L’Orient des photographes armeniens

Le Point, France
8 mars 2007

L’Orient des photographes arméniens

Laure Teyral

A l’occasion de l’Année de l’Arménie en France, cette captivante
exposition rend hommage à douze photographes arméniens qui, victimes
de persécutions, opérèrent, dès le XIXe siècle, à Beyrouth, Damas, en
Palestine. La photo était alors le seul moyen d’exister, et parfois
de devenir célèbres, à l’image des frères Abdullah d’Istanbul,
photographes de Sa Majesté. Ces documents renseignent à la fois sur
l’architecture, la diplomatie, les modes vestimentaires ou encore sur
les transports. Perles de l’exposition : les portraits rétro des
frères Van Leo et Angelo Boyadjian, qui photographièrent les stars
égyptiennes lookées comme à Hollywood (sosies d’Ava Gardner ?), les
plus belles jambes du Caire (concours de 1949), et aussi, en « Miss
Bathing Beauty » ultra-sexy… Dalida ! Certains de ces clichés
furent colorisés à la peinture à l’huile. Procédé alors en vogue,
perpétué en 1990 par la fille d’Angelo, Katia Boyadjian, pour ses
romantiques clichés sur le Nil qui achèvent le périple. De toute

NOTES: Jusqu’au 1er avril. Institut du monde arabe.

Le Negationniste Perincek Divise Les Turcs De Suisse


La Tribune de Geneve
06 mars 2007 mardi
Edition Tribune de Genève

SUISSE Procès Le leader d’extreme gauche patriotique mobilise ses
partisans pour son procès. Une manif est prevue ce matin a Lausanne.

Mais il essuie aussi des critiques.


Le leader d’extreme gauche patriotique mobilise ses partisans pour
son procès. Une manif est prevue ce matin a Lausanne. Mais il essuie
aussi des critiques.

"Perincek, qui ca? Jamais entendu parler, la politique ne m’interesse
pas", dit le patron d’un restaurant turc de l’Ouest lausannois. "Il
fait beaucoup de bruit pour pas grand-chose. Il fout de la m , un
peu comme Jose Bove en France, sauf que Bove est correct", affirme
un compatriote.

Ces deux hommes evoquent le chef du Parti des travailleurs turcs,
renvoye dès aujourd’hui devant le juge unique du Tribunal de police de
Lausanne, a Montbenon, pour discrimination raciale. Le 24juillet 2005,
il avait declare publiquement a Ouchy que les horreurs infligees par
l’Empire ottoman aux Armeniens entre 1915 et 1918 jusqu’a 1,5million
de morts selon les historiens n’avaient rien d’une entreprise
d’extermination deliberee. "Le genocide armenien est un mensonge
international", avait-il declare.

Autre ambiance hier après-midi a Renens, dans les locaux de
l’Association des Turcs de Lausanne (200 membres), où Dogu Perincek
s’est exprime devant les medias. "Il dit ce que je pense. Les
imperialistes parlent de genocide pour servir leurs interets",
affirme un homme dans le public. Alors, une salle unanime derrière
Perincek? "C’est moitie moitie", tempère un voisin. Le president de
l’association, Mehmet Sahingoz, soutien clairement le politicien: "Nous
sommes a ses côtes. C’est une atteinte a la liberte d’expression. Parce
que je dis que ce n’est pas un genocide, je devrais aller en prison?"

Très attendu par ses partisans, Dogu Perincek, un petit homme trapu
de 65ans, arrive avec une heure de retard: "Je suis patriote et
socialiste scientifique, pas nationaliste, ni raciste. "

Il chauffe la salle en allemand. "Il n’y a pas eu de genocide contre
les Armeniens. La Russie, la France et l’Angleterre voulaient diviser
notre pays. Ils ont utilise les Armeniens. Les Turcs ont defendu leur
patrie. Il y a eu des massacres de part et d’autre. Des Turcs et des
musulmans ont aussi ete victimes de la guerre. "

Il montre des kilos de documents et annonce des appuis de haut rang,
deux recteurs d’universite, un ancien general. Que fera-t-il s’il
est condamne? "Je n’attends pas une condamnation. J’ai confiance en
la justice suisse", affirme-t-il.

