The development of parliamentary format in the CSTO is one of priorities of Armenia. Hakob Arshakyan




YEREVAN, 20 OCTOBER, ARMENPRESS. The development of the potential of the CSTO parliamentary diplomacy for moving in the direction of establishment of common and indivisible area, establishment of dialogue in the platforms of international organizations and assemblies is one of the priorities of the Presidency of the Republic of Armenia at the CSTO, Deputy President of the National Assembly of Armenia Hakob Arshakyan announced, commenting the results of the session of the permanent committee of political issues and international cooperation.

As ARMENPRESS was informed from the National Assembly of Armenia, citing the official website of the Parliamentary Assembly of the CSTO, according to the Deputy President of the National Assembly of Armenia, during 2022 the Presidency of Armenia at the CSTO includes also taking measures aimed at further institutionalisation of the CSTO parliamentary platform, the continuous efforts of approximation and harmonisation of national legislations of the CSTO member states in the field of ensuring national security, taking into account new challenges and threats.

RFE/RL Armenian Report – 10/19/2021


More Armenian POWs Freed By Azerbaijan

        • Naira Bulghadarian

ARMENIA -- People stand at a Russian military plane with some of Armenian 
captives upon its arrival at a military airport outside Yerevan, December 14, 

Azerbaijan set free and repatriated five more Armenian prisoners of war late on 

The soldiers were flown from Baku to Yerevan by a Russian military transport 
plane. They were immediately taken to a military hospital in the Armenian 
capital for a medical checkup.

Dozens of other Armenian soldiers remain in Azerbaijani captivity. Most of them 
were taken prisoner in Nagorno-Karabakh shortly after last year’s 
Armenian-Azerbaijani war.

Many of these POWs were given lengthy prison sentences earlier this year in 
trials condemned by the Armenian government. Armenia regularly demands their 
unconditional release, saying that they are held in breach of a Russian-brokered 
agreement that stopped the six-week war.

Azerbaijan says the agreement does not cover them because they were captured 
after the ceasefire took effect in November.

Baku freed this summer 30 Armenian POWs in exchange for maps of Armenian 
minefields in districts around Karabakh that were retaken by Azerbaijani forces 
during and after the war. Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev claimed early this 
month that those maps are not accurate and said Yerevan should provide more 
detailed information.

Shortly afterwards Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian signaled his readiness to give 
Baku more such maps to secure the release of more Armenian prisoners.

It was not immediately clear if the release of the five Armenian soldiers was 
the result of such an exchange. They returned home ahead of a fresh round of 
Russian-mediated talks in Moscow on the reopening of transport links between 
Armenia and Azerbaijan envisaged by the Karabakh truce accord.

Jailed Mayor’s Backers ‘Rounded Up By Police’ After Election Win

        • Gayane Saribekian

Armenia -- Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian (L), Goris Mayor Arush 
Arushanian (C) and other officials walk through the center of the town, 
September 12, 2020.

Dozens of supporters of the jailed opposition-affiliated mayor of a major 
community in Armenia’s Syunik province were reportedly taken to a local police 
station for questioning one day after he was reelected in a weekend vote.

An opposition bloc led by Arush Arushanian, the mayor of the town of Goris and 
surrounding villages, defeated the ruling Civil Contract party by a wide margin 
three months after his controversial arrest. Arushanian remains in detention.

The Armenian police deployed additional personnel in Goris and raided the bloc’s 
local headquarters during Sunday’s vote, searching it for several hours. It 
emerged afterwards that they suspect Arushanian’s father and campaign manager 
Gagik of trying to bribe local voters.

Representatives of the opposition bloc bearing the arrested mayor’s name 
denounced the police raid as a government attempt to influence the outcome of 
the closely watched election. Arushanian’s bloc won 62 percent of the vote, 
according to preliminary election results.

Armen Melkonian, a lawyer representing the bloc, said on Tuesday that 33 of its 
members and supporters were taken in for questioning in Goris on Monday. “This 
is real terror,” he told RFE/RL’s Armenian Service.

Melkonian, who was present at the interrogations, dismissed police explanations 
as “ridiculous.” Gagik Arushanian also categorically denied trying to buy votes.

