BAKU: SAM: Turkish-Azerbaijani Ties And Situation In Turkey To Start


Azerbaijan Business Center
Dec 29 2009

Baku, Fineko/ The Centre for Strategic Surveys (SAM) under
the Presidential Administration of Azerbaijan expects clarification
of links between Turkey, Azerbaijan and Armenia in spring of 2010.

Today SAM director Elkhan Nuriyev said that the Centre studied
seriously relationships between Turkey and Armenia and was to submit
soon an analytical report on the occasion.

"The happening in these ties has caused strong split-up in Turkish
society. Even this country’s political establishment is in grave
crisis. Situation in Turkey can be characterized as serious internal
political crisis experienced by this country many times. Together with
that Turkey realizes Azerbaijan’s changed role in the region. Turkish
military men who are also concerned with the formed situation have
not made their contribution as well. Turkey needs time to define
itself what the Turks want and what Turkey wants. I think that much
will start clarifying by spring (April 2010)," Nuriyev said.

He links the caused crisis with signing of agreements on normalization
of Turkish-Armenian ties as a condition for Turkey’s integration into
the European Union.

President Sargsyan Attends The Opening Of A Modernized Medical Cente

Shakeh Avoyan

29.12.2009 13:49

President Serzh Sargsyan today attended the opening ceremony of the
newly reconstructed medical center in Hrazdan, Kotayk marz.

The medical center has been reconstructed under the "Modernization
of the healthcare system of Armenia" credit program.

"Hrazdan Medical Center" CJSC includes the hospital of the city,
the policlinic and the maternity hospital. The Medical College of
Hrazdan is also going to be moved here.

This is the first hospital in the region supplied with the main medical
equipments. The modernization of the medical center derives from the
strategy of optimization of the healthcare system aimed at improving
the effectiveness and quality of the medical institutions.

Independent Karabakh Exists, Irrespectively Of Baku Or Ankara’s Will


28.12.2009 13:12 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The ongoing talks on resolution of the Nagorno
Karabakh conflict gives hope for progress, according to Eduard
Sharmazanov, secretary of Republican Party of Armenia parliamentary

"The main issue is the status of NKR. The key to the conflict is in
Karabakh, where people will decide the fate of their country. After
all, the conflict broke out between Azerbaijan and Karabakh, not
Armenia. Our task is to make NKR de jure independent," he told
reporters on Monday.

As to Turkey aspiration to act as OSCE MG Co-chair, Mr. Sharmazanov
said, "Ankara has been trying to penetrate into the Karabakh process
since 1991, all in vain."

BAKU: Interests of Turkey, Russia mostly coincide in Karabakh issue, Azerbaijan
Dec 26 2009

Interests of Turkey and Russia mostly coincide in Karabakh issue
Sat 26 December 2009 | 09:06 GMT Text size:

"I do not rule out that the visa system between Russia and Turkey will
soon be abolished too.

In fact, the visa system is simplified between our two countries, but
there is nothing wrong in its complete cancellation", said Alexey
Vlasov, a political scientist and general director of the Center for
post-Soviet studies, speaking of the possibility to abolish the visa
regime between Turkey and Russia.

"The relations between the two countries in the recent years can be
characterized as truly strategic, our views are very similar. But
let’s not forget that Turkey is a NATO member and it has to coordinate
its actions with Washington and Brussels and it is difficult to
predict what will happen in the future. The issue of rapprochement
between Russia and Turkey discussed in Turkish press can be an element
of blackmail of the West. But one should not make predictions in
policy as it is a thankless task, and therefore nothing can be
predicted, while the further deepening of Russian-Turkish relations
will depend on the political configuration in the future", he said.

Asked whether Ankara and Moscow have the same positions on the
Karabakh issue, the political scientist said that in this respect the
interests of these countries are very similar.

"However, the Russian-Turkish initiative on the release of the
occupied territories of Azerbaijan has apparently begun slipping
because Yerevan started to diversify its foreign policy. Recently,
thanks to the efforts of the Armenian lobby Armenia began a more
independent policy without regard to Moscow. But at the same time in
this matter everything will depend on the position of Ankara whether
if it can link the process of ratification with the liberation of the
occupied territories of Azerbaijan. Politics in the region is becoming
increasingly complex, and therefore all parties have adopted a waiting
attitude", he said.

