Thousands attend Iran ex-President’s funeral

Photo: Reuters


Tens of thousands of Iranians have turned out in the capital Tehran for the funeral of former President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, the BBC reports.

Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei will perform prayers at the ceremony, which is being held at Tehran University.

Mr Rafsanjani, president from 1989 to 1997, died of a heart attack on Sunday at the age of 82.

Three days of official mourning began on Monday.

The former president will be buried next to Iranian revolutionary leader Ayatollah Khomeini.

Armenian Parliament’s Vice-Speaker Edward Sharmazanov is also attending the funeral.

Berlin Christmas market reopens following lorry rampage

Photo: Reuters


The Berlin Christmas market where 12 people were killed on Monday by a suspected Islamist extremist who drove a truck into a crowd has reopened, the BBC reports.

Police have installed concrete barriers to prevent a repeat attack.

Meanwhile police have raided homes in the city of Dortmund, but prosecutors denied reports of arrests linked with the Tunisian suspect in the case.

Anis Amri’s residence permit was found in the lorry at the Breitscheidplatz, which killed 12 and injured 49 more.

The victims included at least six Germans and an Israeli tourist.

President Sargsyan invites meeting of the National Security Council

The President of Armenia, Chairman of the RA National Security Council Serzh Sargsyan today invited a meeting of the National Security Council.

In the framework of the agenda, the RA Minister of Energy Infrastructure and Natural Resources Ashot Manukian reported on the draft strategy of the Concept for the Safe Management of the Radioactive Waste and Used Nuclear Fuel in the Republic of Armenia.

The concept stems from the RA national security strategy and is aimed at ensuring a continuous policy for the safe use of nuclear energy based on the international obligations assumed by the Republic of Armenia, safety standards set by the International Atomic Energy Agency, as well as on the best international practices for the safe management of the radioactive waste and used nuclear fuel. The strategy is aimed at the utmost improvement of the management of the radioactive waste and used nuclear fuel in Armenia, development of cooperation with the entities dealing with the radioactive materials, as well as state and local governance bodies.

After the discussions, the President of Armenia stressed the importance of adopting the document and tasked the Prime Minister of Armenia to discuss with the Minister of Energy Infrastructure and Natural Resources and make a proposal on the timetable for the development of the RA Government strategy based on the provisions of the Concept for the Safe Management of the Radioactive Waste and Used Nuclear Fuel in the Republic of Armenia.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs Edward Nalbandian reported to the members of the National Security Councils on the issue related to the organization of the Summit of Francophonie in Armenia in 2018 on which he was instructed by the President of Armenia at the working meeting held on December 2. At the meeting of the National Security Council it was decided to create an interagency commission on the preparation works for the Summit of Francophonie.

The President tasked the government to prepare in one month and present for the approval of the President the action plan for the organization and execution of the Summit of Francophonie. He also instructed to create a secretariat on the preliminary works and execution of Armenia’s presidency at the Organization of Francophonie.

The members of the National Security Council were presented also the report of the RA Minister of Labor and Social Issues Artem Asatrian on the RA Demographic Strategy and the list of events aimed at the implementation of the Strategy (for years 2009-2035), which was approved by the N 27 decision of the Government of Armenia adopted on July 2, 2009, their results and the vision related to the future development of this issue.

Dutch court rules Crimean gold must go back to Ukraine

A priceless collection of gold artifacts from Crimea that was on loan to a Dutch museum when the Peninsula reunited with Russia must be returned to Ukraine and not Crimea, a Dutch court ruled on Wednesday in a judgment.

Kiev and the four museums have been wrangling over the fate of the archeological treasures, including gems, helmets and scabbards, which were on loan to Amsterdam’s Allard Pierson Museum in March, 2014.

Four museums in Crimea asked for the collection to be returned, but Ukraine argued that it was state property.

The court decided that under UNESCO rules the treasures should be handed back to the sovereign state.

A spokesman for Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin tweeted: “This is an important victory for Ukraine.”

The ruling by a Dutch court to give Scythian gold to Ukraine violates international law and the principles of inter-museum exchanges, the items should be returned to Crimea where they had been discovered and kept for decades, the Russian Culture Ministry said in response.

