Sudan Assured Seat on U.N. Rights Commission

Sudan Assured Seat on U.N. Rights Commission

Mon May 3, 2004 09:32 PM ET

By Evelyn Leopold

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) – African nations have ensured that Sudan
gets a seat on the chief U.N. human rights watchdog and angered rights
groups who want more liberal democracies to win a place.

Fourteen vacant seats will be filled on Tuesday and on Wednesday for
the 53-nation U.N. Human Rights Commission. Many have been decided by
regional groups before the voting in the Economic and Social Council
in New York.

Sudan has been the target of worldwide criticism, including an
expression of concern from the Geneva-based commission in late
April. It has been accused of backing Arab militia destroying
villages, raping and killing black Africans in the Darfur region.

“A government that engages in wholesale abuses of its citizens should
not be eligible for a seat at the table, especially a country just
criticized by the commission,” said Joanna Weschler, U.N. delegate for
Human Rights Watch, one of 10 advocacy groups that issued a protest

“This is a major credibility test of the regional bloc structure at
the United Nations in terms of how it nominates candidates for key
U.N. posts,” Weschler said.

In the African regional group, which rotates candidacies for
commission posts, Sudan, Guinea and Togo — all called undemocratic by
the rights groups — will be filling seats on the commission. A fourth
will go to Kenya.

In Asia, Vietnam and Pakistan, which the rights groups say have
questionable records, are vying for seats and at least one will be
elected. South Korea and Malaysia are also up for the three available

“Vietnam in particular is in the midst of a violent crackdown against
the country’s indigenous Montagnard people,” said Freedom House
Executive Director Jennifer Windsor.

In other elections, Mexico and Ecuador face no opposition among the
Latin American group. Armenia and Romania will be assured seats among
Eastern Europeans.

But Western nations have a contested election with Canada, Finland,
France and Spain vying for three seats. The United States, part of
this group, has a seat on the commission and is not up for re-election
until next year.

© Copyright Reuters 2004. All rights reserved.

Berkeley: Students Comemorate Genocide’s Legacy

Daily Californian (UC Berkeley)
Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Students Comemorate Genocide’s Legacy

The Armenian Genocide of 1915 resulted in the extermination of 1.5
million Armenians at the hands of the Ottoman Turks. Millions of
Armenians were tortured, murdered and starved to death during a forced
death march through the Syrian deserts. To this day, Turkey refuses to
acknowledge its past and instead distorts the truth by attempting to
rewrite history. In spite of the overwhelming evidence documenting the
Armenian Genocide, Turkey continues to refute its crime and pursues a
well-funded campaign here and throughout the world to deny the
Genocide. Organizations such as the United Nations, the European
Parliament, the People’s Tribunal, and countries such as France,
Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Greece, Italy, Lebanon, Russia, Sweden,
and Uruguay have all recognized the genocide. After years of referring
to the Genocide as a “tragedy,” Canada’s Parliament passed a motion
last week stating, “this House acknowledges the Armenian genocide of
1915 and condemns this act as a crime against humanity.”

The official commemoration day of the Armenian Genocide is the 24th of
April, as it was on that day in 1915, that several hundred Armenian
intellectuals were rounded up and mass murdered. This was the starting
point of the genocidal plans of the Young Turk regime which would then
forcibly remove the Armenians from their ancient homeland. They would
be driven to their deaths in manners unconceivable to the human
imagination. As bullets were too expensive, daggers, bayonets, ropes,
and gas chambers were used. It is just as much unimaginable how the
Turkish government can blatantly deny and falsify its own history.

On the evening of April 16 the hallways leading to the History
Department’s Conference Room in Dwinelle Hall echoed with the voice of
Turkish scholar, Taner Akçam. Akçam is one of the few Turkish scholars
who has not only openly recognized the Genocide, but publishes and
teaches about it. He delivered a lecture specifically about Ottoman
documents which carried obvious evidence of the orders for the
extermination of the Armenians. Akçam currently teaches at the
University of Minnesota since he is not hired by universities in
Turkey, as his topics are too controversial for the government’s

During a week of Genocide Commemoration and Education, the Armenian
Student Assocation at UC Berkeley organized lectures and documentary
showings to educate the campus community about the genocide. Last
Monday, the association spearheaded an event called United Hands
Across Cal, the purpose of which was to bring students together,
irrespective of cultural, ethnic, racial, and gender differences to
stand in solidarity against genocide and all forms of human rights
violations. More than 100 students lined up, holding hands, from Lower
Sproul Plaza up to the Golden Bear Café. After a short program of
speakers, every student as well as every participating student group
had the opportunity to vocally express what they stood for or against
in this world.

