Why Westernized, Secular And Democratic Turks Voted For Erdogan

Dr. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis

American Chronicle, CA
July 23 2007

As I stated in an earlier article (All about Turkish Elections),
a great number of Westernized, Secular and Democratic Turks voted
for AKP, the Turkish extremist Islamist’s party that seems set for
a strange sort of victory. The paradoxical phenomenon is due to many
reasons. We feature herewith a non-exhaustive list.

The Real Power is not in Erdogan’s hands.

This is certainly comforting; when you know that an Islamist premier is
bound to compromise with the military, the diplomatic, the academic,
and above all the financial establishment, you do not feel afraid to
vote for him, as a reaction to several mistakes attributed to other
parties. It is expected for Erdogan, an otherwise dull, pale and shy
person, to compromise with the military on a wide range of issues
from the presidential elections to the pending Iraq invasion.

Vote for Erdogan as reaction against scandals, inconsistencies and

You may belong to a Center Right or a Center Left party, but you
disagree with traditional and ineffective policies pursued without
criticism and without exit for too long. In a case like that of
today’s Turkey, you have the possibility to send an alarming warning.

Turks seem to be very confident about the durability of the Secular
Republic and Ataturk’s legacy, and Erdogan – despite his agenda –
seems to be too weak to threaten the State, despite the ominous
French and European backing. This could contribute to a risky vote,
but Turks are risky.

Vote for Erdogan because of economic achievements

This concerns mainly secular and conservative Turks, who could not be
sure that by voting the small secular conservative party (Demokrat
Parti) they would secure a continuity for the recent significant
achievements in terms of foreign investment, liberalization, and
increased income from Tourism. Of course, without the solid foundations
set in the 80s and early 90s by Turgut Ozal, nothing would have been
achieved, but the overall picture of the Turkish economy led many
secular, non practicing Muslims to Erdogan’s AKP.

Vote for Erdogan as result of indecision in front of a multi-divided

You vote more easily for someone you view as neutral, when you
have greater difficulty to opt among the more marked candidates and
parties. In fact, Turks had to choose between

– a Nationalist party of the Right (MHP – Milliyetci Hareket Partisi)
which is the equivalent of the Christian Social Union (CSU) in Germany
– and not of Le Pen in France,

– a pale coalition (named Demokrat Parti) of two traditional Right
parties (Anavatan – founded by Turgut Ozal, and Dogru Yol – founded
by Suleyman Demirel) that in the times of their glory (early 90s)
had already no reason of separate existence except that they were
controlled by different statesmen of the Conservative Right, plus
were later plagued by the infinite scandals of former prime ministers
Mesut Yilmaz and Tansu Ciller, and

– a Center – Left party (People’s Republican Party – Cumhuriyet
Halk Partisi/CHP) that can be portrayed as ‘conservative’ as
Helmut Schmidt’s German Social Democrats in the late 70s, and as
‘nationalistic’ as Andreas Papandreou’s PASOK (especially for the
period 1974 – 1996).

>From the aforementioned it becomes immediately understood that many
secular Turks who ascribe themselves to Center – Right political
ideals would find MHP too extreme, DP too small, CHP too left, and
Erdogan’s AKP adequately liberal to vote. Secular Conservatives may
represent more than one third of Erdogan’s voters, which translates
to 15 – 20% of the total outcome. If we add to all this, the great
number of independent candidates who belonged to the aforementioned
three political formations but for one reason or another preferred
to present themselves independently, we get a clear picture.

As a matter of fact, and with the results almost entirely announced,
one comes to understand that the total of the voters of the three
parties is equivalent to that of the Islamist premier’s party, which
shows that in Turkey the really Islamic voters do not exceed 25%
of the total population.

A Vote to Social Democrats (CHP) would open the undesired way to Europe

Turks have lost their trust in Europe; EU’s credibility is at its
lowest, and there is nothing to be done to repair it. Turkish Secular
Democratic citizens put themselves in front of the following questions:

-Why shall we still search to adhere to Europe where anti-Turkish
directives seem to prevail?

