Political scientist: Popov’s interview makes it clear that Armenia began to change approaches in 2018-2019

Panorama, Armenia
Jan 14 2021
Political scientist: Popov's interview makes it clear that Armenia began to change approaches in 2018-2019
"There are significant differences between the perceptions and ideas expressed in Pashinyan's article and the realities presented by the former Russian co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group, Ambassador-at-Large of the Russian Foreign Ministry Igor Popov," political scientist Alexander Markarov told Panorama.am on Thursday, referring to Popov’s interview published by the Russian Foreign Ministry on Wednesday.
He underlined that there are clear differences in the perceptions of reality, resulting in two different pictures.
"What does this mean? In fact, it is the reaction of the Russian side to the statements that were made, as well as the continuation of the narrative that it was difficult for Putin to understand why the Armenian side rejected the options during the war, which were possibly more favorable than the terms of the November 10 statement,” the political scientist said.
In Markarov’s words, the interview of the Russian diplomat makes it clear that there are inconsistent perceptions, and in fact, the former co-chair presents a position according to which in 2018-2019 Armenia started to change the approaches applied to the conflict before that.
In the interview in the wake of Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s article “Origins of the 44-Day War”, Popov said that the latest version of Russia’s multi-stage Karabakh settlement plan was handed over to the conflicting parties in June 2019.
Nikol Pashinyan's well-known statement “Artsakh is Armenia. Period!” was made at Stepanakert's Renaissance Square on August 5, 2019, after those proposals had been made.
“Azerbaijan, in turn, continued to declare that no status of Nagorno-Karabakh outside of Azerbaijan could be discussed, and after the appearance of the Russian proposals, Azerbaijan toughened its position: no status of Nagorno-Karabakh can be discussed at this stage,” Pashinyan's article said.
Igor Popov stated Russia has never said the Nagorno-Karabakh settlement must be confined to the return of seven districts of the region to Azerbaijan without taking care of its status.
"Claims to the effect Russia called for returning seven districts ‘in exchange for nothing’ and forgetting about its status have nothing to do with the reality," the diplomat said.

Key issues of Karabakh conflict remain unsolved – Carey Cavanaugh

Public Radio of Armenia
Jan 14 2021
Key issues of Karabakh conflict remain unsolved, OSCE Minsk Group’s former American Co-Chair Carey Cavanaugh says.
He referred to the positive and negative aspects of the trilateral meeting in Moscow between Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, Russian president Vladimir Putin and Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev.
“Positive aspect of trilateral meeting: Putin is committed to working on Karabakh. Troubling aspect: Aliyev acting like conflict’s resolved; it’s not, key issues remain. Comprehensive settlement needed to establish foundation for lasting peace & prosperity,” Carey Cavanaugh tweeted.
Positive aspect of trilateral meeting: Putin is committed to working on #Karabakh. Troubling aspect: Aliyev acting like conflict's resolved; it's not, key issues remain. Comprehensive settlement needed to establish foundation for lasting peace & prosperity
— Carey Cavanaugh (@carey_cavanaugh)

Armenian FM sends letter to UN Gen.-Sec. presenting situation over NK




YEREVAN, JANUARY 13, ARMENPRESS. Foreign Minister of Armenia Ara Aivazian sent a letter to the UN Secretary General Antonio Gutterres on January 12 comprehensively presenting the situation over the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict following the large-scale military aggression launched by Azerbaijan on September 27, 2020, ARMENPRESS was informed from the press service of the MFA Armenia.

In his letter, the Minister notes that amid the unprecedented global health crisis, the violation of the decades-long ceasefire in the region has led to numerous casualties, large-scale ethnic cleansing of the indigenous people of Artsakh, deliberate destruction, desecration and vandalism of the Armenian religious and cultural monuments.

In the letter, the Foreign Minister of Armenia touched upon the cases of violations of the November 9 trilateral statement`s provisions by Azerbaijan, noting that more than a month after the ceasefire was established, Azerbaijan carried out military operations in Hin Tagher and Khtsaberd villages in Hadrut region of Artsakh. It was noted that during the military attack, the Azerbaijani armed forces captured 64 Armenian servicemen, violating Azerbaijan's commitments to maintain the ceasefire established by the trilateral statement.