Referring to the invitation of President of breakaway Abkhazia Sergei
Bagapsh to Turkey, the political analyst said his country has a big
Abkhaz diaspora and it will do much help Abhazia.

"But at the same time I do not think that Turkey will recognize the
country. Participation of the Turkish business in this country is a
matter of time ", said A. Vlasov.

He also ruled out the possibility of recognition of Northern Cyprus by
Russia in exchange for Turkish recognition of Abkhazia.


BAKU: Azeri leader says progress but no result in Karabakh talks

Lider TV, Azerbaijan
Dec 24 2009

Azeri leader says progress but no result in Karabakh talks

[Presenter] The information and telecommunications sector is
developing fast. Azerbaijan intends to launch its first orbital
satellite in two years, President Ilham Aliyev has told [Russia’s]
Vesti TV channel. The head of state answered questions about economic
achievements in 2009, Azerbaijan’s energy projects and prospects.

Highly assessing the relations between Azerbaijan and Russia, the head
of state also talked about the settlement of the Nagornyy Karabakh
problem. [Aliyev, in Russian] From the point of view of the settlement
[of the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict] I would describe this year as
positive but less positive than it could have been. Because back in
2008 the presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan held talks, a
declaration was signed, by the Russian side as well, a joint
declaration on ways of settling the conflict. It [the declaration]
clearly said that the conflict should be resolved on the basis of
international norms and principles, decisions and resolutions of
international organizations. Which decisions and resolutions are
these? These, of course, include four resolutions adopted by the UN
Security Council which demand immediate withdrawal of Armenian
occupying forces from the territories of Azerbaijan. It has been
almost 20 years that they [the resolutions] have not been implemented.
The main thing is restoration of Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity,
de-occupation of our lands and [creation] of possibilities for IDPs
and refugees to return to their lands. We hoped that we could resolve
the issue in 2009, at least to reach an agreement on basic principles.
But [these hopes] have not materialized not through our fault.

Therefore, there is some optimism for 2010 due to the fact that the
Nagornyy Karabakh issue is one of the top topics on the international
agenda. It became clear for many, for those who maybe did not
understand, that no regional projects could be implemented without the
settlement of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict. We expect that we
will be able to agree on basic positions in 2010 but we are
categorically against this becoming a permanent process in the
negotiations. The negotiations have been held since 1992 when the OSCE
Minsk Group was established. Ceasefire agreement was reached in 1994.
Fifteen years has passed. There is progress but no result. Therefore,
we cannot allow this process to become a frozen one.

[translated from Russian]

Tigran Sargsyan: Armenia’s Judicial System Can Be Fair

Dec 25 2009

"Unfortunately, law-enforcement agencies, including courts, are not
always impartial, but it dopes not mean the institutions are not to
work, does it?" RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan stated, commenting
on the RA Government’s approval of a bill providing for fines up to
2m AMD for libel.

As to whether court verdicts will be impartial and what will happen
to the Armenian mass media, especially opposition media outlets, if
the amendments are enforced, the Premier said: "The problems of mass
media will always be the focus of mass media’s attention, therefore,
the focus of public attention. I am sure that the judicial system
is capable of making fair and impartial decisions. I can assure you
that judicial decisions in this field do not pose as high a risk as
the ones made, for example, in the economic field."

As regards the closure of the A1+ TV channel, Chorrord Ishkhanutyun
(Fourth Estate) newspaper, and, one time, Oragir (Diary) newspaper,
as well as other media outlets, the Premier said that a few instances
are not a basis for general conclusions.

Chess Grandmasters Face Off Against Experts In Russian Hit Game Show

12:19 ~U 25.12.09

Former world champion Garry Kasparov is preparing to face off against
experts in the popular Russian game show "What? Where? When?" on
December 27.

The team of experts on the show includes Vladimir Belkin, Alexander
Druz, Boris Levin, Elena Orlova, Alexander Rubin and the team leader,
Maxim Potashov.