It is important to acknowledge such horrific events that have occurred
throughout history. Failing to acknowledge such events allows leaders
to justify their actions. After all, it was Hitler, who before
beginning his campaign of extermination, said “Who still talks
nowadays of the extermination of the Armenians?”

Alina Azizian
Hasmig Tatiossian

Armenian Genocide Recognition in NL a step closer

Federation of Armenian Organisations in Netherlands (FAON)
24 April Committee
Contact: Mrs. I. Drost
Tel: +31- 6 242 725 74
Email: [email protected]

April 22, 2004

Recognition Armenian genocide in The Netherlands a step closer

THE HAGUE – On April 21, 2004, several hundred protesters urged for
recognition of the genocide of 1915 on Armenians in Turkey and expressed
necessity for Turkey to recognize the genocide before a date is set for
negotiations regarding accession of Turkey to the EU.

The Chairman of the Fixed Comission for European Affairs of the parliament,
Mrs. S. Dijksma, received the petition given by a survivor of the Armenian
genocide in the presence of MPs Van Bommel (Socialist Party), Huizinga
(Christian Union) and Van Der Staay (Reformed Party). Next a petition was
offered to the Dutch government at the Ministry of General Affairs. The
door and mailbox remained closed at the Turkish embassy. The demonstrators
had no other choice but to leave the letter on the doorknob.

During the demonstration on Plein square in The Hague MPs of the CDA
(Christian Democrats, PvdA (Labor Party), GroenLinks (Green Left) and SP
(Socialist Party) spoke to the demonstrators. In their speeches the MPs
underlined the importance of recognition of the Armenian genocide. Moreover
it became clear that the fraction of these parties, who together form the
majority in parliament, factually recognize the genocide. With this the
recognition in the Netherlands of the genocide on 1.5 million Armenians in
the latter years of the Turkish-Ottoman Empire has come a step closer.

Although the views of the parties and that of the 24 April Committee
concerning the recognition of the Armenian genocide are closely related,
there is a difference in the role recognition should play in the
decision-making of a date for negotiations with Turkey on the potential
accession of this country to the EU. In the next few weeks thoughts will
continue to be exchanged betwwen the 24 April Committee and the MPs.

The demonstration was the first in a series of activities that the 24 April
Comitte of the Armenian Federation has organized with the aim for
recogntion by Turkey of the Armenian genocide of 1915.

The yearly solemn commemoration of the Armenian genocide will be held this
April 24 from 1pm onwards at cemetery De Boskamp in Assen at the Armenian
memorial. After laying a wreath, a ceremony will be held in the auditorium
of the cemetery. Among others, Freek de Jonge, Paul Scheffer and Leen van
Dijke will speak, as well as the ambassador to Armenia in the Benelux,
Vigen Chitechian.

24 april Comité
voor erkenning en herdenking van de Armeense genocide 1915
Het 24 april Comité is een orgaan van de Federatie van Armeense
Organisaties in Nederland (FAON)

Contactpersoon: mr. I. Drost, Tel. 06 24 27 25 74
E-mail: [email protected]

Den Haag, 22 april 2004


Erkenning Armeense genocide in Nederlands Parlement stap dichterbij

Den Haag – Enkele honderden demonstranten hebben op 21 april 2004 met een
petitie aan de Tweede Kamer, aan de regering en aan de Turkse ambassade
erkenning geëist van de genocide op Armeniërs van 1915 in Turkije en de
noodzaak benadrukt dat Turkije deze genocide erkent, voordat er sprake kan
zijn van een datum voor onderhandelingen inzake toetreding tot de EU.