-If Europe turns out to become a religious, non tolerant realm where
Turkey is not accepted despite it is a secular Muslim country, what
have we got to do in a place like that?

Turkey already lived a moment when Europe deviated to Nazism (mainly
1940 – 1944); this did not mean that Turkey should turn Nazi too. If
Europe becomes a religious, anti-democratic realm, Turkey certainly
will not follow.

There are plenty of indications for Secular and Democratic Turks that
Europe is about to turn to a distinctively Christian, religious Club,
plunged into fratricide conflicts about its identity, Christian or
none, as discussions about the European Constitution reveal.

Consequently, a vote for Erdogan would mean precisely what the
untrustworthy Europeans publicized: turning down the European
perspective of Turkey. Despite recent frictions in the Socialist
International, the CHP has been viewed by Turks as the politically
closer to Europe Turkish political institution. And Erdogan remains
unchallenged as the only Turkish politician who will certainly be
rejected by Europe. Why vote for someone else then?

Vote for Erdogan as rejection of Western obscure plans for a Clash
of Civilization

This may sound strange, but it started already at the times of
Necmettin Erbakan in the mid 90s. Having in mind that the principles of
Ataturk and the foundations of the Secular Republic are irremovable,
many secular and democratic Turks express their indignation by
voting what would depict Turkey as the black sheep for the mendacious
Europeans. This is a purely negative, anti-European – but pro-Western –
vote, and observers and diplomats will have to count with this in the
years ahead. Turkey is truly exacerbated by Western European hypocrisy,
duplicity and mendacity as attested in so many cases from Kosovo to
Azerbaijan, and from the myth of the Turkish responsibility for the WW
I Armenian massacres to the reality of French maneuvers in Kurdistan.

What one should expect now from an explosive Turkey is a compromise
between Erdogan and the military as regards internal issues, and
the final decision of General Buyukanit about Turkey’s confident
position in Northern Iraq. It would be wise for Europe and America to
accept this as return to normality after so many decades of colonial
abnormality in Mesopotamia.

What Turkey’s opposition parties may draw as lesson will be an issue to
discuss in another article; one thing is sure: new leaders with proper
qualifications and great visions are needed. The clash between secular
democratic and civilized Turks and the minority of the fanaticized
Islamists has not ended; it has just started. Only a deep reassessment
and a great vision will send Erdogan and his extremists back to 20%
of the voters.


BAKU: Elections in Nagorno-Karabakh Should not Have Any Impact on Pe

Elections in Nagorno-Karabakh Should not Have Any Impact on Peaceful
Settlement of Conflict: OSCE Chairman-in-Office

TREND News Agency, Azerbaijan
July 21 2007

Azerbaijan, Baku /corr. Trend K.Ramazanova / So-called "presidential
elections" in Nagorno-Karabakh should not have any impact on the
peaceful settlement of the conflict, said the OSCE Chairman-in-Office,
Spanish Foreign Minister, Miguel Angel Moratinos.

"The OSCE does not recognize the independence of Nagorno-Karabakh
and therefore, these elections should not have any impact or any
significance on the solution of the conflict," Minister Moratinos said.

The Chairman-in-Office reiterated his support to the efforts of
Co-Chairmen of the Minsk Group to facilitate a peaceful settlement
in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries appeared in 1988
due to Armenian territorial claims against Azerbaijan. Armenia has
occupied 20% of the Azerbaijani lands including the Nagorno-Karabakh
region and its seven surrounding districts. Since 1992 to the present
time, these territories have been under Armenian occupation. In 1994,
Azerbaijan and Armenia signed a cease-fire agreement at which time
the active hostilities ended. The Co-Chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group
( Russia, France and USA) are holding peaceful negotiations.

UN not to settle Kosovo’s status

UN not to settle Kosovo’s status

21.07.2007 14:17 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The United States and European countries decided
not to put the question of Kosovo’s future status to the vote in the
UN Security Council.

