Clouds Are Gathering Around Armenia And Karabakh


22-10-2007 17:18:55

The three neighboring countries of Armenia and Karabakh – Turkey, Iran
and Azerbaijan – are considering the likelihood of war. In addition,
the likelihood seems more and more real as one tracks the news. The
three neighboring countries of Armenia and Karabakh – Turkey, Iran
and Azerbaijan – are discussing the likelihood of war. In addition,
the likelihood seems more and more real as one tracks the news. It
makes think what if it all again hits the Armenian nation?

The U.S. president George Bush stated World War III is likely to

Bush also said in order to prevent it everyone should prevent Iran
from acquiring the technology of nuclear weapon. To support his thesis
Bush referred to the Iranian president Ahmadinejad’s statement that
"Israel will soon disappear".

The ex-secretary of the Iranian Supreme Soviet of National Security
Ali Laridjani said the United States is likely to launch a religious
and ethnic conflict, and added: "We have reliable information that the
United States is likely to ignite a war between Shiites and Sunnis
and is therefore supplying terrorist groups with weapon." The day
after this statement Ali Laridjani resigned.

In the meantime, the president of Iran Mahmud Ahmadinejad arrived
in Armenia today for a two-day official visit. The presidents of
Armenia and Iran will meet and sign a bilateral agreement. Mahmud
Ahmadinejad will also visit the monument to the victims of the Genocide
of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire in the early 20th century.

The situation is more complicated in Turkey. In a moment of euphoria
the Turkish parliament allowed sending troops to Iraq where Kurds
live. This is all but a permission for war.

Turkey expects the United States to take measures against the Kurd
insurgents in the north of Iraq, the Russian prime minister Receb
Tayib Erdoghan said in answer to the U.S. State Secretary’s request
to abstain from revenge for the attack of the insurgents. On October
21 12 Turkish soldiers were killed at the Iraqi border, Radio Liberty
reported. Over 30 Kurd insurgents got killed in this skirmish.

In case of violations of the cease-fire in Karabakh not only the
Azerbaijani army but also the Armenian army suffers losses. However,
Armenia intentionally hides its losses. The press service of the
Azerbaijani defense ministry has suddenly started speaking about it.

"For already a few years Armenia has been hushing up casualties.

Apparently, one of the reasons is the fear to cause indignation in
people who have been dissatisfied with the policy of the government
over the recent years. The opposition and the media support this
policy. The developments in Armenia, the state of the population is
not reflected in the media," the representative of the Azerbaijani
defense minister said.

Clouds are gathering around Armenia and Karabakh. Although the Armenian
states are not directly involved in the Kurd-Turkish and U.S.-Iranian
conflicts, they may fall victim to regional developments. Azerbaijan,
for instance, mentioned Armenia in its military doctrine as its
external foe.

Turkey is not even hiding its antipathy for Armenia, especially
that the recent tension in the U.S. and Turkish relations was "due"
to the innocent victims of the Armenian genocide.

The Armenians should make efforts to prevent the military actions
from escalating, and if God forbid it happens, to ensure several
levels of security for its people.

Annual Income Of Insurance Premiums In Armenia With Introduction Of


2007-10-22 17:43:00

The annual income of insurance premiums in Armenia with introduction
of OSAGO ( mandatory vehicle insurance) will make up about $15 mln (in
reliance on 300,000 motorcars with conventional premium of $50), Deputy
Director of "Sil Insurance" Company Andranik Ohanjanyan told ArmInfo.

He said that "Sil Insurance" has necessary personnel and resources to
create a branch network in Armenia. Moreover, it is scheduled to form
operative groups to work in emergency sites round-the-clock. The
Company has coordinated the actions also with State Traffic
Inspectorate to avoid possible problems. He thinks that other big
participants in this segment, that number some 4-5 companies, will
succeed in overcoming the problems with transfer to OSAGO.