Whereas Kasparov’s team of Grandmasters is comprised of Rustam
Kasimjanov, Alexandra Kostenyuk, Sergei Movsisyan, Yevgeni
Miroshnichenko, and the team’s leader, Emil Sutovski.

It’s safe to say that the team of Grandmasters stands a chance;
recently a team of chess players played against experts and took 5th
place among 23 teams.

Commemoration Day Of Sts. David And James


Dec 24 2009

Today Armenian Apostolic Church marks the commemoration day of the
Prophet St. David and Apostle St. James, brother of Jesus.

Prophet St. David was the great-grandson of Boaz and Ruth. The Holy
Bible depicts him as a psalmist, gifted, wise, handsome man and
orator. He was a shepherd. During the battle against Philistines he
killed the giant Goliath. After the death of Saul he became the king
of Israel and founded the city Jerusalem. He is the author of the
book of Psalms and one of the greatest and influential figures of
the Old Testament. Special importance is accorded to the fact that
he is the offspring of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

St. James, brother of Jesus, is the combining link between the
Evangelical saints and the saints mentioned in the Acts of the
Apostles. He is one of the important figures of the Initial Church and
the first Bishop of Jerusalem. Jewish historian Hovsepius characterizes
him as "righteous".

According to hagiographical sources some people forced him to get on
the tower and slander against Jesus. However, getting on the tower,
he started to speak about Jesus the Messiah who sat on the right side
of God and would come to judge the world fairly. Many people were
converted, but others threw the saint down from the tower. According
to the tradition St. James is buried in the Cathedral of St. James
of the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem. One letter from James has
been preserved.

The Armenian Apostolic Church commemorates the memory of the Prophet
St. David and Apostle St. James, brother of Jesus, during the main
feasts preceding the Feast of the Holy Nativity and Theophany of Our
Lord Jesus Christ.

Shevket Shaydulin: 2009 Was A Year Of Anti-Crisis Programs

Nelly Danielyan

24.12.2009 17:49

Executive Director of the South-Caucasus Railways Shevket Shaydulin
characterized 2009 as a year of anti-crisis programs.

The most important anti-crisis measure was that the current fees
remained unchanged, as a result of which the company suffered a loss
of 225 mln rubles.

According to Shaydulinm in 2009 the Company met 94% of the commitments
assumed under the concession agreement.

Presenting the statistics of transportation of goods, Shevket Shaydulin
said: "This year the exports made 7.4% of the total transportation
instead of the 24% in 2008." According to him, the volume of internal
transportation of goods has almost doubled, while the imports have
nearly remained unchanged.

To promote exports, the fees will be reduced 0.84% in 2010, he said.

The fee for internal transportation of non-industrial goods will be
cut 14%. Instead, the fees for imports and internal transportation
of industrial goods will considerably go up.

As for transportation of passengers, Shevket Shaydulin promises there
will be no drastic change in prices. However, the speed of the trains
will increase, and the quality of services provided will be improved.

Speaking about the future programs, particularly the constriction of
the Armenia-Turkey railroad, Director of the South-Caucasus Railways
said: "As transporter we are interested in the opening of the border,
but we need your help as a state."

Shaydulin believes our country has good chances to become a transit
country, and not only transporters, but also the authorities must
make use of this opportunity.

ArmenAl Produces Over 20,000 Tons Of Foil


Dec 23, 2009

YEREVAN, December 23, /ARKA/. ArmenAl Armenian-Russian foil-rolling
plant has produced and sold this year over 20,000 tons of aluminum
foil, twice as much as in 2008.

Alexander Burdin, ArmenA Packaging Department head, said labor
productivity has doubled this year. He added that modern equipment and
skilled labor force helped the plant to produce this much of product.

The company has had this year 1,500 orders for foil from foreign

The Armenal foil rolling mill was founded in May 2000 on the basis
of Kanaker aluminium smelter in Yerevan. It is one of the biggest
production facilities in Armenia and is the only producer of aluminium
foil in the Caucasus and Central Asian regions. On May 18th, 2000 the
mill was integrated into United Company RUSAL. Together with two other
foil mills, SAYANAL in the Russian republic of Khakasia and Urals Foil,
ARMENAL forms the company’s Packaging Division.