Expert: Turberculosis A Real Threat For The World

17:49 29/11/2007

"Tuberculosis is mainly social in its nature and is widespread in
prisons and armies. Despite of the fact that European countries have
started a program of combat against the disease, the societies in
Azerbaijan, Georgia, Russia, Moldova, Armenia and other countries are
not well informed about it," public relations specialist in health
Irina Zatushevskaya told a seminar titled "With unified efforts
against tuberculosis" held in resort town of Tsaghkadzor.

In her words, the societies do not fully understand what kind of
disease that is. Zatushevskaya has revealed through public opinion
polls that tuberculosis "frightens" the whole world. Those who have had
relatives with such a disease know about the illness and the rest do
not have a serious attitude to the problem. "This is very concerning,"
she said.

PM Serge Sargsyan Met With Russian Culture Workers

30.11.2007 17:05

RA Prime Minister Serge Sargsyan received the delegation of Russian
culture and art workers headed by the Head of the Federal Agency
of Culture and Cinematography of Russia Mikhail Shvidkoy. The Prime
Minister welcomed members of the delegation and stressed the importance
of such meetings, which, according to him, are a good opportunity to
maintain and further reinforce the centuries-old friendship between
the two countries and peoples.

The Russian culture and art workers said they are pleased with the
impressions from Armenia and the active and dynamically developing
Armenian-Russian relations in the sphere of culture. Mr. Shvidkoy
spoke about the intention to construct a monument symbolizing the
Armenian-Russian friendship. Serge Sargsyan welcomed the idea.

During the meeting the parties stressed the importance of the
memorandum on cultural cooperation to be signed between RA Ministry
of Culture and the Federal Agency of Culture and Cinematography of
Russia, as well as the Russian culture season to be held in Armenia
in June 2008, which will provide a brilliant opportunity to Armenians
to contact with Russian culture.

Mamedyarov accompanies at the military trumpet of Azerbaijan defense

AZG Armenian Daily #222, 01/12/2007

OSCE Ministerial Council


On November 29, after the meeting of OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs, also
Foreign Ministers of France and Russia and the representative of OSCE
Executive Chairman with the Foreign Ministers of Armenia and
Azerbaijan, Azerbaijani FM Elmar Mamedyarov announced, that
formalization of the three-year discussed Basic Principles took
place. According to him, MG presented a document of discussed
idea. "Part of the discussed issues is already settled and as it was
mentioned several times, part of them is not settled. There are
several principles that we can cooperate on."

To the question of "Azg" daily about the number of the principles,
Mamedyarov answered that according to Azerbaijani position "there are
two principles, I would say – one". To the question of "Azg" daily
whether it is concerned with the issue of Karabakh status, Azerbaijani
FM answered that the status of Karabakh is not involved in the
discussions and that they should find a way to clear the negotiation
table >From the issues that impede the resolution. "It is first of all
occupation, issues of evacuated, communication, security, etc.".

The position of Azerbaijan hasn’t mainly changed, i.e. Karabakh’s
population is Azerbaijani citizens, part of Azerbaijan, the people of
Azerbaijani origin that lived in Karabakh till 1988 should return,
otherwise the resolution of the issue of the status is impossible from
the point of international right".

What about the recent announcement of Azerbaijani Defense Minister
about the restart of the war, Mamedyarov mentioned, "Defense Minister
is a Defense Minister in order to make similar announcements, as he is
also responsible for the occupied territories. I think that it is
making a background, naturally there are people that announce if we
cannot liberate the occupied territories by peaceful way, then we
should do it by war".

To the review of "Azg" daily that OSCE MG Co-chairs Matthew Bryza and
Bernard Fussier cherish hopes that until January they will get some
answer, even agreement on the documents presented at the meeting in
Madrid, Azerbaijani FM announced, "Devil is in details. We should
study the details carefully. I think, sincerely, that it will take
more time, and at the same time to persuade the Armenian side that it
comes from their national benefit. From the conceptual aspect, we are
neighbors; nobody can take the land and go away or build a wall. We
should find outlines of cooperation".

By Agavni Haroutiunian, Madrid, translated by L.H.

OSCE’s Moratinos: Finland’s cooler climate may promote NK settlement

OSCE Chairman-in-office Miguel Moratinos: Finland’s cooler climate may
promote the Karabakh conflict settlement

2007-12-01 12:50:00

ArmInfo. OSCE Chairman-in-office Miguel Moratinos thinks that Finland’s
cooler climate may promote fair settlement of the Karabakh conflict, he
said at the briefing of the Three, as ArmInfo correspondent reports
from Madrid. He also expressed hope that the Finland’s party, which
will take the OSCe chairmanship, will be able to accumulate the work
Belgium’s and Spain’s work over their chairmanship. Assessing the
current process of the talks the Spanish diplomat said that the
situation was more optimistic when at the beginning of the year. He
also added that he held the trilateral meetings with Armenian and
Azerbaijani foreign ministers and the OSCE MG co-chairs. The atmosphere
of the meetings was very positive, and the fact that the managed to
prove the draft statement on Nagornyy Karabakh is evidence of this. The
statement will help the parties to the conflict to make a project on
the main principles of settlement, Moratinos said.