A. Ohanjanyan said that since 2006 RA Central Bank as the megaregulator
of the market has reduced the number of insurance companies almost
twice within 2 incomplete years (from 25 to 9). The withdrawal of
companies that do not "like" to pay for the damage from the market is
likely to be continued, which is, probably, one of the main reasons
of the high loss of motor-vehicle insurance (by CB forecasts 40%
average annual growth of motor-vehicle insurance loss by 2010). The
growth of the insurance loss for the recent years will, appearingly,
continue. A. Ohanjanyan thinks that today’s loss bar does not reveal
the real picture of the existing risks and shows just the share of
indemnities in insurance premiums.

The mentality of Armenian drivers is also important. It concerns
especially those who buy cars in credit and have to insure it,
which implies an application to the State Traffic Inspectorate or
an insurance company in case of accident. Given the aforementioned,
it is untimely to speak of an objective assessment of insurance
loss. It will become possible when all the accidents are registered
at the State Traffic Inspectorate. Indeed, in this case, the loss
indicator will exceed forecasts, A. Ohanjanyan said.

The Armenian Central Bank is studying the possibility of introducing
OSAGO (mandatory vehicle insurance) in the country within 2-3
years. This requires a staged reform of the insurance system. The
CB thinks it necessary for the first stage of reform to clean the
insurance market, introduce standards and risk management mechanisms,
improve management. For the second stage it is necessary to create
a database, form an institution of actuaries and professional
market participants. For the third stage it is necessary to
introduce mandatory insurance. The legislation must be improved
simultaneously. To transfer to the mandatory insurance, Armenian
insurance companies will be required at least 2-3 years of experience
in this segment of the market, additional capital, network of agents
in the country, and relevant equipment.

Why Do They Do The Things They Do?

By Lindon Dodd, lindon.dodd@hotmail

New Albany Tribune, IN
Oct 21 2007

Sometimes you read or hear stories about people whom otherwise you
would think were fairly intelligent people and the only word that
seems to appropriately come to mind is – STUPID!

The dog adoption agency known as Mutts and Moms allowed talk show
host Ellen Degneres to adopt a dog and it didn’t seem to fit in
with the animals in her existing household so she gave the dog to
the daughters of her hairdresser who were ages 10 and 12. Since the
agency had a rule that someone who adopts an animal cannot give them
away they decided to take the animal back from the two girls, who of
course by now loved it as their own.

The agency has a total legal right to do so. However, if their cause
is to find a good home for the animal and that was accomplished, how
can they morally justify this action and the horrible bad national
publicity being cast upon their organization and its honorable
objective. Ellen is a well-known animal lover and could have provided
enormous free positive publicity for this organization. Now they are
getting death threats from people (although I certainly don’t condone
such stupid responses as death threats) who obviously agree with me
on one point regarding the agency’s decision – STUPID!

Kelvin Sampson was off to a great start with IU fans and although I am
not a diehard Hoosier hoops fan, I was looking forward to the program
he was running with great anticipation for the upcoming season. Coach
Sampson and his staff have now brought scrutiny to IU’s athletic
program due to some 100 or more questionable phone calls which violate
NCAA rules. For those who care nothing about basketball or live in
a cave, Coach Sampson was under NCAA sanctions when he was hired at
IU for telephone violations.

I understand that NCAA rules are complicated and even the most careful
person could unknowingly violate a rule. However, since Sampson had
previously violated telephone rules it seems that if he and his staff
would understand any section of the NCAA codes book it would certainly
be those relating to compliance of telephone recruiting calls – STUPID!

Congress is now debating a resolution to condemn our only true
Muslim country ally in the Mideast as to having committed genocide
in killing Armenians in the early twentieth century. We are at war
and Turkey is greatly aiding our troops and Congress now thinks the
timing is right to jeopardize out troops and our war effort (let
there be no doubt – I do not now, ever have, or ever will support
this war personally). Although I risk redundancy when I write this
but for anyone in Congress (Republican or Democrat) this action at
this particular time – STUPID!

