NATO chief starts tour of Central Asia

Agence France Presse — English
October 18, 2004 Monday

NATO chief starts tour of Central Asia


Jaap de Hoop Scheffer left Brussels on Monday on his first trip as
NATO secretary general to Central Asia where he will seek to step up
cooperation between the Atlantic Alliance and the strategic region,
his press office said.

De Hoop Scheffer’s tour will take him to Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan,
Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan, meeting with the president
of each country, the office said in a statement.

He is accompanied by his new special representative for the Caucasus
and Central Asia, Robert Simmons, a former US State Department

In Istanbul in late June, heads of state and government of the North
Atlantic Treaty Organization called for heightened cooperation with
the strategically important Central Asian countries.

The five former Soviet republics are represented on the Euro-Atlantic
Partnership Council, a body set up for consultation between NATO and
partner states. The five countries also take part in the Partnership
for Peace program aimed at encouraging reforms in members’ defense

De Hoop Scheffer also plans visits in the coming weeks to Armenia,
Azerbaijan and Georgia.

Entree de la Turquie dans l’UE: debat “malsain” pour M. Vauzelle

Agence France Presse
17 octobre 2004 dimanche 7:56 AM GMT

EntrĂ©e de la Turquie dans l’UE: dĂ©bat “malsain” pour M. Vauzelle (PS)

SAINT-ETIENNE-LES-ORGUES (Alpes de Haute Provence) 17 oct

Michel Vauzelle, président (PS) de la région PACA, a qualifié
dimanche de “malsain” le dĂ©bat sur l’entrĂ©e de la Turquie dans
l’Union europĂ©enne car, a-t-il dit, il “permet Ă  la droite et Ă 
l’extrĂŞme droite de drainer tout ce qu’il peut y avoir d’anti-islam
en France”.

“On crĂ©e un faux problème, la question ne se pose pas aujourd’hui,
alors pourquoi maintenant nous mettre une épée dans les reins pour
qu’on se prononce”, a dĂ©clarĂ© le prĂ©sident de Provence-Alpes-CĂ´te
d’Azur, qui Ă©tait interrogĂ© par l’AFP lors d’une sortie sur la
montagne de Lure (Alpes de Haute Provence).

M. Vauzelle, dont la région compte une importante communauté
d’origine armĂ©nienne, a ajoutĂ© qu’il Ă©tait pour sa part hostile Ă 
l’entrĂ©e de la Turquie dans l’UE “tant que ce pays ne reconnaĂ®t pas
le gĂ©nocide armĂ©nien”.

L’ancien ministre qui est partisan du Non au projet de constitution
européenne a par ailleurs donné une dimension symbolique à sa visite
Ă  la montagne de Lure, lieu oĂą, a-t-il indiquĂ©, s’Ă©taient regroupĂ©s
des opposants républicains à Napoléon III sous le second Empire, et
des rĂ©sistants Ă  l’Allemagne nazie durant la seconde guerre mondiale:
Ce Non signifie “rĂ©sister Ă  la mondialisation ultralibĂ©rale”,
inscrite dans le projet de constitution, a-t-il déclaré.

Alors que les militants socialistes doivent se prononcer sur cette
question dĂ©but dĂ©cembre, il a ajoutĂ© : “si la majoritĂ© dit oui, je

Bringing The Bible to Schools, Shirak

Bible Society of Armenia
6/26 Zakiyan St.
Yerevan 375015, Armenia
Tel: (+374 -1) 58.55.09, 56.49.06
Fax: (+374 – 1) 54.24.39
E-mail: [email protected]

October 15, 2004


YEREVAN–Within its three-day trip to the Region of Shirak a delegation
of Bible Society Board members and World Vision International
Organization visited five main towns of the region of Shirak and met
with 113 school principals, as well as some teachers and students. The
visit to regional capital Gyumri was paid in December 2002 where there
was a meeting with the local principals. This is the region, which was
hit by a strong earthquake on December 7, 1988, causing 25.000 victims
and huge damages; the church of All Savior built at the main square,

During October 5-7, 2004, on the eve of the Feast of the Holy
Translators, the Bible Society and World Vision International delegation
members visited the Regional Capital Gyumri, Akhourian, Ashotsk,
Amassia, Artik and Maralik. Among the delegation members were HG
Archbishop Vartan Keshishian, the representative of the Primate of the
Armenian Catholic Church; Ms. Karine Harutiunian, World Vision
International Church and Community Relations Manager; and Arshavir
Kapoudjian, Bible Society Board Secretary. The delegation was always
accompanied by the Primate of Shirak, HG Bishop Mikayel Ajapahian.

