Armenpress: The ban on the import of goods of Turkish origin will not be extended

The ban on the import of goods of Turkish origin will not be extended




YEREVAN, DECEMBER 30, ARMENPRESS. Based on the results of the interdepartmental discussions in Armenia, a decision was made not to extend the embargo on Turkish goods, ARMENPRESS reports the Ministry of Economy of Armenia informs.

In particular, the Ministry notes that the ban on Turkish goods over the past year has had both positive and negative economic consequences.

"One of the positive consequences is a number of newly established or expanded productions in the light industry, construction materials, furniture production, as well as in agriculture, but the main negative effect of the embargo is the significant impact on inflation, which was reflected especially in a number of consumer goods. There are many requests from our businessmen to lift the ban on the import of Turkish goods”, the Ministry said.

During this year, a number of businesses have started to produce goods to replace Turkish ones. The Ministry assured that there will be consistency in ensuring the viability and competitiveness of such companies in the new conditions, assisting them with additional tools if necessary.

"By lifting the ban on the import of Turkish goods, the principle of reciprocity is expected to create more favorable conditions for the export of Armenian goods," the Ministry said.

By the decision of October 20, 2020, the Government of the Republic of Armenia imposed a temporary ban on the import of final goods of Turkish origin. The ban was then extended until .

PM Pashinyan visits Constitutional Court




YEREVAN, DECEMBER 27, ARMENPRESS. Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan visited the Constitutional Court and met with the judges of the Court. The President of the Constitutional Court Arman Dilanyan, judges of the Constitutional Court Vahe Grigoryan, Yervand Khundkaryan, Ashot Khachatryan, Arayik Tunyan, Arthur Vagharshyan, Edgar Shatiryan took part in the discussion, ARMENPRESS was informed from the Office of the Prime Minister.

Issues related to the development and strengthening of democratic institutions were discussed.

Armenpress: Yeraskh-Julfa-Ordubad-Meghri-Horadiz railway: Armenia to spend $200 million on restoring 45km-section

Yeraskh-Julfa-Ordubad-Meghri-Horadiz railway: Armenia to spend $200 million on restoring 45km-section



 16:17, 18 December, 2021

YEREVAN, DECEMBER 18, ARMENPRESS. The Armenian government plans to restore the 45 kilometer-section of the Yeraskh-Julfa-Ordubad-Meghri-Horadiz railway, spending around 200,000,000 dollars, Deputy Prime Minister Mher Grigoryan told TASS.

“According to preliminary estimates of experts, the indicative cost of restoration of the railway lines passing through Armenia’s territory will amount nearly 200 million dollars. Overall the length of the railway in Armenia’s territory will be nearly 45 kilometers, while the total length will be nearly 340 kilometers,” he said.

Grigoryan stressed that the railway connection linking Armenia and Azerbaijan will function in accordance to internationally accepted regulations on reciprocal principle within the framework of the sovereignty and jurisdiction of the countries through which it will pass.

Mayor of Yerevan Hayk Marutyan faces no confidence vote, denies wrongdoing




YEREVAN, DECEMBER 22, ARMENPRESS. A motion of no confidence is leveled against Mayor of Yerevan Hayk Marutyan from the City Council’s ruling My Step bloc.

Marutyan successfully ran for office with the My Step bloc in 2018. The alliance was led by the present-day ruling Civil Contract party of PM Nikol Pashinyan. Marutyan, who was a member of Civil Contract, left the party last year and since then distanced himself from the political team.

The My Step bloc claimed in presenting the no confidence motion that Marutyan doesn’t any longer represent them, that they have different political views and that he can no longer serve as mayor if he has distanced himself from the team, and also claimed that there are some “corruption manifestations” in the City Hall.

Marutyan, however, argued that while he indeed has political disagreements with his former teammates, he fulfilled the duties of the office of mayor duly and properly and hasn’t committed any wrongdoing.

In a speech before the vote began – which is essentially both a no confidence motion and a confirmation vote to install Marutyan’s deputy Hrachya Sargsyan as Mayor – Marutyan denied all accusations against him.

The results of the vote are expected shortly.

Armenpress: Wide range of events being planned on the occasion of 30th anniversary of Armenia-Russian relations

Wide range of events being planned on the occasion of 30th anniversary of Armenia-Russian relations




YEREVAN, 13 DECEMBER, ARMENPRESS. A wide range of programmes is being planned to mark the 30th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between Armenia and Russia, ARMENPRESS reports Russian Ambassador to Armenia Sergey Kopirkin said during ''New Generation 2021'' forum.