Barack Obama has now decided that his new strategy to obtain
the Democratic nomination is not only to attack Hillary Clinton
which is certainly fair game, but now will attack the demagogue of
the Democratic party; former President Bill Clinton who recently
still received a 68 percent approval rating for his performance as
president. This planned political move will certainly rank right up
there with that political strategy genius Al Gore who decided not to
use Bill Clinton during his failed campaign for president. Whoever
is advising Obama on this course of action – STUPID!

An increase in a new staff infection and some recent outbreaks of
E coli along with many epidemics of colds and flues are now being
in at least some part to a national trend of people who don’t even
wash their hands after using the restroom. Not only is this kind of
a gross personal behavior, but it is also – STUPID!

To all the sport’s fans (including myself) who said that the UK
Wildcats football team would fold like a cheap blanket when they
played a real SEC football team, well today our biased, erroneous
opinions – STUPID!

The following list requires no explanation whatsoever for the total
accumulation of their acts over the preceding few months;

Britney Spears’ everyday behavior – redneck, white-trashy, and STUPID!

Michael Vick’s dog fighting activities – Disgusting and STUPID!

Idaho Sen. Larry Craig’s failure to honorably resign – selfish

Please let me know if you know of any obvious stupid behavior!

Ncube, Dink And Politkovskaya Win 2007 Ipa Freedom Prize


Media For Freedom
Oct 21 2007

Trevor Ncube, chief executive of the "only private and critical
newspapers still published in Zimbabwe," and journalists Hrant Dink
and Anna Politkovskaya, who were killed as a result of their work,
are this year’s winners of the International Publishers Association
(IPA) Freedom Prize.

Ncube was honoured for his support of free expression and his courage
as publisher of "The Zimbabwe Independent", "The Standard" and "The
Mail and Guardian". "Despite repeated threats of violence and attempts
to strip him of his Zimbabwean citizenship, Trevor Ncube’s newspapers
have persistently continued to expose corruption and human rights
abuses in Zimbabwe, thus encouraging healthy dissent and criticism,"
said Ana Cabanellas, president of IPA.

This year, IPA is also honouring Hrant Dink and Anna Politkovskaya with
a special Freedom Prize to "celebrate their courage, their humanity,
and their witness." Previously convicted for "insulting Turkishness,"
Dink was editor of the Armenian-Turkish weekly "Agos", which provided
a voice for the Armenian community. He was shot dead in front of his
Istanbul office in January.

Politkovskaya, an investigative journalist for the independent Moscow
paper "Novaya Gazeta", often experienced the wrath of authorities for
reporting on human rights abuses by the Russian military in Chechnya.

She was murdered outside of her home in Moscow in October 2006.

The IPA Freedom Prize will be presented during the opening ceremony
of the 2nd Cape Town Book Fair on 15 June 2007. For more on this
event, whose theme for 2007 is "More than Black on White", see:

Holland: Armenian Genocide Resolution & Turkish lobby

Turkish lobbyists versus Armenian lobbyists: 1-0

De Volkskrant
Dutch daily newspaper

19 October 2007

By our correspondent Philippe Remarque

Turkey¹s lobby has succeeded: the ³Genocide resolution² in the US seems to
be shelved. The Armenians just missed out.

WASHINGTON – What happened to the Armenian Genocide resolution between last
and this Wednesday?

Turkey seems to get its way; this much is clear. But it is not exactly clear
how the resolution got killed. Is it by geopolitical perception of the
American representatives or by a lobby campaign of millions of dollars paid
by Turkey?

Last week the House of Representatives was heading for a resolution calling
up the president ³to recognise as genocide the premeditated annihilation of
1.5 million Armenians² in 1915. A majority of the Foreign Affairs Committee
voted in favour of the Resolution. Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the House and
supporter of the Armenian case, said at that time that regardless of all
objections made by Turkey and the White House, the resolution would go to
the House floor for a vote.

