State budget fulfilled with surplus of AMD 23.3bln in Jan-Nov 2007

ARKA News Agency, Armenia
Dec 27 2007

Armenia’s state budget fulfilled with surplus of AMD 23.3bln in
Jan-Nov 2007

YEREVAN, December 27. /ARKA/. Armenia’s state budget was fulfilled
with surplus of AMD 23.3bln (without financing of targeted credits of
foreign sources within the international credit program) in
January-November 2007, the press service of the Ministry of Finance
and Economy told ARKA.

In accordance with the data, home source of state budget financing
totaled minus AMD 27.6bln, and foreign ones – AMD 4.3bln. Due to
exchequer state bonds the financing of the state budget totaled AMD
8bln (the issue of AMD 37.4bln, and redemption – AMD 29.4bln). At the
same time due to the foreign sources of financing the state budget
deficit of AMD 698.2mln was directed to redemption of bills. Free
budget means increased by AMD 34.8bln.

According to the Ministry of Finance, during the accounting period
AMD 10.2bln was received within the World Bank poverty reduction

The expenditures for redemption of foreign liabilities totaled AMD

AMD 2.7bln of the above-mentioned sum was given to the WB, AMD 2.5bln
– to the EBRD, and $616.8mln – for the redemption of goods credits of
the USA.

In January-November 2007 the state budget revenues in Armenia
increased by 32.1% or AMD 123.7bln as compared to the same period in
2006 and totaled AMD 509.4bln, and the expenditures increased by
24.1% or by AMD 94.6bln and made AMD 486.6bln. ($1 – AMD 304.27).

Road construction in Yerevan totals AMD 4.5bln in 2007

ARKA News Agency, Armenia
Dec 27 2007

Road construction in Yerevan totals AMD 4.5bln in 2007

YEREVAN, December 27. /ARKA/. The road construction in Armenia
totaled AMD 4.5bln (about $4.8mln) in 2007. Head of construction and
urban improvement department of Yerevan City Hall Frunz Basentsyan
told reporters that key roads and crossroads of the city were
reconstructed by these means.

`In 2007 Yerevan Municipality fulfilled all the planned programs on
road construction. During the construction all requirements were
taken into account, and in a couple of days we will have competently
organized transport nodes,’ he said.

He said that the large scale road construction was the call of the
times of this year. He informed that the City Hall intended to finish
the construction of the high-speed road Saralanji, reconstruction of
Khanjyan – Tigran Mets – Khorenatsi crossroad and Komitas avenue.
Basentsyan did not specify the volume of planned means for the
implementation of these projects.

>From the beginning of the year construction of several big transport
nodes and underground passages has been conducted for cardinal
solution to problems connected with the transport movement and
security of pedestrians. For this reason the traffic is complicated
in big main lines of the capital.

For the implementation of social-economic programs of Yerevan about
AMD 94.6bln ($310.9mln) was spent in2007. -0 –

Stable outlook for Armenian banks, but challenges remain

Financial Mirror, Cyprus
Dec 28 2007

Stable outlook for Armenian banks, but challenges remain


The credit outlook for rated Armenian banks is stable, reflecting an
evolving regulatory framework, buoyant credit growth, low banking
penetration, robust aggregate capitalisation and good asset quality,
Moody’s Investors Service said in its new Banking System Outlook for

These strengths are offset, however, by the challenging operating
environment, potential for accelerated asset quality deterioration
due to the unseasoned nature of loan portfolios, as well as real
concerns regarding operating risk due to under-developed

The Armenian banking sector has undergone considerable consolidation
in the past decade following the banking sector turmoil of the
mid-1990s and subsequent tightening of prudential regulations.

Moody’s noted that the system, comprising twenty-one banks, remains
highly fragmented, however, the four largest banks control 45.54% of
total banking system assets and the ten largest banks 79.61%. In its
current structure, the Armenian banking sector lacks economies of
scale, resulting in low productivity and thereby raising the
potential for further market consolidation.

Armenia’s regulatory environment is evolving, having made significant
progress since the mid-1990s. On 1 January 2006, the Law on the
Establishment of a Unified System of Financial Regulation and
Supervision (242N/2005) came into force, appointing the Central Bank
of Armenia (CBA) as the sole regulatory and supervisory authority for
all financial services in Armenia.

To better perform its new duties, CBA has been reorganised along both
operational and functional lines. CBA enforces stringent liquidity
requirements, and will introduce Pillar I requirements for Basel II
from 2008. Moody’s notes that regulation is improving from a
historically low base, however, and could benefit from further
refinement and better infrastructure and risk controls.

