BAKU: Armenia ‘Wants To Reject’ Karabakh Peace Principles

March 29 2010

Rasim Musabeyov News.Az interviews Azerbaijani political scientist
Rasim Musabeyov.

The OSCE Minsk Group, which was set up to mediate a settlement to
the Karabakh conflict, recently turned 18. What can you say about
the work of the group?

Its work has produced no effect. In terms of results, the Minsk
Group’s efforts can be considered fruitless, but it would also be
wrong to say that the group has not worked. It has put in effort,
it has presented at least three proposals and a round of talks on the
Madrid principles is under way. On the whole, the Minsk Group is the
most influential mediation structure as far as it is possible.

Can the Minsk Group be expected to make achievements in the settlement

By saying Minsk Group, we mean not the officials that are represented
there, but the countries participating in it. If the three Minsk
Group co-chairing countries – the United States, France and Russia –
show willingness to promote the process, their political resource
will be enough for this.

The lack of results in the settlement process used to be linked to
discrepancies in position among the mediating countries. Now they
say they have no differences and hold the same position. Does this
guarantee rapid progress on a settlement?

Certainly, there are areas in which they adhere to the same position.

They do not want hostilities here and, on the whole, they do not want
to offend Armenia – on this they hold the same position. The Minsk
Group co-chairs do not want to put strong pressure on Armenia. But
each of the co-chairing countries hopes to persuade Azerbaijan to make
concessions in order to take both countries under their control. In
addition, every co-chairing country wants to gain dividends for
itself. However, they want to gain dividends only from Azerbaijan
because they can take nothing from Armenia. Here, we see the illusion
because, on the one hand, they do not want to put pressure on Armenia
and do not want war and on the other hand they want to gain something
from Azerbaijan if progress is made. However, their tactics have not
been effective yet.

If Azerbaijan’s position is justified in terms of international law,
why do the co-chairs find it difficult to make Armenia more compliant
during negotiations?

If there are definite interests, there are definite sympathies and
these sympathies are on the side of the Armenians. There are strong
Armenian lobby organizations and a large Armenian diaspora in all of
the three mediating countries. Naturally, this makes its mark on the
policy of these countries. But international law is in Azerbaijan’s
favour. And the interest of these countries in Azerbaijan is real,
not just emotional as it is with Armenia. International law sets the
framework but cannot ensure compliance. What the sides agree on will
comply with international law. Azerbaijan cannot be forced to give
part of its land to Armenia, but attempts are being made to persuade
it to do so.

What can you say about the Armenian president’s appeal to Azerbaijan
to sign a document on the non-use of force?

This is absurd and a provincial attempt to deceive public opinion. A
specific document presented by the mediators is on the table and the
attitude towards it must be defined. The document also contains the
subject of Sargsyan’s appeal, that is, the subject of the non-use
of force. This document encompasses everything. Instead of defining
their attitude towards the definite document on the table which is
the result of six years of negotiations, Sargsyan suddenly started
to make some absurd proposals out of context. In fact, this means
that he does not want to accept the Madrid principles in the form in
which they have been presented and wants to start the discussion of
the problem according to his own rules. This is completely absurd.

Does this mean that Armenia is trying to protract the negotiations

It means that the Armenian side in fact wants to reject the Madrid
principles but in a way that would allow it to present itself as a
peace-loving country.

NATO not cooperating sufficiently with Russia – CSTO head

NATO not cooperating sufficiently with Russia – CSTO head

DUSHANBE, March 27 (RIA Novosti)

NATO is not sufficiently cooperating with Russia in tackling the
Afghan drug threat, the head of the Russian-led Collective Security
Treaty Organization (CSTO) said on Saturday.

"The fight against drugs in Afghanistan and [drug] traffic is not
being carried out the way the situation demands, likewise there is no
planned and coordinated work against the Taliban movement," Nilolai
Bordyuzha said during a round-table conference in the Tajik capital,
Dushanbe, on collective security in Central Asia.

"We (CSTO leadership) have repeatedly told NATO: let’s tackle this
problem together because this is not a regional but a global threat,"
he complained, saying that NATO has so far been reluctant to do so.

Bordyuzha said the sooner NATO starts full cooperation with Russia,
"the sooner … we will set up an effective scheme to combat Afghan
drug trafficking."

The CSTO also includes Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.
Russia’s security strategy until 2020 envisions the CSTO as "a key
mechanism to counter regional military challenges and threats."

Bordyuzha said that while the lack of Russia-NATO cooperation has also
created risks for Afghanistan’s neighbors in Central Asia as the
Taliban may mover further north, the CSTO would be ready for "such a
course of events," as the CSTO could handle a military conflict.

Russia’s drug control chief Viktor Ivanov said last week that Russia
would boost its drug control mission staff in Afghanistan as "the drug
situation in Russia is rather difficult, and needs fast decisions,
both in Russia and within the framework of international cooperation."

