Government set to submit structural amendments bill to parliament

Government set to submit structural amendments bill to parliament



10:26, 8 February, 2019

YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 8, ARMENPRESS. Soon the government will submit to parliament a bill on its new structure, PM Nikol Pashinyan said at the Cabinet meeting today.

He said the bill will be ready today.

Pashinyan said soon the government will also submit the new tax code and several related legislative initiatives to parliament. The PM highlighted the importance of the tax code.

The new structure of the government is expected to re-organize the Cabinet. According to an earlier released suggestion, the number of ministries was to be reduced, with some current ones merging into one another, or being downgraded into departments under other ministries. The purpose of the amendments is to increase efficiency of public administration.

Edited and translated by Stepan Kocharyan

Asbarez: Sanctions Relief Removes Obstacle to U.S.-Armenia Aluminum Trade

An image from the Armenal aluminum foil plant in Yerevan’s Arabkir district

Armenal Employes 700 in Armenia; Exports to U.S. and Europe Markets

WASHINGTON—The U.S. Senate’s rejection Wednesday of a bid to block the easing of sanctions on Russian aluminum company Rusal PLC will have the practical effect of reducing pressure on an Armenian aluminum mill, reported the Armenian National Committee of America. The mill, owned by Armenal, employs 700 in Yerevan, indirectly supports thousands of area families, and exports products to U.S. and other international markets.

“While we did not take a position on the broader policy debate over the lifting of specific sanctions, we do welcome the net effect of today’s vote, which is to ease pressure on a successful, export-driven Armenian enterprise that employs over 700, supports many times that number of Armenian families, and exports products to U.S. markets,” said ANCA Executive Director Aram Suren Hamparian. “The ANCA remains committed to working constructively with legislators from both parties to address undue, improper, or unintended consequences of U.S. regional sanctions on Armenia and the U.S.-Armenia trade relationship.”

Armenal, based in the Arabkir district of Armenia’s capital, Yerevan, supplies aluminum foil to packaged food, beverage, cigarette, and other export markets primarily in the U.S. and Europe. U.S. firms purchasing products from Armenal include Colorado-based Trinidad Benham Corp and Illinois-based Handi-Foil of America and Durable Packaging International.

According to Reuters reports in September of 2018, the Armenal plant, which produced over 33 tons of foil products in 2017, was set to cut output in 2018 following initial U.S. sanctions on Russian businessman Oleg Deripaska and several of the companies he controls. After extensive negotiations led by U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, three of these companies, including Rusal, which is affiliated with Armenal, now comply with U.S. sanctions laws, effectively lifting restrictions on exports. Supporters of the sanctions in the Senate questioned whether Deripaska’s divestment eliminated his actual control of these companies.

Senate efforts to block the Trump Administration’s decision to loosen sanctions against Rusal and the other two companies associated with Deripaska were blocked earlier today, falling just short of the 60 votes needed under Senate rules.

Civilian wounded in mine explosion at Armenian-Azerbaijani border area

Panorama, Armenia
Jan 16 2019

A resident of Barekamavan community Arman Mikayelyan was injured on Wednesday in a mine exposition near the area of the Armenian-Azerbaijani state border. As the community’s Facebook page reported, the incident had taken place at 15:00. Although the life of the injured person is not at risk, he has lost his foot.

The resident has been hospitalized in Noyemberyan medical center. learnt from the medical center the injured citizen is under doctor’s control, and amputation is planned.

New judge to consider Kocharyan’s lawyers’ petition for his release from custody on bail

ARKA, Armenia
Jan 14 2019

YEREVAN, January 14. /ARKA/. A petition filed by ex-president of Armenia Robert Kocharyan’s defense layers asking that their client be released form custody on bail was handed to judge Arthur Mkrtchyan.

Earlier reports said another judge Nelly Baghdasaryan, who was to consider the petition, had asked to recuse her as judge for that case. According to the lawyers, the consideration of the petition is scheduled for January 14.

The judge is also to consider another petition by an investigator of the Special Investigation Service to extend the arrest of the former president for another two months.

On December 7 Armenia’s Court of Appeals upheld the judgment of a lower court on remanding Robert Kocharyan. Kocharyan, who served two terms as president in 1998-2008 and  is charged with toppling constitutional order in collusion with other persons in 2008 March. 

A Yerevan district court allowed earlier this past summer the Special Investigative Service (SIS) to detain Kocharyan for two months in pre-trial detention pending investigation. However, he was released from custody on June 13 after the Court of Appeals ruled that he could not be prosecuted for the 2008 March 1 post-election violence. 

The court based its decision on Article 140 of the Armenian Constitution, which says that during the term of his or her powers and thereafter, the President of the Republic may not be prosecuted and subjected to liability for actions deriving from his or her status. That ruling was denounced by the Special Investigative Service, which described it as illegal, saying that the Court of Appeals “overstepped the bounds of its authority.” 