This Wednesday her passion has disappeared: ³We will have to wait and see if
it will be brought to vote or not². The reason is that a range of
representatives suddenly no longer supports the resolution. One of them,
Doug Lamborn, stated ³Nothing changes the fact that mass murders and untold
cruelties took place. But accepting this non-binding resolution on this
critical moment would have a destabilising effect, now the US need the help
of an ally like Turkey².

And indeed, Turkey is one of the few US allies in the Middle East and is
providing an essential supply route for the American operation in Iraq.
During the past week, the country showed that it is able to further
complicate the situation by attacking the Kurds in Northern Iraq.

So, there is enough reason to follow the White House and the eight former
Ministers of Foreign Affairs in this and not to confront Turkey head-on
because of 1915. But, it is also clear that Turkey lends a helping hand to
the representatives. ³This is what happens if you have to stand against a
very skilled multimillion dollar campaign², stated representative Brad

The Armenians in America are furious about the ³millions of dollars from
abroad that are being channelled into the American political system². They
too have a powerful lobby, with electoral power in certain Californian
districts. But the government of poor Armenia could raise only 300 thousand
dollars for a Washington PR office.

Watch now the Turks. How it works exactly is hard to find out. ³It¹s better
to ask the PR office which is hired by Turkey², says the office of
representative. The PR-office replies: ³We don¹t communicate on this

Fortunately, America keeps close record of the currency flow. The documents
show that former representative Livingston, now an influential lobbyist, has
received 12 million dollars from Turkey in the last 8 years in order to
prevent successfully the adoption of the Genocide resolution. He is now
active again according to the registers. Take for instance representative
Bobby Jindal who received from Livingston 10 thousand dollars donation for
his campaign for governorship. Two months later, Jindal withdrew his support
for the Genocide resolution.

Turkey also brought into action former presidential candidate Dick Gephardt.
He is lobbying now against the Genocide resolution for an annual pay of 1.2
million dollars.

Support flagging for ‘genocide’ resolution

Agence France Presse — English
October 17, 2007 Wednesday 9:50 PM GMT

Support flagging for ‘genocide’ resolution

by Marie Sanz

US Congressional support flagged Wednesday for a resolution calling
the World War I massacre of Armenians by Ottoman Turks "genocide"
amid concern over Turkey’s threat to cut off support for the Iraq

In apparent retreat from their initial stance, a group of Democrats
in the House of Representatives, including the influential John
Murtha, said they would "very vigorously" oppose the measure cleared
last week by a committee.

"If voted today it would not pass on the floor," Murtha said.

Anger is brewing in Turkey over the US "genocide" resolution, which
Ankara deems unacceptable. Turkey recalled its ambassador to
Washington and has threatened to cut off logistical support of US-led
war efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan.

In a bid to calm tensions, President George W. Bush has urged Turkey
not to carry out cross-border strikes on Kurdish rebels in Iraq —
advice shrugged off by lawmakers in Ankara who greenlighted such
attacks — and called on Democrats to abandon the "genocide" measure.

"What happened nearly 100 years ago was terrible; the point is we
have to deal with today’s world," Murtha told a news conference.

"Turkey is a strong ally of the US and I believe that this resolution
could harm our relations with (them), and therefore our strategic
interests in the region," added the Pennsylvania representative.

The lawmakers’ about-face was welcomed by the State Department.

"I am pleased to note that over the last 24 hours … there have been
a number of members of Congress who have now come out and publicly
stated that they have changed their view and would no longer be
supporting this resolution," spokesman Tom Casey said Wednesday.

Earlier, Bush once more came out against the resolution.

"Congress has more important work to do than antagonizing a
democratic ally in the Muslim world, especially one that’s providing
vital support for our military every day," Bush told reporters,
calling the proposed measure "counterproductive."

