Azerbaijani press: Hoagland comments on distortion of his remarks by VOA Armenian Service on Karabakh conflict

BAKU, Azerbaijan, Aug.10

By Leman Zeynalova – Trend:

Former US co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group Richard E. Hoagland has commented on distortion of his remarks by Voice of America’s (VOA) Armenian Service about Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

“First, it is important to note that my interview with VOA’s Armenian Service was in English, as is this interview with Trend. To be precise, I said that, in my personal view, a UN protectorate could – not should – be established, meaning that it is one possible option. Second, I would like to emphasize that I was speaking as an informed private American citizen; I was speaking neither for the U.S. government nor for the Caspian Policy Center where I am currently a member of the board of directors,” he told Trend.

Hoagland pointed out that now, having been the interim U.S. Co-Chair for the OSCE Minsk Group for nine months in 2017, he necessarily learned a great deal about Nagorno-Karabakh and the history of this prolonged conflict in which one country illegally by international standards occupies and claims the sovereign territory of another country.

“The OSCE has worked since 1994 to find a solution for this tragic problem. The United Nations has passed four Security Council resolutions about N-K. A road-map for a solution exists in what are called the Madrid Principles. More recently, there is a similar roadmap for resolution called the Lavrov Plan. Any kind of eventual solution – short of, God forbid, outright war – will require compromise,” he said.

Hoagland went on to add: “So we have to ask, do we want this difficult situation to continue in perpetuity, with the occasional tragic loss of life and further destruction of property? From a humane point of view and for the children of the next generation, the answer has to be no. The United Nations exists, in part, to find peaceful solutions for seemingly intractable problems. That is why one possible future solution that could provide a modicum of face-saving to both sides could come from the United Nations. Will it happen? Honestly, I doubt it. But it is worth asking the question.”

Follow the author on Twitter: @Lyaman_Zeyn

Man Wanted In Assault During Armenian Protest At Azerbaijani Consulate

CBS – Los Angeles
Aug 12 2020

By CBSLA StaffAugust 12, 2020 at 11:25 am

LOS ANGELES (CBSLA) — Help is needed to identify a man police say was involved in an assault during a protest at the Azerbaijan Consulate in Brentwood last month.

Armenian Americans demonstrated on July 12 outside the consulate over border tensions between Armenia and Azerbaijani, leading to a melee involving about 100 protesters and counter-protesters. Police say they are investigating at least three of the assaults as hate crimes.

(credit: LAPD)

Los Angeles police released images Wednesday of one man who was accompanied by two others in hitting someone in the head with their fists and throwing him to the ground.

All three suspects were described as Middle Eastern men in their mid-20s to 30s. Police say the man whose image was released is believed to be between 25 and 35 years old, between 5-foot-5 and 5-foot-8, about 160 to 180 pounds and had a bald, shaved head, and a black beard. He was photographed wearing a light orange or pink-colored shirt and wore an unknown-type wrist band on his left wrist.

The other two suspects wore black T-shirts and blue jeans. No further information was released about them.

Police did not say if this incident is one of the three being investigated as a hate crime.

Anyone with information about the suspect or the assault can contact LAPD Officer Jason Perez at (310) 444-1532.

Armenia Parliament Speaker issues statement on MP’s resignation, Armenia
Aug 14 2020

Armenia Parliament Speaker issues statement on MP's resignation Armenia Parliament Speaker issues statement on MP's resignation

19:36, 14.08.2020

Second plane with humanitarian aid from Armenia lands in Beirut

Public Radio of Armenia
Aug 9 2020

Azerbaijani press: Belgrade to investigate use of Serbian-made ammunition in Armenian provocation

By Akbar Mammadov

Serbian President Alexandar Vučić has expressed regret over Armenia’s use of Serbian-made weapons during the recent cross-border clash with Azerbaijan.

In a phone conversation with President Ilham Aliyev on August 7, Alexandar Vučić expressed his condolences over the killing of Azerbaijani servicemen in the Armenian provocation on the border.

Alexandar Vučić noted that a high-level Serbian delegation will be sent to Azerbaijan in the near future to investigate the incident.

Vučić commended the friendly relations with Azerbaijan based on strategic partnership and invited the Azerbaijani president to pay an official visit to Serbia.