The case dates back to late February and early March 2008 following the disputed presidential election, when then prime minister Serzh Sargsyan was declared the winner, angering the opposition, led by the first Armenian president Levon Ter-Petrosyan and setting off 10 days of nonstop protests that led to a crackdown on March 1, in which 10 people were killed and more than 200 injured.

The same charge is brought against Yuri Khachaturov, who had been the chief of the Yerevan garrison at the time of the bloody events. Khachaturov was detained by then released on a 5 million dram bail. Also former defense minister Mikael Harutyunyan is wanted by the law-enforcement authorities as a defendant in the case.  He is accused of illegally using the Armenian armed forces against opposition supporters who demonstrated in Yerevan in the wake of the disputed presidential election held in February 2008. -0—

Yerevan City Hall urges parents to not take influenza-sick children to school until recovery

Yerevan City Hall urges parents to not take influenza-sick children to school until recovery




YEREVAN, JANUARY 10, ARMENPRESS. Due to the season of acute respiratory infections, Yerevan City Hall has called on parents to not take children who have the flu to school or kindergarten until they recover.

Earlier on January 8 the healthcare ministry said the influenza situation is ordinary and under control.

Edited and translated by Stepan Kocharyan

Sports: Milan targets Mkhitaryan again in the transfer window

MediaMax, Armenia
Jan 9 2019
Milan targets Mkhitaryan again in the transfer window
Milan is once again considering signing Henrikh Mkhitaryan, the Italian media reports.
According to the Italian press, the club is waiting to see how the midfielder’s career goes in London.
As Unai Emery is rumored to seek the transfer of Denis Suarez from Barcelona, experts believe Mkhitaryan’s place in the squad will be jeopardized.
The media note that the only obstacle for Mkhitaryan’s move to Milan is his current contract with Arsenal, which expires in 2021.
Milan wanted to sign Henrikh Mkhitaryan earlier, but the midfielder preferred to move to Arsenal from Manchester United last year.

Verelq: Փաշինյանի ուղերձը. 2019 թվականը պետք է դառնա անհատական ջանքի հաղթանակի տարի

  • 01.01.2019

  • Հայաստան



Վարչապետի պաշտոնակատար Նիկոլ Փաշինյանը շնորհավորական ուղերձ է հղել Ամանորի և Սուրբ Ծննդյան տոների առթիվ:

«Սիրելի ժողովուրդ, Հայաստանի Հանրապետության հպարտ քաղաքացիներ, Արցախի Հանրապետության հպարտ քաղաքացիներ, Սփյուռքի հպարտ հայություն.

Ահա և անցավ 2018 թվականը: Սա մի տարի էր, որ մնալու է համաշխարհային և հայ ժողովրդի պատմության մեջ, յուրաքանչյուր հայի հիշողության մեջ՝ որպես ժողովրդի իշխանության հաստատման, քաղաքացիական արժանապատվության, լավատեսության ու պետականության հաղթանակի տարի:

2018-ը մի տարի էր, երբ հայաստանաբնակ թե սփյուռքահայ, մեծ ու մանուկ, կին թե տղամարդ, գյուղաբնակ թե քաղաքաբնակ՝ միավորվեցին մեկ ընդհանուր նպատակի շուրջ և կերտեցին մեկ ընդհանուր հաղթանակ, որն ի վերջո դարձավ ազգային միասնության մի բացառիկ նվաճում:

2018-2019 թվականների այս սահմանագծին ուզում եմ ձևակերպել, ուրեմն, այն խնդիրը, որ դրված է մեր առաջ. 2019 թվականը դարձնել նույնքան սիրելի ու հարազատ, նույնքան հիշարժան և հաղթառատ, որքան եղավ 2018 թվականը:

Եվ հարկ եմ համարում արձանագրել, որ անցնող տարին ոչ թե մեր հաղթանակների գագաթն էր, այլ ընդամենը ստորոտը, ոչ թե մեր երթի եզրագիծն էր, այլ ընդամենը մեկնարկը:

2019 թվականին մենք պետք է նվաճենք նոր բարձունքներ, արձանագրենք նոր հաջողություններ և առաջին հերթին մեր երկրի սոցիալ-տնտեսական կյանքում:

2019 թվականի մեր հիմնական խնդիրը տնտեսական հեղափոխությունն է, նրա արդյունքներն ավելի ու ավելի տեսանելի դարձնելը: Բայց եկող տարին նույնպես մեր հաղթանակների գագաթնակետը չի լինելու, ոչ թե այն պատճառով, որ մեր թռիչքը ցածր է լինելու, այլ այն պատճառով, որ մեր ազգային և պետական հավակնությունները լինելու են բարձր, ավելի բարձր, ավելի ու ավելի բարձր:

Սրանում է Հայաստանում տեղի ունեցած ոչ բռնի, թավշյա, ժողովրդական հեղափոխության առանցքային իմաստը: Երբ ժողովուրդը հավատում է իր միասնության ուժին, իր անցյալի և ապագայի ուժին: Մենք հավատում ենք մեր ամեն քաղաքացու ստեղծարար տաղանդին և 2019 թվականը պիտի դառնա հենց ստեղծարար տաղանդի հաղթանակի տարի, երբ ամեն անհատ, Հայաստանի Հանրապետության ամեն քաղաքացի, Հայաստան ներգաղթած ամեն մի հայ իրեն տեսնում է ոչ թե սպառողի, այլ արարողի դերում, ոչ թե հետևորդի, այլ առաջնորդի դերում, ոչ թե հարկ թաքցնողի, այլ հարկ վճարողի դերում, ոչ թե գործազուրկի, այլ աշխատողի դերում, ոչ թե աղքատի, այլ աղքատությանը հաղթողի, աղքատության հետ չհաշտվողի, աղքատությունը ստեղծարար մտքով, արդար աշխատանքով հաղթահարողի դերում:

2019 թվականը պետք է դառնա անհատական ջանքի հաղթանակի տարի, մտքի ու աշխատանքի համադրման տարի: Եվ ուրեմն, ամանորյա այս օրերին մեր տրամադրությունը պետք է նոր ուժով ու եռանդով լիցքավորի բոլորիս, նոր լավատեսությամբ և սիրով համակի մեր հայրենիքն ու ժողովրդին:

Սիրելի հայրենակիցներ,

Ամանորյա այս երեկոյին ուզում եմ առանձնահատուկ ողջույններ հղել առաջնագծում և սահմանին կանգնած մեր բոլոր զինվորներին, սպաներին, գեներալներին, ովքեր աչալուրջ հսկում են մեր ամանորյա անդորրը:

Ողջունում եմ Հայաստանի ոստիկանության, ազգային անվտանգության ծառայության, արտակարգ իրավիճակների, արդարադատության նախարարության այն ծառայողներին, ովքեր ամանորյա այս րոպեներին իրենց ծառայական պարտականություններն են կատարում՝ ապահովելով մեր ժողովրդի անվտանգությունը:

Ողջունում եմ մեր այն բուժաշխատողներին, էներգետիկայի, հեռահաղորդակցության, տրանսպորտի ոլորտի այն աշխատողներին, և ընդհանրապես բոլոր այն մարդկանց, ովքեր Ամանորը դիմավորում են աշխատանքային պարտականությունները կատարելիս:

Եվ ի վերջո ողջունում եմ Հայաստանի Հանրապետության բոլոր քաղաքացիներին, մեր բոլոր հայրենակիցներին՝ Հայաստանում, Արցախում և սփյուռքում:

Սիրում եմ բոլորիդ, հպարտանում եմ բոլորովդ և խոնարհվում եմ բոլորիդ առաջ:

Ժպտացեք իրար, սիրելի՛ հայրենակիցներ, որովհետև Նոր տարին, ահա, եկավ:

Շնորհավոր Ամանոր և Սուրբ Ծնունդ:

Եվ ուրեմն՝ կեցցե՛ Ազատությունը, կեցցե՛ Հայաստանի Հանրապետությունը, կեցցե՛նք մենք և մեր երեխաները, որ ապրում ենք և ապրելու ենք Ազատ և Երջանիկ Հայաստանում»:

On The Road in Armenia: Pilgrimage Reunion and Orthodox Spirituality at Holy Martyrs Armenian Church

Western Queens Gazette, NY
Dec 31 2018

On The Road in Armenia: Pilgrimage Reunion and Orthodox Spirituality at Holy Martyrs Armenian Church

By Catherine Tsounis

Holy Martyrs Church service. “This holiday gives us another chance to be thankful for all that we have,” said Fr. Abraham during his Thanksgiving weekend homily. “We are thankful for our material gifts, but most importantly we are thankful for our faith, the greatest gift of all. God is not against material goods because these things make us happy. But, we also need to feed our soul. The message of today’s Gospel reading (Luke 12:13-31) is that spirituality must be a priority in our lives.” On Sunday. November 25th, I relived my 2018 Pilgrimage to Armenia, including the unrecognized Armenian Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh) at the Armenian Church of the Holy Martyrs in Bayside.

