France will always stand with Armenia during solving its key problems in the future – Macron congratulates Serzh Sargsyan

Armenpress News Agency , Armenia

 France will always stand with Armenia during solving its key problems
in the future – Macron congratulates Serzh Sargsyan

YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 21, ARMENPRESS. French President Emmanuel Macron
sent a congratulatory message to President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan
on the occasion of the 26th anniversary of the independence of
Armenia. ARMENPRESS reports the message particularly reads,

“Mr. President, I heartily congratulate you and the entire Armenian
people on the national holiday of the Republic of Armenia, wishing
happiness and progress.

Today Armenia marks the 26th anniversary of independence, and I
realize what path the Armenian people has passed, often a difficult
one, to build a stable, democratic and prosperous country. I wish that
during the coming years it will be possible to further deepen these
results achieved on this path.

I would like to assure you that France will always stand with Armenia
to help to solve the problems in the future. In this context, I am
particularly happy for the framework agreement between Armenia and the
EU to be signed in the near future, which is hailed by France.

Let me to finally affirm my commitment for that France fully supports
the mission of the Minsk Group Co-chairs to find a firm and negotiated
settlement to Nagorno Karabakh conflict.

Mr. President, please, accept the assurance of my deep respect”.

BAKU: Beijing-Yerevan military co-op jeopardizes Russia’s interests in South Caucasus

Trend, Azerbaijan
Sept 5 2017
5 September 2017 21:15 (UTC+04:00)                                     

We have written many times that China is intent upon entering the South Caucasus region through its back door, that is, through Armenia.

As a realization of this intention, China has recently held a foundation laying ceremony for its embassy in Yerevan, which will be the second biggest embassy in the Eurasian region after Russia’s embassy complex.

It is obvious that the size of the Chinese embassy is proportional to Beijing's interests in the region as the size means a bigger number of employees.

Surprisingly, this interest of China has been recently confirmed in military cooperation, which promises many problems for Russia.

The matter here rests in an agreement signed in Beijing during the Armenian Defense Minister Vigen Sargsyan’s visit to China where he met with his Chinese counterpart Chang Wanquan. According to the agreement, China will provide Armenia with 10 million yuan, or about $1.5 million.

During their meeting, Sargsyan and Wanquan stressed the importance of bilateral cooperation in training of military personnel. Sargsyan said the Armenian servicemen who graduate from Chinese military colleges become good officers and commanders, while Armenia is ready to expand a training program for Chinese military specialists.

What Sargsyan didn’t mention is that the Armenian military can only teach how to occupy other countries’ lands.

But why doesn’t Beijing question the dubious pleasure of helping an aggressor country and agrees to train its soldiers?

However, if we look at the issue from another side, it becomes obvious that the trained Armenian officers can perform certain functions for Beijing, taking into account China’s interests in the region, in general, in the zone of Russia’s influence in the South Caucasus and in particular, in Armenia.

China’s interest in Armenia became evident in 2015 when Chinese enterprises were ready to submit proposals on making investments in the Iran-Armenia railway. Nothing happened that time, but China voiced some plans and promises to the Armenian side.

China has recently become more active, when the China Machinery Engineering Corporation stated that it plans to make large-scale investments in Armenia’s construction and energy sectors.

At present, China is penetrating Armenia’s military not only by allocating funds, but also by participating in personnel training, which should make Moscow think about consequences.

Armenian armed forces have recently been more connected with the Russian military. For instance, Russia’s Federation Council ratified an agreement on the United Group of Russian and Armenian Troops in July. The United Group of Troops of Armenia and Russia will have to protect the land borders and airspace of the two countries. The countries also agreed to create a joint air defense system.

It means that the Armenian officers, having access to the Armenian military projects, will be able to tell a lot of interesting things about the Russian part of the projects.

And, of course, it is doubtful that Moscow will sit idly while China is strengthening its positions in Armenia. Yerevan will be forbidden to develop relations with China, just like it was diverted from cooperation with NATO.

