ANKARA: ‘The Authoritarian State Is The Problem, Not 301’

Yonca Poyraz DoÐan

Today’s Zaman, Turkey
Feb 11 2007

A law professor says the Turkish Penal Code is like a minefield for
intellectuals who think, write and speak their minds.

Abolishing the infamous Article 301 will not solve any problems unless
a change of mentality in the judiciary occurs, said former head of the
Istanbul Bar Association Yucel Sayman, himself battling a prosecutor
who has charged him with founding a clandestine organization and
spying. Law Professor Yucel Sayman refers to the Turkish Penal Code as
a "minefield" full of traps for people who think, write and speak their
minds. According to the former head of the Ýstanbul Bar Association
Sayman, the root of the problem lies with the authoritarian form
of the state, the curtailment of liberties with the laws enacted in
the September 12, 1980 coup period, and pitting the republic against
democracy in Turkey.

After being elected to head the bar association twice in the mid 1990s,
Professor Sayman gained prominence when a nationalist prosecutor
accused him of being a part of a German plan to prevent Turkey from
exploiting its natural resources in 2002. Representing Bergama
villagers who protested gold mining in their region at the time,
Sayman was acquitted. He filed a counter-lawsuit asking compensation
of $21,000 from the prosecutor for accusing him without evidence.

The Turkish Penal Code (TCK) was modified in accordance with European
Union adjustment laws, right? And Article 301 came with it.

A new TCK was prepared then. Article 159 was replaced with Article
301, which foresees punishment for insulting Turkishness. Article
301 is dated June 1, 2005.

Since these laws were prepared in the framework of EU adjustment laws,
we should have been expecting a better situation. On the contrary,
many problems have arisen and ultimately EU-Turkey relations have
been negatively affected. Isn’t this a paradox?

Yes, this is a paradox. I get scared whenever steps are taken in
the way of reform. It has always been the case, except for a few
cases, that liberties are curtailed by new reforms. When the TCK
is being modified, certain circles expect a revolution. However,
apart from a few changes, new modifications generally come out to be
more freedom-restrictive. The new articles in the TCK were debated
in European Union circles. Certain EU officials visited Turkey to
observe the implementation of the new TCK. They didn’t object to the
code itself. They waited for its implementation. The reason why they
didn’t object to it is that there are reactionary developments in
EU countries as well. They are increasingly enacting antidemocratic
laws. Although it might seem like a paradox, EU countries are about
to model Turkey to modify their laws. Britain, France and Germany
are currently modifying their penal codes.

Are there codes similar to Article 301 of the TCK in EU countries?

There are worse codes in EU countries. In Britain, it was proposed
to raise detention periods to 45 days in the framework of the
anti-terror act. Although it was rejected, the courage to propose
it was noteworthy. Nonetheless, the detention period is quite long
and electronic bracelets are allowed. In France, the denial of the
Armenian genocide is penalized. EU countries are no better than Turkey
from the viewpoint of their penal codes. That’s why they didn’t object
to Article 301 but said let’s wait for its implementation.

Does the problem stem from the implementation of Article 301 in Turkey?

Implementation of laws changes according to political conjecture in
Turkey. Unfortunately, this is the case with the Turkish judiciary.

There is an intentional change of mentality in the judiciary over
the last 15-20 years. Most prosecutors and a significant number of
judges assume the mission of protecting certain values, such as the
state, the republic and secularism. This is a detrimental view of the
judiciary that should not exist in a lawful state. The protection of
state is in the purview of security forces and not judicial bodies.

It is the result of such a viewpoint that most of the lawsuits filed
by prosecutors result in convictions.

What viewpoint should the judiciary adopt? Should it assume the
mission of protecting individuals instead of the state?

The judiciary is not expected to protect anybody. Its duty is
to execute laws in concrete cases. At this point, it can use its
creativity and judge in favor of liberties. It doesn’t have a duty of
protecting the state or individuals. The attitude of the judiciary in
the implementation of laws is important. The judiciary will either
interpret laws within the framework of democratic principles that
will broaden the scope of liberties or in a way that will curtail or
even abolish them.

That mentality of prosecutors that you mentioned, to protect the state,
secularism and even the republic, where did it originate from?