“Unfortunately, the decision is an example of violation of the rights of cultural institutions and destruction of the unity of museum collections. It contradicts not only the provisions of the contracts, but also grossly violates the principles of international inter-museum exchanges and the right of the Crimean people to access their own cultural heritage,” the Russian ministry said.

Jamie Redknapp: Mkhitaryan absence has cost Man Utd six or seven points

– Jamie Redknapp believes that the Red Devils would be occupying a top-four position in the Premier League had they used their Armenian summer signing more frequently.

Manchester United’s reluctance to offer Henrikh Mkhitaryan regular football during the early part of the season has cost them “six or seven points”, according to former Liverpool midfielder Jamie Redknapp.

The Red Devils spent big on the Armenian forward over the summer, with a reported ÂŁ26.3 million fee taking him to Old Trafford from Borussia Dortmund.

Mkhitaryan has impressed since being brought back in from the cold and, after he netted the winner in Sunday’s crucial victory over Tottenham, Redknapp believes that United would be sitting inside the Champions League places had they shown greater faith in his ability.

“I don’t buy the argument that Henrikh Mkhitaryan needed time to adjust to the Premier League,” he wrote in the Daily Mail.

“If he had started sooner, I’m convinced Manchester United would have six or seven more points.

“He is like Philippe Coutinho or Mesut Ozil in his ability to unlock the door and see passes that others don’t.

“He shone in the fast and furious pace of the Bundesliga so why wasn’t he even on the bench for so long?”


Lavrov, Kerry, Ayrault issue joint statement on Karabakh

Heads of Delegation of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair Countries have issued a joint statement:

We, the Heads of Delegation of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair countries – Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov, Secretary of State of the United States John Kerry, and Foreign Minister of France Jean-Marc Ayrault – remain fully committed to a negotiated settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

In light of the dramatic escalation in violence along the Line of Contact in April, we express concern over continuing armed incidents, including reports on the use of heavy weapons, and strongly condemn the use of force or the threat of the use of force.  There is no military solution to this conflict and no justification for the death and injury of civilians.  We are also aware of allegations of atrocities committed on the field of battle in April, which we condemn in the strongest terms.  We appeal to the sides to confirm their commitment to the peaceful resolution of the conflict as the only way to bring real reconciliation to the peoples of the region.  We also urge them to adhere strictly to the 1994/95 ceasefire agreements that make up the foundation of the cessation of hostilities in the conflict zone.

We call on Baku and Yerevan to honor the agreements reflected in the Joint Statements of the 16 May Summit in Vienna and the 20 June Summit in St. Petersburg.  We welcome the sides’ progress in implementing the exchange of data on missing persons under the auspices of the International Committee of the Red Cross.  We urge the parties to remove all remaining obstacles to expanding the mission of the Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office and to make progress on a proposal to establish an OSCE investigative mechanism.  The proposals should be implemented together with the immediate resumption of negotiations on a settlement.  We would like to reiterate our call to the leaders of Armenia and Azerbaijan to demonstrate flexibility and to return to the negotiation table with the firm aim of moving toward a sustainable peace on the basis of the current working proposals.  Unless progress can be made on negotiations, the prospects for renewed violence will only increase, and the parties will bear full responsibility.

We remind the sides that the settlement must be based on the core principles of the Helsinki Final Act, namely: non-use of force, territorial integrity, and the equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and additional elements as proposed by the Presidents of the Co-Chair countries, including return of the territories surrounding Nagorno-Karabakh to Azerbaijani control; an interim status for Nagorno-Karabakh providing guarantees for security and self-governance; a corridor linking Armenia to Nagorno-Karabakh; future determination of the final legal status of Nagorno-Karabakh through a legally binding expression of will; the right of all internally displaced persons and refugees to return to their former places of residence; and international security guarantees that would include a peacekeeping operation.  Our countries will continue to work closely with the sides, and we call upon them to make full use of the assistance of the Minsk Group Co-Chairs as mediators.

