Hayastan All Armenian Fund: 7 artificial mobile ventilators to arrive in Armenia within a week

Panorama, Armenia

The Hayastan All Armenian Fund continues to support the Armenian Ministry of Health to contain the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in Armenia with continuous delivery of medical supplies and equipment.

Thanks to the generous support of the fund’s affiliates around the world, both financial as well as equipment and supplies, 7 artificial mobile ventilators will arrive in Armenia within a week, two financed by the Hayastan All Armenian Charitable Trust GB and one by the fund’s affiliate in the Netherlands. Also, 20 remote thermometers and 20 oxygen concentrators, half of which will be delivered to Artsakh are expected soon, thanks to the fund’s French affiliate.

On March 25, 800 3M high quality face masks were delivered to the Nork Infectious Clinical Hospital and an additional 70 medical hazmat suits to the Armenian Humanitarian Aid Center. A further 1,000 face masks and 100 protective hazmat suits are expected soon, the fund reports.

On March 13, approximately 800 kg of preventive, protective medical supplies and devices, including medical hazmat suits, face respirator masks, hand sanitizers, bottles for disinfectants, eye shields, digital thermometers and other items were delivered to the Ministry of Health thanks to Armenia Fund Inc (the US Western Region affiliate of the Hayastan All-Armenian Fund), Chevy Chase Surgery Center and the Armenian Relief Society charity organization.

The fund has launched a dedicated online fundraising campaign to fight the COVID-19 pandemic with over $50,000 donated so far. These funds will be used for the most urgent needs of the Ministry of Health.

Armenpress: Armenia nurse contracts novel coronavirus at hospital

Armenia nurse contracts novel coronavirus at hospital



 11:29, 19 March, 2020

YEREVAN, MARCH 19, ARMENPRESS. A nurse working at an Armenian infectious diseases hospital has contracted the novel coronavirus, Healthcare Minister Arsen Torosyan said.

He said the nurse is one of the 115 confirmed cases as of Thursday morning.

“The nurse was immediately hospitalized; she is in a satisfactory state and doesn’t have pneumonia. I wish her speedy recovery,” said Torosyan on social media.

Arsen Torosyan said that healthcare workers are now the most at-risk group in terms of contracting the virus. The minister asked the general public to respect their work and stay home to prevent the spread of the virus.

Edited and translated by Stepan Kocharyan

Coronavirus will have short-term significant impact on Armenian economy – Minister



 20:33, 19 March, 2020

YEREVAN, MARCH 19, ARMENPRESS. According to Minister of Economy of Armenia Tigran Khachatryan, the global spread of coronavirus will have short-term significant impact on the Armenian economy, ARMENPRESS reports the Minister said in a press conference on March 19.

''Coronavirus will have short-term significant impact on the Armenian economy. We already see the consequences, but I am confident we will become stronger after this situation'', Khachatryan said.

Confirmed coronavirus cases in Armenia has reached 12. One patient has recovered and been discharged from hospital.

 Edited and translated by Tigran Sirekanyan

Ambassador Lacôte thanks the staff at Yerevan hospital for taking care of French patients

Panorama, Armenia
Health 17:30 21/03/2020 Armenia

Ambassador of France to Armenia Jonathan Lacôte thanked on Facebook the Nork Infection Clinic Hospital which serves the coronavirus-infected patients in Armenia.

The Ambassador posted a photo of the hospital staff along with a message that the hospital has taken care of French nationals this week. “Heroes of our time,” the Ambassador wrote in an accompanying message.

Armenian PM’s spouse thanks healthcare workers for dedicated work during coronavirus crisis




YEREVAN, MARCH 17, ARMENPRESS. Spouse of the Armenian prime minister Anna Hakobyan has sent a letter of gratitude, as well as sweets to the medical staff of Nork Infection Clinic Hospital to thank them for the work they do during the current coronavirus crisis, Mrs. Hakobyan’s spokesperson Hasmik Harutyunyan told Armenpress.

“Mrs. Hakobyan follows the great work done by doctors these days. Sending a letter and sweets is a small step through which Anna Hakobyan is expressing her gratitude to all medics, including those working in Nork Infection Hospital and other medical centers. These healthcare workers are in the frontline, demonstrate high qualities and fight against the virus day and night. Mrs. Hakobyan thanked for this, wished good health and stated that doctors will record the victory in this disproportionate war”, the spokesperson said.