The traces of the tragic event were still obvious in the cities and
villages, in the streets and schools. Amassia, the last North Western
town of the country bordering Turkey, is called `The Siberia of
Armenia,’ where the temperature during winter time is -47 It was hard
to see only two dozen of people in the streets at 3pm. It seemed as if
we were there after a battle. Therefore it was really a consolation to
meet teachers and students in an old school. `I hope our new
generation will be able to continue our task by this initiative,’ a
principal said before the meeting starts.

The meetings have usually been opened by the Board Secretary who, in his
keynote address, presented the gathered public with the 200-year history
of United Bible Societies and the13-year history of the Bible Society
Armenia and its mission, and introduced the six different books to be
given to schools.

By seeing that the Bible entered schools and found its place in the
curriculum, HG Arch. Keshishian expressed his joy stating: `We all are
aware that it is our religion and faith that has kept our existence. The
past record tack is not only a historical fact, but also a reality,
which gives meaning to our life.’ Conveying her thanks to the Bible
Society for joining this project, Ms. Harutiunian added: `We hold
special love and affection towards this region. You remember the day, 16
years ago, when we delivered a check for your spiritual uplifting and we
are here once more for the same purpose. Our mission is to be
Christians. You are the people to take these books to our new
generation. This is how you can support us.’

All the meetings were concluded by the Primate HG Bishop Ajapahian.
First he wholeheartedly expressed his gratitude to the Bible Society and
World Vision International for this unique and generous support for his
Diocese and addressed to the gathered principal and teachers: `I am
well aware that it is a very difficult task to be a village teacher.’
It required devotion and commitment from everybody. His Grace presented
the difficulties of the Diocese, especially the lack of manpower,
adding: `I am confident that such literature will replace the pastors.
With these books you are called to be a shepherd to guide our young
people and enlighten their life. This literature is novelty for you.
Moreover, it is useful. There is nothing archaic here; the traditional
and the modern are mixed together.’ Then he stressed the necessity of
the Bible, which is Holy and must be worshiped by reading and not
regarding as an idol. After 70 years of communism the Church once again
holds its responsibility and enters schools to give Biblical and
Christian education. `Neither by replacing the former ideology, nor by
imposing belief, it does make the new generation find their Christian
identity. We should learn how and what to give to each other through
this identity.’

At the end of the visits, the Board Secretary paid visit to HE
Archbishop Nerses Ter-Nersessian, the Primate of the Armenian Catholic
Church in Armenia. His Eminence also is the Vice-Chairman of the Bible
Society Board. The Board Secretary shared his impressions about this
three-day visit to the region and discussed the issue on how to reach to
the educational and spiritual needs of the people.

The Bible Society of Armenia was established in 1991, when the late
Catholicos Vazgen I and representatives of the United Bible Societies
signed a memorandum of understanding regarding the translation,
publication and dissemination of the Holy Bible in Armenia. The Bible
Society of Armenia is committed to the widest possible meaningful and
effective distribution of the Holy Scriptures in languages and media
which meet the needs of people, at a price they can afford. The Board of
Trustees of The Bible Society of Armenia consists of representatives of
the Armenian Apostolic Church, the Armenian Catholic Church and the
Union of Armenian Evangelical and Baptist Churches.

For further information on Bible Society of Armenia and its activities,
call (374-1) 58-55-09 or 56-49-06; fax (3741) 54-24-39; e-mail
[email protected]

Parlement. Jean-Pierre Raffarin repousse a plus tard le oui a Trquie

La Croix , France
15 octobre 2004

Parlement. Jean-Pierre Raffarin repousse Ă  plus tard le oui Ă  la
Turquie. Un dĂ©bat sur l’Ă©largissement de l’Union europĂ©enne Ă  la
Turquie Ă©tait organisĂ© hier Ă  l’AssemblĂ©e nationale

BOISSIEU Laurent de

Exercice dĂ©licat pour Jean-Pierre Raffarin, hier, Ă  l’AssemblĂ©e
nationale. Le premier ministre a, en effet, ouvert le débat sur la
candidature de la Turquie Ă  l’Union europĂ©enne. Un Ă©largissement
soutenu par Jacques Chirac et la diplomatie française, mais contre
lequel s’est prononcĂ©e l’UMP. Tout au long de son intervention,
Jean-Pierre Raffarin a donc habilement joué sur les deux tableaux. La
demande de la Turquie n’est pas illĂ©gitime , a-t-il dĂ©clarĂ© Ă 
l’attention des partisans de l’adhĂ©sion de cet Etat Ă  l’Union
europĂ©enne, après avoir rappelĂ© que, depuis l’accord d’association du
12 septembre 1963, la Turquie en est membre associée. Dans le
prĂ©ambule de l’accord d’association, il Ă©tait d’ailleurs indiquĂ© que
ce dernier facilitera ultĂ©rieurement l’adhĂ©sion de la Turquie . Le
chef du gouvernement s’est ainsi clairement opposĂ© Ă  un non sans
discussion, anticipé et prématuré .

