US House recognises ‘Armenian genocide’ in rebuke to Turkey

Middle East Eye
Oct 29 2019
Bill marks the first time US Congress describes the killing of Armenians by Ottoman forces during World War I as a genocide
Armenian officials attend commemoration of 104th anniversary of the killings of Armenians by Ottoman forces in 1915, at Tsitsernakaberd memorial in country's capital, Yerevan, 24 April (AFP/File photo)
The US House of Representatives has overwhelmingly passed a resolution recognising the atrocities committed by the Ottoman Empire against Armenians in the First World War as a "genocide".

In a 405 to 11 vote on Tuesday, legislators passed a resolution titled "Affirming the United States record on the Armenian Genocide".

The bill marks the first time either chamber of Congress has described the killings of Armenians as a genocide.

"Today let us clearly state the facts on the floor of this House, to be etched to the congressional record: The barbarism committed against the Armenian people was a genocide," said Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ahead of the vote.

Turkey denounced the passage of the resolution calling it "devoid of any historical or legal basis".

"The resolution itself is also not legally binding. As a meaningless political step, its sole addressees are the Armenian lobby and anti-Turkey groups," the Turkish foreign ministry said in a statement late on Tuesday.

The resolution states that "the United States has a proud history of recognising and condemning the Armenian Genocide, the killing of 1.5 million Armenians by the Ottoman Empire from 1915 to 1923".

The country has also provided "relief to the survivors of the campaign of genocide against Armenians, Greeks, Assyrians, Chaldeans, Syriacs, Arameans, Maronites, and other Christians", the bill reads.

'Today let us clearly state the facts on the floor of this House, to be etched to the congressional record: The barbarism committed against the Armenian people was a genocide'

– Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi

Similar measures have failed in the past – most recently in 2010 when then-President Barack Obama urged lawmakers to drop a resolution that would have recognised the killings as a genocide.

Successive US presidents have refrained from using the term "genocide" in reference to Ottoman massacres of Armenians to preserve Washington's alliance with Ankara.

While Turkey acknowledges that Ottoman forces killed Armenians in battles during World War I, it rejects the number of victims often cited by historians.

Ankara says the killings were not part of an organised campaign and do not amount to genocide, and it has previously condemned countries that recognised the killings as a genocide.

The Turkish embassy in Washington did not respond to MEE's request for comment on Tuesday.

But as several US representatives spoke in favour of the historic bill, the focus often shifted to a more recent conflict: Turkey's incursion in northern Syria.

"Turkey's current action in northern Syria against our Kurdish allies is extremely concerning, and … we cannot stand by and let egregious human rights violations happen," Republican Congressman Gus Bilirakis said on the House floor before the vote.

Russia informs Turkey that Kurdish fighters have left Turkish border zone in Syria

Read More »

Indeed, the resolution comes amid growing anger in the US against Turkey, which launched an assault against the US-backed, Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) earlier this month.

In fact, lawmakers followed the vote on the Armenian genocide on Tuesday by passing a bill that would impose sanctions in Turkey over the offensive in Syria.

The sanctions measure, which would include a visa ban on Turkey's defence minister if it becomes law, passed in a 403-16 vote.

In its statement on Tuesday, the Turkish foreign ministry suggested that the House measure on the Armenian genocide is aimed at Turkey's military offensive in Syria.

"Those who felt defeated for not being able to forestall Operation Peace Spring would be highly mistaken [if] they thought that they could take vengeance this way," it said.

The operation began after after Donald Trump withdrew American troops from northern Syria.

The pullout prompted a backlash against the White House, with Democratic and Republican lawmakers accusing the US president of betraying the country's Kurdish allies.

The Kurds played a major role in the fight against the Islamic State (IS) group in Syria.

The US brokered a ceasefire agreement on 17 October that led Trump to lift the economic sanctions that his administration imposed on Turkey over the offensive.

However, members of Congress have said they intend to continue to push for measures to punish the Turkish government for its incursion in northern Syria.

