Armenia ombudsman: Azerbaijan soldiers deliberately set fires near Sotk, Kut villages, Armenia
Aug 30 2021

As of 11am, Azerbaijani servicemen deliberately set fire—from nearby their tents—in the vicinity the villages of Sotk and Kut. This is stated in a statement issued Sunday by the Human Rights Defender (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Armenia (RA), Arman Tatoyan.

“During the day, the fires in the direction of Sotk village of RA Gegharkunik Province were extinguished, whereas the fires in the vicinity of Kut were not extinguished and spread due to weather conditions. Published photos show the current state of affairs.

I especially mention that in these places there are grasslands and meadows of the residents of the communities, and they are simply destroyed by fires. Also taking into account that the Azerbaijani armed forces have invaded and are located in the immediate vicinity of the villages in the sovereign territory of the RA, the fires pose a real threat also to the civilian population of the villages.

The inspections of the residents' alarms prove that these subversive criminal acts against the RA civilian population are committed intentionally.

First of all, the Azerbaijani servicemen are well aware that they are located in pastures and grasslands, as well as arable lands belonging to civilians, and that people cannot even use the areas adjacent to the Azerbaijani positions, as even when people approach those places, they [i.e, the Azerbaijani soldiers] fire shots.

In addition, the Azerbaijani servicemen realize that the current weather conditions are such that the fire will spread rapidly and will destroy areas belonging to people, depriving [them] of a source of livelihood. And then they realize also that the residents will also see these fires, and they are obviously doing this to intimidate the civilian population.

I had noted yesterday that the departure of the Azerbaijani armed forces from the roads between the RA villages and communities has no alternative to guarantee the rights of the RA border residents, the peaceful and secure life of the people.

Recent Azerbaijani actions—including facts of shootings, in Syunik, Gegharkunik, and Ararat [Province]—show that they are becoming more and more dangerous to civilians, are directly intentional, have become targeted, and that human rights abuses are widespread.

This regular report of the RA Human Rights Defender will be officially sent to the international structures, as well as to the RA state bodies and the RA civil society organizations on Monday, August 30, with relevant proposals or requirements,” Tatoyan added.

Caucasian Knot | Azerbaijani political analysts voice conditions for unblocking of road from Goris to Kapan

Caucasian Knot, EU
Aug 27 2021

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Azerbaijan will open traffic on the road from Goris to Kapan if Armenia investigates an incident with the wounding of an Azerbaijani border guard, punishes the guilty persons and guarantees that no provocations will repeat, suggest Telman Abilov, the head of the NGO “Military Officers”, and Togrul Djuvarly, a member of the Azerbaijan National Public Committee for European Integration.

The “Caucasian Knot” has also reported that the State Border Guard Service of Azerbaijan claimed that on August 25, Armenian soldiers attacked a border guard on the territory of the “Gubadly” border-combat checkpoint on the road from Gorus to Gafan (from Goris to Kapan). The Ministry of Defence (MoD) of Armenia claimed that its soldiers did not participate in such incidents. The Azerbaijani soldiers blocked cars with residents of Armenia on the section of the road from Goris to Kapan for several hours, Armenian Ombudsman Arman Tatoyan reported. The Russian peacekeepers negotiated to get people out. After the second section of the road had been blocked, residents of three Armenian villages were cut off.

Telman Abilov, the head of the NGO “Military Officers”, believes that Azerbaijan has blocked traffic on the road from Goris to Kapan, since the Azerbaijani side considers the road its territory. According to him, the tension can be eliminated if the Armenian side gives an official explanation.

Togrul Djuvarly, a member of the Azerbaijan National Public Committee for European Integration, suggests that Azerbaijan has the right to take countermeasures to guard its border and protect its border guards.

In conditions when Armenia does not have normal alternative roads in the direction of the south of the country and Iran, the country should not create such problems, since Azerbaijan can react harshly, Togrul Djuvarly believes.

This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on August 27, 2021 at 05:30 am MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.

Author: Faik Medjid; Source: CK correspondent

© Caucasian Knot

Death toll in ammo depot blasts in Kazakhstan rises to 5



 10:32, 27 August, 2021

YEREVAN, AUGUST 27, ARMENPRESS. The death toll in a series of ammo depot blasts in southern Kazakhstan has risen to five people, TASS reports citing the press office of the republic’s Defense Ministry.