Les partisans de Dogu Perincek se reunissent ce matin sur la place de
la Riponne a Lausanne. Il est question de quinze bus, dont la moitie
d’Allemagne, d’autres de Belgique et de France. Les organisateurs du
rassemblement ont annonce entre 700 et 1500personnes aux autorites,
affirme Marc Vuilleumier, municipal lausannois de la securite:
"C’est une manifestation autorisee, statique, sans cortège. Selon
les renseignements pris auprès d’autres communautes, notamment les
Armeniens, il n’y a pas d’affrontement en vue. Le danger possible,
c’est qu’ils se deplacent vers Montbenon. "


Inhabitants Of Hojalu Dies In Aghdam


DeFacto Agency, Armenia
March 6 2007

The Azeris themselves are guilty of the destruction of the inhabitants
of Hojalu, a political scientist Levon Melik-Shahnazarian stated in
the course of a press conference held in Pastark Club on Tuesday.

Being an immediate participant of the operation on oppression of the
firing points in Hojalu, Levon Melik-Shahnazarian noted the Armenian
party had documentary materials testifying to real events that had
taken place in Hojalu in February, 1992. He stated Armenians were not
concerned with the murder of Hojalu’s peaceful population. According
to the political scientist, at that time the Armenian party did not
even have enough recourses to let the peaceful population go via a
" humanitarian corridor", start fighting against the Azeris’ armed
units and then organize the persecution of Hojalu women, children
and old men to kill them on the territory controlled by the Azeris,
after which, in two days, to return, risking their soldiers’ life, to
cripple the corpses. Moreover, as it is known, the Hojalu inhabitants
were killed in the suburbs of Aghdam, which was controlled by Azeris
till the summer of 1993.

Speaking of the Hojalu tragedy, a current anniversary of which was
celebrated February 26, the political scientist stated Azerbaijan did
its best to propagate its own version of Hojalu events, distorting
reality. In some countries Azeris held rallies, organized exhibitions,
demonstrated films devoted to the tragedy in Hojalu to convince the
world community that Armenians had committed "genocide against Azeris
in Hojalu".

The Azeri party’s main "argument", video survey made February 29
and March 2, 1992 by the operator Chingiz Fuad-oghly, absolutely
refutes the Azeri propaganda’s fabrications. As it may be seen,
Chingiz is walking by a filed dotted by corpses accompanied by
Azeris, which confirms that the territory was controlled by the Azeri
party. A supposition that Armenians seized the territories staking
their life to gibe at the corpses and then give way to the Azeri
operators is absurd. "Actually, we did not fight against corpses",
Levon Melik-Shahnazarian underscored.

The political scientist criticized Armenia’s passiveness in the issue,
noting the Armenian party, including state structures, mass media,
had ignored the date and had not reacted on the Azeris’ lie.

Levon Melik-Shahnazarian stated the Armenian party had video materials
and publications throwing light on the Hojalu events.

He also noted with regret that Armenia had actually ignored all the
memorable February dates referring to the beginning of the Karabagh
movement, pogroms in Askeran (February 22, 1988), in Soumgait and
Gandzak (February 26-29, 1988).

BAKU: Infrastructure Rehabilitation In Armenia-Occupied Azeri Lands


Today, Azerbaijan
March 5 2007

Prime Minister Artur Rasizade has met with Kori Udovicki, Assistant
Secretary-General and UNDP Director of the Regional Bureau for Europe
and Commonwealth of Independent States.

Underscoring UNDP contribution to the various spheres of the economy
of Azerbaijan, Artur Rasizade expressed hope for further expansion
of the relations.

He briefed the guest about the Nagorno Karabakh Conflict between
Azerbaijan and Armenia, saying rehabilitation of the residential
areas, infrastructure, industry and social facilities in Azerbaijan’s
territories under Armenian occupation requires US $60 billion,
APA reports.

Kori Udovicki highly appreciated Azerbaijan’s stance to settle
the conflict in a peaceful way, saying the conflict needs a quick
solution. Kori Udovicki added that UNDP will render all assistance
to Azerbaijani refuges and internally displaced people on the scope
of the Government-submitted Repatriation Program.



