Araratbank Intends To Enter The Market With IPO At The End Of 2007


2007-05-30 20:41:00

The Araratbank, one of the dynamically developing banks of Armenia,
is going to enter the market with an Initial Public Offering (IPO) at
the end of 2007, Ashot Osipyan, Board Chairman and Executive Director
of the bank, said at a round table meeting "Market Resources of Long-
Term Financial Resources" organized by the USAID-funded Financial
Sector Development Project. He emphasized that great preparation
activities should be carried out, and the corporate undocumentary
coupon bonds of the Araratbank CJSC should be taken into consideration.

A.Osipyan pointed out that attraction of resources was not the key goal
when the Araratbank placed its bonds in the amount of 250 mln AMD. "We
try to form a market with these bonds, draw investors’ attention to
securities, gain experience, and raise the level of underwriting," he
said. A.Osipyan added that the issue of bonds will become systematic
and it is connected with the establishment of the bank’s reputation
as a good issuer in connection with long-term strategic plans of
reorganizing the bank into an open joint-stock company.

To note, the Araratbank’s bonds have successfully undergone the listing
procedure at the Armenian Stock Exchange (ArmEx) and become the only
corporate securities which have found themselves in the highest
Abond listing category. The bank started placing bonds on May 3,
2007, and successfully finished it on May 10, ensuring 13 mln AMD
excess of demand over supply. The period of bond turnover makes up
12 months at the rate of 8% yearly interest, this index being by 2%
higher than the treasury curve at the mean.

As of March 31, 2007, the total capital of the Araratbank made up
$10.8 mln, the assets – $33.3 mln, total provision of crediting –
$9.8 mln. The bank is active in the state securities market, its
financial investments totalled $8.7 mln. According to the results of
2006, the net profit of the bank totalled $2.5 mln.

Minister Of Justice Of Switzerland Proposes To Make Amendments To La


Noyan Tapan
May 31 2007

GENEVA, MAY 31, NOYAN TAPAN. Christoph Blocher, the Justice Minister
of Switzerland presented the initiative on liquidating or making
amendements to the law of the Criminal Code of Switzerland fixing
punishment for denial of the Armenian Genocide. Turkish press,
quoting Swiss Tages Anzeiger newspaper, states about it.

Laurent Moreillon, the attorney of Dogu Perincek, the Chairman of the
Labour Party of Turkey was also one of the members of the 5-person
parliamentary commission, participated in works of the package of
amendments. The Justice Minister prepares to present the package to
the National Council during 1 month.

To recap, Dogu Perincek was sentenced in Switzerland for denial of the
Armenian Genocide. On the eve of Perincek’s legal procedure, Christoph
Blocher, the Justice Minister of Switzerland met with Cemil Cicek,
the Justice Minister of Turkey what caused criticism in Switzerland.

Eastern Prelacy: Crossroads E-Newsletter – 05/31/2007

Eastern Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America
138 East 39th Street
New York, NY 10016
Tel: 212-689-7810
Fax: 212-689-7168
e-mail: [email protected]
Contact: Iris Papazian

May 31, 2007

Bishop Anoushavan Tanielian, Vicar General of the Prelacy, will travel
to Ocala, Florida, this weekend, to visit the parish of Holy Cross Armenian
Church. Michael Hagopian, vice chairman of the Prelacy Executive Council,
will accompany the Vicar.

The 21st annual St. Gregory of Datev Institute Christian summer studies
program will take place July 1 to 8 in Elverson, Pennsylvania. For details

To read the message of His Holiness in Armenian click
To read the message of His Holiness in English click

His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia, has
designated 2007 as the Year of the Armenian Language. In celebration of this
year-long tribute, each week we will offer an interesting tidbit about the
Armenian language and literature:
Hagop Baronian (1843-91) and Yervant Odian (1869-1926) were the greatest
satirists in modern Armenian literature.
Baronian’s satire attacked everyone-writers, journalists, politicians,
academics, clergymen, lay leaders of the church, etc. He possessed very
perceptive observation skills and an acerbic pen that exposed incompetence,
hypocrisy, and immorality. His writings were very popular-read by many, but
paid for by few!
Odian was a prolific writer whose satire, humorous rather than scornful,
reduced his targets into caricatures. His greatest work is the Comrade
Panchounie trilogy that relates the hilarious activities of a Marxist field
worker. Mostly his writings highlight the absolute absurdity of persons and

Bible readings for today, May 31, are: Romans 2:12-24; Matthew 8:28-34.