Favourable conditions have driven buoyant credit growth over the past
year. In particular, according to CBA data, consumer credit grew by
35% while mortgage lending registered a growth of 114%.

Moody’s maintains a generally positive view regarding banks’ efforts
to expand their retail and mortgage lending operations, although the
rating agency emphasises that fast credit expansion could result in
elevated non-performing loans (NPLs) for the system in an economic
downturn, particularly as loan portfolios are not seasoned. As the
country’s nascent banking sector evolves and the sector’s loan book
term structure lengthens, Moody’s expect NPLs to grow to levels
observed in other countries at similar stages of development.

Banking penetration in the country remains low, however, despite the
good credit growth of recent years.

"As a transitional economy, the country continues to grapple with a
historical lack of public confidence in banks and a largely
cash-based system," said Stathis Kyriakides, a Moody’s analyst and
author of the report. Nevertheless, this offers great potential for
further growth, particularly in the SME and retail sectors.

To date, HSBC-Armenia is the only domestic bank majority-owned by a
large, highly rated international banking group, but recent years’
relative geopolitical stability, economic growth, low banking sector
competition and high spreads are starting to attract other
international banks. In such circumstances, locally owned, smaller
banks may find it increasingly difficult to compete, leading to
sector consolidation. "To the extent that consolidation leads to
stronger franchises for rated Armenian banks, this is likely to have
positive rating implications in the medium term," said Kyriakides.

Meanwhile, extensive borrowing in foreign currency, mainly US
dollars, has exposed customers to foreign-exchange (forex) risk.
Although this has been mainly driven by the population’s historical
mistrust of the local currency, as well as lower US dollar interest
rates and the dollar’s weakness in recent years, foreign currency
lending has been facilitated by Armenian banks ostensibly hedging
their own forex open positions arising from foreign-currency credit
lines from international institutions.

Moody’s cautions that a potential depreciation of the Armenian dram
could result in customers facing difficulties in servicing their
obligations, leading to currency-induced credit risk for banks.

Nevertheless, the weight of foreign-currency loans as a proportion of
total loans has decreased significantly in recent years, from a high
of 78% of total loans in 2002 to around 42% towards the end of 2007.
"If the weight of foreign currency-denominated loans continues to
contract at current rates, our concerns are likely to be alleviated,"
said Fimi Gostanian, a Moody’s Senior Associate and co-author of the

Analyse: Paranoias separatistes en Turquie

Le Monde, France
28 décembre 2007 vendredi

Analyse: Paranoïas séparatistes en Turquie

par Guillaume Perrier

Heureux celui qui se dit turc ", proclame le slogan national formulé
par Mustafa Kemal. Mais qui peut réellement avoir accès à ce "
bonheur " en Turquie ? D’après le discours officiel, tous ceux qui
sont rassemblés sur ces terres, sans distinction de race ou de
croyance. Dans les faits, les membres des minorités religieuses, et
certaines catégories ethniques restent des citoyens de seconde zone.
Le reliquat des populations chrétiennes (hellènes, arméniennes ou
syriaques), les 15 millions de Kurdes mais aussi les 10 millions de
musulmans alévis sont régulièrement stigmatisés. Une partie de la
population continue à être perçue comme une menace contre l’unité
nationale, quatre-vingt-quatre ans après la fondation de la
République. Car dans la conscience collective, le " bonheur d’être
turc " renvoie non pas à une idée territoriale, mais bien à une
définition ethnique mtinée de religieux.

Les brimades judiciaires à répétition, les agressions voire les
meurtres commis contre les " ennemis de l’intérieur ", les "
non-Turcs ", témoignent d’un climat tendu. Le prêtre italien Andrea
Santoro puis le journaliste arménien Hrant Dink ont été assassinés. A
Malatya, trois missionnaires évangélistes ont été égorgés. Plus
récemment, le 16 décembre, un autre prêtre italien, le Père Adriano
Francini, a été poignardé et grièvement blessé à Izmir. Par ailleurs,
galvanisés par la mobilisation anti-PKK, des groupes d’extrême droite
ont lancé des expéditions punitives ciblant les Kurdes, à Istanbul ou
à Bursa. Une série de crimes racistes commis au nom du sang turc, par
de jeunes ultranationalistes endoctrinés. Du déjà-vu dans l’histoire
du pays. En 1955, par exemple, en pleine crise chypriote, la rumeur
d’un attentat contre la maison natale d’Atatürk, à Salonique,
déclencha les " pogroms du 6 septembre ". A Istanbul, les commerces
tenus par les grecs-orthodoxes, mais aussi par les juifs et les
Arméniens, furent saccagés par la foule.

