Kocharyan warns: It is impossible to refuse from already built relations with Russia, and those who look back at Brussels are deeply mistaken

Arminfo, Armenia
Aug 31 2018
Kocharyan warns: It is impossible to refuse from already built relations with Russia, and those who look back at Brussels are deeply mistaken

Yerevan August 31

Marianna Mkrtchyan. The second president of Armenia Robert Kocharian is skeptical of the statements of the Armenian authorities regarding the fact that the Armenian-Russian relations are at a high level.

"I think that if the government declares a high level of relations on any occasion, there are actually problems." Under normal circumstances, it would be pointless to remind of good relations so often. "It seems to me that the authorities in Armenia inadequately assess the situation in the region. On the one hand, sanctions against the friendly countries have been sanctioned by the West. On the other hand, our opponents are becoming increasingly unpredictable. In such a situation it would be a big mistake to try to revise already established relations for years, to seek new alliances with other centers and forces, "Kocharian said in an interview with Sputnik Armenia.

According to him, cooperation with NATO needs to be developed, there can not be two opinions. However, he expressed bewilderment at why the Armenian authorities needed to participate at such a high level in the Alliance summit in Brussels, at a time when NATO-Russia relations were at zero level for, say, selfies in the corridors of NATO, and, thus, generate questions from partners. At the same time, Kocharian believes that now, the leadership of Armenia seems to have come to an understanding of the situation, and it is taking steps to correct it.

"After all, people who came to power in Armenia for many years were against Russia, against Armenia's participation in the EAEU, against the presence of the Russian base here." It's hard to imagine how all this can be changed in one day. And the team almost entirely consists of people who in the past have had completely different geopolitical approaches, almost all of them in one way or another were connected with Western structures and grants. Do you think there is a country that has more security opportunities in this region than Russia? Which has more leverage, influence, military capabilities? I think the answer lies on the surface. Refuse to already built relationships cannot. Those who look back at Brussels are deeply mistaken. Even if there are no far-reaching intentions, and the authorities are just trying to get some short- term dividends, it's too dangerous, "said the second president of Armenia .In this context, he drew attention to the situation in Turkey, the actions and rhetoric of Azerbaijan Kocharian recalled that the potentials of Armenia and Turkey are not comparable, and Baku will always have behind its back the most serious support of Ankara.

Speaking about cooperation with the Eurasian Economic Union, Kocharian noted that for Armenia, the EAEU is a fairly large market, however, on the other hand, there are risks for local producers. The politician believes that in order for your goods to be competitive in this market in order to occupy their niche there, you need a sound economic policy inside the country, which he does not yet see.

Touching upon the cooperation within the CSTO framework, Kocharian stressed that the issue of security is one of the most important for Armenia today. "The CSTO is the only structure in which we significantly improve our security level, and every step connected with this structure must be carefully checked." The actions against the CSTO Secretary General Yuri Khachaturov were reckless. The criminal case caused serious concern within the CSTO and , perhaps we will lose our place in the organization because of this criminal case.I do not think that the judicial investigation has any prospects, but the organization's damage has already been done.Recover the lost can be, having reviewed those approaches, which matured have adopted the Armenian authorities on March 1, "- he said.

Touching upon the criminal case against himself on the events of March 1, Kocharyan assured that the case against him has nothing to do with the death of 10 people. "The criminal case against me is connected with the accusation (in overthrowing the constitutional system – editor's notes), In which there is no logic or legal basis." I can not now tell you in detail about the case, since this is an investigative secret.We will seek to remove the seal of secrecy so that we have the opportunity to talk about those events, but one thing I can say for sure is this criminal case is legal garbage.The people who 10 years ago provoked riots to overthrow the constitutional system, with This is the only motivation for the current leadership of the country, and the same task is before the investigative body: it's a political vendetta. "The reasons for the March tragedy must be uncovered." It is necessary to find people who shot not only civilians but also policemen after that we can talk about a full investigation, "- concluded the second president of Armenia.

A1+: Day of Yerevan to be delayed for one month

“Erebuni-Yerevan” festive events, dedicated to the 2800th anniversary of Yerevan’s foundation, will take place one month later from its official date. The celebrations will be held on October 20 and 21 instead of September 29 and 30. The respective decision was approved during today’s Cabinet session. The project was presented by Minister of Territorial Administration and Development Suren Papikyan.

