Damascus: President al-Assad to Catholicos Aram I: Syria was and always will be the home of all its people, regardless of religion or ethnicity

Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA)
President al-Assad to Catholicos Aram I: Syria was and always will be the home of all its people, regardless of religion or ethnicity
Hazem al-Sabbagh
Damascus, SANA – President Bashar al-Assad on Tuesday received Catholicos Aram I Keshishian, head of the Catholicosate of the Great House of Cilicia of the Armenian Apostolic Church.
President al-Assad affirmed that Syria was and always will be the home of all its people, regardless of religion or ethnicity, lauding the patriotic role of Armenian Syrians who embody the values and meanings of citizenship, belonging, and national unity in the face of the divisive projects which the barbaric terrorist on Syria had sought to push, a war whose brutality brings to mind the massacres committed by the Ottomans against the Armenian people.
For his part, Catholicos Aram I said that Syria has been a safe haven and sanctuary for those who fled the horrors of the Ottomans' massacres, and that the Syrian people have set a magnificent example of confronting dark mentality and terrorist and exclusionist projects by adhering to their national identity and to Syria's message of love, peace, and moderation.
The Catholicos asserted that the steadfastness of Syria's people, the sacrifices of its army, and the wisdom of its leadership will doubtlessly result in victory and eliminating terrorism.

About 1,000 Syrians receive medical assistance from Armenian humanitarian mission’s medics

Monday 2:58 PM GMT
About 1,000 Syrians receive medical assistance from Armenian humanitarian mission’s medics
About 1,000 civilians in Syria received medical assistance from the Armenian humanitarian mission in a period from February 19 through May 10. A territory of 25,000 square meters was cleared of mines by the mission’s bomb specialists, the press service of the Armenian Centre for Humanitarian Demining and Expertise said on Monday.
YEREVAN, May 13. /TASS/. About 1,000 civilians in Syria received medical assistance from the Armenian humanitarian mission in a period from February 19 through May 10. A territory of 25,000 square meters was cleared of mines by the mission’s bomb specialists, the press service of the Armenian Centre for Humanitarian Demining and Expertise said on Monday.
"In the above mentioned period, Armenian field engineers clear of mines a territory of 25,860 square meters. Medics of the humanitarian mission offered surgical assistance to 241 patients and therapeutic assistance to 534 Syrians. In all, 959 people received medical assistance of various types," the press service said.
A team of the Armenian defense ministry specialists arrived for a humanitarian mission in Syria on February 8. The team includes demining specialists, security experts and medics. Russia helped them reach Syria.

Meet Three EPIC Startup Teams: Smart Green, Vactube, and Agourmet!

American University of Armenia
40 Marshal Baghramyan Ave., Yerevan 0019, Republic of Armenia  
Tel: (+374 10) 32 40 40; (+374 60) 69 40 40 | Fax:  (+374 60) 61 25 12  

Webpage: www.

Innovation in Smart Greenhouses, Next-Generation Fruit Drying, and Augmented Reality Restaurant Ordering

Earlier this Spring, the Entrepreneurship and Product Innovation Center (EPIC) of the American University of Armenia (AUA) welcomed the 4th batch of venture startup teams to the EPIC business incubator. During the course of the program, the teams will participate in a 12-week intensive idea-stage incubation training to shape their ventures, validate their business concepts, and build their business models. Having full access to AUA’s resources, the teams will participate in workshops, receive advising, and be mentored by seasoned entrepreneurs, AUA faculty and alumni.

EPIC proudly introduces three of the nine startups that were accepted into the program this spring: Smart Green, Vactube and Agourmet. These ventures are designed to offer innovative solutions in agriculture, food processing, and food service.

If you know of any potential partners or collaborators with experience in any of these industries who would like to contribute to the success of these teams, EPIC would welcome hearing from you. Please contact EPIC at epic@.

Please read the brief profiles of each startup presented below:

Smart Green is a greenhouse automation system for small- and medium-sized greenhouses. Smart Green is designed to help farmers maximize revenue, economize resources, and protect yields through the Internet of Things (IoT) smart technology. It will perform automated greenhouse systems management based on data from wireless sensors placed throughout the greenhouse. The system will allow users to monitor the environment of the greenhouse and receive notifications in case of emergencies.

Vactube is a glass tube solar vacuum fruit dryer that reduces the length of the fruit drying period by 3-5 times compared to existing greenhouse-type solar dryers. Using Vactube results in high-quality, attractive dried fruits that are free of added sugar, sulphur, or other additives.