Expressing gratitude for the phone call, President Ilham Aliyev noted that Armenia’s use of Serbian-made ammunition in shelling Azerbaijani military and civilian positions that killed servicemen and a civilian, has caused concern among the Azerbaijani public.

Aliyev also expressed satisfaction with the Serbian president’s decision to send a high-level delegation to investigate the incident.

During the conversation, the sides decided to prevent any actions that could overshadow the friendly relations between the two countries in the future.

It should be noted that earlier, on July 20, Azerbaijan's Foreign Ministry summoned Serbia's Chargé d'Affaires Danica Veinovic over the delivery of a large amount of military ammunition and mortar from Serbia to Armenia.

The cross-border clashes between Azerbaijan and Armenia started on July 12 noon after Armenian troops fired artillery at Azerbaijani military post in Tovuz region. 

Azerbaijani armed forces retaliated destroying a stronghold, bombshells, vehicles and servicemen on the territory of the Armenia’s military unit by using artillery, mortars and tanks. Azerbaijan has also downed six Armenian UAVs.  

Azerbaijan lost 12 servicemen, including an army general, during cross-border clashes from July 12 till July 16. Armenian forces have also been shelling civilians in villages in Tovuz. An Azerbaijani civilian in Tovuz’s Aghdam village was killed as a result of artillery shelling by the Armenian armed forces on July 14.

Akbar Mammadov  is AzerNews’ staff journalist, follow him on Twitter: @AkbarMammadov97

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Artsakh’s Speaker of Parliament offers condolences to Lebanon



 12:04, 5 August, 2020

YEREVAN, AUGUST 5, ARMENPRESS. Speaker of Parliament of Artsakh Arthur Tovmasyan has offered condolences to the people and government of Lebanon on the deadly explosion in Beirut.

“The pain of human loss as a consequence of the Beirut blast is immense and cruel. On behalf of the Parliament of Artsakh, I extend our condolences to Lebanon’s authorities and people, who include our compatriots; resilience and fortitude to you to mitigate the pain of this disaster”, Speaker Tovmasyan said in a statement published on social media.

Editing and Translating by Stepan Kocharyan

The court rejected the motion to arrest the former deputy mayor of Yerevan

Arminfo, Armenia
Aug 3 2020

ArmInfo. The court rejected the investigator's petition to arrest the former deputy mayor of Yerevan Vahe Nikoyan and the former head of one of the companies subordinated to the mayor's office Gevorg Hakobyan.

According to the Special Investigation Service, Nikoyan and Hakobyan  were charged under part 2 of article 308 (abuse of office) and part 1  of article 314 (official forgery) of the RA Criminal Code. Other  details of the criminal case were not disclosed.

Vahe Nikoyan was appointed Deputy Mayor in January 2012. In 2018, the  mayor of the capital, Hayk Marutyan, offered him to take the post of  adviser, but Nikoyan refused.

Georgia to suspend railway delivery of goods to Armenia for 16 days

Vestnik Kavkaza
Aug 1 2020
1 Aug in 16:55

According to the South Caucasian Railway, on September 1-16, Armenia will not receive cargo delivered by trains from the Georgian ports of Poti and Batumi.

The reason is the planned maintenance of the railway bridge, due to which the movement of trains on the route from Georgia to Armenia will be suspended.

"During this time, the goods will be accumulated in ports, and after the resumption of the railway connection they will be promptly delivered to Armenia," the SCR officials promised.

RFE/RL Armenian Report – 07/24/2020


Scores Arrested After Armenian-Azeri Violence In Moscow

        • Aza Babayan

Russia -- The Russian National Guard (Rosgvardiya) soldiers and police officers 
patrol in downtown Moscow on June 8, 2020.

Police in Moscow made at least 25 arrests on Friday following overnight violent 
attacks involving local Armenians and Azerbaijanis which resulted from last 
week’s deadly fighting on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border.

The violence erupted late on Thursday, with various groups of men reportedly 
attacking other people and businesses on ethnic grounds.

An amateur video posted on the Internet showed several men smashing a car with 
Armenian license plates and beating up its driver. Another footage showed other 
violent youths assaulting an elderly man and demanding that he name the country 
which they believe should control Nagorno-Karabakh.

A Russian-Armenian activist, David Tonoyan, reported at least five attacks on 
Armenians which he said mostly occurred in Moscow’s southern suburbs. One 
Armenian was stabbed and hospitalized as a result, he said, adding that the 
Russian police beefed up security in those areas.