Parallèlement, Ă  l’adresse, cette fois, des opposants Ă  l’adhĂ©sion de
la Turquie, Jean-Pierre Raffarin a affirmé clairement que son
adhĂ©sion Ă  l’Union europĂ©enne n’est pas possible aujourd’hui, ni
demain, ni dans les prochaines années , insistant sur le fait que
quoi qu’il arrive, la Turquie ne sera pas membre de l’Union avant
2015 . Se voulant rassurant, le chef du gouvernement a ensuite
insistĂ© sur l’engagement de Jacques Chirac : La volontĂ© de la Nation
sera respectée puisque le peuple de France aura, par référendum, le
dernier mot. Une promesse répétée à la fin de son discours.

Enfin, Jean-Pierre Raffarin a affirmé que le processus de négociation
pourrait s’arrĂŞter Ă  tout moment , mĂŞme si le Conseil europĂ©en
dĂ©cide, le 17 dĂ©cembre, d’ouvrir les nĂ©gociations d’adhĂ©sion. Cette
ouverture revient toutefois, de fait, Ă  accepter la vocation
européenne de la Turquie, ce que dénient la droite souverainiste et
l’UDF. En prenant une telle position, le premier ministre se situe
donc sur une ligne proche de celle défendue à la tribune par
Jean-Marc Ayrault, prĂ©sident du groupe socialiste : pas d’opposition
de principe Ă  un tel Ă©largissement de l’Union europĂ©enne, mais
l’exposĂ© de conditions aujourd’hui non rĂ©unies. Ni l’Europe ni la
Turquie ne sont prĂŞtes pour l’adhĂ©sion , a insistĂ© Jean-Pierre
Raffarin en concluant prudemment qu’au final, l’histoire tranchera .

Le chef du gouvernement, comme le président du groupe socialiste, a
Ă©galement insistĂ© sur la nĂ©cessitĂ© d’approfondir la construction de
l’Europe politique avant l’Ă©largissement Ă  la Turquie. La prioritĂ©
aujourd’hui pour les EuropĂ©ens, c’est le vote de la Constitution,
c’est donc l’approfondissement de l’idĂ©e d’Europe politique , a
affirmé Jean-Pierre Raffarin. Plus catégorique, François Bayrou a
estimĂ©, au nom de l’UDF, qu’en soi une adhĂ©sion de la Turquie serait
un pas vers la dispersion de l’Europe car il n’y a pas d’unitĂ©
politique possible sans unitĂ© culturelle . Le prĂ©sident de l’UDF, qui
a redemandé la reconnaissance du génocide arménien par la Turquie, a
toutefois centré son discours sur le refus du gouvernement
d’organiser un vote au Parlement sur la question, et pas seulement un

Le premier ministre n’a, en revanche, cette fois pas explicitement
évoqué la question religieuse. Dans un entretien au Wall Street
Journal, fin septembre, il avait en effet osé dire tout haut ce que
beaucoup d’adversaires de l’Ă©largissement pensent tout bas :
Voulons-nous que le fleuve de l’islam rejoigne le lit de la
dĂ©mocratie ? , s’Ă©tait interrogĂ© Jean-Pierre Raffarin. Ce qui lui
avait valu une réponse cinglante de Pierre Lellouche, un des députés
UMP favorables Ă  l’adhĂ©sion, qui estime qu’il faut, au contraire,
tout faire pour que la rivière de l’islam se noie dans l’ocĂ©an de la
dĂ©mocratie et des droits de l’homme .

La question religieuse a, par contre, été évoquée, hier, pour être
évacuée, par la Conférence des Eglises européennes. Celle-ci,
regroupant la plupart des Eglises chrĂ©tiennes en dehors de l’Eglise
catholique romaine, a estimĂ© que l’adhĂ©sion de la Turquie n’Ă©tait pas
une question de différence religieuse . Son président, le pasteur
Jean-Arnold de Clermont, également président de la Fédération
protestante de France, a expliqué que les Eglises orthodoxe,
protestante, catholique, arménienne ne sont pas respectées
aujourd’hui en Turquie et que l’adhĂ©sion de cet Etat Ă  l’Union
europĂ©enne ne pourrait se faire qu’ avec les critères de Copenhague
et donc le respect des minorités religieuses .