Armenians ranks second among 34 European countries in having the most religious citizens, according to a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center.1
Romanians, and Georgians occupy the first three places on the survey. The Orthodox service was moving. I noticed the banner of the Virgin Mary and Christ, Byzantine crosses that I see in Greek Orthodox churches, the Nikolaevsky Palace, known as the Vodka Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia. The church interior reminds me of early Christian churches I visited in Acquileia and Ravenna, Northern Italy. I do not know Armenian. I was able to follow the Orthodox service because of its universality in the Orthodox Christian world.

A friend pointed out that parishioners were having confession, before having Holy Communion. This is a common practice in the Russian Orthodox liturgy, that I witnessed in the  Kimisis Tis Theotokou Greek Orthodox Church of the Hamptons, before the October 15th, 2018 Russian Orthodox Church schism with the Patriarchate of Constantinople.

Refreshments followed in the church hall. A slide presentation  of the 2018 parish pilgrimage to Armenia was shared with the church family during Fellowship Hour.  Over 100 pictures were displayed with narration from pilgrimage participants: Fr. Abraham, Aram and Lara Ciamician, and Zarmi Megherian. The thirty three persons attended the 13 day Pilgrimage.

“We saw a young couple preparing for a wedding in Shushi, Artsakh Republic,” said Aram Pilgrimage members. Ciamician, Pilgrimage leader. “In the afternoon, we met the same couple at the All Saviors Church. A few days ago, a Queens newspaper published an article on this same wedding. The couple could never imagine that their wedding in Artsakh could be read about on the other side of the world in the Queens Gazette.” This weekly newspaper, with 32,000 readers a day, has published all my articles on the Greek/Byzantine influence in Sicily, Northern Italy, Russia, Asia Minor in Western Anatolia, Armenia, Albania and Greece. In 2018, the Queens Gazette presents their daily life not seen elsewhere.

“You are joining a group whose families were destroyed by the Armenian Genocide 100 years ago,” said Rev. Father Abraham Malkhasyan. “My family is from Van, Western Armenia (Turkey). My father was a brilliant engineer who went to the top and lost all in 1991, when the Soviet Union was dissolved. My mother was a professor of Modern Russian Language and Literature in Yerevan (Armenia capital). In 1991, during this upheaval, I entered the seminary in Jerusalem at 14 years old. My older brother, Ignatios, joined me in the seminary. He is an archimandrite assisting His Holiness Karekin II, the Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians at Echmiadzin, Armenia.” I have heard similar stories from my University students and persons in Albania and Russia. The slide presentation showed us the major landmarks, culture, religious and business centers of Armenia.

Why did I join this pilgrimage?  The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Hellenic Republic says on its website that “Greece was one of the first countries to recognize Armenia upon independence (21/9/1991). There is a Greek Embassy in Yerevan (since 1993) and an Armenian Embassy in Athens. Relations between Greece and Armenia are very strong both emotionally and historically, due to the co-existence of Greeks and Armenians during the Byzantine period and under the Ottoman Empire.

Rev. Fr. Abraham personally presented this writer with a khachkar in appreciation of her articles on Armenian culture.Greece is one of the countries that officially recognize the Genocide of the Armenians by the Ottomans in 1915. Our country grants development and humanitarian assistance to Armenia and has supported Armenia’s rapprochement with European institutions. Since Armenia’s declaration of independence, the two countries have cooperated within the framework of International Organizations (United Nations, OSCE, Council of Europe, BSEC), while Greece firmly supports the further development EU-Armenian relations.

Due to the Greece's long-standing cultural influence (up until the 5th century A.D., the Armenians were using the Greek alphabet), Armenian interest in Greek culture is strong. Today, the Greek community of Armenia numbers a few thousand people. The dwindling number of Greeks in Armenia of recent years is mainly due to mass migration to Greece and former Soviet Republics.

The Greek language is being taught as a second foreign language at the University of Yerevan, at the Brassov Linguistic University, the Theological School and Military Academy.2  Rev. Fr. Abraham presented this photo/journalist/educator with a Khachkar (Armenian cross-stone) in appreciation of her articles “In the Footsteps of Byzantium: Armenia”.

At the conclusion of the program, Rev. Fr. Abraham personally presented this writer with a khachkar, also known as an Armenian cross-stone, in appreciation of her articles on Armenian culture.
Links: photo album Nov. 25th

Putin congratulates Armenia 3rd President, on coming New Year, Armenia
Dec 30 2018
Putin congratulates Armenia 3rd President, on coming New Year Putin congratulates Armenia 3rd President, on coming New Year

16:53, 30.12.2018

MOSCOW. – Russian President Vladimir Putin has congratulated Armenia’s third President Serzh Sargsyan, on the New Year and Christmas holidays.

Vladimir Putin sent greetings to several former foreign heads of state, including the ex-presidents of Armenia, the Kremlin press service informed.

As reported earlier, Putin had also congratulated Armenia’s second President Robert Kocharyan—who is remanded in custody in Armenia—on the coming New Year.