C’est également sur la base de propos déformés que Hrant Dink fut
pris pour cible : d’abord par la presse nationaliste, puis par la
justice et enfin par un tueur de 17 ans, Ogun Samast. La suite est
symptomatique : l’enquête n’a jamais permis de remonter la piste des
commanditaires. Des complicités dans les hautes sphères de l’appareil
étatique sont apparues en filigrane. Plus grave, Samast est devenu un
héros populaire. Des stades de football ont scandé son nom. Des
gendarmes chargés de son arrestation ont pris la pause avec lui, un
drapeau turc entre les mains. Et le jour du procès, les prévenus sont
arrivés au tribunal dans un véhicule militaire orné du slogan fétiche
des néofascistes turcs : " Ya sev ya terket ! ", " Tu l’aimes ou tu
la quittes ! "

Cette violence raciste ressurgit à chaque fois que la Turquie est en
proie à des crispations identitaires. En pleine croissance depuis
2001, l’économie locale a embrassé la mondialisation. En 2004, Ankara
a entamé de longues et pénibles négociations d’adhésion à l’UE. Un
changement soudain qui entraîne une perte de repères et une montée du
" souverainisme ".

Les kémalistes conservateurs, armée en tête, freinent des quatre fers
devant les réformes démocratiques et l’introspection historique
exigées par ce nouvel environnement. Dans l’imaginaire nationaliste,
les puissances occidentales d’aujourd’hui sont les forces
impérialistes d’hier. Ceux qui ont mis à genoux l’Empire ottoman
conserveraient des desseins inavoués et comploteraient pour diviser
la nation, avec l’aide des minorités. Les frontières de la Turquie
seraient menacées par le séparatisme kurde, grec ou arménien. Le PKK,
dont les bases au Kurdistan irakien sont pilonnées par l’armée
turque, a pourtant abandonné toute ambition sécessionniste depuis
1999, et la Turquie est une puissance régionale affirmée, dont les
frontières ne sont plus contestées. Mais la paranoïa sert de ciment.
Le traumatisme reste profondément ancré dans la mémoire collective.


Le politologue Baskin Oran qualifie cette obsession de l’intégrité
territoriale de " syndrome de Sèvres ", du nom du traité de 1920, qui
prévoyait le démembrement de l’empire. Il est d’ailleurs intéressant
de voir l’amalgame qui se crée en période de crise : à Malatya, avant
le procès des meurtriers, la presse locale a mené campagne contre les
victimes, accusant les évangélistes de soutenir le terrorisme du PKK.
La même accusation frappe régulièrement les Arméniens ou les "
sionistes ".

Au-delà des meurtres spectaculaires, la violence contre les minorités
prend des formes institutionnelles. Censées être " protégées " par le
traité de Lausanne de 1923, les minorités " non musulmanes ", sont,
par exemple, limitées dans leur accès à la haute fonction publique.
Des centaines de biens immobiliers appartenant aux fondations
religieuses ont été légalement spoliés par l’Etat. Une loi mettant
fin à cette situation est ardemment réclamée par l’UE, mais se heurte
encore à la bureaucratie.

Pour les Kurdes, majoritairement sunnites, le différend porte sur les
droits culturels, linguistiques et politiques. Les libertés des
musulmans alévis figurent, elles aussi, sur la liste de Bruxelles.
Les adeptes de cette branche mystique et libérale de l’islam se
voient refuser le financement public des lieux de culte, les cemevi,
alors que les mosquées et les imams sont pris en charge par l’Etat.
Et les écoliers alévis doivent subir les cours obligatoires de
religion, où seul l’islam sunnite est enseigné. Une anomalie
condamnée par la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme.

Ces communautés minoritaires sont marginalisées par rapport à un
noyau prétendument uniforme. Une " norme " quasi mythologique :
turque, musulmane et sunnite. La Turquie est pourtant un creuset, une
mosaïque de peuples réfugiés des Balkans, du Caucase ou d’Asie
centrale, métissés fondus dans la collectivité. L’idéologie
officielle s’est toujours employée à gommer les particularismes.