Retrouvez le compte rendu du dĂ©bat sur la Turquie Ă  l’AssemblĂ©e.

Mode d’emploi pour une adhĂ©sion europĂ©enne

Que signifient les critères de Copenhague ?

En 1993 et alors qu’un très grand nombre de pays de l’ancien bloc
soviĂ©tique d’Europe de l’Est cherchaient Ă  entrer dans l’Union
européenne, réunis à Copenhague, les dirigeants des 15 Etats membres
de l’UE Ă©tablirent les critères minimums politiques et Ă©conomiques
que devait remplir un pays avant d’entreprendre toute nĂ©gociation
d’adhĂ©sion : L’adhĂ©sion requiert qu’il ait des institutions stables
garantissant la primautĂ© du droit, les droits de l’homme, le respect
des minoritĂ©s et leur protection, l’existence d’une Ă©conomie de
marché viable ainsi que la capacité de faire face à la pression
concurrentielle et aux forces du marchĂ© Ă  l’intĂ©rieur de l’Union. La
partie Ă©conomique des critères de Copenhague n’est en rĂ©alitĂ©
examinĂ©e qu’en cours de nĂ©gociation d’adhĂ©sion.

La Turquie répond-elle aux critères de Copenhague ?

En décembre 2002, les dirigeants européens demandaient à la
Commission européenne de leur rendre un rapport pour la fin 2004 sur
le respect ou non par la Turquie des critères politiques de
Copenhague. Le 6 octobre dernier, la Commission considérait que la
Turquie répondait à ces critères sous réserve : que les réformes
lĂ©gislatives votĂ©es soient mises en pratique ; que l’irrĂ©versibilitĂ©
du processus de réforme soit confirmée sur une longue période ; que
les négociations soient stoppées ou suspendues en cas de violation
grave de ces critères et que sur l’ensemble du volet Ă©conomique Ă 
examiner aucun chapitre ne soit fermĂ© tant que tous n’Ă©taient pas

Que va-t-il être décidé au sommet européen du 17 décembre à Bruxelles

· l’unanimitĂ©, les 25 dirigeants des pays membres de l’Union doivent
dire s’il convient ou non d’ouvrir des nĂ©gociations avec la Turquie
et, en cas de rĂ©ponse positive, Ă  quelle date commencer. Le veto d’un
seul empêche toute ouverture de négociations. Aucunement tenus par le
rapport de la Commission européenne, ils peuvent alléger ou alourdir
les conditions pour la future pĂ©riode de nĂ©gociations qui s’ouvrirait

Mode d’emploi pour une adhĂ©sion europĂ©enne

Que signifient les critères de Copenhague ?

En 1993 et alors qu’un très grand nombre de pays de l’ancien bloc
soviĂ©tique d’Europe de l’Est cherchaient Ă  entrer dans l’Union
européenne, réunis à Copenhague, les dirigeants des 15 Etats membres
de l’UE Ă©tablirent les critères minimums politiques et Ă©conomiques
que devait remplir un pays avant d’entreprendre toute nĂ©gociation
d’adhĂ©sion : L’adhĂ©sion requiert qu’il ait des institutions stables
garantissant la primautĂ© du droit, les droits de l’homme, le respect
des minoritĂ©s et leur protection, l’existence d’une Ă©conomie de
marché viable ainsi que la capacité de faire face à la pression
concurrentielle et aux forces du marchĂ© Ă  l’intĂ©rieur de l’Union. La
partie Ă©conomique des critères de Copenhague n’est en rĂ©alitĂ©
examinĂ©e qu’en cours de nĂ©gociation d’adhĂ©sion.

La Turquie répond-elle aux critères de Copenhague ?