The reason for this decision was the snap elections of Yerevan Council of Elders on September 23, and also the upcoming events on the occasion of the 17th La Francophonie summit on October 7-12. That is why it was decided to celebrate the day of Yerevan not before the summit, but after.

Merkel legt Kranz an Mahnmal nieder

24 aug 2018

Merkel legt Kranz an Mahnmal nieder

24. August 2018

Bundeskanzlerin Merkel hat in Armenien an die Opfer des Völkermordes erinnert. (dpa/Kay Nietfeld)

Bundeskanzlerin Merkel hat in Eriwan am Mahnmal für die Opfer des Völkermordes an den Armeniern einen Kranz niedergelegt.

Merkel sagte, die begangenen Grausamkeiten dürften und würden niemals vergessen werden. Bei dem Genozid während des Ersten Weltkriegs im damaligen Osmanischen Reich wurden bis zu 1,5 Millionen Menschen ermordet. Merkel war in der armenischen Hauptstadt zuvor mit militärischen Ehren empfangen worden. Die Kanzlerin führte Gespräche mit Regierungschef Paschinjan und Präsident Sarkissjan.

Morgen reist Merkel weiter nach Aserbaidschan. Dort will sie in der Hauptstadt Baku mit Präsident Alijew zusammenkommen. Interessant ist Aserbaidschan für Deutschland und Europa vor allem als Energielieferant, das Land steht allerdings wegen Menschenrechtsverletzungen in der Kritik. Im Vorfeld hatte die aserbaidschanische Regierung dem CDU-Bundestagsabgeordneten Weiler, einem Mitglied von Merkels Delegation, die Einreise verweigert. Zur Begründung hieß es, der Politiker habe sich in dem zwischen Armenien und Aserbaidschan umstrittenen Gebiet Berg-Karabach aufgehalten.

Verelq: Արսեն Խառատյանը աշխատանքից ազատվելու դիմում է ներկայացրել

  • 26.08.2018

  • Հայաստան



Վարչապետ Նիկոլ Փաշինյանի խորհրդական Արսեն Խառատյանը Facebook-յան իր էջում հայտնել է, որ աշխատանքից ազատվելու դիմում է ներկայացրել։

«Ուզում եմ տեղեկացնել, որ օգոստոսի 23-ին, դիմումիս համաձայն, խնդրել եմ Նիկոլ Փաշինյանին ինձ ազատել Վարչապետի խորհրդականի պաշտոնից: Որոշումս պայմանավորված է եղել երկու` ինձ համար կարեւորագույն հանգամանքներով.

1. Ընտանիքս, որը բնակվում է Թբիլիսիում եւ տարբեր պատճառներով այնտեղ է լինելու առնվազն մինչեւ 2019-ի ամառ:

2. Պետական ծառայությունում այս շուրջ 3 ամիսների ընթացքի` իմ անձնական փոխակերպումները ճշգրիտ գնահատելու ու վերարժեւորելու խնդիր ունեմ:

Երբ աշխատանքի էի ընդունվում, Վարչապետը շատ հստակ խնդիր դրեց. «Էնպես չլինի, որ ամսվա կեսն էստեղ լինես, կեսը` Թիֆլիսում»: Այն ժամանակ ես վստահ ասացի, թե` «իհարկե ոչ»: Այս ամիսների աշխատանքային տեմպը իրոք շատ ինտենսիվ է եղել, եւ հիմա հասկանում եմ, որ պետք է դադար վերցնել, նախ` ընտանիքիս կողքին լինելու եւ ապա իմ այս ընթացքը հետահայաց ու ողջ խորությամբ վերլուծել-հասկանալու համար:

Շնորհակալ եմ ինձ տրված վստահության համար եւ հպարտ եմ, որ` իմ կարծիքով անկախ Հայաստանի պատմության մեջ այս ամենահաջողված կառավարության եւ ընկերներիս հետ նաեւ այսպիսի ճանապարհ անցնելու հնարավորություն եմ ունեցել: Ինձ համարում եմ թիմի մաս եւ անկախ կարգավիճակից ուժերիս ներածին չափով աջակցելու եմ Նիկոլ Փաշինյանի կառավարության գործունեությանը:

Այս ընթացքում ծանոթացել ու աշխատել եմ ինձ համար թանկ դարձած շատ մարդկանց հետ, որոնց հետ վստահաբար շարունակելու եմ ընկերություն անել ապագայում: Ուրախ եմ, որ այս օրերին կարողացել եմ նեցուկ լինել որոշ մարդկանց, առնվազն հոգեբանորեն: Հայցում եմ բոլոր նրանց ներողամտությունը, ում այս ընթացքում չեմ հասցրել հանդիպել, խոսել, քննարկել կամ աջակցել:

Մեծ հույս ունեմ, որ դրական ներդրում ունեցել եմ պարտականություններս իրականացնելիս, դե իսկ որոշ թերացումներ էլ աշխատանքի անբաժանելի մաս են` ինչ խոսք 🙂

Սիրում եմ բոլորիդ, վստահ եմ, որ համատեղ, արդյունավետ ու դուխով աշխատել շարունակելու պարագայում, Հայաստանի պայծառ ու երջանիկ ապագան անկասելի է լինելու…», – գրել է Արսեն Խառատյանը։

Նշենք, որ ըստ մամուլում շրջանառվող լուրերի` Խառատյանը հնարավոր է նշանակվի Վրաստանում ՀՀ դեսպան:

Armenia good example of cooperation both with EEU and EU – Angela Merkel

AYSOR, Armenia
Aug 24 2018
Read Aysor.am inTelegram

Armenia may be a good example of combining cooperation both with Russia and the EU, Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel said at a joint news conference with Armenia’s Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan.

“Armenia may be a good example on how it is possible to successfully cooperate with Russia and the EU at the same time,” the German Chancellor said.

Asked about possible cooperation between the Eurasian Economic Union and the EU and Armenia’s role in it, Merkel said, “Such negotiations will hardly take place in near future between the EEU and the EU but Armenia’s good example may show that it is ever possible.”

In his turn Armenia’s PM stressed that the EEU area has a significant role for Armenia but the special trade regime with the EU is important as well.

“During the discussion we have registered that Armenia has a special trade regime with the EU which gives opportunity to enhance the trade circulation volume,” Pashinyan stressed.

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Please find the attached press release of the Ministry of Diaspora.

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(+374 10) 585601, ներքին 805


Armenian Prosecutor General’s Office declines Kocharyan supporters’ motion

ARKA, Armenia
Aug 8 2018

YEREVAN, August 8. /ARKA/. The Armenian Prosecutor General’s Office declined today the motion filed by some MPs wanting former president Robert Kocharyan to be released, Arevik Khachatryan, the press secretary of the office told Novosti-Armenia.  

On July 28, Kocharyan was charged with toppling constitutional order in collusion with other persons and detained. 

The case dates back to late February and early March 2008 following the disputed presidential election, when then prime minister Serzh Sargsyan was declared the winner, angering the opposition, led by the first Armenian president Levon Ter-Petrosyan and setting off 10 days of nonstop protests that led to a crackdown on March 1, in which 10 people were killed and more than 200 injured.

Kocharyan will remain in detention pending trial. -0—

The performance of Armenian artists highly acclaimed in Moscow

Panorama, Armenia
Society 16:29 25/07/2018Armenia

The Artists of Armenian National Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet played on Tuesday “Gayane” ballet of the renowned Armenian composer Aram Khachaturyan at the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow,

“The performance of the Armenian artists received high assessment by the audience,” the Opera House posted in its Facebook account, reminding the Ballet was played at the Bolshoy stage after a 60-year break.

As the Armenian Embassy in Russia reported, the performance was attended by the spouse of Armenian Pm Anna Hakobyan, Director of the National Security Council Artur Vanetsyan, Armenia’s Minister of Culture Lilit Makunts.

To note, the performance was accompanied by the music of the Symphony Orchestra of the National Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet headed by Artistic and General Director of the Yerevan Opera House, Honored Artist of Russia Maestro Constantine Orbelian.  The leading soloists include Honored Artists of Armenia Ruben Muradyan, Suzanne Pirumyan, and Mary Hovhannisyan, as well as Sona Vardanyan, Vahagn Margaryan, and Razmik Marukyan. 

