303,325 COVID-19 vaccinations carried out in Armenia so far

303,325 COVID-19 vaccinations carried out in Armenia so far



 16:16, 6 September, 2021

YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 6, ARMENPRESS. A total of 303,325 vaccinations against COVID-19 have been carried out in Armenia so far, of which the first dose is 195,290 and the second dose – 108,035, the ministry of healthcare reports.

Vaccinations with AstraZeneca, Sputnik V, Sinopharm and CoronaVac (second dose only) in Armenia are available for people aged over 18.

Vaccinations are carried out on voluntary basis. 


Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan

Armenian Cemetery Destroyed in Turkey

Aug 31 2021

08/31/2021 Turkey (International Christian Concern) –  An Armenian cemetery in Van was destroyed by bulldozers, leaving gravestones and bones upturned and strewn across the site. Someone claiming to be a landowner and desiring to set up apartments came with heavy machinery and began the demolition. The cemetery was located in Kalecik, which was an Armenian neighborhood even prior to the 1915 genocide.

Armenian cemeteries often hold significant meaning for the people group as a way to connect with their heritage and lost family members who died in the 1915 genocide. The destruction of this cemetery robs families of their ability to connect in varied ways to their past.

Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Van MP Murat Sarısaç submitted requests to parliament, questioning the efforts being made to provide adequate security for Armenian sites.

Armenian religious and cultural sites faced increased threats to preservation. Earlier this year, a 19th-century Armenian church was posted for sale to a Turkish real estate website, claiming it was “perfect for a tourist attraction because it is in a UNESCO protected area.” In 2017, a restroom, dressing room, and car park were built on top of another Armenian cemetery in Van province. Other cemeteries also face desecration more recently.  Treasure hunters are also a common issue for historic churches that have been unable to be restored.

Armenpress: A group of US congressmen congratulate Artsakh on 30th anniversary of independence

A group of US congressmen congratulate Artsakh on 30th anniversary of independence



 10:00, 3 September, 2021

YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 3, ARMENPRESS. A bipartisan group representing the Congressional Armenian Caucus joined with Armenians across the U.S. and around the world in marking the 30th anniversary of the Republic of Artsakh’s (Nagorno Karabakh) independence, pledging to continue efforts to strengthen U.S.-Artsakh ties and push back against ongoing Azerbaijani and Turkish aggression, reported the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA).

In videos shared with the ANCA and premiered during September 2nd Artsakh Independence Day celebrations hosted by ANC International in Artsakh’s capital city, Stepanakert, Members of Congress congratulated the people of Artsakh for their commitment to peace and democracy, as they continue to recover from the September, 2020 war launched by Azerbaijan, with Turkey’s military backing.

Congressional Armenian Caucus Co-Chairs Frank Pallone (D-NJ) and David Valadao (R-CA), and Vice-Chair Adam Schiff (D-CA), were joined by Representatives Judy Chu (D-CA), Jim Costa (D-CA), Anna Eshoo (D-CA) and Rep. Jim McGovern (D-MA) in sharing powerful words of solidarity with the Artsakh people, excerpts of which are provided below.

Rep. Frank Pallone (D-NJ): “I’ve never seen a more resilient people than the people of Artsakh, faced with all this aggression and all these problems from their neighbors around them, and I just want you to know that we in Congress remain supportive of you. We’re working diligently with President Biden and his Administration with the spending bills to try to see and get as much help to Artsakh, to rebuild as possible, and also to penalize Turkey and Azerbaijan for their aggression. Also, I would like to see, ultimately, official recognition of Artsakh as a state, as a country, an engagement in an official way between the United States and Artsakh, and also really move forward with the peace process.”

Rep. David Valadao (R-CA): “On September 2nd, 1991, the people of Artsakh voted overwhelmingly to stand up to ongoing Azerbaijani aggression – in a fight for freedom to determine their own destiny. […] I visited Artsakh in 2017 and saw first-hand the dedication of its people to peace and self-determination – foundational values that the U.S. and Artsakh share. I have led efforts on the House floor to ensure expanded U.S. aid to Artsakh, to strengthen U.S.-Artsakh relations, and save lives through demining efforts. […] I stand with the people of Artsakh and Armenia in condemning Azerbaijani aggression and will continue working with my Congressional colleagues to secure the release of Armenian POWs, zero-out military aid to Azerbaijan, and increase U.S. assistance to Artsakh and Armenia.”

