Agreement of sale of Zangezur plant to be signed after Dec. 13


Dec 7 2004

YEREVAN, DECEMBER 7, ARMENPRESS: Armenian trade and economic
development ministry said the agreement with Germany’s Cronimet on
purchase of 75 percent of shares in Armenia’s Zangezur copper and
molybdenum plant will be signed after December 13. Earlier minister
Karen Chshmaritian said it would be signed by December 5. The ministry
said the agreement is being now finalized. Under the deal the German
company will pay $132 million for 75% of the stock.

Half of the remaining stock (12.5%) will be transferred to Armenian
Molybdenum Production (AMP), set up last year in Yerevan to process
molybdenum; the other 12.5% will go to management company Zangezur
Mining, created recently by the plant’s workforce and administration.

Cronimet has said it is ready to credit AMP and Zangezur Mining to
enable them to acquire their portion of stock. Cronimet owns 48%
of the stock in Yerevan’s Pure Iron, which processes molybdenum
concentrate produced by Zangezur plant.

Ich bin ein Nicosier

“Ich bin ein Nicosier”
par Jeambar Denis

6 décembre 2004

Question: dans quel pays “plus de la moitiĂ© de la population fĂ©minine
subit-elle des formes de violence physique et psychologique dans
l’environnement familial”, selon un rapport de la Commission

RĂ©ponse: la Turquie. 35 millions de femmes y vivent, plus de 17
millions d’entre elles seraient donc concernĂ©es. La charte des droits
fondamentaux de la future Constitution européenne (article II-21)
prĂ©cise, quant Ă  elle: “Est interdite toute discrimination fondĂ©e
notamment sur le sexe […].”

Question: dans quel pays, selon le même rapport européen, la violence
pratiquĂ©e Ă  l’Ă©gard des femmes par les services de police est-elle
jugĂ©e “particulièrement prĂ©occupante”?

RĂ©ponse: la Turquie. Le 14 juin 2003, par exemple, Mme GĂĽlbahar
Gündüz, représentante des femmes du Parti démocratique populaire, y
aurait Ă©tĂ© “enlevĂ©e, violĂ©e et torturĂ©e, les yeux bandĂ©s…”.

Question: quel pays occupe la 77e place dans le classement mondial de
la probité?

RĂ©ponse: la Turquie. A titre de comparaison, la France se situe au
23e rang – pour les moins corrompus – la Tunisie au 40e, le Maroc au
70e et la Roumanie au 83e.

Question: quel pays est en conflit latent avec tous ses voisins?

RĂ©ponse: la Turquie. Alors que la paix est le mot d’ordre de
l’Europe, la Turquie occupe militairement une partie de Chypre, a
fermĂ© ses frontières avec l’ArmĂ©nie et connaĂ®t des tensions aussi
bien avec la GĂ©orgie, Ă  cause de la rĂ©publique autonome d’Adjarie,
qui fut sous contrĂ´le ottoman dans le passĂ©, qu’avec l’Irak, en
raison de la question kurde, ou la Syrie, Ă  propos d’Antioche.

Question: quel pays refuse de reconnaĂ®tre l’existence d’un pays
europĂ©en et entend nĂ©anmoins entrer dans l’Union?

Réponse: la Turquie. Ankara ne reconnaît pas Chypre, pourtant membre
de l’Union europĂ©enne depuis le 1er mai 2004. Le ministre turc des
Affaires étrangères, M. Abdullah Gül, déclarait encore, le 29
novembre dernier, qu’il n’Ă©tait pas question que son pays reconnaisse
Chypre avant que les Vingt-Cinq donnent leur feu vert Ă  l’ouverture
officielle de nĂ©gociations d’adhĂ©sion de son pays Ă  l’Union

Question: quel pays occupe militairement une partie du territoire
européen et y a construit un mur comparable à celui qui divisait
Berlin avant 1989?

RĂ©ponse: la Turquie. Elle a envahi le tiers nord de Chypre en 1974 et
n’en est plus jamais partie. La ligne verte qu’elle a tracĂ©e pour
diviser l’Ă®le se concrĂ©tise sous la forme d’un mur qui passe au
centre de Nicosie. Y aura-t-il un homme politique européen pour oser
déclarer, à la manière de Kennedy devant le mur de Berlin en 1961,
devant cette construction de la honte: “Ich bin ein Nicosier”?

Question: quel est le pays dont 95% du territoire et 92% de la
population se situent géographiquement en Asie?

RĂ©ponse: la Turquie, dont les frontières, Ă  l’est, sont la Syrie,
l’Iran, l’Irak, la GĂ©orgie et l’ArmĂ©nie.

