Azerbaijani Press: Azeri NGO urges US chef to edit Karabakh footage out of cooking show

APA, Azerbaijan
Nov 3 2017

Azeri NGO urges US chef to edit Karabakh footage out of cooking show

[Armenian News note: the below is translated from the Azeri edition of APA]

An Azerbaijani NGO has urged a US celebrity chef to edit footage
filmed in the breakaway region of Nagorno-Karabakh out of his show,
Baku-based APA news agency reported.

The letter, signed by the NGO called the Azeri community of
Nagorno-Karabakh and also by women who survived a 1990s deadly
military attack on an Azerbaijani town, was addressed to Anthony
Bourdain. The latter had travelled to the disputed region while
filming an episode devoted to Armenian cuisine for CNN's Parts
Unknown. Baku blacklisted Bourdain for the trip, which was made
without its consent. Azerbaijan says that those wishing to visit the
breakaway region must receive official permission from Baku; those who
fail to do so are declared personae non gratae.

The letter, a summary of which APA published, said that Armenian
troops attacked the town of Khojaly with the support of a Soviet
military unit during the war between Armenia and Azerbaijan. The
troops destroyed the town and killed a total of 613 civilians,
including 106 women, 63 children and 70 elderly people. Another 1,000
residents were injured, 1,275 were taken hostage and 150 went missing,
the letter said.

The signatories to the letter said they respected Bourdain's
professionality and programmes about international cuisines. However,
the letter said, although culinary exchanges bring people together in
peacetime, a "cultural programme like this one at a time of war may be
understood by people like us, who are victims of war crimes and lost
their loved ones and native lands, as support for a policy of ethnic
cleaning and forcible seizure of land".

The letter urged Bourdain to "take into account the sensitivity of the
situation and the suffering that many of us went through". "Also, we
call on you to revise your decision to include on your show the part
filmed in Azerbaijan's occupied territories which were subjected to
ethnic cleaning," it said.

The letter added: "Please, understand that we are even deprived of a
possibility to visit the graves of our parents and our other loved
ones in the occupied lands." It added that the people who wrote the
letter had for the past 25 years longed to go back to their native
lands, build their homes again and cook rice gruel, "which is an
Azerbaijani national meal" again for their children in the town of
Shusha, "in which Armenians hosted you".

APA news agency carried a summary of the address on its website. On
the right-hand side of the webpage, it placed an image of an
English-language version of the text of the address.

Մեղրիի մաքսակետում կանխվել է 105 կգ հերոինի ներկրումը ՀՀ. ՊԵԿ

  • 01.11.2017

  • Հայաստան


Պետական եկամուտների կոմիտեի նախաբացթողումային հսկողության ու մաքսանենգության դեմ պայքարի վարչությունների համատեղ իրականացրած միջոցառումների արդյունքում Մեղրիի մաքսակետում կանխվել է առանձնապես խոշոր չափի՝ շուրջ 105 կգ «հերոին» տեսակի թմրանյութի ներկրումը հանրապետություն: Այս մասին հայտնում են ՊԵԿ-ից:

Ռենտգեն զննության է ենթարկվել Իրանից Հայաստան ժամանած Թուրքիայի քաղաքացի Ֆերդի Օզդեմիրիի վարած, Վրաստանում գրանցված «Օմերտրանսպորտ» ՍՊԸ-ին պատկանող «DAF» մակնիշի սառնարանային բեռնատարը, որն այնուհետև մաքսային ուժեղացված հսկողության պայմաններում, ուղեկցվել է Երևան՝ մաքսային պահեստ, որտեղ իրականացվել է տրանսպորտային միջոցի մանրակրկիտ զննում:

Բեռնախցիկում նախապես պատրաստված թաքստոցից հայտնաբերվել է 105 կգ «հերոին» տեսակի թմրանյութ: Նախապատրաստված նյութերը փոխանցվել են ԱԱԾ քննչական ծառայությանը՝ վարույթ իրականացնելու նպատակով:

Ռուսաց լեզվի դասավանդման հայեցակարգի ընդունմանը ոչինչ չի խանգարի. ՀՀ նախագահ

  • 01.11.2017

  • Հայաստան



Հայաստանում ռուսաց լեզվի դասավանդման աղմկահարույց հայեցակարգի մշակումը կապ չունի երկրի ԵԱՏՄ-ին անդամակցության հետ: Այս մասին «Российская газета»-ին տված հարցազրույցում ասել է ՀՀ նախագահ Սերժ Սարգսյանը:

«Դա կապված չէ անդամակցության հետ, որովհետեւ Հայաստանում ռուսերենին միշտ էլ լավ են վերաբերվել եւ այն միշտ էլ լայն տարածում է ունեցել: Հայաստանի ու Ռուսաստանի տնտեսությունները կապված են հազար թելերով, մենք ունենք շատ սերտ հումանիտար համագործակցություն եւ լեզվի իմացությունը պարզապես անհրաժեշտ է: Հայաստանում ռուսերենի ուսուցումը սկսվում է երկրորդ դասարանից», – ասել է Սերժ Սարգսյանը՝ հավելելով, որ :

Նա նշել է, որ կան դասարաններ, որոնցում ուսումնական ողջ գործընթացը կատարվում է ռուսերենով: Այսօր ձեռնարկվում են անհրաժեշտ քայլերը, որպեսզի նոր սերնդի դեպքում եւս պահպանվեն ռուսերենի ուսուցման ու տարածման ավանդույթները:

«Հատուկ ուշադրություն է դարձվում, որ աշակերտները լիարժեք տիրապետեն ոչ միայն մայրենի լեզվին, այլեւ՝ եւս 2-3 օտար լեզվի, այդ թվում` ռուսերենի: Այնպես որ, նման հայեցակարգեր են մշակվել ոչ միայն ռուսերենի, այլեւ՝ այլ օտար լեզուների ուսուցման համար», – ասել է նա:

ՀՀ նախագահի խոսքով` գլխավոր շեշտը պետք է դնել ռուսերենի դասավանդման որակի վրա: Հայաստանը միշտ առանձնացել է ռուսերենի մասնագետների իր դպրոցով, բայց ռուսերենը, ինչպես եւ առհասարակ բոլոր լեզուները, կենդանի օրգանիզմն են ու անընդհատ զարգանում են: Այնպես որ, շեշտել է նախագահը, պետք է ջանքեր գործադրել, որպեսզի տեղյակ լինել այդ փոփոխություններին, կիրառել դասավանդման նոր մեթոդներ, հաճախ կազմակերպել համապատասխան սեմինարներ ու քննարկումներ, ընդ որում ինչպես Հայաստանում, այնպես էլ` Ռուսաստանում:

«Այս հայեցակարգի ընդունմանը ոչինչ չի խանգարի: Կարծում եմ դա մի քանի ամսվա հարց է: Հայեցակարգի ընդունմամբ որեւէ կտրուկ փոփոխություն չի կատարվի, որովհետեւ Հայաստանում ռուսերենի նկատմամբ, կրկնում եմ, միշտ եղել է բարյացակամ վերաբերմունք», – ընդգծել է Սերժ Սարգսյանը:

Հիշեցնենք, ՀՀ Կրթության և գիտության նախարարությունը ներկայացրել է «Հայաստանի Հանրապետության հանրակրթական ծրագրեր իրականացնող ուսումնական հաստատություններում ռուսերենի դասավանդման հայեցակարգ», որը նախատեսվում է իրականացնել ռուսաց լեզվի խորացված ուսուցում այս կամ այն առարկայական ոլորտում: Խոսքը հատկապես ավագ դպրոցում մի շարք առարկաներից որոշ թեմաների հայերենին զուգահեռ դասավանդոման մասին է: Բարձրացած աղմուկին ի պատասխան ԿԳՆ-ից հորդորում են հարցը չքաղաքականացնել և նշում, որ նույն փոփոխությունները վերաբերում են նաև այլ լեզուների:

Servicemen dies as a result of an accident

On October 28, Norayr Hovhannisyan, a serviceman under the contract of the Armed Forces of Armenia, died at the 13th km of the Sisian-Shenatag road, Syunik region, due to a car accident. Artsrun Hovhannisyan, Press Secretary of the Defense Ministry, confirmed the information in a conversation with .