The Co-Chair countries are prepared to host a meeting of the Presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan when they are ready. We firmly believe that the Presidents need to engage in negotiations in good faith at the earliest opportunity.  Continuous and direct dialogue between the Presidents, conducted under the auspices of the Co-Chairs, remains an essential element in building confidence and moving the peace process forward.

Iran, EEU could set up Free Trade Zone

Chairman of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) Tigran Sargsyan met with Iran’s Ambassador to Russia Mehdi Sanayee to discuss the ways of creating a free trade zone between Iran and the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU), reports.

Tigran Sargsyan thanked Mehdi Sanayee for the opportunity to discuss trade cooperation and noted that the issue of the free trade zone remains a crucial aspect of the constructive dialogue between the Eurasian integration association and Iran. According to the Chairman of the EEC Board, Iran is one of the priority countries for the EEU to set up a free trade zone with. The Presidents of the EEU member states have repeatedly spoken in favor of strengthening relations between the Eurasian Economic Union and Iran. “We believe that our mutual relations have a big potential for economic growth,” the Chairman of the EEC Board said.

Mehdi Sanayee, for his part, emphasized the seriousness of Iran’s intention in setting up a free trade zone with the EEU countries and reaffirmed his country’s interest in speeding up the process. “Iran maintains good trade and economic relations with all the EEU member states. We have every chance for efficient cooperation,” the Ambassador said.

Mehdi Sanayee also suggested gathering scientists and businessmen for a conference in Iran to talk over the operation of the EEC and the EEU, as well as the prospects of economic cooperation between Iran and the EEU states.

Trump names Gen James ‘Mad Dog’ Mattis as defence secretary

Photo: Getty Images


US President-elect Donald Trump has named Gen James Mattis, a former marine who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, as his defence secretary, the BBC reports.

“He’s our best,” Mr Trump said, as he announced his pick in a speech in Ohio.

Gen Mattis, who is known as “Mad Dog”, was an outspoken critic of the Obama administration’s Middle East policy, particularly on Iran.

He has referred to Iran as “the single most enduring threat to stability and peace in the Middle East”.

Mr Trump made the announcement in Cincinnati at the start of a “USA Thank You Tour 2016” for his supporters.

“We are going to appoint ‘Mad Dog’ Mattis as our secretary of defence,” he told the crowd.

Belarus seeks referendum to extend presidential term to 7 years

Photo: Wikipedia/ Hanna Zelenko

The Belarusian Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) on Wednesday said it decided to propose a constitutional amendment referendum on extending the country’s presidential term from five to seven years, reports.

The party seeks to extend the presidential term by two years as well as increasing the parliamentary and local council terms and shifting to a mixed proportional and majoritarian election system from the current majoritarian one.

“Using our representation in the Council of the Republic and the House of Representatives of the Belarusian National Assembly, a decision to initiate a referendum on constitutional amendments in 2018 alongside local council elections has been taken,” the LDP press service said in a statement. “These changes will strengthen the political system of Belarus and will lead to further democratization and the development of civil society,” the party said.

Country’s current President Alexander Lukashenko was elected for his fifth term in office in 2015 with over 80 percent support. LDP candidate Sergei Gaidukevich came third with 3.3 percent. Parliamentary elections were held in September, in which the vast majority of seats were won by independent candidates.

The last parliamentary election was the first to be based on a first-past-the-post system after the previous two-round system was abolished in 2013. A majority vote is now only required for single candidates.

Baku pursues the policy of misleading the international community and its own people

The Azerbaijani defense propaganda maintains the policy of disseminating disinformation to mislead both the international community and its own people, the NKR Defense Ministry said in a statement.

“In particular, on November 2 the Azeri side spread information in the media and social networks, claiming that the shells fired from Armenian mortars fell on the Chemenli settlement in Aghdam region and other populated areas,” the Ministry said.

The NKR Defense Ministry declares that the information does not correspond to reality. Moreover, it, says, by spreading such statements the rival is trying to justify future provocations.

“The front divisions of the NKR Defense Army strongly respect the commitments and never target the peaceful settlements,” the statement reads.