On Tuesday, Turkey said the passage of the sanctions proposal in the House of Representatives violates the ceasefire agreement, which stipulated that Washington would lift sanctions on Ankara after the fighting is halted.

Armenian scientist: Safe use of artificial intelligence has not yet been proven, Armenia
Oct 19 2019
Armenian scientist: Safe use of artificial intelligence has not yet been proven Armenian scientist: Safe use of artificial intelligence has not yet been proven

15:00, 19.10.2019

The safe use of artificial intelligence has not yet been proven, Naira Hovakimyan, a professor at the University of Illinois, US, told Armenian about the use of artificial intelligence.

The safe use of artificial intelligence has not yet been proven, she said adding that artificial intelligence has found great success in linguistic tasks and simple tasks, but what comes to flying objects and planes to be used and safer flights, she cannot answer that question right now.

The scientist said that they have been working on a program to try to incorporate elements of artificial intelligence to make the pilot safer.

According to her, they are trying to get something that will be able to determine on the spot what is the cause of the crash, how much space is left in the plane after that crash, what new plan the aircraft can design, fly in a new direction and land somewhere safely.

As she noted, IT should be used in agriculture in Armenia as Armenia 'has been and remains an agrarian country, our agriculture must move at a very fast pace,' she said.

'That is, we need to learn how to cultivate our piece of land in the most efficient way so that our harvest can be abundant, so that we can have healthy food and export it in a profitable way,' she noted adding that they are also working on a project that will make life easier for years, designing small flying robots that will bring glasses, or pills, can lift the fork down from the table and so on.

168: Artsakh’s President attends event in Yerevan organized during “Reforming the World” film festival


Artsakh Republic President Bako Sahakyan on October 15 participated in an event organized in Yerevan within the framework of “Reforming the World” film festival.

President Sahakyan expressed gratitude to the festival organizers for awarding him with the humanitarian award for activity aimed at the protection of human rights and the right to self-determination, noting that the Artsakh Movement and the Artsakh Republic state building process are exemplary manifestations of human rights protection and self-determination.

Newspaper: 64 religious organizations registered in Armenia, Armenia
Oct 4 2019
Newspaper: 64 religious organizations registered in Armenia Newspaper: 64 religious organizations registered in Armenia

10:10, 04.10.2019


YEREVAN. – According to official data, in addition to the Armenian Apostolic Church—which comprises the majority, there are 63 more registered religious organizations in Armenia, Past (Fact) newspaper reported. 

“These include the Russian Orthodox Church—with its 4 communities, the church of the Molokans, the Jewish and Assyrian churches, the Armenian Catholic Church.

“The rest are, in essence, organizations that are defined in society as sectarian organizations. (…) 31 such separate structures function in Armenia.

“Moreover, according to some unverified information, this number is not at all complete, as several [religious] organizations are simply not officially registered [in Armenia].

“In recent times, more and more often it is said that in the case of the current perilous geopolitical trends, the unity of Christian communities is extremely important. But the fact remains that there are at least 31 [sectarian] organizations—with their branches—functioning [in Armenia] today,” Past wrote.

Raffi Hovannisian on keeping second President of Armenia under custody, trial over March 1 events, Armenia
Oct 1 2019
Raffi Hovannisian on keeping second President of Armenia under custody, trial over March 1 events Raffi Hovannisian on keeping second President of Armenia under custody, trial over March 1 events

15:36, 01.10.2019

There have to be interrogations with all officials and institutions having had something to do with the events that took place on March 1, 2008. This is what founding leader of Heritage political party Raffi Hovannisian told journalists today, touching upon the trial over the events of March 1, 2008.

“My personal opinion and the opinion of Heritage political party has always been that all the relevant organizations, presidents and officials linked to the events of March 1 must be interrogated and testify. The truth has to be told and justice must be implemented in order for us to move forward and bring all the guilty people to justice,” he said.

