Pashinyan draws attention of ICRC President to trumped up charges against Armenian POWs in Azerbaijan




YEREVAN, JULY 30, ARMENPRESS. Caretaker Prime MInister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan held a phone conversation with President of International Committee of the Red Cross Peter Maurer.

As ARMENPRESS was informed from the Office of the Prime Minister, Nikol Pashinyan praised the efforts of the ICRC to resolve the issue of Armenian prisoners of war and civilians being held in Azerbaijan illegally, as well as other humanitarian issues in the region.

The caretaker Prime Minister stressed the need for the immediate return of Armenian prisoners of war, hostages and other detainees as a priority issue.

Nikol Pashinyan drew the attention of his interlocutor to the fact of initiating trumped up criminal cases against Armenian captives by Azerbaijan and the fact of hiding the exact number of the captives.

Nikol Pashinyan considered Azerbaijan's actions inadmissible, considering them an obvious and gross violation of the international humanitarian law.

Peter Maurer assured that his organization will continue making all possible efforts for solving the humanitarian issues.

The sides highlighted the strengthening and deepening of the cooperation.

Congressman Adam Schiff Secures $950,000 for Armenian American Museum in Upcoming Government Funding Legislation

Press Contact:

Shant Sahakian, Executive Director

Armenian American Museum and Cultural Center of California

(818) 644-2214

[email protected]






Glendale, CA () – Congressman Adam Schiff announced that $950,000 was secured in the fiscal year 2022 federal government funding legislation in support of the construction and development of the Armenian American Museum and Cultural Center of California.


“Armenian-Americans are an essential part of the very fabric of our nation — enriching our customs, traditions, and communities,” stated Congressman Adam Schiff. “Their story is an American story, one of hope in the face of hardship, of perseverance, and of new beginnings. The Armenian American Museum and Cultural Center of California will ensure that story gets told for generations to come. It’s an honor to work alongside my Armenian-American constituents for recognition and justice. I am thrilled that investment in this important cultural center will be included in the government funding package, and I will continue to press forward to help ensure its passage.”


The announcement follows the museum’s historic Groundbreaking Ceremony held at the future site of the landmark center in Glendale Central Park.


During the event, Congressman Schiff celebrated the Armenian American community as an important part of the national fabric of the country and discussed how the museum will bring people together to embrace cultural diversity. He announced his efforts to advocate for federal funding in support of the project to rounding cheers throughout the audience.


“We are grateful to Congressman Schiff for his powerful remarks at the Groundbreaking Ceremony and his steadfast support of the Armenian American Museum,” stated Executive Chairman Berdj Karapetian. “The Congressman’s efforts to secure federal funding for the museum will help bring to reality a world class cultural and educational center that will be the pride of our community and our country.”


When passed through Congress, the funding will support the ongoing construction and the development of the museum’s permanent exhibition and programming. The funds would represent the federal government’s first investment in the landmark center. 


Learn more at


The mission of the Armenian American Museum and Cultural Center of California is to promote understanding and appreciation of America’s ethnic and cultural diversity by sharing the Armenian American experience. The vision is a cultural campus that enriches the community, educates the public on the Armenian American story, and empowers individuals to embrace cultural diversity and speak out against prejudice.




Arsine Sina Torosyan
Communications Director
Armenian American Museum and Cultural Center of California
116 North Artsakh Avenue, Suite 205, Glendale, CA 91206
Office: (818) 351-3554, Ext. 706
Direct: (818) 644-2215
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PACE thinks it’s impossible to move forward without return of Armenian captives from Azerbaijan – MP




YEREVAN, JUNE 30, ARMENPRESS. The general atmosphere in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) is directed to the issues concerning Armenia, in particular the issue of the return of Armenian captives from Azerbaijan and Azerbaijan’s recent incursion into Armenia’s territory, Member of the Armenian delegation at PACE, MP Hovhannes Igityan said during a press conference.

“All rapporteurs and representatives of almost all PACE member states believe that it’s impossible to move forward without the return of captives. When we talk about forming an atmosphere of trust, it’s clear that this is impossible without the return of captives”, the lawmaker said.

The MP noted that Azerbaijan’s recent incursion into Armenia’s territory has also been discussed at PACE, during which parallels were drawn with Turkey’s militaristic operations in the Mediterranean Sea.