“They want to discredit us but won’t succeed,” said the mayor’s father. “This is 
fresh blackmail. This is a loser’s mindset. They can’t come to terms with their 
defeat. There is not a single person who can come out and say that they were 
offered [a vote bribe.]”

Armenia - Arush Arushanian's father Gagik talks to journalists in Goris, October 
17, 2021.

Vladimir Abunts, Civil Contract’s defeated mayoral candidate in Goris, defended 
the police actions and denied that they are aimed at bullying local opposition 

Arushanian Sr. was not charged with any crime or even questioned by the police 
as of Tuesday evening. Nor did the police issue any statements on the crackdown.

Daniel Ioannisian, who coordinated election observers deployed in Goris and 
other parts of the country, said they heard claims about vote irregularities 
committed by both the ruling party and Arushanian’s bloc. He criticized 
law-enforcement authorities for not investigating allegations that a government 
loyalists handed out vote bribes in Tegh, a rural community not far from Goris. 
Civil Contract won the local election held there.

“We see in the government’s behavior a failure to properly investigate what 
happened in Tegh, but we see no problem with what they are doing in Goris 
because we have credible information that vote bribes were distributed in 
Goris,” said Ioannisian.

The Yerevan-based activist did not specify whether members of his monitoring 
team witnessed any instances of vote buying.

Arush Arushanian, in office since 2017, was one of the four heads of urban 
communities in Syunik who were arrested shortly after the June 20 parliamentary 
elections on various charges rejected by them as politically motivated. They all 
demanded Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian’s resignation and joined the main 
opposition Hayastan alliance formed by former President Robert Kocharian in the 
run-up to the snap polls.

Arushanian was remanded in pre-trial custody on July 16 after being charged with 
trying to buy votes. The Special Investigative Service (SIS) claims that he 
ordered the head of a village close to Goris to provide financial aid to local 
residents who will promise to vote for Hayastan.

The 30-year-old community chief strongly denies that, saying that the poverty 
benefits approved by the local council were allocated on a regular basis and had 
nothing to do with the general elections.

Pashinian Backs Closer Economic ‘Integration’ With Russia

Armenia - Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian and other senior officials attend a 
Russian-Armenian business forum in Yerevan, September 20, 2021.

Armenia is committed to further deepening commercial ties with Russia, its main 
ally and trading partner, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian said on Tuesday.

“The Russian Federation not only plays a key role in maintaining peace and 
stability in our region but also occupies a central place in our country’s 
economy,” Pashinian said in an address to a Russian-Armenian interregional 
conference held in Yerevan.

“We need to improve our economic relations in a way that will foster the 
development of competitive industries in our countries,” he told government 
officials and businesspeople from the two states attending the forum. “In this 
context, we regard as important further mutual integration of our economies, 
which must be based on a free movement of goods, services, labor and capital. 
The [Russian-led] Eurasian Economic Union serves this strategic goal.”

Bilateral commercial ties should be diversified to cover knowledge-based sectors 
of the Russian and Armenian economies, added Pashinian.

According to Armenian government data, Russian-Armenian trade rose by almost 12 
percent in the first eight months of this year, to $1.54 billion, after 
shrinking by 4 percent in 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic. Russia thus 
remained Armenia’s number one trading partner, accounting for about 31 percent 
of its overall foreign trade, compared with the European Union’s 20.2 percent 
share in the total.

Russia’s Deputy Minister for Economic Development Dmitry Volvach hailed the 
renewed growth in bilateral trade when he spoke with journalists during the 
Yerevan forum.

Russian companies plan to invest $1 billion in the Armenian economy “in the near 
future,” the Armenpress news agency quoted Volvach as saying. He said the 
investments will be channeled into energy, transport and other infrastructures.

Speaking at a recent Russian-Armenian business forum in Yerevan, 
Russian-Armenian billionaire Samvel Karapetian said his Moscow-based Tashir 
Group will invest up to $600 million in the Armenian energy sector in the coming 

Tashir owns the South Caucasus country’s electricity distribution network, 
largest thermal-power plant and second most important hydroelectric complex.