De Voorzitter van de Vaste Commissie voor Europese Zaken van de Tweede
Kamer, Mw. S. Dijksma, nam in aanwezigheid van de kamerleden Van Bommel
(SP), Huizinga (CU) en van der Staay (SGP) de petitie in ontvangst uit
handen van een overlevende van de Armeense genocide. Vervolgens werd een
petitie aangeboden aan de Nederlandse regering op het ministerie van
Algemene Zaken. Op de Turkse ambassade bleven de deur en de brievenbus
dicht. De demonstranten konden niet anders dan de brief op de deurknop

Tijdens de demonstratie op het Plein spraken kamerleden van CDA, PvdA,
ChristenUnie, GroenLinks en SP de demonstranten toe. In hun toespraken
onderstreepten de kamerleden het belang van erkenning van de Armeense
genocide. Tevens werd duidelijk dat de fracties van deze partijen, die
samen een meerderheid vormen in de Tweede Kamer, de Armeense genocide
feitelijk erkennen. Hiermee is de erkenning in Nederland van de genocide op
1,5 miljoen Armeniërs in het najaren van het Turks-Ottomaanse Rijk een stap
dichterbij gekomen.

Lagen de opvattingen van de partijen en die van het 24 april Comité wat
betreft erkenning van de Armeense genocide dicht bij elkaar, meer verschil
was er wat betreft de rol die erkenning al dan niet moet spelen bij de
beslissing over een datum voor onderhandelingen met Turkije voor evantuele
toetreding van dit land tot EU. Hierover zal de komende tijd nog nader van
gedachten worden gewisseld.

De demonstratie was de eerste in een reeks activiteiten, die het 24 april
comité van de Armeense Federatie de komende tijd organiseert met het oog op
erkenning door Turkije van de Armeense genocide van 1915.

De jaarlijkse plechtige herdenking van de Armeense genocide vindt op 24
april a.s. vanaf 13.00 uur plaats op begraafplaats de Boskamp in Assen bij
de Armeense gedenksteen. Na een kranslegging en plechtigheid, wordt een
bijeenkomst gehouden in de aula van de begraafplaats. Hierbij zullen o.a.
Freek de Jonge en Paul Scheffer , alsmede de ambassadeur van Armenië in de
Benelux, het woord voeren.

Iran works on gas sales to neighbours pending exports further afield

Agence France Presse
April 26, 2004 Monday

Iran works on gas sales to neighbours pending exports further afield


TEHRAN, April 26

Iran, which holds some 15 percent of the world’s natural gas
reserves, is boosting exports of gas to its neighbours in the hope of
picking up sales to Asia and Europe in the future.

“In the short term, we are looking to export our gas to neighbouring
countries, but we are also working on exports of liquefied natural
gas (LNG) to Asia and Europe,” said Rokneddin Javadi, director of
Iran’s National Gas Export Company.

“The issue is that the projects to export to neighbours, such as
those across the Persian Gulf, can be completed in two years. But an
LNG export project needs five years,” he told AFP on the sidelines of
a gas export conference here in Tehran.

He said Iran expects to sign within the next two weeks a contract to
supply 15 million cubic metres (500 million cubic feet) a day by
pipeline to the United Arab Emirates.

And he said the Islamic republic was also in talks with Kuwait and
the UAE for two other similar contracts, hoping to export 1.5 billion
cubic metres to the two countries each year.

Also expected later this year are contracts with Armenia and the
Russian Caucasus republic of Nakhchavan, covering the sale of three
billion cubic metres annually.

And a 25-year contract with Turkey allowed Iran to sell 3.5 billion
cubic metres there in 2003. That figure is expected to rise to five
billion cubic metres in 2004, if a contractual dispute can be worked

Turkey, complaining the gas is of poor quality, has demanded a price
cut and has threatened to turn to Russia instead.

“You have to ask the Turks what is going on. If they abandon the
contract, they will have to pay a heavy fine,” an Iranian industry
official said.

Mehmet Bigic, head of Turkey’s Botas company, hinted that the deal
was still valid: “It is not possible to quit a 25-year contract. But
you can renegotiate.”

Despite the ongoing difficulties with Turkey, Javadi nevertheless
said he hoped Iranian gas sales would total two billion dollars
annually in 2010.