Earlier, the website reported that on October 28, around 19:10, at the 13th km of the Sisian-Shenatag road, cars VAZ-2106 and UAZ-3152 collided.

Due to the accident, 31-year-old Norayr Hovhannisyan was transferred to the Sisian Medical Center in an extremely bad condition, and, without regaining consciousness, died.

According to , the deceased was returning from the wedding ceremony.

Haigazian University Alumni Association Dinner to Take Place November 4

Haigazian University logo and university building

GLENDALE, Calif. – “Embrace the Future,” an annual dinner dance to support Haigazian University, will be held at 7pm on Saturday, November 4 at VERTIGO in Glendale, California. The event will begin with a social hour, followed by dinner and a short update about Haigazian. Seating is limited.

The evening is being planned by advocates of the only Armenian University in the Diaspora, Haigazian, located in Beirut, Lebanon. It is designed specifically to provide Armenian students with tuition support and hope for a prosperous future.

The passionate President of the university, Rev. Dr. Paul Haidostian, will personally attend this anticipated gathering and provide an update on the state of the University. Alumni, supporters and members of the Board of Trustees will also be in attendance.

The University operates on the American model of higher education in a Christian environment. Haigazian offers both an undergraduate as well as a Graduate program and educates its students in the fields of Business, Economics, English, Armenian, Biology, and Chemistry. Among its other majors are Computer Science, Math, Physics, Education, Political Science, Social Work, and Psychology.

Dinner dance tickets are $125. Sponsorships categories are $500 (2 tickets) $1,000 (4 tickets), $2,500 (10 tickets), and $5,000 (10 tickets). Every donation received for this event will be appreciated by the Armenian students in need. Reservations should be sent to Haigazian University Support Fund, Inc. at 1724 Capistrano Circle, Glendale, CA 91208 or by calling Katia Kermoyan at 818-281-0351

Serzh Sargsyan: Maintenance and development of nuclear energy continues to be a strategic direction for Armenia

ARMINFO News Agency, Armenia

 Serzh Sargsyan: Maintenance and development of nuclear energy
continues to be a strategic direction for Armenia

Yerevan October 27

Alexander Avanesov. The maintenance and development of nuclear energy
continues to be a strategic direction for Armenia. This was stated by
the Head of the Armenian state Serzh Sargsyan on October 27 at a
meeting of the Council for the Safety of Atomic Energy under the
President of Armenia.

He pointed to the program approved in 2015 for the modernization of
the Armenian nuclear power plant, which provides for the extension of
the lifetime of the second power unit until 2036. The President
stressed that in the presence of an atomic power station in the
structure of production of basic electricity, Armenia will provide the
necessary level of energy security. "The block is envisaged to be
prolonged until 2027, during this period of time to carry out the
phased construction of a new nuclear unit," the Armenian leader said.
In order to implement the project, the governments of Armenia and
Russia concluded agreements on the attraction of a state export credit
and a grant.

Within the framework of the program, measures are taken to improve the
security level and upgrade the unit. In the course of scheduled
maintenance work in 2017, the first stage of work to extend the life
of the ANPP was completed, as well as a comprehensive survey of the
main equipment.

As Serzh Sargsyan said, within the framework of technical assistance
of the European Union, a strategy for managing radioactive waste and
spent nuclear fuel was developed, as a result of which the Convention
on Management of Radioactive Waste and Spent Nuclear Fuel was revised.
The President of the Republic of Armenia approved the revised
Convention in January 2017. Already developed, and on October 5 this
year. The government approved the strategy for the safe management of
radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel. In this context, a second
national report is being finalized, which will be submitted to the
IAEA before the end of 2017. It is planned that the new structure -
the national operator - will deal with the management of radioactive
waste and spent nuclear fuel.

