Armenia calls out Azerbaijan’s toughened rhetoric on Nagorno Karabakh

Public Radio of Armenia

Armenia calls out Azerbaijan's toughened rhetoric on Nagorno Karabakh

2019-03-09 18:28:18

The Armenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has called out Azerbaijan's toughened rhetoric on Nagorno Karabakh. 

"The rhetoric used in the recent statements by different high-level Azerbaijani officials regarding the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict settlement has significantly toughened," MFA Spokesperson Anna Naghdalyan said in a statement. 

"It is deplorable, that these statements specifically stress the use of force or threat of use of force, the possibility of the solution of the conflict by the military means, resolving to maximalist and non-constructive stance. The Co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group have also reflected on these in their recent statement. The numerous constructive statements voiced by the Armenian side, including by the Prime Minister still remain unheeded by Azerbaijani side," she added. 

"We hear from Baku, that “the force factor has always been and will remain on the agenda,” “military factor plays a crucial role for the solution of the conflict,” “might is right” and so on. Moreover, amid the announcement of the preparation of the meeting between the leaders of the two countries, Azerbaijan launches offensive military drills that have not been notified in compliance with the requirements of the international commitments," Naghdalyan added.

While in his remarks in the European Parliament the Prime Minister of Armenia underlines that culture of dialogue, tolerance and compromise should prevail in our region, Baku threatens to prepare its population not to peace, but to the resolution of the conflict by other means, she noted.

According to the MFA representative, "such rhetoric, as well as statements based on the maximalist, non-constructive approaches do not contribute to the creation of an environment conducive to peace."

She reminded that Amenia has reiterated on numerous occasions that it doesn’t accept such approaches, as well as the threat for coercing the negotiations under the barrel of the gun.

"Armenia has been consistently voicing its commitment and support to the peaceful settlement of the conflict under the auspices of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairmanship,  in which the security and status of Artsakh are our priorities. The fact that the peace process has not been suspended after the Velvet Revolution in Armenia, but moreover, received new dynamics is a vivid evidence of our commitment," she stated.

"Creating an environment conducive to peace, introducing risk reduction and incident prevention mechanisms, and confidence-building measures, as it was set forth during the Dushanbe meeting, as well as previous meetings in Vienna and Saint Petersburg, continue to remain substantive," Naghdalyan concluded.

RFE/RL Armenian Report – 03/04/2019


Armenian Minister Looks Forward To Impact Of Trade Deal With Iran

        • Ruzanna Stepanian

Armenia - Economic Development Minister Tigran Khachatrian speaks at a meeting 
in Yerevan, March 4, 2019.

Economic Development Minister Tigran Khachatrian touted on Monday a 
preferential trade agreement signed by Iran and the Eurasian Economic Union 
(EEU) last year, saying that it could greatly benefit Armenian exporters.

The agreement signed in Kazakhstan’s capital Astana will be valid for the next 
three years. It will abolish or lower import duties for around 300 types of 
products traded between Iran and Russia, Armenia and three other ex-Soviet 
states making up the trade bloc. The signatories pledged to work out a 
permanent free-trade arrangement during the three-year period.

The deal has since been ratified by the parliaments of Russia, Belarus and 
Kyrgyzstan. Armenia’s National Assembly is expected to follow suit soon.

Khachatrian said he is looking forward to the deal’s entry into force. “Iran’s 
simplified trade agreement with the EEU will give major opportunities to 
companies operating in the EEU -- and Armenia in the first instance -- in terms 
of better access to the Iranian market,” he told reporters.

“It will also create opportunities for Iranian manufacturers for whom the 
Russian, Armenian, Belarusian and Kazakh markets are not insignificant at all, 
especially given the current state of the Iranian economy,” he said.

The minister argued that many of the 300 items covered by the deal are exported 
by Armenia to Iran. Armenian manufacturers will also be in a much better 
position to sell other products such as beef and mineral water in the vast 
Iranian market, he said.