Instead, they decided to initiate talks between Belgrade and
Pri~Ztina. Great Britain’s Ambassador to the United Nations Emir Jones
Perry stated there is no sense in putting the draft resolution on
Kosovo to the vote, since Russia opposes the document. Perry says,
it is necessary to negotiate with Serbia on the issue, which is
against Kosovo’s independence, as well as with the leadership of
Kosovo himself.

Earlier Prime Minister of Kosovo Agim Ceku stated the province would
declare his independence from Serbia on 28th of November, a symbolic
day for Albanian nationalists. Ceku underlined that he calls on to
declare independence unilaterally.

Generally, the West supports claims of the Albanian majority of Kosovo
to grant independence to the province from Serbia; however, the EU
opposes unilateral actions by Pri~Ztina. Russia, however, insists that
Serbia’s opinion must be taken into account in this issue. Russia has
refused to participate in works of a new, third variant of draft UN SC
resolution on Kosovo, which western diplomats called the "last effort"
to reach agreement with Moscow on the future of the breakaway province.

Kosovo with a 90% ethnic Albanian population is under the UN
administration since 1999, when NATO bombings forced Serbian troops
to leave the province. According to Albanian media commanders of
former Liberation Army of Kosovo made it clear they are ready to
resume their armed struggle if the issue to grant independence to
the province will be dragged out, the BBC Russian service reports.

Iranian Foreign Minister Says Trade With Armenia To Double In 2007


20 Jul 07

Yerevan, 20 July: Iran and Armenia are planning to increase 2.5 times
foreign trade in 2007 and bring it to 500m dollars, the Iranian
foreign minister and Iranian co-chairman of the Armenian-Iranian
intergovernmental commission, Manuchehr Mottaki, said at the seventh
session of the commission in Yerevan today.

Although experts of the two countries go ahead and predict trade to
the tune of 1bn dollars, 500m dollars against 200m dollars in 2006
looks more realistic, and there is a chance that at the next annual
session of the commission this growth will be recorded, he said. There
is a vast potential for "the speedy development of relations" between
the countries, he added.

In order to realize this potential, the sides are currently discussing
a draft treaty on free trade.

The minister added that the agenda also included the construction
projects of two hydroelectric power plants on the border River
Araz. Iran is in talks with Armenia and Russia on the construction
of an oil refinery in Armenia.

The construction of an Iran-Armenia railway link and the possibility
of setting up an Armenian bank in Iran are also being discussed,
Mottaki said.

The minister said that progress in relations between Armenia and Iran
had been noted in all fields. However, the most tangible progress has
been achieved in the energy field. Among the completed successful
projects, he mentioned the construction of the Iran-Armenia gas
pipeline, two power lines and a wind power plant. He said that
bilateral cooperation in the fields of transport, agriculture, banking
and investment, communication and telecommunication, culture, science
and education was also successful.

The minister said that Iran intended to simplify entry to its territory
for Armenian nationals and that to this end, visas would be issued
right on the border.

The Armenian-Iranian intergovernmental commission was set up in 1992.

Armenian Minister of Energy Armen Movsisyan co-chairs it taking
account of the current high level of cooperation in the energy field.

RA Government Approved Priorities In Realizing Armenia-EU Action Pla


19.07.2007 18:02 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ During its today’s session the Armenian government
approved the list of events and priorities for the year of 2007
supposed by Armenia-EU Action Plan in the framework of the European
Neighborhood Policy, the RA Government Press Office reports. The
heads of executive bodies have been ordered to give information to
the RA Ministry of Trade and Economic Development on the realization
process of events once in three months during 10 days.

Nagorno-Karabakh Holds Elections

by Matthew Collin

BBC News, Stepanakert
Published: 2007/07/19 00:43:15 GMT

People in the breakaway region of Nagorno-Karabakh are voting in
presidential elections, which they hope will further their aim of

But Nagorno-Karabakh lies within Azerbaijan, which has condemned the
polls as illegal.

Azeri and Armenian forces fought a bitter war over the territory in
the 1990s, which left some 30,000 people dead.

No country recognises the independence of the breakaway region.

Nagorno-Karabakh wants to prove it could become an independent,
democratic state.