Agourmet is an augmented-reality application which acts as a primary or secondary menu for food-related businesses. It helps restaurants provide customers with a three-dimensional visualization of their dishes. Agourmet streamlines the process of ordering restaurant food, making it more accurate, entertaining, and reliable.

For more information about these teams or EPIC, please visit epic. or write to epic@.

The Entrepreneurship and Product Innovation Center (EPIC) is a platform for promoting entrepreneurial education, cross-disciplinary collaboration, and startup venture incubation. EPIC provides an ecosystem for the American University of Armenia’s (AUA) emerging entrepreneurs consisting of first-class facilities and collaborative workspace, programs and events, and a network of mentors, advisors and investors. EPIC fosters the understanding and application of entrepreneurship with students and faculty at AUA to craft high-impact multidisciplinary ventures.

Astghik Gyurjinyan | Coordinator

Entrepreneurship and Product Innovation Center

+374 60 612 590,  



40 Baghramyan Avenue, Yerevan 0019, Republic of Armenia

NSS reveals gang operated by inmate

NSS reveals gang operated by inmate




YEREVAN, APRIL 23, ARMENPRESS. An inmate at one of Armenia’s prisons has operated a gang from his jail cell, the National Security Service (NSS) said in a news release.

The NSS said the inmate arranged a criminal syndicate whose members would search classifieds at an online advertising platform list.am and contact the users requesting a meeting to buy offered products, such as cell phones, tablets and other valuable items, and subsequently steal the products.

NSS agents also conducted search operations at the prison cells and found Wi-Fi devices, tablets, mobile phones and other communication devices. NSS did not specify the given prison.

It said agents also revealed that the most primary security rules were violated at the prison, the food tray hatch at the jail cell doors were open, some inmates were kept in privileged conditions. Moreover, a so-called high ranking inmate was standing outside his cell when agents arrived. 

The NSS is currently investigating the case to uncover the mechanism how the contraband appeared inside the prison.


Edited and translated by Stepan Kocharyan

Armenia’s Lori Province governor rewards himself for "faithfully performing duties"

News.am, Armenia
Armenia's Lori Province governor rewards himself for "faithfully performing duties" Armenia's Lori Province governor rewards himself for "faithfully performing duties"

16:05, 14.04.2019

Lori Province is the second province of Armenia known for its high level of poverty and unemployment, but the governor continues the condemnable process of self-rewarding, wrote Facebook user Smbat Khanvelyan.

“The Lori Province is the second province of the Republic of Armenia known for its high level of poverty and unemployment, but the governor continues the condemnable process of self-rewarding. The governor has rewarded himself with nearly AMD 500,000 for his “titanic” work that nobody knows about. It is known that the man is building a new and costly clinic, and he has to scrape the money he spent from somewhere, and in this case, it is the money of taxpayers,” the Facebook post reads.

By an executive order dated 12 April, Governor of Lori Province Andrey Ghukasyan rewarded himself and the administration of the regional governor’s office once again. According to the executive order, the governor, the advisors and assistants to the governor, the deputy secretary general of the regional governor’s office, the heads of departments and the employees of the internal audit division shall be rewarded for faithfully performing special tasks and employment duties in the first quarter of the year 2019.

168: MOD: Armenia is expanding its participation in peacekeeping missions


Armenia is expanding its engagement in the UN-authorized peacekeeping missions.

Minister of Defense Davit Tonoyan stated about the abovementioned at the peacekeeping conference being held at the UN headquarters in New York City, as news.am reports, the Voice of AmericaArmenian Service informed.

Tonoyan said Armenia’s peacekeepers are participating in the missions being conducted in Afghanistan and Kosovo under the auspices of NATO.

He added that Armenia plans to found an international center for training of peacekeepers, and where peacekeepers from all over the world can study.

Also, the minister reflected on Armenia’s decision to send a mission to Syria. He said their humanitarian mission to Syria comprises doctors and demining specialists. Tonoyan noted that this mission is conducted in cooperation with their Russian partners. The minister added that the decision to send this mission to Syria was made in response to the requests of Syria and of the Armenian community there.