According to official Armenian statistics, Armenia’s trade with Iran soared by 
over 40 percent, to almost $364 million, in 2018. However, Armenian exports to 
the Islamic Republic accounted for only one-quarter of that turnover. Armenian 
companies have long complained that Tehran’s protectionist policies seriously 
limit their access to the Iranian market.

Khachatrian admitted that U.S. economic sanctions re-imposed on Tehran last 
year could hamper greater trade between Iran and the EEU member states. But he 
also said: “The sanctions are temporary, while the agreement is long-term.”

Economic issues were high on the agenda of Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian’s 
talks with Iran’s leaders held in Tehran last week. The two sides pledged to 
deepen bilateral commercial ties despite the U.S. sanctions.

Attack On Armenian Blogger Investigated

        • Naira Bulghadarian

Armenia - Office of the Prosecutor-General, Undated

Law-enforcement authorities on Monday pledged to investigate an overnight 
attack on a video blogger highly critical of Armenia’s government, which was 
reportedly carried out by a youth group at loggerheads with him.

The blogger, Narek Malian, was confronted outside his home in downtown Yerevan 
by members of the group called Restart shortly after midnight. A YouTube video 
of the incident showed the Restart leader, Davit Petrosian, and several other 
men forcibly carrying Malian along an adjacent street before being stopped by 
police officers.

Petrosian posted the video on his Facebook page, writing: “There are moments in 
life when you can’t choose between the good and the bad and just have to listen 
to your conscience.”

In a statement, Restart said it wanted to throw Malian into a trash container. 
Petrosian likewise explained that he and his comrades tried “put the garbage in 
its place” in response to what he called Malian’s offensive and slanderous 
statements about their activities.

Malian, Petrosian, and four other men were detained on the spot but set free a 
few hours later. The Armenian police said afterwards that they are “preparing 
materials” for an inquiry.

The Office of the Prosecutor-General reported later on Monday that it has 
opened a formal criminal case in connection with the incident. It said the 
investigation will be conducted under an article of the Criminal Code dealing 
with “hooliganism.”

Malian, who worked until last year as an adviser to former police chief 
Vladimir Gasparian, described the assault as a “kidnapping attempt” and blamed 
the Armenian branch of U.S. philanthropist George Soros’s Open Society 
Foundations (OSF) for it. He said that Restart is financed by the OSF. The 
latter did not immediately react to the accusation.

Malian linked the incident to his vocal efforts to prevent the sacking of the 
long-serving rector of Yerevan State University (YSU), Aram Simonian, which is 
sought by the government. The former police official last week staged a lone 
protest at a meeting of YSU’s supervisory board that narrowly failed to fire 

Restart has on the contrary been campaigning for the controversial rector’s 
ouster since last year’s “velvet revolution” in Armenia. The youth group 
comprising current and former YSU students actively participated in the 

By contrast, Malian has been very scathing about the dramatic regime change in 
the country. He regularly attacks Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian and other 
government officials and pours scorn on their supporters on his Facebook page.

Incidentally, Pashinian was quick to condemn the assault. “Any attempt to solve 
issues in Armenia through violence must meet with a tough legal reaction,” he 
said in a statement. “In the New Armenia all those who follow the logic of 
violence, deceit and spread of lies act against Armenia, against democracy and 
against the people.”

Funding Secured For New Armenian Power Plant

Armenia - A thermal power plant in Yerevan.

A German-Italian consortium planning to build a new thermal power plant in 
Armenia has secured over $200 million in funding from the World Bank Group and 
other multilateral lenders.

The ArmPower consortium consists of a subsidiary of Germany’s Siemens group and 
two Italian companies. One of them, Renco, will also act as the engineering, 
procurement and construction contractor for the new Yerevan-based plant that 
will further diversify foreign ownership in the Armenian energy sector.

Renco had supposedly launched the project with a ground-breaking ceremony in 
March 2017 attended by then President Serzh Sarkisian. The start of the 
construction was delayed, however.

Armenia’s current government froze Renco’s contract with the Sarkisian 
administration shortly after taking office in May 2018. It said the deal is not 
beneficial for the Armenian side and must be renegotiated.