Azeri trespasser conveyed to Azerbaijan


Azeri trespasser conveyed to Azerbaijan
01.12.2007 14:24 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ November 30, with mediation of the International
Committee of the Red Cross, Azeri trespasser Masim Elhan oglu Binnatov
was conveyed to Azerbaijan at the Kayanavan-Ghazakh sector of the
Armenian-Azeri border, the RA Defense Ministry’s press office said.

Earlier, Azeri media reported that `resident of Shihly-2 village of
Ghazakh region, Masim Elhan oglu Binnatov, 33, was taken prisoner by
the Armenian forces.’

Commenting on the incident, RA Defense Minister’s Spokesman Seyran
Shahsuvaryan told a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter that Armenian armed
forces did not take prisoner or hostage. `Our department doesn’t deal
with civilians, who cross the border. But I do repeat that the
Armenian forces did not take any prisoner,’ he said.

NKR: New tendencies in economic and tax spheres

Azat Artsakh Tert, Nagorno Karabakh Republic
Nov 28 2007

New tendencies in economic and tax spheres

Today the next session of the NKR Government took place, headed by
the Prime Minister Ara Haroutyunian. In the agenda, basically the
questions of economical and tax essence were embraced. Before
returning to them, the head of the Government informed all the
participants and organizers of national moneycollection taken place
recently, that the defined part of the collected sum would be used
correctly and purposefully to the foreseen programs – to
socio-economical development of Martuni region of Artsakh. By the
performance of the NKR Minister of Finance Spartak Tevossian, at the
session changes and additions "About NKR budget system" and "About
official paysizes of leaders of the bodies of NKR legislative, acting
and judicial powers" were made. In connection with the first bill it
was noted, that with new changes and additions henceforth a united
state budget would act. About official paysizes it was stated, that
by the new bill a number of paysizes of officials would be raised,
according to which a definite balance would be created in that
system. From January 1st,2008, particularly official paysize of NKR
first deputy minister,the first deputy chief of Police of the NKR
Government and the first deputy director of National Security Service
was fixed 220 thousand drams, instead of the previous 180 thousand
drams.The Government approved the NKR bill "About purchases". By the
explanation of the Prime Minister, the previous law didn’t satisfy
today’s state demands. At the session the NKR Minister of economical
development Benik Babaian represented the questions of economic
blocks. The Minister emphasized, that four new directions were fixed
in the document – subsidy of crediting rates, credits, disposal of
references. The Government adopted a program again about development
of NKR tourism of 2008. For its development the state coming year
would allocate 10 million drams, which would be used for carrying out
researches and realization of other preliminary works. At the end of
the session of the Government the NKR Minister of Finance S Tevossian
and then the Prime Minister A.Haroutyunian instructed the leaders of
separate departments to fasten the preparation of the documents
connected with NKR state budget of 2008. It was foreseen to discuss
in the Government the main financial document of the republic till
December 1st,2008. (Administration of relations with the NKR
Government’s information and community).

Putin’s New Russia

By A. Manvelian, translated by A.M.

AZG Armenian Daily #223

View from Armenia

President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putting, throughout
the eight-year term of his presidency, remained an unpredictable and
mysterious political figure for both Russian and foreign analyzers. All
the forecasts and theories about the policy of Vladimir Putin, which
occurred during the years, have proved inconsistent one by one. Putin
performed actions, which were unexpected and hard to understand for
the West. Last of those actions was leading the "Unite Russia" party
on the 2007 parliamentary elections.

Thus, the elections have taken place and that can be considered a
crucial historical event, as Putin’s "Unite Russia" party won the
overwhelming majority of the votes. According to the preliminary
results, published by the Central Electoral Committee (the final
results are to be published on December 7 or 8), "Unite Russia"
gained 64,1%, the Communist Party – 11,6%, the Liberal-Democrat party
– 8,2%, and "Just Russia" party – 7,8%. The rest of the participant
partiec did not overcome the 7% barrier.

However, it is clear, that the majority of the Russian citizens’
votes was given rather to Vladimir Putin, that the party itself. The
parliamentary elections can be also taken for a kind of "referendum",
which proved that the population of the Russian Federation for the
most part supports the President and his "new national program".

The elections showed that Putin, due to the support of the population,
is most likely to prove able of bringing to life his program of
strengthening Russia and restoring its place among the greatest and
mightiest states of the world. To be noted, Russia is one of the
political players that cannot remain on the backstage, as otherwise
Russia may lose the whole political sovereignty and repeat the fate
of the Soviet Union.

This notion is well realized by Putin’s government, and that is why
it is so unpopular in the West, unlike the Government of Putin’s
predecessor, Boris Yeltsin.