Question: quel est le pays oĂą, d’après la Commission europĂ©enne, “la
publication et l’importation de manuels religieux non approuvĂ©s sont
interdites et oĂą il y a eu des cas de confiscations de livres par les

RĂ©ponse: la Turquie.

Question: quel est le pays oĂą, toujours selon la Commission
europĂ©enne, “les minoritĂ©s religieuses non musulmanes sont
confrontées à de sérieux obstacles en matière de personnalité
juridique, de droits de propriĂ©tĂ© et de gestion interne” et ne
peuvent former leur clergé?

RĂ©ponse: la Turquie. Rappelons la Charte des droits fondamentaux, qui
fait partie intégrante du traité constitutionnel sur lequel les
Français et les autres EuropĂ©ens doivent se prononcer: “Toute
personne a droit à sa liberté de pensée, de conscience et de
religion.” Ce droit implique “la libertĂ© de manifester sa religion ou
sa conviction individuellement, et collectivement, en public et en
privĂ©, par le culte, l’enseignement, les pratiques et
l’accomplissement des rites” (article II-10).

Question: quel pays a présidé la 31e Conférence islamique des
ministres des Affaires étrangères, qui a publié ce communiqué le 16
juin 2004: “La confĂ©rence a appelĂ© Ă  s’abstenir de toute utilisation
de l’universalitĂ© des droits de l’homme comme prĂ©texte pour s’ingĂ©rer
dans les affaires intérieures des Etats et porter atteinte à leur
souveraineté nationale. Elle a, en outre, dénoncé la décision de
l’Union europĂ©enne concernant la condamnation de la peine de
lapidation et des autres peines qualifiĂ©es d’inhumaines et qui sont
appliquées dans certains Etats membres en vertu des dispositions de
la charia”?

RĂ©ponse: la Turquie, en la personne de M. Abdullah GĂĽl.

Question: quel pays est au centre du monde touranien?

RĂ©ponse: la Turquie. Ce terme dĂ©finit, en fait, l’espace turcophone,
qui va très loin vers l’Asie centrale et concerne près de 200
millions de personnes, parlant la même langue, musulmanes, aimantées
par la Turquie et, donc, demain par l’Europe si elle s’Ă©largit.

Question: quel est le pays dont le nouveau Code pénal, adopté le 26
septembre dernier, prévoit dans son article 306 une peine de dix ans
de prison pour “les citoyens qui dĂ©clarent que le gĂ©nocide armĂ©nien a
effectivement eu lieu pendant la Première Guerre mondiale”?

RĂ©ponse: la Turquie. Rappelons qu’une rĂ©solution du Parlement
européen votée le 18 juin 1987, réitérée les 2 février et 18 mars
2004, exige comme condition de l’adhĂ©sion de la Turquie Ă  l’Union
européenne la reconnaissance du génocide arménien.

Question: faut-il que la Turquie entre dans l’Union europĂ©enne?

RĂ©ponse: les 16 et 17 dĂ©cembre prochain, Ă  l’occasion du Conseil
europĂ©en d’Athènes…

Sur la Turquie et l’Europe, lire absolument le remarquable ouvrage de
Sylvie Goulard, préfacé par Robert Badinter: Le Grand Turc et la
RĂ©publique de Venise (Fayard).


Pol Supposes Issue of Return of Armenian Territories in Az to Return

PanArmenian News
Dec 2 2004


02.12.2004 18:56

question of return of territories being controlled by Armenians in
the security belt around the Nagorno Karabakh Republic is raised, the
question of return of Armenian Shahumian and Getashen territories may
appear,” leader of the parliamentary faction of the Republican Party
of Armenia Galust Sahakian supposes. At today’s press conference
leader of the parliamentary faction of the Republican Party of
Armenia Galust Sahakian reminded that the international community was
not able to prevent the Armenian Genocide in Ottoman Turkey and the
slaughter in Sumgait (Azerbaijan). He stated it within the context of
the question of the PACE draft report on Nagorno Karabakh, being
discussed lately. Galust Sahakian called the political forces of the
country not to use the Nagorno Karabakh issue in the internal
political struggle and not to “scare the people.” He also noted that
if the question of return of territories being controlled by
Armenians in the security belt around the Nagorno Karabakh Republic
is raised, the issue of return of Armenian territories of Shahumian
and Getashen, occupied by Azerbaijan, may appear. It should be
reminded that being part of the NKR, Getashen and Shahumian regions,
which had been populated by Armenians, were seized by Azeri forces in
1991-1992 with the support of the Soviet and Russian armies. The
Armenian population was either deported or annihilated.

