Shavarsh Kocharyan spoke on behalf of European Lib. Dem. Alliance


| 21:09:10 | 21-06-2005 | Politics | PACE SUMMER SESSION |


The situation in Central Asia was discussed at the PACE summer session.
According to the regulations, chairman of the PACE political committee Abdul
Kadir Atesh delivered a speech. His report was mostly dedicated to the
developments in Uzbekistan.

170 people were hurt in Uzbekistan on May 13, many of them were just
innocent victims. Majority in Uzbekistan, especially the youth are convinced
that the incumbent President Islam Karimov will not be in power for long.

The Member of the Armenian delegation to PACE Shavarsh Kocharyan was
proposed to make a report on the situation in Central Asia on behalf of the
European Liberal Democratic Alliance.

In his speech he touched upon the democracy development not only in the
countries of Central Asia but also in a number of CIS member-states and
Europe. `Uzbekistan’s example proved that `strong’ power causes numerous
victims. The events of May 13 cannot be approved. The power that applies to
terror against the people has no right to fight against international
terror’, Shavarsh Kocharyan resumed.

Russia obligations to Council of Europe main item on PACE session

ITAR-TASS News Agency
June 20, 2005 Monday

Russia obligations to Council of Europe main item on PACE session

By Yuri Ulyanovsky


The assessment of the fulfilment by Russia of obligations to the
Council of Europe is one of the main items on the agenda of the
summer session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
(PACE) that begins at the Strasbourg Palace of Europe on Monday. The
Assembly’s monitoring commission has prepared a report on this issue.

Problems of mass media work in the coverage of terror acts will be
considered during the discussion of the report “Mass media and

The report contains an appeal to journalists to abstain from the
publication of shocking details when describing terrorist acts and it
is noted in the report that the fight against terrorism should not be
a pretext for limiting the freedom of the press.

Among other main items on the session agenda is the discussion of the
current state of affair in Kosovo, issues of functioning of
democratic institutes in Azerbaijan and the process of constitutional
reform in Armenia.

The Assembly will also consider problems extending out of the borders
of 46 members states of the Council of Europe – developments in
Central Asia and in the Middle East.

Catholicos Holds Funeral Service By Tehlirian Grave in Fresno


YEREVAN, June 20. /ARKA/. Catholicos of all Armenians Garegin II held
a funeral service by the grave of Soghomon Teyleryan in Fresno. As the
Press Chancellery of Echmiadzin Holy See told ARKA News Agency, upon
finishing the service, Garegin II gave a sermon dedicated to justice
and unbending will of the Armenian people and blessed the guests. On
March 16, 1921, Armenian student Soghomon Teyleryan shot Taliat-
pasha, Former Turkish Minister of Internal Affairs of the Young Turk
Government in Berlin. Later, he was completely acquitted by the Berlin
Court. L.V.-0-

Ruling Party Leads In Karabakh Vote

Radio Free Europe, Czech Republic
June 20 2005

Ruling Party Leads In Karabakh Vote

20 June 2005 (RFE/RL) — Preliminary results in yesterday’s
parliamentary elections in the disputed territory of Nagorno-Karabakh
show the ruling party has a strong lead.

Election officials in the unrecognized enclave say the ruling party
and its allies have won 22 seats in the 33 seat parliament.

Independent candidates have won eight seats, and the opposition bloc
won three.

The opposition says the vote was unfair, and accuses authorities of
manipulating the ballot.

Paul Williams, a representative of the U.S. Public International Law
and Policy Group which monitored the poll, today said that the vote
met international democratic standards.

Armenia and Azerbaijan fought a war over the territory in the early
1990s in which an estimated 25,000 people were killed and hundreds of
thousands of Azerbaijanis were driven from the region.

Azerbaijan still claims the territory, which is under Armenian

While Armenia today welcomed the vote, Azerbaijan says any voting in
Nagorno-Karabakh is illegal until Azerbaijanis banished from the
region are allowed to return.

Khalifa receives letter from Armenian President

Al-Bawaba, Jordan
June 19 2005

Khalifa receives letter from Armenian President

Posted: 19-06-2005 , 15:48 GMT

Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan has received a letter from Armenian
President, Robert Kocharian,dealing with bilateral relations between
the two countries and ways to enhance them in various fields, according
to WAM.

The letter was presented to Foreign Ministry Under Secretary, Abdullah
Rashid Al Nu’aimi, when he received the Armenian Ambassador, Arshak

Working Meeting Between Co-Chairmen Of Armenian-RussianIntergovernme


YEREVAN, JUNE 17, NOYAN TAPAN. A working meeting between the RA
and RF Co-Chairmen of the Intergovernmental Commission on Economic
Cooperation, the RA Minister of Defence, the Secretary of RA National
Security Council Serge Sargsian and the RF Minister of Transport
Igor Levitin will take place on June 21 in Moscow. According to
the press secretary of RA Ministery of Defence Seyran Shahsuvarian,
issues of operating the RA enterprises transferred as property to the
Russian Federation, as well as other issues of mututal interest will
be discussed at the meeting.

Bundesregierung weist =?UNKNOWN?Q?t=FCrkische?= Kritik anArmenien-Be

Bundesregierung weist tĂŒrkische Kritik an Armenien-Beschluss zurĂŒck

Agence France Presse — Deutsche
Freitag, 17. Juni 2005

Berlin. 17. Juni

Die Bundesregierung hat die Kritik des tĂŒrkischen MinisterprĂ€sidenten
Recep Tayyip Erdogan am Armenien-Beschluss des Bundestages
zurĂŒckgewiesen. Die Behauptung Erdogans, der Beschluss sei “falsch
und hĂ€sslich”, sei “unzutreffend”, sagte der stellvertretende
Regierungssprecher Thomas Steg dem Berliner “Tagesspiegel”
(Samstagsausgabe): “Es ist eine ausgewogene Resolution.”

Steg wies auch die Behauptung Erdogans zurĂŒck, Bundeskanzler Gerhard
Schröder (SPD) habe sich vor dem Bundestagsbeschluss zunÀchst der
tĂŒrkischen Haltung in der Armenienfrage angeschlossen gehabt.
Schröder habe immer seine eigene Position deutlich gemacht, sagte der
Sprecher. “Insofern ist die EnttĂ€uschung ĂŒber diese Resolution

Gerade die Deutschen wĂŒssten, dass die Aufarbeitung historischer
Schuld und die Bereitschaft zur Versöhnung und zum Verzeihen
unverzichtbar seien, betonte Steg. Dies sei die Voraussetzung, “um
eine gute und friedliche Zukunft der Völker zu gestalten”. Vor der
deutschen Botschaft in Ankara protestierten am Freitag zwischen 50
und 100 Mitglieder einer nationalistisch geprÀgten Gewerkschaft gegen
die Bundestagsresolution.

In der am Donnerstag verabschiedeten Resolution fordert der Bundestag
die Bundesregierung auf, “dabei mitzuhelfen, dass zwischen TĂŒrken und
Armeniern ein Ausgleich durch Aufarbeitung, Versöhnen und Verzeihen
historischer Schuld erreicht wird”. Bei den zwischen 1915 und 1917
verĂŒbten Massakern und durch TodesmĂ€rsche starben zwischen 300.000
und 1,5 Millionen Menschen. Ein Großteil der internationalen
Öffentlichkeit stuft die Verbrechen als Völkermord ein. Aus Sicht der
TĂŒrkei handelte es sich bei den Ereignissen dagegen um die tragischen
Folgen einer Zwangsumsiedlung, die wegen des Krieges erforderlich
gewesen sei.


Graffiti-Sprayern droht erstmals =?UNKNOWN?Q?Gef=E4ngnis?=

Die Welt
18 juni 2005

Graffiti-Sprayern droht erstmals GefÀngnis

Bundestag erweitert Strafgesetz – Fuhrerschein mit 17 auf dem Weg –
Turkei kritisiert Armenien-Beschluß

Graffiti-Kunst in Heidelberg
Foto: dpa

Berlin – Graffiti-Sprayer konnen kunftig leichter strafrechtlich
verfolgt werden. Nach jahrelangen Kontroversen haben in “großer
Koalition” SPD und Union sowie die Mehrheit der Grunen im Bundestag
eine VerschÀrfung des Tatbestands der SachbeschÀdigung beschlossen.
Es kommt kunftig nicht mehr darauf an, daß durch Schmiererei auch die
GebÀudesubstanz wie etwa der Putz geschÀdigt wird, weil sich das
Graffiti nur so entfernen lĂ€ĂŸt. Schon die Schmiererei selbst kann
strafbar sein. Grune und SPD hatten sich in dieser Frage seit 1998
gegenseitig blockiert. Nach SchÀtzungen belaufen sich die Kosten
infolge von Graffiti-SchÀden jÀhrlich auf 200 bis 500 Millionen Euro.

Die Union wollte ursprunglich deutlichere Formulierungen im Gesetz.
CDU und CSU stimmten aber zu, um im Wahlkampf den Eindruck zu
vermeiden, sie wurden sich einem hÀrteren Vorgehen gegen Graffiti
verweigern. Im Bundesrat werden nach die unionsgefuhrten LĂ€nder das
Gesetz ebenfalls passieren lassen, so daß es noch vor dem
voraussichtlich vorzeitigen Ende der Wahlperiode endgultig
verabschiedet werden kann. Die FDP sah das Gesetz als unzureichend

Die CSU-Rechtspolitikerin Daniela Raab meinte, mit dem Gesetz wurden
zwar nicht mehr Sprayer gefaßt. Es konnten die gestellten TĂ€ter aber
“endlich angemessen” zur Rechenschaft gezogen werden. Bislang war die
Verfolgung von Farbschmierereien nur schwer moglich. Nach der
Rechtsprechung des Bundesgerichtshofs konnte ein Sprayer nur dann
verfolgt werden, wenn durch die Schmiererei “die Substanz einer Sache
erheblich verletzt” war.

In Strafprozessen mußte daher oft ein Gutachter klĂ€ren, ob das
Entfernen des Graffito etwa den Putz oder das Mauerwerks eines Hauses
beschĂ€digt hat. Allein die VerĂ€nderung des Ă€ußeren Erscheinungsbildes
eines GebÀudes reichte fur die Bestrafung nicht aus. Nun wird das
Strafgesetzbuch durch eine weitere Tathandlung ergÀnzt. Strafbar ist
nun auch “die unbefugte nicht nur unerhebliche und nicht nur
vorubergehende VerĂ€nderung des Erscheinungsbildes einer Sache”.

Zudem hat die rot-grune Koalition das umstrittene Gesetz zum Schutz
vor Diskriminierung verabschiedet. Die Regelung sieht vor, daß im
GeschÀftsverkehr niemand wegen Rasse, ethnischer Herkunft,
Geschlecht, Behinderung, Alter, sexueller Orientierung, Religion und
Weltanschauung benachteiligt werden darf. Zu der Regelung, mit der
mehrere EU-Richtlinien umgesetzt werden sollen, gehoren eine Reihe
arbeitsrechtlicher Vorschriften. Die Union machte umgehend deutlich,
daß sie das Gesetz uber den Bundesrat zu Fall zu bringen will. Uber
das Antidiskriminierungsgesetz ist seit der ersten Lesung vor funf
Monaten heftig gestritten worden. Die Kanzlerkandidatin der Union,
Angela Merkel, hatte bereits angekundigt, das Gesetz spÀtestens nach
einem Machtwechsel zuruckzunehmen. CDU/CSU und FDP argumentierten,
sie seien zwar fur den Schutz vor Diskriminierung, aber das Gesetz
gehe weit uber die von der EU festgelegte Richtlinie hinaus und
schaffe neue burokratische Hurden. Die MißrauchsanfĂ€lligkeit werde
dramatisch erhoht. Richterbund, JuristenverbÀnde und die IG Chemie
hatten das Gesetz bereits als Abkehr vom Grundprinzip der
Vertragsfreiheit kritisiert. Der unionsdominierte Bundesrat wird zu
dem Gesetz vermutlich den Vermittlungsausschuß anrufen.

Weitere Beschlusse sind der Fuhrerschein mit 17, der fortan in
bestimmten BundeslÀndern erworben werden kann, wenn dort
Modellversuche zum “Begleiteten Fahren” angeboten werden.
MinderjÀhrige FahranfÀnger durfen dann das Fahrzeug nur in Begleitung
einer “namentlich benannten” Person fuhren. Verstoße fuhren zum
sofortigen Widerruf der Fahrerlaubnis.

Indes hat die turkische Regierung heftig auf den Bundestagsbeschluß
zur Armenierfrage reagiert. MinisterprÀsident Recep Tayyip Erdogan
sprach von einem “hĂ€ĂŸlichen” Beschluß und warf Kanzler Gerhard
Schroder (SPD) vor, nicht zu seinen fruheren Äußerungen in der Frage
der turkischen Massaker an den Armeniern 1915 zu stehen. Der
Bundestag hatte einem Antrag aller Fraktionen zugestimmt, der an die
Vertreibung und das Massaker an den Armeniern im Osmanischen Reich
erinnert. Demonstranten schimpften vor der deutschen Botschaft in
Ankara uber “Hitlers Bastarde”. Ring


CIS discontent with OSCE state of affairs


Pan Armenian News
17.06.2005 06:42

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The CIS member-states expressed dissatisfaction with
the state of affairs of the OSCE, participants of the consultations
on interaction of the CIS member-states within the Organization held
today in the CIS Executive Committee in Minsk declared. Representatives
of the Foreign Ministries of Belarus, Russia, Armenia, Kazakhstan,
Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Ukraine are taking part
in the talks. As Director of the Department of Political and
Humanitarian Cooperation of the CIS Executive Committee Rudolf
Alexeyev said, a number of crisis tendencies have appeared in the
OSCE. “With its present appearance the Organization does not serve
the purpose of establishing equal dialogue and cooperation for 35
member-states. Sometimes the dialogue is replaced by instruction
and equal cooperation yields to political pressure”, he said. Many
member-states spoke out for reformation of the structure. The same
position is expressed in the statement by 8 Presidents of the CIS
states to OSCE partners issued on July 3, 2004, Belarusskie Novosti

History as paranoia: Iran and the game of nations

History as paranoia: Iran and the game of nations

Khaleej Times, United Arab Emirates
June 16 2005

FEW societies on earth are as conscious of their past as modern Iran.

The philosophic poetry of the medieval poets, Hafiz and Saadi continues
to enchant Iranians centuries after their death and their marble
tombs in Shiraz are as much a pilgrimage to Persian nationalism as
the desert ruins of ancient Persepolis.

The last Pahlavi Shah gave his parvenu dynasty a touch of badly
needed class by linking it to the Achaemenid empire that was once
the superpower of the ancient world. Celebrating the 2,500 years of
Persian monarchy amid the ruins of Persepolis, in an extravaganza
created by Maxims of Paris and ornamented by Lanvin and Baccarat,
the Shah declared “Sleep, Cyrus, for we are awake!”

Even Ayatollah Khomeini, while he expunged Iran’s pre-Islamic past
from the rhetoric of revolution, evoked the poet Firdousi and scholars
of Qom to boost Persian nationalist passions in the war with Iraq. Yet
Iranian diplomacy has been the modern Bermuda Triangle of international
relations, a black hole of inexplicable web of treachery, U-turns
and paranoia. Persian history, in its third millennium, underpins
Iran’s role on the global stage, its existential choices in the game
of nations.

It is ironic that Herodotus, the ancient Greek historian who chronicled
Alexander the Great’s rampage across the Persian Empire, declared
Iranians to be the most open of people to foreign customs.

Yet the Islamic republic, after all, was born amid xenophobia and
extreme nationalism, the world’s first theocratic state rejected the
bulldozer Westernisation of the Pahlavi regime. The Persian concept of
Garbzedeghi is as difficult for Westerners to understand as pronounce
but it refers to the sort of “West-intoxication embodied by the last
Shah and Empress of Iran, a cultural surrender that outraged all the
enemies of the Peacock Throne, from the clerics of Qom to the Marxist
Leninists of the communist Tudeh Party to the pious merchants of the
Teheran bazaar.

Few societies in the Middle East have evolved as exquisite a mass
conviction of victimhood as modern Iran. Derived from the Shia belief
that history is all about suffering and injustice, an incessant
struggle between good and evil, an ethos whose roots lay in the
ancient Sassanian theology and fire temples of Zoroaster, Iran has
been the geopolitical football of the Great Powers in modern times.

The Ottoman Turks waged war against Safavid Persia for centuries for
control of the Levant and the Gulf. The British Empire dealt with the
Qajar Shahs as puppets and vassals. Iran was a sideshow in its quest to
protect the sealanes to its Indian Raj, a pawn in its Great Game with
Tsarist Russia, its tobacco monopolies and the Abandon refineries of
BP once the Royal Navy warships shifted from coal to oil. The United
States replaced Britain as the puppeteer of the Peacock Throne after
World War Two.

Washington threatened Stalin with nuclear war to force the Soviet Union
out of Azerbaijan, unleashed the CIA in a countercoup to overthrow
the nationalist Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh in the notorious
Operation Ajax, assisted the Shah’s repressive Savak secret police
and the Imperial Iranian Armed Forces to act as the gendarmes of the
West in civil wars everywhere from Iraqi Kurdistan to Dhofar, Lebanon,
Afghanistan and Baluchistan.

Even the Shah’s hawkishness in Opec was viewed by most Iranians
as Kissinger’s Machiavellian scheme to bankroll a servile, pro-US
client regime with billions of petrodollars to reshape the politics of
the Middle East. It was therefore no coincidence that hatred of the
United States, symbol and protector of the megalomaniac, repressive
Shah, defined the cataclysmic passions of the Iranian Revolution. The
1979-80 hostage crisis was the climax of the pathological historical
experience between the US and Iran.

Its toxic images, the blindfolded diplomats, the “Death to America”
chants, Ayatollah Khomeni’s threats to export his revolution to
US allies in the Gulf, the truck bombers who massacred the Marines
and CIA spooks in Beirut, the gutted Delta Force helicopters in the
Dasht-e-Kavir, still poison the prisms of American foreign policy
towards Iran.

History is quicksand for the international relations of Iran. The
mass slaughter on the Shatt-al-Arab, inaugurated by Saddam Hussein’s
invasion in September 1980, was Iran’s most traumatic military invasion
since the medieval Mongol holocausts of Halagu Khan and Taimur. Yet
Iran fought the bloodiest war in Islamic history.

Saddam Hussein was financed and supported by friends near and far.

The United States “tilted” to Baghdad after the epic Iranian
victorious in Fao and Khorramshahr, delivered satellite intelligence,
clandestine bank loans, Exocet missiles and Etenard fighters, even
chemical weapons (via Paris and Berlin)to Saddam. The historic Persian
sense of victimhood is not misplaced. After all, as Kissinger once
observed “even paranoids have real enemies”. The Islamic Republic,
with good reason, sees itself encircled by the friends of its sworn
enemy, the Great Satan” which continues to demonise, isolate and
wage economic war (via blocked IMF/World Bank loans, and sanctions)
against Iran. American military bases and American dollars buttress
everyone in Iran’s neighbourhood, from Karzai in Kabul, to Musharraf
in Islamabad to Jaafari and Talabani in Baghdad to the post-Soviet
republics of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan.

The tragedies of Persian history shape the violent, intrigue driven
politics of Iran. The ayatollahs were not the original architect of
Iran’s nuclear programme, the Shah built a nuclear reactor in Bushehr
with German assistance decades before the Kremlin ever got involved.

So the language of neocon imperialism in Washington, sanctions and
preemptive strikes and ultimatums, evokes Iran’s historic sense of
outrage and victimhood. History, the paranoia of the past, chokes
Iran in the new axis of crisis in the Middle East.

Matein Khalid is a Dubai based investment banker