Netherlands’ CDA Party Rebukes Armenian Genocide Deniers


Financial Mirror, Cyprus
Oct 3 2007

The Christian-Democrat party in the Netherlands, the CDA (Christian
Democrat Appel), has announced that Osman Elmaci has been turned down
from taking a seat in the European Parliament due to his attitude
toward and his remarks denying the Armenian Genocide.

Elmaci, who had already been ousted from the last legislative elections
for the same reasons, was third behind the current MEP Joop Post, who
has resigned. He was to become a Member of the European Parliament
after the withdrawal of Bartho Pronk’s candidacy. CDA leaders,
already having a past record of principled stance against genocide
denial, vetoed this possibility. Post will finally be replaced by
Cornelis Visseur.

"We congratulate the CDA party for this courageous and visionary
political decision. Denial – under the pretext of ‘freedom of
expression’ – can only serve to perpetuate the racial hatred from
which it derives," declared Laurent Leylekian, Executive Director of
the European Armenian Federation in Brussels.

The EAF said it is actively working to make denialist hatred
a pan-European crime, as proposed in the framework decision on
racism and xenophobia recently adopted by the European Council. The
Federation notes that bills aimed at making the denial of the Armenian
Genocide a crime are under consideration in Belgium, France, and the
Netherlands. In the Netherlands, the project was initiated by Christen
Unie, a founding member of the government coalition. In Switzerland,
Dogu Perincek, a well-known denier of the Armenian Genocide has
already been condemned.

The EAF also noted that the rapporteur of the current resolution on
EU-Turkey relations, Oomen-Ruijten – who is also a member of the
CDA party – has attempted to evade the Armenian Genocide issue in
that resolution.

"Avoiding the genocide issue in this resolution is as serious as
the open denial of Mr. Elmaci. In fact, it constitutes a form of
denial that is more perverse and now more prevalent, that is denial
by omission," added Leylekian.

"We call on the CDA party to treat Mrs. Oomen-Ruijten’s case with
the same moral demands it made with Mr. Elmaci, i.e. by charging her
to comply with her own party line in the combat against any form of
denial," concluded Leylekian.

The Peculiarities Of Presidential Elections

Armen Tsatouryan

Hayots Ashkharh Daily, Armenia
Oct 3 2007

Although there have recently been incessant discussions on the "united
candidate" representing the pro-Opposition or the pro-Government camp,
all that is happening now is just the contrary: the number of those
desiring to nominate their candidacy is definitely increasing.

After all, the main political factions continuously delay the moment
of pronouncing their "last word". It is not accidental that almost
all the party sessions are postponed till the end of autumn or the
beginning of winter in an unnoticeable though consistent manner.

The general regularity i.e. the postponement of the RPA session, the
fact of convening 2 ARFD Supreme Councils instead of 1, the failure of
"National Unity" to make a final decision in a conference held recently
and finally L. Ter-Petrosyan’s tactics of "thinking long" testifies to
the fact that the issue of establishing unions among the candidates is
gradually moving to a new stage as a result of their increasing number.

It is natural the nominations and, hence, the "classification scale"
of those making political pretensions is beginning to acquire a new
sense in such conditions. In the past it was possible to divide
them into 2 main groups: pretenders and "immortals" who nominate
themselves in order to win the honorable name of "former candidate
for the RA President".

Presently there has developed a more complex, three-stage scale instead
of the former two-stage system. It includes: a) pretenders who will
pursue the struggle till the end; b) conventional pretenders or people
trying their luck. Such people join the campaign with the purpose of
uniting others around them and becoming a serious pretender during
the coming months, and if the worst comes to the worst – selling
themselves at a high price to any other pretender; c) "immortals" or
formal candidates who do not and will not have any chance of becoming
pretenders, and who nominate themselves in order to become visible,
extort something and at least – turn into immortal creature.