All who have sinned apart from the law will also perish apart from the
law, and all who have sinned under the law will be judged by the law. For it
is not the hearers of the law who are righteous in God’s sight, but the
doers of the law who will be justified. When Gentiles, who do not possess
the law, do instinctively what the law requires, these, though not having
the law, are a law to themselves. They show that what the law requires is
written on their hearts, to which their own conscience also bears witness;
and their conflicting thoughts will accuse or perhaps excuse them on the day
when, according to my gospel, God, through Jesus Christ, will judge the
secret thoughts of all. But if you call yourself a Jew and rely on the law
and boast of your relations to God and know his will and determine what is
best because you are instructed in the law, and if you are sure that you
are a guide to the blind, a light to those who are in darkness, a corrector
of the foolish, a teacher of children, having in the law the embodiment of
knowledge and truth, you, then, that reach others, will you not teach
yourself? What you preach against stealing, do you steal? You that forbid
adultery, do you commit adultery? You that abhor idols, do you rob temples?
You that boast in the law, do you dishonor God by breaking the law? For, as
it is written, "The name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of
you. Matthew 8: 28-31

For listing of the entire week’s Bible readings click

This Sunday, June 3, the Armenian Church commemorates the prophet
Elijah, the great prophet of the Old Testament as recorded in I and II
Kings. Elijah is commemorated on a Sunday because he is considered to be the
greatest among the prophets, he appeared at the Transfiguration as the
prophet of life and the new covenant. Elijah did not experience death as we
know it, but was taken to heaven, and like the Holy Mother of God
(Theotokos) was enumerated among the heavenly. In the hymn Ee Verin, Elijah
is described in a resplendent fashion living in old age. He is a beloved and
cherished prophet of the Armenian Church (and all the Eastern churches) and
held in high esteem.

This Monday and Tuesday, June 4 and 5, the Armenian Church remembers the
virgin saints Hripsimeh and Gayane and their companions. Thirty-three nuns,
led by Gayaneh, left Rome and sought refuge in Armenia hoping to escape the
Roman Emperor who desired one of the nuns, beautiful Hripsimeh. In Armenia,
King Drtad, was equally captivated by Hripsimeh’s beauty, and sought to wed
her. She refused. Enraged, the King had Hripsimeh (and the others) tortured
to death.
St. Gregory had chapels built over the relics of the nuns, and later
Catholicos Sahag Barthev rebuilt the chapels. During the 7th century
Catholicos Gomidas had two beautiful cathedrals built. The Cathedral of St.
Hripsimeh is considered to be a masterpiece of architecture. Catholicos
Gomidas also wrote a sharagan (hymn) in their memory, "Antsink Nviryalk."

WHYY-TV, the Public Broadcasting Station in the greater Philadelphia
area, is celebrating the diverse community of its area during its June
membership drive. On Tuesday, June 5, at 7:30, it will show the documentary
of the Armenian Genocide produced by Andrew Goldberg, which has been shown
widely on PBS throughout the country. Mr. Goldberg will be in the WHYY
studio discussing the documentary during the pledge breaks. The documentary
was filed in six countries, the United States, France, Germany, Belgium,
Turkey and Syria. Mr. Goldberg captured stories and discussions with Kurdish
and Turkish citizens in Turkey who speak openly about the stories shared
with them by their parents and grandparents.


June 3-"To Your Health"-a healthy and wellness program at St. Sarkis Church,
38-65 234th Street, Douglaston, New York, at 1:15 pm. Presentations by:
Carlo Bayrakdarian, M.D, "A Trip on Memory Lane"; Nyree
Demirdjian-Boyadjian, R.Ph, "Drug Interactions; Aurora Dogaru, M.D.,
"Anxiety and Depression; Daniel N. Kubikian, D.M.D., "Dental Implants and
Esthetics"; Edmond Sarkissian, M.D., "Diabetes Complications"; Alina
Stanciu, M.D., "The Latest in Eye Care"; Janet Vanessian, P.A., "The Yearly
Physical Exam." For information: 718-224-2275.