“What Azerbaijan does? Firstly, in infiltrates into Armenia’s territory and then says “let’s negotiate”. We, together with our colleagues, have raised the issue that any negotiation is impossible when military forces are present”, the lawmaker said.



Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan

New incident at the Armenian-Azerbaijani border highlights Armenia’s defense shortcomings

JAM News
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    JAMnews, Yerevan

Tensions have once again escalated at the Armenian-Azerbaijani border. On June 26, armed Azerbaijani servicemen entered the territory of Armenia and threatened the residents of Tekh village of Syunik region. Human rights defender Arman Tatoyan later stated they tried to prohibit the peasants from collecting the cut grass.

As a result, local residents managed to collect the grass only the next day, when the leadership of the first army corps of the Armenian Armed Forces, volunteers, as well as heads of local self-government bodies arrived at the scene of the incident.

Syunik is the southern region of Armenia. After the second Karabakh war, the border with Azerbaijan has been increased in this region, and a number of incidents have been occurring there ever since. However, the situation became especially tense on May 12, when the Azerbaijani Armed Forces advanced several kilometers deep into the sovereign territory of Armenia in several directions and refused to retreat despite Armenia’s repeated demands. Since then, Azerbaijan has been insisting on the earliest possible demarcation of the border.

According to security expert Tigran Abrahamyan, in these conditions, the main problem for Armenia is the lack of defense systems.

  • Op-ed: Why Azerbaijan risked invading Armenian territory
  • President Macron: Azerbaijani troops must withdraw from the sovereign territory of Armenia

On the Facebook page of the Tekh community, the villagers stated that they wanted to clear the grass cut on June 24 at the Andrun Karer site, which is located near the border villages of Teh, Aravus and Khnatsakh. However, Azerbaijani soldiers descended from their positions and ordered them to leave.

According to Nerses Shadunts, the head of the village of Tekh, servicemen of the First Army Corps and volunteers helped local residents to clean the grass:

“We stood on our line and did not leave until the villagers collected the cut grass”.

Armenian Human Rights Defender Arman Tatoyan provided details of the incident. As it turned out, the local residents went “to the land plot, which belongs to them by right of ownership”. The incident occurred when people were already 300 meters from the Azerbaijani post. At that moment, according to the Ombudsman, five “clearly aggressive soldiers” approached them:

“Having stopped at a distance of 150 meters, they directed their weapons towards the villagers and began to threaten, shout, not allowing them to collect grass. Then two of them approached the villagers and demanded that they do not come to this territory at all and do not try to use this land. “

“This crime against the citizens of Armenia was committed by Azerbaijani servicemen in the sovereign territory of the Republic of Armenia. The actions of the Azerbaijani servicemen are aimed at depriving civilians of the right to life, the opportunity to engage in cattle breeding, and earn money to support their families.

This incident once again confirms that in order to protect the population of Armenia from the criminal actions of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces, it is urgent to create a security zone”, the office of the Human Defender of Armenia has concluded.

Security expert, head of the Anaket analytical center Tigran Abrahamyan assesses the situation as follows:

“The threats of Azerbaijanis against our compatriots who carry out agricultural work in the areas adjacent to the villages of Tekh, Aravus, Khnatsakh have become the subject of discussion in various contexts. There is one important factor here, which, in my opinion, is the cornerstone.

The main problem continues to be the lack of the necessary defense systems.

This is not so much about the physical presence of our servicemen, but about the viability and effectiveness of the system and its various components in general.

The behavior, aggression, threats of Azerbaijanis, if the necessary systems were in place, would be officially recorded and not via civilian reports, publications or phone calls.

This demonstrates that settlements that have found themselves in the status of borderlands due to new realities continue to remain vulnerable and the government is not taking effective steps to protect them”.

Armenian expert: Turkey involved in two military drills at once near Russian borders

Panorama, Armenia

Armenian expert on Iran Vardan Voskanyan, who ran for parliament on the opposition I’m Honored bloc’s ticket in the June 20 elections, on Monday called attention to the fact that Turkey is involved in two military drills at once near the Russian borders.

