Artsakh’s urban development authorities work on new housing stock



 12:30, 2 February, 2021

STEPANAKERT, FEBRUARY 2, ARMENPRESS. The Ministry of Urban Development of the Republic of Artsakh has ordered new projects for creating a new housing stock in Stepanakert City and elsewhere in the country and providing apartments to displaced citizens.

“The ministry already has a blueprint for the construction of a 100-home residential district in the village of Varanda in Martuni,” the ministry said, adding that they are already working on the digital terrain model for another 150-home construction project in Astghashen, Askeran.

The government plans to build a housing stock in Askeran with 246 apartments and in Martuni with 130.

Another 100 homes will be built in the village of Aknaberd in Shahumyan for displaced citizens of Artsakh.

Editing and Translating by Stepan Kocharyan

Court permits 2nd President Kocharyan to leave Armenia on February 3-8, Armenia
Feb 2 2021

The court of general jurisdiction of Yerevan has allowed second President Robert Kocharyan to leave Armenia from February 3 to 8, according to his legal team.

Based on this, the Police were asked to lift the restrictions imposed on Kocharyan during that time and to reapply them after that.

The heads of the Police and the National Security Service have been informed about the permission granted to Robert Kocharyan to leave Armenia.

We attach great importance to the role of the US in the peaceful settlement of the NK conflict – Armen Grigoryan

Panorama, Armenia
Jan 25 2021

The Secretary of the Security Council of Armenia Armen Grigoryan sent a congratulatory letter to Jake Sullivan on his appointment as National Security Advisor to the US President, Ria Novosti news agency reported. 

"Armenia attaches great importance to its bilateral relations with the United States of America based on the shared values of democracy, protection of human rights and the rule of law," the letter reads in part.  

In his letter Grigoryan added that Armenia also attaches great importance, to the role of the US as a Co-Chair of the OSCE Minsk Group in the peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and the final resolution of the status of Nagorno-Karabakh. "I am confident that the United States' efforts will be instrumental in ensuring comprehensive stability and security in our region," added the Secretary of the Security Council. 

Azerbaijanis in Marneuli destroy over 30 trucks transporting cargo to Armenia, Armenia
Jan 25 2021

Last night after midnight, Azerbaijanis attacked a row of Armenian trucks in the primarily Azerbaijani-populated Marneuli and destroyed over 30 trucks transporting cargo, Yerevan Today reported.

This is already the second time the enemy is attacking Armenian trucks in the past month following the signing of the capitulation act.

There is still no information about the people affected by the incident and details about property, and one of the truckers who contacted Yerevan.Today at night said he and the other truckers are horrified and did everything possible to make sure they weren’t engaged in a fight caused by the enemy’s provocation.

“We were more than tense. Azerbaijanis are attacking and destroying our trucks in a foreign city, and we don’t even know if the Azerbaijanis are armed and why they’re provoking…Cargo transportation through Georgia is becoming very dangerous. Who will solve this issue? The economy is going to decline soon, but Armenian government officials led by Pashinyan are talking about communications with the enemy and want to transfer cargo to Russia through Azerbaijan. How? How is our security going to be guaranteed?”

One of the drivers promised to share the story about the incident as soon as he reaches Yerevan. Until then, he sent scenes of the incident taped on the drivers’ mobile phones.


Russian peacekeepers in Nagorno Karabakh hold anti-terror drills



 11:00, 25 January, 2021

YEREVAN, JANUARY 25, ARMENPRESS. The Russian peacekeepers in Nagorno Karabakh periodically hold anti-terror exercises, the Russian Ministry of Defense said in a news release.

During the most recent drills, the simulated scenario involved the manning of firing positions and shutting down highways for stopping traffic, the ministry said.

Editing and Translating by Stepan Kocharyan

Turkish-Russian joint observation center for Nagorno-Karabakh to open Saturday: minister

Jan 30 2021
Source: Xinhua| 2021-01-30 01:12:54|Editor: huaxia

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ANKARA, Jan. 29 (Xinhua) — A joint Turkish-Russian observation center to monitor the cease-fire in Nagorno-Karabakh will begin operating on Saturday, Turkish Defence Minister Hulusi Akar said on Friday.

