French Moulinex To Host French-Armenian IT Conference


Mar 29 2007

YEREVAN, MARCH 29, ARMENPRESS: The French town Moulinex will host a
French-Armenian conference on information technology on March 30. The
Armenian Enterprises Incubator Foundation (EIF) said the conference
will look into Armenia’s chances to become an information technology
hub in the South Caucasus.

The conference is also supposed to offer Armenian companies an
opportunity to find French partners and present their products
in France.

Foreign Delegations Attend Adranik Margaryan’s Funeral

28.03.2007 10:02

Delegations from Georgia, Lithuania, Greece, Canada and Belarus will
participate in the funeral of RA Prime Minister Andranik Margaryan.

Acting Press Secretary of RA MFA Vladimir Karapetyan told Armenpress
that the funeral will be attended by Prime Minister Zurab Noghaideli
of Georgia, Minister of Environmental Protection of Lithuania Arunos
Kungrotos and Lithuanian Ambassador to Armenia Limanras Shilauskos,
Deputy Ambassador of Canada John Morison, Chairman of the House of
Representatives of the National Assembly of Belarus Vladimir Konoplyov
and the Deputy Foreign Minister of Greece, the Turkish Ambassador to
Georgia Ertan Tergyol, OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair, US Deputy Assistant
Secretary of State for Europe and Asia Matthew Bryza.

CIS Executive Secretary Vladimir Rushaylo and the Special
Representative of the NATO Secretary General for the South Caucasus
Robert Simmons will also be present.

Program Aimed At Ensuring Equal Right Of Working For Disabled Implem


Noyan Tapan
Mar 28 2007

YEREVAN, MARCH 28, NOYAN TAPAN. The Lousastgh charity NGO implements
program Equal Right of Working in Vanadzor, the goal of which is to
contribute to employment of disabled of able-bodied age and protection
of their right of working. As Noyan Tapan correspondent was informed
by organization Chairwoman Nune Pepanian, the program’s total cost
is 3.4 mln drams (nearly 9.4 thousand USD). Professional training
courses are organized for disabled within the framework of the program,
after which some work is done in the direction of providing them with
a job according to their profession.

20 disabled from Vanadzor have already passed retraining within the
framework of the program, two out of which have been employed and
eight plan to start their own business, the expenditures connected
with registration of which are covered by the state.

US Shows "Yellow Card" To Armenian Authorities – Zharangutiun Party


YEREVAN, MARCH 27, NOYAN TAPAN. "Both the issue connected with the
mineral water and especially the formulation about occupied
territories included in the report of U.S. State Department were in
essence a "yellow card" to the Armenian authorities. Vardan
Khachatrian, Chairman of Board of Zharangutiun (Heritage) Party,
stated this in his interview to Noyan Tapan correspondent. We will
remind that formulation that "Nagorno Karabakh is an occupied
territory making part of Azerbaijan" was included in the 2006 annual
report of State Department on Human Rights. And the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) warned American consumers that mineral water
Jermuk imported from Armenia contains arsenic and is dangerous for
health. V. Khachatrian characterized both of these statements as
manifestation of pressure upon Armenia. As he estimated, pressure upon
Armenia by U.S. is conditioned by discontent with the activity of
Armenian authorities over the several past years. He did not exclude
that such position of U.S. can be conditioned by lack of real progress
in the sphere of democracy in Armenia where the situation has become
much worse. The second determining factor in the steps undertaken by
U.S., in V. Khachatrian’s opinion, is lack of any progress and advance
in the issue of settlement of Nagorno Karabakh conflict.

Two Armenian Gymnasts Take Part in Deryugina’s Cup Intl Tournament


KIEV, MARCH 27, NOYAN TAPAN. Deryugina’s Cup traditional international
tournament of art gymnastics finished on March 25 in Kiev. Delegates
from 41 countries took part in the tournament. Naira Minasian who
represented Armenia by youth program was 22nd among 33 participants
and Inesa Simonian was 24th. Both of the gymnasts are from the town of
Gyumri, train at Anush Simonian and this was their first participation
in the international tournament.

Role of society in conflict settlement is important

Role of society in conflict settlement is important

26-03-2007 01:22:15 – KarabakhOpen

A few days ago the Resource Center of Stepenakert held a lecture on
the role of the society in the settlement of ethnic-political
conflicts at the discussion club in Martuni. The political scientist
Davit Babayan delivered the lecture.

The lector told about the current state of the Karabakh settlement and
the proposals that are on the ground. Davit Babayan says the deeper
democracy develops in NKR and the more important the role of the
society grows, more realistic solutions will be reached. The people of
Martuni were interested in the standpoint and interests of the great
powers in the region. They asked the lector to explain what political
and other resources Karabakh possesses. Davit Babayan told about the
water reserves of NKR, which he said could be exported and have a
political importance. During the discussion the new proposals on the
settlement of the conflict were touched upon, namely the idea of a
provisional status. The participants criticized the proposal and
stated that the pullout of the Armenian force from the liberated
territories and a provisional status in return for real guarantees of
security are not acceptable. As to contact with Azerbaijan, it was
mentioned that first of all it is necessary to set up non-governmental

The young participants of the discussion endorsed this event, because
` although Martuni is not far from Stepanakert, the local people do
not learn about everything.’