The process originated in the period that followed the September 12,
1980 coup. Owing to laws enacted in this period, the curtailment
of liberties was viewed as normal. These laws put pressure on daily
life in Turkey but people have become accustomed to it. These laws
were implemented more strictly after the PKK and Kurdish problems
established themselves on the agenda through violence and the civil
war that followed. It is also the way the new generation of judges
have been trained. Judges and prosecutors assumed the duty of guarding
the state. They lost their objectivity at this point.

The judiciary should feel free to act independently and put aside
fear in order to rule in favor of liberties, don’t you think?

That’s right. We have never said or claimed that the judiciary is
independent in Turkey. Judges entertain freedom of decision to some
extent. Unless facing threats against their lives, judges are not
ordered to rule in certain directions, except for several cases that
are claimed to have taken place. Nonetheless, most judges feel obliged
to rule in certain direction. This viewpoint originated in the defunct
state security courts (DGM), which were a disaster from the perspective
of liberties. Courts cannot be established to protect the state.

Debates over Article 301 were incited by discussions on specific
issues, particularly the Armenian issue. Why do they go around a
single issue?

Because the Armenian problem was on the political agenda of Turkey.

In many countries, Armenian genocide drafts were presented to national
parliaments and Turkey also started to debate this issue.

People debated whether the events in 1915 were genocide, massacre
or forced emigration. Debates were treated as attempts to insult
Turkishness. This is the reflection of political conjecture on
the laws.

When people express their opinion on such an issue, why has debate
been associated with crime?

Throughout the history of the Turkish Republic, except for one or two
periods, thought has always occupied a place in the penal code from the
perspective of philosophy of law. Creativity of mind, namely thought,
has always been treated as a potential means of crime.

Therefore, the penal code contains articles regarding thought crime.

Confiscation of books and closure of theatres are frequent practices
in the history of the republic. Research conducted in early 1990s
listed 626 laws and amendments restricting freedom of thought.

What constitutes a thought crime?

There are certain values that states are supposed to protect like
Turkishness. The state tries to protect these vales. It claims the
protection of these values against insult and humiliation. Certain
values are under legal protection of the state. When you criticize or
debate these values, you are tried for breaking applicable laws. A
penal code, which was prepared with the mindset of a sacred state,
prevails in every aspect of life to impede criticism of the state.

Insulting a person can be considered as a breach of personal rights.

However, this act cannot be put in the purview of a penal code.

Otherwise, it will be a vengeful attitude. Penalizing the insult of
persons with imprisonment cannot solve the problem, but the aggrieved
party can demand a public apology or compensation if the perpetrator
fails to apologize. A mentality that penalizes the insult of persons
with imprisonment will go further and protect Turkishness and other
sacred values against thought, debate and you. One cannot understand
how endorsing the Armenian genocide or massacre can insult or humiliate

Now there is a debate about what should the exact term be in Article
301: Turkishness or Turkish nation?

Turkishness refers to race. Turkish citizenship includes Anatolian
Armenians too, but Article 301 is not applied when they are insulted.

Insulting Central Asian Turks, who are not citizens of Turkey could
even be considered as an insult against Turkishness.

Will replacing the term Turkishness with Turkish nation settle the

Such debates are meaningful in terms of philosophy of law. Proposals
can be made about what terms to use. The best solution would be to
remove thought from the purview of the penal code and to see that terms
cannot be protected by trying people who express their thoughts. Any
other modification would impede creativity of thought.

The way to achieve this is to abolish Article 301 and all other
similar ones.

Are there any other traps for liberties in the TCK?

Yes, many. Article 305 is another trap. The TCK is like a mine field
for people who think, write and speak their minds. The Armenian problem
cannot be resolved by abolishing Article 301. It can be removed from
the purview of the crime of insulting Turkishness and put under the
title of another threat, which are plentiful in the TCK.

The government asked NGOs for proposals regarding Article 301. What
do you think about this move?

It is a significant development that the government exchanges opinions
with NGOs and works on a draft considering their proposals.

It is a rare occurrence in Turkey. Armenians were killed and gangs
are being formed amidst debates over the issue. The government should
abolish the article in question. Racism, not nationalism, is rising
in Turkey. Society includes every person living in the country.

However, the word Turkishness is limited to a single people. This is
racism, not nationalism. The notion of Turkishness fosters racism.