Opposition not waiting for ex-president’s return

Opposition not waiting for ex-president’s return

November 26, 2004

Levon Ter-Petrosian’s interview after 6 years of silence has not
caused sensation with the opposition representatives: National Unity
(NU) and Justice bloc. This became clear during the parliamentary
debriefing the other day.

Secretary of the Justice bloc Victor Dallakian said the ex-president
should be left to decide whether he is going to deal with
politics. And the NU secretary Aleksan Karapetian said that
Ter-Petrosian does not see his return in pol itics even in the depth
of his soul. Karapetian reminded that Ter-Petrosian’s party, Armenian
National Movement (ANM) skipped its chance to stand next tothe
opposition during the last elections. He also made a point that the
current plight of the country is a heritage of Ter-Petrosian.

Leader of the Republican Party of Armenia Galust Sahakian said that
Levon Ter-Petrosian made a wrong start with the interview to the
press. He also readdressed the question of Ter-Petrosian’s possible
return to politics to the very ex-president. He also asserted that the
authorities had not stepped back onthe issue of Karabagh.

ARF faction leader Levon Mkrtchian said that Ter-Petrosian’s returnto
politics is a matter of time. As to the ex-president’s famous article
`War or Peace’ , Mkrtchian said that did not denounce the package
solution, but only said that Armenia does not have an opportunity for
that. `but today we do have that opportunity,’ said Mkrtchian. As to
discussing the Karabagh issue in EC, Mkrtchian expressed doubt that EC
can seriously be involved in the process with its actual voting

Orinats Yerkir Party representative Mher Shahgeldian also spoke about
the importance of package solution to the Karabagh issue.

Turkish minister plays down French official’s remarks on EU entry

Turkish minister plays down French official’s remarks on EU entry

NTV television, Istanbul
29 Nov 04

Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul hosted his Hungarian counterpart
today. During a joint news conference with the Hungarian foreign
minister, Gul said that he does not see any reason to speak negatively
with regard to the outcome of the EU summit on 17 December. He
remarked that the talks are continuing in a positive manner. Referring
to the remarks by Nicolas Sarkozy of France, Gul stated: The
authoritative person in foreign policy matters is the French
president, it is Chirac.

At the news conference, Gul said that there is no reason for the
negotiations with the EU not to begin. I believe that it is
unnecessary to have negative expectations, he stated. The foreign
minister also stressed that any alternative other than starting the
negotiations with the aim of attaining full membership is out of the
question for Turkey.

Commenting on the statements emanating from France in connection with
Turkey’s membership, Gul recalled that French President Chirac is
authorized to decide on foreign policy matters. Gul stated that it is
important to remain loyal to steps taken in the past.

On the subject of Iraq, Gul commented on the criticism directed
against the United States and Washington’s reaction against this
criticism. Everything should be evaluated within its own dimension,
Gul remarked. He said that it would be blackmail to say: We will do
this, if you use the definition of genocide.

Gul added that there is no such blackmail. It had been charged in the
media that the United States had warned Turkey that the draft bill on
the Armenian genocide allegations would be enacted [if Turkey used the
word genocide in connection with Fallujah].

Armenian Parliamentarians Have Different Opinions On Dispatch OfArme


YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 25. ARMINFO. Armenian parliamentarians divided in
their opinion on dispatch of Armenian peacemakers to Iraq.

Armenian Revolutionary Federation (Dashnaksutiun), Orinants Yerkir
and United Labor party refrained from unveiling their dispositions
until the parliamentary discussions. The opposition, on the other hand,
openly opposes the dispatch. The deputy chair of National Unity Alexan
Karapetian stated that Armenian communities in Iraq will be endangered
upon the dispatch of peacemakers to Iraq. However, he said Armenia
should not be “tough” while refusing US to send its soldiers because
it may have negative aftereffects on relations. Armenia should try to
explain that the action will put thousands of lives under danger. In
his tern, the secretary of the Block Justice Viktor Dalakian reiterated
that the opposition is categorically against the dispatch of soldiers
to Iraq. He even said that the opposition may appear in the parliament
while the issue is being discussed.