Press release – Criminal case reveals that Lydian Armenia mining company employees were spying and running fake profiles in social media

Բարի օր հարգելի լրատվամիջոցներ,

Խնդրում ենք հրապարակել կից անգլերեն հոդվածը ձեր կայքերի անգլերեն բաժնում՝ պահպանելով բոլոր ակտիվ հղումները։
Հոդվածի հայերեն տարբերակն այստեղ է՝ www.armecofront.net/amulsar/lydian-fake/

Հարգանքով – Best regards,
Հայկական բնապահպանական ճակատ (ՀԲՃ) քաղաքացիական նախաձեռնություն – Armenian Environmental Front (AEF) Civil Initiative

Website: http://www.armecofront.net/
YouTube channel:  http://www.youtube.com/user/armecofront
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/armecofront
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/armecofront

Կապ / Contact – հեռ./tel. +374 99 53 05 88, +374 93 53 49 59

Հասցե` Երևան, Սպենդիարյան 5, բն. 24
Address: 5 Spendiaryan str. apt. 24, Yerevan, Armenia

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RFE/RL Armenian Report – 03/21/2019


Ter-Petrosian Party Warns Government Over Economic Policies

Former President Levon Ter-Petrosian (L) and Nikol Pashinian greet supporters 
in Yerevan's Liberty Square, 31 May 2011.

The extra-parliamentary Armenian National Congress (HAK) party led by 
ex-president Levon Ter-Petrosian has called on the government to abandon 
changes that it claims contradict the principles of the declared economic 

In a statement disseminated on Wednesday the HAK, which had earlier voiced 
political support for the government of Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian, 
referred to a number of protests by representatives of small and medium-sized 
businesses, who it said raise legitimate demands to the authorities.

The HAK also cited the package of amendments to the tax legislation that was 
approved by the government on March 7 in which “separate bills hit the 
activities of small and medium-sized enterprises and affect the policy of 
promoting free enterprise.”

The party also addressed controversial amendments planned in the law on state 
duty, which envisage a significant increase in the rates of payments for 
licenses in the financial and credit sphere and which has caused discontent and 
protests among representatives of the sector.

In this connection, the HAK expressed concerns over risks to market 
liberalization, promotion of free economic competition and improvement of the 
business environment.

It said that the implementation of changes in the amount of annual payments for 
the organization of foreign currency trading and pawnshops by 60 times and the 
increase of 6 times for lending organizations will inevitably result in 
closures of most of over 220 individual foreign exchange buying and selling 
companies and reduction of jobs, as well as the elimination of the already 
weakened competition in the currency market. On the other hand, the party said, 
it will result in the closures of most pawnshops and serious obstacles to the 
activities of lending organizations that will eventually lead to more costly 
services and concentration of the lending market.

Dozens of workers of exchange offices and pawnshops have held protests in front 
of the government offices in recent weeks demanding revision of the policies.

In its statement the HAK also raised concerns over policies in relation to 
small and medium-sized enterprises, saying that “it is perplexing that 
principles of economic policies are subordinated to fiscal goals.”

The HAK suggests that before carrying out amendments in relevant laws the 
government should start discussions with all associations representing the 
financial and credit sector and other stakeholders.

Oversight Body Chief Found In Breach Of Ethics Rules

        • Ruzanna Stepanian
        • Sargis Harutyunyan

Davit Sanasarian, head of the State Oversight Service, Yerevan, Armenia, 21 
March, 2019

The Ethics Committee for High-Ranking Officials has found that the head of a 
supervisory body subordinate to Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian has violated 
rules of ethics set out in Armenia’s law on public service.

In a statement this week the Committee said that by his activities Davit 
Sanasarian, the head of the State Oversight Service, “did not contribute to the 
credibility of and respect towards his office and the body he represents.”

The Committee conducted a probe based on the application submitted by Yerevan 
State University Rector Aram Simonian, who insisted that Sanasarian made public 
statements that resulted in grave breaches of ethics rules.

Sanasarian earlier stated that misappropriations worth over 800 million drams 
(about $1.6 million) had been found at the university headed by Simonian.

A criminal case was launched last year in connection with alleged 

Simonian has been under pressure to resign since the change of government last 
year. He claims he is targeted because of his political affiliation as a member 
of the former ruling Republican Party of Armenia.

The Ethics Committee for High-Ranking Officials found that Sanasarian’s public 
statement and social media post “can be reasonably perceived and interpreted as 
a display of biased attitude and demonstration of force.”

State Oversight Service head Sanasarian told reporters after a government 
session on Thursday that he does not accept the Ethics Committee’s ruling and 
will appeal it in court.

“This probe should not have been launched in the first place, and secondly, 
there are no grounds for such a ruling,” he said.

Tsarukian’s Bodyguard Goes On Trial For Assault

        • Narine Ghalechian

At the trial of Prosperous Armenia Party lawmaker Eduard Babayan, 

A parliament deputy who was until recently Prosperous Armenia Party (BHK) 
leader Gagik Tsarukian’s chief bodyguard went on trial on Thursday on charges 
of violent assault.