''For Armenian-Russian relations year 2022 is remarkable also for another reason: next year our countries will be marking the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations and 25th anniversary of signing the bilateral Agreement on Friendship, cooperation and mutual assistance. Today under the auspices of the Foreign Ministries of the two countries a wide range of programmes is being planned, which will fully reflect the significance of the jubilee anniversary. In particular, in the framework of the jubilee year it is planned to sign a new programme of interdepartmental cultural cooperation, the key events of which will be Russia's days in Armenia and Armenia's days in Russia'', the Ambassador mentioned.

We are entering a quantum era: Armenian President participates in Ada Lovelace festival

Public Radio of Armenia
Dec 10 2021

President Armen Sarkissian participated online in the Ada Lovelace festival in Germany titled “Quantum World.”

The festival, named after mathematician Ada Lovelace, is a unique platform for talented techies and tech enthusiasts to discuss the impact of technological change on different aspects of life. Representatives of the German government and leading technology companies are taking part in the festival.

Within the framework of the festival, President Sarkissian answered the questions on challenges of the changing world and quantum politics.

“What we are witnessing now, I call R-evolution, that is, rapid evolution,” said the President. “In other words, we will live in a period of constant rapid evolution, where quantum computing will completely change our lives. I’m sure that the people who are present at the conference are well aware of that. “

President Sarkissian noted that we must realize that we live in a world that is completely different even from the world 30 years ago. “The way we communicate, the fact that everyone has a device in their hands that contains a wealth of information, the fact that people can express their ideas on social media, the way we manage our healthcare system have completely changed our planet,” he said.”

“The planet has now become smaller, more crowded, very fast. Each of us leads two lives. We have our material life, and the electronic or alternative life that is constantly with us. This life is absolutely quantum in the sense that it travels at the speed of light, allowing you to receive large-scale information. That life also affects our material life,” President Sarkissian stated.

Asked about the impact of technological changes on the policy, President Sarkissian noted that the policy is changing. “Thirty, fifty or a hundred years ago, classical politics was implemented through a parliamentary, presidential or monarchical structure, through international structures. “Everything is different today,” he said. ” You vote not every 5 years, but at least 5 times a day through Facebook. Democracy has changed. The political events in the world over the last 10-15 years have become very unpredictable and unstable. We need to understand that we are entering a completely different era for humanity, which has one formulation – quantum.”

According to President Sarkissian, in the future people will make decisions with the help of artificial intelligence. “To compare what can happen, I will give an example from different areas of our lives. Take chess, for example. It’s a great game. I am proud to say that every child in Armenia learns chess from the first grade at school, because it is a fantastic tool to develop logic, concentration, thinking discipline,” said the President.

“Today chess has become a combination of a person with fantastic talent and a computer. No one can become a world champion today if he does not train with a computer. In other words, it has become an excellent helper that can analyze all possible steps. Tomorrow, the supercomputer, with the help of artificial intelligence, can help chess players take the right steps. But in any case, the chess players will be individuals, because chess is not just about making the right move. It is completely different when you see the person sitting in front of you, you have a struggle of personalities, characters, knowledge, cultures, maybe it is a struggle of morality. In other words, the decision-maker will be the person, but he can be supported by artificial intelligence. It will be the same in politics. Decisions will be made by people, but they will be helped by artificial intelligence. “

Benefit to be held this weekend in Fitchburg for Armenian families

Dec 1 2021

December 1, 2021 at 5:00 a.m.

FITCHBURG — Volunteers from Fitchburg Gyumri Arts Connection are organizing an art and craft fair at Fitchburg Parish Church this Saturday and Sunday, to benefit children and families of Armenia after the war on Artsakh.

“For thousands of years, Armenian people have lived in Artsakh, a region east of Armenia,” organizer Sally Cragin said. “After World War I, this part of Armenia was carved up and ‘given’ to Azerbaijan. And last year, there were deadly border skirmishes from fall into winter, killing hundreds of Armenians, and devastating the country.”

The art and craft fair will showcase work from young Armenian artists living in Gyumri, the second-largest city in Armenia, as well as items from area artists.

“Winter is long, and people don’t always have a consistent source of fuel oil,” said co-organizer Elizabeth Nalbandyan, who lost her cousin Grigor Tagvoryan in the fighting. “Now that fighting has resumed, and the Azerbaijani army continues to attack, we want to help people back home.”