But Iran is also counting on this figure jumping dramatically if it
can get LNG exports by tanker moving further afield, notably to the
potentially huge markets of the Indian subcontinent, China — with
whom a memorandum on future sales has already been inked — and

The country currently has three LNG production projects underway,
NIOC-LNG of the National Iranian Oil Company, the Pars-LNG consortium
of NIOC, Total and Petronas, and Persian-LNG of NIOC, Shell and

But such sales are pending the completion of LNG production
facilities, as well as the costly laying of pipelines that need to
cross sensitive areas such as the Pakistani-Indian border.

Furthermore, there is tough competition from Russia, holder of the
world’s largest reserves and geographically better placed to tap the
European and Chinese markets. Competition from Algeria and Qatar is
also tough, and Iran has found itself lagging due to the late
development of its gas sector.

In the case of Qatar, the world’s number-three for gas reserves has
been quicker than Iran to tap its off-shore resources and is now
pushing to become the world’s top exporter.

In March, Qatar signed a six billion dollar protocal accord with the
South African-US Sasol-Chevron consortium for three LNG production
projects. It has also already got a foot in the Indian market.

Political pressure on Iran, including United States sanctions that
target foreign companies investing here, are also a major hurdle.

“These kind of investments represent billions of dollars, and it is
not certain that international companies will accept to finance
them,” one Western industry expert here said.

White House Press Release on April 24 (press release)
April 24 2004

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
April 24, 2004

On this day, we pause in remembrance of one of the most horrible
tragedies of the 20th century, the annihilation of as many as 1.5
million Armenians through forced exile and murder at the end of the
Ottoman Empire. This terrible event remains a source of pain for
people in Armenia and Turkey and for all those who believe in
freedom, tolerance, and the dignity of every human life. I join with
my fellow Americans and the Armenian community in the United States
and around the world in mourning this loss of life.

The United States is proud of the strong ties we share with Armenia.
>From the end of World War I and again since the reemergence of an
independent Armenian state in 1991, our country has sought a
partnership with Armenia that promotes democracy, security
cooperation, and free markets. Today, our Nation remains committed to
a peace settlement in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and is grateful
for Armenia’s continuing cooperation in the war on terror. By
advancing understanding and goodwill, free nations can help build a
brighter future for the world. Our country seeks to help Armenia
expand its strategic relations with the United States and our
European allies.

Generations of Armenian Americans have also strengthened our
communities and enriched our Nation’s character. By preserving their
heritage, faith, and traditions, Armenian Americans enhance the
diversity that makes America great.

I commend individuals in Armenia and Turkey who have worked to
support peace and reconciliation, including through the
Turkish-Armenian Reconciliation Commission, and call on Armenia and
Turkey to restore their economic, political, and cultural ties. I
also send warm wishes and expressions of solidarity to the Armenian
people on this solemn day of remembrance.


Criminal case opened over attack on Armenian politician

Criminal case opened over attack on Armenian politician

Noyan Tapan news agency
23 Apr 04


The investigations directorate of the central police department has
instituted criminal proceedings into the beating of a member of the
political council of the Armenian Socialist Forces and the Union of
Intellectuals, Ashot Manucharyan. An investigation is under way,
circumstances are being clarified, the press service of the Armenian
Police has told a Noyan Tapan correspondent.

Ashot Manucharyan was beaten up near the office of the council of
elders of the forum of intellectuals at about 1300 [0800 gmt] on 22
April. As a result, Manucharyan received severe injuries and was taken
to the Nor-Nork emergency hospital where he was operated on. Doctors
assess his condition as non-life-threatening and stable.

The criminal case was instituted under Article 113 of the Armenian
Criminal Code “premeditated damage to health of medium severity”.

Armenian Church Online Bulletin – 04/22/2004

Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern)
630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016
Contact: Jake Goshert, Communications Officer
Tel: (212) 686-0710; Fax: (212) 779-3558
E-mail: [email protected]
April 22, 2004

Week of April 16 to April 22, 2004
* * *


This weekend, a variety of events commemorating the Armenian Genocide
committed by Ottoman Turks during World War I will take place in
communities throughout the Diocese. New York City’s St. Vartan
Cathedral will hold a special service at 10:30 a.m. on Saturday (4/24),
with a requiem at noon. A Martyrs Day Divine Liturgy will be celebrated
by the Primate at 10 a.m. on Sunday, April 25, 2004, at the cathedral.