En décembre 2002, les dirigeants européens demandaient à la
Commission européenne de leur rendre un rapport pour la fin 2004 sur
le respect ou non par la Turquie des critères politiques de
Copenhague. Le 6 octobre dernier, la Commission considérait que la
Turquie répondait à ces critères sous réserve : que les réformes
lĂ©gislatives votĂ©es soient mises en pratique ; que l’irrĂ©versibilitĂ©
du processus de réforme soit confirmée sur une longue période ; que
les négociations soient stoppées ou suspendues en cas de violation
grave de ces critères et que sur l’ensemble du volet Ă©conomique Ă 
examiner aucun chapitre ne soit fermĂ© tant que tous n’Ă©taient pas

Que va-t-il être décidé au sommet européen du 17 décembre à Bruxelles

· l’unanimitĂ©, les 25 dirigeants des pays membres de l’Union doivent
dire s’il convient ou non d’ouvrir des nĂ©gociations avec la Turquie
et, en cas de rĂ©ponse positive, Ă  quelle date commencer. Le veto d’un
seul empêche toute ouverture de négociations. Aucunement tenus par le
rapport de la Commission européenne, ils peuvent alléger ou alourdir
les conditions pour la future pĂ©riode de nĂ©gociations qui s’ouvrirait

BAKU: Milli Majlis congratulates Aliyev

[October 16, 2004, 12:17:54]

Azer Tag, Azerbaijan
Oct 16 2004

Dear and highly esteemed President!

On behalf of deputies of Milli Majlis and on my personal behalf, I
cordially congratulate You on the anniversary of acting as the
President of the Azerbaijan Republic and on the occasion of 13th
anniversary of our state independence, I wish you new successes in
the grandiose work done by you in the name of further strengthening
and development of the independent Azerbaijan state which was left to
us by our national leader Heydar Aliyev.

Marking 13th anniversary of independence, we once again look back to
the way passed by our people for construction of a free, independent,
sovereign state, difficulties that it faced on this way, to the
successes achieved by it. The whole period of the newest history of
Azerbaijan is connected to the name of our national leader Heydar
Aliyev. Thanks to his ingenious administrative abilities and intense
work in 1969-1982, during his first management of the Republic, our
country experienced progress in all spheres of life – in economy,
science, culture, education. For the short period of time, Azerbaijan
has passed the way of development equal to century. The favorable
conditions created by our national leader have started potential
force of society, and therefore, in consciousness of our people there
was a true awakening national advantage. During this period, due to
foresight and wisdom of Heydar Aliyev, there was laid strong base for
the future state independence of Azerbaijan.

At the end of XX century, when our people regained independence, it
could keep this sacred gift only due to the genius and will of Heydar
Aliyev. In terrible June days 1993, when the destiny of our
statehood, when our freedom and independence have faced monstrous
danger, our national leader on call of the insisting people has come
back to power in the country, and it has rescued the Azerbaijan
Republic which was on the edge of war and destruction. Due to Heydar
Aliyev’s saving mission, our state got rid of threat to be erased
with the political map of world, has avoided of the destiny the
Azerbaijan Democratic Republic faced in the beginning of XX century,
has shown to all world that can keep the statehood.

The policy whom our national leader with great foresight and wisdom
carried out after the historical returning to authority, has caused
eternity, irreversibility and indestructibility of independence of
Azerbaijan. In our country, large-scale reforms are carried out, and
the democratic, legal, secular state is being constructed. Principles
of civil society and market economy have been established, and
supremacy of law, protection of human rights and citizen, freedom of
speech, views, and political pluralism provided.

New oil strategy and strategy of economic development has been
prepared, and signed more than 20 contracts on development of power
resources in the Azerbaijan sector of the Caspian. There was a
transition from economic recession to consecutive development. Our
country became the initiator and the participant of huge economic
projects, has turned to leading force of projects of restoration of
the historical Silk Road, laying of the main export pipeline
Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan and gas pipeline Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum.

Negotiations on peace settlement of the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorny
Karabakh conflict have begun on the basis of norms and principles of
international law, in particular, the major among them is the
principle of inviolability of borders and territorial integrity of
the states. For achievement of support of the fair cause of our
people necessary measures on global scale have been undertaken, our
country has taken a worthy place in the international community. The
Azerbaijan Republic became an equal member of many authoritative
international organizations, including the United Nations, OSCE, the
Council of Europe, and the Organization of the Black Sea Economic
Cooperation, the Organization of Islamic Conference, the
Commonwealths of Independent States, the Organizations of Economic
Cooperation, the initiator and the active participant of regional
structure GUUAM.

Meeting today the 13th anniversary of the state independence of the
Azerbaijan Republic, our people once again with feeling of gratitude
recollects invaluable merits of Heydar Aliyev who has devoted all
life to protection, strengthening and development of the Azerbaijan
state, and who is among the greatest persons of our history. His
six-ten years’ grandiose activity including in political treasury of
the world, has played an exclusive role in realization of dream of
independent statehood, which by centuries was desired by Azerbaijan

Dear Mr. President!