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA): “Today we come together to mark Artsakh’s independence day – when 30 years ago, the brave people of Artsakh declared their independence from the Soviet Union. And while Artsakh’s path has never been an easy one, the war over the past year or so has tested the people of Artsakh in unimaginable ways. Your resilience in the face of adversity is an inspiration to all of us. So, on this important day, let’s rededicate ourselves to confronting the many threats to the people of Artsakh. Because independence is just the beginning of the struggle for liberation.”

Rep. Judy Chu (D-CA): “Thirty years ago, in an embrace of democracy and self-determination, the people of Artsakh voted overwhelmingly for independence. Sadly, this peaceful vote was met with years of violence, including the war in the summer of 2020, that left homes and villages destroyed and claimed far too many lives. But I have been to Artsakh and I know how strong the people there are. That is why I am proud to stand with the people of Artsakh and Armenians everywhere. I am committed to ensuring the support needed, to help Artsakh not only rebuild but thrive.”

Rep. Jim Costa (D-CA): “It’s an honor and a great pleasure to shine light on the achievements and contributions made by the people of Artsakh. As we saw with the great American experiment, the path to freedom is never easy. However, we know that freedom and independence are worth fighting for. After three decades, Artsakh and her people have made great strides. Here in America, certainly in my home in the San Joaquin Valley, CA – the land of William Saroyan – Armenian Americans have contributed to the vibrancy and strength of our own democracy. Please know, my colleagues and I have pledged to continue to work in the U.S. Congress to ensure a free and prosperous Artsakh during these challenging times.”

Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-CA): “Today we celebrate the 30th anniversary of Artsakh’s independence. This is a historic moment for the people of Artsakh. Your resilience against decades of adversity is an inspiration to me and to millions of people around the world. As I speak to you from my office in Washington, DC, across from the Capitol, I want you to know that you have many friends in the U.S. Congress who stand with you against those who refuse to accept your independence and seek to do you harm. I look forward to celebrating many more years of your independence and know that you will always have a friend and a partner in me here in the Congress of the United States.”

Rep. Jim McGovern (D-MA): “Even as Azerbaijan has launched countless assaults and attempted to redraw the map by force, culminating in the deadly wave of Turkish and Azerbaijani violence last September, Artsakh remains standing strong as ever and, just as importantly, remains steadfastly dedicated to long-term regional peace. I want you to know that so many people in Massachusetts and across the United States stand with the people of Artsakh and Armenia in condemning Azerbaijani aggression. And, we will continue working in Congress to build strong support on behalf of Artsakh for a peaceful, democratic, negotiated resolution that treats the people of Artsakh and Armenians everywhere with the dignity and the respect that they deserve.”

“Focusing on Artsakh must become priority of all Armenians” – special session of parliament convened



 15:52, 1 September, 2021

YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 1, ARMENPRESS. The Parliament of Artsakh convened a special session chaired by Speaker Artur Tovmasyan on September 1 dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the declaration of independence of Nagorno Karabakh Republic.

The Primate of the Diocese of Artsakh Bishop Vrtanes Abrahamyan, the former Speaker of Parliament of Artsakh Ashot Ghulyan and an Armenian parliamentary delegation led by Vice Speaker Ruben Rubinyan were in attendance.

The parliament observed a moment of silence in honor of the victims of the three Karabakh wars.

Speaker Tovmasyan said the Azeri-launched wars against Artsakh in 2016 and 2020, with the latter also involving international terrorist groups, reaffirmed Azerbaijan’s explicit sinister intentions of an “Artsakh without Armenians”. “And after all this, to include any contentious issue of some kind of a status within Azerbaijan into the negotiations process simply doesn’t fit into any healthy logic.” “Despite entirely different positions around the settlement of the Karabakh conflict between the sides, we are definitely inclined towards the establishment of a proper environment aimed at continuing the negotiations process exclusively under the auspices of the OSCE Minsk Group.  

“Independence isn’t only a declaration, it isn’t only a Constitution, first of all it is the dignity to live independently,” said Bishop Abrahamyan in his remarks.

In turn, Artsakh Foreign Minister Davit Babayan said: “This holiday is first of all the holiday of our fallen heroes, who sacrificed their lives for us to have our homeland. We are all obliged to strengthen Artsakh, which will mean to strengthen Armenia, for their memory.”
FM Babayan said that the priority for all Armenians must become the focusing on Artsakh.