New York City’s Times Square will be the site of a massive commemoration
on Sunday, April 25, 2004, at 2 p.m.

For more information on these events, and others throughout the diocese,
click to our website’s Calendar of Events:

Check with your local parish for any other Genocide commemoration

(Source: Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern), 4/21/04)
* * *


On Wednesday (4/21), the Canadian parliament voted to officially
recognize and condemn the Armenian Genocide. The motion was adopted by
a vote of 153-68. Turkish officials called the legislators “narrow
minded”. Canada is the 16th nation to officially recognize the Armenian
Genocide. His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of
All Armenians, sent a letter to the speaker of the Canadian House of
Commons expressing the gratitude and appreciation of all Armenians
throughout the world for the decision.

“As we approach the 90th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, the
important issue of genocide remains before the whole of mankind,” the
Catholicos wrote in his letter. “Genocide can never be the solution to
the religious, social, and political conflicts of our times. The way to
prevent genocide is to recognize it. The only way to find justice for
its victims, both living and dead, is to condemn it. Genocide is not a
crime against one nation, but rather it is against man and against God.
It is the gravest crime against humanity.”

(Source: Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin and the Globe and Mail, 4/22/04)
* * *


Dn. Aren Jebejian, deacon-in-charge of the St. Gregory the Illuminator
Church in Chicago, IL, will be ordained as a priest by Archbishop
Barsamian during a two-day ceremony this weekend (4/24-25) at New York
City’s St. Vartan Cathedral. The Calling Service will be 7 p.m. on
Saturday, followed by a free reception. Sunday’s ordination will take
place during the Divine Liturgy, which begins at 10 a.m. and is followed
by a banquet. The public is invited to attend the services this

For more information, click to the diocesan website:

(Source: Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern), 4/21/04)
* * *


Leaders of the Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern), the
Western Diocese, the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU), and the
Armenian Assembly of America joined in Washington, D.C. for a weekend
conference (4/18-19) organized by the Assembly. Archbishop Khajag
Barsamian, Primate of the Eastern Diocese, represented the Eastern
Diocese, along with Bishop Vicken Aykazian, diocesan legate and
ecumenical officer, and Diocesan Council members Sarkis Bedevian and
James Kalustian.

The purpose of the conference was to discuss issues pertaining to
Armenians, such as recognition of the Genocide, permanent normal trade
relations between Armenia and the United States, U.S. assistance to
Armenia, and American foreign policy towards the Republic of Armenia.
Archbishop Barsamian delivered the benediction during a banquet Monday
night (4/19) and Bishop Aykazian helped organize an ecumenical service
which featured speeches by Cardinal William Keeler, Catholic Archbishop
of Baltimore, MD; and Bob Edgar, general secretary of the National
Council of Churches.

(Source: Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern), 4/21/04)
* * *


Over the weekend (4/17-18), 14 volunteers from five parishes helped
renovate the diocese’s new Youth and Conference Center in upstate New
York. It was the second of three work-weekends scheduled to freshen the
look of the facility in time for this summer’s St. Vartan Camp. The
volunteers painted 13 rooms, a large hallway in one building, and began
installing shades in another building.

Volunteers are still needed for the last work weekend, May 21 through
23. Any number of people can come help. Volunteers will be able to
stay at the Ararat Center overnight while they work that weekend. For
information and to sign up, contact Karen Durgarian by e-mailing
[email protected].

Click to our website to learn more about the recent work weekend, see
pictures, and learn more about the Youth and Conference Center:

(Source: Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern), 4/19/04)
* * *


Spaces are going fast at the Diocese’s St. Vartan and Hye Camps. To
save your child’s space today, click here:

(Source: Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern), 4/15/04)
* * *


Looking for something to do this summer? Why not become a counselor or
staff member for St. Vartan Camp – with two sessions, running from June
27 to July 24. This year counselors and staff will be paid.
Application deadline is April 30, and camp organizers are particularly
looking for male counselors. Staff and counselors can work the full
four-week schedule or staff just one of the two-week sessions. They
must arrive at camp the day before the session starts and attend
pre-camp training, date to be determined. You must be 18 or older to

Camp organizers are also looking for hidden kitchen wizards to volunteer
in the kitchen. You don’t need to be a professional chef, just want to
have fun and like kids. Accommodations are available.