168: Purpose of upcoming meeting with Azeri counterpart is to maintain dynamics of negotiations, says Armenian FM


Armenia’s minister of foreign affairs Zohrab Mnatsakanyan says the purpose of his upcoming meeting with Azerbaijani counterpart Elmar Mammadyarov is to maintain the dynamics of the negotiations.

Asked by reporters today before the Cabinet meeting if a meeting between the Armenian and Azerbaijani leaders can be expected, Mnatsakanyan replied: “We can first of all expect our meeting, the purpose of which is to maintain the dynamics of the negotiations,” he said.

The meeting of the Armenian and Azerbaijani FMs is planned for tomorrow in Brussels.

RFE/RL Armenian Report – 07/05/2018


U.S. Envoy ‘Confident’ About More Trade, Investments In Armenia

        • Marine Khachatrian

Armenia - US Ambassador Richard Mills talks to journalists, Yerevan,04Jul,2018

United States Ambassador Richard Mills believes the recent political changes in 
Armenia will help bring more American trade and investments to the South 
Caucasus country.

“I am confident that this new chapter in the Armenian history is going to spark 
a lot of interest from U.S. businesspeople – whether they are members of the 
[Armenian] Diaspora or not – in trading with Armenia and investing in Armenia,” 
Mills said on Wednesday evening while attending a festive event in Yerevan 
dedicated to U.S. Independence Day.

Mills said he already witnessed that interest last week in Washington where he 
attended a Smithsonian Folklife Festival, which this year is featuring Armenian 

“And I heard from the Diaspora Americans and also from American businesspeople 
of all backgrounds that they were very interested in Armenia if the new 
government follows through on its commitments to make this a more equitable 
society, a more level-playing field for all businesses and if they can root out 
some of the problems of corruption,” he said.

“And I think American businesses are interested in some of the key sectors that 
the government is also focused on – IT, agriculture, tourism and energy, in 
particular. So, I am confident we are going to see more trade, more investments 
in the years to come.”

In his congratulatory message to U.S. President Donald Trump on July 4 Nikol 
Pashinian, who became Armenia’s prime minister on the wave of anti-government 
protests in April-May, expressed readiness to “strengthen and expand” Armenia’s 
relationship with the United States.

“The new political and social realities that emerged following the revolution 
[in Armenia] allow us to upgrade our relations to a qualitatively new level… We 
are ready to do everything possible to strengthen and expand our bilateral 
relations, based on shared values, mutual respect and an atmosphere of trust,” 
he said.

In his message to Trump, the 43-year-old premier also praised large-scale U.S. 
assistance provided to Armenia since independence.

Earlier, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo did not rule out that resumed 
assistance to Armenia will be considered by the Millennium Challenge 

Armenia received $177 million under Washington’s Millennium Challenge Account 
(MCA) program for the rehabilitation of its rural irrigation networks a decade 
ago. The U.S. froze further MCA aid after a disputed 2008 presidential election 
that was followed by a harsh government crackdown on the Armenian opposition.

The administration of former President Serzh Sarkisian tried unsuccessfully to 
restore Yerevan’s eligibility for the aid scheme in the following years. U.S. 
officials said, among other things, that it was not doing enough to combat 
widespread corruption.

Answering the question from RFE/RL’s Armenian Service on prospects of resumed 
U.S. assistance under the MCA program, Ambassador Mills said on Wednesday that 
he did not have any “new news” on that. But he added: “Again the way the 
Millennium Challenge Corporation works is that Armenia will have to meet some 
criteria, hit some standards in the areas of fighting corruption, political 
liberty, media freedom. So, we will be working with the government to encourage 
them, to support them in making some changes that will help Armenia meet those 
criteria so that next year, when the Millennium Challenge Corporation is 
deciding on compacts, Armenia can be considered.”

“I know that the Armenian people and the Armenian government want to make those 
changes. They want to fight corruption, they want to make it a more free 
society, a more just society, because it is good for Armenia, not just because 
it might get a compact from the Millennium Challenge. It’s really what Armenia 
needs and what I heard the Armenian people were demanding on the streets two 
months ago,” the U.S. ambassador to Armenia concluded.

Armenia Marks Constitution Day

        • Karlen Aslanian

Armenia - Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian addresses a public meeting in Goris, 
Syunik province, July 5, 2018

Power in Armenia today truly belongs to the people, Prime Minister Nikol 
Pashinian said, referring to this major provision of the country’s 
Constitution, as the South Caucasus nation marked the 23rd anniversary of the 
adoption of its Basic Law on July 5.