Vice Speaker of Parliament of Armenia Ruben Rubinyan conveyed the greetings of Speaker Alen Simonyan, and described the Artsakh Declaration of Independence as the only way of preserving the existence of Armenians of Artsakh.

“This is the 30th anniversary of the will of Artsakhians,” he said. “The 30-th anniversary of exercising their own right. Eternal glory to all those thanks to whom this right was exercised.”

In turn, Hayastan faction MP Armen Rustamyan said: “It is important that we celebrate this day. This is a message to our neighbors: the will of the Armenians is unbreakable, regardless of turmoil we are able to rediscover ourselves and overcome challenges. We are in a common system. The security of Armenia is interlinked with Artsakh. We have very little time to accurately assess the situation and restore what has been lost.”

“The future of our people was determined, is determined and will be determined in Artsakh,” said MP Artur Vanetsyan from the Pativ Unem bloc.

Editing and Translating by Stepan Kocharyan

Newspaper: Armenia authorities compile ‘blacklist’ of opposition MPs

News.am, Armenia
Sept 1 2021

YEREVAN. – Hraparak daily of the Republic of Armenia (RA) writes: The authorities have compiled a blacklist of opposition MPs and are actively working towards them in order to free the parliament from the presence of undesirables as soon as possible.

It is especially about the MPs of the "Armenia" Faction. For example, (…) [former deputy prime minister Armen] Gevorgyan is at the top of the authorities’ blacklist. Probably the reason is that he is one of [second President Robert] Kocharyan's most trusted people and thus already poses a danger to the authorities.

According to authorities’ sources, soon the RA Prosecutor General will enter the NA [(National Assembly)]—after Armen Gevorgyan, in connection with which they will point out some offshore deal and a transfer of a large amount of money in his son's name—as illegal enrichment.

Air Arabia’s new Armenian venture will apply for an operational license soon

Gulf News, UAE
Sept 1 2021

The launch of 'Fly Arna' was first announced in July

Dubai: Sharjah-based Air Arabia and Armenian National Interests Fund on Wednesday said that their new airline will be called ‘Fly Arna’.

In July, Air Arabia said it was tying up with Armenia’s investment fund to launch Armenia’s new national airline. The new carrier will serve the "strategic vision of Armenia’s fast-growing travel and tourism sector as well as contribute to the country’s economic growth," said the joint venture partners in an earlier statement.

Following a comprehensive review, the name of the airline was chosen as ‘Fly Arna’ – with the word ‘Arna’ being derived from the name “Armenian National Airlines” by combining the first two letters of the words "ARmenian" with the first letter of "National" and the first letter of "Airlines".

“Despite the current challenges of the pandemic, we are confident of the new opportunity that exists for Fly Arna to deliver a winning proposition that will benefit the nation and our people,” said David Papazian, CEO of ANIF.

“Fly Arna will mark the beginning of a new era for Armenia’s aviation sector, and also create significant value to the economy by boosting the tourism, hospitality and business sectors,” said Adel Al Ali, Group Chief Executive Officer of Air Arabia.

Fly Arna will operate as a low-cost passenger airline with Yerevan’s Zvartnots International Airport (EVN) as its base. The company will apply for the airline operation certificate (AOC) in the coming weeks.

More details about the launch date, fleet, and destination network will be announced in due course, said the statement.


Armenia to provide over 13 billion drams to Artsakh


 13:09, 27 August, 2021

YEREVAN, AUGUST 27, ARMENPRESS. The Armenian government approved the draft on providing 13.4 billion drams to Artsakh.

Minister of Finance Tigran Khachatryan presented the draft at the Cabinet meeting today.

“Despite the fact that the economic life in Artsakh is gradually recovering and the tax revenues of its state budget are increasing, they are still not enough for ensuring the whole finance of social and economic programs”, he said.

He stated that this money will be provided for salaries, pensions, healthcare costs, electricity, gas supply and communication services expenses.


Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan

Kremlin spokesman on Pashinyan’s proposal to station Russian border guards along Armenian-Azeri border

Panorama, Armenia
July 29 2021

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov on Thursday refrained from commenting on acting Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s proposal to deploy Russian border guards along the entire Armenian-Azerbaijani border, TASS reported.

"Contacts with Yerevan continue, I have nothing more to add," Peskov replied, when asked what the Kremlin’s view of Pashinyan’s initiative was.

Separately, Peskov said Moscow has contributed significant efforts towards reinstating the ceasefire on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border, and work here is still marching on.

