A1+: Donations to Hayastan All-Armenian Fund declining year after year

As we reported earlier, the Hayastan All Armenian Fund’s annual telethon in Los Angeles has raised 11,109,633 dollars. The Telethon 2018 ended at 10:00 Yerevan time, but at the same time donations were still being made and the number can grow. The money will be used to continue two significant infrastructure and energy-related projects in Artsakh that were started with last year’s telethon’s donations. In addition to the programs in Artsakh, the donations will also be directed for community infrastructures of Armenia.

Acting Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan made two separate donations to the fund – 1 million drams from the Prime Minister’s Fund, and another 500,000 drams from his personal account. Also, the National Security Service donated over 9.5 million AMD, while Vanetsyan donated his one month’s salary as a personal donation.

It is noteworthy that the amount accumulated year after year is decreasing. For example, the Telethon 2017 raised $ 12,505,456, and in 2016 – $ 15,428,777.

The last accord of the revolution – parliamentary elections in Armenia

Netgazeti , Georgia
Nov 15 2018
The last accord of the revolution – parliamentary elections in Armenia
My Step on the path to parliamentary majority
by Mikayel Zolyan
[Armenian News note: the below is translated from Georgian]

On 14 November, two blocs and nine parties submitted their lists of candidates [for the 9 December parliamentary elections] to the Armenian Central Electoral Commission. Elections to the National Assembly of Armenia [parliament] are due on 9 December. Precisely these elections are going to be the last accord in the political process, which began on 31 March and which is sure to make history under the name of the Revolution of Love and Solidarity.

The intrigue of the election comprises several main issues. It is first and foremost important how many per cent the party of the "revolutionary authorities", i.e. the My Step bloc led by [Acting Prime Minister] Nikol Pashinyan, will win.

Despite the fact that the victory of Pashinyan's bloc is effectively in no doubt, it is significant what the showing of his victory will be. It is also important, which other political forces will enter parliament and which of them will come second. Yet another intrigue of the elections is what the percentage of the former ruling Republican Party of Armenia will be and whether it will manage to remain part of the political landscape of post-revolutionary Armenia.

As is usually the case at least in democratic countries, the main question in elections is certainly, which political forces will comprise the new parliament.

In the case of the elections in Armenia, it is obvious who the favourites are. These are Pashinyan's supporters comprising the My Step bloc. The bloc comprises Civil Contract, which is Pashinyan's party; the Mission, which is a small party; and independent candidates.

The name My Step derives from the following slogan: Take a step and reject [former Armenian President] Serzh [Sargsyan] ("Kayl ara, Merzhir Serzhin"). It is significant what My Step's percentage will be.

In the election in Yerevan, when Pashinyan's supporters gained 82 per cent, quite a high benchmark was established. Armenia is quite a homogeneous country in social and demographic terms. Thus, the level of support for Pashinayn's political force across the country in general is not going to be different from what we saw in Yerevan. However, this does not imply that the My Step bloc cannot encounter difficulties.

On 21 October, local elections were held in four towns. In three of them, Pashinyan's supporters won a victory. However, in the town of Kapan, which is known for its industries, a local candidate – a businessman – won. Thus, Pashinyan's supporters will have to work hard to make sure that the results meet the high expectations created by the election in Yerevan.

The fact that in the former parliament, representatives of the Republican majority effectively disrupted voting for a new electoral code, which was ready to be adopted, might cause hindrance to the My Step bloc.

As a result, the election will be held according to the old electoral code, which was developed in the past precisely in the interests of the Republican Party. Despite the fact that elections in Armenia are held according to the proportional system, the current electoral code effectively preserves elements of the majoritarian system [elections in single-mandate constituencies].

This implies that voting for a specific party, voters will also have to elect one of the candidates running in concrete electoral districts. In the end, this gives a chance to so-called local feudal lords, representatives of local bureaucracies and those of businesses or criminal circles to enter parliament, giving an opportunity of additional votes to their parties.

It was this system that made it possible in the spring 2017 election to use the "technologies" such as vote buying or administrative pressure. In the 2018 election, this will also provide "local feudal lords" with an opportunity to take away votes from Pashinyan and other "revolutionary" parties.