The fair is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and 1 to 5 p.m. Sunday, with a special Harry Pillsbury Chess Tournament organized by George Mirijanian of Wachusett Chess Club. Registration opens from 1 to 1:30 p.m. A $3 registration is the entry fee and will be donated to the benefit.

“We have many events that will showcase Armenian culture, art and craft,” Nalbandyan said.

Admission is free. Saturday events include:

  • Paklava and puff pastry demonstration by Elizabeth Nalbandyan, area pastry chef at 11 a.m.
  • Discussion about Armenian Culture at 1 p.m.
  • Tangle Art – Armenian Style with artist Kathryn Swantee at 2 p.m.
  • Armenian Teatime demonstration with Gayane Tagvoran Seppelin at 3 p.m.
  • A paklava demonstration at 4 p.m.

Saturday and Sunday will also feature a free craft table for children: “Make Your Own Holiday Presents,” raffle baskets and more.

Area crafters include: Cindy Blake, Robin Dowling, Spencer Harff, Linda Kiuru Shara Osgood, Susan Parvianen, Kathryn Swantee and Mary Varteresian.

The event is sponsored by Fitchburg Cultural Alliance, First Parish Church, Swan Hope Press and Wachusett Chess Club.

IPU President proposes Speaker of Parliament Alen Simonyan to hold forum of young parliamentarians in Armenia




YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 29, ARMENPRESS. Speaker of Parliament of Armenia Alen Simonyan met with the President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union Duarte Pacheco on November 28, the Parliament’s press office reports.

After exchanging greetings, the Parliament Speaker congratulated Duarte Pacheco on being elected the President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union.

Both sides discussed issues related to the protection of human rights in parliament of Armenia, the realization of fundamental human and citizen rights and freedoms, the representation of women and youth. Alen Simonyan informed that women make up 34% of the total number of the deputies in the National Assembly.

The President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union highly appreciated the representation of women in parliament, which exceeds the world average. He also highlighted the active political and civil representation of young people in the current processes in Armenia.

The President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union proposed Alen Simonyan to hold a forum of young parliamentarians in Armenia, which was approved by the Speaker.

Both parties recorded the active participation of the Armenian MPs in the work of the Inter-Parliamentary Union.

Armenpress: Valentina Matviyenko suggests carrying out delimitation between Armenia, Azerbaijan based on maps kept in Russian MoD

Valentina Matviyenko suggests carrying out delimitation between Armenia, Azerbaijan based on maps kept in Russian MoD




YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 25, ARMENPRESS. According to Chairwoman of the Federation Council of Russia Valentina Matviyenko, today the main issue for Armenia and Azerbaijan is to carry out the delimitation and demarcations works in a way that none of the sides would think of resuming military operations, ARMENPRESS reports, citing website,  the speaker of the upper chamber of the Russian parliament said prior to Putin-Pashinyan-Aliyev negotiations scheduled on November 26 in Sochi during the bilateral meeting with the Speaker of the Azerbaijani Parliament Sahiba Gafarova within the framework of the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly in St. Petersburg.

“Russia has offered its assistance, considering the fact that the maps of the Soviet era are kept only in our Defense Ministry. They are precise, they precisely define the exact borders between Armenia and Azerbaijan. We can confidently negotiate on the basis of these maps. Both Armenia and Azerbaijan support this approach. There is understanding and agreement, but the process is moving slowly. That is why the tension continues”, Matviyenko said, adding that Russia is interested in peaceful and stable South Caucasus and will spare no efforts for that end.

Dutch Parliament adopts motions on Azerbaijani provocations, Armenian POWs

Public Radio of Armenia
Nov 23 2021

The Dutch Parliament has adopted two motions on Azerbaijan’s provocations against Armenia and the lack of democracy in the country, the Armenian Embassy in the Netherlands informs.

In one of the motions, the parliament calls on the government to work with the EU to conduct an independent investigation into the facts of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict and to report the results to the parliament as soon as possible.

The second resolution mentions the serious problems of human rights, free speech and freedom of the press in Azerbaijan, which are deepening. The resolution also addresses the issue of Armenian prisoners of war held in Azerbaijan.

Taking into account the participation of Azerbaijan, a country far from European values, in the Eastern Partnership summit to be held on December 15, 2021, the Dutch parliament calls on the government to draw conclusions from the above-mentioned situations during the EU-Azerbaijan negotiations within the EaP Summit.