The bill brands as a genocide the 1915 massacre of more than 1.5
million Armenians under Turkey’s Ottoman Empire. Turkey believes
fewer Armenians were killed — 250,000-500,000 — and strongly
rejects the notion that it was genocide.

Democrat Alcee Hastings, who heads the House committee on
Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, said Turkey was
a "key strategic ally" and a "moderate Muslim country."

A vote on the controversial measure comes at a "critical time for our
men and women in uniform in the region, and for the stability of the
Middle East."

Officials from both Turkey and the White House over the past few days
have lobbied members of Congress to oppose a vote on the resolution,
which is expected next month.

The New York Times said Wednesday that former Republican lawmaker
Robert Livingston, 64, has become Turkey’s chief lobbyist in the US
Congress — for a fee of more than 12 million dollars.

House speaker Nancy Pelosi has yet to respond to her colleagues’
pressure, but last week made it quite clear she intends to bring the
genocide resolution to a vote, brushing aside urgings to the contrary
from Bush, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Defense Secretary
Robert Gates.

The resolution, should it prosper, is non-binding and would impose no
obligation on the White House.

His Holiness Karekin II Completes Florida Leg of Pontifical Visit

Pontifical Visit Media Advisory

His Holiness Karekin II
Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians

Pontifical Visit of the
Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern)

630 Second Avenue New York, New York 10016

Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate

Pontifical Visit
Media Relations Office

Michael O’Hurley-Pitts, Ph.D.
Telephone: 212.686.0710 ext. 154
[email protected]
Facsimile: 212.689.1934
Cellular: 212.533.0335

Sylvie Keshishian
Public Relations Director
Telephone: 212.686.0710 ext. 160
[email protected]
Facsimile: 212.689.1934


19 October 2007

His Holiness Karekin II Completes Florida Leg of His Pontifical Visit

Florida – On Tuesday, October 16th, His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme
Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians concluded his Pontifical Visit of
Florida having visited St. Hagop Armenian Church in Pinellas Park; St. David
Armenian Church of Boca Raton; and, St. Mary Armenian Church of Hollywood,
Florida. The Catholicos flew on to New Orleans, Louisiana on later that

His Holiness has been accompanied throughout the Pontifical Visit by His
Eminence Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate of the Diocese of the Armenian
Church of America (Eastern). At the invitation of Archbishop Barsamian the
Catholicos committed to an unprecedented 30-day Pontifical Visit to the
Diocese which will see him visit 18 cities in 14 different states over a
30-day period. The theme chosen for the Pontifical Visit is, A Pastoral
Journey – Bringing Faith Home. The theme speaks of the Catholicos’ true
desire to get to know the hopes, concerns and aspirations of his American
flock better and for them to know him better too.

His Eminence Archbishop Khajag Barsamian assists His Holiness Karekin II in
blessing of altar at

as Father Hovnan, Pastor of St. Hagop Armenian Church of Pinellas Park,
Florida looks on

The Florida leg of the Pontifical visit saw His Holiness Karekin II
consecrate the Diocese’s newest sanctuary – that of St. Hagop Armenian
Church of Pinellas Park in the Tampa Bay area. The visit began with the
traditional Turnpatzek service (opening of the doors) and continued with a
reception for the Catholicos that evening. On Sunday, October 14th, His
Holiness, assisted by His Eminence Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, His Eminence
Archbishop Vicken Aykazian, the Diocesan Legate, Father Hovnan, the pastor
of St. Hagop Armenian Church and members of the Pontifical retinue,
consecrated the new sanctuary. An ecumenical reception was given for His
Holiness the Catholicos at Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church in nearby
Clearwater, Florida following the consecration.

Flying on to Southern Florida, the Catholicos arrived at Boca Raton Airport
where he was warmly received by members of both the St. David and St. Mary
Armenian Church communities.

