Turkish presidency infuriated over raising of ‘Byzantine flag’ over mosque in Cyprus

Panorama, Armenia
June 9 2020
Politics 12:34 09/06/2020Region

The Turkish presidency described raising the “Byzantine flag” over a mosque in the Cypriot city of Larnaca, as “showing hatred for Islam and Turkey,” noting that “stopping these attacks is a natural right,” Al-Masdar News reported.

The head of the communication department in the Turkish presidency, Fakhreddine Alton, said on Monday via Twitter that “the suspension of the flag on the Tuzla mosque shows the deep grudge and hatred towards Islam and towards Turkey by the people of the distasteful mentalities that inherited shame and attacks on ideas, beliefs and looting. And genocide in the pages of history for thousands of years. ”

“Turkey continues with all its might the struggle to transform the region into a zone of peace and security,” Alton said, noting that “the epic struggle that Turkey is presenting today in the eastern Mediterranean is an _expression_ of the blessed inspiration it drew from its civilization.”

He noted that “Islam, which was a source of peace and security and the horizon of ancient civilization, will continue to enlighten the years and combat all kinds of systematic attacks,” saying that “the attack on Islam and Muslims has become an institutional structure that is increasing day by day in the name of the so-called freedom of opinion.”

Alton stressed that “stopping the horrendous attacks against Islam and Turkey as soon as is a natural right”, stressing that “Turkey is able to rebuild the atmosphere of brotherhood and coexist with all beliefs and religions in the Mediterranean region.”

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has instructed government officials to conduct a study on how to convert Istanbul's famous Hagia Sophia Byzantine-era cathedral, currently a museum, into a mosque. Hagia Sophia was reopened as a museum in 1935. It is a UNESCO world heritage site.

Colorado House passes bill on Armenian Genocide education



 16:13, 6 June, 2020

YEREVAN, JUNE 6, ARMENPRESS.   The Colorado House of Representatives unanimously passed House Bill 1336 – Holocaust and Genocide Studies in Public Schools – on June 4 which requires Holocaust and Armenian Genocide education as a condition for High School graduation in Colorado, the Armenian National Committee of America Colorado reported, ARMENPRESS was informed from asbarez.com.

The ANCA Colorado thanked the original sponsors, Representative Dafna Michaelson Jenet, Representative Emily Sirota, Senator Steve Fenberg, and Senator Dennis Hisey, as well as “honorary Armenian” lawmakers Rep. Daneya Esgar and Senator Dominick Moreno, for championing this bill and making sure that the Armenian community was included in the process from the very beginning.

After the measure passed, Esgar took to Twitter to say that “I had never heard of the Armenian Genocide until I learned about it from an Armenian friend. She [Eds: the friend] didn’t understand why we never talked about the genocide of her people.”

“We must do better. It is critical for us to teach students about these atrocities,” added Esgar.

The Colorado ANCA also expressed special gratitude to its partners, the Coalition against Global Genocide and Jewish Colorado, for working hand in hand with ANCA Colorado to make the cause of genocide education a reality.

“And a huge thank you to all the organizations, in particular Armenian National Committee America – Western Region, Armenians of Colorado and ADL – Anti-Defamation League, for making sure that the State of Colorado has the funds to implement the law,” the ANCA Colorado said in a Facebook post.

The legislation is expected to be discussed and voted on in the Colorado Senate, then it will go to the governor for his signature.

Noubar Afeyan updates Armenian President on testing of coronavirus vaccine

MediaMax, Armenia

Noubar Afeyan has told Armen Sarkissian that the company has got the interim data for the first phase of work and the first testing has been successful, said the Armenian presidential press service.


Moderna announced on May 18 that it was launching phase 1 of the vaccine testing.   


In particular, it involved 45 volunteers, in all of whom the vaccination elicited antibodies.


The volunteers, divided into groups by 15, received doses of 25mg, 100mg and 250mg once in 28 days.


Previously, Noubar Afeyan announced that the clinical trial of the COVID-19 vaccine, involving 600 people, would begin in July.

Artsakh’s Secretary of Security Council relieved from position




STEPANAKERT, MAY 18, ARMENPRESS. President of Artsakh Bako Sahakyan signed today a decree on releasing Arshavir Gharamyan from the post of Secretary of Security Council of Artsakh upon his own statement, the President’s Office told Armenpress.

On May 13 Arshavir Gharamyan announced that he has submitted a resignation letter.


Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan

A new criminal case has been launched against Mikayel Minasyan

Arminfo, Armenia
May 15 2020

ArmInfo. In the Special Investigation Service, another criminal case has been opened on the fact of exceeding official powers, which entailed serious  consequences by negligence.