Nevertheless, we should not overestimate the factor. Armenia of 2017 and Armenia of 2018 are two different countries and whatever happened at that time is not going to work out in the same manner. However, if the results gained by Pashinyan's bloc are much lower than those achieved in Yerevan [82 per cent] [square brackets as published], this will be a serious blow to the prestige of the "revolutionary authorities", even if My Step nevertheless forms a majority in parliament. However, at present, there is no such likelihood. Many observers now expect the My Step bloc to obtain no less than 70 per cent, or even more.

Contenders for second place

The main intrigue of the election is which other parties will manage to enter the National Assembly. Among the contenders is the Prosperous Armenia party led by Gagik Tsarukyan. In the Yerevan election, Tsarukyan's party came second, gaining 7 per cent, despite the fact that in the regions, it has traditionally enjoyed strong support.

It is quite hard to define the ideology of the party. This can be conventionally called mild populism. The party mainly counts on the image of Tsarukyan as one of the richest people [in Armenia] "thinking about people". The image was created under the influence of his years-long charity activities and is due to the Kentron TV company that is under his control.

However, the fact that over the past years, the party has played the role of "systemic opposition" and that earlier, it was in the coalition with the Republican Party might cause hindrance to prosperous Armenia. The party's somewhat incomprehensible behaviour during the developments in early October [which I wrote about in my previous article] [square brackets as published] did not boost its popularity, either.

It is not quite clear what fate the liberal parties Bright Armenia and Republic will face. In the former parliament, these parties were Pashinyan's allies in the Yelk [Way Out] faction. In the new parliament, they can play the role of "constructive opposition" to the authorities.

In the Yerevan election in September, they ran as part of the Luys [Light][square brackets as published] bloc, coming third in it. However, in the parliamentary election, they decided to run separately, which significantly decreases their chances to enter parliament.

However, this time, it is Bright Armenia that has decided to separately run in the election, while the Republic is going to form a bloc with Free Democrats. Thus, their chances, as well as those of others, are [now] much lower than in the Yerevan election.

The Dashnaktsutyun party, which is one of the oldest parties in Armenia talking a national-patriotic position, has quite vague prospects: In the Yerevan election, it gained only 1.62 per cent. If Dashnaktsutyun shows the same result this time, too, this is not going to be a major sensation in the Armenian political life.

Dashnaktsutyun is one of the oldest political parties in Armenia, whose name is linked to the history of the First [Armenian] Republic in 2018-1020 and it still remains the most influential force in the diaspora

In Armenia proper, Dashnaktsutyun has been in all parliaments since 1998, mostly forming a coalition with the ruling party. However, it was the role of the Republican Party's partner or that of "systemic opposition" that delivered a serious blow to the party's positions.

As a result, many of those, who felt close to Dashnaktsutyun's national-patriotic discourse, turned their back to the party, which might make an impact on its results.

In a certain way, the Sasna Tsrer party, where those who seized the Patrol Police building in July 2016 form the core, might take Dashnaktsutyun's place in the national-patriotic sector of the political landscape. Relations between Pashinyan and Sasna Tsrer have been quite complicated. However, Sasna Tsrer currently renounces armed struggle, showing support for "the revolutionary authorities".

At the same time, they voice criticism of the new leadership for their insufficient strictness towards representatives of the "old regime". They also voice sharp criticism of the present approaches in foreign policy, in particular the existing model of relations with Russia. They also show non-acceptance of any concessions in relations with Azerbaijan and Turkey.

And lastly, over the past several weeks, a left-wing party has appeared in Armenia: Social Democratic Party – Citizens' Decision. The new party's chances are not high in the elections: The party got registered two days prior to the deadline, having too little time to get prepared for the election.

However, in the longer run, the party, whose ideology was mainly formed under the influence of German "Greens" and other "New left" [parties], might not have poor chances in the Armenian political life.

Until now, there has been a certain vacuum in the Armenian left-wing political landscape. At the same time, the party comprises many activists, who played an important role during the revolution.

And lastly, there is yet another question, which Armenian voters will have to answer in the elections: What fate is the former ruling Republican Party going to face?"

The Republicans have former Defence Minister Vigen Sargsyan at the top of their list. However, former Prime Minister and President Serzh Sargsyan remains to be the party leader.