Armenian Court Asked To Approve First Asset Seizure

        • Naira Bulghadarian

Armenia - The main entrance to the Office of the Prosecutor-General.

Armenian prosecutors have asked a court to allow the confiscation of expensive 
properties belonging to the family of a former security official who was fired 
last year after allegedly disclosing an influential government minister’s 
criminal record.

Serob Harutiunian, who used to run a counterintelligence division in the 
National Security Service (NSS), his wife and son risk becoming the first 
persons to lose their assets, worth a combined 485 million drams ($1 million), 
as a result of a controversial law enacted by the Armenian government last year.

The law allows prosecutors to seek asset forfeiture in case of having 
“sufficient grounds to suspect” that the market value of an individual’s 
properties exceeds their “legal income” by at least 50 million drams ($110,000). 
Courts can allow the nationalization of such assets even if their owners are not 
found guilty of corruption or other criminal offenses.

A spokesman for the Office of the Prosecutor-General, Gor Abrahamian, told 
RFE/RL’s Armenian Service on Tuesday that the Harutiunian family’s assets, 
including an expensive apartment in downtown Yerevan, caught the law-enforcement 
agency’s attention when it was conducting a separate criminal investigation in 
early 2020.

Harutiunian was accused at the time of leaking to an Armenian newspaper the fact 
that then Minister for Territorial Administration Suren Papikian had spent a 
year in prison for stabbing his commander during his compulsory military 
service. Papikian, who is now the country’s deputy prime minister, publicly 
urged law-enforcement authorities to find out who publicized “the secret 
information relating to my private life.”

The NSS colonel was eventually cleared of the charges but still lost his job. He 
and his family members will now have to prove the legality of their holdings in 
the court. The prosecutors filed a relevant lawsuit on Monday.

The law in question allows an out-of-court settlement of such cases which would 
require suspects to hand over 75 percent of their assets to the state.

According to Abrahamian, the prosecutors hope to cut such deals with about a 
dozen other individuals also suspected of illegal enrichment. They include 
Vladimir Gasparian, Armenia’s national police chief from 2011-2018, Arman 
Sahakian, the former head of a government agency on privatization, and a niece 
of former President Serzh Sarkisian.

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian has repeatedly portrayed the asset forfeiture 
mechanism as a major anti-corruption measure that will help his administration 
recover “wealth stolen from the people.” Opposition figures have condemned it as 
unconstitutional and accused Pashinian of planning a far-reaching 
“redistribution of assets” to cement his hold on power.

Reprinted on ANN/Armenian News with permission from RFE/RL
Copyright (c) 2021 Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, Inc.
1201 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington DC 20036.


Azerbaijani army opens fire at village in Armenia’s Ararat Province




YEREVAN, OCTOBER 15, ARMENPRESS. The Azerbaijani military opened fire at the village of Yeraskh in the province of Ararat, Armenia. The shooting occurred around 15:00, October 15, the Armenian Ministry of Defense said.

An Armenian military position located nearby was also targeted in the shooting.

The Ministry of Defense said that the villagers were unharmed. Armenian servicemen on-duty weren't injured either.

The only damage was inflicted to a farmer’s barn and grass piles, which were set ablaze from the shooting.

Editing and Translating by Stepan Kocharyan

AW: Members of Congress press Biden to send COVID-19 vaccines to Armenia

WASHINGTON, DC – A bipartisan group of US Representatives led by Central Valley California Congressman Jim Costa (D-CA) has called on President Biden to send five million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine to Armenia through the global access (COVAX) program, citing the country’s low vaccination rate and inadequate supply, an initiative strongly supported by the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA).

In a September 22nd letter to President Biden, Representatives Costa, Anna Eshoo (D-CA), Frank Pallone (D-NJ), Jackie Speier (D-CA) and David Valadao (R-CA), wrote “Armenia, a country of less than three million people, is struggling to vaccinate its citizens. Only about five percent of the population is fully-vaccinated due to lack of adequate supply. . . The estimated five million doses needed to vaccinate the remainder of the country are but a small fraction of the doses the United States pledged will be donated to other countries through COVAX.”