June 10-17th anniversary of the new St. Sarkis Church, Douglaston, New York,
under the auspices of the Prelate Archbishop Oshagan. His Eminence will
ordain the following altar servers as acolytes: Gerard Barikian, Shont
Voskerichian, James Mengouchian, Daniel Megerian, Christapor Megherian,
Peter Boyadjian and Sarkis Nersessian. Banquet and artistic program
following church services. For information: 718-224-2275.

July 1-8-St. Gregory of Datev Institute, 21st annual summer Christian
studies program for junior and senior high school students, at St. Mary of
Providence Center in Elverson, Pennsylvania. For information click here.

July 7-St. Gregory Church, Indian Orchard, Massachusetts, gathering at the
home of the parish priest, Rev. Father Bedros Shetilian.

July 9 to July 20-St. Sarkis Church Summer Camp, Douglaston, New York, for
ages 5 to 12. Prayers and hymns, Armenian classes, introduction to the
bible, arts and crafts, sports, and much more. Monday to Friday, 10 a.m. to
3:00 pm. Lunch and snack will be served. Summer camp is sponsored by Mr. and
Mrs. Antranig and Marion Boudakian. Enrollment limited to 30 students.
Registration deadline June 5. Minimum donation $75. For information,

July 21-Sts. Vartanantz Church Ladies Guild, Providence, Rhode Island, and
ARS Ani Chapter present "A Hye Summer Night 2." For information

August 7-Soorp Asdvadzadzin Church, Whitinsville, Massachusetts, annual golf
tournament at Blackstone Country Club.

August 19-Soorp Asdvadzadzin Church, Whitinsville, Massachusetts, annual
church picnic.

September 9-Annual picnic of St. Gregory Church of Merrimack Valley at
American Legion Grounds in Haverhill, Massachusetts.

September 27-Sts. Vartanantz Church, Ridgefield, New Jersey, 5th Annual Golf
Outing at River Vale Country Club, River Vale, New Jersey. Registration
begins at 11 a.m. and tee time at 1 p.m. For information, 201-943-2950.

September 29-Soorp Asdvadzadzin Church, Whitinsville, Massachusetts, 50th
anniversary banquet at Pleasant Valley.

November 4-37th anniversary of St. Gregory Church of Merrimack Valley and
ordination of Nishan Dagley to the office of acolyte and stole bearer.
Presided over by His Grace Bishop Anoushavan Tanielian, Vicar General of the

December 1-Soorp Asdvadzadzin Church, Whitinsville, Massachusetts, annual
church bazaar.

December 9-St. Stephen’s Church, Watertown, Massachusetts, 50th anniversary
celebration. For information, (617) 924-7562.

Visit our website at

ANCA: Hellenic Caucus Calls for Passage of Genocide Res. (H.Res.106)

Armenian National Committee of America
1711 N Street NW
Washington, DC 20036
Tel. (202) 775-1918
Fax. (202) 775-5648
Email [email protected]

May 25, 2007
Contact: Elizabeth S. Chouldjian
Tel: (202) 775-1918


— ANCA Welcomes Support from 127-Member Group

WASHINGTON, DC – In a sign of the growing bipartisan support in
Congress for the Armenian Genocide Resolution (H.Res.106), the
Caucus on Hellenic Issues – spearheaded by New York Democrat
Carolyn Maloney and Florida Republican Gus Bilirakis – this week
asserted that "it is time" for the U.S. government to recognize
this crime against humanity, reported the Armenian National
Committee of America (ANCA).

The Co-Chairs of the 127-member Caucus, in a May 23rd letter
circulated to their House colleagues, stressed that, "it is time
for our government to finally acknowledge that the unimaginable
horror committed on Turkish soil in the aftermath of World War I
was, and is, an act of genocide. The United States must stand up
for human rights everywhere by renewing its commitment to prevent
similar atrocities and by acknowledging that the Armenian Genocide
is a historical fact."