“According to our information, only Azerbaijanis have been arrested so far,” 
Tonoyan told RFE/RL’s Armenian service.

The “Moskovsky Komsomolets” daily reported that an Azerbaijani man was badly 
beaten by a group of Armenians in one of those suburbs, Maryino. The Union of 
Azerbaijanis of Russia alleged an Armenian attack on an Azerbaijani-owned 
restaurant in the Russian capital.

Russia - Police arrest participants of clashes between Azeris and Armenians in 
Moscow, .

The Moscow police department reported, meanwhile, that it arrested more than 25 
people on suspicion of involvement in what it described as “a number of conflict 
situations between citizens” in Maryino. It was careful not to mention their 
nationality or ethnicity.

In a statement, the department said it is continuing to investigate the 
incidents and warned of tough action against more “manifestations of collective 
violation of the public order.”

Russia’s human rights ombudsperson, Tatyana Moskalkova, expressed serious 
concern over the “disturbances between representatives of the Armenian and 
Azerbaijani peoples.” She said ethnically motivated violence is “unacceptable in 
any civilized society.”

The violent incidents came hours after Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov 
met with leaders of Russia’s sizable Armenian and Azerbaijani communities to 
discuss ways of maintaining what his press office called “interethnic peace and 
accord” in the country. Ara Abramian, the pro-Kremlin chairman of the Union of 
Armenians of Russia, said Lavrov’s meeting with him and Azerbaijani-born 
businessman God Nisanov took place at his initiative.

Nisanov is the main owner of Moscow’s largest wholesale food market which 
refused to sell apricots imported from Armenia following the July 12 outbreak of 
the hostilities on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border. The move sparked an outcry 
from many Moscow Armenians who queued up to buy those apricots in a show of 
support for Armenia.

RUSSIA -- Ara Abramian (C), President of the Union of Armenians of Russia, 
attends a meeting of the presidential Council for Interethnic Relations in 
Moscow, September 14, 2018

It emerged on Thursday that another hypermarket located just outside of Moscow 
has also stopped selling Armenian agricultural products, beverages and prepared 
foodstuffs. The Tvoy Dom trading center is owned by Aras Agalarov, an 
Azerbaijani billionaire whose son Emin used to be married to one of Azerbaijani 
President Ilham Aliyev’s daughters.

Violent clashes between Armenian and Azerbaijanis have also been reported in 
several major European capitals and Los Angeles. In what may have been a related 
development, a car belonging to the Armenian Embassy in Germany was set on fire 
and burned down on Thursday.

The Armenian Foreign Ministry said on Friday that some of its diplomats working 
abroad have received threats. It did not elaborate.

In a statement, the ministry accused the Azerbaijani authorities of inciting the 
violence. It also urged Armenian nationals living abroad and Diaspora Armenians 
not to “succumb to any provocation.”

U.S. House Approves More Funding For Mine Clearance In Karabakh

Nagorno-Karabakh - A representative of the HALO Trust briefs U.S. congressman 
David Valadao (C) on its demining activities in Karabakh, 18Sep2017. (Photo by 
the Amenian National Committee of America.)

The U.S. House of Representatives approved late on Thursday $1.4 million in 
fresh U.S. funding for humanitarian demining operations in Nagorno-Karabakh 
carried out by a British charity.

The HALO Trust has cleared tens of thousands of anti-personnel and anti-tank 
landmines, mostly left over from the 1991-1994 Armenian-Azerbaijani war, since 
it began its work in Karabakh in 2001. The U.S. Congress has financed the effort 
as part of its direct humanitarian assistance to the Armenian-populated 
territory allocated over strong Azerbaijani objectives.

The current U.S. administration has sought to end that assistance. An amendment 
to a House bill on U.S. foreign aid in the fiscal year 2021 requires it continue 
funding the demining program in Karabakh.

The amendment was drafted by three pro-Armenian members of the House. One of 
them, Jackie Speier, argued that Karabakh has one of the highest per capita mine 
accident rates in the world. More than 400 of its residents have been killed 
there by landmines since 1994.

The measure was also co-sponsored by more than 30 other lawmakers, virtually all 
of them Democrats. Armenian-American advocacy groups lobbied hard for its 

“Today’s vote represents a powerful rebuke to the Azerbaijani government-driven, 
State Department-supported effort to end Artsakh’s demining program despite its 
remarkable record of having removed tens of thousands of landmines and saving 
countless lives,” said the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA).

