"We Are Interested In Holding Elections, Meeting The International


January 22, 2008

Yerevan /Mediamax/. Armenian President Robert Kocharian received in
Yerevan today the Head of the Mission of long-term observers of the
Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) of OSCE,
Ambassador Geert-Hinrich Ahrens.

As Mediamax was told in the press service of the President, Robert
Kocharian stated that he attaches great importance to the work of
the observation mission.

"We are interested in holding elections, meeting the international
standards, and we tried to do everything possible as concerning the
organization of elections", Armenian President stated.

Robert Kocharian stated that he "counts on serious cooperation with
the OSCE/ODIHR observation mission, the aim of which should be the
realization of good elections".

Armenian President expressed request that each alarming signal and
information become an object of thorough check before being registered.

Representatives Of "It’S Your Choice" Organization Took Up The Reali


January 22, 2008

Yerevan /Mediamax/. Representatives of "It’s Your Choice" public
organization took up the realization of a long-term observation
mission over the presidential elections of February 19, Chairman of
the organization Harutiun Hambardzumian stated in an interview to
Mediamax today.

He informed that at present work is carried out to check the
authenticity of the electors’ lists, posted up in the polling stations
all over the country. According to him, the observers were not allowed
access to the area electoral commissions in the Yerevan Achapniak
and Shengavit communities.

"It’s Your Choice", using the personnel of 4010 local observers,
will realize monitoring over the process of the pre-election campaign
and the voting process during the presidential elections all over
the country.

On the day of elections, 2 short-term observers will be on duty
in each of the 1923 polling stations. The long-term observers from
"It’s Your Choice" organization already work in 41 area electoral
commissions and in the Central Electoral Commission.

The Head of the organization stated that the interim reports will
be published once each 10 days of the pre-election campaign, and
the preliminary and the final reports will be presented after the

Armenian National Team Defeated By New Zealand’s National Team In 3r


Noyan Tapan
Jan 21, 2008

BELGRADE, JANUARY 21, NOYAN TAPAN. The Armenian national deam was
defeated by New Zealand’s national team in the 3rd tour of 3rd-group
tournament of World Championship of Hockey Players aged 20 and below
being held in the capital city of Serbia, Belgrade. The Armenian
hockey players will compete with Serbs on January 22.

Events In Dink Memory Held In London


21.01.2008 12:47 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Dozens of Armenians, Kurds and Turks gathered at
the Westminster Abbey to commemorate Hrant Dink, the slain editor of
Agos Armenian-Turkish newspaper.

As a PanARMENIAN.Net came to know from a source in London, a priest
said a prayer for all innocent murder victims. Writer Nuritsa Matosyan
and representatives of Kurdish and Sweden organizations delivered
their speeches. A letter of well known publisher Ragip Zakaroglu,
who is awaiting trial under article 301, was read. Then a dove was
let into the air to symbolize Hrant Dink.

A similar event was held in Wood Green where Turks and Kurds reside.

"Professional Army, Low Taxes, 100 Thousand Employment Places"


15:53 21/01/2008

"New Armenia based on new opportunities and new relations for
everybody," this is the slogan that Arthur Baghdasaryan will be
guided. Today, on the first day of the elections, he presented his
election program. In the words of the chairman of Orinats Yerkir
(OYeK), the election program includes provision on all aspects of
the Armenian reality. However, he underscored several by which his
program differs from all others.

Baghdasaryan said in case he is elected as the Armenian president,
100 thousand work places will open in the course of 5 years, each year
with 20 thousand employment places. He said production and export
must be boosted and those companies that will open new work places
will get tax benefits.

The next provision in OYeK chairman’s program is the idea of
professional army. Baghdasaryan said in case he wins, the system will
be watchfully introduced. He said the problem of new employment places
will also be tackled with contract service. He said the professional
army will bring to a situation that mature adults will go to the army
and will get paid for their work instead of 18 years old children.

OYeK chairman also spoke about boosting housing construction saying
in Armenia only elite houses are built which has nothing to do with
large sectors of the society. He said if in Russian mortgage is given
on 30-50 years and on 8-10 interests, in Armenia both the interest
is higher and the credit period is shorter.

