BAKU: Azeri Academician Upbeat About Visits To Breakaway Karabakh, A


Day, Azerbaijan
July 9 2007

Academician Kamal Abdulla has called for the promotion of contacts
between Azerbaijanis and Armenians to finally resolve the Karabakh
conflict. In an interview with news agency, Abdulla shared
his impressions of the visits to Azerbaijani separatist region of
Karabakh, and Armenia by a group of intelligentsia representatives
where they had discussions on how to resolve the conflict. Abdulla
believes that we are "doomed to coexistence by God and history"
and therefore, everything should be done to settle the conflict by
peace means to avoid war. The following is the text of his interview
with C. Ali entitled "Kamal Abdulla: ‘Azerbaijanis and Armenians are
doomed to coexistence by God and history. This is our mission and we
should be ready for it’"; published on the website on 5 July;
subheadings have been inserted editorially:

A interview with Prof Kamal Abdulla, the rector of the Baku
Slavonic University (BSU), corresponding member of the Azerbaijani
Academy of National Sciences and honoured worker of science.

[Correspondent] Kamal muallim [mode of address], after your visits
to Nagornyy Karabakh and Armenia, there are again many talk about a
big role of people’s diplomacy in settling the Karabakh problem. What
can you say on its potential in settling the conflict in the wake of
your latest mission?

[Abdulla] I think that any alternative form of diplomacy in the long
run serves to our main line based on the will of the Azerbaijani people
and the political leadership of the country. Any step in this direction
should be welcomed since every single man should work within his or
her powers. Politicians should do their job, leaders their own and
intellectuals should also seek ways out of this situation. In the end,
all these will be part of our common search and opportunities.

Positive mood

[Correspondent] Although the trip was brief, nevertheless, you felt
the mood of the Armenians. Do you consider that the Armenian community
of Nagornyy Karabakh is ready for open dialogue?

[Abdulla] I can say that those people we met are completely ready.

Because the war, the actual state of affairs have already bored
everyone and everybody is looking for ways of breaking this deadlock.

Undoubtedly, I cannot speak on behalf of all but those whom I saw
and contacted are ready.

Above all, this contact was established without any intermediaries.

It is also important that this contact contemplated our crossing
to Nagornyy Karabakh exactly through the Azerbaijani soil, in other
words, we went from one part of our land to another part, and it was
not from Tbilisi, Moscow or from somewhere else but from Barda, from
where we went directly to Xankandi [Stepanakert]. If someone else can,
let them also go.

[Correspondent] Other members of the trip speak about the possibility
of continuing cooperation between Azerbaijanis and Armenians even
they suggest specific forms. As the rector of the BSI, do you assume
the possibility of adjusting such contacts, say, in the sphere of

[Abdulla] Any further effective contacts should take place once all
the problems are tackled. We did not discuss any political moments, the
possibility of adopting any declaration there. We simply communicated
with them. We pursued the purpose of understanding whether we can
speak the same language and if we can ever understand one another.

My understanding of "some time ever" means a complete solution to
the problem: after the liberation of the seven [occupied Azerbaijani]
districts and the establishment of Azerbaijan’s political and state
control over Nagornyy Karabakh. It is essential to know if there are
forces with whom we can later start speak about life, construction
and restoration. This was the kernel of the trip.

[Correspondent] Are there such forces?

[Abdulla] I think there are.

Armenian leader backs coexistence with Azerbaijanis

[Correspondent] Armenian President Robert Kocharyan once said from
a high tribune that the peoples of Azerbaijan and Armenia cannot
coexist in principle. What would your reaction be to that statement
of the Armenian president after the visit?

[Abdulla] He spoke absolutely the opposite at the meeting with us
that our peoples should finally coexist. After all, none of them will
go to another planet or another part of the globe. We are doomed to
coexistence by God and history. This is our mission and we have to
be ready for it. By saying "we", I mean the Azerbaijani citizens
of Armenian origin living in Nagornyy Karabakh and we saw that in
principle they can be ready for it, and the citizens of Azerbaijan –
the Azerbaijani population of Nagornyy Karabakh. Therefore, by any
means – naturally, it is important that this means is peaceful –
we will liberate our lands.

So, what shall we do once Azerbaijan fully restores its authority
there? How shall we communicate each other? Will the communication
take place at all? Will there be people understanding everything what
will take place? After all we cannot tell the Armenians that you have
to leave as we have restored our authority here. Can we say this?!

Can any political leader ever say this?! Certainly, not. We have to
return to the system which existed before the confrontation.

Therefore, it is necessary to find out the degree of our readiness
to talk with one another.