The incomplete implementation of the Article 8 of the trilateral statement by Azerbaijan was emphasized in the letter, which mandates the “exchange of prisoners of war, hostages, and other detained persons and dead bodies''. It was stressed that Azerbaijan, in fact, refuses to implement its commitment which is a blatant violation of international humanitarian law.

Minister Aivazian drew the attention of the UN Secretary General to the reluctance of Azerbaijan regarding the cooperation with international organizations in cultural heritage protection. “Lasting and sustainable peace in the region could be achieved only through the comprehensive resolution of the conflict that will include the status of Nagorno-Karabakh based on the realization of the right of self-determination of the people of Artsakh”,- concluded the Foreign Minister of Armenia.

Second shipment of Greek aid for Armenians of Artsakh arrives in Yerevan

Greek News Times
Jan 9 2021
by Paul Antonopoulos
A shipment of humanitarian aid for the residents of war torn Artsakh arrived in Yerevan from Greece today.
This is the second shipment after an initial arrived in Yerevan from Greece on December 13.
The second shipment was delivered by the Greek Ministry of National Defense in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Armenian Blue Cross.
Accompanying the delivery of aid were delegates from of the Armenian Relief Society in Greece, as well as members of the Armenian National Committee and the Armenian Youth of Greece.
The delivery of aid was made to local government bodies and the local branch of the Armenian Relief Society.
On September 27, Turkey-sponsored the Azerbaijani military and Syrian mercenaries to invade Artsakh, culminating in a bitter ceasefire agreement in November that although ended the war, resulted in a massive loss of territory for the indigenous peoples.
This is the second shipment of Greek aid and it is expected that there will be more in the future with cooperation from the Greek Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Pashinyan, Macron discuss humanitarian situation in Nagorno Karabakh

Public Radio of Armenia

Jan 6 2021

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan had a telephone conversation with the President of France, Emanuel Macron.

The interlocutors referred to the humanitarian situation in Nagorno Karabakh caused by the aggression unleashed by Azerbaijan and the ways to overcome the challenges.

The Prime Minister thanked the President of France for his attention and support during the difficult days for the Armenian people.

Nikol Pashinyan and Emanuel Macron also discussed a number of issues related to the agenda of Armenian-French relations and the development of economic cooperation.

CSIS: The Air and Missile War in Nagorno-Karabakh: Lessons for the Future of Strike and Defense

Small Wars Journal
Jan 4 2021


Sun, 01/03/2021 – 6:25pm

An analysis from CSIS on aspects of the recent fighting between Azerbaijan and Armenia. There is some outstanding analysis in open sources as well, which highlighted the effect airpower in particular can have on poorly prepared conventional forces.


Full Article: https://www.csis.org/analysis/air-and-missile-war-nagorno-karabakh-lessons-future-strike-and-defense

Turkish Soldiers Arrive in Azerbaijan for Joint Karabakh Peace Monitoring Center

December 29,  2020

Turkey’s Defense Minister Hulusi Akar

Turkish soldiers assigned to work in a joint Turkish-Russian Karabakh peace monitoring center arrived in Azerbaijan on Tuesday.

According to the Russian Tass news agency, one general and another 35 officers of the Turkish armed forces will work in the joint center established to monitor the Karabakh ceasefire, Turkey’s Defense Minister Hulusi Akar announced on Tuesday.

“After the construction is complete and the joint center is opened, our general and 35 officers will assume their service,” the Anadolu news agency quoted Akar as saying.

The Turkish NTV television channel earlier reported about the dispatch of the republic’s servicemen to Azerbaijan. The joint Russian-Turkish monitoring center for Karabakh may start operating in January 2021, according to NTV.

Akar made the announcement during a virtual year-end evaluation meeting, which was also attended by Turkish armed forces chief of staff General Yasar Gylar and other military commanders and senior staff.

After the leaders of Armenia, Russia and Azerbaijan signed the November 9 agreement that ended the Karabakh war, Turkey and Russia signed a memorandum of understanding to set up a joint center to monitor the peace deal.

While official Moscow has said that the monitoring center would not be located near Artsakh and will largely be manned by drones, earlier this month Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev said the center will be established in the Aghdam, one of the several Artsakh territories surrendered to Azerbaijan per the November 9 agreement.

Akar emphasized that as part of the efforts to clear the region of mines and improvised explosives, the activities of Turkish armed forces continued in the region.
Two Special Mine Detection and Clearance Teams, consisting of 135 mine clearance specialists of the Turkish Armed Forces, have been supporting the Azerbaijani troops in regions liberated from Armenia’s occupation.