Baghdasaryan promises to lower the taxes. "Many countries have
increased their budgets by lowering the taxes," he mentioned saying
the opposite is going on in Armenia.

Baghdasaryan suggests low interest credits to cover tuition fees.

LTP has supporters in ministries

Lragir, Armenia
Jan 16 2008


During the news conference on January 16 Aram Manukyan, member of the
board of the All-Armenian Movement, repeated the idea uttered during
Levon Ter-Petrosyan’s news conference. He said in twenty days the
government control on the system of public administration, the police
and the other law enforcement agencies will weaken.

`There will be sudden changes in the system of government and the
political sphere in the second half of the election campaign. All the
political and administrative forces which have not stated yet to pass
on to the other side will take actions and make statements,’ Aram
Manukyan says. According to him, there are a number of people in all
the ministries who work for Levon Ter-Petrosyan but do not reveal
themselves. As to the existence of opportunists in Ter-Petrosyan’s
team who may defect at some point, especially that some of them have
such experience, Aram Manukyan denies it. Moreover, he says soon a
number of people will defect from the government camp to
Ter-Petrosyan’s team.

ANKARA: Bryza denies comments on Turkey-Azerbaijan ties

Today’s Zaman, Turkey
Jan 19 2008

Bryza denies comments on Turkey-Azerbaijan ties

A senior US State Department official denied yesterday comments
attributed to him in which he allegedly suggested that the common
motto of "one nation, two states" should be abandoned by Turkey and
Azerbaijan to help normalize relations between estranged neighbors
Turkey and Armenia.

"I have never said that. This is Turkey’s policy and, perhaps,
Azerbaijan’s and I do not have a right to demand to change it. I have
just mentioned the fact of such policy in Ankara and someone
misinterpreted my words," Matt Bryza, US deputy assistant secretary
of state for European and Eurasian affairs, was quoted by Azerbaijani
news portal Today.az as telling reporters yesterday in Baku. His
comment came in response to mention of Armenian media reports of his
remarks on Tuesday in Yerevan, where he participated in an
international conference titled "Wider Black Sea: Perspectives for
International and Regional Security" as a guest speaker.
"The US calls Turkey to normalize relations with Armenia without
participation of a third country, Azerbaijan, and to drop
preconditions. The slogan ‘one nation, two states’ reigning in Turkey
and Azerbaijan should be changed. Armenia is right to urge Turkey to
abandon setting preconditions but it should also recognize the
borders of modern Turkey," Bryza, who serves as the US co-chairman of
the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Minsk
Group for the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict resolution, was quoted as
saying at the conference by English-language news portal


Today’s Zaman with wires Ankara

Turkish Historian Taner AkcAm Denounces Persecution Of Intellectuals


18.01.2008 17:13

One year after Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink was assassinated
on an Istanbul street, Taner Akcam, a Turkish historian and university
professor, says the Turkish government, media and law enforcement
bodies are working in tandem to harass, intimidate and persecute
intellectuals who challenge the government’s version of the events
of 1915, the Armenian Assembly of America reports.

During a press conference at the National Press Club Akcam, a
leading scholar in the field of Holocaust and Genocide studies at
the University of Minnesota, said that dissent and free speech are
restricted due to a dangerous mindset that exists within Turkey. He
said the atmosphere of intolerance has worsened, rather than improved,
in the year following Dink’s murder.

"A climate has been created such that to attack and persecute
intellectual is considered a patriotic act," Akcam explained. "The
media targets and attacks intellectuals and turns them into prey,
free for the hunting…the justice system punishes the intellectuals,
and thugs are used as pawns by the law enforcement agencies to attack
and kill the targeted intellectuals.

The government conceals these crimes, blurs the evidence and backs
the law enforcement officers who are involved in these crimes."

Akcam left his native Turkey and relocated to the US in 2001,
after his writing on the Armenian Genocide began to appear in
English. Following the 2006 publication of his book, "A Shameful Act:
The Armenian Genocide and the Question of Turkish Responsibility,"
Akcam says the campaign against him intensified. He has received
death threats, been physically attacked and has had his book tours
violently disrupted. He has been labeled a "traitor" to his country,
and was recently detained for hours at a Montreal airport due to a
vandalized Wikipedia entry in his online biography.