But this tiny, mountainous region is still the subject of a bitter
dispute between Armenia and Azerbaijan, more than a decade after
the ceasefire.

Armenian forces won the war and now control Nagorno-Karabakh, after
the Azeri population fled and years of negotiations have failed to
deliver a peace deal.

Unrecognized poll

One of the candidates for president, Bako Sahakian, says the election
will demonstrate the democratic progress Nagorno-Karabakh has made.

"It is the most civilised way towards building democracy and civil

It is the best and the most progressive way to build a state. We will
try to do everything possible to get the international community to
recognise Nagorno-Karabakh.", Bako Sahakian says.

But Azerbaijan says the elections are being held by a separatist
regime which was established by ethnic cleansing.

The Azeri foreign ministry spokesman, Khazar Ibrahim, says they are
effectively meaningless.

"These are so-called elections conducted by the illegal regime which
has basically occupied this region of Azerbaijan. These so-called
elections have no legal effect because they contradict the norms and
principles of international law," he said.

While Azerbaijan says Nagorno-Karabakh must not be allowed to break

Armenia insists the region has the right to choose its own destiny.

The results of these elections are unlikely to bring a peaceful
solution any closer.


Feliks Tsolakyan Dismissed From The Post Of Head Armenian Tax Servic


2007-07-16 21:42:00

Armenian President Robert Kocharyan signed a decree on 16 July to
dismiss Feliks Tsolakyan from the post of head Armenian Tax Service
because of his transferring to other work.

As Arminfo was informed from the president’s press-service, by another
decree of the president Vahram Barsegyan was appointed to the post of
the head of Armenian Tax Service under the Armenian government. The
latter was dismissed from the post of the leader of the Analytical
Service under the president. The president also signed a decree to
appoint Feliks Tsolakyan the president’s advisor.

Wide Specter Of Cooperation Between France And Armenia Was Discussed


2007-07-13 01:15:00

Wide specter of cooperation between France and Armenia was discussed
over today’s meeting of the Armenian and French presidents Robert
Kocharyan and Nicolas Sarcozy in Elysee.

As Armenian Public TV reports, the meeting passed in a friendly
atmosphere and lasted for an hour. The parties mentioned high level
of the Armenian-French relations and success of the Year of Armenia
in France. They also touched on the South Caucasus problems. The
presidents noted that both states are concerned about strengthening
of the economic relations and emphasized importance of cooperation
in the sphere of defence.

After the meeting Robert Kocharyan said that "they had a very
informative talk and the earlier goals of the two friendly
states as well as new directions of cooperation development were
proved". Armenian president said he was pleased with the content and
atmosphere of the meeting, and added that such meetings will continue.

The Only School Of Village Of Chinari Being Repaired On Initiative O


Noyan Tapan
Armenians Today
Jul 11 2007

building of the village of Chinari, Tavush region, will be officially
reopened on August 21. As Noyan Tapan correspondent was informed by
American Armenian student Nelly Martirosian, for the purpose of being
of use to the homeland, she had organized a charity concert under the
title "Let us build our homeland with our own hands" on August 12,
2006 in the city of Glendale, U.S. The whole gain from the concert,
43 649 USD, was provided to the village of Chinari, for repairing
the only village school.

In Nelly Martirosian’s opinion, to make a contribution to school
building is not only a duty, but also a sacred work for every Armenian.

It is noteworthy that the 26-year-old student of California UC Berkeley
University is going to return to the homeland after finishing her
studies and to make her knowledge serve Armenia.

Elvina Makaryan Passed Away


10.07.2007 17:37

One of the brightest Armenian singers Elvina Makaryan suddenly dies
today in the United States. She was known especially to middle-aged
music lover with her interesting songs.

In early 1970s Robert Amirkhanyan’s song titled "Where are you,
boys?" was a novelty in Armenian music. It was this song that made
Elvina Makaryan’s name famous.

She was a soloist of the State Orchestra headed by Konstantin Orbelyan,
an orchestra popular in the Soviet Union.

In late 1990s Elvina Makaryan left for the US, where she opened
her studio, wishing to pass share her experience with the younger