"We appreciate the leadership of Representatives Maloney and
Bilirakis and support of the membership of the Hellenic Caucus for
the timely adoption of the Armenian Genocide Resolution," said ANCA
Executive Director Aram Hamparian. "We welcome, as well, the work
of the American Hellenic Institute and all our friends in the Greek
American community for full recognition of the genocidal crimes
Turkey has committed against its Christian subjects."

The Congressional Caucus on Hellenic Issues regularly cooperates on
issues of mutual concern with the Armenian Issues Caucus, Co-
chaired by Congressmen Frank Pallone (D-NJ) and Joe Knollenberg (R-
MI). The American Hellenic Institute and the United Hellenic
American Congress are among the Greek American organizations
supporting the adoption of the Armenian Genocide Resolution. The
ANCA, last week, joined with Hellenes around the world in marking
May 19th, the day of remembrance for the genocide of the Pontian

H.Res.106, and its companion bill in the Senate, S.Res.106, call on
the President to properly recognize the Armenian Genocide and to
help ensure that the U.S. government applies the lessons of this
atrocity in seeking to prevent future crimes against humanity. In
the House, the resolution is being led by Representatives Adam
Schiff (D-CA), George Radanovich (R-CA), Congressional Armenian
Caucus Co-Chairs Frank Pallone (D-NJ) and Joe Knollenberg (R-MI),
and Foreign Affairs Committee members Brad Sherman (D-CA) and
Thaddeus McCotter (R-MI). The House measure has 196 cosponsors.
The Senate bill, which is led by Senators Richard Durbin (D-IL) and
John Ensign (R-NV), currently has 31 cosponsors, including Senate
Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV).

A copy of the Hellenic Caucus "Dear Colleague" letter is attached.


Painter to be in residence in Putney this weekend

Brattleboro Reformer (Vermont)
May 24, 2007 Thursday

Painter to be in residence in Putney this weekend

PUTNEY — As part of the Putney Daze Celebration this Memorial Day
weekend, Village Arts of Putney will feature award-winning painter
Hagop Keledjian as artist-in-residence at The Putney Inn & Gallery,
on Sunday, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

This will be an opportunity for artists, students and art lovers to
meet Keledjian, a master oil painter, who will also be offering two
introductory Painting From Life classes in June. In these classes,
participants will acquire a taste of the technical, emotional and
intellectual approaches to oil painting from life through still-life,
portrait and landscape painting.

Introductory sessions will include demonstrations followed by
one-on-one instruction and critiques. Keledjian is interested in
developing two serious groups of painters to work with on an ongoing
basis several times a month, similar to The Putney Painters of which
he has been a member since 2001. Students may choose from one or two
Tuesdays per month or one or two Saturdays per month.

Originally from the Soviet Union, Keledjian began his artistic
training at age 12 when he entered the School of Painting for Young
Artists in Soviet Armenia. He was later accepted at the Apramhamian
Art Studio. There he was schooled in traditional techniques for
painting from life using conceptual and technical methods of Spanish,
Russian and French Impressionism. In 1981 he immigrated to the United
States with his family, settling in Watertown, Mass. He has painted
with renowned artists Richard Schmid and Nancy Guzik since 2001 and
has been recognized as a master painter with work in the collection
of the Armenian Library and Museum of America.

Introductory to Painting From Life will be held Tuesday, June 5, and
Saturday, June 9, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuition is $75 per day. Call
Village Arts of Putney at 802-387-8548 or e-mail [email protected]
for more information and a materials list.

Turkey incites Azerbaijan to war in Karabakh


Turkey incites Azerbaijan to war in Karabakh
26.05.2007 16:02 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ «The Nagorno Karabakh conflict cannot be settled
peacefully. Everyone should know that lands which were seized with
bloodshed cannot be returned bloodlessly,» said lieutenant general
Yasak Demikbilek, former chief of Turkish intelligence agency.

Noting that he was engaged in the formation of the Azeri army,
Demirbilek said Azerbaijan should think over all details if it decides
to settle the issue under mediation of international organizations.