One of the most significant events, which have occurred these days in
the political life of our country, is the anniversary of your
activity in the post of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic. On
October 15 last year, our people has voted at presidential elections
for You, having acted thus for continuation of the political course
of Heydar Aliyev leading Azerbaijan to the happy future. This
historical event, which has put in pawn the beginning of a new stage
in democratic development of Azerbaijan, being logical continuation
of our way of development, has provided political continuity
representing at the present stage vital value for our state.

In spite of the fact that a year passed after presidential elections,
is very short term for history, scale and the importance of the work
done in our country under your management, allow to speak with full
confidence that in the near future the Azerbaijan Republic which has
reached progress on strong and indestructible basis, created by our
national leader Heydar Aliyev, will turn in the most powerful state
of region. The projects, which are carried out by you in the post of
the head of the state, allow continuing successfully reforms in
political, economic, social and cultural life of our country. It is
undertaken measures directed on social and economic development of
our regions, huge transnational economic projects in which our
country participates, including the project of laying the BTC MEP.
The big attention is given to industry, agriculture, and other
branches of economy. It is perceived with great approval rise of well
being of Azerbaijan people, opening of new workplaces, increase of
wages, allowances and pensions, care of science, literature, art,
sports are perceived.

Your foreign visits, fruitful negotiations held with heads of the
states, politicians promote further strengthening of positions of
Azerbaijan on global scale, guarantee support of our just cause,
peace settlement of the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorny Karabakh

Dear Mr. President,

The work done by you in the name of continuation of the political
line of our national leader Heydar Aliyev, development of his ideas,
has brought to you national love. Our people love you and have
closely rallied around of you. We trust, that due to inherent in you
to political experience, hardness and resoluteness you and henceforth
will continue successfully a rate of our national leader Heydar
Aliyev, will achieve the decision of all problems facing to our
independent state.

Dear President,

On behalf of deputies of the Milli Majlis and on my personal behalf
once again I congratulate You on the anniversary of presidential
activity and on the occasion of 13th anniversary of the state
independence of the Azerbaijan Republic, I wish you robust health,
new successes in grandiose activity in the name of happy future of
our state and people.

With deep respect,

On behalf of the Milli Majlis of Azerbaijan Republic,

Murtuz Alaskarov,

Chairman of Milli Majlis

(The Congratulation was adopted at session of Milli Majlis of the
Azerbaijan Republic, October 15, 2004).

ARMENIA: Jehovah’s Witnesses legal

ARMENIA: Jehovah’s Witnesses legal

Canton Repository , OH
Oct 14 2004

Thursday, October 14, 2004 YEREVAN, Armenia — Authorities in Armenia
registered the Jehovah’s Witnesses on Wednesday, allowing the religious
group to operate in the Caucasus Mountain nation after years of debate
and denial.

The Jehovah’s Witnesses first appeared in Armenia in 1988. But
the group was unable to win registration after the nation became
independent in the 1991 Soviet collapse.

Legalizing the Jehovah’s Witnesses was one of the main conditions
set out by the Council of Europe when the continent’s leading human
rights organization granted Armenia membership two years ago.

Deputy Justice Minister Tigran Mukuchian told The Associated Press
a major obstacle to registration had been members’ refusal to serve
in the military.

En coulisses; L’hallali du docteur Atamian

9 octobre 2004

En coulisses; L’hallali du docteur Atamian

Lejeune Guillaume

Le docteur eudois Claude Atamian Ă©crit sa rage. D’origine armĂ©nienne,
le médecin du travail actuellement en voyage sur la terre de ses
ancĂŞtres s’est fendu d’une lettre ouverte Ă  la directrice des
programmes de France Culture qu’il distribue aux journaux locaux et

La station serait-elle devenue Ă  l’insu de son plein grĂ© un relais de
la propagande turque, dans le but de persuader ses auditeurs de
laisser ce nouveau cheval de Troie pseudo-démocratique et
nĂ©gationniste entrer dans l’Europe unie? s’interroge-t-il.

La question de l’adhĂ©sion de la Turquie Ă  la nouvelle Europe divise,
Ă  gauche comme Ă  droite. Mais le propos du praticien n’est pas
uniquement motivĂ© par la dimension politique du dĂ©bat – et du futur
référendum. Dans sa longue missive, M. Atamian plonge dans les affres
de l’Histoire (son histoire) et pointe du doigt les horreurs commises
pendant cinq siècles par la Turquie et les Ottomans contre son peuple
victime d’un gĂ©nocide, en 1915; dĂ©nonce cette dĂ©mocratie surveillĂ©e
au doigt et Ă  l’oeil par le pouvoir militaire; et bondit quand il
entend que dĂ©sormais, en Turquie, la torture n’est plus
systématiquement appliquée.