On March 16 Armenia declared a 30-day state of emergency to fight against the spread of the novel coronavirus. The state of emergency is effective until April 14, at 17:00. As of now, the number of confirmed coronavirus cases in Armenia is 64, one patient has recovered.

Edited and translated by Aneta Harutyunyan

Armenian minister says it’s too early to estimate economic impact of novel coronavirus



 16:52, 12 March, 2020

YEREVAN, MARCH 12, ARMENPRESS. Armenian minister of economy Tigran Khachatryan says it’s still too early to give an assessment to the effect of the novel coronavirus on the economy.

“Coronavirus affects not only the Ruble fall, oil prices, but also tourism, definitely it will leave some consequences. But it’s still too early to give an assessment in this regard. I think that some time later when the major problem is solved and we prevent the spread of the virus and reach the balance at the expense of manageable mechanisms which will allow to be sure that there is no danger anymore, we will calculate that time what impact it has left on the economy and what steps need to be taken to mitigate the situation”, the minister told reporters at a briefing.

A pneumonia outbreak caused by the COVID-19 virus (previously known as 2019-nCoV) was reported in China’s city of Wuhan, a large trade and industrial center with a population of 12 million, in late December. The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the coronavirus outbreak in China a global health emergency, characterizing it as an epidemic with multiple foci. Cases of the new coronavirus have also been reported in over 70 other countries. Currently the number of people infected with COVID-19 around the globe is over 120,000, with more than 4,000 deaths.

Armenia confirmed three new coronavirus cases on March 11. As of now the total number of the confirmed Covid-19 cases in the country is 4. The first case was reported on March 1.

Edited and translated by Aneta Harutyunyan

Armenia shuts educational institutions until March 23 over coronavirus: PM


Yerevan accuses Azerbaijani President of irresponsible behavior

Arminfo, Armenia

ArmInfo. In Yerevan, they reacted to the statements of the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev at the first meeting of the new convocation of the Milli Majlis.   Thus, the press secretary of the Armenian Foreign Ministry, Anna  Naghdalyan, responding to Aliyev's remarks regarding Armenia, in  particular, noted:

"The President of Azerbaijan made an extensive  speech at the first meeting of the new parliament, which clearly  expressed hatred of Armenia and the Armenian people. Azerbaijani  authorities are trying hide the low level of legitimacy of the recent  parliamentary elections, the inability to carry out political and  democratic reforms behind aggressive, baseless and fictitious  statements, which apart from Armenia and Armenia and retirement homes  of the people, are also sent to European countries, European  institutions, international observation missions, monitoring  elections in Azerbaijan ".

At the same time, Naghdalyan expressed particular concern about the  fact that the Azerbaijani authorities are trying to play the  religious card in their baseless accusations, on the one hand  accusing European countries of violating the rights of migrants on  religious grounds, and on the other – voicing calls for religious  solidarity in the context of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict .

"The propaganda of a hostile attitude towards the Armenian people by  the President of Azerbaijan, accompanied by new historical and  geographical" discoveries, "fundamentally contradicts Azerbaijan's  commitments in recent years to create favorable conditions and  prepare peoples for peace.  From this point of view, it must be noted  that the low level of democracy and the protection of human rights  seriously hinder the advancement of the peace process on the  Nagorno-Karabakh settlement, in particular, the implementation of the  agreements reached within the framework of this process.  The  attempts of the top leadership of Azerbaijan to legitimize themselves  by spreading hatred towards the people of the neighboring state and  distrust of the international community are irresponsible and can  jeopardize peace and security in the region, "the Armenian Foreign  Ministry spokeswoman summed up.  Recall that Aliyev during his speech  to the new parliament, referring to the Karabakh conflict, pointed  out the importance of intensifying efforts in all organizations and  conducting offensive diplomacy. "In connection with international  activities, I want to say that our deputies are represented in  several international organizations. Of course, activity there was  quite high in previous years. And now it should be even higher,  because we must bring the realities of Azerbaijan. Especially we must  bring the historical the realities connected with the  Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. The Armenian side cannot put forward a  single serious argument against our arguments, because the truth is  on our side. After I said in Munich about Kurekchaysko I'm aware of a  peace treaty in Armenia, I know that this treaty is being crammed in.  It is clearly indicated who, when concluded this treaty. And there is  no talk of the Armenian people there. On the one hand, Russian  General Tsitsianov, and on the other, Ibrahim Khan, moreover, Ibrahim  Khan <Karabakh Shushinsky> is written in Russian. Here's the real  story, "Aliyev assured, while once again deciding to attribute all  the historical territories of Armenia to Azerbaijan, which was  created as a state in the early 20th century.