According to Raffi Hovannisian, there are no specific facts for keeping second President of Armenia Robert Kocharyan under custody and voiced hope that those facts will be presented during the main trial.

“I know that the incumbent Prime Minister has testified, but everyone else also has to testify. We are currently a state that has to do this. If we don’t, then we Armenians aren’t living in the new Armenia,” he said.

Armenia slams Ukraine for statement that does not contribute to peace process in Nagorno-Karabakh

ARKA, Armenia
Sept 30 2019

YEREVAN, September 30. /ARKA/. Armenia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs has slammed today Ukraine for using the phrase 'occupied territories' in reference to Nagorno-Karabakh Republic.

A foreign ministry spokeswoman Anna Naghdalyan said all unilaterally-made statements on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, which contradict the wording of the OSCE Minsk Group, which is the only internationally mandated body to mediate the talks on the conflict, do not contribute to the peace process.

On September 27, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, citing 'repeated' appeals of its partners, reminded its citizens of the procedures for entry and exit to / from foreign countries. "This, in particular, concerns the entry into the occupied territory of Nagorno-Karabakh (Azerbaijan Republic) and adjacent areas, as well as the entry into the occupied territories of Abkhazia and the Tskhinvali region / South Ossetia (Georgia).

The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict erupted into armed clashes after the collapse of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s as the predominantly Armenian-populated enclave of Azerbaijan sought to secede from Azerbaijan and declared its independence backed by a successful referendum.

On May 12, 1994, the Bishkek cease-fire agreement put an end to the military operations. A truce was brokered by Russia in 1994, although no permanent peace agreement has been signed.  Since then, Nagorno-Karabakh and several adjacent regions have been under the control of Armenian forces of Karabakh. Nagorno-Karabakh is the longest-running post-Soviet era conflict and has continued to simmer despite the relative peace of the past two decades, with snipers causing tens of deaths a year.

In the early hours of April 2, 2016 Azerbaijan, in gross violation of the agreements launched a large-scale offensive along the entire Line of Contact between the armed forces of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic and Azerbaijan, using heavy weaponry, artillery and combat aircraft. Only thanks to the decisive actions of the Defense Army, which gave a fitting rebuff, on April 5, Azerbaijan was forced to ask, as in 1994, through the mediation of the Russian Federation for the cessation of the hostilities. It has been generally maintained, despite the recurrent violations by the Azerbaijani side. -0-

AGBU Organizes Official Visit of Prime Minister Pashinyan and IT Delegation to Silicon Valley

AGBU Press Office
55 East 59th Street
New York, NY 10022-1112

Leveraging its unique position in the epicenter of the high tech industry, with 
its concentrated community of IT professionals and transformational 
entrepreneurs, AGBU Silicon Valley paved the way for the first visit of 
Armenia's Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and his 20-member delegation to 
Silicon Valley on September 23rd. 

Armenia's leadership was on a special mission to achieve multiple objectives 
during their one-day, six-event visit to the world's mecca for science and 
innovation: To share Armenia's impressive IT success story with the industry's 
power elite; to gain insights on the trajectory of high tech innovation heading 
into the next decade; to engage with diasporan IT professionals in the area; 
and to conclude the signing of two MOU's designed to support Armenia's 
homegrown IT talent through education, training, and opportunities for direct 
engagement with the Silicon Valley community. 

Today, there are over a dozen successful tech companies, many incubated and 
nurtured in Armenia, with a presence in Silicon Valley-an expansionary 
phenomenon fueled, in part, by the early efforts of AGBU to help advance 
Armenia's IT capacity. Compared with a handful of tech companies that existed 
in Armenia in the early nineties, when AGBU first decided to plant a stake in 
the industries of tomorrow, there are now over 800 startup enterprises 
operating in country. These are in addition to some of the more mature 
enterprises, some of which were acquired by world-renowned multi-nationals. 

A day of discussion, discovery, and mutual intentions. 