The two sides signed a revised deal in November. Energy Minister Garegin 
Baghramian said concessions made by the Italian firm will allow Armenia to save 
$160 million in energy expenses over the next 25 years.

Baghramian also said that electricity to be generated by the new plant will be 
cheaper than power supplies coming from two other gas-powered facilities that 
currently meet roughly one-third of the country’s energy needs.

Armenia - Armenian Energy Minister Garegin Baghramian (R) and Giovanni Rubini, 
chief executive of the Italian company Renco, at a news conference in Yerevan, 
13 November 2018.

The Washington-based International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the 
World Bank Group, also stressed the project’s economic importance for Armenia 
on Monday. “A modern 250-megawatt combined-cycle gas turbine power plant in the 
south of Yerevan will help increase efficiency for gas-fired electricity 
generation,” it said in a statement.

The statement said the funding for the project includes a “$42 million loan for 
IFC’s own account” as well as “$121 million from IFC’s innovative syndications 
platform … plus parallel loans from the Asian Development Bank, the OPEC Fund 
for International Development, and the German development finance institution 

In addition, it said, the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), 
which is also part of the World Bank Group, will provide up to $39 million in 
loan guarantees to “help Renco manage non-commercial risks.”

“We are committed to starting the work as soon as possible to complete the 
commissioning of the plant within schedule,” Renco’s chief executive, Giovanni 
Rubini, was quoted as saying.

Rubini said in November that the construction will take just over two years.

Renco has done business in Armenia since the early 2000s. It has not been 
involved in the local energy sector until now, investing instead in luxury 
housing, hotels and office buildings. But the company has built, installed or 
operated power generation and distribution facilities in other parts of the 

Reprinted on ANN/Armenian News with permission from RFE/RL
Copyright (c) 2019 Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, Inc.
1201 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington DC 20036.

Asbarez: Pyunic to Host 30th Anniversary Brunch Fundraiser

Disabled athletes from Pyunic take part in a marathon in Yerevan

GLENDALE—Pyunic, the Association for the Disabled in Armenia, proudly announces the upcoming 30th anniversary fundraising brunch that will take place on Sunday, March 10 at the Chevy Chase Country Club, in Glendale, California from 1 to 3 p.m. Chevy Chase Country Club is located at 3067 E Chevy Chase Dr, Glendale, CA 91206.

Pyunic was founded in February 1989 to provide support to hundreds of children who became disabled as a result of the injuries suffered in the devastating, December 1988 Spitak Earthquake in Armenia.

Since its inception, Pyunic has been a leading non-governmental organization in Armenia providing a variety of programs and services to children and young adults with disabilities to help them become contributing members of Armenia’s society.

Pyunic has updated and modified its programming to accommodate a variety of services to meet the ongoing needs of children and young adults with disabilities. These programs are carried out at the Pyunic centers in Yerevan and Gumyri. All programs and services provided by Pyunic are free of charge to the individuals with disabilities and their families. Pyunic’s programming includes: Paralympic training for disabled athletes, education programs for developmentally disabled individuals, partnerships with the EU to advocate for the rights and opportunities of the disabled, vocational training, and arts and crafts opportunities for children To learn more, please visit

We cordially invite you to attend the fundraising brunch to have to opportunity to learn more about the work of Pyunic and support Pyunic in its efforts to provide children and young adults with disabilities to develop the skills to become contributing members of Armenia’s society.

The event is free of charge. To RSVP, email [email protected]. Space is limited.

Asbarez: Walter and Laurel Karabian Fellowship Program Now Accepting Applications

Applications being accepted for ANCA-WR’s Walter and Laurel Karabian Fellowship

Apply Now 

GLENDALE—The Armenian National Committee of America – Western Region announced the official release of the Walter and Laurel Karabian Fellowship Program application for the 2019-2020 term. The Walter and Laurel Karabian Fellowship is a nine-month experience in Sacramento, California that offers young Armenian-Americans the opportunity to enhance their leadership and professional skills. The purpose of this fellowship will be to produce professionals in the public policy and political arena.