No-one doubts that the level of support for the Republicans cannot compare with "the pre-revolutionary situation". Nevertheless, the Republicans expect to receive expressed and unexpressed support from a significant part of the old elites, both political and business elites. From all appearances, this was what the Republicans counted on when doing their best to make sure that the elections be held according to the old electoral code, which allows "local feudal lords" to influence the results of the elections.

It is not ruled out that Republicans will receive support from yet another former president, Robert Kocharyan, who did say that he was going back to politics and form a party, but has had no time to do so yet.

If the Republicans manage to enter parliament with the help of all these resource, they will not only be able to influence concrete decisions, but might also have the opportunity to go back to politics in the long run.

If the Republican Party proves to be out of parliament, it might break up, ceasing to exist as a domestic Armenian political factor. One way or another, it is up to the voters to take a final decision. What matters most in the December 2018 elections is that it should meet democratic standards.

In September, voters in Yerevan already showed that despite the common post-Soviet stereotype, Armenian society is capable of holding free and competitive elections with no [fake] ballots put into boxes, vote buying, and administrative pressure.

Pashinyan is to vote for Republican party if he really wants new Armenia: Vigen Sargsyan

Aysor, Armenia
Nov 11 2018
Read Aysor.am inTelegram

The issue today is whether the Armenian parliament will be comprised of one pole or there will be debates, newly elected first deputy president of Republican party Vigen Sargsyan said after the party’s session today.

“If Nikol Pashinyan is frank in his strive of building new Armenia, staying alone in the poll boot, he will vote for Republcan party, as I think he should not see any other alternative for having a debate partner in the parliament,” Sargsyan said, adding that if not so, it means Pashinyan wants to have pocket opposition.

Time needed to understand U.S.A’s real policy in the region, argues Sarkissian


President of Armenia Armen Sarkissian argues that processes are taking place rapidly, and one must wait in order to understand what the real US policy in the region will be in the nearest times.

The president was speaking to reporters today in response to questions about his conclusions over US National Security Advisor John Bolton’s statements made in Armenia and what kind of a situation the US sanctions on Iran will create in the region and how they will affect the Armenian-Iranian relations.

“I don’t believe that conclusions must be drawn proceeding from any given statement,” the president said. “Domestic, foreign and regional policy is a dynamic process. And, certainly, it’s not only about the Armenia-USA relations, but rather about the USA-region relations. And the regional is very large – it’s not just our neighboring states and Iran, but also USA-Europe, USA-Russia etc. I didn’t personally meet Bolton. I believe and I advise not to draw conclusions too quickly, because processes are rapid, variable, and we ought to wait, see, what the real policy of the US will be in the region in the nearest time,” Sarkissian said.

There are no POWs in Armenia and Artsakh – Deputy defense minister denies Azerbaijani claims


Armenia’s deputy defense minister Gabriel Balayan denies the Azerbaijani claims according to which Azerbaijan proposed Armenia to carry out exchange of prisoners of war (POW).

After today’s Cabinet meeting, the deputy defense minister told reporters that this is an absolute lie.

“Before I left the ministry, in other words, at 10:20, there was no such a proposal. According to the procedure, we receive such proposals mainly through the channels of the Red Cross”, he said.

Balayan added that he cannot understand what the talk is about, given the fact that there are no POWs both in Armenia and Artsakh. “We are working quite openly. If there was such an initiative by their side, I suppose that the Red Cross, which perfectly knows the situation, understands very well that it is their domestic statement, or maybe it is directed for some foreign stakeholders, which doesn’t have any grounds”, the deputy minister said.

Ambassador of Belarus to RA: Unfortunately, many of the Armenian representatives are looking another way, forgetting that we have great potential inside the EEU

Arminfo, Armenia
Oct 20 2018
Ambassador of Belarus to RA: Unfortunately, many of the Armenian representatives are looking another way, forgetting that we have great potential inside the EEU

Yerevan October 19

Alina Hovhannisyan. The trade turnover between Armenia and Belarus is growing not only in terms of value, but also the nomenclature is expanding. The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belarus to Armenia Igor Nazaruk told about it in an interview with ArmInfo on the sidelines of the international industrial exhibition EXPO RUSSIA ARMENIA.

"First, I'm pleased to note that we have increased the previous year level and the current figures on mutual trade by almost 30%. While comparing the volumes of 2017 against 2016, the growth exceeded more than 35%. Our turnover is steadily growing higher and higher ", he stressed.