I do not even want to answer those sharp but at the same time
irrational remarks on inadmissibility of such contacts and so on.

What is to be done? To avoid dialogue in order to make this problem
exist further so that those "gentlemen" continue to get their grants?

Many ready for contacts with Armenians

[Correspondent] You said the Armenian side is ready for dialogue. Now I
would like to learn your opinion about the readiness of the Azerbaijani
public. At a news conference in Baku on the results of the visits
to Karabakh and Armenia, you yourself witnessed that so far not
all representatives of the Azerbaijani public view such contacts
positively. Do you think the Azerbaijani society is ready for this?

[Abdulla] As a whole, it is ready. This is obvious for those people
who call me, send telegrams and give their views in support of the
mission. The vast majority is ready and supports this mission.

Naturally, there are those who disagree but disagreement should,
in my view, be expressed within the limits of certain ethic norms.

Regrettably, there are people who like to go beyond those limits
without thinking that they might be asked: Who are the judges then?

You have no right to judge others. One should do better. I think that
this communication, which we managed with the representatives of the
Armenian intelligentsia, should be developed. Maybe, others will go
in future. Incidentally, there are already many people who express
such a will.

You know so many people call me and tell me about their desire to visit
Karabakh and propose that such a trip be arranged. They are residents
of Susa, in general, representatives of Karabakh and refugees from
Armenia, Baku residents, friends, acquaintances and even those who
do not know me at all. To put it differently, there are many people
who support us. However, unfortunately they are often inert and
unresponsive. Those who are active and responsive are few.

An Azerbaijani saying goes: that’s his guilty conscience speaking.

Regrettably, this happens sometimes.

I believe in wisdom of my people and both in wisdom of our earnest
and genuine journalists and analysts. We were told there that we will
have a bad time when going back home, they said that "your folk will
attack you, blame you for all faults". I told them this would not
happen as our people would understand everything and support us.

I think that we did it right and my belief in this is based on the
support I am receiving.

There Is Increase In Number Of Intestinal And Hepatic Diseases Among


Noyan Tapan
Jul 09 2007

YEREVAN, JULY 9, NOYAN TAPAN. There has been an increase in the
number of intestinal and hepatic diseases among children in Armenia
recently. Gayane Amarian, the assistant professor of the Department
of Pediatrics and Infant Surgery of the State Medical University
of Yerevan, informed a Noyan Tapan correspondent that mainly ulcer
diseases and those of the upper parts of the alimentary canal,
constipation, inborn diseases of the vessels of the liver, as well
as liver cirrhosis are widely spread among children.

Gayane Amarian mentioned that gastrological diseases are social
diseases and that bad sanitary-hygienic conditions, as well as
malnourishment give rise to the emergence of these diseases. According
to her, there is a dispensary of gastrology and hepatism, which has
been operating in the "Arabkir" medical complex since 2004, where at
present 120 teenagers are taken account of. The dispensary control
over these children and their medical examination, that is to say,
laboratory examination is implemented within the framework of state
order. Gayane Amarian stated that it is envisaged to work out certain
programs in order to organize their treatment free of charge.

Gayane Amarian also mentioned that a workshop dedicated to the modern
methods of treatment of intestinal and hepatic diseases was held in the
"Arabkir" medical complex from July 5 to 7 and about 100 pediatrists
from the regions of the republic and Yerevan took part. The workshop
was conducted by leading specialists, who were invited from seven
European countries. It was also mentioned that concrete cases of this
disease were discussed during the workshop as well.

6,000 Hectars Of Apricot Orchards Rehabilitated In Armenia In Last 6


ARKA News Agency, Armenia
July 6 2007

YEREVAN, July 6. /ARKA/. 6,000 hectares of apricot orchards were
rehabilitated in Armenia in the period from 2002 to 2007, Armenian
Minister of Agriculture David Lokian said at the opening of "Armenian
Apricot" first international forum in Yerevan.

Half of the apricot orchards in Armenia – 5,000 hectares – were
destroyed, which raised the concern of the Armenian government and
forced it to take actions, the Minister said.

According to him, the number of fruitful trees will provide 200,000
tons of yield in average leading to a problem in processing and sales
of the products.

The Minister pointed out that the Armenian Government should cooperate
with farmers and representatives of national business in order to
efficiently solve these problems. The Government already started
works on introduction of modern technology in agriculture, to reduce
the prices for irrigation and credit rates for farmers, Lokian said.

"Armenian apricot" three-day form is held by the Armenian Ministry
of Agriculture and the National Academy of Sciences. Along with the
conference and business-forum, tasting of apricot and dried apricots,
apricot juices and jams and apricot vodka will be held within the
framework of the event.