United Communist Party of Armenia Not to Participate in Elections

United Communist Party of Armenia Not to Participate in Parliamentary

2007-03-02 13:36:00

The United Communist party of Armenia will not participate in the
coming parliamentary elections, the chairman of UCPA Yuri Manukyan
told ArmInfo.

"During the years of its activity, the party contributed to the
formation of Armenia’s state system and assurance of internal
political stability as far as possible. At the same time, we confirm
our viewpoint concerning the existence of one communist party in
Armenia", Y. Manukyan said. He informed that three candidates from
UCPA will be nominated in one-mandate districts. Y. Manukyan refused
to call their names. He also ruled out the probability of UCPA’s
participation in elections by a proportional system, by the lists of
other parties.

The situation in Iran immediately relates to Armenia and Azerbaijan

The situation in Iran immediately relates to Armenia and Azerbaijan

03.03.2007 14:14

The development of the situation in Iran is immediately connected with
the South Caucasus, EU Special Envoy for the South Caucasus Peter
Semenby told ArmInfo.

The diplomat refused to go into details of the situation in Iran,
stating only that `the events in Iran are immediately linked to both
Armenia and Azerbaijan.’ `For Armenia Iran is an important trade
partner. Besides, a large Azerbaijani community resides in Iran,’
Mr. Semneby noted.

Let us remind, that at the end of February the UN Security Council
unanimously approved the resolution on the nucler programs of Iran,
which envisages sanctions against Tehran as a response to the fact
that the later refuses to stop its uranium enrichment programs.

Four Armenian Youths Detained


AZG Armenian Daily

In the Coventry town of Rhode Island, USA, were detained four Armenian
youths from California, reports "Boston Globe" newspaper. They
are accused of accessing illegally to bank databases and using the
information for making false ATM credit cards. They are suspected
to have robbed about $100 thousand. The detainees are: Haroutiun
Shatarevian (20 years old) , Gevorg Baltajian (20 years old), Mikael
Stepanian (28 years old) and Armen Ter-Yesayan. More formation is to
become known tomorrow.

TOL: The Motherland Beckons

by Emil Danielyan

Transitions Online, Czech Republic
Feb 28 2007

Armenia is about to allow millions of its emigrants and their
descendants worldwide to gain dual citizenship. From EurasiaNet.

Armenia’s parliament approved a package of amendments 26 February
that gives millions of ethnic Armenians around the world the chance
to obtain Armenian citizenship without abandoning their current
nationality. The vote came after weeks of heated debate that exposed
major differences on the issue within the country’s leadership.

Prime Minister Andranik Markarian’s Republican Party, which boasts the
largest parliamentary faction, joined opposition parties in voicing
serious misgivings about the proposed amendments. They particularly
objected to a clause giving dual citizens a virtually unrestricted
right to vote in Armenian elections. In the end, Republican Party
lawmakers reluctantly voted for the government-drafted bill, apparently
under strong pressure from President Robert Kocharian, who had pledged
to introduce dual citizenship when he came to power in 1998. The idea
has also been championed by the Armenian Revolutionary Federation
(ARF, also known as the Dashnak Party), another member of Kocharian’s
governing coalition. The nationalist party, which has many chapters and
adherents in Armenian Diaspora communities, is the only parliamentary
force that unconditionally backed the legislative package.

"Allowing dual citizenship means strengthening Armenia," said Hrayr
Karapetian, an ARF leader, at a 16 February news briefing. "It means
increasing our population [of 3 million,] reinforcing our army,
spurring investments in our economy, and, in general, utilizing the
potential of the entire Armenian nation for the benefit of Armenia."

Karapetian and other ARF leaders cite the example of Israel, which
readily grants Israeli citizenship to Jews from around the world.

Just like the non-Israeli Jews, the Diaspora Armenians, mainly living
in the United States, Russia, Europe, and the Middle East, greatly
outnumber the population of their historical homeland. Estimates of
their total number vary from 5 million to 6 million. Most of them are
descendants of the survivors of the 1915 mass killings and deportations
of Armenians in Ottoman Turkey.