The West, in its turn, perfectly realize that in case of the success of
Putin’s programs, they will have to restore the historical tradition of
taking into account the position of the Kremlin in all their actions.

At present the plans of President Putin and the scenarios of political
developments in Russia seem more or less clear. The only mystery that
still remains is the question Putin’s successor. It is quite possible
that none of the political figures, now considered top candidates
(Prime Minister Zubkov, Vice-Prime Ministers Ivanov and Medvediev),
shall be suggested by Putin as his successor.

The victory of Putin’s party may cause different attitudes and
comments in different regions of the world. However, Armenia must
consider beneficial the strengthening of its strategic partner. Having
a powerful and predictable neighbor at side is in the interests of
any state.

Armenian President: Construction Of Yerevan’s Urban Development Zone


Noyan Tapan
Nov 16, 2007

YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 16, NOYAN TAPAN. The implementation of urban
development programs will continue in Yerevan. The Armenian president
Robert Kocharian stated this at the November 16 opening ceremony of
North Avenue.

According to him, the construction of North Avenue was done in line
with high standards, and it will be difficult to deviate from these
standards during construction of other urban development zones. It
was pointed out that if the construction had not been organized
on large areas at the time, investors would have bought small land
plots and each of then "would have constructed a small building in
accordance with his own taste". In the opinion of Robert Kocharian,
urban development work has promoted and will promote the development
of Armenia’s mortgage market and an increase in real estate prices.

To recap, former residents of the urban development zones have filed
10 lawsiuits to the European Court of Human Rights with the request
to restore their property rights. R. Kocharian said that this is the
right of Armenian citizens, and if "there were mistakes during the
urban development process, the decisions of the European Court will
be respected".

In his opinion, those residents, who think that they have not
received sufficient compenstion at the initial stage of Yerevan
urban development programs, should be forgiving. As he put it, "if we
had been afraid of it and stopped at that time", the development of
construction in Yerevan would have ended. "Based on this experience,
we have improved the legislation. I am sure that such difficulties
will decrease in future," R. Kocharian said.

He added that in the view of foreign experts, fewer problems related
to relations between property owners and the state arise during urban
development in Yerevan than in foreign countries.

It is noteworthy that while R. Kocharian was walking along North
Avenue, a group of residents of urban development zones staged a
protest in North Avenue’s part adjacent to Tumanian Street. The
protesters made an attempt to approach the president but policemen
stopped them. Nevertheless, they managed to pass a letter to Robert
Kocharian – through a bodyguard.

Seventh International Exhibition "Armprodexpo" Opens In Yerevan


Noyan Tapan
Nov 14, 2007

YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 14, NOYAN TAPAN. Products of more than 60 local
and foreign companies: alcoholic and soft drinks, confectionery,
milk and meat products, dried fruit, tinned goods, etc. are displayed
at the seventh international exhibition "Armprodexpo" that opened in
Yerevan on November 14.

The exhibition’s organizers are the RA ministry of foreign affairs, the
RA ministry of agriculture, the RA chamber of commerce and industry,
and the Agrobusiness Development Center. "Armprodexpo" was opened
by the Armenian president. In his words, the number of companies
emngaged in agricultural production is growing year by year, while
the quality of their products is not inferior to those produced by
foreign companies.

"Today domestic producers have abandoned their narrow mentality and
think about international standrads, about entering international
markets. All conditions should be created for producers so that they
will be able to export their goods abroad and compete with foreign
producers," R. Kocharian stated.

According to the RA minister of agriculture Davit Lokian, the purpose
of the exhibition is to assist and encourage domestic producers. The
minister said that many companies had submitted their bids for
participation in the exhibition but some of them have no opportunity
to do so because of the limited area of the exhibition. D. Lokian
said that by instructions of the Armenian president, an exhibition
hall will be built in Yerevan. All agricultural processing companies
will have the opportunity to present their production there.

Prime Minister Of Bulgaria Sergei Stanishev: Stemming From The Econo


2007-11-14 15:01:00

ArmInfo. Bulgaria understands very well that this is an open wound for
Armenia and Azerbaijan, Prime Minister of Bulgaria Sergei Stanishev
said today over the meeting with the speaker of the Armenian parliament
Tigran Torosyan.

As Arminfo was informed from press-service of the Armenian parliament,
over the meeting Sergei Stanishev said that despite difficulty of the
talks Balkan experience shows it is better to negotiate for 365 days
than to fight a day. Bulgaria sees only peaceful settlement of the
Karabakh conflict via the talks. He also added that there is certain
risk on this way, in particular, stemming from the economic situation
Azerbaijan is searching for the military settlement of the conflict.

They said at the meeting that when there was a chance to sign an
Agreement, the Azerbaijani party refused to do it. Tigran Torosyan
agreed that there is risk of the battle actions restart, but he is sure
that Azerbaijan will take the point of the Azerbaijani constitution
into account, as it says that conflicts should be settled peacefully.