For more on these opportunities, e-mail Yn. Arpi Kouzouian at
[email protected].

(Source: St. Vartan Camp, 4/22/04)
* * *


John Merguerian, one of the Armenian-American soldiers fighting to bring
democracy to Iraq, recently returned from his tour of duty there. While
there, he was in contact with the Armenian community in Baghdad and
reports that they are working to rebuild their community. Click to the
Eastern Diocese’s website to read his most recent update on the Armenian
community of Baghdad, see photos of the people there, learn more about
the historic Armenian presence there, and see how you can help. Click

(Source: John Merguerian, 4/19/04)
* * *


St. Nersess Armenian Seminary in New Rochelle, NY, will host a special
reception for clergy of the Eastern Diocese next Thursday (4/29) at 11
a.m. The reception is in conjunction with the annual Clergy Conference
and Diocesan Assembly hosted this year by the St. Gregory the
Enlightener Church in White Plains, NY.

You can click to the Eastern Diocese’s website for more information on
this reception and the clergy conference. Be sure to check there next
week for live updates from the Assembly. Just click to the special
Diocesan Assembly e-diary:

(Source: St. Nersess Seminary, 4/20/04)
* * *


Next Sunday and Monday (4/25-26), alumni of the St. Nersess Armenian
Seminary will meet at the seminary to discuss the status of their alumni
association. The intent of the gathering is to decide whether the
alumni want to resurrect the association. Alumni from the New York
area, California, Illinois, and Michigan will attend. For information
on the gathering and the association, e-mail alumna Nancy Basmajian at
[email protected].

(Source: St. Nersess Alumni, 4/22/04)
* * *


The Junior Choir and the Nazeli Dance group of the Sts. Sahag and Mesrob
Church of Providence, RI, performed in Montreal, Canada, last weekend
(4/16-18) at the invitation of the Bishop Bagrat Galstanian, Primate of
the Diocese of the Armenian Church of Canada. Under the direction of
Maestro Konstantin Petrossian, the young singers took part in the Divine
Liturgy at Montreal’s St. Gregory the Illuminator Cathedral. The choir
and dance group also performed a special concert at the Armen-Quebec
Alex Manoogian Armenian School.

(Source: Sts. Sahag and Mesrob Church, 4/19/04)
* * *


The William E. Doctor Fund (Yervant Hekimian) will give out $60,000 in
scholarships to approximately 25 deserving Armenian-American students
this year. Criteria for selection include strong academic performance,
American citizenship, financial need, and Armenian community
involvement. Applications can be obtained by e-mailing [email protected]
or calling (202) 364-1440. The fund is an independent charitable trust
administered by members of the St. Mary Armenian Church of Washington,
D.C. Applications for the fall 2004 semester scholarships are due June
30, 2004.

The Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern) also manages
many scholarship funds created by individual endowments. For
information on those, and an application, click to our website:

(Source: Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern), 4/19/04)
* * *


Traveling to Armenia strengthens your faith and dedication. If you
haven’t gone yet, there are five opportunities this year.

In June:

* Young Professionals Trip — June 12 to 26 / $2,250. Specifically
designed for travelers between the ages of 23 and 40, this trip offers a
chance to see the sights of Armenia and build life-long friendships with
other Armenian American professionals. Call the Fund for Armenian
Relief (212) 889-5150.

* Diocesan Pilgrimage to Historic Armenia and the Republic of Armenia —
June 17 to July 7 / $3,450. Travel to Istanbul, historic Armenian
locations in modern day Turkey such as Musa Dagh, Cappadocia, Mt.
Ararat, and Ani. Continue to Armenia to tour important historical and
cultural sites. For more information call Armen Aroyan (626) 359-9510.

In September:

* Women’s Guild Pilgrimage to Armenia — September 16 to 27 / $2,400.
Tour Etchmiadzin, Yerevan, ancient holy sites, and current cultural
activities. For more information call Ann Devejian (203) 838-5758.