Afghan drug production increased dramatically after the U.S.-led
invasion that toppled the Taliban in 2001, and Russia has been one of
the most affected countries, with heroin consumption rising steeply.
An estimated 90% of heroin consumed in Russia is trafficked from
Afghanistan via Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

Russian, Azeri FMs discussed Nagorno-Karabakh peace process, Armenia
March 26 2010

Russian, Azeri FMs discussed Nagorno-Karabakh peace process

17:46 / 03/26/2010Russian and Azerbaijani Foreign Ministers ‘ Sergey
Lavrov and Elmar Mammadyarov, on the sidelines of the CIS Foreign
Ministers’ Council session in Moscow, held a private meeting.

Inter alia, the sides discussed the Nagorno-Karabakh peace process in
the context of the Armenian-Russian-Azerbaijani presidential meeting. recalls that the Armenian and Russian FMs held a meeting in
Moscow on March 25.

During the meetings, MinistersLavrov underlined the Russian
leaderships’ resolution to actively assist the Nagorno-Karabakh
conflict settlement in the context of the OSCE Minsk Group’s efforts.

The sides reaffirmed their commitment to a peaceful settlement of the
conflict in conformity with the Moscow Declaration approved by the
Armenian, Azerbaijani and Russian leaders on November 2, 2008.


Lettre De Taner Akcam Au Premier Ministre Turc Sur La Question Armen

Jean Eckian

mercredi24 mars 2010


Tandis que je m’installais pour ecrire cet article, un programme
passait sur la question armenienne a la television. L’une des stations
les plus populaires de Turquie proposait une discussion ouverte sur
les evenements de 1915 en Turquie.

Il y avait dans le studio deux historiens, et un autre participait
depuis les USA via satellite. Les deux historiens presents dans le
studio se contentaient de repeter la thèse de l’"histoire officielle
turque", mais l’universitaire des USA s’opposait vivement contre la
version officielle de 1915. C’est l’historien turc Taner Akcam.

Akcam s’oppose depuis longtemps a l’histoire officielle turque. Pour
les nationalistes turcs, c’est un " traître ". Pour moi, il represente
la conscience de la Turquie.

Beaucoup de gens ne le savent pas en Turquie, mais Akcam est la
personne qui a montre aux Armeniens que, comme ceux qui sauvèrent la
vie d’Armeniens en 1915 malgre la menace d’etre executes, il y a sans
aucun doute de "bons Turcs."

Akcam est peut-etre le seul Turc que quelques Armeniens de la diaspora
ont vu de toute leur vie, et il a change pour toujours l’image des
Turcs a leurs yeux pour toujours.

Akcam est un homme tout a fait intelligent. Il est très cultive.

J’admire profondement son analyse de la Turquie. Mais c’est aussi
quelqu’un qui parle du fond du coeur, comme Hrant Dink (1). Pour moi,
il represente le futur de la Turquie, qui n’aura plus de tabous et
sera libere du poids du passe.

Il est très dommage que nous n’ayons pas encore passe le seuil a
partir duquel les gens sont estimes pour ce qu’ils sont en realite.

Mais dans la Turquie d’aujourd’hui, les gens les plus brillants,
tels qu’Akcam lui-meme ou Orhan Pamuk, sont encore sous le coup de
serieuses menaces.

Akcam a ecrit une lettre ouverte au premier ministre Recep Tayyip
Erdogan qu’il a publiee dans le quotidien Taraf le 13 mars 2010.

Je voudrais citer cet article in extenso, parce qu’il comporte de
nombreuses idees sur le passe et le present de la Turquie. J’espère
vraiment que ce message parviendra a notre gouvernement :

" …M. Le premier ministre et M. Arinc [vice-premier ministre],
je vous demande de mettre ce fragment d’information dans un coin
de votre memoire : vous ne resoudrez jamais le problème de 1915 en
repetant un mensonge qui a ete memorise pendant les 95 dernères annees.

S’il avait pu etre resolu en repetant mecaniquement, ceux qui avant
vous l’on fait, plus fort que vous, auraient dû y parvenir. Une tâche
noire a sali le front de la nation turque en 1915. Ceux qui l’ont fait
sont les assassins unionistes. Si vous n’identifiez pas cette tache,
et si vous ne mettez pas quelque distance entre vous-memes et ceux
qui ont mis cette tache sur le front de la nation turque, vous ne
pourrez pas faire un seul pas en avant sur cette question. Ce n’est
meme pas la peine d’essayer…

"M. le premier ministre, et M. Arinc, les reponses aux problèmes issus
de 1915 ne peuvent etre trouvees dans les politiques negationnistes
de Veli Kucuk, Dogu Perincek, Sukru Elekdag et Yusuf Halacoglu. Ne
cherchez pas les reponses parmi eux. Vous n’arriverez nulle part en
reprenant la chanson qu’ils nous servent depuis 95 ans. Ils sont vos
adversaires sur la question de 1915, tout comme ils le sont a propos
de la question kurde et sur la place du militaire dans la politique.