The Armenian Assembly of America also hailed the amendment. “For a relatively 
small investment, the United States can make a significant difference for the 
people of Nagorno-Karabakh, especially for the children,” it said in a statement.

The Assembly statement quoted Kristen Stevens, a representative of The HALO 
Trust, as saying: “We are overjoyed to see the House of Representatives include 
funding in the State and Foreign Operations bill for humanitarian demining in 

The aid allocation also needs to be backed by the U.S. Senate. The ANCA said it 
is already “working with Senate leaders” to include the funding in their version 
of the foreign bill.

Lawmaker Leaves Tsarukian’s Party

        • Tatevik Lazarian

Armenia -- Parliament deputy Sergey Bagratian speaks to RFE/RL, Yerevan, January 
26, 2020.

A parliament deputy from Gagik Tsarukian’s Prosperous Armenia Party (BHK) has 
left the country’s largest parliamentary opposition force after being questioned 
in an ongoing criminal investigation.

The lawmaker, Sergey Bagratian, formally notified parliament speaker Ararat 
Mirzoyan about his decision to quit the BHK in a letter revealed on Thursday. 
Bagratian is understood to have given no reason for the move. He could not be 
reached for comment on Friday.

Some Armenian media outlets speculated that Bagratian defected from the BHK to 
avoid prosecution on corruption charges. They claimed that the charges stem from 
financial abuses allegedly committed in Armenia’s southeastern Vayots Dzor when 
it was governed by Bagratian from 2010-2012.

A spokeswoman for the Office of the Prosecutor-General, Arevik Khachatrian, said 
on Friday that Bagratian was questioned as a witness in a criminal case opened 
recently. She refused to give any details of the probe.

A senior BHK parliamentarian, Naira Zohrabian, told RFE/RL’s Armenian service 
that Bagratian’s decision took her and her colleagues by surprise.

“Mr. Bagratian had no differences with the leader or any other member of our 
parliamentary faction,” she said. “We always had very active, businesslike and 
friendly relations with Sergey Bagratian.”

Zohrabian said that Bagratian has not answered phone calls from other BHK 
members or communicated with them otherwise for the past month. “We have zero 
information about why Mr. Bagratian left the faction,” she stressed.

Armenia -- Gagik Tsarukian gives a speech at the parliament ahead of a vote that 
stripped him of immunity from prosecution as an MP, June 16, 2020.

Bagratian, 57, stopped making public statements shortly after the Armenian 
parliament allowed law-enforcement authorities on June 15 to arrest and 
prosecute Tsarukian on vote buying charges which the BHK leader rejects as 
politically motivated.

The BHK claims that Pashinian ordered the National Security Service (NSS) to 
“fabricate” the charges in response to Tsarukian’s June 5 calls for the Armenian 
government’s resignation. It also also says in recent weeks the NSS and police 
have rounded up scores of BHK activists in a bid to ratchet up the pressure on 
Tsarukian. Pashinian and his allies deny a politically motivated crackdown on 
the party.

Bagratian’s exit reduced to 24 the number of parliament seats held by the BHK. 
The latter continues to have the second largest group in the 132-member National 
Assembly controlled by Pashinian’s My Step bloc.

Armenian, Russian Troops Train For Drone Warfare

Armenia -- Armenian and Russian military officers pose for a photograph at the 
start of a joint air-defense exercise, .

Armenian and Russian troops are practicing how to deal with enemy military 
drones during a joint air-defense exercise that began in Armenia on Thursday.

According to the Armenian Defense Ministry, the command-and-staff exercise 
involves the commanders of a Russian-Armenian air-defense system and the 
Armenian army’s separate anti-aircraft units as well as air force officers from 
the two states.

“During the exercise they will develop new ways of fighting against UAVs 
(unmanned aerial vehicles) for the purpose of improving the counter-drone 
system,” the ministry said in a statement. They are simulating various 
“scenarios” of drone warfare, it said.

The joint air-defense system was set up in the late 1990s and upgraded by a 
Russian-Armenian treaty signed in 2015. It includes elements of a Russian 
military base stationed in Armenia.

The Defense Ministry statement also said that participants of the drill are 
looking into last week’s deadly clashes on Armenia’s border with Azerbaijan 
during which both sides used reconnaissance and attack drones. “The Armenian 
side is analyzing the enemy’s tactics and actions of its air-defense 
detachments,” it added.