For the better part of the day, Pashinyan and his team engaged in a series of 
back-to-back high-level meetings from closed-door one-on-ones to an interactive 
dialogues, along with product demos, educational tours, and business 
presentations in between. The entire itinerary was organized by AGBU Silicon 
Valley chapter under the leadership of its chair Dr. Yervant Zorian. A key 
figure in the Silicon Valley community in his own right, Dr. Zorian is not only 
the Chief Architect of Synopsys, Inc., but also serves as President of Synopsys 
Armenia, the parent company's second largest location in its 35-country R&D 
network, and the largest IT company in Armenia. He also happens to be the 
founder of the Armenian Virtual College (AVC), an AGBU signature institution, 
which is revolutionizing Armenian education around the world while poised to 
adapt its unique platform to advance education in Armenia's high schools and 
universities. Dr. Zorian currently serves on AGBU's central board. 

Agreement Signed with Venture Capitalist Tim Draper 

The official tour began with a meeting at the invitation of titan venture 
capital investor Tim Draper, founder of Draper Fisher Jurvetson (DFJ), Draper 
University, Draper Venture Network and Draper Associates. Mr. Pashinyan, 
Minister of the High-Tech Industry Hakob Arshakyan, and select members of the 
delegation engaged in discussions leading to the signed MOU for a Draper 
University branch in Armenia. When established, it will provide the next 
generation of enterprising tech professionals in. Armenia with access to one of 
Silicon Valley's top entrepreneur training programs.  

Excursion to Computer History Museum and Apple Park

During the private talks, the rest of the delegation, including the spouse of 
Prime Minister Anna Hakobyan and Minister of Economy Tigran Khachatryan, took a 
side-tour to the nearby Computer History Museum and Apple Park. The visit was 
hosted by the leadership of the museum along with members of AGBU Silicon 
Valley and AGBU young professionals of Northern California. 

Demo and Meeting with Nvidia Leadership

Pashinyan's next stop was the headquarters of Nvidia Corporation, inventor of 
GPUs, which creates graphics processing units for gaming and professional 
markets, as well as a system on a chip units (SoCs) for the mobile computing 
and automotive sectors.  The Armenian delegation, eager to learn more about 
Nvidia's artificial intelligence capabilities, was fascinated by a demo of 
real-time virtual simulation based on machine learning which took place prior 
to a side meeting with Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang. Mr. Pashinyan took that 
opportunity to extend a personal invitation to visit Armenia as a means to 
promote the country as a favorable and attractive location for R&D in 
artificial intelligence. 

Continuing the conversation at the Synopsys campus 

At the halfway point of their visit, the delegation headed to the Synopsys Inc. 
headquarters complex for three final engagements. First up was a meeting with 
Synopsys executives headed by Co-CEO Chi-Foon Chan to review the many 
innovations that this semi-conductor giant has brought to the industry and 
partake in boardroom discussions on the latest developments by Synopsys at 
large, and by Synopsys Armenia in particular, including its future expansion 
plans. The conversation then moved to another building on campus in which Mr. 
Pashinyan met with a group of a dozen high-tech executives, investors and 
academic leaders interested in pursuing a first-time involvement in the IT 
sector of Armenia. 

"The Armenian government has declared the technology sector a priority and, 
therefore, we prioritize our partnership with huge technological companies, 
such as Synopsys, "stated Prime Minister Pashinyan. "We are interested in 
attracting investments in the field of high technologies, creating jobs, and 
training specialists. We stand ready to promote this process with our 
government's toolkit intended to create a favorable ecosystem for technological 
startups and investments. Our government is ready to develop cooperation and 
exchange views on future joint action with Silicon Valley."

The tour culminated with the Armenia Tech Forum presided over by Dr. Zorian, PM 
Pashinyan, and the Minister of IT Arshakyan. The 140 representatives, mostly 
young professional Armenians from the tech community, were encouraged to engage 
in an open dialogue with the Prime Minister. Topics ranged from tech industry 
issues, the future of education and its deep impact on R&D, to post-revolution 
politics and Armenia's economic and business climate for startups. 