According to the press service of the SIS, information was received  that in 2007-2012, an official who held the post of senior assistant  to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia, and then – first  deputy head of the Office of the President of the Republic of  Armenia, overstepped his authority, as a result of which "Old Erivan  Holding" LLC was damaged in the amount of 2 billion drams. It should  be noted that during the indicated period, the son-in-law of former  President of the RA Serzh Sargsyan – Mikael Minasyan, occupied the  position.

According to the SIS, data were received that on November 16, 2007, a  company owned by Manvel Ter- Arakelyan was given permission to  rebuild within two years "Odeon" cafe located near Tumanyan street  with an area of 564 square meters for further operation. The company  planned to begin the reconstruction of the cafe in 2008, but in  2007-2012 the aforementioned high ranking official exceeded his  authority and demanded that Manvel Ter-Arakelyan not restore or  operate the cafe, depriving the company of legal rights to use the  rented area for its intended purpose. As a result, the company  virtually ceased operations, and in 2007-2014 suffered losses in the  amount of 1 938 798 136 drams.  A criminal case has been instituted  in the Special Investigation Service in connection with the excess of  official authority, which entailed negligent grave consequences, in  part 3 of Article 309 of the RA Criminal Code.

To recall, the son-in-law of former President of Armenia Serzh  Sargsyan, Mikael Minasyan, was prosecuted as a defendant in a  criminal case on illicit enrichment, money laundering and the  inclusion of false data in the income statement. There is no exact  information regarding his current location; Minasyan himself  previously via Facebook reported the initiation of more than 10  criminal cases against people related to him and his family. Last  fall, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan called on Minasyan to return to  his homeland and answer questions from the Special Investigation  Service. In particular, it was about illegal, as the prime minister  noted, privatization of a strategic facility in the Lori region.   According to media reports, this facility  is the Dzoraget  hydroelectric power station (<Dzora hydroelectric station>). In the  criminal case regarding the "Dzora HPP", the former head of the RA  Ministry of Defense Seyran Ohanyan is also accused, who is suspected  of embezzlement in the amount of 1,046,400,000 drams. Earlier on her  Facebook page, Prime Minister's press secretary Mane Gevorgyan stated  that Minasyan had illegal shares in Spayka, Shant and Armenia TV  companies, Yerevan Mall shopping center, Zangezur Copper-Molybdenum  Plant, and a number of other companies.  According to her, a large  part of his share was hastily sold after the "velvet revolution",  and, for example, the former director of the National Security  Council, Arthur Vanetsyan, acquired a stake in ZCMC, with a clear  abuse of power and through dummy shareholders.  Gevorgyan also  indicated that Vanetsyan's father owns a company that has become a  major cargo carrier of ZCMC. According to her, the Government also  has information that Minasyan has a share of corruption in UCOM, and  he is the de jure owner of part of the shares of the family of the  former head of the SRC Gagik Khachatryan.  

Armenia to be supplied with 70 additional ventilators – PM




YEREVAN, MAY 16, ARMENPRESS. Armenia will be supplied with 70 additional ventilators to tackle the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said at a press conference today, presenting 100 facts about the new Armenia.

“In order to resist the novel coronavirus disease nearly 100,000 test kits were acquired and we continue acquiring medical equipment, personal protective items. In particular, Armenia will be supplied with 70 additional ventilators (at the moment we have 100). It is also planned to acquire additional ambulances and high-capacity cars”, he said.

Pashinyan informed that the process of purchasing mobile X-ray scanners and other medical equipment for diagnosing and treating the virus has already started. Production of face masks launched in Armenia which is capable of meeting the domestic demand and also conducting an export. The same relates to the production of alcohol-based hand sanitizers.  

“As a result of the government-community-civil society-private sector partnership, single elderly people, large, needy families and other vulnerable groups, as well as those instructed to be self-quarantined have been provided with over 50,000 food and hygiene items, worth 13,000 AMD on average”, the PM added.

Reporting by Lilit Demuryan; Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan

Total vetting is impossible without Constitutional changes – Minister Badasyan




YEREVAN, MAY 11, ARMENPRESS. According to Justice Minister of Armenia Rustam Badasyan, the exisiting tools in the Judicial code allow to carry out gradual improvments, while a total vetting can have negative impacts, moreover, it's impossible without changing the Cosntitution, ARMENPRESS reports Badasyan said during a discussion with Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan.

Pashinyan asked if it's possible to launch disciplinary proceeding against a judge who cannot explain how he acquired some property in 2013.