In Boca Raton, at St. David Armenian Church, His Holiness was greeted by
throngs of excited children. Taking part in the "Pizza Party with the
Pontiff," the Catholicos enjoyed the company of the children, listening to
their poems and songs – taking time to greet them all personally. Bestowing
an Armenian cross on each child, while Archbishop Barsamian gave each child
a prayer card with a picture of Holy Etchmiadzin and the Catholicos, the day
concluded with a Hrashapar service of welcoming and thanksgiving.

A child receives an Armenian Cross from His Holiness Karekin II as
Archbishop Khajag Barsamian looks on

Monday evening, the Catholicos of All Armenians was received as an honored
guest by members of the South Florida Armenian Community and over a dozen
ecumenical and civic leaders who came to pay their respects.

Tuesday began with the Catholicos make an adjustment to the daily schedule
to pay a personal visit on His Beatitude Archbishop Christodoulos, the
Archbishop of Athens and All Greece. His Beatitude is in the United States
for medical treatment. The two leaders and friends, who had traveled
together to Instanbul in a delegation with Archbishop Khajag Barsamian only
last year, spoke of the strong bonds between the Greek and Armenian
communities. During his visit, the Catholicos and Archbishop Christodoulos
prayed together in both Armenian and Greek as a sign of their Christian and
brotherly unity.

His Eminence Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, the Catholicos and Archbishop
Christodoulos Praying in Armenian and Greek

Returning to the day’s events, His Holiness Karekin II traveled on to St.
Mary Armenian Church in Hollywood, Florida. None the weary for the waiting,
understanding the importance of the pastoral visit His Holiness had paid to
his dear friend Archbishop Christodoulos, a crowd of Armenian Christians
from the St. Mary community enthusiastically greeted their beloved
Catholicos just after noon.

Worshippers participated in a service in which the Catholicos blessed the
Khachkars on the altar of St. Mary Armenian Church. Following the service,
members of the St. Mary Armenian Church Parish Council, Delegates and
Committee Members, as well as members of the community, met with their
Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos.

His Holiness Karekin II blesses the faithful who thronged to see him during
his Pontifical Visit to South Florida

Tuesday afternoon saw the Armenian Community of South Florida wave goodbye
to their beloved Vehapar and their Primate as they returned to their 18
city, 14 state, 30-day Pontifical Visit to the Eastern Diocese.

Please read the latest Media Advisories (including detailed coverage of the
Florida leg of the visit), see the most updated coverage In the News and
watch the daily videos and pictures from the entire Pontifical Visit on the
web at: <;

# # #

Armenia Participates Successfully In International Tourism Exhibitio


Noyan Tapan
Oct 17 2007

YEREVAN, OCTOBER 17, NOYAN TAPAN. This year Armenia participated
for the first time in the annual international tourism exhibition
"TopResa Travel Market Show" held in the French city of Douville. The
coordinator of exhibitions of the Armenian Tourism Development Agency
(ATDA) Gohar Mirzoyan told NT correspondent that the participation
of the ATDA and four Armenian tour operators in this famous annual
exhibition on September 26-28 became possible within the framework
of events of Armenia’s Year in France.

According to her, Armenia also participated successfully for the
fourth time in the annual international tourism exhibition "JATA World
Travel Fair" in Tokyo on September 14-16. The ATDA and four Armenian
tour operaors presented information about Armenia as an attractive
country from the viewpoint of tourism.

Ara Abrahamian Offers Association Of Youth Organizations To Pass Fro


Noyan Tapan
Oct 16 2007

YEREVAN, OCTOBER 16, NOYAN TAPAN. Three months have passed since the
Pan-Armenian Youth International Conference, however, the Association
of Youth Organizations of the World Armenian Congress has not
made an efficient use of this period. This estimation was given by
Ara Abrahamian, the Chairman of the Congress, on October 15 after
listening to the report of the Deputy Chairman of the Association
of Youth Organizations. According to Ara Abrahamian, the young have
not passed to actions from theoretical conversations as yet, whereas
certain work could have been done in the direction of strengthening
relations between Armenia and the Diaspora, as well as starting an
efficient cooperation between the young within three months.