Announcement of the Virtual Bridge Concept

During the forum, Minister Arshakyan announced the finalization of an MOU 
between the ministry and AGBU Silicon Valley, whereby the chapter would be 
available to facilitate the creation of a dedicated facility for visiting tech 
professionals from Armenia setting up temporary residence to explore 
opportunities for venture capital, partnerships, and other collaborations with 
the local digerati. When implemented, the Virtual Bridge Project would 
facilitate stateside experiences by offering lodging, providing office space, 
and covering other logistical needs. 

"The Virtual Bridge is the first and largest project that will be done directly 
with the Diaspora," remarked Minister of the High Technology Sector Hakob 
Arshakyan. "It will allow the Armenian startup companies and entrepreneurs to 
visit Silicon Valley, participate in acceleration programs, and meet with 
venture capitalists."

The Virtual Bridge serves as a compelling reminder of just how far Armenia's IT 
sector has evolved since its early days of independence, when AGBU was the 
first to break ground in the development of the tech industry with the 
inception of advanced computer science retraining at the American University of 
Armenia (AUA) in the early nineties. 

These seminal initiatives helped set the foundation for the next phase of 
development with the introduction of Silicon Valley startups establishing R&D 
in Armenia, often facilitated by well-connected Diasporan leaders in the tech 
industry. That period was followed by an era of acquisition, whereby a number 
of such startups were acquired by multi-national corporations. These 
developments combined have led up to the coinage of the term "Start Up Armenia" 
as an apt descriptor of the nation in a 21st century context. 

While the arc from startup infancy to high tech mastery can be traced to AGBU's 
longstanding commitment to the IT sector, it also makes the case for why 
Armenia's government has decided to put most of its chips on technology as the 
primary driver of the economy, ahead of agriculture and tourism. Since the 
Velvet Revolution, Armenia's leadership has repeatedly stated that the Armenian 
Diaspora plays a vital role in ensuring Armenia's competitiveness in shaping 
the technologies of the future and expanding its footprint in the high-tech 
arena.  AGBU Silicon Valley will no doubt be instrumental in bringing that 
vision to pass.

Reflecting on AGBU's commitment to Armenia's IT sector, Dr. Zorian stated: "For 
decades, AGBU Silicon Valley, with its deep ties to this center of innovation, 
has been ideally situated to support the IT sector in Armenia. This time, 
organizing the Prime Minister's visit here represents another step toward 
strengthening the synergistic bond between Silicon Valley and the IT sector in 
Armenia, especially after the government announced it was a sector of priority."
The Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) is the world's largest non-profit 
organization devoted to upholding the Armenian heritage through educational, 
cultural and humanitarian programs. Each year, AGBU is committed to making a 
difference in the lives   of 500,000 people across Armenia, Artsakh and the 
Armenian diaspora.  Since 1906, AGBU has remained true to one overarching goal: 
to create a foundation for the prosperity of all Armenians. To learn more visit

Sports: World C’ships: Armenia’s Greco-Roman wrestlers off to Kazakhstan

Panorama, Armenia
Sept 12 2019

Sport 15:38 12/09/2019 Armenia

The Armenian Greco-Roman wrestling team has left for the Kazakh capital of Nur-Sultan which is set to host the 2019 World Championships on September 14-22.

Greco-Roman wrestlers will be the first to start the fight for medals and qualification for the 2020 Summer Olympics, the Armenian National Olympic Committee’s press service reported.

Athletes representing Armenian at the championship include Norayr Hakhoyan (55kg), Gevorg Gharibyan (60kg), Slavik Galstyan (63kg), Karen Aslanyan (67kg), Malkhas Amoyan (72kg), Karapet Zalyan (77kg), Maxim Manukyan (82kg), Artur Shahinyan (87kg) and Artur Aleksanyan (97kg).

The Olympic Committee’s official website will cover one of the key championships of the year from the competition venue. 