Eduard Babayan was arrested in July last year hours after a 50-year-old man in 
Yerevan was hospitalized with serious injuries. The latter claimed to have been 
beaten up at a compound of Armenia’s National Olympic Committee headed by 
Tsarukian. He said he was hit by Tsarukian before being repeatedly kicked and 
punched by Babayan and another person.

Both Tsarukian and Babayan strongly denied the allegation. The burly bodyguard 
was charged even though his alleged victim, Vyacheslav Harutiunian, later 
retracted his incriminating testimony.

Babayan was freed on bail in August. He was elected to the Armenian parliament 
on the BHK ticket in December.

At the beginning of the trial Harutiunian again said that he did not consider 
himself to be a victim in the case.

And Babayan again pleaded not guilty. “I wasn’t involved in any beating. I was 
not in that room. I was upstairs together with Tsarukian,” he said.

During the break in the court hearing Harutiunian told RFE/RL’s Armenian 
Service that Babayan did not beat him. “I am on very good terms with him… Mr. 
Tsarukian and Eduard Babayan were not physically present [during the incident]. 
We had no argument, we are good friends,” said Harutiunian, adding that he 
received his injuries after slipping and falling down.

One of the witnesses in the case, a police officer who served at the National 
Olympic Committee compound, said that he did not see Babayan at that day 
despite his preliminary testimony read out by the prosecuting attorney in which 
he said that he saw Tsarukian enter the building together with his bodyguard.

Armenian media have repeatedly implicated Tsarukian’s bodyguards -- and Babayan 
in particular -- in violence, including against opponents of former 
governments, in the past. The BHK leader, who is also one of the country’s 
richest men, always denied those claims.

In a police video released in July, Babayan’s alleged victim said that he was 
attacked after imploring Tsarukian to help ensure that Armenian law-enforcement 
authorities withdraw an international arrest warrant issued for his son accused 
of draft evasion.

The young man is a boxer and Russian national who was told to serve in 
Armenia’s armed forces after receiving Armenian citizenship in order to compete 
for the South Caucasus country in international tournaments.

Armenian Female Chess Player Alleges Pregnancy Discrimination, Sues Federation

        • Naira Nalbandian

Armenian woman grandmaster Lilit Galojan

International woman grandmaster Lilit Galojan has filed a lawsuit against the 
Armenian Chess Federation, claiming that she was illegally left out of the 
national team because of her recent pregnancy.

The 35-year-old player, who has won several national titles and medals in 
international competitions during her chess career, also believes her political 
views during last year’s revolution may also have influenced the decision of 
the Federation that is headed by former President Serzh Sarkisian.

Galojan, who for years was a member of Armenia’s national team and participated 
in world and European championships and chess Olympiads, claims that the order 
of the composition of the squad was changed in violation of the Federation’s 
regulations. In particular, according to her, the meeting of the Federation’s 
Board on December 17, 2017 could not be considered legitimate as the presence 
of two thirds of the staff was not ensured and the protocol of the meeting 
signed by Sarkisian was forged.

“That could not be called a board meeting. It was just some meeting at which 
the head of the Federation was present. Even if he was the president of 
Armenia, it does not allow the Federation to break its own regulations just 
because a high-ranking official was present there,” the grandmaster said.

Galojan further insisted that the protocol falsely presented her as a 
participant of the meeting while she did not attend it. “It does not have a 
word about any change in the regulations,” she said, referring to provisions 
that led to her exclusion from the team.

The final composition of the squad was formed on May 2, 2018, when stormy 
political developments were taking place in Armenia. Galojan said she did not 
exclude that one of the reasons for the decision not to include her in the team 
was her and her family’s political views as during the days of anti-government 
protests Galojan did not join the members of the Armenian chess team who voiced 
their support for Sarkisian, congratulated him on his election as prime 
minister and described the movement led by then opposition leader Nikol 
Pashinian as unacceptable.

“I made some posts on Facebook after being inspired by the revolution,” Galojan 

Secretary-general of the Armenian Chess Federation Mikayel Andreasian described 
Galojan’s accusations as slander. He told RFE/RL’s Armenian Service that the 
grandmaster had been offered to take part in an international tournament, for 
which the Federation would cover all expenses, even though it wasn’t its 
obligation. However, he said, because Galojan was pregnant at that time, she 
refused to participate in the tournament and there was no way to determine 
whether by the level of her preparedness she was qualified to be included in 
the national team or not. And the order of forming the team was changed so as 
to make it more competitive, said the Federation official, ruling out any 
illegality in the process.