Armenia’s post-Soviet Constitution was adopted in a disputed referendum in 
1995. Since then it was amended twice. Under the most recent changes adopted in 
a disputed 2015 referendum the country has become a parliamentary republic.

“I want to congratulate you on the occasion of Constitution Day, and I think 
that we have a great achievement 23 years after the adoption of the 
Constitution. Article 2 of the Constitution states that power belongs to the 
people of the Republic of Armenia, and today power in the Republic of Armenia 
truly belongs to the people, and I congratulate you all on this occasion,” 
Pashinian told people in the town of Goris as he toured the southernmost 
Armenian province of Syunik on Thursday.

Pashinian, who led peaceful anti-government protests in April-May that brought 
him to power, went on to assure the public in a region that was ruled for years 
by a controversial governor allegedly involved in violent crimes that “the time 
of local feudal lords in Armenia is over.”

“The citizen of the Republic of Armenia is free and proud. The citizen of the 
Republic of Armenia is responsible for his or her country, and we will fully 
bear that responsibility together. This is our main message,” Pashinian said.

“The prime minister of the Republic of Armenia and other officials are serving 
the people, and this is the main change that has taken place. Never let this 
important change, this victory of yours go under any circumstances, because 
this is the formula for solving all problems. You must have a government that 
serves you, and you do have the government that serves you. Never let a 
government that will serve clans, corruption and plunder be established in 

As part of his working visit to Syunik Prime Minister Pashinian made stops at 
several communities to have meetings with local leaders and members of the 
public. He answered numerous questions of local residents concerning their 
social, economic and other issues.

Ex-President’s Nephew Becomes Suspect In Attempted Murder Case

Armenia - Hayk Sarkisian (in a black T-shirt), son of Aleksandr Sarkisian and 
nephew of Armenia's ex-president Serzh Sarkisian, accompanied by investigators 
near his Yerevan apartment, July 4, 2018

Citing the emergence of new evidence, investigators in Armenia have reopened a 
criminal case in which former President Serzh Sarkisian’s nephew, Hayk 
Sarkisian, is a suspect.

According to a statement released by the Investigative Committee on Thursday, 
Hayk Sarkisian is suspected of attempted murder in a case that was closed more 
than a decade ago.

The Investigative Committee said Yerevan resident Davit Simonian suffered a 
gunshot wound in an incident that took place on April 1, 2007. The same day a 
citizen identified as A. Ghevondian told police at the time that he wounded 
Simonian as a result of mishandling a gun that he allegedly found in the 
street. Ghevondian also brought with him the gun in question, the report added. 
The Investigative Committee said proper proceedings were launched then but the 
case was eventually closed after the parties reached reconciliation “on the 
grounds of the absence of a complaint.”

“Due to new circumstances that have emerged, on July 3, 2018, the 
prosecutor-general of the Republic of Armenia made a decision to resume the 
2007 criminal proceedings and forward the case to the Investigative Committee’s 
unit operating in Yerevan’s Kentron and Nork-Marash administrative districts. 
The same day, an investigator took up the case and launched other necessary 
investigative and procedural actions to clarify the circumstances of the case,” 
the Investigative Committee said.

“As a result, sufficient evidence was obtained to show that Simonian was 
wounded not as a result of Ghevondian’s mishandling a weapon, but as a result 
of a shot deliberately fired by another person. According to the data of the 
investigation, Yerevan resident Hayk Sarkisian, born in 1984, shot with the 
intention to kill the person.”

According to the law-enforcement body, investigators carried out the necessary 
actions with the participation of Hayk Sarkisian, including his interrogation, 
and on July 4 Sarkisian was granted a procedural status – he is suspected of 
committing a crime envisaged by part 1 of Article 34-104 of the Criminal Code 
of Armenia (attempted murder). “The preliminary investigation is ongoing,” the 
Investigative Committee said.

Hayk Sarkisian was arrested late on Wednesday following nearly nine hours of a 
search conducted at his father Aleksandr Sarkisian’s Yerevan apartment. 
Aleksandr Sarkisian was also briefly detained for questioning as part of a 
separate investigation concerning his other son, Narek.