"Yesterday, the situation on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border worsened. You know that Russia’s representatives made major efforts to restore the ceasefire. This work is continuing, and Russia is carrying on its contacts with Yerevan and Baku in order to ensure the full implementation of the trilateral agreements," he explained.

Speaking at a cabinet meeting on Thursday, Pashinyan proposed deployment of CSTO observers along the entire Armenian-Azerbaijani border to monitor the situation.

“I believe that a possible solution to the deadlock might be the deployment of a CSTO observer mission along the Armenian-Azerbaijani border, which is provided for by the CSTO regulations. If such a mission proves to be impossible within the CSTO framework, there may be other acceptable international formats, including the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairmanship,” he said.

“Given the current situation, I feel that it makes sense to consider the deployment of Russian border guard posts along the entire Armenian-Azerbaijani border, which would allow for demarcation and delimitation work without the risk of armed clashes. We are going to discuss this issue with our Russian colleagues,” Pashinyan noted.

RFE/RL Armenian Report – 07/30/2021

                                        Fridayt, July 30, 2021

Armenia Backs Mediators’ Calls For Renewed Peace Talks
July 30, 2021

Armenia -- The U.S. and French co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group and other 
diplomats meet with Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian, Yerevan, December 
14, 2020.

Armenia backed on Friday international mediators’ fresh calls for the resumption 
of Armenian-Azerbaijani negotiations on a “comprehensive” settlement of the 
Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

The U.S., Russian and French mediators co-chairing the OSCE Minsk Group 
expressed concern on Thursday over fresh fighting that broke out at some 
portions of the Armenian-Azerbaijani border earlier this week.

In a joint statement, they urged Armenia and Azerbaijan to “de-escalate the 
situation immediately,” avoid “provocative rhetoric and actions” and fully 
comply with the Russian-brokered agreement that stopped the war in Karabakh in 

“The Co-Chairs reiterate the need for a negotiated, comprehensive, and 
sustainable settlement of all remaining core substantive issues of the conflict 
and urge the parties to return to negotiations under the auspices of the 
Co-Chairs as soon as possible,” added the statement. “They reiterate their 
proposal to organize direct bilateral consultations under their auspices, in 
order for the sides to review and agree jointly upon a structured agenda, 
reflecting their priorities, without preconditions.”

The Armenian Foreign Ministry hailed the statement. “The statement of the 
Co-Chairs once again demonstrates that the key to regional peace and security is 
a comprehensive and lasting settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict,” it 

The ministry again condemned the “infiltration of the Azerbaijani armed forces 
into Armenia’s sovereign territory” in May and recent days’ “attacks on Armenian 
defense positions” at contested sections of the frontier.

Baku maintains that its troops did not cross into Armenia in May and that the 
latest truce violations resulted from Armenian “provocations.”

The mediators made a similar appeal to the conflicting parties in April. They 
said they are ready to facilitate Armenian-Azerbaijani talks focusing on their 
pre-war peace proposals.

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian cited their April statement last week when he 
disputed Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev’s claim that Azerbaijan’s victory in 
the six-week war put an end to the long-running dispute.

Armenian Parliament Criminalizes ‘Grave Insults’
July 30, 2021
        • Tatevik Lazarian

Armenia - The outgoing Armenian parliament holds its final session in Yerevan, 
July 30, 2021.

Meeting for its final session on Friday, Armenia’s outgoing parliament approved 
a bill that makes it a crime to seriously insult government officials and other 
public figures.

A relevant amendment to the Armenian Criminal Code drafted by pro-government 
lawmakers stipulates that individuals voicing “grave insults” or offending 
others’ dignity in an “extremely indecent manner” must be fined up to 500,000 
drams (just over $1,000).

Such insults publicly and repeatedly directed at persons because of their 
“public activities” will be punishable by fines ranging from 1 million to 3 
million drams ($2,000-$6,000) and a prison sentence of up to three months.

According to the amendment, those persons include state officials, politicians, 
civic activists and other public figures.

All forms of defamation and slander had been decriminalized in Armenia in 2010 
during then President Serzh Sarkisian’s rule.

Vladimir Vartanian, the pro-government chairman of the parliament committee on 
legal affairs and the main author of the bill, said penalties for such offenses 
must be toughened now because verbal abuse in the country has since become 
widespread, especially on social media.

“This bill is primarily aimed at not so much punishing individuals resorting to 
grave insults as having a preventive impact and eliminating insults … from our 
society,” he said.