According to the Ambassador, this year Belarus began supplying fresh chilled beef to the Armenian market, components for the production of beer, in particular brewing malt, white sugar. As I. Nazaruk noted, meat and dairy products have incredible popularity in Armenia.

The Belarusian diplomat did not speak about problems and barriers, stressing that a corresponding legal basis had been created for the development of successful cooperation between the countries and there was an economic basis. "There are a lot of opportunities. In particular, our automotive and municipal engineering. For example, Sanitek is trying to purchase Mercedes for the garbage collection in Armenia, and the citizen will pay for this service with funds from own pocket. Whereas purchases from the Minsk Automobile Plant (MAZ) will cost Armenia several fold cheaper, as a result of which citizen will only benefit. We have all the necessary equipment for this purpose. But, unfortunately, many of the Armenian representatives are looking another way, forgetting that we have potential inside the EEU, from which we benefit, "the Ambassador stressed.

Speaking about the exhibition, I. Nazaruk noted that he was pleasantly surprised by the participation of a number of Belarusian enterprises, despite the fact that the event was called EXPO RUSSIA ARMENIA. "We need to look at the future somewhat more broadly and not limit ourselves to the Armenian-Russian companies on the stands. Our partners in the EEU should be involved more'', the diplomat said. In particular, the Ambassador said that the Republican Scientific and Practical Center of Oncology took part in the exhibition: "This is a team with tremendous experience and traditions. This is convenient because there is a direct flight connection between Yerevan and Minsk. Three hours of flight, and a person can undergo a full examination and get a highly qualified service". The Belarusian Metallurgical Plant also became an exhibitor, whose metal cord is used, according to the Ambassador, by one third of the world's tire manufacturers. Nazaruk also noted the participation of the Trade House "Belarusian Machines", which produces metal-cutting, woodworking and various materials, processing machines, etc

Sergey Fadeyev, financial director of the Belarusian Machines Trade House, told ArmInfo that the company currently exports its production to the markets of the CIS countries, including the EEU except Armenia. Speaking about the competitiveness of their products, S. Fadeyev stressed that the production of Belarusian developers with high quality will cost the purchaser cheaper than imported similar products from China and the Russian Federation. According to the financial director, representatives of the Belarusian Machines TD will hold B2B meetings with 27 Armenian entrepreneurs in the framework of the exhibition.

According to the Statistical Committee of the Republic of Armenia, the foreign trade turnover between the Republic of Armenia and Belarus amounted in January-August of this year $ 32.1 million with an increase of 20.1% per annum. At the same time, exports increased by 66% to $ 7.5 million, imports – by 10.8% to $ 24.6 mln.

Meet the New Hugh: Millionaire party bro is like playboy Hef in the age of Instagram