Culture: Western Mass. Armenians share their culture at annual Springfield event

Sept 3 2017

Hidden Agenda? Daughter and Son-In-Law of Gyumri Mayor Purchase Company in Prague


The daughter of Samvel Balasanyan, the current mayor of Gyumri (Armenia’s second largest city), and her husband, have purchased a real estate and bread/confectionary company in Prague.

37-year-old Adelina Balasanyan and 40-year-old Davit Samvelyan purchased the company, VRN Group Invest LLC, in 2016. Adelina owns 40% and Davit, 60%.

The company was registered in February 2015 with charter capital of 120,000 Czech Kronua (US$5,400).

The new owners have since changed the name of the company to Samvelyan.

The company is registered at Lípová 1444/20, Nové Město in downtown Prague.

Not surprisingly, the Samvelyans own at confectionary business in Gyumri called Anusharan LLC.

In 2006, Adelina Balasanyan founded Urartu-Adelina, a breadmaking business in Yerevan. The Czech Demographic Office reports that from 2011-2017 no bread or confectionary had been exported from Armenia to the Czech Republic.

The Czech State Real Estate Registry reports that Samvelyan LLC owns no property in the country, but this doesn’t mean that the company isn’t conducting business there.

Hetq wrote to Gyumri Mayor Balasanyan, asking if he could confirm what kind of business the company is conducting in Prague.

It’s a well-known fact that foreigners often register, or buy, a company in the Czech Republic in order to purchase real estate and facilitate citizenship later.

Sona Arakelyan, the mayor’s press secretary, wrote back, advising us to directly contact the Samvelyan family. It would appear that the mayor is hiding something.

There are other “Armenian” companies registered at the same address in Prague as Samvelyan LLC.

Pargev Virabyan, the founder of VRN Avia Ltd. (specializing in cargo (freight and airmail) transportation in Armenia, Russia and the Czech Republic) has apartments in the same building. Virabyan’s two daughters, Liana and Nelly, also own apartments there.

It turns out that Davit Samvelyan, the son-in-law of Gyumri Mayor Balasanyan, lives in Yerevan’s Kanaker district, close to where the Virabyan family’s residence is registered.

Adelina and Davit have conveniently registered their company in one of the Prague apartments owned by Pargev Virabyan, their friendly Yerevan neighbor.

Other companies with an Armenian connection are also registered at the Lípová 1444/20, Nové Město address.

Karabakh conflict among Russia’s foreign policy priorities: Zakharova

PanArmenian, Armenia

Aug 18 2017

PanARMENIAN.Net – The Nagorno Karabakh conflict is among Russia's foreign policy priorities, foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told a briefing on Thursday, August 17, adding that at the moment the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs are working on the preparation of the next summit on the issue.

"To this end, they held talks in Brussels with the foreign ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan in July," Zakharova reminded.

"Consultations will continue on the sidelines of the next session of the UN General Assembly in New York in the second half of September. Based on the results, a corresponding statement will be issued."

According to her, Russia has always supported measures aimed at reducing tension in the conflict zone.

Foreign ministry representatives from both Armenia and Azerbaijan have earlier said that a meeting will be held in September. No exact date has been mentioned though.

Joan Thiele: dal 25 agosto in radio il nuovo singolo “Armenia”

Radio Web Italia
9 ago 2017

Torna il 25 agosto Joan Thiele con un nuovo singolo, “ARMENIA”, scritto e composto in inglese da Joan stessa e prodotto dagli Etna, la band di musicisti siciliani che l’ha sempre accompagnata sin dagli esordi. “ARMENIA” è stato registrato nel nuovo Red Bull studio mobile.

“ARMENIA” è un brano dal ritmo esotico e travolgente, accompagnato da un video girato tra distese di acqua, vegetazione mediterranea e montagna, una commistione perfetta tra musica e natura. Il video è on line su Vevo