The Minister noted that this is the point of the main criticism. ''It's mentioned that ex post facto legislation is not applied. But is should be mentioned that if we want to go in that way, it means checking all the judges at once, within a short period of time. This can lead to negative consequences. But let's put it aside and focus on the legal side. Constitutional changes are necessary for doing it. I mean it's impossible to carry out such a vetting, let's name it total vetting, without changing the Constitution'', he said, noting that tools provided by the Judicial code allow to carry out gradual improvements.

Reporting by Anna Grigoryan, Editing and translating by Tigran Sirekanyan

Azerbaijani press: Letter on so-called “elections” in Nagorno-Karabakh published as UNGA, UNSC document

BAKU, Azerbaijan, April 24

By Leman Zeynalova – Trend:

The letter dated 15 April 2020 from the Permanent Representative of Azerbaijan to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General on the so-called “elections” held by Armenia in Azerbaijan’s occupied lands has been published as the document of the UN General Assembly and the UN Security Council, Trend reports.

The letter says it is not a coincidence that these so-called “elections” took place on 31 March – the Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis, commemorated in Azerbaijan in memory of those thousands of civilians killed as a result of Armenian offensives in 1918.

“No doubt, such an ostentatious and cynical action will serve for nothing but to deepen mistrust and narrow the already elusive prospects of peace and reconciliation,” reads the document.

The document says that these so-called “elections” were held despite the unprecedented spread of the coronavirus pandemic across the globe, thus once again vividly demonstrating that Armenia subordinates the well-being and safety of residents under occupation to political expediency, in total disregard of public morality and in violation of international humanitarian law.

“As a consequence, the first coronavirus cases in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan were reported immediately after these so-called “elections”. The “elections” were held in an environment of total illegitimacy, which stems from the continuing military occupation and ethnic cleansing of the territories of Azerbaijan and a clear violation of the Constitution and legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the norms and principles of international law. The international community once again has overwhelmingly reaffirmed its consistent and principled position of collective non-recognition of the situation resulting from the occupation of the territories of Azerbaijan by rejecting and invalidating the so-called “elections”, which thus have no effect whatsoever,” reads the letter.

The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. As a result of the ensuing war, Armenian armed forces occupied 20 percent of Azerbaijan, including the Nagorno-Karabakh region and seven surrounding districts.

The 1994 ceasefire agreement was followed by peace negotiations. Armenia has not yet implemented four UN Security Council resolutions on the withdrawal of its armed forces from Nagorno Karabakh and the surrounding districts.

EEC Minister sure ban on export of some goods from EAEU will be lifted in late June




YEREVAN, APRIL 30, ARMENPRESS. The ban on export of a group of products from the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) to other countries is temporary and will be probably lifted after June 30, Artak Kamalyan – Minister in charge of Industry and Agriculture at the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC), said at a Yerevan-Moscow-Minsk video conference today.

He firstly presented the reason of such restrictions. “Today’s existing not so major restrictions have been applied not because that we are afraid that food within the Union will not be enough, but because that it’s an adequate reaction to the changes that are taking place over the possible rise in the demand and prices of certain products”, he said.

The EEC Minister noted that when there is an urgent demand for any good, the demand of that business is expanding, and the price starts growing. Therefore, to avoid such speculations, these restrictions have been applied. But the Minister said these are temporary restrictions. “The list of restrictions, which is not so big, will be lifted, I am sure, until June 30. We are already lifting the restrictions on some goods”, he added.

Earlier the EEC made a decision to ban the export of some food essentials from the Union due to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

Reporting by Anna Grigoryan; Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan

While Remembering and Commemorating the Armenian Genocide, Let’s Not Forget the Greeks and Assyrians