Sarkisian’s Brother Questioned Over Son’s Alleged Crime, Released

        • Ruzanna Stepanian

Armenia -- Aleksandr Sarkisian, brother of former President Serzh Sarkisian, 
while being detained by the National Security Service, Yerevan, 04Jul2018

Aleksandr Sarkisian, a controversial brother of Armenia’s former President 
Serzh Sarkisian, who was detained by Armenia’s National Security Service (NSS) 
on Wednesday, was released later that night after being questioned by 
investigators, a spokesperson for the NSS said today.

Sarkisian was taken to the NSS following a search of his apartment in Yerevan 
that lasted for nine hours on Wednesday. Meanwhile, his son Hayk Sarkisian was 
detained by the Investigative Committee that later said he became a suspect in 
a reopened 2007 criminal case concerning attempted murder.

The NSS for its part said in its statement today that Aleksandr Sarkisian was 
questioned over his other son Narek Sarkisian’s alleged crime in obtaining more 
than a dozen drawings of famous Armenian artist Martiros Sarian by deception. 
The total price of the drawings is estimated at $280,000.

“During the search Aleksandr Sarkisian said that the paintings were ostensibly 
bought by him. At the NSS Investigative Department he was interrogated on the 
circumstances of the deal. In addition, he was interrogated in the presence of 
the person who filed the claim and that person again insisted that Narek 
Sarkisian obtained the drawings though deception,” the NSS said.

Meanwhile, the NSS said that Narek Sarkisian, who along with his bodyguard left 
for Moscow on June 22, has been put on a wanted list.

The NSS also said that its operatives found two suitcases that Narek Sarkisian 
allegedly had asked a close friend to hide in another apartment. “In the 
suitcases found were narcotic substances of the cocaine and methamphetamine 
type, four guns, one of them with a silencer, bullets, drugs of unknown origin, 
glass and plastic pipes with white and black traces, droppers that were most 
likely used for drugs and other items,” the statement said.

The NSS released a video later on Thursday showing the search at the apartment 
of Aleksandr Sarkisian where Narek Sarkisian is registered.

At the residence along with the 14 drawings of Martiros Sarian the NSS officers 
also found large sums of money, expensive watches, numerous gold coins and 
pieces of jewelry “whose legality will be checked as part of the criminal 

Sixty-two-year-old Aleksandr Sarkisian, who is better known to the public as 
“Sashik,” is thought to have made a big fortune in the past two decades. 
Unconfirmed reports in the Armenian press have said that he spent millions of 
dollars buying real estate in Europe and the United States.

Aleksandr Sarkisian was briefly detained on June 25 by police who found weapons 
in his car. Later Valery Osipian, the chief of the Armenian police, said that 
it was found out that the weapons were possessed by Sarkisian legally.

Meanwhile, Serzh Sarkisian’s second, youngest brother Levon Sarkisian and his 
two children are suspected of “illegal enrichment” and could face prosecution 
on relevant charges after law-enforcement authorities discovered nearly $7 
million held by them in an Armenian bank.

The State Revenue Committee (SRC) launched criminal proceedings against them 
last week shortly after announcing that a company linked to Levon Sarkisian has 
been fined 800 million drams ($1.7 million) for tax evasion.

The SRC said that while searching Sarkisian’s home its investigators found 
documents showing that he, his son Narek and daughter Ani deposited a total of 
$6.8 million in the unnamed bank “in the second half of 2017.” It said that the 
ex-president’s youngest brother and Ani Sarkisian failed to disclose these sums 
to a state anti-corruption body while Narek did not file any income 
declarations at all.

Under Armenian law, such declarations are mandatory for high-ranking state 
officials and their family members. This legal requirement applies to Levon 
Sarkisian because he has long worked as ambassador-at-large at the Armenian 
Foreign Ministry.

In a separate probe the Special Investigation Service last month brought 
charges of illegal enrichment against Vachagan Ghazarian, Serzh Sarkisian’s 
longtime chief bodyguard, who was remanded in custody on June 28. Ghazarian 
carried over $1 million worth of cash in a bag during his arrest. Police found 
another $1.1 million as well as 230,000 euros ($267,000) in cash when they 
searched his apartment earlier in June.

Reprinted on ANN/Armenian News with permission from RFE/RL
Copyright (c) 2018 Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, Inc.
1201 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington DC 20036.