Vous ne pouvez pas structurer votre reponse a 1915 en vous rangeant
du côte de ceux qui veulent traîner le pays dans le chaos, qui ont
assassine Hrant Dink, qui ont planifie des massacres contre des
chretiens et qui ont organise des complots contre vous.

"Si vous preparez une reponse pour 1915, il vous faut chercher une
reponse differente de celles donnees par Ergenekon ou par ceux qui
ont prepare les coups d’etat. Pour faire cela, vous devriez suivre
vos racines musulmanes en Anatolie qui se sont developpees avec votre
parti et regarder de plus près ce que ces racines ont fait en 1915.

"M. Arinc, ces phrases vous sont destinees. Avec raison, la facon
dont les femmes du CHP [Parti Republicain du Peuple] de Mersin ont
dechire le voile qui vous a mis en colère. Vous rendez-vous compte,
cependant, qu’avec la position que vous avez prise, vous avez dechire
le reseau de fond de l’Islam anatolien, vous avez depece l’heritage
culturel des Musulmans anatoliens qui peuvent marcher la tete haute
pour defier courageusement les assassinats de 1915 ? Savez-vous que
lorsque les meutes unionistes assassinaient des Armeniens en 1915,
ceux qui s’y opposèrent le plus, qui les defièrent le plus, etaient
les Musulmans d’Anatolie ?

Aviez-vous la moindre idee que c’est la communaute musulmane de
Kastamonu qui manifestèrent devant le bureau du Gouverneur, declarant,
‘Nous ne voulons pas que nos voisins soient assassines’ ? Ou que
ce sont les Musulmans de Yozgat qui s’opposèrent a Killer Kemal
de Bogazlayan, criant, ‘il n’y a pas de place dans le Coran pour
les assassins d’innocents ! ‘ ? Avez-vous jamais entendu parler du
rôle important que le temoignage ecrit du grand mufti de Bogazlayan,
Abdullahzade Mehmed, a joue dans la pendaison de Killer Kemal ?

Saviez-vous qu’en s’opposant aux assassinats commis par Killer Kemal,
ce mufti musulman disait : "Allah est au-dessus de nous tous. Je
crains sa colère" ?

"M. Arinc, etes-vous au courant de l’ordre donne par le commandant
Kamil Pacha de la troisième armee en 1915 ? Il avait declare,
‘quiconque essaie de cacher des Armeniens chez lui sera execute devant
la porte d’entree et sa maison brûlee entièrement." En depit de cet
ordre, savez-vous que Haji Hallil, un musulman d’Urfa, a cache une
famille armenienne de huit personnes dans les combles de sa maison
dans le marche d’Urfa pendant une annee entière malgre les menaces
de mort et d’incendie ? Allez en Anatolie de l’est et demandez aux
membres du Parlement de votre parti a ce sujet. Ils vous raconteront
des dizaines et des centaines d’histoires similaires.

" Je n’ai pas besoin de relever qu’alors que les unionistes
massacraient les Armeniens en Anatolie, les pieux musulmans
s’opposaient a ce qui se passait et disaient que le meurtre d’innocents
n’avait pas sa place dans le Coran. Quelle que soit la conference a
laquelle je participe et chaque fois que je parle avec les Armeniens,
ils me disent, ‘si nous sommes vivants aujourd’hui, c’est sans aucun
doute grâce a l’aide de quelques musulmans.’ Mais ils ajoutent,
‘a cause de la politique negationniste de votre gouvernement, nous
ne pouvons pas en parler ouvertement.’ …

" M. Arinc, vous ne pouvez pas construire un futur sur les epaules
des assassins. Vous pouvez construire un futur sur les epaules de ces
justes musulmans d’Anatolie qui ont defie les assassins. De meme,
vous ne pouvez resoudre les problèmes d’aujourd’hui en soutenant
les assassins de Hrant, les " Samasts " et les " Veli Kucuks, " vous
n’arriverez nulle part en soutenant les assassins de Hrant du passe.

Les reponses de 1915 ne peuvent etre trouvees dans les reponses de
Dogu Perincek ou Veli Kucuk. Ils sont membres du gang Ergenekon qui
a tue Hrant Dink ; il est naturel qu’ils defendent les assassins des
Hrant du passe.

Laissez les " Veli Kucuks " defendre l’assassin Samast d’aujourd’hui
et les assassins Talaat, Enver, et Kemal d’hier. Votre place n’est
pas a côte de Veli Kucuk. Votre devoir est de rester a côte des "
Haji Halils," pour proteger ces Musulmans qui ont pris des risques
pour eux-memes et leur famille en s’opposant aux massacres."

