Correspondence Courses: Why Did Few Apply?


20:21 03/09/2007

Yerevan State University has 930 places designated for those wishing
to participate in correspondence courses. As of September 1, only
138 had applied, as informed to a journalist by Vachakan
Galstyan, secretary of the university’s admittance committee. In his
words, of the 60 places designated to study the English language, 23
have applied; of the 40 places for Armenian language and literature,
10 have applied; the faculty of foreign relations has received the
same number of applicants.

"No applications whatsoever have been received in the fields of
mathematics and sociology. Of the 40 places set aside for economics,
only 12 applied," noted Galstyan.

In his words, 28 professions and 16 faculties are part of the
correspondence course program. Anyone can apply.

"Any applicant who doesn’t earn enough points can take another
examination, while keeping the points he previously earned,"
Galstyan said, assuring that the courses would be conducted by the
same professors using the same programs. "Many had the fear that a
different diploma and a different program would be offered. Everything
will be the same," he stressed.

We note that the course lasts five years, and must be paid for, as
opposed to the scholarships offered in regular courses. "The government
will pay for those who became crippled in the armed services, as well
as for those who lost family members in the war," he said.

BAKU: It Is Time To Seek New Way To Resolve Nagorno-Karabakh Conflic


TREND Information
Sept 4 2007

Georgia, Tbilisi / Trend corr. N.Kirtskhalia / It is high time to
begin new talks to settle the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict over
Nagorno-Karabakh, Miguel Angel Moratinos, the acting chairman of OSCE,
said in Tbilisi on 4 September.

"I met with the Foreign Ministers of Azerbaijan and Armenia in Brussels
and said to them that it was high time to submit new proposals as
the existing ones do not satisfy both sides," the chairman said. "I
proposed to hold new talks to find another way to resolve the
conflict," the Spanish Foreign Minister said.

"Many times we discussed the issue of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

I have visited both countries, Azerbaijan and Armenia. I have met with
the Presidents and Foreign Ministers of both countries. We expected
more from the latest meeting of both Presidents in St Petersburg,"
Moratinos said.

"We need to hold new cooperation between the countries and I believe
it would improve relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia", the
chairman said.

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Avarians Claim Autonomy Within Azerbaijan


03.09.2007 17:21 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The Institute of Oriental Studies at the RA Academy
of Sciences and Mitk analytical center initiated an international
conference titled "The state system of Caucasian Albania and its
ethnic and cultural heritage."

Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies, Professor Ruben
Safrastyan said the topic is both of scientific and political
interest. "The state system of medieval Caucasian Albania needs
serious and impartial investigation and I am hopeful that scientists
from Azerbaijan will join our work," he said.

According to Mitk head Eduard Abrahamyan, examination of the past and
present of Caucasian Albania and Albanian peoples will lead to a better
understanding of modern ethno-political processes in the Caucasus.

For his part, Armenian political scientist Levon Melik-Shahnazaryan
told a PanARMENIAN.Net that participation of representatives of
Dagestani peoples will help to understand the problems of their
self-identity in Azerbaijan. "The conference is rather a political
than academic event. This can be proved by the statement of Dagestani
Avarians who claim autonomy within Azerbaijan," he said.

Professor of Dagestani State University Timur Aytberov said Baku
pursues a policy of extermination of aborigine Dagestani peoples
residing in some regions of Azerbaijan. "The Avarian people are going
to assert their rights by all legal ways including the experience of
Celtic peoples," he said.

Caucasian Albania, also known as Alvank in Armenian, Ardhan in
Parthian, Arran in Persian and Al-Ran in Arabic was an ancient kingdom,
which existed on the territory of present-day Republic of Azerbaijan
and southern Dagestan. The name "Albania" is Latin, and denotes
"mountainous land". The native name for the country is unknown.

The population of Caucasian Albania descends from the union of 26
tribes speaking various dialects of the Nakh-Dagestani family of
languages. The only known Albanian language is the Alvan or Gargarean

According to Movses Kaghankatvatzi, the Albanian alphabet was invented
by Mesrob Mashtots, an Armenian monk, theologian and linguist.

ANKARA: Attack to the Turkish Armenians

Sabah, Turkey
Sept 2 2007

Attack to the Turkish Armenians

The US Diaspora attacked the Turkish Armenians participating in the
World Armenians Olympics in Erivan.

70 sportsmen representing Turkey participated in the fourth World
Armenian Olympics in Armenia. The US Glendale team played against
Istanbul basketball team.