The government should act at this point to prevent such an
inclination. You cannot consider racism as a sort of nationalism. It
is a detrimental movement.

Neither the government nor the opposition seems to be acting to
abolish Article 301 or other similar ones.

There is no party that wants to abrogate the article. Certain leftist
parties seem ambitious to act, but they don’t have clear-cut proposals.

Why is there resistance to change?

The problem stems from pitting the republic against democracy in
Turkey. The Turkish constitution defines the republic as a form
of government. In fact, it regulates the formation and function
of government. If you adopt it as a form of government, you have
to establish its principles, since structurally it doesn’t mean
anything. A republic can be fascist, socialist, popular, democratic
or Islamic. In the constitution, the republic is defined as secular,
democratic and adheres to the law. Democracy is treated as a principle,
but not as a form of government. Democracy is a form of government
and secularism is an inevitable principle of democracy.

The republic and democracy contrast in the political arena. Political
parties and political scientists endorse democracy as a principle.

They say it can be sacrificed to protect other principles or the
republic. Democracy and freedom are debated in this framework.

Inalienable principles of democracy are treated as threats to the
republic in Turkey and the exercise of liberty is not tolerated at
this point. If a government proposes an amendment to a law, it is
accused of acting against the republic. Since we accept the republic
as the form of government instead of democracy, we view principles of
democracy as threatening. The republic and democracy can neither merge
nor separate. What should be done is to exercise effort to bring them
closer to each other. However, right wing and antidemocratic circles
consider it threatening to the republic.

Is there way to break this vicious circle?

Of course. This deadlock will be broken when people realize that the
freedom of others is their freedom.

Do you think there is progress in this direction?

Whenever a party vows to broaden liberties, it obtains a majority
of votes. The Democratic Leftist Party, and Democrat Party in the
past, and Justice and Development Party most recently prove this
hypothesis. However, these parties used words of democracy to win
elections. They thought democracy was limited to this. To obtain the
votes of leftist people, late Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit vowed to
abolish oppressive laws, but enacted antidemocratic laws in the 1970s.

Will the upcoming elections have an influence?

Political parties can initiate popular movements by endorsing
liberties. However, there are numerous obstacles. The formation of a
political party requires financial power. The ten percent election
threshold is another obstacle, not to mention political, legal,
constitutional and implementation obstacles. Certainly they are not

What are your suggestions?

Turkey has a despotic and authoritarian form of government. Nothing
better can be expected from despotic and authoritarian states. In
fact, Turkey is about to lose a crucial chance. It can replace the
authoritarian state regime with a democratic structure and become a
democratic model at a time when Europe is heading toward the right
and wars are on rise. However, there is no political will to achieve
this in Turkey. Even if such a will appears, it is suppressed.

–Boundary_(ID_j+pVX5Wcy5ulFRwceVFTPg )–

NKR: Meeting of Shushi Regional Administration


Azat Artsakh Daily – Nagorno Karabakh Republic [NKR]

In the meeting of the regional administration of Shushi V. Kassian,
the head of the administration, said the NKR government will fund a
loan program in Sh ushi to develop small and medium-sized businesses,
as well as the mortgage lending policy to spur development and solve
the housing problem in Shushi.

The head of the regional administration emphasized the importance of
development of small and medium-sized enterprises in rural areas.
V. Kassian said apart from a set of problems these programs will help
prevent migration of young people from the region. The meeting also
discussed the question of speeding up the privatization of apartments
in Shushi. The mayor of Shushi was instructed to take action to finish
privatization of apartments in Shushi.