Joan, 26 anni, di origini metà italiane e metà svizzero- colombiane, è cresciuta tra Cartagena e l’Italia. Fin dall’infanzia ha trascorso una vita nomade che le ha regalato un gusto musicale internazionale. Finito il liceo, si trasferisce in Inghilterra per fare musica. Joan sviluppa una grande personalità artistica, a partire dalla scelta di cantare in inglese e grazie ad un percorso artistico iniziato sin da piccola coi Led Zeppelin, proseguito con Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, ma arricchitosi da un certo momento in poi di suggestioni elettroniche contemporanee. Nel 2016 è uscito il suo primo ep, “Joan Thiele”, anticipato dai singoli “Save Me” e “Taxi Driver”: sei brani inediti scritti da Joan (“Save me”, “Cup of coffee”, “Heartbeat”, “Rainbow”, “Taxi Driver”, “You & I”) e una cover di Lauryn Hills “Lost Ones” in una nuova interpretazione. A seguire Joan ha iniziato il tour dal vivo insieme alla sua band ,Gli Etna, nei principali festival italiani: il RockinRoma, l’IDays di Monza, il Goa Boa di Genova, il Siren Festival di Vasto, l’Home Fest di Treviso, il Locus Fest a Locorotondo. E’ stata nominata nella categoria Best New Artist degli MTV Awards 2016. A febbraio 2017 è stata scelta da Radio Rai Due come rappresentante dell’Italia a Groningen in occasione del Festival EBBA Eurosonic Norderslag 2017, dove si è esibita dal vivo in concerto. Ad agosto 2017 esce il suo nuovo singolo “Armenia” che anticipa il nuovo album prossimamente.


Luceen Shirinian Baker Donates $40,000 to Jemaran; $10,000 to Asbarez


Aug 11 2017

Lucenn Shirinian Baker with Asbarez Armenian Editor Apo Boghigian

She came from Fresno to Little Armenia in Hollywood to the editorial offices of Asbarez. She had made an appointment to ensure that the editor would be in.

“First of all I want to give you this envelope. It’s for the renewal of my subscription,” said Luceen Shirinian Baker, the sister of long-time veteran Asbarez editor Barkev Shirinian, who also had worked at Aztag before relocating to California.

The late veteran editor of Asbarez, Barkev Shirinian (Photo by Tsolag Hovsepian)

“Now I want to explain what I want to do. I want to donate $10,000 to Asbarez in memory of my brother, Barkev Shirinian,” said Shirinian Baker, who had rented a car and asked a friendly neighbor to accompany her on this mission.

She and the editor chatted and reminisced about Barkev Shirinian—his meticulous approach to the Armenian language, his belief in the mission of the newspaper and his complete dedication to his job.

She presented the $10,000 check.

“Now I want your help,” said Shirinian Baker. “I want to donate $40,000 to my alma mater, the Neshan Palandjian Jemaran in Beirut, in memory of my beloved teachers, Levon Shant, Garo Sassouni, Parsegh Ganatchian, and all the greats of that time under whose wing I grew up.” After presenting the check, she said, “You have to get this money to them.”

Before heading back to Fresno, Shirinian Baker told of an important decision she had made: to will home to Hai Tahd.

BAKU: Armenian general’s letter about Azerbaijani army operations intercepted, Azerbaijan

Aug 8 2017

Tue 08:15 GMT | 4:15 Local Time

The cases of desertion and arbitrary leaving of the combat posts have become common within the Armenian army.

Though Armenians first tried to conceal such facts, the situation is gradually getting out of control. It is no accident that the commander of the defense army of the so-called republic Levon Mnatsakanyan has written a letter to the so-called prosecutor general of the so-called republic. has presented the translated version of the intercepted letter to readers:

"After the missile strikes launched by Azerbaijani armed forces from their military unit in Alkhanli village located in Fuzuli direction, a group of servicemen of the defense army of 'Nagorno Karabakh Republic' yielded to panic and escaped by leaving their combat posts.

"Unfortunately, after the panic caused by the operations of the opposite party, a group of servicemen of the same military unit tried to leave the area of the 'Karabakh Republic' (!) arbitrarily. But they failed to cross the Kalbajar police post.

"Fortunately, the group of soldiers who deserted their posts were detained by a group of officers on the Karabakh-Armenia road. The detainees were further transferred under the control of the commanders. During the interrogation, the deserters refused to answer the questions.

"However, by looking into their eyes one could understand that the soldiers who served for a year have yielded to panic due to the fear caused by the artillery fire launched by the enemy.

