition Pativ Unem faction and will continue serving as an independent lawmaker.

Vice Speaker of Parliament Ruben Rubinyan said at today’s session that Speaker Alen Simonyan received on December 9 an official letter from Zakaryan notifying on his withdrawal from the bloc.

Other details weren't immediately available. 

Editing and Translating by Stepan Kocharyan

Shooting on eastern part of Armenian-Azerbaijani border has ended, two Armenian servicemen slightly injured




 19:09, 9 December, 2021

YEREVAN, DECEMBER 9, ARMENPRESS. Two Armenian servicemen have been slightly injured as a result of the Azerbaijani provocation on the eastern part of the Armenian-Azerbaijani border, ARMENPRESS was informed from the press service of the MOD Armenia.

‘’The shootings had ended by 18:00”, reads the statement.

On December 9, the units of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces once again carried out provocation, firing from different caliber firearms in the direction of the Armenian military positions located in the Gegharkunik region of the Armenian-Azerbaijani border starting from 16:25. The Armenian side retaliated.

Opposition ‘Armenia’ Faction MP: Premier Pashinyan gave best assessment of local elections, Armenia
Dec 6 2021

PM Nikol Pashinyan probably gave the best assessment of the local elections in terms of results, by admitting that the ruling Civil Contract Party (CCP) failed in this election. Artur Khachatryan, an MP of the opposition "Armenia" Faction of the National Assembly, told this to a press conference Monday.

According to Khachatryan, Pashinyan attempted—in his respective Facebook past—to justify this failure by saying that they are busy with external security challenges, had more important things to do, that's why they registered worse results than they expected, as they did not buy votes and no electoral fraud was committed.

"But I want to recall that on the eve of these elections, the state had allegedly accidentally opened the 'purse' of social assistance to the provinces and communities. This is not just a coincidence. Also, the [community] enlargement ‘bouquets’ are designed in a way that they [i.e., the authorities] be able to collect as many votes as possible, which is also not a coincidence. Let me remind that before the elections, the opposition candidates were persecuted. Let me also remind that they had mobilized all their administrative resources. But despite all this, they have lost," Khachatryan said.

He noted that in only 15 of the 36 enlarged communities the CCP managed to get enough votes to form a local government on its own, whereas in the other 21 communities the non-governmental forces can form a majority in eight of them, on their own, and in 13 others—in a coalition.

"We can record that after 2018, the authorities lost more than 200,000 votes in 2021, and continue their chain of defeats. The authorities have lost in Kapan, Gyumri, Meghri, Goris, Akhuryan, and this is an ongoing process. If this continues, they will very soon see that they have no support [at all]," the opposition lawmaker stressed.

Armenian, Polish FMs discuss issue of repatriation of Armenian POWs, hostages and other detainees



 19:28, 3 December, 2021

YEREVAN, DECEMBER 3, ARMENPRESS. Within the framework of the OSCE Ministerial Conference, on December 2, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia Ararat Mirzoyan met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland Zbigniew Rau․

As ARMENPRESS was informed form the press service of the MFA Armenia, Ararat Mirzoyan and Zbigniew Rau discussed a number of issues on the agenda of bilateral and multilateral relations and expressed readiness to take practical steps to strengthen cooperation in areas of mutual interest.

Touching upon the issues of regional security and stability, Ararat Mirzoyan presented to his counterpart the situation created by Azerbaijan's infiltration into the sovereign territory of the Republic of Armenia and the recent aggression.

The Armenian Foreign Minister stressed the need for full restoration of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement process under the mandate of the OSCE Minsk Group. The interlocutors referred to the issues requiring urgent solution, especially the repatriation of Armenian prisoners of war, hostages and other detainees.

Ararat Mirzoyan also congratulated Poland on its forthcoming chairmanship of the OSCE and expressed confidence that Poland will take appropriate measures to ensure peace and security in the OSCE area of responsibility during its presidency.

Azerbaijan ready to normalize relations with Armenia, sign peace treaty – UN envoy

TASS, Russia
Nov 17 2021
Azerbaijan is certain that there is no alternative to normalization of relations between the two countries, based on mutual recognition, Yasar Aliyev said

UNITED NATIONS, November 17. /TASS/. Baku believes that there is no alternative to normalization of relations with Yerevan, Permanent Representative of Azerbaijan to the UN Yasar Aliyev told the Security Council, stating Baku’s readiness to sign a peace treaty with Armenia.

"Azerbaijan states its readiness to normalize relations with Armenia, including by signing a peace treaty that would ensure a sustainable peace, development, progress," the diplomat said, assessing the situation at the border as a result of Armenia’s "dangerous revanchist ideas."

"Azerbaijan is certain that there is no alternative to normalization of relations between the two countries, based on mutual recognition, respect of each other’s sovereignty and territorial integrity within internationally recognized borders," he said, adding that such normalization aims for reconciliation and peaceful coexistence of Azerbaijan and Armenia.