Sports: Arsenal supporters react as Mkhitaryan stars for Armenia

Read Arsenal
Sept 8 2019

Many supporters have responded on social media as Henrikh Mkhitaryan scored twice and assisted once in Armenia’s 4-2 win over Bosnia and Herzegovina.

After completing his deadline day loan move to AS Roma, the winger was an instrumental figure for Armenia on Sunday afternoon with a fine display to help his side to an important Euro 2020 qualifier victory.

And following his performance, many have taken to Twitter to suggest that Roma should now buy him permanently, while others believe he will have an excellent campaign in Serie A after leaving on loan.

Mkhitaryan certainly seemed to unleash on Bosnia after completing his loan switch to Roma, and his performance will no doubt have many questioning why he could not replicate that form at the Emirates.

While some will point the finger at the winger himself for simply not performing well enough at Arsenal, others will blame Unai Emery for not being able to get the best out of the Armenian.

Either way, he was in excellent form for Armenia and all eyes will be on his Serie A debut for Roma to gauge whether it was a flash in the pan or whether he is really back to his best.

Sports: Italy struggles to beat 10-man Armenia in Euro qualifier
Sept 5 2019
Italy struggles to beat 10-man Armenia in Euro qualifier
Injury-depleted Italy required two late goals to secure a 3-1 win over 10-man Armenia on Thursday and extend its perfect start to European Championship qualifying.
The Canadian Press
Alessio Romagnoli Leonardo Bonucci , The Canadian Press
YEREVAN, Armenia — Injury-depleted Italy required two late goals to secure a 3-1 win over 10-man Armenia on Thursday and extend its perfect start to European Championship qualifying.
Azzurri coach Roberto Mancini was enraged as his squad failed to produce any serious chances in the second half when it held a man advantage — until substitute Lorenzo Pellegrini broke the deadlock in the 77th.
Andrea Belotti then added another to go with his first-half equalizer.
Armenia took the initiative early on with Aleksandre Karapetyan finishing off a counterattack that began with an Italian defensive lapse.
Karapetyan was then sent off in first-half added time for picking up a second yellow card.
"In a way, the red card penalized us, because Armenia just focused on defending with 10 men and didn't allow any spaces. If they had had 11, they would have pushed forward more," Mancini said. "Armenia was physically superior today as they are midway through their seasons."
With five wins in five matches, Italy leads Group J with a full 15 points. Second-place Finland was hosting Greece later.
Mancini had anticipated a difficult performance, pointing out that most of Italy's players are short on physical fitness only two rounds into Serie A.
Making matters more complicated was the absence of injured captain Giorgio Chiellini, plus key forward Lorenzo Insigne, Bryan Cristante, Cristiano Biraghi and Mattia De Sciglio.
Midfielder Nicolò Barella turned the ball over to set Armenia on the counterattack that Karapetyan finished off with a shot to the far corner as Leonardo Bonucci failed to intervene.
Belotti's equalizer came with a volley near the far post following a cross from Emerson Palmieri.
A minute later, Federico Bernardeschi hit the crossbar.
Karapetyan's first yellow came for an argument with Marco Verratti and his second was for a raised elbow on Bonucci, although replays showed that it was a harsh decision.
Verratti was also booked, meaning he will miss Italy's next match in Finland on Sunday due to accumulated cards.
Pellegrini's goal — his first for the national team — came with a header following a cross from Bonucci as he was left unmarked 10 yards out.
Belotti's second came with a difficult shot through a crowd of defenders that was aided by a poor effort from the goalkeeper.
Belotti plays for Torino, which started its season early for Europa League qualifying, meaning his physical condition was ahead of many Italy players.
"It was a tough start for us, as Armenia was very aggressive and the pitch was not in great condition," Belotti said. "Their chances were all on the counterattack, but we slowly took control and could have had more goals, including one I missed badly, but fortunately we were able to turn it around."
Armenia captain Henrikh Mkhitaryan, who recently joined Roma on loan in Italy's Serie A, was a constant threat.