Georgia PM to Leave For Yerevan for Burial of Armenian PM

Prime-Minister of Georgia to Leave For Yerevan for Burial of
Prime-Minister of Armenia

2007-03-26 19:48:00

On Wednesday, March 28, Prime-Minister of Georgia Zurab Nogaideli to
leave for Yerevan where he will participate in the mourning ceremony
of burial of Prime-Minister of Armenia Andranik Markaryan, BLACK SEA
PRESS was informed in the press-service of the Chancellery of the
government of Georgia.

The Prime-Minister of Georgia will return to Tbilisi on the same day.

In connection with the fact Nogaideli leaves for Yerevan, the sitting
of the government planned for Wednesday, March 28 will be held on
Tuesday, on March 27.

The government of Armenia made a special statement about reasons of
the death of the Prime-Minister of Armenia.

"We inform with deep sorrow about the sudden death of 56 year old
Prime-Minister of Armenia Andranik Markaryan as a result of
infarction", is noted in the document.

Markaryan headed the government of Armenia since 2000.

March 26 is announced the mourning day in Armenia.

World Bank Urges ‘Second Generation Reforms’ In Armenia

By Shakeh Avoyan

Radio Liberty, Czech Rep.
March 20 2007

In order to sustain its robust economic growth, Armenia needs to
embark on "second generation reforms" that would result in better
governance, fair competition and more developed financial services,
a senior economist from the World Bank said on Tuesday.

Presenting a World Bank study that refers to the Armenian economy as
the "Caucasian Tiger," Saumya Mitra lavished praise on the country’s
"strong" reform record and macroeconomic performance of the past
decade. He said Armenia has qualified for the title after several
consecutive years of double-digit growth which, according to official
figures, has considerably reduced poverty.

"What is impressive about the Armenian tiger is that the growth is
not based on oil or any one resource. It has been a fairly balanced
growth," Mitra told reporters in Yerevan.

But citing the study’s findings, Mitra cautioned that continued growth
requires deeper structural and institutional reforms.

"Successful economies require conditions where any entrepreneur can
enter a market and leave a market," he said. "Here there are some
formal and informal barriers — some put up by oligarchs, some put
up by political and economic interests — that prevent level and
fair competition."

"The [state] competition commission is weak and not able to enforce
adequate competition rules," he added.

That some areas of economic activity in Armenia are effectively
monopolized by wealthy businessmen close to the government is a widely
recognized fact. That is particularly true for lucrative imports of
fuel, wheat, sugar and other commodities.

Mitra made no mention of the commodity imports, pointed instead to
an equally serious lack of competition in civil aviation. He said the
Armenian government has failed to liberalize it and is keeping prices
of air transport artificially high in order to benefit the Armavia
national airline. "Not many people realize that aviation services
are actually quite expensive in Armenia, both for passengers and
cargo freight," he said. "This is the result of special privileges for
Armavia … for which the consumers of Armenia pay but the shareholders
of Armenia benefit."

The World Bank study blames the de facto aviation monopoly for the
fact that freight shipped by air to and from the landlocked country,
blockaded by two of its neighbors, fell by more than two thirds
between 1997 and 2003. Armavia is owned by Mikhail Baghdasarov,
an ethnic Armenian citizen of Russia who is thought to be close to
Defense Minister Serzh Sarkisian.

Among other obstacles to Armenia’s sustainable development identified
by the study are the high cost and poor quality of telecommunication
as well as underdeveloped financial services such as bank lending and
insurance. World Bank economists also pointed to serious problems
with rule of law and widespread corruption in the Armenian tax and
customs agencies.

BAKU: President Ilham Aliyev: Azerbaijan Rapidly Integrating into In


Trend News Agency, Azerbaijan
March 20 2007

Azerbaijan, Baku/ Trend , corr À.Ismayilova / Today, Tuesday, 20 March,
Azerbaijan’s President, Ilham Aliyev has taken part in both solemn and
festive arrangements, held in connection with the National Holiday of
"Novruz" ("Spring Holiday") in Baku City.

The head of Azerbaijani said that this holiday had always played an
important role in developing the national and spiritual values of the
Azerbaijani people. "These traditions have existed for many centuries
and the Azerbaijani people have always adhered to them" said the
President. He added that Azerbaijan was successfully developing its
economy. "We should uphold our economic potential. Each citizen of
this country can feel its development within all spheres of life. We
have significantly reduced the poverty level in the country. We are
working in the right direction."

The President noted that Azerbaijan was rapidly integrating into
the international community and building a democratic society. "
Azerbaijan is taking an active part in different regional projects,
and the country’s capabilities are increasing. Today, we are able to
solve any problems we face. We are pursuing our independent policy
based upon Azerbaijan’s national interests," said Mr. Aliyev.

Touching upon the resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh issue, the
Azerbaijani President said that Armenia seemed to be procrastinating.

"They should take it into consideration that this period of time is
presently working for us", he concluded.

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