The New York Post
MEET THE NEW HUGH Millionaire party bro is like playboy Hef in the age of Instagram
by Michael Kaplan
DAN Bilzerian, the poker-playing multimillionaire, has become famous for blowout bashes that easily rival Playboy Mansion bacchanals. Revelers pile into Bilzerian's 31,000-square-foot Bel Air, Calif., compound, where, he told The Post, "clothing is always optional."
When the bachelor, 37, isn't at home in California, he's often at his luxe pad in Las Vegas, or snowboarding with Olympian Shaun White in New Zealand, or partying with friends in Tahiti or Ibiza, or racing dune buggies in the desert, or yachting around Italy's Pontine Islands. One Instagram post shows him visiting Shanghai, China, "for no reason at all."
In August, he and his brother flew to their ancestral homeland of Armenia, an adventure that ended when neighboring Azerbaijan issued an arrest warrant for Bilzerian – something to do with allegations that he obtained ­grenades illegally and "demonstratively" shot off missile launchers at a gun range.
It's a high-flying lifestyle that's earned him some 24.5 million followers on Instagram, where he shows off his world with no shame – even as critics say he objectifies and exploits the bikini-clad (or -less) women who pose for his photos. In March 2017, he created an uproar by posting a picture of himself relaxing in a hot tub and using a topless, bent-over female as a dinner table. "It's national women's day, be thankful," he wrote.
It certainly didn't help things when, in January, he wrote: "This #metoo s–t is getting out of control, guys getting their lives ruined over touching a girl's back or hitting on someone."
Female attendees wishing to attend Bil­zerian's bashes must abide by his door policy: "If you come with ugly chicks, you won't get in; I keep the parties exclusive and it becomes a matter of there being only so much space." And yet, some women will go to almost any length to party with him.
"They'll text pictures of their [bare butts] and for sure offer to hook up with me," he said. "I get that a lot."
Caitlin O'Connor, 28, is an actress and frequent attendee at Bilzerian's bashes. "I've been to parties where girls are walking around naked," she said, likening Bil­zerian to a modern day Hugh Hefner. "There are threesomes, foursomes, everybody doing what they want without pressure. These things happen naturally in Dan's habitat. The girls there are all ­super-hot. They're all 10s. You need to bring something to the table."
She insists she and the other women at his parties are in no way exploited, or at least not in any way they don't wish to be: "It feels empowering to be young and without judgment."
BILZERIAN hit public consciousness around a decade ago as a high-stakes poker player with a penchant for posting his larger-than-life exploits on then- ­nascent social-media sites. One ridiculous bit, viewable on YouTube, had him test-driving a bulletproof vest by shooting at his pal Antonio Esfandiari. (The vest worked.)
When Instagram exploded, so did Bil­zerian's money-spewing jet-setting reputation. Then again, he had something of a head start. The son of uber-wealthy corporate raider Paul Bilzerian, he grew up in a Tampa, Fla., lakefront mansion with an indoor basketball court. But things came crashing down in 1989 when his father, who had made a fortune from hostile bids on companies such as Hammermill Paper, was found guilty of stock and tax fraud and served 13 months in prison.
"Basically, I didn't get a lot of attention as a kid," Dan told the Daily Mail in 2013. "I guess that's why I'm such a flashy lunatic."
Following high school, he washed out after 510 days of Navy SEAL training and failed to graduate from the University of Florida. Instead, the trust-funder turned to poker, first playing online and then bringing as much as $100,000 to games in Nevada. He claims to have won $50 million between 2013 and 2014, eventually investing a good chunk of money in cryptocurrency.
Along the way, he developed a knack for engaging others with his tales of excess – gambling, girls, high-powered weapons and fast cars – and came to embody an aspirational lifestyle for macho bro strivers. It's memorialized in a song by T-Pain and Lil Yachty that includes the line: "I get 10 Brazilians like I'm Dan Bilzerian."
Dan also has a talent for dropping names and numbers, lacing his Facebook posts with photos of six-figure stacks of poker chips and him posing with stars such as Tom Hardy at the "Venom" premiere.
Bilzerian's latest shindig was the launch of Ignite Cannabis, touted as the world's first international legal-weed company, for which he is both the face and the chairman. The event attracted an estimated 1,500 guests, was budgeted at some $500,000 (including $25,000 for sushi) and featured the mask-wearing DJ Marshmallow.
As for whether or not the DJ hooked up with anyone at the party, "I'm not going to speak to that," Bilzerian said with a laugh. "But any celebrity who comes to my house and wants to get laid is going to get laid."
Bold-face names who've partied at Bil­zerian's pleasure pad include actors Adrian Grenier, Vin Diesel and Chris Brown, "The Hangover" director Todd Phillips and rapper Ludacris.
As for female guests, they're less likely to be household names. "Honestly," said Bil­zerian, "I try to stay away from the famous chicks and LA girls in general. I personally prefer girls from the Midwest. They're more appreciative. They haven't been on 50 private jets and been to Dubai ­every three weeks."