Vartanian emphasized the fact that the parliament is amending Armenia’s current 
Criminal Code which will be replaced in 2022 by a new code enacted earlier this 
year. “If we manage to achieve these results during this year there will be no 
need to make the same changes to the new Criminal Code,” he said.

Opposition lawmakers dismissed this explanation. One of them, Naira Zohrabian, 
said that the bill is aimed at holding in check the two opposition blocs to be 
represented in Armenia’s incoming parliament elected on June 20.

The blocs have a much tougher anti-government stance than the opposition 
minority in the outgoing National Assembly. Their supporters believe that Prime 
Minister Nikol Pashinian himself has relied heavily on “hate speech” since 
coming to power in 2018.

The new parliament, also controlled by Pashinian’s political allies, is 
scheduled to hold its inaugural session on Monday.

Sofia Hovsepian, another opposition deputy who defected from Pashinian’s My Step 
bloc late last year, said the amendment could be used to stifle harsh criticism 
of the Armenian government.

Deputy Justice Minister Kristine Grigorian assured Hovsepian that the 
authorities will not be cracking down on any “discourse going slightly beyond 

Pashinian’s political team already sparked controversy in March this year when 
it pushed through the parliament a bill tripling maximum legal fines for 
defamation. Armenia’s leading media associations criticized the move, saying 
that it could be exploited by government officials and politicians to stifle 
press freedom.

Consequently, President Armen Sarkissian refused to sign the bill into law and 
asked the Constitutional Court to assess its conformity with the Armenian 

Russia Again Calls For Armenian-Azeri Border Demarcation
July 30, 2021

RUSSIA -- A sign at the main entrance to the Russian Foreign Ministry building 
in Moscow, July 19, 2018.

Russia again offered on Friday to help Armenia and Azerbaijan demarcate their 
border following the latest upsurge in tensions there.

“We are seriously concerned about recent armed incidents at certain sections of 
the Armenian-Azerbaijani border which led to casualties,” a spokesman for the 
Russian Foreign Ministry, Alexander Bikantov, said in written comments posted on 
the ministry’s website.

“Unfortunately, the situation along the border remains tense,” he said. “We call 
on the sides to refrain from any actions fraught with a further degradation of 
the situation and to resolve problems by diplomatic-political means.”

“Russia is prepared to continue to provide necessary support for normalizing the 
situation along the Armenian-Azerbaijani border through de-escalation measures 
and a quick launch of joint work on delimiting and demarcating the border,” 
added Bikantov.

Tensions have run over the past week at border sections separating Armenia’s 
northeastern Gegharkunik province from the Kelbajar district handed back to 
Azerbaijan after the autumn war in Nagorno-Karabakh. Three Armenian soldiers 
were killed and four others wounded there early on Wednesday in what the 
Armenian military described as a failed Azerbaijani attempt to capture one of 
its border posts.

The Armenian military claimed to have shot down on Thursday night an Azerbaijani 
surveillance drone in the same mountainous area. It released photographs 
purportedly showing fragments of the Israeli-manufactured Aerostar unmanned 
aerial vehicle lying in a field.

The Azerbaijani Defense Ministry denied the claim.

Armenia - Photographs released by the Armenian Defense Ministry purportedly show 
fragments of an Azerbaijani army drone shot down in Gegharkunik province July 
29, 2021.

The Defense Ministry in Yerevan also accused Azerbaijani forces of opening fire 
on Friday morning at its positions outside an Armenian village bordering 
Azerbaijan’s Nakhichevan exclave. It said Armenian troops returned fire.

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian said on Thursday Armenia will ask Russia to 
deploy Russian border guards along the entire frontier. Russian officials 
responded coolly to the idea.

Moscow already proposed in May that Yerevan and Baku set up a commission on the 
delimitation and demarcation of the Armenian-Azerbaijani border. Russian Foreign 
Minister Sergei Lavrov expressed his country’s readiness to participate in its 
activities as a “consultant or mediator.”

The offer came days after Azerbaijani troops advanced a few kilometers into 
Gegharkunik and another Armenian province, Syunik, through several sections of 
the border. Pashinian said at the time that Yerevan will agree to the proposed 
creation of an Armenian-Azerbaijani commission on border demarcation only if 
Baku withdraws its forces from Armenian territory.

Azerbaijan has since repeatedly ruled out such a withdrawal, saying that they 
took up positions on the Azerbaijani side of the frontier.

Reprinted on ANN/Armenian News with permission from RFE/RL
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