The administration of Armenia’s first post-Soviet president, Levon
Ter-Petrosian, opposed the concept of dual citizenship, prohibiting it
through an article of the country’s post-Soviet constitution adopted
in 1995. (The ban was repealed as part of constitutional amendments
enacted by the Kocharian administration in a disputed November 2005
referendum.) Ter-Petrosian and his allies asserted that Armenia’s
national security and independence would be jeopardized if its
citizens were allowed to have allegiance to other states. They were
also believed to have feared that dual nationality would translate
into a significant increase in the ARF electoral clout. At the time,
the ARF was at loggerheads with Ter-Petrosian’s administration.

The major opposition parties currently represented in parliament
likewise see ulterior motives behind the ARF’s strong support for the
politically sensitive idea. They have demanded that a final decision
on dual citizenship be postponed until after the May parliamentary
elections and the presidential ballot due early next year. Kocharian,
however, is expected to sign the bill probably next month.

ARF leaders have vociferously denied any connection between the bill
in question and the polls. In particular, they point to one of the
amendments stipulating that voters would be able to vote in elections
only within Armenia. This means that there will no longer be polling
stations at Armenian diplomatic missions abroad.

Still, the Republican Party appeared to share the opposition’s
concerns; it insisted that residents of Armenia and its future
citizens living abroad must not enjoy equal political rights. "The
fate of the Republic of Armenia must be primarily decided by the
people who are aware of and affected by its problems," Parliamentary
Speaker Tigran Torosian, a leading member of the governing party,
told fellow deputies on 22 February.

Under an opposition-backed amendment proposed by the Republican Party,
a Diaspora-based dual citizen can vote in an Armenian election only if
he or she has lived in Armenia during at least one of the preceding
five years. Justice Minister David Harutiunian, who presented
the bill on behalf of the government, rejected the amendment as
unconstitutional. The only restriction the government agreed to place
on dual citizens is that they cannot run for president and parliament.

The final version of the bill says that such citizens shall otherwise
have all the rights and obligations of regular Armenian nationals.

The most significant of those obligations applies to men. They must
report for military duty in case of a war or mass mobilization. Those
dual citizens who are under 28 years old and have not served in the
armed forces of their native countries for at least 12 months must
complete a two-year military service in Armenia.

Whether many foreign nationals of Armenian descent are actually keen
to get Armenian passports remains to be seen. They have for years
been eligible for special 10-year residency permits that allow them
to live, work, and, unlike other foreigners, own land in Armenia.

Quite a few already have such permits.

Alex Sardar, an Armenian-American who has lived in Yerevan for almost
five years, welcomes the legalization of dual citizenship, saying
that it will give Diaspora Armenians a "very specific and tangible
connection to their homeland." Asked by EurasiaNet whether he himself
will apply for Armenian citizenship, Sardar said, "If I were to speak
emotionally, I would probably say yes. If I am speaking rationally,
my answer would be that I have to think long and hard about that."

"I’m quite happy with my 10-year residency visa and don’t need Armenian
citizenship," said another Diaspora Armenian who moved to Armenia
from the United Kingdom in the late 1990s. "Actually, I am afforded
more rights here being foreign than I am being an Armenian citizen."

Having an Armenian passport should seem more attractive to hundreds
and possibly thousands of ethnic Armenians who have repatriated in
recent years from neighboring Iran and Arab states like Syria and
Lebanon. But ultimately, it is natives of Armenia who might emerge
as the main beneficiaries of dual citizenship. Hundreds of thousands
emigrated to Russia and other countries following the economic slump
of the early 1990s. Many have since become citizens of those countries
without surrendering their Armenian passports. They will now not have
to hide that from the Armenian authorities anymore.

Emil Danielyan is a Yerevan-based journalist and political analyst.

This is a partner post from EurasiaNet.

RA Parliament Ratified International Agreement ‘On International Reg


2007-02-27 13:14:00

RA Parliament has ratified today an International Agreement "On
International Registration of Industrial Models".

As the RA Deputy Minister of Trade and Economic Development Tigran
Davtyan said, the Agreement had been signed on July 2, 1999,
in Geneva. As of today, 42 states of the world have joined the
Agreement. The Agreement participants are obliged to form a special
Union, called to protect the intellectual property and register it in
other countries based on one model. This circumstance, according to
T. Davtyan, is very important from the viewpoint of time saving and
financial means. The Agreement ratification will not create additional
financial problems since the Agreement participant-states are obliged
to pay a single fee irrespective of the fact a participant of how
many unions is one or another state.