‘Dirty Turkish dogs’

The Diaspora games held in Armenia were marked by fights. When
Istanbul team was insulted, a fight started, police entered the field
and the game stopped for 15 minutes.

Last week the World Armenian Olympics were held in Erivan, the
capital of Armenia and Armenians living in different countries
participated in the games. This time, the games held every four years
were marked by ugly attacks not sports. The male basketball team of
US Armenians attacked Istanbul team from Turkey. American basketball
players provoked a Turkish player during a double game by saying
"ugly Turkish dogs".

The fight started upon these words; police entered the field and the
game stopped for 15 minutes. The American team denied the claims and
said: "we did not make such an insult. They started the fight by
insulting us. They are not real Armenians they are semi-Armenians."

Djivan Gasparyan for a concert in Istanbul

Djivan Gasparyan for a concert in Istanbul
01.09.2007 13:45

World famous ‘duduk’ virtuoso from Armenia, Djivan Gasparyan, is
giving a concert with Turkish saz player and vocalist Yavuz Bing�¶l in
Istanbul today in honor of International Day of Peace, the Turkish
Daily News reports.

"My instrument is the voice of peace; I came here to lend a breath for
the brotherhood of two nations," says Gasparyan, stressing that the
trauma between Turks and Armenians would be overcome through tolerance
and understanding.

Gasparyan and Bing�¶l will play in the Open Air Theatre in Harbiye.
Gasparyan aims to reinforce peace and brotherhood between the two
countries as he emphasizes how wrong it is to feed young generations
with hostility. Following his Istanbul concert, Gasparyan will meet his
fans in Ankara tomorrow evening at MEB Ã?Â?ura Hall.

Bing�¶l says this concert will be an unforgettable experience for him.
The Turkish musician said he was deeply upset by the developments that
followed the murder of Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink. "We will
be hand in hand.

Billy Graham’s Grandson Speaks Only To WVLT

Alan Williams

Aug 29 2007

Knoxville (WVLT) – When you talk of preachers, who hasn’t heard of
Billy Graham? Now, there’s another in the line of Grahams who’s making
an impact.

However you wouldn’t know it by his name. Meet pastor Tullian
Tchividjian, one of 19 of Ruth and Billy Graham’s grandchildren.

Billy Graham is known as America’s preacher. Now another line of the
Graham family is making an impact. His name is Tullian Tchividjian,
grandson of Ruth and Billy Graham. Tullian was in town signing copies
of his new book "Do I Know God."

"It started off as a sermon I preached here in Knoxville at Cedar
Springs," Tchividjian said.

The former associate pastor at Knoxville’s Cedar Springs Presbyterian
Church was eager to share his message.

"I make mention in the book that there is an eternal difference
between knowing about God, and knowing God, between factual knowledge
and relational knowledge," Tchividjian said.

With the name Tchividjian, there are alot of questions. His mother
Gigi, is the oldest of the Graham children. She married Stefhan
Tchividjian, a Swiss born Armenian.

At 16, this wild child son, Tullian, dropped out of high school. At
21, he was kicked out of the house.

"During my wilderness wanderings, from the time I was 16 to 21,
of course my grandparents, both my grandmother and grandfather
were praying hard that the Hound of Heaven would track me down,"
Tchividjian said.

Tullian now ministers to a church in South Florida, but alot of his
time is spent with his grandfather.

"He’s going to be 89 years old in November, and he has alot of miles
on him, and so it doesn’t surprise any of us that things are beginning
to shut down. He has the will to live, we were all watching after
my grandmother died, wondering how he was going to approach life,"
Tchividjian said. "We visit him regularly. In fact, my wife and kids
just came back from being with him for 9 days."

As Billy faces the last pages of life, Tullian’s last chapter
appropriately addresses it too.

"The promise that holds out for those who truly know Him is absolutely
stunning," Tchividjian said.

And some great news, Tullian told me he thinks his grandfather should
be released from the hospital by the end of this week.