"Mr.Mosiyan, the soldiers who took such a step have violated the rules of military conduct, the discipline and the order by leaving their fellows-in-arms in danger.

"All the same, we ask you to apply the due punitive measures in accordance with the law, considering their actions and irresponsibility."

The letter shows that the separatist regime has lost control over its armed forces, and the occupant  government finds it difficult to control the servicemen and officers.

Armenia-Israel cooperation on IT has a future, Armenia

YEREVAN. – Cooperation between Armenia and Israel in the field of information technology has a future, Israeli regional cooperation minister Tzachi Hanegbi said during a meeting with Armenian transport minister Vahan Martirosyan.

Martirosyan noted the importance of minister’s visit to Yerevan, while expressing hope that this visit will further deepen the Armenian-Israeli cooperation in the fields of transport, communications, telecommunications and IT.

Israeli minister highlighted the recent opening of direct flights, while stressing that this is a good incentive for deepening cooperation between the two countries.

Martirosyan presented transport system of Armenia and the expected program of reforms. He called promising Armenian-Israeli cooperation in the IT sphere given great intellectual potential between two nations.

In this context, Martirosyan invited Israeli official and representatives of Israeli IT companies to DigiTec Expo, which will be held in Yerevan this fall.

Hanegbi also noted the importance of the prospects for the development of the IT sphere, while expressing confidence that the cooperation between Armenia and Israel in this area has a future.

Martirosyan briefed the guest on the directions of development of the telecommunications area, the new technologies introduced by operators, while stressing that they already use Israeli devices. The issues of cyber security were also discussed.

Levon Ter-Petrosyan Asked Yeltsin for a Reward for Returning Azerbaijan to CIS

Aravot, Armenia

Russian politician, Candidate of Historical Sciences Andranik Mihranyan touched upon the settlement of the Artsakh conflict today.

He said that it is natural that there are concerns about the problem, because no one can say what the resolution will ever be, so there are some concerns. Asked what steps can be taken after St. Petersburg agreements and why the Co-Chairs are so passive, he replied that indeed, the Minsk Group does not only provide the necessary impact on Baku, but concrete steps are not taken either, probably due to their regional interests, either they do not have resources or do not have a proper influence on that country, because Azerbaijan enjoys serious support from Turkey, Pakistan.

As for the Russian side, according to Mihranyan, given the fact that Russia is trying to maintain the greatest influence in the post-Soviet countries and Azerbaijan is not a member of the EAEU, it is not a CSTO member, in any case it tries not to miss Azerbaijan and to strengthen its positions in the South Caucasus. At this stage, Russia has economic interests with Azerbaijan.

Asked whether selling weapons to Azerbaijan could trigger new tensions, Mihranyan replied, “The Azerbaijani side always provokes, creates tension, it declares publicly about using force from open platforms, but in my opinion, the war in April showed that the chairs could overlook some blitzkrieg, if Azerbaijan succeeded”.

According to Mihranyan, taking into account that last year the blitzkrieg grew into a large-scale military operation, the parties concerned, first of all, Russia interfered: “If Azerbaijan is convinced that it will succeed in blitzkrieg and strengthen its position, will achieve serious successes, then it will be possible, but large-scale military operations in the region are not profitable for anyone, especially that there are already conflicts in neighbouring countries and increasing the conflict zone is not beneficial to anyone. There is still the issue of Syria, Iraq, there are enormous problems. So, I rule out the resumption of the war”.

Journalists asked, as a figure living in Russia, whether he thinks that Russia is interested in resolving the Artsakh issue or is it beneficial for it to last for as long as possible. Andranik Mihranyan replied that yes, there is a view that Russia is creating a conflict, regulating it, it is in Russia’s interests, as if we do not know the Armenian-Azerbaijani internal problems: “Of course, Russia has interests in the region, and this conflict also serves its interests”.

Mihranyan recalled the first president Levon Ter-Petrosyan’s meeting with Boris Yeltsin: “He said we are expecting some reward from you because we have returned Azerbaijan to the CIS thanks to our victory in Karabakh, because Azerbaijan would leave the CIS”.