“We had kept all members of the board informed of the decisions and they agreed 
to vote for them in absentia,” Andreasian explained.

Galojan has also presented financial claims to the Federation and wants to be 
paid for the time she was not on the team as well as receive financial 
compensation for missing an international tournament. The Federation official, 
however, explained that they did not pay salaries to national team players and 
that the payments they receive constitute “social assistance” given at the 
Federation’s discretion.

“For 15 years Galojan was on the team. The Federation met every need that she 
had during that time,” Andreasian said.

Despite stepping down as prime minister in April 2018, Sarkisian remains head 
of the Chess Federation and according to the regulations can lead this body 
until 2022.

Press Review

“Zhamanak” suggests that the former ruling system cannot be associated even 
with the concept of being opposition as “it affects the prospect of the 
formation of a new opposition in Armenia.” “The former ruling system cannot be 
considered opposition and the reason is not even that a considerable part of 
that system, including the one possessing media resources, declared itself 
outside the political status, the underlying reason is that the former ruling 
system has put the public outside the political status, and even the public 
groups dissatisfied with the new government in this sense differentiate their 
attitude towards their issues and the former ruling system,” the paper says.

“Zhoghovurd” writes: “Head of the State Oversight Service Davit Sanasarian has 
violated rules of ethics set out under article 28 of the Law on Public Service 
by not contributing to “the credibility of and respect towards his office and 
the body he represents.” This conclusion has been made by the Ethics Committee 
for High-Ranking Officials within the framework of a probe initiated on the 
basis of an application of Yerevan State University Rector Aram Simonian. 
What’s interesting is that still on February 19 Armenian Prime Minister Nikol 
Pashinian made a remarkable statement in the National Assembly about former 
activists who occupy state posts today. He said that “many think that if in the 
past the platforms of their activities were Facebook accounts it is also so now 
and by posting harsh statements they can go and check some organizations 
without thinking that this posted statement can be a basis for litigation.”… 
Many think that Sanasarian was one of the addressees of these remarks.”

Lragir.am queries whether it is realistic that Nagorno-Karabakh can return to 
the table of negotiations with Azerbaijan. “Different people say that there is 
no possibility for that and that in the foreseeable future Nagorno-Karabakh 
cannot be a negotiating party. Azerbaijan and the mediators, they say, will not 
accept that. And this circumstance brings about another question – in forming 
its agenda does the State have to be guided by goals that have guaranteed ways 
of achievement? Or should they be formed not based on the guaranteed result but 
rather on necessity, state interest, security and strategic prospect? After 
all, if it is necessary to formulate only objectives with guaranteed results, 
it diminishes the significance and function of the State altogether,” the 
online publication writes.

(Lilit Harutiunian)

Reprinted on ANN/Armenian News with permission from RFE/RL
Copyright (c) 2019 Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, Inc.
1201 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington DC 20036.

Denial of Hate

Paulette Markarian


The year is 1915, your home and town has been terrorized and your neighbors and families either have been killed or forced to flee their own homes. One family in particular was completely wiped out. The only one who survived was a baby, who was saved by her aunt where she fled to a neighboring village in the country of Iran. That child was lucky enough to have survived and went on to become an intelligent and successful young woman. That woman, Anahid Georgian, was my great grandmother.

Family trees are interesting. We all are descendants of someone, but when it comes to war and destruction, family trees are cut short. In this case, my family tree would have stopped if my great grandmother had not survived, meaning my grandma, my dad and my sister and I would not exist right now.
It will be the 104th anniversary this April 24th since the Armenian Genocide where 1.5 million Armenians were massacred and left for dead and 104 years of denial. Some countries have recognized it, the most recent being France by declaring the day of April 24th “commemoration of the Armenian

Anahid Georgian with her husband

The U.S. has recognized it in the past through Reagan’s administration where President Reagan stated, “Like the genocide of the Armenians before it, and the genocide of the Cambodians which followed it — and like too many other such persecutions of too many other peoples — the lessons of the Holocaust must never be forgotten.” Reagan was the first and only US president to refer to the mass killings as an actual genocide.

This year alone, here are some cases of hate crimes against Armenians. On Tuesday, January 29, two Armenian schools in Los Angeles were vandalized with Turkish flags being hung around the exterior of the school by a hooded man dressed in all black. Parents, students and staff were notified of the incident and LAPD is investigating the obvious hate crime.