In addition to the projects assigned to them by supervisors at the various offices or agencies, fellows will be required to attend networking events and weekly seminars throughout the year, providing professional training, networking skills, and opportunities to meet other professionals within the public policy sector. Participants will be provided a stipend to assist with housing and living costs.

The first phase of the fellowship (September – December 2019), will include a placement with an advocacy organization, a labor union, think tank, or other setting where they could gain valuable political or public policy experience. Depending upon the opportunities available, and the fellow’s interests, the first phase may be spent in Sacramento, or elsewhere in the state. During the second phase—January through May 2020—the fellow will be placed in a legislative office at the State Capitol in Sacramento.

Prospective applicants may now apply by visiting Deadline to apply for the 2019-2020 fellowship program is May 15, 2019.

Senator Anthony Portantino with Karabian Fellow and now Legislative Assistant Anahit Sargsyan in the California State Capitol

The ANCA-WR was pleased to announce that the inaugural year of its Walter and Laurel Karabian Fellowship yielded even greater success than anticipated, as Anahit Sargsyan, the first Karabian fellow, was hired by State Senator Anthony Portantino to work as a Legislative Assistant at his state capitol office. This news came just a few months after the organization announced the selection of Sargsyan and six months prior to when the fellowship session was scheduled to conclude.

Sargsyan began the first phase of the fellowship in fall 2016, working on the election campaign of State Senator Anthony Portantino (D-25). Portantino was impressed by Sargsyan and he offered to have her complete the second phase of her fellowship at his Capitol Office. Thereafter, Portantino offered her a paid position on his staff.

“The ANCA-WR is excited to offer young driven professionals with experience and potential job opportunities through the duration of this fellowship and thanks the continued patronage of the fellowships benefactor Mr. Walter Karabian, Esq,” stated ANCA-WR Board Member Nareg Kitsinian, Esq.

The Armenian National Committee of America-Western Region is the largest and most influential Armenian American grassroots advocacy organization in the Western United States. Working in coordination with a network of offices, chapters, and supporters throughout the Western United States and affiliated organizations around the country, the ANCA-WR advances the concerns of the Armenian American community on a broad range of issues.

32 Armenian companies attend ProdExpo international exhibition

Public Radio of Armenia
Feb 11 2019
32 Armenian companies attend ProdExpo international exhibition

2019-02-11 12:11:57

With the support of Business Armenia, 32 Armenian companies participate in ProdExpo, an international exhibition of food and beverage in Moscow, Russia, February 11-15.

Last year, 21 Armenian companies returned from the same expedition with export contracts amounting to AMD 5.7 billion drams.

The Armenian manufacturers will introduce large international buyers and distributors to a wide range of products: semi-manufactured goods, fruit, vegetable, fish and meat preserves, jams, fruit vodka, brandy, liqueur, gin, wine, dairy products, cheese, dried fruits, chocolate, beer, coffee, tea, pasta, melted butter, etc.

"Taking into account the results of the exhibition and the interest of the manufacturers in the exhibition, Business Armenia has increased the number of companies participating in the international exhibition this year,” said Markus Azadian, Export Team Leader at Business Armenia.

He said 32 manufacturers will represent their production, instead of 21 last year.

Azerbaijani Press: Samvel Martirosyan: Cyber security of Armenia and Azerbaijan is vulnerable