Cette assimilation ne touche pas que les Kurdes. Le comptage
ethnique, qui était pratiqué pour chaque recensement, n’est plus
rendu public depuis 1965. Et l’épuration culturelle concerne aussi
bien les prénoms que la gastronomie, les noms des espèces animales ou
l’architecture. Les programmes scolaires font la part belle à
l’histoire des Huns, ancêtres des Turcs, au sens ethnique. Mais ne
disent mot des cultures anatoliennes qui préexistaient. Ce que
souhaitait Hrant Dink, comme son ami Baskin Oran, c’est que la
Turquie change de paradigme et proclame " heureux celui qui se dit de
Turquie et non plus "turc" ".

Country Development Has Deviated from Constitution – Alaverdian


YEREVAN, DECEMBER 25, NOYAN TAPAN. The Zharangutiun (Heritage) party
does not have a formed collective position yet on supporting any
candidate in the forthcoming presidential elections. As Styopa
Safarian, the Secretary of the party’s parliamentary faction, said at
the December 25 press conference, the decision to be made by the
country in the future will greatly depend on the response of the
candidates for presidency to the questionnaire consisting of 22

Replying to the observation that some questions are not correct, S.
Safarian said: "We do not wish to be a country, where it will be
written on the candidates "do not ask any questions." We wish to be a
country, where every one can ask a question, receive an answer and thus
orient himself for whom to vote."

Larisa Alaverdian, a member of the faction, in her turn, noted that
Zharangutiun representatives’ activity in electoral commissions should
be aimed at supporting not any candidate, but norms proper to a legal
state, as "the direction of country’s development has deviated from the
way declared by the Constitution long ago."

A brief report on Zharangutiun faction’s parliamentary and
extra-parliamentary activity was presented at the press conference.
According to it, the faction being the smallest in the NA in its
number, tried to as far as possible pursue solution of problems, which
proceed from its pre-election program and about which society is
anxious. The faction members also carried out activity aimed at human
rights protection, as well as were engaged in problems of protection of
public property, environmental, citizens’ housing, and other issues.

The faction members expressed their discontent with the fact that NA
failed to discuss reports on activity of a number of state structures,
in particular, of Ombudsman, by the end of the year.

New cases of dieing swine

20:33 21/12/2007


The government has not yet decided how to compensate the people harmed
by African plague. Gevorg Tovmasyan from Agriculture Ministry said
`The process is being discussed. It is possible that before the end of
the year we’ll have final decision on it’.

The commission covering this problem should have decided till December
15; but till today the officials get new facts about the dieing swine.

According to the data received today more than 15 thousands swine were
destroyed in the result of African plague. Though the cases started to
minimize in the country, but still there are some in the regions.

Note that the disease was found in Tavush, Lori, Ararat, and Kotayk
regions, whereas the quarantine is announced only in Kotayk and
Lori. G. Tovmasyan said that in other regions the disease functions
mainly in closed farms, that is why there is not a need to announce
quarantine there.


BAKU: Azerbaijan’s importance grows over year – pundit

Day.Az, Azerbaijan
Dec 18 2007

Azerbaijan’s importance grows over year – pundit

An Azerbaijani political analyst has said that the geopolitical
significance and foreign policy of Azerbaijan have improved over the
past year. In an interview with Azerbaijan’s website, Rasim
Musabayov said: "Azerbaijan’s geopolitical capitalization has
considerably increased over the past year. However, it is true that
we have not managed to use this to resolve or achieve significant
progress in our vital problems like the Karabakh settlement or the
division of the Caspian". The following is the text of the interview
headlined "Rasim Musabayov: ‘Azerbaijan’s geopolitical capitalization
has substantially increased over the past year’. Subheadings have
been inserted editorially;

[] Rasim muallim [mode of address], the year 2007 is coming to
an end. How this year has been in terms of the development of
relations between Azerbaijan and the USA?

Azeri-US relations

[Musabayov] Although no bilateral agreements have been signed,
diplomatic contact between our countries has been very intensive. Top
ranking officials at the level of a deputy or assistant secretary of
state have visited Baku more than once. The head of the CIA paid an
unpublicized visit to Azerbaijan. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
sent a letter expressing the USA’s readiness to consider the issue of
applying security guarantees to Azerbaijan. I would like to remind
you that such guarantees are not even offered to Georgia, which is a
favourable country for the West. A big delegation from Azerbaijan
paid a visit to Washington in summer to hold consultations on
security issues.