Abby Rao, a cosmetologist from Mandeville, La., accepted her first Bilzerian invitation last month. "I was a little out of my element," admitted the 21-year-old, whose attendance at the Ignite party extended from her desire to be a spokesmodel for the company. "I'm from a small town, so it was a bit of a culture shock. There were a lot of gorgeous girls, a lot of people free with their bodies. Dan and I connected that night and I held my own [among the other women]. I went back a week later, just to hang out. Now I'm moving to LA."
She should probably brace herself.
"I once saw midgets [having sex with] two girls in the bathroom," said Bilzerian of one of his house parties. "Then [another] girl began filming it and one of the girls got mad. She started a fistfight with the one who was filming them. I had to throw both girls out. After that, a midget was smoking cigarettes in the middle of my living room. I had to throw his ass out. Cigarettes are f–king disgusting. You can smoke weed in my house but not cigarettes."
To make sure guests stay in line, Bil­zerian's events tend to be seeded with security. At his bash for Ignite, there were 35 guards with rifles and machine guns. "If anybody was going to f–k with this party, there was going to be a gunfight," he said. "Last time I had a party, some a–hole pulled a gun at the gate . . . We didn't have 35 guys with long guns at the time. Now that is the ­policy."
Though most people wouldn't be all that comfortable around enough firepower to overtake an embassy, Bilzerian is no stranger to guns. He's got an extensive weapons collection (mostly stashed in Las Vegas, where firearm laws are lax; his least expensive gun, he says, goes for $5,000) and has been known to put together Mojave Desert jaunts designed around bringing junker cars onto the sand and shooting them up with heavy artillery. At one such outing in 2014, he blew up a tractor-trailer – which resulted in allegations by Nevada authorities that he detonated a homemade bomb.
Arrested and briefly held, Bilzerian settled for misdemeanor charges (failing to extinguish a fire in the open), paid a fine and agreed to appear in a public-service announcement. In the video, which is viewable on YouTube, he deadpans, "Be responsible with guns and exploding targets. Jail? Let's not do that again."
ONE hazard of hanging with Bilzerian is that sometimes guests might be too wasted to even attend the shoot-'em-ups.
"I accidentally ate two big weed cookies at Dan's house in Vegas and was high for three days," remembered O'Connor. "We were about to go to the desert to shoot guns but I was so high that I needed to get a room. Dan hooked me up with one at the Hard Rock. Dan always hooks it up."
While other people's most outrageous ­experiences at Bilzerian's digs would be something sexual, this does not hold true for the host.
"I don't think it's outrageous to hook up with a bunch of chicks; that happens all the time; it's common," he said. "Something out of the ordinary is that I got bit by an alligator at one of my parties. A friend of mine was there, a guy they call the Real Tarzan. He's into exotic animals and brought over an alligator. We don't sedate the animals or tape their mouths shut, which looks lame. I had alligators in Florida but this [one] was a little quicker than they were. I tried to catch him [but] he whipped around, bit me and left a scar on my leg."
He previously kept a pair of goats, named Zeus and Beatrice, at his California home, ­although they are now living on a farm; Bilzerian can be seen on his Instagram posing with a pizza-eating monkey on his shoulder. "We've had almost everything [at my house]" he added. "Giraffe, snakes, monitor lizards, etc."
In case that fails to keep guests entertained, he's got a 16-foot-deep pool in Vegas, is building a paint ball field there and keeps a four-lane bowling alley in the Bel Air home. "We have had girls bowling naked and that didn't help," Bilzerian said. "They were just as bad as when they have clothes on."
Off the lanes, he's changed some of his breakneck partying ways, including the cocaine-and-Viagra binges that led to him suffering two back-to-back heart attacks at 25; then there was the pulmonary embolism in 2011. He's also slowed down his alcohol consumption. "I don't like anything that makes you feel like s–t the next morning," said Bil­zerian, who, in 2016, acknowledged taking ­"d–k-enlargement pills, HGH [and] testosterone."
For now, however, Bilzerian – who has had two serious girlfriends in recent years, Playboy Playmate Jessa Hinton and model Sofia Bevarly – has no itch to tone down his sex life or settle down with one woman.
"[Hugh Hefner] was a legend and we view relationships in a similar way: monogamy is not natural for guys," he said.
But even Instagram's biggest party dude experiences his share of ennui. "For me [when it comes to sex], it's more about quality than numbers," Bilzerian said. "If I just want to [have sex with] a ton of girls, I can probably [do that with] 20 girls. I don't want to hook up with a girl unless I feel that I will want to hook up with her again."
Besides, he added, "If there are too many girls, it becomes distracting . . . It's not as cool as everyone thinks."