One Turkish general and 38 military personnel will work at the center as part of efforts to “monitor and inspect” the cease-fire, Akar said in a statement.

In November 2020, the Turkish parliament approved a motion for the deployment of troops in Nagorno-Karabakh for one year as part of an accord between Ankara and Moscow to monitor the implementation of the truce in the region.

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev announced earlier that the Joint Turkish-Russian Center will be in Aghdam, a district in Nagorno-Karabakh that was handed over to the Azerbaijani military on Nov. 20, 2020 as a condition of the truce.

On Nov. 10, 2020, Armenia and Azerbaijan ended a 44-day Nagorno-Karabakh conflict after a cease-fire was reached under the mediation of Russia. Enditem

3 new COVID cases confirmed in Artsakh




STEPANAKERT, JANUARY 29, ARMENPRESS. Only three new cases of COVID-19 were confirmed over the past 24 hours in Artsakh, bringing the cumulative total number of confirmed cases to 2322, the country’s health authorities announced.

42 tests were conducted over the past 24 hours.

The total death toll stands at 31.

The health ministry did not mention the number of active cases but said that only 27 patients are being treated at the hospital, while “patients with mild symptoms are treated at home.”

Artsakh health authorities said they continue testing direct contacts of the confirmed cases.

Editing and Translating by Stepan Kocharyan

Artsakh Defense Army denies reports on capture of 15 Armenian servicemen departing for Askeran




YEREVAN, JANUARY 29, ARMENPRESS. The Defense Army of Artsakh denies the reports spread by some Armenian media outlets according to which 15 Armenian servicemen have been captured on their way from Goris to Artsakh, to their permanent military unit.

Official of the Artsakh Defense Ministry Suren Sarumyan told Armenpress that these reports have nothing to do with the reality.

“The information is fake. We will soon release a respective statement”, he said.


Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan

Azerbaijan grossly violates post-war humanitarian processes, says Armenian ombudsman