To say this is a shock is an understatement, for years this atrocious time in history has been denied and for someone to hang the Turkish flag around Armenian schools and in a predominantly Armenian community, is immoral and disgusting. What was your motive? Personally, when I found out about this, I was shocked, confused, angry and felt very vulnerable. This was an apparent attack against my culture, the same people that have faced so much hardship throughout our races history. Ultimately, what is the message behind this motive?

“It is the equivalent of putting a Nazi swastika on the side of a Jewish school,” said Los Angeles City Councilman Paul Koretz, whose district includes one of the schools. “This is a terrible affront. It is the equivalent of a positive statement about the Armenian genocide. Putting out Turkish flags is that kind of statement.”

Turkish flags were hung on the premises of Holy Martyrs Ferrahian school on Jan. 29.

What we need to understand here is, hate crimes are bigger than racism and bigger than discrimination, this is an obvious and intentional motive to hurt another race. Hitler himself infamously said, “Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians?”

“The reason hate crimes are so vile is that, for example, there are different motivations for crimes, a robbery can be [for] economic motivation, you wanna take someone else’s property and it hurts that person, but a hate crime has to hurt an entire community,” said Joel Seidemann, an assistant district attorney in Manhattan.

“So when there is an attack on a certain segment of a community, because of who they are, it’s particularly vile. As a motivation I think that is why most states elevate the level of a crime if the motive is a hate crime as it not only affects one person, but it affects the community at large…a hate crime terrorizes an entire community,” added Seidemann, whose family members survived the Holocaust.

Although the main aim of the Armenian Genocide was to wipe out the entire Armenian race, it failed. You can find Armenians all over the world who continue to grow and spread their seeds. No race should ever be decimated. We are all inhabitants of this earth.

I asked Diana S., an L.A. resident, what her thoughts were on this incident,
To be honest I wasn’t shocked at all because this isn’t the first time that the Turkish people are showing acts of hate toward Armenians. Besides the Turkish flags being hung all over the Armenian schools recently, a video was put up on Instagram by an Azeri Turk who was shown cleaning her dirty shoes with the Armenian flag then throwing it to the floor stepping on it, lighting it up on fire, and completely destroying it.”

Although most of the Armenian community has reported these posts and the Instagram page, Instagram has yet to take down her page.

A scene from the 160,00-strong March for Justice for the Armenian Genocide in Los Angeles on April 24, 2015

At the yearly Armenian Genocide March in Los Angeles, California where thousands of people march about 6-7 miles every year to the Turkish Consulate, a crowd of people stood on the sidelines, wrapped in Turkish flags and threw water bottles and eggs at people who were participating in the March.

The list can go on and on from the incidents that have occurred over the course of a century. In the end, through all the hateful acts and denial, we are here in this world to honor, respect and ultimately educate those around the world. Those who have been kept in the dark over this and many other despicable acts of hate. We as Armenians, as human beings and all other races, are stronger and more confident than we have ever been. So your hate crimes might derail us for a minute, but will it affect us permanently? No, it won’t and never will.

Paulette Markarian22, was born and raised in Los Angeles. She is a Fashion Media major at LIM College in Manhattan, where she is also a photographer for the school’s magazine, “The Lexington Line.”

RFE/RL Armenian Report – 03/13/2019


Military Authorities Report Another Non-Combat Death

Armenia - An Armenian soldier on combat duty on the border with Azerbaijan 
(file photo)

A second soldier within a space of one day has been reported dead in the 
Armenian military in conditions that local authorities say were not related to 
immediate combat duties.

In a Facebook post on Wednesday morning Armenian Defense Ministry spokesman 
Artsrun Hovannisian said that 19-year-old combat medic Hamlet Avagian serving 
in Armenia’s armed forces died at the northeastern section of the Armenian 
border with Azerbaijan on March 12.

“The death was not caused by an enemy shot,” said Hovannisian. “We offer our 
condolences to Hamlet Avagian’s family and friends.”

Later, the Armenian Defense Ministry issued a statement, saying that Avagian 
slipped and fell into a gorge while going from one military outpost to another 
for the purpose of administering medical aid. It said the conscript died from 
the injuries he sustained during the fall.

“Investigation is underway to establish the circumstances of the case,” the 
Defense Ministry’s press office said.

On Tuesday, a soldier was arrested in Nagorno-Karabakh on suspicion of killing 
a fellow conscript in the ethnic Armenian defense army reported earlier that 

The Armenia-based Investigative Committee did not immediately disclose the 
identity of the arrested soldier.

Earlier, military authorities in Nagorno-Karabakh reported that in the early 
hours of March 12, 19-year-old conscript Karen Karapetian sustained a fatal 
gunshot wound at an outpost in the northeastern direction of the ‘line of 
contact’ with Azerbaijan.