If in the past the majority of the candidates represented in the first
category were, apart from the pro-Government candidate, struggling for
the second position, i.e. for winning the laureates of the Opposition
leader, currently their number is becoming less, and it is extremely
difficult to say whether it will increase again. L. Ter-Petrosyan’s
intention, which became clear to everybody at the end of September,
drastically changes the situation inside the pro-Opposition camp. The
latter doesn’t currently have "a great number of pretenders to the
second position", since Levon Ter-Petrosyan’s nomination makes it
clear to everybody that the first and second positions are already
occupied, considering the present-day arrangement of the forces. As
to the coming months, no serious change is likely to occur then.

This definitely shakes the positions of all the left-wing candidates
pretending to the role of the Opposition leader, without influencing
the positions of the right wing and its candidate Serge Sargsyan.

Therefore, finding themselves in the above mentioned conditions,
Arthur Baghdasaryan, Artashes Geghamyn, Vazgen Manoukyan, Stepan
Demirtchyan, Aram Z. Sargsyan, Raffi Hovhannisyan, Aram Karapetyan
and others have to choose one of the following 3 possible options.

The first is the way which seems to have been paved by Aram
Z. Sargsyan and Stepan Demirtchyan, i.e. moving under the wing
of the "new Opposition leader"; The second option is the struggle
against Levon Ter-Petrosyan, who has submitted a claim for "the new
Opposition leader". The goal is to occupy his position, and Vazgen
Manoukyan is currently the only person who is so consistently engaged
in that process.

And finally, the people, already classified as second category
pro-Opposition activists, also have the third option: supporting
the pro-Government candidate based on the national-political course
adopted since 1998.

Thus, the rearrangements that occurred on the political arena in
September are, on the one hand, delaying the final clarifications
till November-December but, on the other hand, they almost lead
to the inevitability of a bipolar confrontation during the 2008
presidential elections.

Gas-Supply To Gerogia, Armenia To Be Interrupted On Oct 2


ARKA News Agency, Armenia
Oct 1 2007

YEREVAN, October 1. /ARKA/. On October 2, gas-supply to Georgia and
Armenia will be interrupted for one day as a result of scheduled
repair. The press service of the ArmRosgasprom Company reports that
the repair will be effected on the gas mains Mozdok-Tbilisi and North

"The uninterrupted gas supply of gas to Armenia’s consumers will be
maintained due to the Abovyan underground gas storage," the report

The ArmRosgasprom holds a monopoly of gas supply and distribution
in Armenia.

The company was founded in 1997 and its capital is $580mln. The stock
holders of the company are the Gasprom open corporation (57.59%),
Ministry of Energy of Armenia (34.7%), and Itera oil and gas company

The Abovyan underground gas storage is one of the most important
components of Armenia energy security. Its capacity is 110mln cubic
meters of gas.

Boxing: From Russia With Gloves


Barking & Dagenham Recorder, UK
Newham Recorder, UK
Sept 26 2007

NEWHAM boxer Chris Smith will learn from his recent defeat
against talented Russian Georgiy Manukyan in the European Schools’
Championshiup at Portsmouth.

The Russian youngster was a points winner over the Newham club hope
in the quarter finals of the 41.5kg division at the newly-launched
European competition.

That’s the view of club chief Joe Chapman who said: "Chris gave a
good account of himself in a closely-fought contest against a rival
who went on to take the gold medal."

Manukyan went on to record a points victory over Armenian rival Davit
Shabazyan in the final to clinch the gold medal.

According To Vahram Atanesian, Prospect Of Nagorno Karabakh Peaceful

Editor: Eghian Robert

Noyan Tapan News Agency, Armenia
Sept 26 2007

STEPANAKERT, SEPTEMBER 26, NOYAN TAPAN. After the 2008 presidential
elections Azerbaijan will not change its position in the negotiations
process. Vahram Atanesian, the Chairman of the NKR National Assembly’s
Standing Committee on Foreign Relations, assured in his interview to
Noyan Tapan correspondent. According to him, one forms an impression
that in the current situation Azerbaijan has made its position stricter
and does not accept the settlement principles, which are offered by
the mediators. Therefore, according to V. Atanesian, the prospect of
problem’s peaceful settlement remains vague.