Panorama, Armenia 

Jan 11 2021
Human Rights Defender (Ombudsman) of Armenia Arman Tatoyan has relesed a statement early on Monday, blaming Azerbaijan for a gross violation of post-war humanitarian processes and the international human rights mandates and standards. The full text of Tatoyan’s statement is below.
"On December 28, 2020, the Permanent Representative of Azerbaijan to the United Nations (UN) addressed a letter to the UN Secretary General. The letter was distributed to the UN General Assembly and the Security Council.
The letter contains issues related to the citizens of the Republic of Armenia  (RA) who are being held captive in Azerbaijan, and their respective rights. Thus, the Human Rights Defender of Armenia considers it necessary to address those parts of the letter. In particular:
1. Paragraph 6 of the appendix to the letter of the Permanent Representative of Azerbaijan to the UN states, that within the framework of the anti-terrorist measure, the Azerbaijani authorities “found” 62 Armenian servicemen, who were drafted mainly from Shirak, and who are currently “detained” and are under “investigation” in Azerbaijan.
The letter refers to the Armenian servicemen as members of a subversive group of the Armenian Armed Forces and, it mentions that they were sent to the "Lachin region of Azerbaijan" ostensibly to carry out terrorist acts against Azerbaijani personnel and civilians.
Then, among other issues, the representative of Azerbaijan, mainly using the segment about the referenced Armenian servicemen held captive in Azerbaijan, made political conclusions, including proposing to the UN, that it take certain actions against Armenia. The letter concludes on the same premise that Armenia has violated the trilateral statement signed by Russia, Armenia and Azerbaijan, on November 10, 2020.
2. The Human Rights Defender of Armenia hereby states, that it is absolutely reprehensible to link the issue of Armenian servicemen in captivity in Azerbaijan with territorial issues, and to improperly politicize such issue. This affront grossly violates the post-war humanitarian processes and the international human rights mandates and standards.
Like the 62 Armenian servicemen referred to in the Azeri letter, all of the other Armenian servicemen are also prisoners of war. They were in their places and positions at the time of their “detention” solely in their lawful course and scope, and for the purpose of performing their legal duties, to serve in the army. They must be released and returned to Armenia without any preconditions. This conclusion is based on the results of the monitoring and investigation of the Human Rights Defender of Armenia and is supported by sound and incontrovertible evidence.
Therefore, initiating criminal proceedings against the 62 Armenian servicemen in captivity in Azerbaijan, detaining them, and in particular, calling them “terrorists,” is a gross violation of international humanitarian law and international human rights law in general. They may not be prosecuted or detained for participating in the hostilities. These are requirements that are specifically enshrined in the 1949 Third Geneva Convention.
3. The Human Rights Defender of Armenia also considers it necessary to make a special report on the politicization of human rights by Azerbaijan, and the humanitarian issues ripened by its misconduct in the post-war process, all of which are impermissible under international norms and standards.
The return or release of prisoners is independent of any political process.
This must be ensured immediately after the cessation of hostilities.
This is a universally applicable automatic requirement that exists in international law in every case, whether or not it is enshrined in specific conflict resolution documents.
Therefore, point 8 of the tripartite declaration of November 10, 2020 has an autonomous meaning and should act exclusively with an autonomous interpretation. In any case, it should not be considered in connection with, or with dependence on, other points of that announcement.
4. It is absolutely inappropriate to interpret the November 10 tripartite statement as if it applies only to the situation before the signing of that statement. Such an approach grossly violates human rights and the post-war humanitarian process.
The referenced statement should be discussed in the framework of both before November 10, and all the situations that arose after it, and for as long a period as there is an objective need for the protection of human rights and the humanitarian process due to the aftermath of hostilities.
Moreover, the Human Rights Defender notes that, in practice, there have already been cases when the Azerbaijani armed forces captured Armenians after the November 10 tripartite statement, but they later were returned to Armenia.
5. It is a matter of fundamental importance that the Azerbaijani authorities are delaying the return of 62 Armenian prisoners of war by distorting the legal process, and by artificially labeling them with the status of “suspects” or “an accused,” and are using detention as a form of punishment.
Inasmuch as international humanitarian law prohibits unjustified delays in the release of prisoners of war, and it considers any such delay as constituting a “war crime,” it is clear to the Human Rights Defender that the Azerbaijani authorities are unquestionably abusing legal processes to achieve their goals. Their conduct is contrary to international laws and norms.
This behavior of the Azerbaijani authorities directly contradicts the intentions of the parties who are the signatories to the trilateral statement executed on November 10th.
The point is, that based on the requirement of point 8 of that statement, the Republic of Armenia has already transferred to Azerbaijan, perpetrators of crimes in Artsakh, including two convicted murderers of civilians. Azerbaijan has also handed over Armenia, some Armenians who were “formally” convicted in that country on the same principle.
Therefore, the above also makes it rather obvious that, even by initiating criminal proceedings and making the Armenian servicemen suspects or labeling each of them as an accused, the delay in the return of the captives is not only quite obviously artificial, it is also a clear abuse of legal processes; and, it violates not only international humanitarian law, but also the November 10 trilateral statement and the intentions of the parties that signed it.
6. The research and the results of the investigation of the Human Rights Defender of Armenia continue to consistently confirm that the Azerbaijani authorities initially artificially delayed the release of the captives of the Armenian side, and otherwise deprived them of their liberty, and continue to avoid announcing the real number of the Armenians in captivity.
Moreover, the evidence gathered by the Human Rights Defender's Office confirms that their number is higher than that which the Azerbaijani authorities have thus far confirmed (referring to the already returned 44 prisoners).
The Human Rights Defender has registered numerous cases when, despite the overwhelming evidence confirmed by videos and other evidence, the Azerbaijani authorities deny people access to them and/or delay the approval process for visitations.
Studies have already shown that all of this is being done to cause mental suffering to the families of the captives and to the Armenian society in general, to play with the emotions of the Armenian society, and to keep the atmosphere tense. This applies equally to prisoners of war and civilians.
7. The absolute urgency of the issue of the release of prisoners should be considered in the context of the organized policy of propaganda of anti-Armenianism and hostility in Azerbaijan.
The reports published by the Human Rights Defender of Armenia, which are based on objective evidence, confirm the deep roots of the anti-Armenian policy in Azerbaijan, the encouragement of hostility and atrocities by the Azerbaijani authorities, and even by their cultural figures.
This issue is closely related to the letter of the Permanent Representative of Azerbaijan to the UN, in the sense that the Armenian servicemen, first of all, protected the rights of their compatriot Armenians, as well as protection of their health, property and other vital necessities. This issue is especially important against the background of the war crimes and crimes against humanity, the mass destruction of peaceful settlements in Artsakh, all of which were committed by the Azerbaijani armed forces; and, such similar acts are still being committed.
8. I, therefore, call to the attention of the United Nations and other international human rights bodies all of the issues addressed in this Declaration.
9. The highest authorities of Armenia should take into account the circumstances referenced in this statement of the Human Rights Defender when engaged in any negotiations.
Based on these principles, the highest bodies of the Armenian government must act in such a way, and with such guarantees, that the return of our compatriots to the Homeland is ensured within the framework of the humanitarian and human rights processes."