The Turkish troops are also training Azerbaijani soldiers in mine detection and clearance techniques and tactics.

“As part of the humanitarian aid activities, we did our best to support our Azerbaijani brothers and sisters, and we will continue to do so. We have supported them in their rightful and honorable struggle, and we will continue to do so,” Akar added.

Iran, Armenia Weigh Plans for Gas-Electricity Barter Deal

Tasnim News, Iran

Dec 28 2020

  • December, 28, 2020 – 14:56
  • Economy news
– Economy news –

After their meeting in Tehran, the heads of the Iranian and Armenian delegations described the discussions as constructive.

“In their meeting today, the two Iranian and Armenian delegations discussed the expansion of long-term relations in the domain of energy and reached agreement on key issues,” Iran’s Deputy Oil Minister Amir Hossein Zamaninia said on Sunday.

“The two sides decided to put off until a future time discussions on certain technical issues pertaining to the export of gas along with the gas-electricity barter deal,” he added.

“After those issues are finalized, a long-term agreement will be signed in that regard,” the Iranian official said after the meeting.

For his part, head of the Armenian delegation Hakob Vardanyan said his country had been discussing gas exports and the extension of a gas barter deal with Iran for one and a half years, describing his talks with the Iranian delegation as very constructive.

He said the two sides reached agreement on some of the fundamental issues, according to the Iranian government’s official website.

Back in 2004, Tehran and Yerevan signed a natural gas and electricity barter agreement under which Iran’s exported gas would be used as fuel for power stations in Armenia and, in return, Iran would import electricity from Armenia.

Armenia began importing natural gas form Iran in mid-2009.

Artsakh strictly observes ceasefire: Defense Army on reports of resumed fighting in Hadrut




STEPANAKERT, DECEMBER 28, ARMENPRESS. No unit, no servicemen of the Defense Army of Artsakh has participated in any operation on December 27 and 28, no shot was fired from the Armenian side, the Defense Ministry of Artsakh said in a statement, commenting on the Azerbaijani reports according to which an Armenian armed group has attacked the Azerbaijani forces.

“As we have stated hours before, we reiterate again that from yesterday up to this moment no unit and servicemen of the Artsakh Defense Army has participated in any operation, no emergency incident has taken place and no shot was fired from the Armenian side. In such circumstances, the statement released by the Azerbaijani defense ministry is nothing more than a propaganda provocation.

The Defense Army of Artsakh continues strictly observing the ceasefire regime”, the statement says.

Several Azerbaijani news outlets are reporting about alleged resumption of battles between Armenian and Azerbaijani troops near the village of Togh of the Hadrut region. The reports mention victims and wounded. Togh village is under the complete control of the Azerbaijani armed forces.

Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan

​Advisor to Armenia Prosecutor General’s Office: Court rejects motion to arrest person who made call for military coup

News.am, Armenia
Dec 27 2020
Advisor to Armenia Prosecutor General's Office: Court rejects motion to arrest person who made call for military coup
15:05, 27.12.2020
Advisor to the Prosecutor General of Armenia Gor Abrahamyan posted the following on his Facebook page:
“The Yerevan court of general jurisdiction yesterday rejected the motion that the preliminary investigation body had filed to choose arrest as a pre-trial measure against citizen S. K. who made a call for a military coup and bloodshed during the rally held at Republic Square a few days ago and who is involved in the criminal case as an accused.
In essence, the court rendered this decision in a situation where a statement has been made directly and openly and where there is a large number of illegal weapons and ammunition in the country after the war (this has been proved through the revelation of similar cases, the launched criminal cases and several accused).
So, the court believed that all this doesn’t contain a risk for crimes, including the overthrow of constitutional order and possible seizure of power.
It would be safe to say ‘no comment’, but perhaps there is something to comment on. What does this marked and overt approach to consistently reject such motions of preliminary investigation bodies and the Prosecutor General’s Office imply?
Of course, after becoming familiar with the court decision, the Prosecutor General’s Office will appeal it, proceeding from the need to disallow and prevent potential manifestations of crime and will decide on the issue of instituting disciplinary proceedings.
However, the important thing is that if, God forbid, there is a military coup or an attempt, we will start seeking and analyzing the reasons.”