Still at the early stage of the probe investigators ruled out that the Armenian 
soldier might have been killed with a bullet released from Azerbaijani military 

OSCE Head Upbeat On Karabakh Peace Process

Armenia/OSCE - Miroslav Lajcak, OSCE's Chariman-in-Office, and Zohrab 
Mnatsakanian, Foreign Minister of Armenia, at a joint press conference in 
Yerevan,13Mar 2019

The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) sees all grounds 
for a ‘positive impetus’ to the Nagorno-Karabakh peace process, the 
organization’s visiting top official said in Yerevan after talks with his 
Armenian counterpart on Wednesday.

At a joint press conference with Foreign Minister Zohrab Mnatsakanian, OSCE 
Chairperson-in-Office, Slovak Foreign Minister Miroslav Lajcak describes his 
meeting with Armenia’s top diplomat as “very constructive.”

“I am here to reaffirm our ongoing support, in particular, to finding a 
peaceful solution to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, and at the same time I 
express my absolute support to the actions and involvement of the Minsk Group 
co-chairs in the process,” said Lajcak.

The OSCE chairman-in-office, in particular, hailed the reduction of casualties 
along the line of contact in Nagorno-Karabakh.

“I am convinced that all this will promote the implementation of a multi-sided 
process of finding a peaceful settlement of the conflict. Challenges are a lot, 
but I think that we have all the grounds to give a positive impetus to the 
process, considering the developments of the past months,” Lajcak said.

The OSCE chairman-in-office also stressed the importance of preparing the 
peoples for peace. “We understand that the conflict has not been settled yet, 
but we are convinced that the stage-by-stage, step-by-step approach and the 
developing dialogue, as such, will result in at least small improvements in 
peoples’ lives,” Lajcak said.

For his part, Armenian Foreign Minister Mnatsakanian said that during his 
meeting with the visiting OSCE official he reiterated that “the security and 
status of Nagorno-Karabakh are absolute priorities for Armenia.”

“I have also reiterated the approach on ensuring Nagorno-Karabakh’s involvement 
and its resolute voice in the process,” the Armenian minister said.

Mnatsakanian also stressed the need for introducing mechanisms for the 
prevention of border incidents, reducing risks of such incidents and enhancing 
confidence-building measures that were agreed at several meetings held through 
the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs’ mediation in the past.

During the press conference the visiting top OSCE official was also asked to 
comment on Armenia’s stated position that Nagorno-Karabakh should become a full 
party to the negotiations that are currently conducted between Yerevan and Baku.

Lajcak stressed that any possible change of the format of negotiations needs to 
be acceptable to all parties and expressed confidence that the Armenian 
government has the “right formula” for continuing negotiations in the existing 

During his visit to Yerevan the OSCE chairman-in-office also meet with Armenian 
Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian.

According to the press office of the Armenian prime minister, during the 
meeting Pashinian reaffirmed Armenia’s support for an exclusively peaceful 
settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict within the framework of the OSCE 
Minsk Group co-chairmanship and presented “Yerevan’s principle-based position” 
on settlement process.

While in Armenia OSCE Chairman-in-Office Lajcak was also due to meet with 
Armenian President Armen Sarkissian and Parliament Speaker Ararat Mirzoyan.

Georgian President Visits Armenia

Armenian President Armen Sarkissian receives Georgian President Salome 
Zourabichvili, Yerevan, 

Georgian President Salome Zourabichvili on Wednesday began her two-day visit to 
Armenia to meet with the neighboring country’s political leadership, including 
her counterpart Armen Sarkissian.

The two presidents met for talks in the Presidential Palace in Yerevan in the 
afternoon following a reception ceremony.

President Sarkissian told his Georgian counterpart that “the Armenian and 
Georgian peoples have a centuries-old history of friendship, which will surely 
continue in future generations.”

In his words, Armenian-Georgian cooperation in all spheres – from culture to 
science and modern technologies – has a huge potential for development and 
“everything needs to be done to make this cooperation deeper and more 

The official website of the Armenian president quoted the newly elected 
Georgian leader as noting that Sarkissian was the only president who attended 
her inauguration in December.

“It was a great honor for me. It was a sign of friendship between our two 
countries, which our society and I personally highly appreciate,” said 

The president of Georgia said that the two nations “have a long way to go 
together, and it depends on them how they use the great potential in the 

Zourabichvili said that the two countries are united not only by geography, but 
also by the ethnic Armenian population of Georgia.