The Chairman of the Congress claimed that a distinct program of actions
should be introduced to him at the beginning of November, where it
will be mentioned what work in what terms should be implemented,
as well as the name of the responsible person of the given work.

Turkey Warns Iraq Ahead Of Incursion Vote


Agence France Presse
Oct 16 2007

ANKARA (AFP) – Turkey on Tuesday told Iraq to crack down on Kurdish
rebels but an Iraqi leader warned that any Turkish incursion could
spill over into a wider conflict.

With Iraqi Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi already in Ankara ahead
of a Turkish parliament vote on a motion allowing for cross-border
raids, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan made it clear that Ankara’s
patience over the handling of Kurdish rebels had run out.

"The central government in Iraq and the (Kurdish) regional government
in northern Iraq must put a thick wall between themselves and the
terrorist organization," said Erdogan.

"Those who are unable to distance themselves from terrorism cannot
avoid being adversely affected by the struggle against terrorism,"
Erdogan told members of his ruling party.

Turkey says the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) is tolerated by Kurdish
leaders in northern Iran and obtains weapons and explosives there
for attacks across the border.

The PKK, listed as a terrorist group by Turkey and much of the
international community, has been fighting for Kurdish self-rule in
southeast Turkey since 1984. The conflict that has claimed more than
37,000 lives.

The Turkish parliament is expected to adopt a government motion
on Wednesday, allowing a one year authorisation for cross-border
operations against PKK bases.

Erdogan said the authorisation would not mean immediate military action
and an incursion would take place "if there is a need, at the right
time, at the right place and in a manner to obtain the best result."

Iraq and the United States have both urged Turkey not to follow
through with its threat.

Hashemi said after his arrival here he hoped to persuade the
authorities there is a diplomatic solution.

The Iraqi cabinet held and emergency meeting and Deputy Prime
Minister Barham Salih, a Kurd, said "any unilateral action by Turkey
in violation of Iraqi sovereignty will have very grave consequences
to Iraqi stability and to stability in the region as a whole."

"If Turkey, as a neighbour of Iraq, allows itself the right to
intervene militarily in Iraq, what is there to prevent other neighbours
from intervening?" Salih, who is in London for talks, told BBC radio.

"The Iraqi and Turkish governments can resolve this issue through a
common understanding," Anatolia news agency quoted Iraqi vice president
Hashemi as saying. "The solution reached at the end of the day must
serve both sides’ interests."

Hashemi met with Erdogan and President Abdullah Gul, whose office
only said the two discussed "the presence of terrorists in northern
Iraq and the problems that this has created."

An emergency cabinet meeting in Baghdad decided to send a high-level
delegation to Ankara, Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki’s office said in
a statement.

Maliki warned earlier that Iraq "will not accept military
solutions… even though we realise and understand the worries of
our Turkish friends."

The White House has urged Turkey to refrain from any unilateral action
that could further destabilise Iraq.

"We urge the Turks to continue their discussions with us and the
Iraqis," White House spokesman Gordon Johndroe said.

An exasperated Turkey says it left with no option other than military
action amid escalating PKK violence and what it sees as a lack of
cooperation by Washington and Baghdad to curb the rebels.

A Turkish soldier was killed Tuesday in the southeastern province of
Bingol in a landmine explosion blamed on the PKK, security sources

The threat of a Turkish incursion coincides with a downturn in
US-Turkish relations over a pending Congressional vote on a resolution
labelling the World War I mass killings of Armenians under the Ottoman
Empire as genocide.

Erdogan warned Tuesday of reprisals against its long-standing NATO
ally if the bill is adopted.

"Whatever damage Turkey suffers, its opponents will suffer ten-fold,"
he said.

Turkey and Iraq signed an accord last month to combat the PKK but
failed to agree on a clause allowing Turkish troops to engage in
"hot pursuit" — as they did regularly in the 1990s — against rebels
fleeing into Iraqi territory.