The President informed that in September 2016 the final version of the
expert assessment of the stress test of the Armenian NPP was
presented, the results of which are included in the program of
activities for the implementation of the project for the extension of
the second power unit of the ANPP. Armenia also carries out activities
on the advice and proposals submitted to the IAEA.

In order to ensure safe operation of the plant, the head of the
Armenian state indicated the importance of a full-fledged upgrade of
equipment for simulators. The first stage of work in this direction
was completed in January of this year; currently work is under way to
prepare for the second stage, in connection with which a tender is
announced. The Ministry of Energy Infrastructures and Natural
Resources was instructed to implement these activities as soon as

"We attach special importance to the training of personnel for the
nuclear power industry of Armenia, and the involvement of young
specialists in this sphere is a vital necessity, thus ensuring the
continuity of generations." Training is the most important task, the
solution of which will assist in maintaining the existing
infrastructure in the country, the RA President said. He also stressed
the importance of the coordinated work of the Armenian NPP with the
State Committee for Regulation of Nuclear Safety of the Republic of
Armenia. The Armenian nuclear power plant consists of two units with
Soviet (Russian) WWER reactors. The first unit was commissioned in
1976, the second - in 1980. In March 1989, after the Spitak
earthquake, which killed 25 thousand people, the station's work was
stopped. In November 1995, in connection with the most acute energy
crisis, the second power unit of the station with a capacity of 407.5
MW was involved. In March 2014, the Armenian government decided to
extend the life of the second power unit by 10 years - until 2026. The
project is coordinated by the subsidiary structure of the State
Corporation Rosatom - JSC Rusatom Service. Completion of work is
planned for 2019. The Government of the Russian Federation allocated a
$ 270 million state export loan to Armenia and a $ 30 million grant
for these purposes. In March 2015, the Joint Coordination Committee
(JCC) was established to implement the program. So far, there have
been five meetings of the JCC. The Council for the Safety of Atomic
Energy under the President of the Republic of Armenia was established
in 1996 by a presidential decree. This independent advisory body was
created on the basis of the need to ensure the further safe operation
of the Armenian nuclear power plant. The council is formed of
scientists and specialists of the sphere, having international
recognition and authority. The activities of the Council are carried
out through meetings of the Council, which are convened once a year.
According to the Charter, the main tasks of the Council are: formation
of safety of nuclear energy and priority directions of its
development, development of recommendations on problems and
preparation of proposals, analysis and examination of draft normative
legal acts submitted to the President of the Republic of Armenia on
peaceful and safe use of nuclear energy.

Azerbaijani Press: Agnia Grigas: Arms deals will certainly not help Karabakh peace process

AzerNews, Azerbaijan
Oct 15 2017

By  Trend

Russia’s continuous arms supply to Armenia benefit the aggressor country in the Nagorno-Karabakh issue, along with threatening security of the entire region.

However, while the arms purchases of Armenia is limited to outdated rather than modern— and is likely to remain relatively small in the foreseeable future than those of Azerbaijan — there is another side that needs attention.

Armenia, probably best known for occupation of Azerbaijan’s internationally recognized territories and attacks to the neighboring countries, is the aggressor side, while Azerbaijan is the country suffering from Armenia’s aggression for over two decades. Therefore, supplying Armenia with weapons can be regarded as the support to aggression rather than balanced policy between the parties to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

The arms deals will certainly not help the peace process, said Agnia Grigas, a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council in Washington DC.

Grigas, talking to Trend over the issue, stressed that the arms deals with Russia have become the status quo and will not abate until the Kremlin is ready to let go of its efforts to control its so-called ‘near abroad.’

Russia along with the U.S. and France is a co-chair country of the OSCE Minsk Group that acted as the only mediator in resolution of the conflict for over two decades, but still the illegal occupation has been left out of due attention of the international community for years.

Russia, providing Armenia with a loan worth $200 million to buy modern weapons, violates its obligations as an OSCE Minsk Group co-chair and fails to follow the principle of neutrality, which is of upmost importance for fair resolution of the conflict.