In addition to denying the historical truth, the Turkish
government maintains that the events of 1915 are a matter for
historians. Ironically, scholars and writers like Akcam and Dink
are routinely prosecuted under Turkey’s infamous Article 301 of the
penal code for acknowledging the genocide. According to Akcam, Dink
was targeted because he was a direct threat to what Turks call the
"deep state," the unelected body of government known fortargeting
reformists and other perceived enemies in the name of nationalism. As a
Turkish citizen of Armenian descent, the newspaper editor was a fierce
defender of freedom of the press and was determined to speak the truth,
even as ultra-nationalist forces were determined to silence his voice.

"What we want is very simple," Akcam explained. "We want freedom of
speech and we want justice."

Dr. Payam Akhavan, a renowned scholar of International Law at McGill
University, is representing Akcam in a case before the European Court
of Human Rights (ECHR) against the Republic of Turkey and also took
part in the press conference.

A former UN war crimes prosecutor, Akhavan provided an overview of
the criminal charges brought against Akcam in Turkey. He said the
case pending before the ECHR challenges the validity of Article 301
as a violation of freedom of speech. He argued that scholars like
Professor Akcam be allowed to engage in research and publication
without fear of prosecution or vigilante justice.

Akhavan said that Article 301 continues to be used to silence free
speech and debate on the Armenian Genocide, which only serves to
keep modern Turkey hostage to its past rather than reckoning with
historical injustices and encouraging a democratic culture in which
reconciliation with Armenians may be possible.

"The use of Article 301 is a flagrant violation of freedom of speech
under Article 10 of the European Convention," Akhavan said. "What the
Turkish government is doing through its failure to repeal Article 301
is that, instead of criminalizing hate speech, Article 301 is actually
legitimizing hate speech by denying or minimizing the destruction of
Armenians in 1915."

"If the position of the government is that the issue of the Armenian
Genocide should not be politicized, should not be debated before
the U.S.

Congress, then that position has no credibility whatsoever so long
as free speech on this issue is criminalized in Turkey," he added.

Assembly Executive Director Bryan Ardouny said, "One year after Dink’s
murder, Ankara has done precious little to overturn the climate of
prejudice and repression that led to this unspeakable crime. Instead,
Armenians and other minorities are still at risk. All people of
goodwill should unite in calling for a repeal of Article 301."

Unemployment Level Drops To 6.7 Percent


Jan 17 2007

YEREVAN, JANUARY 17, ARMENPRESS: Unemployment level in Armenia
dropped to 6.67 percent as of December 31, 2006 from 7.2 percent 12
months before.

Sona Harutunian, chief of the state-run Employment Service, said today
the figure reflects the number of people who applied to the agency’s
regional branches in search of jobs.

She said the real picture of the unemployment level is not clear
because there are no exact figure about covert employment, when
employers underreported routinely the number of their employees and
different methodologies used for relevant studies.

All registered jobless people receive an allowance of 12,000 Drams
($40) a month, which make 60 percent of the minimum wage.

They should visit regional employment offices on a regular basis
to see if there are jobs for them. An unemployed person who fails
to do so for six months becomes ineligible for the allowance and is
withdrawn from the list.

Sona Harutunian said rural population who own land plots and are
engaged in farming only are not regarded jobless. According to some
estimates, there are 500,000 such people in Armenia.

ANM Does Not Rule Out That Ter-Petrosian May Win In The Very First R


January 16, 2008

Yerevan /Mediamax/. "There are people in all the state structures,
secretly cooperating with us", member of the board of the Armenian
National Movement (ANM) Party Aram Manukian stated in Yerevan today.

Mediamax reports that, speaking at a news conference in Yerevan today,
Aram Manukian did not name concrete people, noting that the number
of the supporters of the Armenian Ex-President Levon Ter-Petrosian’s
candidature "continues showing stable increase".

"In accordance with our research, if the electorate of Levon
Ter-Petrosian continues growing with the present speed, we will win
in the very first round of the elections", member of the board of
ANM stated.

Aram Manukian noted that he does not rule out that there will be an
effort of falsification of the election results from the part of the
authorities, adding that "ANM will not allow that happening". "Any
effort of falsification will turn back against the people, who try
to do that", he concluded.