ANKARA: Turkey enhances regional coop with Georgia and Azerbaijan

New Anatolian, Turkey
Feb 9 2007

Turkey enhances regional cooperation with Georgia and Azerbaijan

EkoTürk News Agency / Tbilisi
09 February 2007

Turkey signed an agreement with Georgia and Azerbaijan for more
regional cooperation, for energy and transportation projects in
Meanwhile; Russia, Bulgaria, and Greece signed a deal in Sofia,
Bulgaria on the same day for an oil transmission pipeline extending
from Burgaz, Bulgaria to Dedeaðaç (Alexandroupolis), Greece which
will carry Russian oil bypassing Turkish straits.
A similar project to carry Russian oil to the Mediaterranean ports
proposed by a Turkish-Italian consortium is yet to be started
Erdoðan: Turkey Trying to Allot its Shah-Deniz Share to Georgia
Turkey is now working on allocating a part of its gas share from
Azerbaijan’s Shah-Deniz field to Georgia, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip
Erdoðan said after talks with the Georgian and Azerbaijani leaders in
Tbilisi on February 7.
`We are doing our best to allocate 800 million cubic meters of gas to
Georgia from the Turkish share by this July. This is our promise,’
Erdogan said at joint news conference in Tbilisi with the Georgian
and Azerbaijani leaders.
But President Saakashvili said at the same news conference that
Georgia will start receiving Turkey’s share of gas as soon as
Shah-Deniz is put into operation.
`First, I want to say that we will be receiving Turkey’s quota as
soon as Shah-Deniz is put into operation. At the same time Azerbaijan
will gradually increase gas supplies to Georgia. This means that the
share of more reliable and cheaper gas in Georgia’s gas consumption
balance will increase,’ Saakashvili said.
Tbilisi has already been trying for months to convince Turkey to give
up part of its Shah-Deniz gas quota in order to reduce Georgia’s
dependence on expensive Russian gas, but a final agreement has not
yet been reached.
According to Turkish media reports, Ankara is hesitating on the deal
because it already has commitments to deliver part of its Shah-Deniz
quota to Italy and Greece.
The Turkish Prime Minister also noted at the press conference in
Tbilisi that Turkey, like Georgia and Azerbaijan, faces certain
problems in energy supplies.
`But it is important to solve these problems based on solidarity
between these three countries,’ PM Erdoðan said.
President Saakashvili noted at the news conference that the most
important thing is that the three countries have managed to put into
operation an alternative energy supply route.
`This is an alternative route for Europe [to transport] oil and gas…
That is why we call this cooperation [between the three countries]
historic,’ Saakashvili added.
The three leaders signed the Tbilisi declaration on common vision for
regional cooperation.
The transport ministers from Azerbaijan and Turkey and the economy
minister of Georgia also signed an agreement on the construction of
the Baku-Akhalkalaki-Kars railway.
Azerbaijan and Georgia signed an additional agreement envisaging the
allocation of a USD 200 million loan to the Georgian side for
construction and rehabilitation of its section of the
Baku-Akhalkalaki-Kars railway.
"The Tbilisi Declaration’ On Common Vision for Regional Cooperation
We, the President of Georgia, the President of the Republic of
Azerbaijan and the Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey have
gathered in Tbilisi to celebrate a new stage of intensified
cooperation among our countries.
Recognizing the significance of this meeting for the shared interest
of our nations and the entire region.
Realizing that our presence today demonstrates our commitment to
facilitate economic growth, democratization, and security in region
and Europe at large through multilateral cooperation.
Reconfirming our commitment to the provisions and principles of the
European Energy Charter Treaty.
Considering the importance of our region’s crucial location in
Confirming our common desire and readiness to cooperate closely with
all our neighbors based on the principles of good neighborhood,
respect of sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability of
internationally recognized borders.
Acknowledging that through our cooperation and efforts we have
already demonstrated our ability and commitment to assist each other
in overcoming challenges.
Taking into account the growing role of regional initiatives in
developing positive trends worldwide.
Sharing the understanding that intensified regional cooperation and
economic growth will significantly contribute to peaceful settlement
of existing conflicts in the region, stability, democratic
development and the prosperity of our nations.
Emphasizing our determination to work closely towards the development
of bilateral and multilateral interaction in various spheres of
Confirming Turkey’s significant role as a negotiating country to the
EU for further enhancing the cooperation between the region and the
Stressing the importance of successful implementation of the European
Neighborhood Policy Action Plan of Azerbaijan and the European
Neighborhood Policy Action Plan of Georgia for the region in terms of
bringing it closer to the EU.
Considering further development of the East-West Energy and Transport
Corridor as a basis of regional cooperation,
Have declared the following:
1. Today we celebrate the commencement of the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars "Silk
Road’ Railway project of geo-strategic importance. The realization of
this project represents one more step in further intensifying and
expanding our cooperation as well as opens new global opportunities.
By doing so, we are complementing the existing transport connections
and contributing to safer and more rapid transportation of goods and
passengers between Europe and Asia.
2. With three successful energy infrastructure projects, the
Baku-Supsa export oil pipeline; Heydar Aliyev Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan
(BTC) export oil pipeline; and the South Caucasus gas pipeline
(Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum) our cooperation has established a vital and
secure new source of energy for Europe, increasing the importance of
the Black and Caspian Sea regions and entrusting it a significant
role by contributing to the European and wider global energy
3. Together, we agree to establish long-term and predictable
mechanisms that ensure the energy security of all three nations
through the reliable, timely and commercially based provision of gas
and electricity based on the infrastructure projects referenced
herein. Taking into consideration the energy needs of our countries
we appreciate the start of exploitation of Shahdeniz gas condensed
field located in the Azerbaijan sector of the Caspian Sea. We agree
to continue to cooperate in order to meet mutual needs for reliable
and sustainable gas supplies.
4. We agree to support construction of a new electricity transmission
line from the Republic of Azerbaijan through the territory of Georgia
to the Republic of Turkey, as well as other appropriate projects,
which will enhance electricity exchange between the Parties in
5. Working alongside with interested countries we envisage the
expansion of our cooperation to encompass the Black Sea and Caspian
Sea. We believe this approach will further enhance energy security
and contribute to greater prosperity in the region.
6. We believe that implementation of these projects, and more to be
implemented in the future, will create the infrastructure for
economic growth and long-term security of the region.
7. We express our readiness to further support the establishment of
multilateral cooperation that will ensure equal competitive
conditions, on the basis of diversification of supply sources,
transit routes and consumption markets.
8. We support active cooperation in multilateral formats, through
regional organizations and projects that further increase and promote
peace, stability and prosperity in the region and in wider Europe.
9. We attach importance to the further steps, which will facilitate
the movement of people, goods, capital and services, as a way of
fostering regional cooperation that would also contribute to the
strengthening of ties with Europe.
10. Looking to the future, we share a commitment to tangible and
commercially sustainable cooperation based on the principles of free
market economy and the common European values and experiences as an
important leverage for promotion of regional stability and security.
11. We express our belief that intensified cooperation of this nature
will enhance the ability of our countries to strengthen the security
in the region which will also have a positive impact on Europe.
12. We will continue to deepen cooperation with new activities and
investments. To this end, we have created a joint Working Group to
examine and recommend further action.
13. To contribute to the common perspectives of the region we invite
our neighbors to consider joining our efforts.
14. We express our gratitude to the Government and people of Georgia
for the warm hospitality and excellent organization of this Meeting.
15. Done in Tbilisi, on 7th February 2007, in English, in three
copies, all of them are equally authentic.