Armenia -- Armenian officers demonstrate an Israeli-made "combat" drone 
SkyStriker which they say was intercepted during fighting with Azerbaijani 
forces, .

The Armenian military claims to have shot down or intercepted 13 Azerbaijani 
drones during the hostilities that broke out at a border section on July 12 and 
left at least 17 soldiers from both sides dead. It demonstrated on Tuesday what 
it described as fragments of some of those Israeli-made UAVs.

A military spokesman, Artsrun Hovannisian, publicized on Friday a photograph of 
two Armenian officers standing next to a SkyStriker “suicide” drone manufactured 
by the Israeli company Elbit Systems. Hovannisian said earlier that the largely 
intact drone was brought down by an Armenian electronic warfare system.

The Armenian military also says that it used for the first time domestically 
manufactured attack drones during last week’s hostilities. It claims that they 
destroyed at least one Azerbaijani tank.

Baku has dismissed these claims. It claims, for its part, that Azerbaijani 
forces shot down two Armenian drones. The Armenian side denies that.

Russia helped to largely stop the fighting on July 16. The Foreign Ministry in 
Moscow said on Thursday that Russia’s Defense Ministry is also involved in 
efforts to de-escalate the situation along the border between Armenia’s Tavush 
province and the Tovuz district in Azerbaijan.

Reprinted on ANN/Armenian News with permission from RFE/RL
Copyright (c) 2020 Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, Inc.
1201 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington DC 20036.


IDBank and Idram announce expansion of strategic partnership




Considering the efficiency of the partnership between IDBank and Idram, the companies announce the expansion of strategic partnership and offer joint digital new services to a wide range of users.

During today’s online presentation, the companies have presented “Rocket Line”, the innovative digital product.

“Today, with great pleasure, we present the new fruit of cooperation, Rocket Line. It is a digital tool in non-touch and online shopping field, which is a novelty in the Armenian market”, said Karen Nalbandyan, IDBank Business development director. According to him, Rocket Line can be called a revolutionary digital loan but more convenient and complete than we could imagine previously.

Grigori Yolyan, Idram Commercial director mentioned, that Rocket Line offers full payment freedom to the clients. “If the loan we all know restricts the list of stores where we could buy goods with credit, Rocket Line provides a wide choice: it works everywhere, where payment through Idram is possible: when using more than 300 services, paying via QR and NFC in more than 3000 points of sale and more than 300 online shops where payment through Idram is integrated.

At the presentation Rocket Line advantages were introduced:

  • Pre-established limit for the clients of both the Bank and Idram with possibility of increasing the limit,
  • There is no mandatory repayment schedule: the client gets a flexible tool for managing his financial means: it can be repaid when convenient, during 3 or 6 months as chosen,
  • We can pay with Rocket Line for everyday shopping, for such goods that could never be bought by credit before: paying the utilities, closing the bill at the café or shopping at supermarket.
  • Works both on application and web version,
  • The process is fast, doesn’t require additional documents from buyer or seller: everything is online and fast,
  • Easy to use: to pay through Idram or web version you just need to choose “pay after 3 months” or “pay after 6 months”.

While introducing product features, Tatevik Hovhannisyan, the head of Marketing department of the Bank mentioned, that Rocket Line gives an opportunity to Idram and IDBank customers to have personal limit (reserve amount) from IDBank in Idram application and on online platform without any effort. “The minimal pre-established limit is AMD 10.000, at the Bank they call it a welcome limit and it is automatically given to the clients who have premium plus status of Idram. Personal limit can be used starting from AMD 3000 for shopping and payments, fully or partially”.

If you are not a client of IDBank, you can use the limit just by passing remote identification in Idram mobile app and becoming a Bank customer. There is also an opportunity to raise the limit: with a few steps in Idram app or on platform, you can just press the button, apply to the Bank and in a few seconds get a personal limit of up to AMD 10 million, in accordance with your credit history and credibility.

Presentation participants mentioned that you can get the personal limit of Rocket Line with a few simple steps, the amount given to the user and the used amount will be visible in Idram app and on platform, the repayment is as simple as getting the limit: everything is online, fast and convenient.

At the end of the presentation, the employees of the Bank and Idram tested the product.

You can read more about Rocket Line .