* Pilgrimage to Armenia — September 18 to October 3 / $2,350. A
Diocesan-sponsored trip to all the highlights of Armenia. For more
information call Sidon Travel at (818) 553-0777.

To get more information on any of these travel opportunities, e-mail
[email protected].

And don’t forget — you can also help fund the trip of a young person in
your parish, who will return more eager to be involved in parish life.

(Source: Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern), 4/15/04)

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Canada Reiterates its Firm Position on The Armenian Tragedy

April 21, 2004 (7:15 p.m. EDT) No. 60


Foreign Affairs Minister Bill Graham today issued the following
statement concerning the adoption of a private member’s motion by the
House of Commons following a debate on the Armenian tragedy of 1915:

“The Government of Canada’s position on this issue, as stated on June
10, 1999, in the House of Commons, has not changed. We agree with the
members of the House that the events of 1915 to 1923 were tragic. Canada
has condemned the atrocities committed against hundreds of thousands of
Armenians, including massive deportations and massacres. In so doing,
the Canadian government has continued to urge the Armenian and Turkish
communities to seek reconciliation and peace and to look to the future
to contribute to prosperity and stability in an impoverished and
volatile region. The Canadian government also believes that the issue is
essentially for the Armenian and Turkish governments and experts to

“Canada has had friendly and cooperative relations with Turkey and
Armenia for many years. The Canadian government is committed to make
these relationships even stronger in the future.”

Debates and votes on private member’s business in the House of Commons
are an integral part of the Canadian democratic process, but private
member’s motions are not binding on the Government of Canada.

– 30 –

For further information, media representatives may contact:

Isabelle Savard
Director of Communications
Office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs
(613) 995-1851

Media Relations Office
Foreign Affairs Canada and International Trade Canada
(613) 995-1874

ANC-ID: Idaho Gov. Issues Proclamation Recognising Armenian Genocide

Armenian National Committee of Idaho
2414 Brumback Street
Boise, Idaho 83702
Tel. (208) 484-4363
Email: [email protected]

April 21, 2004
Contact: Rafael Saakyan
Tel: (208) 484-4363


BOISE, ID – Idaho became the 33rd U.S. state to recognize the Armenian
Genocide this week, as Republican Governor Dirk Kempthorne, Chairman
of National Governors Association, issued a proclamation citing April
24th “Idaho Day of Remembrance of the Armenian Genocide of 1915-1923,”
reported the Armenian National Committee of Idaho (ANC-Idaho).

The proclamation begins noting that “one and one-half-million
Christian Armenian men, women, and children were the victims of a
brutal genocide perpetrated by the Ottoman Turkish Government from
1915-1923.” It goes on to cite the importance of commemorating this
crime against humanity as a way of “guarding against the repetition of
future genocides and educating people about the atrocities connected
to these horrific crimes.” The complete text of the Governor’s
proclamation is provided below.

The gubernatorial proclamation closely follows a resolution
unanimously adopted by the Senate of the Associated Students of Boise
State University (ASBSU) recognizing the Armenian Genocide and
condemning efforts to rewrite history. Senate Resolution 13 states
that the genocide “has resulted in the elimination of the Armenian
people from their historic homeland of over 3000 years through the
criminal loss of property and life.” The resolution “commemorates the
Armenian Genocide and condemns those attempts made by governments as
well as other entities, both public and private, to distort the
historical reality and legal relevance of the Armenian Genocide to the
descendants of its survivors and humanity as a whole.”

Upon hearing the news of the Governor’s proclamation, David Morriss,
President of the ASBSU, commented: “I think it’s fantastic that the
Governor not only recognizes the importance of bringing this
information to light, but also stands behind efforts to educate the
public about the Armenian Genocide”.