Turkish press: Turkey, Pakistan, Azerbaijan vow to deepen ties – Turkey News

Top diplomats of Turkey, Pakistan and Azerbaijan have agreed to take concrete steps to further deepen their bilateral and trilateral ties at the three-way meeting held in Islamabad, vowing support to each other in disputes concerning Nagorno-Karabakh, Cyprus and Jammu and Kashmir.

Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov and Pakistani Foreign Minister Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi came together at the second round of Trilateral Dialogue on Jan. 13.

The ministers issued the “Islamabad Declaration” following their meeting and held a joint press conference. They agreed to enhance their joint efforts in combating particularly Islamophobia, discrimination and persecution of Muslim minorities at the regional and international fora and renewed their resolve to strengthen cooperation in peace and security in line with various international and regional instruments to combat all forms and manifestations of terrorism, transnational organized crime, trafficking of drugs, narcotics, human trafficking, money laundering, crimes against cultural and historical heritage and cybercrimes,” according to the declaration.

“[The ministers] expressed deep concern over the unilateral actions of Aug. 5, 2019, continuing human rights violations in Jammu and Kashmir and over the efforts to change its demographic structure, and reiterated their principled position for a peaceful settlement of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute in accordance with the relevant U.N. Security Council Resolutions,” it said.

They have also expressed their support to a just, sustainable, realistic, and mutually acceptable settlement of the Cyprus issue, as well as the issues in the Aegean and the eastern Mediterranean on the basis of international law. On Nagorno-Karabakh, the ministers “reiterated their support for putting an end to the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict and normalization of relations on the basis of sovereignty and territorial integrity and internationally recognized borders of Azerbaijan in accordance with the relevant U.N. Security Council resolutions.”

At the press conference, Çavuşoğlu said that they have agreed to take important steps to improve security, stability and prosperity between the three brotherly countries, especially in the fields of transportation and energy.

The foreign ministerial meeting allowed them to assess the regional developments in Jammu and Kashmir, Cyprus, Nagorno-Karabakh and Afghanistan, Çavuşoğlu said, stressing the importance of the human rights violations and demographic changes in Jammu and Kashmir.

“We are of the belief that unilateral steps will further complicate the situation,” he added.

Azerbaijan’s Bayramov hailed the support of Turkey and Pakistan in solving the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and invited Pakistani and Turkish firms to help rebuild the Karabakh region recently liberated from the Armenian occupation.

Qureshi thanked his counterparts for attending the meeting, noting that the top diplomats decided to intensify and deepen the trilateral cooperation. He thanked Ankara for its consistent support to Islamabad on the Kashmir issue.