Turan Information Agency, Azerbaijani Opposition Press
February 9, 2019 Saturday
Samvel Martirosyan: Cyber security of Armenia and Azerbaijan is vulnerable
Yerevan / 09.02.19 / Turan: In matters of cyber security and information war, Armenia and Azerbaijan pose the greatest danger to each other. This is expressed in cyber-attacks, fake news in order to compromise or misinformation the other side, said in an interview with Turan the Armenian expert in the field of cyber security Samvel Martirosyan.
According to him, the first large cyberwar between the two countries took place in the winter of 2000. "Then there was a massive attack of Azerbaijani hackers on the Armenian segment of the Internet and about 30 Armenian websites were hacked – almost all at that time were Armenian websites.
The Armenian side launched a counter attack and hacked the same number of your sites. The damage was mutual and as far as I know, a Security Council meeting was convened in Baku to discuss the situation," said Martirosyan.
Because of the Karabakh conflict, the information war between the two countries was fought for a long time, but the cyber war began, it can be considered the winter of 2000.
However, this is not the only threat. There are significantly more serious threats to both countries in the world and in the region. "We do not have such powerful Internet backbones and if we conduct a powerful DDoS-attack (Distributed Denial of Service) against us, then we can turn off the Internet in the entire South Caucasus region including Georgia," says Martirosyan.
There is an interesting point. It lies in the fact that in cyber wars, too, use mercenaries. "In the CIS space and in the world there are many hacker groups that you can pay for and they organize any attack.
From time to time, both you and we are confronted with such DDos attacks that are not coming from here.
So, in the last 5-6 years there have been massive DDos attacks on the state sites of Armenia and Azerbaijan, which clearly came from a third party, "Martirosyan notes.
On the question of who it could be, he assumes that it could be the "teachings" of some serious hacker groups who "train" on poorly protected networks. There are not many such groups in the world, but they are quite common, which makes it difficult to calculate them exactly.
However, there are well-known hacker groups in the world, behind which there are specific countries or their state structures. However, of these groups is Fancy Bear – the structure of the GRU (Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Federation).
The hackers of this group are accused of hacking into the sites of American government agencies, Hillarie Clinton and interfering in the elections in the United States.
"Over the past 5-6 years, there were at least 5 serious incidents when they attacked Armenian resources, including military and diplomats. In this regard, both we and you are poorly protected,"said the expert.
As for the Azerbaijani hackers on Armenian resources, over the past year two cases were recorded: an attack on the websites of the parliament and the government, but they did not cause any significant damage. The damage here is more psychological. In response, Armenian hackers hack Azerbaijani sites and put something of their own there.
A serious cyber war occurred in 2012, when the websites of the presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan, as well as a number of state structures, were hacked. "Strangely enough, there is a benefit from Azerbaijani hackers, since after your attacks in Armenia they began to seriously engage in defense. If it were not for your hackers, the evolution in this matter would be much slower.
Therefore, during the April 2016 war, your attacks no longer caused such damage, although they were more sophisticated and looked like the promotion of fake news to sow panic. Recently, we have noticed some changes: the youth who hooligans, displaying curses or flags on our sites, have disappeared.
Fake news began to be written in very competent Armenian. This means that the authorities began to work with them and now we should expect more targeted attacks, from which there will be more harm," said Martirosyan.
Cyber war between countries in the event of large-scale hostilities will play a significant role, the expert believes.
"I believe there will be attempts to disable each other"s infrastructure. We see an example of such a cyber war in Ukraine, where the military confrontation between Russia and Ukraine is taking place in cyber space to a great extent," says Martirosyan.
In his opinion, the parties will not only use their resources, but also hire outside hacker groups.
In this sense, both sides have enough vulnerabilities. The fact is that digital development is faster than creating a security system. That is, attacking is easier than defending and these are problems of many countries. -02B-

Our economy was not ‘dead’, no need to start from scratch, economist says

Panorama, Armenia
Feb 9 2019

“The government programme presented by the new cabinet does not differ much from the one unveiled months ago and again lacks figures,” economist Vardan Bostanjyan told

In his words, the 70-page-long document contains separate sections on foreign and internal security issues, the fight against corruption, on notions of free, dignified and happy citizen, competitive, participatory and inclusive economy, territorial administration and the local self-governance, infrastructure, energy, mining, water management, hi tech sectors, the finance administration, yet the figures in the document are superficial. Moreover, the figures are concerning, according to our interlocutor.

“The programme states that the GDP growth rate should in average amount for 5% in the programme implementation period. Note, this figure our economy recorded even in its worst period. The next figure refers to the export. It states that the exports of goods and services in the period of programme implementation (until 2023) should reach 43-45 percentage of GDP. That simply cannot happen economically,” Bostanjyan said.