On Tuesday, intensive hostilities sparked in border districts of Armenia’s Syunik Province. Yerevan stated that the Azerbaijani Armed Forces commenced an advance deeper into the republic’s territory, threatening the highway connecting the capital with Armenia’s southern regions and Iran. Baku blamed Yerevan, accusing the Armenian Armed Forces of a provocation. According to the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan, Armenian servicemen attacked Azerbaijani outposts.

In regards to these events, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu had phone calls with his Armenian and Azerbaijani counterparts. After that, Russian Defense Ministry stated that Defense Ministers of both republics took measures to stabilize the situation at the border.

Azerbaijani press: "Democracy" summit or clear example of double standards

By Ayya Lmahamad

The "Summit for Democracy" initiated by U.S. President Joe Biden is scheduled for December 9-10 in the virtual format.

As Biden himself said he wants to gather the leaders of "various democratic countries of the world" on a single platform for a virtual summit in support of democracy. He stated that his goal is to "set a positive agenda for democratic renewal around the world", adding that the defining question of the modern era is whether democratic countries can come together to achieve real results in a rapidly changing world.

It is worth noting here that democracy is a form of government in which the people have the authority to deliberate and decide legislation (direct democracy), or to choose governing officials to do so (representative democracy). Such a system of government is based on three pillars: the power of the people, freedom, and the rule of law.

The question is raised of how a country like Armenia, where human rights are grossly violated, is invited to the summit, and countries like Azerbaijan, Turkey, and Hungary are not.

A few days ago, UN Human Rights Committee experts expressed concern about undue legal restrictions on the freedom of peaceful assembly, unjustifiable police interference in peaceful demonstrations as well as arbitrary and prolonged detention of demonstrators.

Summit - clear example of double standards

In an interview with the local media, Azerbaijani MP Vugar Iskandarov said that it is ridiculous that countries such as Azerbaijan, Turkey, and Hungary are not invited to the summit, where the level of democracy is much higher than that in the majority of invited countries.

The MP noted that the organization of such a summit by the U.S. is itself already absurd. He stated that by organizing it, the U.S. wants to present itself to the world as a “patron of democracy”.

“By organizing such a summit, the U.S. wants to present itself to the world as a ‘patron of democracy’, as if the U.S. is the guardian of democracy and not all the countries of the world. While we all remember what happened in the last U.S. presidential election when Joe Biden tried to beat Trump. Opinion polls show that U.S. citizens still favor Trump over Biden, and Trump is still saying in his statements that he will not accept Biden’s results. So where is democracy?” he said.

"Divide and conquer" policy

Political scientist Shabnam Hasanova told the local media that the U.S-organized summit amid growing problems of democracy in this country is aimed at dividing the world into camps based on the “divide and conquer” policy.

"The world has witnessed in recent years that U.S. intentions to ‘embrace democracy’ in Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Libya, other Muslim states in the Middle East have led to tragedies and bloodshed,” she said.

The invitation of Armenia, which at the state level supports terror, to the summit, and the absence of Azerbaijan, Turkey, and Hungary from the upcoming event, create a clear idea of the criteria by which the event's participants were selected, the analyst added.

Biased approach

Commenting on the absence of Azerbaijan and Turkey in the list of guests invited to the summit, American analyst Paul Goble considered such a decision by Biden strange.

“As for the criteria of inviting [countries] to the upcoming summit, I do not have much understanding. I think the U.S. bases its decision on the assessments of human rights activists from different countries, mainly those opposed to Azerbaijan and Turkey,” the analyst told the local media.

He noted that this summit is not the best way to promote democracy, given that there are no countries in the world without problems in this direction. Goble added that promoting democracy and supporting countries on this path is laudable, but it is not easy to implement this in practice.

"In the early 1990s, the U.S. held a summit like this in the hope that it would encourage countries to move in what the U.S. believed was the right direction. This year, the number of countries participating is comparatively smaller, indicating a decline in interest in the event. I don't think that such meetings are the best way to promote democratic values, given that there have always been and always will be problems with democracy," he said.

Armenian diaspora

The Baku-based news website stated that how Armenia ended up among democracies is not a difficult question.

“No need to go deep into the previous years, it is enough to see what has been happening and continues to happen in Washington-Armenian diaspora relations over the past year. The curtsies of American diplomacy towards Yerevan, the endless anti-Azerbaijani discussions and decisions made at the insistence of the Armenian lobby speak for themselves,” the website stated.

Another Baku-based news website noted that the fact that, for example, Iraq and Congo received invitations to the summit, but Hungary, Azerbaijan and Turkey did not is absurd.

“It turns out that if the leadership of a country pursues a foreign policy that disagrees with the U.S. position, it automatically becomes an outcast and has no right to its own, different from the U.S. opinion. Those countries that pursue independent policies aimed at protecting their national interests are put on the list of 'undeserving' and 'undemocratic' ones,” the website said.

The selective choice of countries participating in the Biden-led "democracy" summit suggests that America and its leader are fundamentally distorting the concept of democracy by forcing it to certain limits.