The president of the country has applied to the Constitutional Court
for a ruling on the dispatch of 50 Armenian peacemakers to Iraq within
a Polish battalion. If the Constitutional Court decides that there are
no contradictions with the constitutional norms, the final decision
to dispatch the peacemaker will stay with the parliament. -A-

ARKA News Agency – 11/26/2004

ARKA News Agency
Nov 26 2004

Armenian officially receives the status of observer in International
Francophone Organization

New coin of AMD 10 value to be put in circulation since December 1
2004 by CBA

Over AMD 7 mln. is collected in NKR for the construction of North
–South highway

Trade turnover between Korea and Armenia for 10 months 2004 makes $2


YEREVAN, November 26. /ARKA/. Armenia officially received the status
of observer in International Francophone Organization. According to
the Press and Information Department of RA Foreign Ministry, the RA
Foreign Minister noted in his thankful speech that the decision to
confer the status of observer to Armenia will even more strengthen
the adherence of the republic to values and principles of
The official Armenian delegation headed by Vardan Oskanian took part
in the 10th summit of francophone states on November 24-27 in the
capital of Burkina-Faso Uagadugu. The official delegation of Armenia
was for the first time represented at the summit of International
Francophone Organization, which includes 51 countries. The status of
observers was granted to Czech Republic, Lithuania, Slovakia,
Slovenia and Poland. L.V.–0–


2004 BY CBA

YEREVAN, November 26. /ARKA/. Cba will put in circulation a new coin
of AMD 10 value since December 1 2004 in Armenia, as stated Gevorg
Toumanyan, the Head of Cash Operations Department of CBA. He noted
that the objective of the new issue is to bring the design of the
coin in accordance with the previously issued new series of coins.
The coins are cut in Poland as before. He noted that the cost of
cutting of the new coin is somewhat less than the prime cost of the
coin; it does not exceed AMD 5 for one coin. The coins of the old
issue can be exchanged with new ones in any commercial bank of the
The new coin is much smaller than the coin of 1994 sample; however is
cut from the same metal- aluminum.
The coin of AMD 10 value was the first coin, which has been put in
circulation ion Armenia since 1994. According to the estimates of
CBA, currently there are about 150 mln AMD 10-value coins in Armenia.
($1=AMD 501,01). L.V. –0–



STEPANAKERT, November 26. /ARKA/. Over AMD 7 mln. Is collected in NKR
for the construction of North –South highway. According to ARKA’s
reporter in Stepanakert, collecting money in NKR was conducted
simultaneously with the TV marathon held in the USA. At present over
AMD 7 mln. 200 thsd is sent to the account of Artsakhbank. Most
donations were done by individuals and legal entities of Martakert
region (NKR) totaling AMD 1 mln. 800 thsd.
To remind, to complete the construction of the highway worth AMD 25
mln. about USD 12,5 mln is required. ($1 – AMD 501,01). A.H. –0–



YEREVAN, November 26. /ARKA/. Trade turnover between Korea and
Armenia for 10 months 2004 made $2 mln., as sted by the President of
Korean Trade Center in Moscow Lee Kwang-Hee. According to him, the
speed of trade turnover slowed down a bit as compared to 2003. During
the last year it made $3,7 mln. According to Lee Kwang-Hee, the list
of goods imported and exported is not big. Armenia mainly imports
tobacco goods, various electronics, refrigerators, boilers from
Korea, and exports transistors and components for optic and medical
devices. “Armenian and Korean entrepreneurs don’t know one another
well yet”, he said noting the importance of the Armenian-Korean
business forum held these days in Yerevan. A.H. –0—



As A Result Of “Wise” Foreign Policy Of Last Years Armenia RemainedW


YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 27. ARMINFO. “As a result of the “wise” foreign
policy of the incumbent authorities of Armenia, our country was
deprived of all the allies on the international arena”, Deputy Chairman
of the board of formerly ruling party of Armenia, Armenian National
Movement, Aram Manukian stated during the meeting with journalists
at the club Azdak.

According to him, Armenia’s role as a player in political processes in
the region has minimized, and the settlement of the Karabakh problem
absolutely does not depend on the authorities of the country. “Thanks
to the consecutive activity of the incumbent Armenian leadership,
the keys of the settlement of the Karabakh problem are outside the
country. Today the reality is the absence of any serious allies on the
international arena. As far back as the years of war the border with
Turkey was open, we even imported grain and other strategic products
through the territory of Turkey. We entirely lost the sympathy of
the Arab world”, Aram Manukian said.

“In all this situation the statements of representatives of the power
are inexplicable that Armenia will live in the conditions of blockade
100 more years very quietly, and we don’t give a damn about the opinion
of the international community”, one of the leaders of ANM added.

Will humanity answer the urgent call, “Never again’?