«These lands were not lost as result of defeat of the Azeri people or
power of the Armenian army but as result of treason. That is why
Azerbaijan should take the regions back by force. Neither OSCE mercy
nor UN resolutions will resolve the problem. If Azerbaijan decides to
use force it will succeed in saving its territories. The international
community will change opinion about Azerbaijan after the military
operations,» he said, APA reports.

Azeri descent Demirbilek was born in a settlement near Yerevan. After
serving in the Turkish army he engaged in formation of the Azeri army
and was a military advisor to Azerbaijan’s first President Abulfaz

Exhibition: The Chater Legacy


South China Morning Post, Hong Kong
May 23, 2007 Wednesday

Landscape paintings, sketches, prints and photographs of the South
China trading ports in the 18th and 19th centuries collected by Sir
Paul Chater, an Indian-born Armenian merchant who settled in Hong Kong
in 1864. Daily, 10am-6pm, Sat until 8pm, closed Thu, HK Museum of Art,
10 Salisbury Rd, TST, HK$10, free on Wed. Inquiries: 2721 0116. Ends
Jan 8, 2008.

"Telemarket" Fined In Amount Of 100 Thousand Drams For Misleading Co


Noyan Tapan
May 24 2007

YEREVAN, MAY 24, NOYAN TAPAN. In accordance with the decision that
the RA State Commission on Protection of Economic Competition made on
May 23, Telemarket LLC was fined in the amount of 100 thousand drams
(about 290 dollars) for misleading consumers during "Telemarket"
shows broadcast by several Armenian television channels.

The commission initiated proceedings against Telemarket based on the
publications of a number of newspapers which expressed complaints of
consumers about low quality of goods offered by Telemarket. "Protection
of Consumers’ Rights" NGO also dealth with this problem and presented
applications of 17 discontent consumers.

It was revealed that some goods offered by Telemarket (such as electric
broom, knife, drier for clothes) were advertized as goods of European
prodution but the consumers were sent Chinese goods. This fact,
as well as exaggeration of some goods’ quality were qualified as
instances of bad faith competition.

Armenian Leader, OSCE Mediators Discuss Karabakh Conflict Settlement


Public Television of Armenia, Yerevan
23 May 07

The Russian and French co-chairmen of the OSCE Minsk Group are paying a
visit to Yerevan. [Armenian] President Robert Kocharyan has received
[Russian co-chairman] Yuriy Merzlyakov and [French co-chairman]
Bernard Fassier.

According to official information, the current stage of the
negotiations on the [Nagornyy] Karabakh conflict were discussed at
the meeting.

The co-chairmen also discussed the latest developments in the Karabakh
conflict settlement process with Armenian Prime Minister Serzh Sargsyan
today. The prime minister confirmed the country’s position concerning
the peaceful settlement of the conflict through negotiation and the
right of the Nagornyy Karabakh people to self-determination.

[Passage omitted: reported details of the co-chair’s meeting with
Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanyan]

Azeri Soldier Wants To Stay In Armenia


23.05.2007 15:21 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Azeri soldier Samir Mammadov, who trespassed the
Armenian-Turkish border in December 2006 and yielded to the Armenian
side, does not wish to return to Azerbaijan.

The RA Ombudsman’s Office said that Mammadov is kept in Kentron jail
and does not complain of the conditions.

Mammadov told that he grew up in an orphanage and joined the army on
his own will. Later he escaped, crossed the border and surrendered
to the Armenian side. He also informed that not long ago he received
a letter from Azerbaijan, in which his alleged parents asked him
to return.

However, Samir Mammadov doesn’t even want to leave for a third country
fearing of revenge.

The other day, the Azeri court martial presided by judge Jamai
Ramazanov has accomplished legal proceedings against Azeri soldier
Vusal Garajayev, sentencing him to 11 years in prison. The state
prosecutor demanded 13 years of imprisonment for the soldier, who
escaped to Karabakh and was later on conveyed to Azerbaijan. The
criminal case was initiated in accomplice with article 274 (treason)
and article 338.1 (violation of rules of guard mounting) of the Azeri
Penal Code.

Vusal Garajayev crossed the frontline and was detained by the NKR
military on December 7, 2006. Observing the international obligations
the NKR authorities informed the OSCE and ICRC accredited in
NKR. December 23 Vusal Garajayev was conveyed to the Azeri side.