In the deputy’s opinion, there will be no meetings either at the level
of Azeri and Armenian Presidents or Foreign Ministers in the future,
which means that there are no new verges of contacts in the parties’

"Some experts and politicians, of course, are inclined to comment
Azerbaijan’s negotiations position by that country’s home political
developments, but I think that it should not be considered as the
main factor," V. Atanesian emphasized. According to him, it is more
probable that Azerbaijan is becoming rather an influential regional
country, which inspires it a temptation of Nagorno Karabakh problem’s
one-sided solution in favor of itself. This, according to V.

Atanesian, is reflected in statements of all figures representing
Azerbaijan’s whole political spectrum.

As a positive tendency V. Atanesian mentioned the fact that some
statements of Minsk Group Co-chairmen contain hints that Karabakh
party’s being involved in the negotiations becomes a necessity.

Oskanian Is Leaving For New York


[07:33 pm] 26 September, 2007

October 1 – RA Foreign Minister Vartan Oskanian will leave for New
York to participate at the 62nd session of the UN General Assembly.

During his visit the Armenian FM will meet with his Turkish counterpart
Aly Babajyan.

October 3- The RA FM will make a speech at the UN GA session.

October 4 – Oskanian will make a speech at the UN GA High Level
Dialogue on Interreligious & Intercultural Understanding & Cooperation
for Peace.

October 4 – Oskanian will meet with the OSCE Minsk group Co-Chairs.

October 5 – Oskanian will make a speech at the Law and Diplomatic
School in Boston. He will be awarded Dean’s Medal.

October 6 – Oskanian will be back to Armenia.

October 6 – Oskanian will participate at the official ceremony
dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the "Armenia" All-Armenian Fund
in Armenia.

October 9- Oskanian will leave for Belgium on a working visit.

October 15- Oskanian will attend the second conference of
Euro-Armenians and the 20th anniversary of the Genocide recognition.

October 16- Oskanian delegation will attend the annual sitting of
Armenia-EU Partnership Council in Luxemburg.

October 19-21 – The RA FM will leave for the United Arab Emirates on
a working visit.

Head Of Anglican Church: Process Of Armenian Genocide Recognition In


ArmInfo, Armenia
Sept 25 2007

ArmInfo. The process of the Armenian Genocide recognition in Great
Britain is going forward, though very slowly, Head of the Anglican
Church, Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams told ArmInfo. He
recalled that the independent Welsh Assembly has already recognized
the Armenian Genocide. "That time, I was working in Wales and I was
able to take part there. I was one of the first officials along with
the first minister of Wales who recognized the Genocide. My hope and
trust is, as time goes on, looking at the issue will be possible
in the United Kingdom. It will not be a matter of looking back,
but laying the foundation for establishment of firmer relations.

Moreover, it is also important as part of our whole resistance to
genocide everywhere to know",- R. Williams said.

To recall, Head of the Anglican Church is in Armenia with reciprocal
visit, by invitation of Catholicos of All Armenians Garegin II.

AYF-YOARF Holds Successful 74th Annual Senior Olympic Games

Armenian Youth Federation-YOARF Eastern US
80 Bigelow Ave
Watertown, MA 02472
Tel. (617) 923-1933
Fax (617) 924-1933

Contact: Dzovig Essajanian
(617) 923-1933
September 24, 2007

AYF-YOARF Holds Successful 74th Annual Senior Olympic Games

WATERTOWN, Mass – From August 30 to September 3, Armenians and AYF
athletes gathered in Seacaucus, NJ for the 74th annual Armenian Youth
Federation-Youth Organization of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation
(AYF-YOARF) senior Olympic Games. The event saw an overall strong
participation from 12 chapters and 206 athletes.

This year’s event began with a moonlit cruise with views of the New
York City skyline and bridges. Over 250 Armenians from across the
United States gathered to start the weekend by celebrating in the city
that welcomed so many Armenian immigrants many years ago. As usual,
the competition began early on Friday morning with golf and tennis
tournaments. Dedicated AYF athletes swung through the events with
tenacity with Philadelphia’s Taleen Yeremian and New Jersey’s Yero
Saponjian coming out on top in the tennis tournament.