Chairman of ANC-Idaho, Rafael Saakyan, commended Governor Kempthorne
on his “commitment to advancing human rights issues in the state of
Idaho and for joining the Armenian community across this great state
in sustaining the flame of remembrance for the victims of the Armenian
Genocide.” Saakyan then urged the Idaho Congressional delegation to
“ensure that their state’s views are well represented through their
support for the adoption of the Genocide resolution in the House and

Rebecca Kun, communications director for ANC-Idaho, worked closely
with the ANC-Idaho team to collect close to 600 signatures for the
proclamation request. “This was a marathon process — we collected 594
signatures in 2 1/2 weeks in order to get our proclamation request
submitted in time to meet the April 24th deadline we set for
ourselves. With this proclamation and the Boise State initiative it
is clear that the Armenian community, working together, can make a
real difference.” Ms. Kun continued, stating “as a first generation
holocaust survivor, I understand the importance of bringing these
events to light. Having this proclamation signed by both the State of
Idaho and Boise State University is the first step to correct the
dissemination of lies that has been perpetuated for the last 89

Massachusetts State Republican Committee man Bob Semonian of
Watertown, MA helped the ANC-Idaho bring their concerns to the
attention of the Governor’s office. Semonian discussed the importance
of the recognition of the Armenian Genocide with Gov. Kempthorne
directly at the recent National Governor’s Association (NGA) meeting
in Washington, DC.

The Idaho proclamation follows an earlier letter of recognition issued
by Montana’s Republican Governor Judith Martz in late March.
Jamestown North Dakota Mayor Charles Kourajian issued a city
proclamation honoring the victims of the Armenian Genocide last week.


Text of the Idaho Proclamation Commemorating the Armenian Genocide
———————————————- ———————

The Office of the Governor

Executive Department
State of Idaho

State Capitol

WHEREAS, one and one-half-million Christian Armenian men, women, and
children were victims of a brutal genocide perpetrated by the Ottoman
Turkish Government from 1915-1923; and

WHEREAS, the Armenian genocide and massacres of Armenian people have
been recognized as an attempt to eliminate all traces of a thriving
and noble civilization over 3,000 years old; and

WHEREAS, recognition of the eighty-ninth anniversary of this genocide
is crucial to guarding against the repetition of future genocide and
educating people about the atrocities connected to these horrific
events; and

WHEREAS, Armenian-Americans living in Idaho have greatly enriched our
state through their leadership in business, agriculture, academia,
government and the arts;

NOW, THEREFORE I, DIRK KEMPTHORNE, Governor of the State of Idaho, do
hereby proclaim April 24, 2004, to be


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be
affixed the Great Seal of the State of Idaho at the Capitol in Boise
on this twentieth day of April in the year of our Lord two- thousand
and four and of the Independence of the United States of America the
two hundred twenty-eighth and of the Statehood of Idaho the one
hundred fourteenth.



No reason to close Armenian nuclear plant – director

No reason to close Armenian nuclear plant – director

Azg, Yerevan
17 Apr 04

By Tatul Akopyan

The chief director of the Armenian Metsamor Nuclear Power Plant (NPP),
Gagik Markosyan, said yesterday that he sees no reason for shutting
down the plant in the near future. Saying that even the most modern
nuclear plants will be shut down one day, he added that as long as the
Metsamor plant is functioning, Armenia should derive the most possible
economic benefit from it.

Talking about alternative sources of energy in Armenia, Markosyan said
that it is desirable to develop them, but no country can “live” only
on alternative sources of energy. The director of the Metsamor NPP
said that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) assessed the
current technical condition of the plant as positive.

Markosyan could not say for sure to what extent the safety of the
Metsamor plant corresponds to that of European nuclear power plants,
for safety mostly depends on the age of the plant. The Armenian
government, with the assistance of the United States and the European
Union, is taking measures to increase the safety of the Metsamor NPP
every year. Despite the increasing security measures, both the USA and
the EU continue to demand the closure of the NPP, failing to indicate
an alternative source of energy for Armenia.

The Atomic Energy Safety Council (AESC) under the Armenian president
yesterday held its 7th regular session which was attended by [Armenian
President] Robert Kocharyan, the chairman of the council, Adolf
Birkhofer, and members of the council from Russia, Germany, France,
Britain, Slovakia and Armenia.

Addressing the session of the AESC, an independent consultancy agency
set up in 1996 to deal exclusively with the affairs of the Metsamor
plant, President Kocharyan said that a lot of work had been done to
boost the safety of the nuclear power plant, and assured them that the
Armenian government is guided by the principle of the consistent
strengthening of the nuclear plant’s safety.