Alidz Agbabian Brings Together Young Artists For A Performance At Th



LOS ANGELES–Storyteller Alidz Agbabian and the Tellers from the
Mountain will perform "Echoes from the Desert" at the Getty Center on
February 24 as part of a Family Festival inspired by the Getty Museum’s
exhibition Holy Image, Hallowed Ground: Icons from Sinai. "Echoes from
the Desert" will be performed at 12:15 p.m. and 3:15 p.m. in the Museum
Lecture Hall and feature fables of witty and wily desert animals of
Sinai and legends and songs from several Middle Eastern traditions.

Agbabian and the Tellers are part of the Getty’s day-long celebration
that will feature performances and activities to help families explore
the lands of Egypt, Byzantium, and the Eastern Mediterranean. The
Family Festival complements the Getty’s exhibition Holy Image,
Hallowed Ground: Icons from Sinai, which features a selection of
artistic treasures from the Holy Monastery of Saint Catherine at Mount
Sinai, Egypt, the oldest continuously operating Christian monastery
in existence. Icons from Sinai is on view at the Getty Center through
March 4, 2007.

Agbabian, who is also an author and publisher of children’s books,
said teaming up with young talents from the community has given her a
fresh perspective and helped enhance the storytelling experience. "I
have always been fascinated by the idea of a converging point between
generations of storytellers, and I’m very proud to be collaborating
with these young artists," she explained. "They inspire and energize
me, and bring a whole new quality to the performance in terms of range,
texture, rhythm, and vocal coloration."

The Tellers from the Mountain are Mher Vahakn, Ari Agbabian, and
Areni Agbabian.