Friday night brought a great highlight to this year’s games with the
swimming competition being held for the first time in a while at an
outdoor pool facility. While the rain held off for a great night of
competition, Providence’s Lynne Tutunjian and Philadelphia’s Daniel
Kaiserian both swept through their events with three gold medals to
become two of the weekend’s many high scorers. On the social side,
Friday night saw the return of singer Harout Pamboukjian, with a large
crowd enjoying his music and entertainment throughout the night.
Also, at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, over 700 AYF alumni and friends
gathered for a wonderful evening of camaraderie and fun.

The Saturday softball tournament was played on two fields at Overpeck
Park. Throughout the day teams such as Philadelphia, New Jersey, New
York, Chicago and Boston were eliminated ending in a repeat Providence
win. Along with the softball games, this year children were invited
to participate in a series of kickball games. To conclude the day, the
Aravod Ensemble lead the evening festivities held at the Sheraton
Meadowlands Hotel.

On Sunday, 12 chapters gathered to march in the opening ceremonies.
This year the track and field events turned out to be one of the most
successful the AYF has seen. Amongst the many highlights was Samantha
Essian’s record breaking 100-meter hurdle run. A weekend of
competition ended at the grand ball with the announcement of the
winners. Philadelphia won by a land slide with 272 points with
Providence in second with 137.5 points. This year’s most improved
chapter award went to the New York Hyortik chapter. Men’s high scorers
included Philadelphia’s Daniel Kaiserian and Emmanuel Mkrtchian. The
women’s high scorers were Michelle Hagopian, Samantha Essian, Sevan
Makhoulian Taleen Yeremian, and Lynne Tutunjian. The winners of the
Ernest Nahigian Sportsmanship award were Armen Saryan and Vartan

Monday morning capped off the weekend with a picnic at the hotel with
entertainment by the Mike Gostanian Ensemble band. "The New Jersey AYF
and Armenian community did an amazing job planning the AYF Senior
Olympics as a true athletic competition and family affair,’ said
AYF-YOARF Central Executive member Anthony Deese, `It is our hope that
the steering committee for the upcoming Detroit Senior Olympics will
follow in their footsteps and ensure the continued success of the East
Coast’s premier Armenian social / athletic event."

For more information, visit or call the AYF Eastern Region
office at (617) 923-1933.

11 attempts of drug smuggling prevented by customs officers in 2007

11 attempts of drug smuggling prevented by Armenia’s customs officers in 2007

20/09/2007 16:30

This year Armenia’s customs officers have prevented 11 attempts of
drug smuggling to the country, Director of the Central Office,
national liaison units of Customs Service of the Commonwealth of
Independent States (CIS) "RILO-Moscow" Dmitry Kuzmin told reporters.

"Armenia has been immediately involved in our activities since
RILO-Moscow started operating. The national liaison unit and the
law-enforcers of Armenia’s Customs Service establish regular
transmission of data to the RILO-Moscow network," he said.

Kuzmin also pointed out active exchange of information on the
smuggling routes with Armenia and other participants in the CIS
liaison units.

"Suffice it to say that in 2006 alone the law-enforcers of Armenia’s
Customs Service prevented six attempts of drug smuggling to Armenia,
and 11 attempts on 2007," he said.
Kuzmin pointed out that this is a result of activities of the national
liaison units.

Head of the Armenian liaison unit Elmen Tsarukyan pointed out that the
liaison program enhances the efficiency of Armenian customs officers’

"The most important thing for customs officers is information, and
RILO-Moscow ensures rapid exchange of information. If any facts of
smuggling are revealed in a participant-country, the information is
included in the network within one day," Tsarukyan said.

The regional liaison unit RILO CIS was formed in 2001 on the
initiative of the World Customs Organization and under a decision of
the Council of Chief of the CIS Customs Services.

The RILO CIS unit unites the units in Armenia, Russia, Azerbaijan,
Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

The central office is ILO Moscow.

The regional liaison unit focuses battling the smuggling of drugs and
psychotropics, arms, ammunition, explosives, etc.
All the RILO CIS member-countries, except for Azerbaijan and Belarus,
are participating in the organization’s 6th meeting in Yerevan.