“Our US government – spending our American tax dollars – is on target to share a billion COVID-19 vaccine doses globally – but has yet to prioritize Armenia – a landlocked genocide-survivor state facing a health emergency, a refugee crisis and ongoing attacks and occupation by Azerbaijan,” said ANCA executive director Aram Hamparian. “Instead of sending military aid to the Aliyev dictatorship, the Biden administration should prioritize humanitarian aid in the form of vaccines to Armenia and assistance for the 100,000 Artsakh Armenians displaced due to Azerbaijani aggression.”

The ANCA has – since the first weeks of the COVID-19 pandemic – advocated for robust US funding to help Armenia deal with this health crisis.

The full text of the Congressional letter to President Biden is below.


September 22, 2021

The Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr. President
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave
Washington, D.C. 20050

Dear Mr. President:

We write in support of your pledge for the United States to donate 500 million additional COVID- 19 vaccine doses to lower-income countries around the world. In keeping with this pledge, we urge you to specifically ensure that adequate vaccination doses reach the Republic of Armenia for the country to vaccinate its population.

Armenia, a country of less than 3 million people, is struggling to vaccinate its citizens. Only about 5 percent of the population is fully-vaccinated due to lack of adequate supply. Vaccination procurement assistance for Armenia is in keeping with the goals of the Covid-19 Vaccines Global Access (COVAX) program. The estimated 5 million doses needed to vaccinate the remainder of the country are but a small fraction of the doses the United States pledged will be donated to other countries through COVAX.

As supply for vaccines continues to meet domestic demand, the United States must step up our global vaccine distribution efforts to ensure our allies and partners around the world also have access to adequate supplies of vaccines. As you know, vaccinating the world is a key to ending this pandemic, and the United States should be a leader in supplying vaccines to the world and ensuring countries like Armenia get the assistance they need to reach widespread vaccination for COVID-19. Again, thank you for your commitment to ensuing lower-income countries receive adequate vaccines to finally end this global pandemic.


Jim Costa
Member of Congress

David G. Valadao
Member of Congress

Jackie Speier
Member of Congress

Anna Eshoo
Member of Congress

Frank Pallone Jr.
Member of Congress

Asbarez: Lebanese Citizens Asked to Register for 2022 Parliamentary Elections

A special site has been set up to allow non-resident Lebanese citizens to sign up for voter registration and other information

Working closely with Lebanon’s Consulate General in Los Angeles, a Lebanon Election Taskforce has been established to provide information and guidance to Armenian community members in the Western U.S. who have Lebanese citizenship and would like to take part in the elections.

The first step is to sign up on a web portal created by Lebanon’s Foreign Ministry. Lebanese citizens born on or before March 30, 2001 are asked to log onto the special portal to sign up to receive voter registration information for non-resident Lebanese. The deadline to sign up for registration process is November, 20, 2021.

The Lebanon Election Taskforce was informed by the Lebanese Consulate that all individuals who wish to take part in the upcoming parliamentary elections must register to vote. This means that those who participated in the previous elections in 2018 must re-register. The portal offers an easy way for the voter registration process.

As the election nears, the Lebanon Election Taskforce will engage with the community to ensure that a large number of Lebanese citizens currently residing in the United States will take part in the election.

“A lot has happened in Lebanon since the last vote. The upcoming elections is a great way for Lebanese citizens to engage in the process and make their voices hears,” said Taskforce member Toros H. Kejejian. “The Lebanon Election Taskforce will provide updated information and ensure that the voting process is easy and accessible.”

Azerbaijan-Armenia conflict: Mother of Armenian soldier receives his tortured and beheaded body after six months

Oct 2 2021

The soldier named Gagik was captured and taken as a prisoner of war (POW) from a place called Tyak in Hadrut during the Azerbaijan-Armenia conflict last year

A shocking case of gruesome violence inflicted upon a soldier stationed in the Nagorno-Karabakh region during the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war came to light recently, where the soldier’s body was found mutilated and head cut off. According to a report by the journalist Yeranuhi Soghoyan published on an Armenian website, the soldier named Gagik was captured and taken as a prisoner of war (POW) from a place called Tyak in Hadrut during the Azerbaijan-Armenia conflict last year. The soldier’s mother Lusine said, “He was captured not by the Azeris, but by Turkish mercenaries”. Azerbaijani Turks are also known as Azeris.