The members of the conference will visit apricot orchards and apricot
processing enterprises and get familiar with exports of the Armenian

Armenia is considered as the homeland of apricots. In the world of
science this fruit is called "Armenian apple" – Armeniaca mill.

Armenian And Hungarian Prosecutors Sign Cooperation Memorandum


Jul 06 2007

YEREVAN, JULY 6, ARMENPRESS: Armenian chief prosecutor Aghvan Hovsepian
and his Hungarian counterpart Tomas Kovacz signed today in Yerevan
a cooperation memorandum.

Armenian chief prosecutor said it is the first document so far that
will enable both countries to step up cooperation against trafficking
in human, money-laundering and financing terrorism.

According to the Armenian prosecutor, the memorandum will also help
the solution of problems of a small Armenian community of Hungary that
has 4,000 members. Armenians are among 13 other national minorities in
Hungary and receive funding from the budget to maintain their culture,
language and national identity.

Tomas Kovacz and his deputy are in Yerevan for a working visit. They
will be received by Armenian president, prime minister and Catholicos
Karekin II.

PACE chairman sees no progress in NK conflict settlement

ARKA News Agency, Armenia
July 5 2007


YEREVAN, July 5. /ARKA/. CE Parliamentary Assembly Chairman Rene van
der Linden sees no progress in Karabakh conflict settlement.

He said Wednesday as met Armenian National Assembly Speaker Tigran
Torosyan in Yerevan that efforts are needed to form public opinion
for the problem settlement through negotiations, Armenian National
Assembly press office reports.

Torosyan, in his turn, said that nobody in Armenia or Karabakh tries
to stir up hatred against other nation and nobody runs military
propaganda in Armenia or Karabakh, while Azerbaijan is doing polar
opposite things.

As an example of that, Torosyan pointed out Azerbaijan’s reaction to
Azerbaijani and Armenian intellectuals’ tour to Yerevan, Stepanakert
and Baku.

He said this initiative was taken properly in Armenia and Karabakh,
while in Azerbaijan this visit prompted widespread criticism and

Torosyan said that such a conduct contradicts PACE Resolution N1416
containing war and hatred propaganda condemnation.

The speaker urged international organizations to display impartiality
in gauging public opinion in countries. M.V.-0—

Armenian foreign minister plays down Azeri bellicose statements

Armenian foreign minister plays down Azeri bellicose statements

2 Jul 07

Yerevan, 2 July: Azerbaijan’s military rhetoric proves the lack of
readiness of the country for compromise and peaceful settlement of the
Nagornyy Karabakh [NKR] conflict. Armenian Foreign Minister Vardan
Oskanyan said this at a news conference in Yerevan when commenting on
the latest statement of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev.

Oskanyan said that Baku’s bellicose statement is unacceptable and has a
negative effect at the negotiations process. Apart from that, the
frequency of bellicose rhetoric creates a situation where belief
emerges that it is improbable and helps to support the bellicose spirit
of Azerbaijan.

"This is where I see the threat, and if they have begun to believe in
it, we start to understand that Azerbaijan will not compromise," the
minister said.

Speaking of what aims Aliyev is following by making such statements,
Oskanyan expressed hope that "they are intended for domestic use.
However, globally, any statements receive wide advertisement by the
world community. Thus, it turns out that all the statements are
intended for a regional and global audience," Oskanyan stressed. He
added that Armenia has always said that it does not see and not suggest
a military solution to the NKR conflict. "A military solution to the
conflict should be eliminated because it is unreal. The only way to
resolving the conflict is the ability to compromise," Oskanyan said.

AAA: Interns Gain Career Experience While Building Lifelong Bonds

Armenian Assembly of America
1140 19th Street, NW, Suite 600
Washington, DC 20036
Phone: 202-393-3434
Fax: 202-638-4904
Email: [email protected]

July 5, 2007
CONTACT: Karoon Panosyan
E-mail: [email protected]


U.S. Program in its 30th Year

Washington, DC – Now in its 30th year, the Terjenian-Thomas Assembly
Internship Program in Washington, DC remains one of the country’s most
competitive and rewarding programs offered to students of Armenian
descent. Like the hundreds before them, in June, a group of talented
Armenian-American college students arrived to the nation’s capital to
jump start their careers by working in various government offices,
think tanks, media outlets and cultural institutions.

During their first weeks in Washington, the interns attended several
lectures by prominent officials in the federal government including
U.S. Department of State Office Director for Caucasus Affairs and
Regional Conflicts Elizabeth Rood and Adjudications Officer Noris
Balabanian and Vartan Vartanian from the U.S. Department of Homeland
Security. In addition, Dr. Levon Avdoyan the Armenian and Georgian
specialist at the Library of Congress, led a tour of the facilities
and discussed the vast collection of Armenian artifacts.