Sports: Twenty-five players invited to Armenian national team

Public Radio of Armenia
Oct 8 2018
14:54, 08 Oct 2018

Twenty-five players have been invited to the Armenian national team to prepare for two UEFA Nations League features against Gibraltar and FYR Macedonia. Head coach Armen Gyulbudaghyans has called up the following players:


Arsen Beglaryan – Liepāja (Latvia)

Aram Hayrapetyan – Banants (Armenia)

Anatoly Ayvazov – Banants (Armenia)


Varazdat Haroyan – Ural

Hovhannes Hambardzumyan –   Enosis Neon Paralimni (Cyprus)

Kamo Hovhannisyan – Zhetysu (Kazakhstan)

Hrayr Mkoyan – Alashkert (Armenia)

Gagik Daghbashyan – Alashkert (Armenia)

Taron Voskanyan – Alashkert (Armenia)

Artur Kartashyan – Pyunik (Armenia)


Hernikh Mkhitaryan – Arsenal (England)

Ivan Yagan – KAS Eupen (Belgium)

Gevorg Ghazaryan – Chaves (Portugal)

Marcos Pizzelli – Aktobe (Kazakhstan)

Edgar Malakyan – Zhetysu (Kazakhstan)

Artak Yedigaryan – Alashkert (Armenia)

Artak Grigoryan – Alashkert (Armenia)

Karlen Mkrtchyan – Pyunik (Armenia)

Rumyan Hovsepyan – Pyunik (Armenia)

Petros Avetisyan – Pyunik (Armenia)

Gor Malakyan – Arart Armenia (Armenia)


Sargis Adamyan – Jahn Regensburg (Germany)

Tigran Barseghyan – Vardar (FYR Macedonia)

Artur Sarkisov – Yenisey (Russia)

Yura Movsisyan – Chicago Fire (USA)

Aras Ozbilis, André Calisir and Hayk Ishkhanyan have been left off squad because of injuries.

Charles Aznavour dans les archives photos de Match Paris

Paris Match
1 oct 2018

Charles Aznavour dans les archives photos de Match Paris

Match| Publié le 01/10/2018 à 20h00|Mis à jour le 01/10/2018 à 20h53

La Rédaction avec AFP
Charles Aznavour, mort dans la nuit de dimanche à lundi à 94 ans, était le dernier "grand" de la chanson française, dont il a été l'ambassadeur à travers le monde

"La bohème", "Je m'voyais déjà", "La Mamma", "Comme ils disent"… Du haut de son mètre soixante et des poussières, Charles Aznavour, mort dans la nuit de dimanche à lundi à 94 ans, était le dernier "grand" de la chanson française, dont il a été l'ambassadeur à travers le monde. Un ambassadeur aussitôt salué par la ministre de la Culture Françoise Nyssen sur Twitter: "La France perd Aznavour, un de ses plus grands poètes, toujours à l’avant-garde, une véritable légende qui a traversé les frontières et les époques. Les Français perdent Charles, un visage familier qui les a emmenés pendant plus de 70 années au pays de ses inoubliables chansons".

"J'ai fait une carrière inespérée mais exemplaire", avait confié le "Sinatra français" à l'AFP. "Tout est une question de chance". De chance mais aussi de talent et de volonté, puisqu'il a dû lutter à ses débuts pour imposer sa taille, son physique et sa voix atypiques, avant d'arriver en tête de l'affiche. "Côté critiques, j'ai été servi: on a dit que j'étais laid, petit, qu'il ne fallait pas laisser chanter les infirmes", racontait celui que la critique anglo-saxonne avait surnommé à ses débuts "Aznovoice" (jeu de mots signifiant: il n'a pas de voix). Charles Aznavour (de son vrai nom Aznavourian) naît à Paris d'un couple d'immigrés venus d'Arménie qui attendent un visa pour les Etats-Unis. Il gardera des liens très forts avec le pays de ses ancêtres. A ses débuts, il veut devenir comédien et fait de la figuration au théâtre et au cinema.

À voir :Charles Aznavour, une vie en images

Aznavour se lance dans la chanson en duo avec Pierre Roche au début des années 1940. En 1946, il rencontre Charles Trenet et Edith Piaf, qui le surnomment "le génie con" et le force à se refaire le nez. Il écrit pour d'autres que lui ("Plus bleu que le bleu de tes yeux" pour Piaf, "Je hais les dimanches", refusée par Piaf mais adoptée par Juliette Gréco) mais n'a aucun succès comme interprète. La donne change légèrement au milieu des années 50 avec le succès de "Sur ma vie" (1954). Au cinéma, il tourne avec François Truffaut pour "Tirez sur le pianiste" en 1960, l'année de sortie de "Je m'voyais déjà", l'une de ses plus fameuses chansons qui révèle enfin son talent scénique.