En sonnant ainsi l’hallali, M. Atamian annonce la mort du devoir de
mémoire de son peuple. Et se positionne clairement pour le non à la
Turquie, pourtant si prisée pour ses côtes touristiques.

EAFJD Delivers Report on Turkey To The European Commission

for Justice and Democracy
Avenue de la Renaissance 10
Tel./Fax : +32 (0) 2 732 70 27
Email: [email protected]


— This document includes the most recent Turkish threats, including
information on article 306 of the new penal code

Brussels, Belgium — On Wednesday September 29th, the European Armenian
Federation provided the European Commission with detailed information
about Turkish Government strategy in dealing with Armenian concerns.
The extensive 32 page report, titled “Turkey and the Armenian Genocide,”
covers policies adopted and enacted in 2003 with a special 2004
addendum, focuses on Turkey’s domestic policies dealing with their
Armenian minority and relations with foreign countries with regard to
the Armenian Genocide. The document excludes coverage on Turkey’s
ongoing blockade of Armenia and its relations with that country.

The report, available on the Federation’s website ,
outlines Turkey’s efforts to destabilize Armenian institutions in
Turkey, providing information on so-called reconciliation attempts and
threats against other countries. The report is organized in several
sections providing examples of alleged scientific research,
administrative measures, manipulation tools, intimidation tactics and
diplomatic measures used to promote their strategy.

“European policy-makers often have a incomplete view of Turkey’s
aggressive policies toward their Armenian minority and Armenian issues
in general. Often, only the most egregious tactics are taken into
account. With this report, we aim to disclose the actual scale of this
strategy, which serves as a fundamental pillar of Turkey’s State policy”
said Laurent Leylekian, Executive Director of the European Armenian

“We updated this report with the most recent measures undertaken by
Ankara, with special focus on the recent adoption of article 306 which
criminalizes the affirmation of the Armenian genocide. This attack on
liberty clearly contradicts accepted international laws dealing with
freedom of speech, specifically articles 10, 11 and 14 of the European
Charter of Fundamental Rights, which will serve as an integral part of
the forthcoming European Constitution” added Leylekian.

“Based on our findings, we hope that the European Commission’s annual
report on Turkey will give a more complete account of Turkey’s denialist
and anti-Armenian policies than previous years – policies which
consistently violate the Copenhagen criteria. The absence of these
finding, would signal the Commission’s endorsement of Turkey’s racist
and discriminatory policies,” concluded Leylekian.

A country on the cusp

A country on the cusp

Irish Times
Oct 02, 2004

Turkey: Any explicator of contemporary Turkey – that mysterious,
wildly beautiful dissolution of Europe into Asia – must contend with
the fear and ignorance instilled in Western minds by centuries of
conflict between Ottoman and Christian forces, writes Joseph O’Neill.

The threatening figure of “the Turk” – a dark-browed, sensual
Mohammedan, addicted to barbarism – lives on; and whereas the horror
of the prison scenes in Midnight Express (1979) still lingers, the
images of, say, Abu Ghraib (or, for that matter, the intermittent
revelations of the shockingly primitive workings of the domestic
criminal justice system in the US) quickly fade ina detergent flood of
counter-narratives. Mud sticks to Turkey. Or, as the self-pitying old
Turkish saying has it, the Turks have no friends but themselves.

This is, of course, untrue. It is, in fact, remarkable how frequently
foreign observers fall head over heels in love with the country and
its people, and how much of the literature, however critical, is
tinted with affection and even bedazzlement. From appreciative
travellers such as Freya Stark to hard-bitten diplomats, journalists
and academics, visitors are emotionally susceptible to Turkey’s
extraordinary charms. Andrew Mango, a BBC veteran turned Turkish
scholar, is the latest sympathetic onlooker to put pen to paper. This
book,which follows his acclaimed biography of Atat’rk, assesses the
state of modern-day Turkey and the progress of its historic
Westernising mission.

That mission was, of course, conceived and drastically pursued by
Kemal Atat’rk. The trajectory of the republic he founded bears, it so
happens, many similarities to that of the Irish republic. Both shook
off foreign rule in or around 1922; both spent their first three
decades of independence in isolationist mode, staying neutral during
the second World War; both have been afflictedby political violence;
both have vexed relationships with their pasts and their national
myths; and both now espouse a cult of entrepreneurship and economic
growth at the expense of traditional values. So why is Turkey, by
comparison with Ireland, still a poor, undeveloped country? What can
be done to make things better?