In the video that was later obtained by the mother, it showed the soldier being kicked in the mouth as he says Karabakh is Armenia.

Further details revealed that the mother of the soldier personally identified his son’s dead body. According to the reports, the soldier was brutally tortured and his skin was flayed with multiple knife marks on the chest. There were also gunshot wounds in his leg with ribs completely broken and the head cut off. The body also carried burn marks.

The author Yeranuhi Soghoyan added, “Lusine asked the autopsy doctor if the boy’s internal organs were in place and received a negative answer. For some reason he reasoned that the body was burnt, that’s why it is not there, but the body was not burnt to such an extent that there were no internal organs, the fire did not affect the internal organs only, if that was the case, I would not be given a body, but a handful ‘Ash’, says Lusine.”

It should be mentioned that Nagorno-Karabakh is a strife-torn region that lies within the jurisdiction of Azerbaijan and is governed by ethnic Armenians. This disputed territory is internationally recognized as a part of Azerbaijan, but in de facto control of the Republic of Artsakh for decades. The Republic of Artsakh exists with no recognition from any United Nations member or observer state and has close ties with Armenia. Nagorno-Karabakh war in 2020 that lasted for around one and half months started on 27th September and ended on November 10 with a trilateral ceasefire agreement between Azerbaijan, Armenia and Russia, which compelled Armenia to concede all the remaining occupied territories surrounding Nagorno-Karabakh.

On 27th September 2020, clashes erupted on the Armenian-Azerbaijani Line of Control. It was believed that the fighting was triggered by an Azerbaijani offensive, with the support of Turkey.

Moreover, Turkey had sent two Turkish-backed Syrian rebel groups into the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone comprising of around 2,500 men in support of Azerbaijan. France had accused Turkey of funnelling Syrian jihadists into the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

Sunni majority countries like Turkey and Pakistan appear to have close ties with a Shia majority Azerbaijan, having recognized its independence from the USSR in 1991. Azerbaijan and Turkey have declared their support for Pakistan over its stance on the Kashmir issue openly opposing India.

Nearly half a million tourists visit Armenia in 6 months




YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 29, ARMENPRESS. Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the tourism sector in Armenia saw some activeness in the summer, according to data released by the Tourism Committee.

A total of 313,396 tourists visited Armenia in the summer, while the figure for January-August stood at 488,558.

Most tourists came from Russia, followed by Iran and Georgia, and Ukraine and India, among others.

The most active tourism month was August (143,168 visitors). In June and July the number of inbound tourists was 64,101 and 106,127 respectively.

Editing and Translating by Stepan Kocharyan

Chairman Menendez questions US Ambassador to Turkey nominee Jeff Flake over record of opposition to Armenian Genocide resolutions

WASHINGTON, DC – Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Menendez called on US Ambassador to Turkey nominee, former US Senator Jeff Flake, to clarify his decades-long record of opposing Armenian Genocide resolutions, during confirmation hearings on Tuesday characterized by intense scrutiny of President Erdogan’s escalating aggression abroad and abuse at home, reported the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA).

“Senator Flake, for many decades the Armenian Genocide has been denied by the descendants of those who perpetrated it. In 2019, the Senate recognized the Armenian Genocide for the first time. In April of this year, on Armenian Remembrance Day, President Biden joined us in acknowledging this truth,” stated Sen. Menendez. “In the past, you’ve voted against resolutions which recognize the genocide. Will you join this body and administration in reaffirming the Armenian Genocide?” Former Senator Flake offered a one-word answer “Yes.”

Sen. Menendez followed up, “If you are confirmed, will you reiterate that commitment on April 24th which is Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day?” Former Senator Flake responded, “I will.”

While US Ambassador to Turkey nominee Flake did not reference the Armenian Genocide in his prepared testimony, he did note “if confirmed, I will encourage Turkey to support efforts to find a sustainable long-term solution to the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan…” More broadly, while citing “very real challenges in US-Turkish relations,” former Senator Flake described Turkey as an “indispensable ally, anchored in NATO and acting as both a bridge and a buffer to a region in constant flux. Our national interest is served when the United States and Turkey work together to confront the very real threats to global peace and security that emanate from Russia, Iran, and elsewhere in the wider region.”