The economist doubted the knowledge and expertise of the specialists who had worked on the document and the promised economic revolution of the new leadership. “Our economy was not ‘dead’. Yes, we are a small market lacking resources, big financial opportunities. The state administration was not one of the best, yet we should not think nothing had been done and the new government had to start from scratch.”

Bostanjyan said the government programme which is lyrical in nature and has no touch with reality can be approved considering the factor of the period, then hoping the authorities will come to understanding what means to lead a state and realize own powers. 

Երթ եւ ցույց. կառավարությունը փոխեց որոշումը, գիտաշխատողները չեն կորցնի ֆինանսավորումը

  • 06.02.2019

  • Հայաստան



ԵՊՀ մի շարք գիտաշխատողներ այսօր ԵՊՀ կենտրոնական մասնաշենքից քայլերթով գնացին դեպի ՀՀ կառավարության շենք՝ պահանջելով անվավեր ճանաչել 2018 պետության կողմից տրամադրվող բազային ֆինանսավորման ձևի փոփոխության մասին որոշումը:

Ինչպես հայտնի է, ՀՀ կառավարության կողմից 2018 թվականի դեկտեմբերի 27-ին ընդունված «Հայաստանի Հանրապետության 2019 թվականի պետական բյուջեի կատարումն ապահովող միջոցառումների մասին» N 1515-Ն որոշման համաձայն՝ պետության կողմից տրամադրվող գիտական և գիտատեխնիկական գործունեության բազային ֆինանսավորումը սահմանվել էր որպես դրամաշնորհ, և որոշվել էր այսուհետ այն հատկացնել մրցութային ընթացակարգով:

Ընդունված որոշման հետևանքների մասին ԵՊՀ գիտաշխատողները բազմիցս հայտնել են իրենց դիրքորոշումները՝ փաստելով, որ այն բացասական հետևանքներ կունենա և կվնասի գիտությանը: Այս հարցի վերաբերյալ իր դիրքորոշումն է հայտնել ԵՊՀ գիտխորհուրդը, ԵՊՀ գիտական քաղաքականության և միջազգային համագործակցության գծով պրոռեկտոր Գեղամ Գևորգյանն էլ հանդիպել է լրագրողների հետ և պարզաբանել խնդիրը:

Այսօր արդեն գիտաշխատողները «Հանուն գիտության», «Չթողնենք, որ գիտությունը վերանա» կոչերով և «#գիտություն» պաստառներով ԵՊՀ կենտրոնական մասնաշենքից հասան դեպի ՀՀ կառավարության շենք՝ իրենց դիմում-առաջարկությունը փոխանցելու պատկան մարմիններին և հարցի վերաբերյալ որոշակի արձագանք ստանալու:

Քայլերթի ժամանակ ԵՊՀ քիմիայի ֆակուլտետի 4-րդ կուրսի ուսանող Հովհաննես Ադոնցն ասաց, որ մասնակցում է բողոքի ցույցին, քանի որ կրթագիտական ոլորտի շահառու է և մտահոգված է, թե ինչ ապագա կունենա այն. «Կարծում եմ՝ այսօր համապատասխան վերաբերմունք չի ցուցաբերվում այս ոլորտին և չեն պահպանվում դրա ներկայացուցիչների շահերը»:

ՀՀ կառավարության շենքի դիմաց գիտաշխատողները տարբեր լրատվամիջոցների ներկայացուցիչների համար պարզաբանեցին, թե որն է իրենց պահանջը: ԵՊՀ կիսահաղորդչային սարքերի և նանոտեխնոլոգիաների կենտրոնի կրտսեր գիտաշխատող, ֆիզմաթ. գիտությունների թեկնածու Հայկ Զաքարյանն ասաց, որ պահանջում են հարցի վերջնական լուծում՝ ՀՀ կառավարության որոշմամբ հաստատված:

Հայկ Զաքարյանը փաստեց, որ բազային ֆինանսավորումը նախքան այս նորամուծությունը մրցույթով չի եղել, բայց միշտ էլ իրականացվել են մոնիթորինգներ և ստուգումներ. «Այսինքն՝ այն վարկածը, թե մրցութային ընթացակարգով ֆինանսավորումը արդյունավետության խնդիր է լուծում, իրականում թյուրըմբռնում է»:

ԵՊՀ ֆիզիկայի գիտահետազոտական ինստիտուտի փոխտնօրեն Աննա Քոթանջյանն ասաց, որ ԵՊՀ-ում դեմ չեն մրցութային կարգին, բայց դեմ են նման կտրուկ շրջադարձերին. «Այսպիսի հապճեպ որոշումներ կայացնելը խաթարում է մեր բնականոն աշխատանքը: Մենք բազմաթիվ միջոցառումներ, միջազգային համաժողովներ ենք պլանավորել, որոնք պետք է իրականացնենք, բայց այսօր չգիտենք, թե աշխատանքային ինչ կարգավիճակ ենք ունենալու մոտ ապագայում: Այսինքն՝ կկարողանա՞նք դրանք իրականացնել, թե՞ ոչ»:

ԵՊՀ անօրգանական քիմիայի ամբիոնի բազային լաբորատորիայի ավագ գիտաշխատող Գևորգ Գրիգորյանը նշեց, որ բողոքի ցույցը քաղաքական որևէ ենթատեքստ չունի. «Չենք պատրաստվում որևէ մեկի հրաժարականը պահանջել, կամ այլ կոչերով հանդես գալ: Պարզապես այստեղ ենք, որ մատնանշենք որոշման բացթողումները և դրանից բխող բացասական հետևանքները: Հուսով ենք՝ ամեն ինչ լավ կվերջանա»:

ԵՊՀ կիսահաղորդչային սարքերի և նանոտեխնոլոգիաների կենտրոնի կրտսեր գիտաշխատող Հայկ Զաքարյանն ընթերցեց գիտաշխատողների դիմում-առաջարկը, որով պահանջվում է կասեցնել կառավարության 1515-Ն որոշումը, կազմակերպել հանրային քննարկումներ գիտության ֆինանսավորման մեխանիզմների, մասնավորապես բազային ֆինանսավորման, կատարելագործման և բարելավման համար ու նախքան գիտության վերաբերյալ ցանկացած որոշում կայացնելը՝ հանրայնորեն քննարկել այն գիտական համայնքի հետ:

«Ամենևին կասկածի տակ չդնելով գիտական և գիտակրթական ոլորտներում բարեփոխումների անհրաժեշտությունը՝ հույս ունենք, որ կառավարությունը հնարավորություն կգտնի փոփոխություններ կատարելու նշված որոշման մեջ: Հետագայում անհրաժեշտ է գիտական ոլորտի աշխատողների լայն մասնակցությամբ մշակել գիտության մասին նոր օրենք՝ սահուն անցում իրականացնելով դեպի ավելի արդյունավետ գիտական և գիտակրթական համակարգ»,- նշված է դիմումի մեջ:

Գիտական համայնքի ներկայացուցիչները ստորագրեցին փաստաթուղթը, որը հանձնվեց պատկան մարմիններին:

Ի դեպ, ՀՀ կառավարության այսօրվա նիստի ընթացքում որոշում կայացվեց տրամադրել հիմնադրամի կամ ՓԲԸ կարգավիճակ ունեցող կազմակերպություններին 2019 թվականի բազային և նպատակային ծրագրային ֆինանսավորումը:

Մինչ գիտաշխատողները կառավարության շենքի բակում բարձրաձայնում էին դժգոհությունների մասին, շենքի ներսում գործադիրը որոշում ընդունեց, որ փոփոխությունները կգործեն հաջորդ տարվանից, իսկ մինչ այդ կսահմանվեն բազային ֆինանսավորման հիմնական սկզբունքներն ու չափանիշները, կառաջարկվի բազային ֆինանսավորման նոր կարգ եւ այլն:

«Պետությունն, ըստ էության, չի հետեւում կամ չի գնահատում այն արդյունքները այն կենտրոններից, որոնց տալիս է բազային ֆինանսավորում, եւ այս կարգը արդեն շատ հստակ կսահմանի, թե ինչ նպատակների են ծառայում բոլոր այն միջոցները, որոնք պետությունը հատկացնում է այդ կենտրոններին»,– նշեց Կրթության եւ գիտության նախարար Արայիկ Հարությունյանը։

Պաշտոնապես հայտարարում եմ, որ Ռոբերտ Քոչարյանը քաղբանտարկյալ է. Հայկ Ալումյան

  • 07.02.2019

  • Հայաստան



Պաշտոնապես հայտարարում եմ, որ Ռոբերտ Քոչարյանը քաղբանտարկյալ է: Այս մասին փետրվարի 7–ին Վերաքննիչ քրեական դատարանում լրագրողների հետ զրույցում հայտարարեց ՀՀ երկրորդ նախագահ Ռոբերտ Քոչարյանի փաստաբանական թիմի անդամ Հայկ Ալումյանը։

Նրա ոսքով, Ռոբերտ Քոչարյանին կալանքից ազատ արձակելու վերաբերյալ պաշտպանական կողմի ներկայացրած բողոքը մերժելու վերաբերյալ Վերաքննիչ քրեական դատարանի որոշումը Քոչարյանի փաստաբանաները կբողոքարկեն ՀՀ Վճռաբեկ դատարանում։

Ալումյանը նշեց, որ փաստաբանական խումբը Քոչարյանի գործով ՄԻԵԴ ներկայացվելիք երրորդ գանգատում կներառի նաև Վերաքննիչ քրեական դատարանի կայացրած այսօրվա որոշումը՝ շեշտը դնելով Քոչարյանի՝ քաղաքական հետապնդման ենթարկվելու հանգամանքի վրա։ «Ես պաշտոնապես հայտարարում եմ, որ Ռոբերտ Քոչարյանը քաղբանտարկյալ է, և Եվրոպական դատարան ներկայացվելիք գանգատում այս դրույթին անդրադառնալու ենք»,–ասաց նա։

ՀՀ վերաքննիչ քրեական դատարանը՝ դատավոր Մնացական Հարությունյանի նախագահությամբ որոշեց մերժել ՀՀ երկրորդ նախագահ Ռոբերտ Քոչարյանի պաշտպանների բողոքն ու անփոփոխ թողնել Քոչարյանի կալանքի ժամկետը երկարաձգելու առաջին ատյանի դատարանի որոշումը։

Քոչարյանի պաշտպանները վերաքննիչ բողոք էին ներկայացրել հունվարի 18-ին առաջին ատյանի դատարանի կայացրած որոշումից հետո:

Առաջին ատյանի դատարանը հունվարի 18-ի որոշմամբ բավարարել էր Հատուկ քննչական ծառայության քննիչի միջնորդությունը՝ Ռոբերտ Քոչարյանին կալանքի տակ պահելու ժամկետը երկարացնելու վերաբերյալ եւ մերժել պաշտպանների միջնորդությունը Ռոբերտ Քոչարյանի նկատմամբ որպես խափանման միջոց ընտրված կալանքն այլընտրանքային խափանման միջոց գրավով փոխարինելու մասին:

“Arrogant”, “Uninformed” – Turkey slams Macron with appalling statement for April 24th announcement

“Arrogant”, “Uninformed” – Turkey slams Macron with appalling statement for April 24th announcement



16:39, 7 February, 2019

YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 7, ARMENPRESS. The Turkish foreign ministry has also weighed in on French President Emmanuel Macron’s announcement on declaring April 24th a National Day of Commemoration of the Armenian Genocide.

Turkish foreign ministry spokesperson Hami Aksoy slammed Macron for the announcement and accused the French president of seeking “receiving the votes of French electorate of Armenian origin”.

He also called Macron arrogant and uninformed in a statement released on the foreign ministry website. 

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s spokesperson also criticized Macron for the move earlier.

Shortly after President of France Emmanuel Macron announced the national day honoring the Armenian Genocide victims, Turkey unsurprisingly "strongly condemned" the move. 

Edited and translated by Stepan Kocharyan