A well-regarded percussionist and photographer, Mher Vahakn is the
leader of the rock band Tallulah Sound Experiment and co-founder
of Songs and Flight, a nonprofit organization that helps promote
emerging musicians. He holds a degree in photography from the Art
Center College of Design and lives and works in Los Angeles.

Ari Agbabian studied acting and dramaturgy at the New York University’s
Tisch School of Arts. His Master’s-degree thesis on medieval Egyptian
shadow puppet shows has helped him acquire fresh insight into the
storyteller’s craft, bridging medieval and contemporary storytelling
traditions. He currently lives and works in New York, where he is
interning with the Civilians Theater Group, a company renowned for
its experimental projects.

After earning a degree in piano performance from UCLA, Areni Agbabian,
now a CalArts student, is working on her Master’s degree in piano
recital with an emphasis on works by Eliot Carter, Olivier Messiaen,
and John Adams, as well as vocal and instrumental improvisational
music inspired by the Armenian musical tradition. In the fall of 2006,
Areni Agbabian performed in the vocal ensemble of Michael Gordon’s
latest opera, What to Wear, at the RedCat in Disney Hall.

The all-day Family Festival at the Getty Center will feature music,
dance, storytelling and art-making workshops designed to explore the
artistic traditions of the eastern Mediterranean and Middle East. The
program will include artist Elmira Adamian’s "Icons of Peace,"
a workshop in which children will be encouraged to make modern-day
icons using recycled materials, inspired by those on view in Holy
Image, Hallowed Ground: Icons from Sinai.

According to the Getty, Icons from Sinai reveals the central role of
icons in Byzantine spiritual practice and conveys their vital function
in religious celebrations. It also shows how the Holy Monastery of
Saint Catherine at Mount Sinai’s geographic and historical position as
a major pilgrimage destination engendered its extraordinary collection
of icons and books. Icons from Sinai is on view through March 4,
2007 at the Getty Museum at the Getty Center in Los Angeles. For more
information, please visit or call (310) 440-7300.

Armenian Public Broadcaster Sets Election Campaign Broadcast Prices


Public Television of Armenia, Yerevan
8 Feb 07

The board of the Public TV and Radio company decided at its
session today on the prices of one minute of paid election campaign
broadcasts. The price of broadcast on Armenian Public TV is 80,000
drams [214 dollars] [per minute], the price of one minute on Public
Radio is 20,000 drams [53 dollars], including the value added tax.

[The parliamentary election campaign will officially start on 8 April.]

Sefilyan Will Remain in Prison


[08:43 pm] 07 February, 2007

The Court of the First Instance of Kentron and Norq-Marash communities
has decided to prolong the period of imprisonment of Vardan Malkhasyan
and Zhirayr Sefilyan for two more months.

The prisoners have announced that they will appeal the court decision.

Leading members of "Armenian Volunteers’ Movement" Zhirayr Sefilyan
and Vardan Malkhasyan were arrested on December 10 of the previous
year for making calls to change the Constitution by force.

Village Head To Be Elected


[03:34 pm] 08 February, 2007

On February 8, the RA Government has decided to call elections for
the post of village head of Nalbandyan, Armavir Marz. Reminder:
the post has been vacant since December 20, the assassination of the
village head.

Today, the RA Government convened a session where it was decided
"In compliance with the RA law on "Self-government bodies" and RA
Electoral Code, the government has decided to find the commissions
of Roland Lazarian, village head of Nalbandyan ceased and to call
occassional elections of the new village head within 30 days after
the decision has been put into force".

The government assigned the RA minister of Finance and Economy to
allot 334.325 AMD from the 2007 reserve budget to the RA Central
Electoral Commission to organise and finance the election.

ANKARA: The First Signature At The ‘Iron Silk Road’ To Drive Out Arm


Sabah, Turkey
Feb 8 2007

Prime Minister Erdoðan, Azerbaijani president Aliyev and the State
President of Georgia Saakaþvili signed the historical agreement of
the Kars- Tiflis- Baku railway line, which by passes Armenia. The
line is expected to be finished in two years.

The first step for the Kars- Tiflis- Baku railway line project named
‘Iron Silk Road’ has been taken. Prime Minister Tayyip Erdoðan,
the Azerbaijani president Aliyev and the State President of Georgia
Saakaþvili signed a historical agreement of the rail way line of Kars-
Tiflis- Baku which bypasses Armenia. The project is anticipated to
be finished in two years and around $420 million will be spent.