In the upcoming weeks, the students will meet with the Co-Chairs of
the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ)
and Joseph Knollenberg (R-MI), as well as Senator Carl Levin (D-MI)
and Congressmen Mark Kirk (R-IL), Ed Royce (R-CA) and Adam Schiff
(D-CA). Participants will also meet with Armenia’s Ambassador to the
U.S. Tatoul Markarian and attend a lecture by the Executive Director
of the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) Mark Krikorian.

"The Armenian Assembly of America has provided us with an amazing,
stimulating internship program that features dynamic speakers from
various professional backgrounds," said intern Bianka Kadian-Dodov
from Reno, Nevada. "I am looking forward to the rest of the
summer. I’m sure it will be an experience I will never forget."

Meanwhile, participants of the Assembly’s Armenia program are spending
the summer interning at various governmental offices and
non-governmental organizations (NGOs), health and wellness facilities
and media outlets, among others. Like their counterparts in the U.S.,
students will be meeting with senior government officials and other
prominent individuals to gain a better understanding of the social,
economic and political development of Armenia.

Since their arrival, they have met with Armenia’s then Minister of
Justice David Haroutunyan who currently serves as Chairman of the
Committee on Legal Affairs of Armenia’s Parliament, Ombudsman Armen
Harutyunyan and Chargé d’Affaires of the U.S. Embassy Anthony
Godfrey. During a three-day trip to Nagorno Karabakh, interns visited
the HALO Trust Demining Center and met with Minister of Foreign
Affairs Georgi Petrosian. They also had the opportunity to travel to
the Khor Virap, Noravank, Haghpat, Sanahin and Geghard Monasteries,
and Garni Temple.

"I have thoroughly enjoyed my internship with the Armenian Assembly,"
said intern Christian Ohanian from Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. "I feel
as though living in Yerevan, and working with the International Center
for Human Development (ICHD) has helped me to better understand
Armenia’s ongoing transformation."

Assembly Executive Director Bryan Ardouny applauded the success of
both internship programs. "Over the past 30 years, we have had more
than 860 students of Armenian descent from virtually every state and
eight countries, participate in the Terjenian-Thomas Assembly
Internship Program in Washington. We hope that both the Washington and
Yerevan programs continue to grow for years to come and expand
opportunities for Armenian-Americans students to learn about the
democratic process."

The Armenian Assembly of America is the largest Washington-based
nationwide organization promoting public understanding and awareness
of Armenian issues.  It is a 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt membership



Edito r’s Note: Below is the complete list of Armenian Assembly 2006
Summer Interns.

WASHINGTON, DC INTERNS: Name, school – placement

* Ani Avagyan, University of California, Berkley – Library of Congress
* Khachatur Avalyan, Boston University, Graduate School of Management – Armenian International Policy Research Group
* Serop Babayan, Southern Utah University – Armenian Assembly of America
* Sarkis Balkhian, Clark University – Armenian National Institute
* Zari Bazarian, University of Vermont – Senator Bernard Sanders (I-VT)
* Marrissa Boyajian, Syracuse University – Fox News
* Von Chorbajian, College of Wooster – Armenian American Cultural Association Inc.
* Bianka Dodov, University of Nevada, Las Vegas – Committee on the Budget, U.S. House of Representatives
* Aram Hanessian, Vanderbilt University – Armenian Assembly of America
* Benjamin Hanessian, Tufts University, Office of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic
* Ani Hatza, Bryn Mawr College – Representative Joe Sestak (D-PA)
* Jenna Ishkanian, Franklin and Marshall College – Representative Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ)
* Theresa Kevorkian, Colgate University, Senator Christopher Dodd (D-CT)
* Alexander Kircikoglu, Queens College -Representative Anthony D. Weiner (D-NY)
* Melinda Mitchell, Grand Vally State University – Center for Immigration Studies
* John Paul, Shamshoian, Emory University – Embassy of the Republic of Armenia
* Galine Torossian, University of Michigan – Representative Joe Knollenberg (R-MI)
* Natalie Yazidjian, University of Massachusetts – Federal Deposit Insurance Cooperation