À lire :Charles Aznavour, idole de la chanson, star de cinéma

En 1963, Aznavour triomphe au Carnegie Hall de New York et, devenu une vedette internationale, se lance dans une tournée mondiale. Il se rend alors pour la première fois en Arménie. Et en 1968, il épouse en troisièmes noces une Suédoise, Ulla Thorsell. Dans les années 1970, Aznavour se frotte à des thèmes de société dans ses chansons: "Mourir d'aimer", tirée du film du même nom et inspirée par le suicide d'une enseignante en 1969 après une liaison avec un élève, ou "Comme ils disent", qui évoque l'homosexualité. Les plus grands artistes reprennent ses chansons: Ray Charles chante "La Mamma" (écrite par Aznavour avec Robert Gall, le père de France Gall), Fred Astaire "Les plaisirs démodés" et Bing Crosby "Hier encore".

À lire :Les célébrités rendent hommage à Charles Aznavour

Tout le monde se l'arrache, y compris le fisc qui le rattrape en 1977. Il est condamné en appel à un an de prison avec sursis et à une amende de 10 millions de francs de l’époque. "Si je n'avais pas eu autant d'ennuis avec l'administration et les médias, je serais resté en France", déclarait-il en 2013, affirmant avoir versé de l'argent à des politiques de tout bord pour tenter de régler ses problèmes, et rappelant avoir finalement bénéficié d'un non-lieu.

Il poursuit aussi sa carrière au cinéma, avec notamment "Le Tambour", de Volker Schlöndorff (1979) ou "Les fantômes du chapelier" de Claude Chabrol (1982). En 1988, il vient en aide à l'Arménie, meurtrie par un tremblement de terre, fonde le comité "Aznavour pour l'Arménie" et écrit le texte de la chanson humanitaire "Pour toi Arménie". En 1991, il partage la scène à Paris avec son amie Liza Minnelli et, en 1995, rachète les éditions musicales Raoul Breton. Quand d'autres songent à la retraite, lui continue d'enchaîner disques, livres de souvenirs et concerts à travers le monde. "Je n'ai jamais, jamais prononcé le mot adieu!", s'emportait-il en 2011, avant d'entamer une série de 22 concerts à l'Olympia pour ses 87 ans.

À lire :Charles Aznavour, sa dernière interview dans Paris Match

Sur scène, il impressionnait par sa vitalité intacte et ne faisait que quelques concessions à l'âge: un prompteur pour pallier les trous de mémoire, un fauteuil pour les coups de fatigue, sur lequel il se reposait plus souvent ces dernières années, comme en septembre lors de ses dernières représentations au Japon, après s'être fracturé un bras cet été. Dans l'une des chansons, "J'abdiquerai", Aznavour évoquait la mort en s'amusant ironiquement de son statut de monument de la chanson: "S'il me reste encore un beau spectacle à faire/Un bel enterrement flatterait mon ego".

À lire :Charles Aznavour, sa famille maternelle, sa douleur

Turkish Press: Turkish parliamentary committee delegation visits Baku

Anadolu Agency (AA), Turkey
Turkish parliamentary committee delegation visits Baku
Latest developments in Syria and Upper Karabakh issue were discussed
A delegation of the Turkish parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee paid a visit to the Azerbaijani capital of Baku on Wednesday.
The delegation led by the head of the Turkish parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee Volkan Bozkir met the Turkey Friendship Group at Azerbaijan's National Assembly, members from the International Relations Commission and Turkish businesspeople working in Azerbaijan.
Many topics including the latest developments in Syria's Idlib and the Upper Karabakh issue were discussed during talks.
Underlining the importance of the Upper Karabakh issue for Turkey, Bozkir said: "[…] We will not open our border with Armenia until the Upper Karabakh issue is resolved."
Stating that they were already holding trilateral commission talks with Azerbaijan and Georgia, he said they would expand this platform to others, namely Turkey-Azerbaijan-Iran, Turkey-Azerbaijan-Pakistan and Turkey-Azerbaijan-Georgia-Ukraine.
Azerbaijan and Armenia remain in dispute over the occupied Karabakh region. Karabakh broke away from Azerbaijan in 1991 with Armenian military support, and a peace process has yet to be implemented.
Reporting by Ruslan Rehimov; Writing by Nilay Kar
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