There is a significant fact proving Azerbaijan’s increasing strategic
importance for the USA: the paragraph of the official document of the
US Department of State on Armenian occupation of Nagornyy Karabakh
and other Azerbaijani territories was edited under the influence of
the Armenian lobby. But it was restored to the previous wording after
Baku’s move. This reflected the existing realities more adequately
and was acceptable for us.

In all, US-Azerbaijani relations have been developing well. We could
have been even a reliable ally for Washington in the region but for
some quite understandable caution exercised by the Azerbaijani
leadership in an attempt not to irritate Moscow and Tehran too much.

Section 907

[Interviewer] When do you think the notorious Section 907 is going to
be totally repealed?

[Musabayov] In essence, this section lost its original meaning and
importance a long time ago. Relations between our countries take
place outside the context of this section, including in the area of

The section does not stop Washington from allocating and Azerbaijan
from receiving US aid for modernizing our military infrastructure and
intensifying border control. Rather than having Section 907 repealed
– although efforts should be continued in this direction – it is
important for us today to have a similar section enacted against
Armenia, which receives wide scale US aid, but not only refuses to
vacate our occupied territories, but also acts against the US policy
in the region by being a vassal and a satellite of Russia.

It is more important for us not to have the volume of US aid to
Azerbaijan and Armenia levelled, but to use the dependence of the
Armenians on US aid to persuade Armenia to behave in a constructive

Oil for Karabakh policy "an illusion"

[Interviewer] How much did Azerbaijan succeed in the implementation
of the programme "energy resources in exchange for assistance in
returning Karabakh", which was taken as a basis by the leadership of
our country in relations with the West?

[Musabayov] The simplified illusions circulating in the public
opinion and possibly shared by some people in the ruling elite about
having the USA and the European Union resolve the Nagornyy Karabakh
conflict in exchange for providing access to our oil and gas have not
come true.

Cooperation with the West in the area of oil meets the interests of
both sides and it is wrong to make it dependent on receiving
assistance in the settlement of the Karabakh conflict.

However, it is beyond any doubt that the oil factor has strengthened
our country’s foreign policy in strategic terms and the calculations
in this regard have been fully justified.

Let us recall that the Armenians illegally occupied our territories
in the early 1990s. They were blaming us and introducing
discriminatory sections against us (including Section 907). We were
losing to the Armenians not only in the battlefield, but also in the
diplomatic front and propaganda.

Now, the situation has changed. The development of our oil fields in
the Caspian shelf in cooperation with British Petroleum has given
Azerbaijan full financial supremacy over Armenia. Our voice has
started to be heard in the capitals of the great powers. They started
listening to Azerbaijan’s opinion and position.

Let me explain my ideas in the example of the Minsk Group. It is
evident that the co-chairs of this group – Russia, the USA and France
(these countries have the most powerful Armenian diaspora
organizations in the world) are at heart with our rival. But their
interests draw them to Azerbaijan since Armenia can not even come
closer to compete with us in economic and strategic terms.

I think that the longer it takes the more the interests related to
Azerbaijan and, the last, but not the least, the interest in our
energy resources will prevail over the sentiments towards the

So, the political potential of the oil resources has not been
depleted yet and can have a say in the context of strengthening
Azerbaijan’s international positions, including the position on the
settlement of the Karabakh conflict.

Russian-Azeri relations

[Interviewer] How was the year 2007 in terms of the development of
relations between Azerbaijan and Russia?

[Musabayov] Last year these relations were known for some chill. The
dynamics of improvement of Russian-Azerbaijani relations in previous
years had evidently created more expectations in both sides.

Baku hoped that Moscow would use its influence to keep down the
territorial appetites of its "Armenian outpost" and achieve a
breakthrough in the settlement of the Karabakh conflict. In turn, the
Kremlin expected to reinstate its dominant role in Azerbaijan like it
did in Uzbekistan. But this did not happen. The geopolitical
realities made some corrections to the positions and plans of both
sides. Baku did not support Moscow’s plans to punish and create
energy starvation for stubborn Georgia. Moreover, Azerbaijan started
to set the pitch in strengthening GUAM [a regional alliance of
Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Moldova], signed an energy charter,
which was refuted by Moscow, with the European Union, and pursued
quite an independent policy in security issues. For its part, Moscow
continued flexing the military muscles of Armenia (transportation of
military hardware from Georgia to Gyumri, plans to install the most
up-to-date air defence system C-400 in Armenia and to modernize
Armenian aircraft), selling gas to Armenia at a third of its actual
price and providing financial handouts.

But the sides had enough common sense not to express their complaints
publicly, not to aggravate relations without any need and to keep the
door open for compromises.