Armenia has been trying to prevent the the Azerbaijani president
Aliyev and the State President of Georgia Saakaþvili to sign the
historical agreement, as the new Kars- Tiflis- Baku railway line,
which drives out the Armenian rail way line between Kars- Tiflis-
Baku as the line is planned to be disposed of. However, the 14-year
project, which by passes Armenia, will provide railway connection
from Europe to the Middle Asia.


BAKU: Condoleezza Rice Promises Gul To Do Their Best To Prevent Arme


Today, Azerbaijan
Feb 7 2007

Turkey’s Foreign Minister Abdulla Gul met with Secretary of State
Condoleezza Rice in US.

Turkish Foreign Minister warned if lower house of the US Congress
approves the bill on alleged Armenian genocide, it will harm the
relations between the two countries.

Turkish Minister held a press conference after the meeting, APA

"We are working shoulder-to-shoulder in Afghanistan and support
ensuring stability in Iraq. In this case, approval of this bill against
Turkey would ruin everything. I told my counterpart that this step
will have a great influence on our relations. No one has the right
to harm the relations when we need each other. I am confident that
the bill wil not be approved. Otherwise, it will be a shock," he said.

Condoleezza Rice told her Turkish counterpart they will do their best
to prevent this bill.

Abdulla Gul said he is not going to meet with speaker of House of
Representatives Nancy Pelosi.

"She is devoted to this problem (Armenian problem). So, it will be
difficult to talk to her. But I will meet with the people close to
her and express our position," he said.

Turkish Foreign Minister noted that the Turkish government has done
its best to hold discussions with Armenians concerning the 1915 events
but received no support from the opposite side.

Gul also met with the leaders of a number of Jewish organizations. He
asked Jewish lobby to influence co-initiator of the bill on the
alleged genocide, Jewish Congressman from California Adam Schiff.

Turkish Minister today is expected to meet with the leader of democrat
faction, in majority in the House of Representatives Steny Hoyer,
who supports the bill on the alleged genocide and chairman of the
House Committee on Foreign Affairs Jewish Tom Lantos.

The bill on the alleged genocide can only be included into the House’s
agenda only if it is confirmed at this Committee.


Mystery Of "Pakagits" Weekly


[04:35 pm] 06 February, 2007

It is already two months the verdict on the case "Agap hrat" LTD was
brought under which the defendant was to pay 9 million 48 000 AMD to
the plaintiff. But so far no money has been paid.

At first Daniel Tanyan, member of the Democracy and Labour Party,
represented the interests of the plaintiff but during the legal
procedure he passed his responsibilities to Martoun Ivanyan during
the trial.

Under the court verdict, "Agap hrat" LTD was to pay 9 million 48
000 AMD to Martoun Ivanyan. The company didn’t appeal the verdict,
the decision of the court of First Instance was put into force and
currently the Compulsory Executive Offices are concerned with the
matter. But CEO takes no serious measures as "Agap hrat" LTD is
attempting to shift the economic matter into the political field",
complains Nerses Haroutyunyan, advocate of the plaintiff.

He assures that Daniel Tanyan signed some contracts with the publishing
house suggesting their services and the company agreed to pay 7
million 350 000 AMD in return.

In the words of the advocate, penalties have been imposed after the
verdict was brought, under which the total sum reached 9 million
48 000 AMD. "De facto, "Agap hrat" LTD admitted its liabilities,
gave corresponding testimonies, and only afterwards an action was
brought". By the way, the representatives of the Compulsory Executive
Offices "surrounded" the Pastark Club. To note, Agapi Haykazouni,
the head of the club, claimed that they had no liabilities and she
didn’t know anyone with the name Daniel Tanyan. But according to
Nerses Haroutyunyan, Agapi knows Daniel Tanyan perfectly well and
signed contracts with him.

Nerses Haroutyunyan says that they have applied to the CEO in January
but "no steps have been taken so far".

By the way, Agapi Haykazouni, head of "Agap hrat" LTD and "Pakagits"
weekly, informed A1+ that she is not going to implement the court
decision and pay the debts as she finds the documents submitted by
the plaintiff to the court groundless and false.