YEREVAN, ARMENIA INTERNS: Name, school – placement

* Mark Berberian, University of Chicago – Armenian-European Policy and Legal Advice Center
* Michelle Biglarian, University of California, San Diego – Armenian-American Wellness Center
* Talar Hovnanian, University of California, San Diego -  Armenian Center for National and International Studies
* Brynne Janeway, University of Michigan – Ombudsman’s Office
* Rebecca Jarvis, Claremont McKenna College – Armenian Tree Project
* Haig Kherlopian, American University – Armenian Center for National and International Studies
* Samantha Kyrkostas, Oberlin College – Armenian Tourism Development Agency
* Nelli Martirosyan, University of California, Berkeley – Ministry of Education and Science
* Yanina Nersesova, University of Michigan – Markaryan Medical Center
* Christian Ohanian, University of Chicago – International Center for Human Development
* Deanna Schanz, Sarah Lawrence College – Orran Benevolent Non-Governmental Organization and ArmeniaNow News Agency

ARF And Fair Russia Party To Sign Cooperation Agreement


03.07.2007 12:47

YEREVAN (YERKIR) – Armenian Revolutionary Federation and the Fair
Russia party are set to sign cooperation in Moscow on July 3.

Armenian National Assembly vice speaker and ARF Bureau member Vahan
Hovhannisian and ARF Armenia Supreme Body of Armenia representative
Armen Rustamian have arrived in Moscow to sign the agreement. A joint
news conference with ARF leaders and Russian Council of Federation
president and the Fair Russia leader Sergey Mironov will be held
afterwards, Yerkramas newspaper of Russian Armenians reported.

ARF representative in Moscow Yuri Navoyan said that the cooperation
between the parties would contribute to the friendship between the
two nations. He said that the agreement is aimed at protecting the
rights of the Armenian and Russian communities in Russia and Armenia

The two parties will hold joint public and political events, will
further the relations between their youth wings and local bodies.

"Serge Sargsyan Is Not Good In Chess"


[05:15 pm] 02 July, 2007

June 2 a number of NGOs moved to the National Assembly with posters
"Freedom to Armenia!" "Freedom to Robert Kocharian, Serge Sargsyan,
Tigran Torosyan and others!" The protesters were carrying a poster
of 79 deputies.

" These deputies voted for the bills. They are faceless as they
don’t have their own viewpoint," said Amalia Kostanyan, the head of
"Transparency International" Armenian Office. On reaching the NA
building, they began to whistle and shout, "People’s delegates,
shame on you!" "Freedom!"

"We are against torture and violence which are deeply rooted in
our society. The authorities started with the halt of A1+, and now
it is RFE/RL’s turn. And tomorrow they will proceed with NGOs and
newspapers," said Amalia Kostanyan.

Boris Navasardyan, the Chair of the Yerevan Press Club, is convinced
that the bills are aimed at banning RFE/RL’s transmissions. The
quality of the Public radio has improved due to RFE/RL, he pointed out.

Avetik Ishkhanyan, the Chair of the Armenian Helsinki Committee,
said the draft amendments are aimed to "silence the only electronic
media outlet not controlled by the authorities."

"The powers tending to autocracy most of all fear freedom of
speech. Radio Liberty’s scenario is A1+’s continuation and was
well-planned by the authorities.

Society does not respond adequately to the authorities’
steps. Nevertheless, autocracy is sooner or later doomed to a
collapse. The authorities should bear responsibility for their deeds.

Arthur Sakunts, the President of the Vanadzor office of Helsinki
Civil Assembly, states that Serge Sargsyan is really scared to death.

I think the draft amendments are connected with the upcoming
presidential election. And though Republicans form a majority in
the National Assembly, the prime minister seeks political concord
with other forces and exerts pressure on mass media. That is a poor
combination. Though Mr Sargsyan likes chess he is not good at it as
he feels his forthcoming defeat.

Armenian President Receives Ago Group


Jul 03 2007

YEREVAN, JULY 3, ARMENPRESS: President of Armenia Robert Kocharian
received today delegation of Ago Group headed by the Swedish ambassador
to Council of Europe Per Sogren.

Presidential press service told Armenpress that during the meeting
the sides underscored the regular visits of the group and were of
the same opinion that since its membership to the Council of Europe
Armenia has passed an important way and registered a great progress
from the point of view of reforms.

According to Robert Kocharian, the reforms are being carried out with
deep conviction that first of all they are necessary for us and we
do not have any other way of the development of the country.

"Armenia is not rich with natural resources instead we have human
factor which may be completely expressed by effective, deep and
expanded reforms," the leader of the country said.

During the meeting the interlocutors also referred to the current
pace of Nagorno Karabakh conflict regulation.

They also exchanged thoughts over the results of the parliamentary
elections, the assessment of the international organizations.

At the meeting the sides also discussed issues on freedom of press and
referred to the bill on amendments in the law on "TV and Radio". Robert
Kocharian presented in details the bill.