A fire and subsequent blasts occurred at a military unit stationed in the Bayzak district of the Jambyl region at around 7:00 p.m. local time on August 26. The fire triggered more than 10 blasts. According to the latest data, around 90 people have been injured in the blasts and 28 of them have been hospitalized.

“Another serviceman of the military unit in the Jambyl Region where the fire occurred has been found dead”, the statement says.

It was earlier reported that four people died in the blasts.

Armenpress: Armenian Government plans to acquire Pfizer/BioNTech and Sinopharm vaccines

Armenian Government plans to accquaire Pfizer/BioNTech and Sinopharm vaccines



 21:57, 28 July, 2021

YEREVAN, JULY 28, ARMENPRESS. The Armenian Գovernment plans to purchase Sinopharm (China) and Pfizer / BioNTech (Germany-US-China) vaccines against coronavirus, ARMEPRESS reports, the relevant issue is included in the agenda of the July 29 sitting of the Government.

50 thousand vaccines for 25 thousand citizens will be purchased. The Government will allocate nearly 3.5 billion AMD for the acquisition of the vaccines.

At the moment Russian Sputnik V, British-Swedish AstraZeneca and Chinese Coronavac vaccines are available for the citizens of Armenia.

Pashinyan proposes Russian border guards for entire Armenia-Azerbaijan border
July 30 2021
Joshua Kucera Jul 30, 2021

Armenia is seeking to deploy Russian border guards along its entire border with Azerbaijan as tensions and violence between the two countries continue to fester.

“This would allow the possibility of conducting delimitation and demarcation [of the two countries’ border] without the risk of armed clashes,” Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said at a July 29 cabinet meeting.

Russian border guards already patrol the southernmost part of the border, along Armenia’s Syunik province, and there have been talks about expanding that effort into the next Armenian province to the north, Gegharkunik. (The governor of Gegharkunik said July 29, however, that he didn’t know whether those discussions had advanced.)

Pashinyan’s proposal comes as Azerbaijan continues to push the advantage it won in last year’s war, steadily ratcheting up pressure in the hopes that it will force Yerevan into a final resolution of the conflict on terms favorable to Baku. In particular, Baku is seeking the handover of the remaining parts of Karabakh that are still under Armenian control, a demand Yerevan finds unacceptable.

“The situation along the Armenia-Azerbaijan border is not stabilizing, regardless of the efforts of the Armenian government and the international community,” Pashinyan said. “Azerbaijan is continuing its aggressive rhetoric and actions.”

The military pressure has steadily been increasing, as this week saw the single deadliest fighting since the two sides signed a ceasefire statement in November. On July 28, three Armenian soldiers were killed in a shootout between Gegharkunik and neighboring Kelbajar in Azerbaijan, in fighting that reportedly involved heavy artillery and tank fire. On July 23, an Azerbaijani soldier was killed in the same region.

Following the heavy fighting, Russia mediated a return to the ceasefire, but shooting has continued intermittently since then. Armenia reported on July 30 that it had intercepted two Azerbaijani drones flying over Gegharkunik, but Azerbaijan denied the reports.

The deteriorating security situation continues to demand attention from foreign actors. The U.S. State Department called on the two sides to immediately stop the fighting and to return to negotiations under the auspices of the Minsk Group of the OSCE. “[O]nly a comprehensive resolution that addresses all outstanding issues can normalize relations between the two countries and allow the people of the region to live together peacefully,” department spokesman Ned Price said in the July 28 statement.

Iran’s foreign ministry similarly called on “both sides” to stop shooting, and offered its own mediation services.

Pashinyan’s request for an expanded Russian border guard presence, though, seemed to fall on deaf ears. Asked about the proposal, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitriy Peskov dodged the question. “Contacts with Yerevan are continuing, we have nothing more to add,” he said.