Pappas Post
written by Lou Ureneck
The following contributed article was originally published in 2015 to mark the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. The Pappas Post re-shares this piece, however, due to its continued relevance and importance.
Armenians and others around the world this month are marking the centennial of the genocide that left hundreds of thousands of Armenians dead early in the last century. The date April 24 is typically picked as the centennial day since it was on that day in 1915 that Turkish authorities rounded up Armenian intellectuals and leaders in Constantinople and murdered them.
It was the first step in a much broader slaughter. The Armenian centennial is getting the attention it deserves from sources as diverse as Pope Francis and Kim Kardashian. The Pope courageously used the word “genocide” in a mass this past weekend, and the Lord’s Prayer was sung in Armenian at the Vatican. Kim Kardashian, whose grandfather was an Armenian immigrant, traveled to the Republic of Armenia with her husband Kayne West, who put on an impromptu concert.
These events are good and an important.
What few people know is that the Armenian Genocide was a horrible event that occurred within the context of a wider religious cleansing across Asia Minor that lasted 10 years and included Armenians, Greeks and Assyrians. They were all Christians, and they were subjects of the Ottoman Empire.
The religious cleansing was actually the first in modern times, and it fit the pattern of genocides that would follow in the terrible century ahead. It’s worth noting that the Nazis in following decades were transfixed by the events that had occurred in Turkey in those nightmarish years of mass killings and deadly deportations.
The Armenians in many way bore the worst of the slaughter, but ethnic Greeks and Assyrians also were slaughtered in similar ways — and for the same reason: They were scapegoats in a crumbling empire that saw Christians as a dangerous and potentially treasonous population inside the country. There was a strong nationalistic impulse to create a “Turkey for the Turks,” and that meant a homogeneous population based on Turkishness and the Moslem faith.
Christians had long been second-class citizens in the Ottoman Empire, long before the genocide, and they had been subject to pogrom-like actions. But the systematic uprooting of Christians began about 1912 following the First Balkan War, in which Greece, Serbia and Bulgaria defeated the Ottomans and the city of Salonika passed to the Greeks.
Undated photograph: An Armenian woman kneels beside her dead child in a field “within sight of help and safety at Aleppo.”
(Photo / Near East Relief Foundation)
It was the nation of Greece that had been part of the alliance that defeated the Ottomans, but it was ethnic Greek subjects of the Ottoman Empire who paid a price in harassment, killing and forced departures. Tens of thousands of ethnic Greeks were forced from their homes along the west (Aegean) coast of Turkey and many were killed.
This had the silent encouragement of Turkey’s military ally, Germany. Virulent propaganda spread images of Christians threatening Islam; hatred was fomented between the faiths.One of the witnesses to the killing was the American consul general in Smyrna, George Horton. Smyrna was a prosperous city on the Aegean, and Horton had been posted there to look after American interests. He documented the killing and reported it back to the State Department. Smyrna itself, after WWI, would itself be destroyed in the religious hatred directed toward Christians.
The Armenian genocide is typically bracketed by 1915-1916, during World War I. And for sure, this is when most of the killing took place. Armenian civilians were marched out of their towns and cities and segregated by sex and age. Men were killed immediately; women and children were marched long distances until they dropped form disease, thirst or starvation. The first-hand accounts of these treks are numerous and collected in letters, cables and reports in libraries though the world.
After WWI, the British made an attempt to bring the Ottoman mass killers to justice, but the effort faltered as Britain’s grasp on the situation inside Turkey faltered. A nationalist movement arose, and the forces of religious hatred were again unleashed. The killing of Christians was renewed with Ottoman Greeks as well as Armenians being shot and marched to their deaths. American and British consuls diplomats in the region provided a first-hand account of the killing.
The situation was worsened when the Allied Powers and the United States invited the nation of Greece to occupy Smyrna, a mostly Greek city inside Turkey, to forestall a landing by the Italians who wanted to seize the city as the spoils of war. The powers sent Greece to Smyrna, but when war broke out between the army of Greece and the Nationalist army of Turkey, they did next to nothing to support it.
As a consequence, more Christians — people who were Ottoman subjects — were murdered in towns and cities from the Black Sea to the south coast of Turkey. By the end of 1922, about three millions Christians had been killed in the decade-long religious cleansing that operated essentially under two Turkish governments.
The burning port of Smyrna pictured on September 14, 1922. The blaze spread and engulfed much of the city after Turkish forces lit four fires around the perimeter of the Armenian neighborhood.
The final catastrophe was the Turkish army’s occupation of Smyrna, a prosperous and cosmopolitan city of a half million people. The city was burned, and countless numbers of civilians slaughtered on the city’s streets and in their homes. The occupation of Smyrna was, in an important sense, the last episode of the genocide. It was also a marker of the end of the Ottoman Empire. After Smyrna, a new order arose, led by Turkey’s brilliant, ruthless and secular leader Mustafa Kemal, later called Ataturk.
So, as we commemorate the Armenian genocide, and give it the historical standing and label it deserves, let us not forget that many hundreds of thousands of others perished in the 20th Century’s first genocide.
About the author
Lou Ureneck teaches journalism at Boston University. A former Nieman fellow and editor-in-residence at Harvard University, Ureneck worked as a newspaper editor in Maine and Philadelphia. His book, “The Great Fire: One American’s Mission to Rescue Victims of the 20th Century’s First Genocide,” is available for purchase via Amazon.