“Today’s hearing only adds to our concerns – rooted in his four consecutive Congressional votes against Armenian Genocide recognition – regarding Senator Flake’s suitability to serve as our ambassador to Turkey” said ANCA executive director Aram Hamparian. “Today, more than ever, we need an ambassador who will confidently assert US interests, courageously stands up for our American values, and, as needed, directly confront the increasingly hostile and openly anti-American Erdogan government.”

Throughout the hearing on Tuesday, Senators made multiple references to the Armenian Genocide and, more broadly, Turkey’s aggression against Armenia. “You’re going to have a difficult balancing act,” said Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE). “There’s a lot of issues on which to hold Turkey accountable, from Cyprus to repression of religious minorities, to the ongoing tense relations with Greece, to Armenian Genocide recognition – there’s lots of other things in addition to the S-400 and their human rights violations.”

“President Erdogan has taken Turkey way off track, and in the wrong direction – both with respect to NATO commitments overall as well as other malign actions in the region, and undermining human rights at home,” stated Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-MD). “We also have seen him aiding and abetting the attacks against Armenia,” continued Sen. Van Hollen.

Following the Senate Foreign Relations Committee confirmation hearing, Turkey’s Foreign Ministry tweeted the diplomatic definition of “Agreman” (Agreement), in a veiled threat that Ankara may reject US Ambassador-designate Flake, based on his testimony, which included his commitment to follow President Biden’s policy and properly characterize the Armenian Genocide.

Senate Foreign Relations Committee members have until Wednesday, September 29th to submit additional questions to former Senator Flake. Once responses are received, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee will consider the nomination, and, if approved, the nomination will head to the full Senate for a vote.

Azerbaijan, Armenia mark anniversary of their war

WRIC – ABC 8 News
Sept 27 2021

MOSCOW (AP) — Azerbaijan and Armenia are marking the anniversary of the start of their six-week war in which more than 6,600 people died and which ended with Azerbaijan regaining control of large swaths of territory.

Soldiers carrying photographs of comrades killed in the war marched Monday through the center of the Azerbaijani capital of Baku. In Yerevan, the Armenian capital, thousands of people went to the Yerablur military cemetery to pay their respects to soldiers buried there.

The foreign ministries of each country issued statements blaming the other for starting the war over the Nagorno-Karabakh region.

Nagorno-Karabakh is within Azerbaijan but had been under the control of ethnic Armenian forces backed by Armenia since the end of a separatist war in 1994.

Last year’s war ended when Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan signed a Russia-brokered cease-fire that granted Azerbaijan control over parts of Nagorno-Karabakh as well as adjacent territories occupied by Armenians.

Armenia says more than 3,700 Armenians and Nagorno-Karabakh residents died in the war. Azerbaijan said it lost 2,900 people.

Azerbaijan’s foreign ministry issued a statement placing blame for the war on Armenia, saying: “One year ago today, the armed forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan began responsive measures to counter another military provocation from the armed forces of the Republic of Armenia.”

But Armenia’s foreign ministry said “the 44-day war was a pre-planned and prepared military aggression, the purpose of which was to finally close the Karabakh issue by exterminating the Armenian population.”
Also at

New Ambassador of Nigeria presents credentials to Armenia’s President




YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 24, ARMENPRESS. Newly-appointed Ambassador of Nigeria to Armenia Yakubu Santuraki Suleiman (residence in Tehran, Iran) presented his credentials to President Armen Sarkissian, the Presidential Office said.

The Armenian President congratulated the Ambassador on appointment, expressing confidence that he will contribute to the development of the bilateral relations. President Sarkissian said that the presidential institute is ready to provide all support to the efforts and initiatives aimed at deepening the partnership.

In turn the Ambassador of Nigeria said he is interested in expanding the ties with Armenia and developing the cooperation in different areas.

The meeting also touched upon the prospects of deepening and developing the commercial cooperation. Both sides emphasized the importance of boosting business contacts. 


Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan