Zakharova: EU shows false initiatives in Armenian-Azerbaijani relations

Aug 31 2022

“The EU is moving with its geopolitical ambitions in the region, it does not have any positive trend in terms of the regulation of relations between the two countries. Europeans have false initiatives: they want to appropriate the laurels of success that Russia has achieved in terms of the settlement of Armenian-Azerbaijani relations. We work as mediators, and that work brings concrete results, which the parties appreciate,” Zakharova said.


She stressed that Russia continues meaningful work with Baku and Yerevan.


“The works are aimed at unblocking transport links in the South Caucasus, which is within the scope of the work of border demarcation and border security commissions. We mean an agreement on a package solution for specific routes, which will be based on respect of the territorial integrity of Armenia and Azerbaijan,” Maria Zakharova said.

Armenpress: Artsakh Parliament Speaker meets with Armenian MPs

Artsakh Parliament Speaker meets with Armenian MPs 



 20:16, 2 September 2022

STEPANAKERT, SEPTEMBER 2, ARMENPRESS. Speaker of Parliament of Artsakh Artur Tovmasyan received members of Parliament of Armenia from the ruling Civil Contract faction Rustam Bakoyan and Lilit Sargsyan, the Parliament of Artsakh said. 

Artur Tovmasyan welcomed the guests for visiting Artsakh on the 31st anniversary of the proclamation of the Republic of Artsakh.

The meeting touched upon the provisions of the November 9 trilateral statement.

The MPs highlighted the issue of the security of Artsakh and its people. They said that the authorities of Armenia are carrying out daily activities in international platforms for ensuring the security of Artsakh.

“We have a fragile situation and it should be strengthened in order to reduce the risks of large-scale escalation as much as possible”, Rustam Bakoyan said. 

The Civil Contract faction MPs also talked about the major social programs provided by Armenia to Artsakh and other types of support.

The Artsakh Speaker of Parliament also met with a group of lawmakers from the Hayastan and I Have an Honor factions of the Armenian Parliament, with the participation of the heads of parliamentary factions.

Inter-agency commission to coordinate organization of STARMUS VI Festival holds final session



 20:47, 1 September 2022

YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 1, ARMENPRESS. Vice Speaker of Parliament of Armenia Hakob Arshakyan, who also co-chairs the inter-agency commission for coordinating the organization of STARMUS VI Festival, today chaired the meeting of the commission, the Parliament’s press service said. 

Welcoming the session participants, Hakob Arshakyan congratulated them on Knowledge and School Day, stating that Armenia is attaching special attention to education and science sectors. According to him, the holding of STARMUS VI Festival in Armenia is also one of the most important initiatives for science development.

The meeting participants discussed technical and content issues related to the organization of events within the frames of the Festival. 

Summing up all the proposals and recommendations made during the meeting, Hakob Arshakyan highlighted the proper organization and holding of such a large-scale and prominent event.

The meeting was also attended by STARMUS Founding Director Garik Israelian.

STARMUS VI: 50 Years On Mars will be held in Armenia from September 5 to 10.

Armenia former ruling party official: Brussels photo series is telling again
Armenia – Aug 31 2022

The opening photo series of the trilateral meeting that started in Brussels is again telling. Armen Ashotyan, vice-chairman of the former ruling Republican Party of Armenia, wrote this on Facebook—and with respect to the ongoing meeting in Brussels between Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan of Armenia, President Charles Michel of the European Council, and President Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan.

"I say again that the being who became the cause and symbol of [the Armenian side’s] defeat [in the Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) war in the fall of 2020] has no right to continue negotiations.

Here again, everything is clear already from the photos.

The body language just screams about it.

Let's wait for another defeatist statement [for the Armenian side] in the evening," Ashotyan added.

STARMUS VI speakers to deliver lectures for Armenian students




YEREVAN, AUGUST 31, ARMENPRESS. The universities of Yerevan and the educational facilities of Armenia will host the speakers of STARMUS VI International Festival that will launch in Armenia on September 5.

The speakers will share their knowledge and experience by discovering the secrets of the Universe.

The speakers will deliver lectures in the following educational facilities of Armenia:

  • Yerevan State University
  • National Polytechnic University of Armenia
  • Armenian-Russian University
  • American University of Armenia
  • Armenian State University of Economics
  • Armenian National Agrarian University
  • Yerevan Haybusak University
  • National Academy of Sciences of Armenia
  • Alikhanian Yerevan Institute of Physics
  • UN Office in Armenia
  • Quantum College
  • Physics and Mathematics Specialized School 
  • Anania Shirakatsy Lyceum
  • TUMO Center for Creative Technologies
  • Ayb School
  • Technological Center of Enterprise Incubator Foundation in Gyumri
  • COAF Smart Center in Lori province
  • LOFT in Vanadzor

The students of these educational institutions will have an opportunity to listen to the world-renowned scientists, astronauts and astrophysicists, like Jim Bagian, Garik Israelian, Kip Thorne, Charlie Duke, Nagin Cox, Joel Parker, David Eicher, Tony Fadell, Donna Strickland, Jean-Jacques Dordain and others.

The sixth Starmus, one of the world-scale science and art festivals, will take place on September 5-10 2022 in Yerevan, Armenia, to celebrate science communication with world-class scientists, engineers artists, and astronauts.

In the past, Starmus has hosted several Apollo astronauts (among them Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin), Alexei Leonov and Victor Gorbatko. World known scientists, 25 Nobel prize winners and space explorers have shared their science from the Starmus stage, among them Stephen Hawking, May-Britt Moser, Emmanuelle Charpentier, Elizabeth Blackburn, Donna Strickland, Jill Tarter, Kip Thorne, Robert Wilson, Michel Mayor, Eduard Moser, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Richard Dawkins, Brian Cox, Tony Fadell, and many other giants of science. Stephen Hawking and Alexei Leonov, together with the rock star and astrophiscist Brian May, worked to create the Stephen Hawking Medal for Science Communication, awarded to individuals and teams who have made significant contributions to science communication. Previous Stephen Hawking Medal winners include Elon Musk, Jean-Michel Jarre, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Hans Zimmer and The Particle Fever documentary.

NSS of Armenia refutes media reports regarding procedure for passage of Azerbaijani cars through country`s territory

Aug 23 2022
Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo. Information circulating in the media and social networks that in the event of a  possible transit passage by vehicles through the territory of the  Republic of Armenia from the Republic of Azerbaijan to the  Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic and in the opposite direction, local  and international roads of the Republic of Armenia will be closed  during transit, which will impede the free movement of residents of  Armenia, does not correspond to reality.

This is stated in the statement of the National Security Service of the Republic of  Armenia.

<We inform you that the draft government decree <On making additions  to the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Armenia dated May  12, 2011 No. 703>, put into circulation by the National Security  Service of the Republic of Armenia, provides for the opening of 3 new  checkpoints that will provide an opportunity for transit from the  Republic of Azerbaijan by road for travel to the Nakhichevan  Autonomous Republic.

Currently, possible routes and procedures for transit are being  developed, in which it is not planned to close local and / or  international (interstate) roads and / or other restrictions on the  movement of the population of Armenia, as well as foreigners and  their vehicles>, the department said in a statement.  It should be  noted that earlier the relevant information was disseminated in the  Armenian media. 

Oppositionist: Resistance Movement will resume its activities on September 2
Armenia – Aug 23 2022

The Resistance Movement will resume its activities on September 2. The former vice-speaker of the parliament, Ishkhan Saghatelyan, said today before the opposition rally in the Republic Square.

So, a rally is scheduled for September 2, and the Resistance Movement, according to the assurance of the oppositionist, pursuing all the declared goals, will continue to fight in full force.

"Rallies will also be held in Karabakh and Diaspora," Saghatelyan said.

Amendments to Law on Military Service unacceptable -MP

Armenia – Aug 25 2022
Alina Hovhannisyan

ArmInfo.The government-proposed bill allowing early demobilization provided  servicemen pay AMD 24mln (about $50,000) to the state budget is  unacceptable, the opposition MP Tigran Abrahamyan wrote on his  Facebook page. 

It will only confound social injustice and deepen the social crisis. 

As regards the authorities' claims that the initiative will allow  contract servicemen to receive higher salaries, Mr Abrahamyan said: 

"That is, they are convincing us that the state has no money for  contract servicemen. Our servicemen's social conditions must meet  higher-than-average standards as these people are safeguarding our  security.  However, they are not feeling support on the government's  part. Rather they are facing constant threats because of the  authorities' policy," he wrote. 

Armenia's government has posted amendments to the Law on Military  Service. According to one of the amendments, after a  four-and-a-half-month training course, a serviceman can be exempted  from further military service after paying AMD 24mln to Armenia's  state budget, which, according to the bill, will allow one contract  serviceman to receive AMD 400,000 (about $1,000) for five years  running.   

Government will not provide compensation to businesses affected from Surmalu blast




YEREVAN, AUGUST 24, ARMENPRESS. The government of Armenia will not provide compensation to the businesses that were affected from the recent explosion in Yerevan’s Surmalu trade center, Minister of Economy Vahan Kerobyan told reporters after the Cabinet meeting.

He said that the businessmen operating in Surmalu have not had insured their property.

“The government cannot take on itself a function and compensate that cost which the insurance company should have compensated. If the businessman did not consider that risk high, the government has nothing to do there”, he said.

The Surmalu blast, which took place on August 14, killed 16 and injured 60 more others.

Authorities discuss options for businesses of Petak trade center adjacent to Surmalu




YEREVAN, AUGUST 22, ARMENPRESS. Officials from law enforcement agencies and the ministry of emergency situations are discussing options that would enable businesses of the Petak Trade Center to resume working, the Ministry of Emergency Situations spokesperson Hayk Kostanyan said in a statement.

Petak Trade Center was shut down indefinitely on August 14 when the adjacent Surmalu shopping center explosion took place.

“The businesses at the Petak Trade Center are demanding to know a concrete day when they can return to work. As soon as a decision is made the announcement will be made,” Kostanyan said.