CIVILNET.How Do Armenian Products Reach Azerbaijan?


7 March, 2020 13:26

By Emilio Luciano Cricchio

In late February, Azerbaijani media reported that the State Customs Committee of Azerbaijan had destroyed significant amounts of products from Armenia.

In accordance with a court ruling, mobile phones, Armenian cognac, foodstuffs, household items, cigarettes and souvenirs were burnt in front of journalists and cameramen, in a landfill near the Azerbaijani city of Sumgayit. 

But how did these products end up in Azerbaijan?

It is believed that many of these items reach Azerbaijan via foreign tourists traveling through the South Caucasus region, which includes Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. Many of these tourists recounted that they would bring Azerbaijani products into Armenia, but would rarely be confronted by Armenian customs officers. 

Recounting his own experience with Azerbaijani authorities confiscating Armenian products, Civilnet reporter Tatul Hakobyan mentioned that during a book presentation he did in Tbilisi in 2014, an Azerbaijani journalist bought one of his books about Nagorno-Karabakh. 

Once the Azerbaijani journalist reached the Georgian-Azerbijani border, the book was marked as “extremist literature” and was confiscated.

Hakobyan said that later when researchers and journalists in Azerbaijan wanted to obtain his books, he would send them to Baku with European or American friends who were traveling to Azerbaijan by plane. 

But were Azerbajiani authorities always so strict about preventing Armenian products entering Azerbaijan?

Hakobyan remarked that before 2003, when Ilham Aliyev took over the presidency after the death of his father, President Heydar Aliyev, Armenian-made products were commonly transported into Azerbaijan by merchants and openly sold in a Georgian-Armenian market in the Azerbaijani-majority town of Sadakhlo, just across from the Armenian border. 

Furthermore, prior to 2003, carrots and cabbage from Sevan or Spitak were also sold in Azerbaijan, and Azerbaijani tea was sold in Stepanakert until the 2000s. To this day, pomegranates from the Azerbaijani city of Ganja are in high demand in Armenia. 

Transcaucasian Tourists

During a recent presentation on the history and conflict of Karabakh, Hakobyan was asked by representatives from tour agencies how they should respond to foreign tourists who are on Transcaucasian tours and want to buy Armenian products? Should tour guides warn tourists that there is a likelihood that Armenian cognac or souvenirs may be confiscated or destroyed once they cross into Azerbaijan?

Many of these tour guides noted that they wanted to encourage tourists to buy Armenian-made products, but weren’t sure whether they should inform tourists that these products may well not make it out of Azerbaijan. 

The tour guides informed Hakobyan that it was foreign tourists who were bringing Armenian products into Azerbaijan. 

The tour guides also implored Hakobyan to write about this issue so that Armenian authorities could be informed of this dilemma and seek a possible solution. 

Hakobyan remarked that this raises the issue of anti-Armenian sentiments and how far fetched a peaceful reconciliation between Armenia and Azerbaijan is, when not even Armenian products can enter Azerbaijan, in the custody of tourists, without being confiscated or destroyed. 

Armenian border guards, in turn, do not confiscate luggages of foreign tourists arriving in Armenia from Azerbaijan and do not confiscate Azerbaijani goods or souvenirs.

Hakobyan suggested that it is time to start real attempts at Armenian-Azerbaijani reconciliation and that interfering with trade and tourism is a futile exercise. 

Today, the first group of Armenian citizens returned from Iran to Yerevan on a special flight

Arminfo, Armenia
Feb 26 2020

ArmInfo. The first group of Armenian citizens returned from Iran to their homeland on a special flight. "The plane with the citizens of Armenia landed in Yerevan at  4:00 pm," Arsen Avagyan, head of the Department of Bordering  Countries of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, stated. 

It should be noted that the next group of Armenian citizens will  return from Iran on February 28. Earlier, 65 RA citizens applied to  the Armenian Embassy in Iran with a request to return to their  homeland.  To recall, after the spread of the coronavirus in Iran,  Armenia stopped air communication and partially ground one with this  state for two weeks.  However, this restriction does not apply to  Armenian citizens who wish to return to their homeland.