Before her meeting with President Sarkissian, at whose invitation she is 
visiting Armenia, the Georgian president visited the hilltop memorial to 1915 
Armenian Genocide victims at Tsitsernakaberd, accompanied by Armenia’s Deputy 
Prime Minister Tigran Avinian and Yerevan Mayor Hayk Marutian.

Zourabichvili also met with Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian on March 13.

During the meeting Pashinian stressed that at present there is a “historic 
opportunity” for raising Armenian-Georgian relations at a new level. Pashinian 
reminded that as prime minister he paid his first international visit to 
Georgia, which, he said, shows how great importance Armenia attaches to 
developing relations with its neighbor.

For her part, Zourabichvili stressed that Armenia and Georgia have a lot in 
common geographically and historically, share a common vision for the future 
and have a lot to do together.

While in Armenia the Georgian president is also expected to meet with Armenian 
Parliament Speaker Ararat Mirzoyan and supreme head of the Armenian Apostolic 
Church, Catholicos Garegin (Karekin) II.

Parliament Allows Temporary Import Of Right-Hand Drive Cars

        • Arus Hakobian

Armenia - Right-hand drive cars block a street in Yerevan during a protest held 
by their owners, 7Jan2018.

Armenian lawmakers have allowed owners of already purchased right-hand drive 
vehicles to import them to Armenia within the next several weeks.

A relevant amendment to the law banning the import of such cars was passed 
unanimously in the first reading on Wednesday. It will be in effect until May 1 
and will apply to about a thousand right-hand drive cars purchased until 
December 30, 2018 and waiting to be cleared through customs.

The move comes as a concession to a large number of importers who claimed to 
have been misguided on the application of the April 2018 ban that they say they 
thought was supposed to be a temporary one.

Like most countries of the world Armenia uses right-hand traffic which requires 
steering wheels to be on the left side of vehicles. Nevertheless, Armenian 
authorities have not prevented imports of a growing number of right-hand drive 
cars over the past decade.

According to the Armenian traffic police, there are presently 32,000 such cars 
in the country. Most of them are cheap second-hand vehicles manufactured in 
Japan. Police officials say they cause a disproportionately large share of 
traffic accidents.

Minister of Transport, Communications and Information Technologies Hakob 
Arshakian made it clear in parliament today that this is the last concession of 
the government concerning the ban on the import of right-hand drive cars and 
such cars purchased after December 30, 2018 will not be allowed for import.

As for the right-hand drive cars already in use, the minister said that there 
will be no obstacles in terms of their continued use.

Press Review

“Zhamanak” claims that the March 12 joint meeting of the Security Councils of 
Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh in Stepanakert can be viewed as ‘historic’ in the 
sense that it laid on the negotiating table a new issue, which “amounts to 
canceling the so-called Madrid principles that have been discussed thus far.” 
“Yerevan does not state directly about that, but in practical terms it declares 
that the [OSCE Minsk Group] co-chairs should present clearer and more 
unambiguous grounds for negotiations which would not leave room for 
misinterpretations,” the paper writes.

Lragir.am focuses on the part of Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian’s statement at 
the joint meeting of the Security Councils of Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh in 
which in the context of “preparing the peoples for peace” he spoke about his 
readiness to engage in dialogue with the people of Azerbaijan. “How will he be 
preparing the people of Azerbaijan for peace? There are, of course, different 
methods – from dialogue to imposing peace on someone. During the first Karabakh 
war it took place with the imposition of the ceasefire agreement… Since then 
the governments in Baku have been preparing their people for anything but peace 
and it is difficult to imagine that it is possible to change the situation in 
Azerbaijan,” the online paper comments.

“Zhoghovurd” sees new “obstacles” on the way of the Armenian government’s 
attempts to negotiate a lower gas price with Russia. “It became clear yesterday 
that Gazprom will pay more for the transit of its natural gas via Georgia. The 
issue of Armenia’s achieving diversification in its energy sector becomes 
topical again in this context. After all, Armenia’s dependence on Russia for 
gas inherited from the previous government is a serious problem and will remain 
such for a long time. The prospect of Armenia’s becoming a transit country for 
Iranian gas was recently discussed during Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian’s 
visit to Tehran. Now Armenia needs to raise its gas cooperation with Iran at an 
appropriate level at the same time carrying out successful negotiations with 
Russia over the gas price,” the daily observes.

(Lilit Harutiunian)

Reprinted on ANN/Armenian News with permission from RFE/RL
Copyright (c) 2019 Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, Inc.
1201 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington DC 20036.