Russian military analyst Pavel Felgenauer said that Moscow was unlikely to be interested. “Armenia wants to draw Russia into the conflict because it lost the war, it has no more strength, no more soldiers, it’s unable to rebuild its armed forces,” he told the news outlet Caucasian Knot. “Armenia is counting on Russia, but Russia has other priorities: Ukraine, Afghanistan, NATO. […] Russia doesn’t have extra armed forces to send fighters to help Armenia.”

Some form of international help could be coming Armenia’s way: Starting in September, Armenia will assume the chairmanship of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), the Russia-led post-Soviet mutual defense bloc. Yerevan has been appealing to the CSTO as Azerbaijani forces have crossed the (as yet not formally delineated) border between the two countries. Armenia says that amounts to a foreign invasion of the type that is supposed to trigger the CSTO’s collective defense provisions, though the organization’s leadership disagrees.

Ruben Rubinyan, the head of the Armenian parliament’s foreign affairs committee, said Armenia will assume the chairmanship of the CSTO (currently held by Tajikistan) on September 16. Will that help Armenia get anything more out of the CSTO than it has been able to so far? Rubinyan was noncommittal.

“The international community must respond appropriately to these actions of Azerbaijan, which is trying to blow up regional stability. […] There is a process under way in the CSTO, and we will continue to make use of the tools available to us,” Rubinyan told Armenian public radio. “We think that the CSTO should respond accordingly to these situations, because it is the CSTO obligation.”

Meanwhile, another international military bloc is holding exercises close by: NATO kicked off its regular Agile Spirit drills in neighboring Georgia on July 26. Armenia and Azerbaijan both have on-again-off-again relations with NATO and its multilateral exercises, and this time Azerbaijan is taking part while Armenia is not. It’s not too surprising why: NATO member Turkey, which provided substantial support to Azerbaijan in last year’s war, will be there.

The Kremlin’s Peskov was asked about Azerbaijan’s participation, and his disapproval was clear. “We value our relations with Azerbaijan,” he said, before adding that “it’s important [for Moscow] that these exercises do not suppose any veiled activities with respect to our country […] NATO sets the scenarios for these exercises and the alliance does not hide who is the enemy in them.”

Military pressure is not the only lever Azerbaijan is using against Armenia. A Baku court on July 29 convicted a group of Armenian soldiers who had crossed into Azerbaijani-held territory in Karabakh after the ceasefire was agreed last fall. The 13 soldiers were sentenced to six years in prison on charges of illegal border crossing and weapons possession. Another group of 13 soldiers was convicted for the same crimes and received the same terms a week earlier.

The sentences are likely merely a bargaining chip. Azerbaijan has been trying about 60 such soldiers in groups, and some of them have already been sent back to Armenia in exchange for maps of land mines that Armenia laid in the territories Azerbaijan retook during the war.

The prosecutions amount to a breach of the Geneva Conventions on war crimes, said Giorgi Gogia, the associate director for Europe and Central Asia for Human Rights Watch. 


Joshua Kucera is the Turkey/Caucasus editor at Eurasianet, and author of .  

Armenia’s caretaker minister of health visits Athens, Greece




YEREVAN, JULY 22, ARMENPRESS. Armenia’s caretaker minister of healthcare Anahit Avanesyan has departed for Greece to take part in the summit on the required actions to address the impact of the COVID-19 on mental health and service delivery systems, the ministry reports.

The summit is held under the auspices of the ministry of healthcare in cooperation with the World Health Organization’s Europe Region.

The summit is attended by representatives of the political leadership of the WHO member states, as well as experts.

In her remarks Anahit Avanesyan said that in the first months of the outbreak of COVID-19 Armenia has declared lockdown as a result of which separate groups of the people, individuals have been quarantined. “Of course, such measures at that stage were the necessary and only means of fighting the virus. But it’s understandable that the quarantine of the people left also its negative impact on the mental health”, she said.


Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan

Armenian President congratulates German Chancellor on birthday




YEREVAN, JULY 19, ARMENPRESS. President of Armenia Armen Sarkissian sent a congratulatory letter to German Chancellor Angela Merkel on the occasion of her birthday, the Presidential Office told Armenpress.

The letter reads:

“Your personal contribution to the strengthening of the Armenian-German relations and the expansion of mutual partnership in various areas is significant.