Good economic prospects for Russian-Azeri ties

[Interviewer] What are the prospects for the development of
Azerbaijani-Russian relations?

[Musabayov] The prospects are good in the economic area. The trade
turnover between the two countries is on the rise despite our refusal
to buy Russian gas. In general, Azerbaijan is the biggest, most
rapidly growing and, unlike Armenia, quite a solvent market in the
region. We are attractive for Russian investors because we do not
have any problems with communications. It is unnecessary to speak
about Russia’s economic significance for Azerbaijan and the hundreds
of thousands of Azerbaijani citizens [living in Russia].

As for the political and diplomatic relations, the moment of truth
will come in a couple of years. Georgia’s membership of NATO will be
on the agenda after [Georgian President Mikheil] Saakashvili’s
victory at the presidential election (which is quite likely) and
Russia’s provocative steps concerning the issues of Abkhazia and
South Ossetia. The Kremlin has a choice: either to open
communications to its strategic ally – Armenia – through our
territory by facilitating a breakthrough in the Karabakh settlement
and keep Azerbaijan in a neutral position or to see Baku moving
towards NATO faster, the strategic axis of Ankara-Tbilisi-Baku taking
shape and Russian influence in the region totally collapsing. I do
not rule out that under this scenario Moscow may provoke renewed
military hostilities between Azerbaijan and Armenia in order to
prevent the South Caucasus from falling under the full sway of the

But I assume that the situation will not grow into critical scenarios
and Azerbaijani-Russian relations will not go beyond pragmatic
boundaries with all this friction. This is because besides the
problems our countries also have a lot of converging interests
(counteraction against Islamic radicals, safe development of Caspian
energy resources, the North-South transport corridor, etc).

Outgoing year "good" for Baku

[Interviewer] Summing up all that has been said, was the outgoing
year successful for Azerbaijan’s foreign policy?

[Musabayov] I would comfortably put the mark of four. Diplomatic
activity was good in terms of both high-level visits and the number
of important international events held in Azerbaijan. Neither Tbilisi
nor Yerevan can compete with Baku in this regard.

Using the economic terminology, I would like to say that Azerbaijan’s
geopolitical capitalization has considerably increased over the past
year. However, it is true that we have not managed to use this to
resolve or achieve significant progress in our vital problems (the
Karabakh settlement, the division of the Caspian, etc).

But the strengthening of the country’s foreign policy positions will
bring results sooner or later.


Recognition Of Armenian Genocide Will Top List Of Democratic Reforms


21.12.2007 16:59 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ "Recognition of the Armenian Genocide will top
the list of democratic reforms in Turkey. Turkey should face up its
historical part.

Acknowledgement of the Armenian Genocide is a distinctive
responsibility," ARF Bureau’s Hay Dat and Political Affairs Office
Director Kiro Manoyan told a news conference in Yerevan.

"Recognition of the Genocide will become a positive criterion for
accession to the EU," he said. "This can also help to normalize
relations," he added, Novosti Armenia reports.

Armenia Highlighted Karabakh Problem At OSCE FMs Summit


18.12.2007 17:23 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ No declaration was adopted upon the outcomes of the
Madrid summit, since a number of issues were not coordinated, Armenian
Foreign Minister Vartan Oskanian told a news conference in Yerevan.

"Discussion of the Nagorno Karabakh issue was the most important
item for Armenia. As you know, the Co-chairs presented a package of
proposals, the Armenian and Azeri FMs had to submit to the Presidents,"
the Minister said.

"Armenia-EU cooperation was also considered. We agreed that the OSCE
chairmanship will be turned over to Greece in 2009, to Kazakhstan –
in 2010 and to Lithuania – in 2011," he said.

Weight Lifting 2007: 23 Medals 12 Of Which Gold

18:08 17/12/2007

One of the bright successes of the year are the performances of
the weight lifters. Summing up the year 2007, we can say that they
performed brightly.

Our sportsmen won the title of the champion in the European
tournament. The Armenian national team returned from this tournament
with 18 medals 10 of which are gold. The world championship that took
place in Thailand was a little disappointing. European champion David
Gevorgyan could not win the first place which was taken by a Serb
weight lifter. Ara Khachatryan did not compete due to injury.

The youth national team of Armenian weight lifter was successful in
Trephine town of Spain and the Youth European Championship. Araik
Mirzoyan and Hripsime Khurshudya won the title champion and Ruben
Alexanyan Meline Duluzyan won silver medals.