Semaine De L’Armenie


28 août 2007 mardi

DU MÔLE A LA MARINE Du 4 au 8 septembre, la Maison des Savoirs en
partenariat avec Le cercle franco-armenien Languedoc-Roussillon,
participera a l’operation "Armenie, mon amie", dans le cadre de l’annee
de l’Armenie en France. C’est ainsi qu’une exposition proposee par Le
cercle franco-armenien, sera presentee sous la forme de trente-six
panneaux didactiques, permettant la decouverte d’une civilisation,
entre Orient et Occident, son origine chretienne, depuis l’an 301 et
son alphabet depuis l’an 405. L’inauguration de l’exposition aura
lieu le mardi 4 septembre, a l’issue de la conference : "Le peuple
armenien", animee par Yves Ternon et Raymond Kervorkian. Docteur en
histoire a l’Universite de Paris IV, la Sorbonne, Yves Ternon est un
specialiste internationalement reconnu en ce qui concerne la genèse
des crimes contre l’humanite. Quant a Raymond Kervorkian, historien,
conservateur de la bibliothèque Nubar, il est aussi auteur d’une
dizaine d’ouvrages consacres a l’Armenie et directeur en chef de la
Revue Armenienne des questions contemporaines. La conference, mardi 4
septembre, a 18 h, salle visioconference sera suivie de l’inauguration
de l’exposition.

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Armenian Turcologist Calls The Blackmail And Threats By Ankara To Pr


2007-08-28 16:47:00

The blackmail and threats by Ankara to prevent international
recognition of Armenian Genocide are just a traditional Turkish
policy. One should take it easy, Director of Oriental Studies
Institute, National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, turcologist Ruben
Safrastyan said at a briefing in Yerevan.

As regards the recent tension between Turkey and Israel because of
the initiative of an influential Jewish organization of the USA –
Anti-Defamation League (ADL), on possible recognition of Armenian
Genocide in Ottoman Turkey, R. Safrastyan said the threat of Turkey
is political and not military. "Turkey is the only ally of Israel
that is actually isolated in the Middle East. Naturally, Turkey takes
advantage of this circumstance," he said. R. Safrastyan also added
that when the relations of Israel with the Jewish lobby in the USA
became tense, Turkey threatened the Jewish community in Istanbul.

"Turkey uses this circumstance as well. It is part of the Turkish
policy and diplomacy. I perceive such policy of Ankara as a traditional
Turkish policy, and I think this normal," he said.

Czech Republic To Send Additional 70 Troops To Afghanistan


CTK news agency, Prague
26 Aug 07

Prague, 26 August: The number of Czech troops in Afghanistan will
rise by about 70 due to the planned Czech leadership of the Provincial
Reconstruction Team (PRT) in the Afghan province of Loghar, Chief of
Staff Vlastimil Picek told Czech Television today.

At present, the Czech army has 225 soldiers in Afghanistan, Picek said.

Czechs operate in the field hospital in Kabul and along with Germans
and Danes, they work in the reconstruction team in the northern
province of Badakhshan.

Special military police forces are in the province Hilmand.

The deployment of the PRT to Loghar is to cost 650 million crowns. It
is yet to be approved by the parliament.

Picek said the PRT in Logar was to be made up of 170 soldiers and
30 civilian experts, to be sent by Foreign, Trade and Industry,
and Transport ministries.

"The situation in Loghar is naturally more complicated than in the
northern province. We rely on efficient help from the US army,"
Picek said.

Czechs can be helped by Americans in logistics, Picek said.

Slovaks and Armenians are interested in the cooperation with the PRT
in Loghar, he added.

"We are of the view that Slovakia could help us with medical
personnel. As far as Armenians are concerned, their help involves
solely translators," Picek said.

Social Democrat (CSSD) leader Jiri Paroubek said the risk for Czech
troops would be crucial for the Social Democrats when the issue would
be debated in the parliament.

It was vital to protect the lives and health of the Czech troops as
much as possible, Paroubek said.

Jenam International Conference Closed

AZG Armenian Daily #153, 25/08/2007



On August 24, ended the international astronomy conference in Yerevan,
organized jointly by the European and Armenian Astronomy
Societies. Director of the Biurakan Observatory Hayk Haroutiunian
informed that the conference was also fruitful in sense of enhancement
of international cooperation. Consultations about collaboration were
started with embassies of Italy and Great Britain.

The conference also reminded the authorities that astronomy in Armenia
is on a high level and has perfect perspectives of further
development. "Did you notice that only the Minister of Trade and
Economic Development of Armenia was present to the conference and
there were no representatives of the Ministry of Science and
Education? The congress was organized without any governmental
sponsorship; a considerable part of expenses was taken by the Biurakan
Observatory and the Armenian Astronomy Society, for we were one of the
organizing sides, and we had to take expenses. Probably at the
Science and Education Ministry they think that there is no astronomy
in Armenia," noticed Hayk Haroutiunian.

Young Armenian astronomers were very active during the conference:
they made 10 reports on various themes. Mr. Haroutiunian found
difficult to say when a printed account of the conference will be
published, but he informed that the online version of all the reports
will soon be available on the website of the Armenian Astronomy