Will humanity answer the urgent call, “Never again’?
By Bycel

Pasadena Star-News, CA
Nov 26 2004

THE Rwandan genocide, the Armenian genocide, the Holocaust in the wake
of these and other catastrophes of the 20th century, we have vowed,
“Never again.’ The phrase is resolute and absolute. But it can also
be empty. It prescribes nothing. In terms of action and commitment,
it is silent. And silence to say nothing and do nothing while the
innocent perish is genocide’s prescription.

The term “genocide’ was coined exactly 60 years ago by Raphael Lemkin,
in Axis Rule in Occupied Europe, published in November 1944 with
the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. He defined it as
“a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction
of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the
aim of annihilating the groups themselves.’

Whether the ongoing catastrophe in Darfur, Sudan will rise (or sink) to
that definition, history will judge. It will judge our silence as well.

I recently returned from a humanitarian mission to three refugee camps
in Chad, on the border of Darfur. These camps teem with people who have
somehow survived unfathomable suffering: husbands and fathers murdered;
wives and daughters raped; death from malaria, cholera and dysentery;
villages and lives burnt to ashes. Life in the refugee camps is its
own hell, thick with the trauma and travail of those whose living eyes
can still see the dead. The camps bear witness to the darkest regions
of human degradation. There, the words “Never again’ are a tragic,
empty echo.

The refugees in Chad and Darfur are abstractions when you see them
in the newspaper, but they are quite real in person, and not much
different from you and me. They happen to be victims of ethnic
cleansing and terror. They happen to have no resources. But they
yearn, as we do, for the warmth of a smile, for the touch of a caring
hand. What we consider the requirements of life are unimaginable
luxuries to them. They are desperate for our help. If only we were
as desperate to help them.

Unless the words “Never again’ are translated into action, their
echo is painfully hollow. Action on this scale can seem hopeless, but
we are not helpless: writing letters, making contributions, getting
involved in advocacy groups these activities are near to hand, and
they multiply powerfully. Not everyone can give their whole lives
to such work, like the remarkable volunteers from around the world
I was privileged to meet in Chad. But that does not prevent a more
personal transformation on the part of each of us.

When we recognize that our humanity is inextricably linked to theirs,
the refugees of Darfur are no longer an abstraction that fades from
view. Awareness of their existence fosters an examination of our own.
It changes our approach to life, what we consume, what we think we
need and deserve. “Never again’ is ultimately a personal challenge:
What can I do to erase Lemkin’s “genocide’ from the dictionary?

Nor should we forget that “Never again’ speaks to our self- interest.
Neglect of the dispossessed and disenfranchised can have devastating
consequences: political instability, deepening ethnic conflicts,
devastating famines and wars any of which can rapidly darken our own
skies. All of humanity, the most and least fortunate alike, sleep
under the same sky, wake to the same sun, and cherish the same hopes
for their children. “Never again’ is an urgent call to each of us.
Will we answer? Rabbi Lee Bycel is a Los Angeles resident and the
former dean of Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion.
He is currently devoting much of his time to raising awareness about
the crises in the Sudan and funds for the Sudanese refugees.

BAKU: NATO official says South Caucasus becoming “priority” – Azeria

NATO official says South Caucasus becoming “priority” – Azeri agency

Turan news agency
25 Nov 04

Baku, 25 November: The 58th Rose-Roth seminar of NATO’s Parliamentary
Assembly dedicated to security issues in the South Caucasus opened
in Baku today. Parliamentarians from over 20 NATO member states,
representatives of international organizations and diplomats are
attending the seminar.

The speaker of the Milli Maclis [Azerbaijani parliament], Murtuz
Alasgarov, opened the seminar and talked about the importance of
the South Caucasus region in the Euro-Atlantic security system. The
implementation of large regional energy and transport projects is
adding to the region’s importance, he said. However, the process is
being hampered by unresolved local conflicts, among which is also
the Karabakh problem, Alasgarov said. He called on the participants
in the seminar to openly discuss the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict.

NATO Parliamentary Assembly Secretary-General Simon Lann said for his
part that the South Caucasus region is going to become a “priority”
for Brussels in the nearest future.

“The number of visits to the region and meetings here will increase
starting from the next year. The Norwegian government will prepare
a special programme together with parliament members of the three
South Caucasus countries,” Lann said.

Asked about NATO’s attitude towards Iran, Lann said that any
prognostication would be possible only after the members of the
alliance formulate their policy towards Iran and the Middle East
in general.

The seminar is continuing. Two Armenian MPs, [Mger] Shakhgeldyan and
[Aleksan] Karapetyan, are expected to join the seminar during the
second half of the day.