I highly value the bilateral relations which are based on mutual trust and am convinced that they will contribute to the constant development and deepening of the cooperation between the two countries.

I warmly remember our meetings both in Yerevan and Berlin, and the consistent implementation of the agreements, which were reached during those meetings, will give a new quality to the Armenian-German partnership for the benefit of the welfare of the two nations”.


Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan

Armenia acting PM’s latest fabrications on Artsakh not agreed with Minsk Group co-chair countries, says Ashotyan, Armenia
July 3 2021

YEREVAN. – During his open "party" on June 21, the capitulator aborted said that the negotiations on the Artsakh issue shall be continued under the principle of "secession for the sake of salvation." Armen Ashotyan—vice-chairman of the former ruling Republican Party of Armenia and a member of the opposition "I Have Honor" bloc which won several parliamentary seats as a result of the snap elections on June 20—stated this during a press conference Saturday, and referring to Acting Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan. 

"I am informed that these latest fabrications of the stateless scoundrel in connection with the Artsakh [(Nagorno-Karabakh)] issue have not been agreed with any [OSCE] Minsk Group co-chair country. This means that once again this idiot will try to play a game on the Artsakh issue, where he will not have the support of the international negotiating community on this issue," Ashotyan added.

According to him, the international community tends to consider the Artsakh issue resolved. "The West has one task left: how to see to it that the Russian peacekeepers leave the region. And the task for the Russian side is to strengthen in the region, to prolong the status component of the negotiation process for as long as it will be required to calm down the situation.

As a result of these elections, the other crucial concessions expected from Armenia will also appear on the political agenda of the conspiratorial capitulator. It is about a framework agreement with Azerbaijan, including on [border] delimitation and demarcation issues, and with the deep and total freezing of the Artsakh talks," Armen Ashotyan said.

State Revenue Committee collected 750.2 billion AMD tax revenues in first quarter of 2021



 11:22, 1 July, 2021

YEREVAN, JULY 1, ARMENPRESS. 750.2 billion drams tax revenues have been collected by the State Revenue Committee of Armenia in the first quarter of 2021, the SRC told Armenpress.

The program figure for the 1st quarter has been set to be 697.7 billion drams, in other words, the increase comprised 52.5 billion drams or 7.5%. At the same time, 83.8 billion drams have been returned to taxpayers.

The figure in the same period of 2020 comprised 680.3 billion drams, whereas in 2019 – 713.4 billion drams and in 2018 – 572.9 billion drams. Thus, compared to the same period of the previous year, the tax revenues increased by 69.9 billion drams or 10.3%.

The money returned to the taxpayers has also increased. Compared to January-June 2020, the growth comprised 18.5 billion drams or 28.3%.


Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan

US urges Armenians of all political affiliations to respect results of June 20 elections once certified



 10:10, 22 June, 2021

YEREVAN, JUNE 22, ARMENPRESS. The United States congratulates the people of Armenia on their June 20 parliamentary elections, State Department spokesperson Ned Price said in a statement.

“We welcome the overall positive assessment by the OSCE/ODIHR Election Observation Mission. We are pleased that ODIHR’s preliminary conclusions noted voters’ human rights and fundamental freedoms were generally respected, contestants were able to campaign freely, and that ODIHR assessed election-day vote counting as positive. We share ODIHR’s concern regarding intense polarization and inflammatory rhetoric among key contestants. We urge Armenians of all political affiliations to respect the results of these elections once certified, employ the legal election grievance process to address issues of concern, and avoid political retaliation as Armenia continues to pursue a sovereign, democratic, peaceful, and prosperous future.

The United States is committed to strengthening our partnership with Armenia based on shared democratic values. We commend Armenia for the progress it has made with respect to reforms and anti-corruption efforts and encourage Armenia to continue along this path, in line with the aspirations of the Armenian people, as expressed in the spring of 2018. We urge all parties to respect the rule of law and democratic principles and look forward to working with the new Government to grow our bilateral relationship and cooperation.

We commend Ambassador Lynne Tracy and U.S. Embassy Staff in Yerevan for their strong, ongoing support for Armenia’s democratic development. Through their dedication and hard work, we will continue to advance the U.S.-Armenia partnership”, the statement says.