“Turkey is currently involved in two military exercises at once near the Russian borders. In particular, they include NATO’s Sea Breeze exercises in the Black Sea and the joint Azerbaijani-Turkish military exercises named "Mustafa Kemal Ataturk – 2021” which started today [June 28] and were not announced in advance,” he wrote on Facebook.

The expert said that the two exercises are most likely interrelated.

“If we also consider the fact that according to the recently signed Turkish-US agreement, after the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan Turkish forces will remain in the country as a NATO member state with the support and “blessing” of Washington, then we will get a Turkish military “crescent” stretching from Crimea to Kabul, which is trying to geographically blockade Russia and Central Asia, an area of vital importance for Russia, from the south.

“In fact, major geopolitical processes are taking place, in which, on the one hand, Armenia's strategic partner is involved, and on the other, its enemy, while the Foreign Ministry in Yerevan is basically non-functional,” Voskanyan said.

Armenian National Assembly convenes extraordinary session on June 30




YEREVAN, JUNE 29, ARMENPRESS. Chaired by President of the National Assembly of Armenia Ararat Mirzoyan, a session of the Council of the National Assembly took place on June 29. As ARMNENPRESS was informed from the press service of the parliament, the issue of convening an extraordinary session on June 30 and the issue on appointing a member of the competition council to be formed for the election of candidates for the chairman of the Anti-Corruption Committee were discusses and confirmed.

The Council of the National Assembly decided to appoint Heriknaz Tigranyan member of the competition council to be formed for the election of candidates for the chairman of the Anti-Corruption Committee.

Armenia reports 54 daily coronavirus cases




YEREVAN, JUNE 28, ARMENPRESS. 54 new cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed in Armenia in the past 24 hours, bringing the total number of confirmed cases to 224,851, the ministry of healthcare reports.

2962 COVID-19 tests were conducted on June 27.

87 patients have recovered in one day. The total number of recoveries has reached 216,645.

The death toll stands at 4510 (3 death cases have been registered in the past one day).

The number of people who have been infected with COVID-19, but died because of another disease has reached 1099.

The number of active cases is 2597.


Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan

Catholicos of All Armenians congratulates newly-elected President of Iran



 19:47, 20 June, 2021

YEREVAN, JUNE 20, ARMENPRESS. Catholicos of All Armenians Karekin II sent a congratulatory message to Ebrahim Raisi  on the occasion of being elected President of Iran, ARMENPRESS was informed from the press service of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin.

‘’We are greatly happy that the good people of Iran are building a prosperous life in their country, staying committed to their national traditions. Our wish is that friendly Iran under your leadership should record new success and achievements and continue bringing commendable contribution to the regional peace and stability’’, reads the congratulatory message, adding that the friendship between Armenia and Iran continues to strengthen.

The Catholicos wished the people of Iran secure peace and the constant support of the Lord to the newly elected President.

Preliminary data from 2000 polling stations: Pashinyan’s party 54.02%, Kocharyan’s bloc 20.99%



 08:02, 21 June, 2021

YEREVAN, JUNE 21, ARMENPRESS. The Central Electoral Commission of Armenia has presented preliminary data on the voting results from 2000 polling stations.

According to the results, the Civil Contract party led by Nikol Pashinyan has received 54.02% of the vote, the “Armenia” alliance led by 2nd President Robert Kocharyan comes second with 20.99%, “I Have the Honor” is the third with 5.21% of the vote. Prosperous Armenia party received 3.96% of the vote, the “Republic” party – 3.04%.

There were a total of 2008 polling stations.

The voter turnout was at 49.4% or 1 million 281 thousand 174 voters.

Armenia held early parliamentary elections on June 20.



Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan

EU stand with Armenia, supporting effective implementation of deep reforms – Charles Michel



 18:48, 21 June, 2021

YEREVAN, JUNE 21, ARMENPRESS.  President of the European Council Charles Michel congratulated caretaker Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan over the victory of ''Civil Contract'' Party in the early parliamentary elections.

As ARMENPRESS was informed from the Office of the Prime Minister, Charles MIchel emphasized that the EU stands with Armenia, supporting the effective implementation of deep reforms. At the same time, the President of the Council underlined that the EU is also ready to support the activities aimed at the stabilization of the region and comprehensive settlement of the conflicts.