Zaman, 19 mars 2010

(1) Journaliste, fondateur du journal armeno-turc "Agos", assassine
a Istanbul le 19 janvier 2007.

No Bomb In Src Building


17:54:17 – 23/03/2010

An unknown citizen informed the Police Yerevan department that a bomb
is situated in the building of the State Revenue Committee.

Near 14:00 o’clock, the information was found out not to correspond
to the reality.

Circumstances are being cleared. An investigation is being carried out,
the RA Police reports.

Turkish People Will Oppose Erdogan’s Policy, Says Turkish Politician

17:39 23.03.10

Turkey’s Liberal Democratic Party leader Cem Toker, speaking
to Armenian journalists today, referring to Prime Minister Recep
Tayyip Erdogan’s statement on deporting Armenians living illegally
in Turkey, said:

"I haven’t read a single article in Turkey which didn’t criticize
Erdogan for that statement. Even pro-government media were strongly
criticizing him."

According to Toker, he too is one of those individuals who condemned
that statement.

"That is an unacceptable statement, and if the government decides to
implement such policy, the Turkish people will oppose it," he said.

Events Dedicated To 95th Anniversary Of Armenian Genocide To Be Held


22.03.2010 17:44 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The Armenian government held the first meeting of
the commission, preparing the events dedicated to 95th anniversary of
the Armenian Genocide. The meeting was chaired by the Armenian prime
minister Tigran Sargsyan. "We together with the National Assembly of
Armenia, public organizations and the Public Council plan to organize
events dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide at
the high level. According to the prime minister, it is reasonable
to start preparing the events dedicated to 100 anniversary of the
genocide. Prime minister instructed the cabinet members to submit
all suggestions as soon as possible, press office of the government
of Armenia reported.

Armenian Young Judoists Won 4 Silver And 1 Bronze Medal In Antalia



YEREVAN, MARCH 22, ARMENPRESS: Armenian judoists have won 5 medals
in the juniors’ tournament for the European Cup held March 20-21 in
Antalia, Turkey.

Silver medals were won by Hovhannes Alexanyan 50 kg), Armen Yegiazaryan
(60 kg), Artavazd Hovsepyan (66 kg), and Seyran Sahakyan (81 kg)
won a bronze medal.

In the girls’ tournament Roza Khachatryan (52 kg) won a silver medal
conceding to her competitor only in the last fight.

ANTELIAS: "Giving Meaning To Life Through Values", A New Book by HH

Catholicosate of Cilicia
Communication and Information Department
Contact: V.Rev.Fr.Krikor Chiftjian, Communications Director
Tel: (04) 410001, 410003
Fax: (04) 419724
E- mail: [email protected]

PO Box 70 317

Watch our latest videos on YouTube here:


The latest book in Armenian by His Holiness Aram I, entitled "Giving Meaning
To Life Through Values", has just appeared. As the Catholicos writes in his
introduction, "the book reflects the pastoral concern of a Church Leader".
In the book, His Holiness invites the reader to reflect upon moral and
ethical values; it is both a message for a meaningful life and a challenge
for transformation. The book was sponsored by the Gulbenkian Foundation.

The book provides a framework for Armenians in the 21st Century. In its 492
pages and eight sections, His Holiness explores the following themes: living
a God-centered life, seeking spiritual values, following the path of
service – the path to faith and love, affirming rights and demanding
compensation, nurturing gospel values, working for human development – the
axis of the Armenian Community, and facing the challenges to staying
Christian Armenian.

Photo here:
The Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia is one of the two Catholicosates of
the Armenian Orthodox Church. For detailed information about the history and
the mission of the Cilician Catholicosate, you may refer to the web page of
the Catholicosate, The Cilician
Catholicosate, the administrative center of the church is located in
Antelias, Lebanon.

Gagik Beglaryan Signed Council Of Europe Protocols In Strasbourg


During his visit to Strasbourg, Yerevan Mayor Gagik Beglaryan, in
the presence of RA Permanent Representative in the Council of Europe
Zohrab Mnatsakyan and Council of Europe Deputy Secretary-General Maud
de Boer-Buquicchio, signed the Additional Protocol to the European
Charter of Local Self-Governance on the right to participate in the
affairs of a local authority, and the third Protocol on the European
Outline Convention on Transfrontier Co-operation between Territorial
Communities or Authorities concerning Euroregional co-operation
groupings (ECGs).

Alas, there had been an occasion to sign the two new Council of Europe
protocols on November 16-17, 2009, in the Dutch city of Utrecht,
during the 16th session of the Council of Europe Conference Ministers
responsible for local and regional government. Better late than never,
they say.