These are vital questions. Although there is, in Mango’s view, little
danger of Turkey undergoing an Islamic revolution, it is obviously
crucial that it succeeds in establishing itself as the first
fully-fledged Muslim democracy- which, in practice, means accession to
the EU. The position here is well known. Even if EU economic criteria
are satisfied, Turkey must do justice to its Kurdish citizens, end the
widespread perpetration of physical abuse by agents of the state,
remove its clumsy restrictions on political, cultural and religious
expression and dispose of the need for the army to intervene
periodically to rescue the country from the dangerous incompetence of
its elected governments. These concerns are not the product of
historical prejudices about “the Turk”. They reflect substantial and
legitimate concerns that increasing numbers of Turkish citizens share.

Without hesitation, Mango puts his finger on the underlying
difficulty: the shortage in Turkey of what, in a Kemalist turn of
phrase, he calls “modern knowledge”. (Atat’rk once peevishly asked:
“Can a civilised nation toleratea crowd of people who let themselves
be led by the nose by sheiks, dervishes and the like, and who entrust
their faith and their lives to fortune-tellers, magicians,
witch-doctors and amulet-makers?”) The most profound attribute of a
modern European nation – an inclination to rational, non-supernatural
explanations of good and evil, and, consequently, to certain shared
moral reflexes – characterises only an educated minority of Turkish
citizens, the mass of whom (including many members of the political
class) are still given to conspiracy theories, paranoia and weird
blind spots on questions of freedom and justice. Turkey is a place
where honour killings persist and, as Mango points out, where the
World Trade Centre attacks may seriously be attributed to the Mossad
and the CIA. It’s also a place where the government actively
considered the criminalisation of adultery until finally scrapping the
proposal last week .

Mango’s attitude to such issues seems to be that, given time,
encouragement, and understanding, Turkey will muddle its way into the
European mainstream.He certainly does not advocate radical
liberalisation. After all, when Syria, Iraq, Iran, and Georgia, not to
mention prickly Greece and Armenia, nestle on your borders, when you
have a separatist conflict on your hands, when your politicians tend
to be self-serving demagogues and when the voting public is vulnerable
to extremist populism, it may be that you have little choice butto
proceed carefully and incrementally. This – conservative
progressiveness, Mango c alls it – remains the stance of the Turkish
army and its allies in the Kemalist establishment.

Which brings us to an unfortunate feature of The Turks Today: it
sometimes reads as if it were written by and for the Turkish
authorities. Although Mango favours an informed and analytically
critical Turkish culture, he exhibits precisely the limitations that
continue to hold back Turkish thinking. Thus, Kurdish political
violence is largely attributed to the “truculent” ambition of one
individual, the PKK leader Abdullah Ă–calan, and the “tradition of
violence endemic in Kurdish society”; almost nothing is said of the
oppression of the so-called mountain Turks and their long-standing
claims to self-government.The Armenian genocide is subjected to a
cursory, misleading summary that culminates with the statement:
“Turkey holds that claims and counter-claims should be examined by
historians and not by politicians.” Never mind that historians have in
fact examined the Armenian claims and, overwhelmingly, upheld them.

Andrew Mango’s new book is often expert; but to be of true service to
the country he knows so well, he cannot go native on matters of
intellectual and moral honesty.

The Turks Today By Andrew Mango John Murray, 292pp. GBP20

Joseph O’Neill is an author. His most recent book is Blood-Dark Track:
A Family History (Granta Books)

Turkey set to “degrade” Armenia financially, presidential aide says

Turkey set to “degrade” Armenia financially, presidential aide says

Mediamax news agency
29 Sep 04


Normalization of Armenian-Turkish relations depends entirely on
Turkey, Armenian presidential aide Seyran Avagyan told today’s
seminar in Yerevan entitled “The economic efficiency of opening the
Armenian-Turkish border and possible developments” organized by the
Centre for Public Dialogue and Development.

Avagyan said that the markets of the two countries are well aware
of businesses, commodities and potential of manufacturers of one
another. “The opening of the borders will be an economically and
mutually beneficial step, and both countries know this well,” the
presidential aide said. However, he said that Turkey’s political
principles are creating problems for improving Armenian-Turkish

“We are witnesses to blockade imposed by this country whose strategy
is to degrade Armenia financially,” Avagyan said.